Compositions describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (8 in total)
A little ambitious
2024-05-11 06:03:24
primary school

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (1)

My family raised a pot of chrysanthemums. I began to think that the pot of chrysanthemums was weeds. Later, I learned that it was not weeds but chrysanthemums.

In spring, chrysanthemums grow leaves and branches one by one, and they will feel a layer of fluffy white hair.

In summer, chrysanthemums grow small yellow flower buds, which are like many fairies with their heads down!

In autumn, chrysanthemums finally opened, just like good students who are listening carefully. I looked at the yellow "little face" of chrysanthemum, and I smiled sweetly. My father told me, "Chrysanthemum can make tea."

After listening to my father's words, I quickly ran to the yard and picked six chrysanthemums. When I mixed them with tea, they became chrysanthemum tea. I couldn't wait to have a taste. "Ah! It's so delicious and cool."

In winter, chrysanthemums wither. I burst into tears and said: "Poor chrysanthemum, I like you so much, but you are withered, and I can't drink your delicious and cool chrysanthemum tea. I want to go back to autumn soon, and then with the cool and delicious chrysanthemum tea.

Chrysanthemum, I love chrysanthemums all over the world. I like your purity and simplicity. Although you are not as rich as peonies, your strong and proud spirit of dedication to humanity will always be remembered in my heart.

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (2)

On Saturday, I went to Beihai Park to see the chrysanthemum exhibition.

From afar, a large area of chrysanthemums looks like a sea of colorful flowers; Go near and see chrysanthemums, flowers. Among them, there are bright yellow "Guohua Grand Ceremony", which looks like a golden hydrangea, white "winter snow", light purple "purple clouds", and dark red "cool autumn wind". Some of their petals are like open lotus flowers, and others are like little girls' shoulder hair.

In addition to eyeful chrysanthemums, there are also colorful potted landscape flower arrangements in the exhibition hall. One pot of flower arrangement is very beautiful. It puts a bunch of long reed flowers on it, just like the wings of a white swan; There is a potted chrysanthemum landscape. Although it is a shrunken landscape, it looks like a chrysanthemum tree standing on a green field from afar.

Such a beautiful chrysanthemum is emitting a fragrant and charming fragrance. It is really a beautiful enjoyment to be in this beautiful flower sea.

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (3)

In our bright and spacious classroom, a pot of colorful chrysanthemums was added.

In the morning, when I came to the classroom, the faint fragrance rushed towards me, which made me see the unobtrusive pot of chrysanthemums and remind me of a poem by Yuan Zhen, called chrysanthemums: "The clumps around the house are like potters, and the fence is gradually inclined. It is not the flowers that prefer chrysanthemums, but the flowers are even more flowerless." It is true that chrysanthemums want to show us their unique fragrance, but we do not pay attention to it. I took a look at my classmates, and they were all chanting sutras at the little monk - reading with words but without intention. I suddenly remembered what my mother said to me: I heard that chrysanthemum has many functions, such as moistening the throat, making tea, and being used as medicine... There are countless functions of chrysanthemum.

Whether it is cold or hot, chrysanthemums are still in full bloom. Isn't it worth learning from its strong perseverance?

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (4)

Beautiful chrysanthemums At noon, the weather was sunny. Father Sun slowly put on his golden clothes, and we passed Zhongshan Park. Here, I have a round with chrysanthemums. There are many kinds of chrysanthemums, some of which are graceful and graceful; Some hold their heads high; Some are like flower fairies in full dress; Others are like stars in the sky. The color is also colorful, including the white of Shengxue, the delicate pink, and the elegant purple... really like a petite girl! Speaking of chrysanthemums, my mother also thought of several poems praising chrysanthemums. Among them, "The cold flowers have all blossomed, and the chrysanthemums are full of branches alone." "It is not a preference among flowers for chrysanthemums, but there is no flower after this flower blooms." Although I don't know the meaning of these poems, I think these poems should praise the spirit of chrysanthemums that are not afraid of wind and frost!

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (5)

Autumn is coming, colorful chrysanthemums are in full bloom. The petals of these chrysanthemums are various: some are straight, some are curly, and some are shrunk into the stamens. Among them, I like chrysanthemums with curly petals best.

The color of this chrysanthemum is light yellow, its stamens are orange, and its stems are green. It feels smooth like bamboo, and its flowers and leaves are like small hands dancing with the autumn wind. Its petals have a distinctive shape. Seen from a distance, it is so charming and beautiful. Approaching, it seems to be sleeping. A gust of wind blows, and it seems to wake up. It is combing the beautiful "curly hair", which also emits a faint fragrance of flowers from time to time.

At this time, I can't help thinking that Grandpa Chen Yi once wrote a poem praising Qiu Ju: Qiu Ju can be proud of frost, and wind and frost are full of evil. Nature can stand cold, but what can it do. Chrysanthemum, you are worthy of being a fairy in autumn! I want to be like you.

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (6)

I like many flowers, such as elegant peonies, beautiful roses, pure daffodils, and the lotus that blooms in the scorching sun. But if you ask me what kind of flower I like best, it is Aoxue's chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemum has the spirit of not giving up and can fight against the huge cold with its small body. This spirit makes me surprised and infinite admiration. Many flowers have already hid when winter comes, but what about chrysanthemums? How amazing that he is still open!

Ah, Chrysanthemum, you are strong, brave and beautiful. With persistent belief, we can fight against tall enemies. Human beings learn from you! I praise you, chrysanthemum.

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (7)

Today, the teacher asked Yiyi to bring a pot of chrysanthemums. Ma Yiwen in our class was the first to raise her hand, so the teacher asked her to bring it. The next day she brought the chrysanthemum early. When I came to my class, I saw a pot of chrysanthemums. At that time, I was wondering why there was an extra pot of chrysanthemums today, because there was no such pot yesterday?

It's time for composition class. The teacher asked us to write about chrysanthemums. I saw that this chrysanthemum was an ordinary flowerpot with half a pot of dark earth in it. The green leaves hold the golden chrysanthemums on them. From a distance, they look like little moons, and like a little girl's golden hair. The teacher let us look closely like a shuttlecock ball. From the top, the petals rolled in the middle seemed to be in a meeting.

This pot of chrysanthemums reminds me how wonderful it would be if I had a pot of chrysanthemums at home.

Composition describing the beauty of chrysanthemums (8)

The hot summer has gone, and the beautiful autumn has come. We have come to the community, the fields, and the roadside. Mother Earth has put on her golden coat.

From a distance, it looks like several graceful girls holding a dance to see who can dance well. Such a beautiful scenery attracted me and I couldn't wait to see it. Closer up, chrysanthemums are as red as fire, as yellow as gold, as white as snow, as green as jade, as pink as a cloud, and the ones with green in white are more quiet and elegant. Colorful, beautiful. They are piled in groups of three and five, as if they are resisting the cold. Many flowers withered in autumn, only chrysanthemums in full bloom.

A gust of wind blew, and a faint fragrance came to us, which was like the jelly we usually eat.

How beautiful chrysanthemums are! It has various shapes, some like an hydrangea, some like a fluffy ball, some like a round ball, some like ribbons flying, some like mushrooms after the rain. It is really changeable and graceful!

The leaves of chrysanthemum are also very beautiful. They are green. The shape of the leaves is elliptical. Its edges have small teeth, like the gears of an electric saw. They are different in size and uneven. Several bees fly over, as if chatting with the chrysanthemum. Some leaves turn their heads, as if listening to the songs of birds.

Chrysanthemum is really beautiful. Next autumn, they will grow vigorously, and more and more beautiful.