About the Power of Love (Collection 18)
The roots of four leaf clover
2024-03-14 00:10:57

About the Power of Love (1)

The contents are as follows:

The power of love made a clear and fresh water gush out of the water tank. The water gushed for three days and three nights, and finally converged into a huge river

The earth was moistened and slowly became moist, the crops were irrigated, slowly raised their heads, began to sprout, and finally got a great harvest. The dead flowers were moistened, slowly straightened up, and opened a smile to people; The trees are moistened, and they also raise their heads, raise their chests, and grow into towering trees. The trees open large green umbrellas for people to shield them from the wind and rain. The earth is full of green trees, flowers, birds and flowers People got water and gradually came to life. The little girl's mother recovered from her illness, and her father also survived. Their family reunited and lived a happy life from then on Seven diamonds jumped out of the pitcher and gradually rose to the sky, becoming seven stars, hanging high in the sky, to bless people's happiness forever. The power of love is huge. As long as there is love, the world will become a beautiful world

About the Power of Love (2)

One sunny afternoon, my mother took me to the park to play. The park is crowded with people, and benches everywhere, like a beautiful picture of dirt.

I was about to leave when a wheelchair shook and there was a young man on it. Under the bushy eyebrows, a pair of big eyes are bright, the bridge of the nose is high, and he is wearing neat and clean clothes. Next to the wheelchair is a plastic bag, which contains some garbage.

He is a cleaner and volunteer. As I guessed, I watched with interest. He bent down hard, picked up the paper scraps on the ground, stuffed them into a plastic bag, and then moved on. The warm sun sprinkled on his body, and the sweat rolled down from his face from time to time. A strand of hair stuck to his forehead. While wiping the sweat on his face, he picked up the garbage on the ground. Looking at his back, I was filled with admiration. I couldn't help but pick up a bottle and put it into the garbage can.

Suddenly, I heard a conversation beside an old couple sitting on a chair to rest: "He is a disabled person who can do it, and we should join in our beautiful park as he did." It was easy to pick up the stripped side.

The young man raised his head, looked at them gratefully, and shook his wheelchair away.

The bright sunshine sprinkled on the gravel road, and I took another look at the big eyes of a young and happy real person, with a warm smile flowing in my heart. In this ordinary afternoon, in the casual play of people, I am sure I feel the power of love.

About the Power of Love (3)

In my memory, there is an unforgettable story that happened around me in my class.

I remember that my mother was ill and living in the hospital those days. My father sent me and my sister to school every day. After school, he took us to the hospital to accompany my mother. Every day, he came home very late. It may be that I have accumulated a lot of fatigue after several days of running, and I am also sick. The next day when I went to school for class, I didn't find any abnormality in my body and went out to play as usual after class. However, several students found that I was flushed and touched my forehead. They felt something was wrong, so they immediately sent me to the health care room.

The health room aunt measured my temperature as high as 39 degrees. She immediately called my father, hoping to pick me up. At this time, I saw my classmates around the hospital bed, and their eyes moved me. Someone asked me if I wanted to drink water; Some people said that it would be more comfortable to wipe it with green essence; Some students helped me to cover the quilt, and also touched my forehead from time to time to ask me if I was better. Their concern for me was beyond my imagination, which made me unforgettable.

Someone said, "A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor." But I would say, "A near neighbor is not as good as a classmate." Usually we study and play together. Unexpectedly, when I was sick, they cared about me and took care of me like this. It really moved me. Dear classmates, thank you.

About the Power of Love (4)

There is something that is very quiet when it comes, almost unnoticed; When it leaves, it is in a hurry, but it always leaves some precious traces, and this trace is someone's lifelong love. This thing is ordinary love.

As usual, I ran on the way to Grandma's house with the school bell. When I press the doorbell, the first thing I see is Grandma's charitable face.

Grandma is over sixty, and her hair is still black. The next step is Grandma, who is kind and amiable. Wrinkles at the corners of her eyes are deeply trapped in the rough skin, perhaps because she shuttles around the sixth floor of the boys' dormitory every day! Although the face is not so delicate, it radiates a dim light.

When I walked into my house and rested in front of the table, I suddenly felt very hot. After all, it was already May, and the weather would inevitably be muggy. Self willed, I asked to turn on the electric fan. When Grandma saw it, she stared at it for a while, then kept silent for a long time and said, "There is a lot of dust on it. If it falls down, it will be unpleasant." I listened, digging my mouth, very unhappy. Grandma seemed to feel very guilty about this.

After dinner, I went to my study to prepare for the exam. Suddenly, I felt an unspeakable silence outside, so I went to the front of the study and watched through the crack of the door.

Ah! What I saw surprised me. Grandma, whose feet were not very good at ordinary times, was standing on an old table, leaning over an old chair, holding a huge rag. What does she want to do? It turned out that she wanted to wipe the dust off the fan. Watching this dangerous action, I was stunned. It seemed that I was cut by a knife. The table and chair were swaying all the time, as if they would collapse at any time. Grandma, it seemed, had a 120% chance of falling down every second. The rag was even more pitifully dark, indescribably dark. It was obvious how powerful it was! Apart from love, I can't decipher this inexplicable behavior. At this time, I seemed to see that the ruthless years were adding "decorations" to Grandma. I seem to have been devastated. Although it was only 5 minutes, I felt I fell under the shadow of love. Finally, with the help of the patron saint, Grandma safely got off the crisis ridden table and walked towards me. I immediately sat at my desk and pretended to study.

"Ah, why are your eyes so red?" Grandma asked with concern. "Oh, it's probably sand!" I pretended to rub my eyes as I said. "It's going to be 6 o'clock soon. Go to the classroom quickly! Don't be late!" Grandma urged. "Oh..."

With a reply, I walked out of the study and looked at the bright fan, I felt very cool. On the way back to school, I ran so fast that I couldn't figure out why. I only remembered that I wrote in my diary: "Love is a sudden discovery, and sometimes it is difficult to solve the mystery."

Love is implicit, it inadvertently left a lot of places, it let me know that for love, you can pay what you can hardly pay.

About the Power of Love (5)

When the sun rises, the lake makes up for her; The grass wakes up, and the spring wind baptizes her; Birds sing, crickets play for her; Flowers open, trees shade her... All things in the world are telling us stories of love.

The stories of love are various, and the plots of love are different. What people praise most is... motherly love.

There was once a mother whose life was not rich. Her husband had left their mother and son, and she was the sole breadwinner of the family.

Her son is the crystallization of her and her husband, her confidence in life, and the pillar of her life. The little guy is just beginning to learn to walk. He is fat and very cute. Sometimes she goes out to work and comes back later, leaving her son at home.

However, misfortune finally came.

Once she went to the grocery store to buy something. The grocery store was two streets away from her home, but it was not far away. When she finished shopping and walked back across the street, she suddenly saw her lovely son appeared on the balcony. There is no guardrail around the balcony, and there is a piece of cement ground downstairs.

Her heart rose to her throat.

She walked home quickly and just wanted to hold her son in her arms. However, the little guy with sharp eyes found her and walked forward happily, shouting "Mom" happily.

One step away from the edge of the balcony, and one step away from death

Desperate, she dropped the basket and ran forward

We know that even if a small iron bead falls from a place several meters high, it can pierce the palm of the hand, let alone

In an instant, the air seemed to solidify, the time seemed to freeze, all the pedestrians stopped to look at this unprecedented move, and all the vehicles stopped to look at the solemn act of love.

She strode forward and firmly caught her lovely son. The little guy didn't seem to know what had happened just now. He lay in his mother's arms and smiled happily.

People opened their mouths wide. It took a long time to remember to applaud the heroic mother and son.

Afterwards, the TV station wanted to shoot a TV play about motherhood, and chose this scene.

Everything is all set. The film crew replaced the child with a model to make the mother perform another unprecedented feat.

"Ka"! "Ka"! "Ka"! Again and again, the mother failed to catch the model.

However, the film crew had to give up the shot. But they couldn't understand: What made the mother catch the child?

Undoubtedly, it is the power of love.

The power of love shocks the world and sobs ghosts and gods.

The power of love made a mother lift the car and saved her son's life under the wheel; The power of love made a couple jump up in the earthquake just to protect their sleeping son.

The power of love is great. There are many, many forces of love. Not only mothers, but also fathers, teachers, classmates, friends and lovers are interpreting love and writing songs of love

About the Power of Love (6)

People can reluctantly accept death, but it is difficult to bear the torture of life rather than death! The poor and unfortunate mother, with the help of the "Dehui City Love Team" and the support of the poor caring people, may have a little relief from her lingering illness, and only then can she feel a little comfort in her heart. At this time, she really experienced that there is still a little warmth between people in the money society, For this unfortunate mother, the expectation at this time is just like how lucky the people who survived the shipwreck are! When she saw that the boat coming from afar could save herself, how eager she was! So many days have passed, I don't think we all hope that the rescue of love will stop here. The warm fire in winter will be extinguished in an instant on this expectant mother and unfortunate woman! You should know that if this is the case, it is better to let her not have any illusions at all at the beginning. Maybe she can be more tenacious if she admits that she is inferior to others. How cruel it is for the unfortunate person to let her go back to the darkness after seeing the dawn of hope! When indifference and indifference meet, it will only produce coldness! Only love and help can lead to happy flowers! If the wind power in winter freezes the wound and worsens, this unfortunate mother can only be thankful that her pain is not as heart rending as that in summer, in addition to looking forward to everyone's love!

The kind-hearted Dehui people and hometown people from all walks of life, your last post is a flash of kindness in your heart, and you have become a good person when you are happy; No matter how much money is donated, you can also say to yourself: "I am also a good person who once saved a person!" Let us use our actions to leave ourselves and others a beautiful winter fairy tale worth recalling at the end of 20xx, when the "end of the earth" has been spread for countless times!

"Saving one life is better than building a seven level pagoda". Starting from the love team, let's complete the "love relay" of this unfortunate mother. Love Dehui dearly, care about you, me and him, give your love and pay attention to this family!

Boys and girls, please believe in the power of Chinese, it will save the suffering people from fire and water, and will use a pen to make a knife and gun to write an era.

Don't you see that Lu Xun became the flag bearer of the New Culture Movement with his pen, and Chairman Mao completed the ideological transformation of several generations with his pen! Recently, Mo Yan, the only writer of the National People's Congress of China who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, wrote about the "great depression, great revenge, great compassion, great spirit and great perception" of life

As a student, if he does not pay attention to the society, his articles will not have a sense of the times; If he does not pay attention to life, his articles will not have meaning, and if he does not pay attention to self continuous learning and transformation, he will not make continuous progress; Without a heart of gratitude, compassion, and responsibility, we can't write really good articles!

Let's lend a helping hand. The money is not much. As long as you experience it yourself, you will be shocked by the life of this unfortunate mother. Be proud of having such a family and parents instead of complaining!

Please believe in the power of language, and use your love and pen to create a miracle!

About the Power of Love (7)

After hearing the word "fight", some people may be angry. Such people are brave; Some people will be happy, such people are not good people; Some people will be afraid that such people are weak people. At this time, my mind will appear: the scene of the war in the film may also appear a tiger and a lion fighting. Today, I want to tell a story about a fight, in which one of the people fighting is a hero.

Flandi was waiting for Sidi in a corner near the kindergarten. Because Sidi would pick up his little sister from the kindergarten after school every day, and Flandi was about to fight Sidi when he came out. After reading this, dear readers, you will think that there will be a war between Flandi and Sidi, and why did Flandi fight Sidi, a short man, when he was so tall?

Because a few days ago, Flandi took a stone to break the glass on the classroom window, and Sidi told the headmaster about it, so the headmaster dismissed Flandi. When Sidi led his little sister out, Ferranti went around his sister's back.

At this time, you will think how Flandi will fight Sidi? You might think that he would start with Sidi's little sister. Yes, Flandi grabbed Sidi's sister's pigtail and pulled it back. Suddenly, Sidi's little sister almost fell to the ground. Dear readers, what do you think Stevie would do? He may recognize the current affairs as a hero, and quickly leave with his little sister, or he may try to resist. But you will be as short as Sidi. How can you fight back? But in the article, Sidi did so. Stevie angrily hit Frandi, but Frandi buckled Stevie to the ground and was beaten by Frandi. At this moment, Stedy hit Frandi in the stomach in turn, and stepped on the other's chest with his foot. At this time, Flandi took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed Sidi. Sidi grabbed the other's wrist with two big hands, making Flandi's knife fall to the ground. At the same time, his hand was cut by the knife. Flandi ran away, and Sidi and his sister walked home.

In fact, there are many things like this in life, such as Chen Xiang saving his mother. In order to save his mother, Chen Xiang defeated the powerful Erlang God. The power of love is powerful!

On the Power of Love (8)

No matter how high the mountain is, if you are willing to climb it, you will eventually surpass it; Farther away, as long as you dare to yearn, it will come true. The vast universe that mankind has been yearning for has finally left its historic footprints. The world has been changing, but one force has never disappeared.

This is the power of persistence. What is persistence? Persistence is your spiritual pillar, a character that makes you persevere and move forward, a pioneer in pursuit and yearning, and more importantly, the power and goal of life. Persistence is not only a person's quality, but also the spirit of an era. The more shining, the more precious it will be.

Looking at nature, the reason why pearls are bright is that clams persist in enduring the hardships of sand grains; The reason why butterflies can fly among flowers is that they persist in enduring the pain of breaking the cocoon; The reason why the eagle can fly is that it has endured countless times of falling off the cliff; Rainbows appear because the sky persists in withstanding the haze of rain.

In the vast world, things are still like this, not to mention people?

At the beginning, if Kuang Heng didn't steal light from the wall, and worked hard to study, how could he succeed in his studies later? He was recommended as a doctor by General Shi Gao of Dasima and cavalry; If Wang Xizhi did not forget to eat and sleep and practice calligraphy, after a long time of hard exploration, how could he have that powerful font and become a great calligrapher later; If Li Shizhen did not travel across mountains and rivers and taste all kinds of herbs, how could he have written Compendium of Materia Medica later; If Bao Qingtian does not persist in learning the knowledge of case determination, how can he judge cases as if he were a god and vindicate the people later; After Sima Qian was sentenced to death in the palace, if he did not persist in writing books, how could there be a later "historian's swan song, unrivalled Li Sao"?

For thousands of years, the strength of persistence is everywhere. It is Liu Yuxi's "Although it is hard to get ten thousand drips, it is only after blowing all the wild sand that gold comes"; It is Feng Menglong's "sword edge comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold"; It is Qu Yuan's "The road is long, and I will search up and down"; It is Li Bai's "When the wind blows and the waves break, the cloud sails will fly straight to the sea"; It is also Zen Master Huang Tiller's "How can you get the fragrance of plum blossom without a cold bite", and Zheng Xie's "One thousand strokes are still strong, and you can let the wind blow from east to west, north to south"; It is also Liu Xie's "Understanding the sound after mastering thousands of songs, and understanding the instrument after observing thousands of swords"

"Life is like an ocean. Only people with strong will can reach the other side." The power of persistence is also contained in modern examples.

Because of his insistence, Tong Dizhou, a biologist, won the first place in the school from failing the exam to repeating the grade; Because of their insistence, the chemist and his wife Curie smelt radium in the abandoned morgue and won the Nobel Prize; Because of his insistence, the Soviet writer Ostrovsky, who was blind, also completed the novel How Steel Was Tempered. All this shows that persistence is the key to success.

See, from ancient times to the present, the quality of persistence shines in the long river of history. This is the power of persistence, profound and eternal.

On the Power of Love (9)

Tian Shiguo's mother suffers from uremia and needs a kidney replacement to be treated. However, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a suitable kidney. In order to save his mother's life, Tian Shiguo resolutely donated his own kidney. Doctors have seen parents donating kidneys for their children many times, and it is the first time for children to donate kidneys for their parents. Tian Shiguo gave half of his life to his mother, which is really touching and shocking!

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. What made Tian Shiguo give half of his life to his mother? It is the power of love; What makes a living life leave the embrace of death? That is the power of love; What makes the world colorful? That is also the power of love.

Love makes ice melt, grass grow green and flowers bloom; Love fills every corner of the world with warmth; Love, let once sad eyes shed sweet tears. This is love, making the world a warm heaven; This is love. Let's keep away from sadness and smile.

Ask yourself, do we all know what love is?

Love is a high mountain, love is a deep sea, love is a lighthouse in the dark night, love is the bright sunshine that breaks through the clouds.

Think about it, every morning, say a blessing to your mother, this day, you will be bathed in a good mood; Think about it. Every night, if you hold a cup of hot tea for your mother, you will feel warm in your heart. These are trivial things, but they all reflect the power of love.

The power of love is sweet and warm; The power of love is endless. There will be many joys and sorrows in life. Life will always end, but the light of love will never go out. It will always shine in our hearts.

Let us all use our own god key to open the door of love in our hearts, release love, let love fill the whole world, and let the world become a heaven of love!

About the Power of Love (10)

Tian Shiguo's mother suffers from uremia and needs a kidney replacement to be treated. However, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a suitable kidney. In order to save his mother's life, Tian Shiguo resolutely donated his own kidney. Doctors have seen parents donating kidneys for their children many times, and it is the first time for children to donate kidneys for their parents. Tian Shiguo gave half of his life to his mother, which is really touching and shocking!

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. What made Tian Shiguo give half of his life to his mother? It is the power of love; What makes a living life leave the embrace of death? That is the power of love; What makes the world colorful? That is also the power of love.

Love makes ice melt, grass grow green and flowers bloom; Love fills every corner of the world with warmth; Love, let once sad eyes shed sweet tears. This is love, making the world a warm heaven; This is love. Let's keep away from sadness and smile.

Ask yourself, do we all know what love is?

Love is a high mountain, love is a deep sea, love is a lighthouse in the dark night, love is a bright sun through the clouds.

Think about it, every morning, say a blessing to your mother, this day, you will be bathed in a good mood; Think about it. Every night, if you hold a cup of hot tea for your mother, you will feel warm in your heart. These are trivial things, but they all reflect the power of love.

The power of love is sweet and warm; The power of love is endless. There will be many joys and sorrows in life. Life will always end, but the light of love will never go out. It will always shine in our hearts.

Let us all use our own "God Key" to open the door of love in our hearts, release love, fill the whole world with love, and make the world a paradise of love!

On the Power of Love (11)

How much does love weigh? How much strength can she carry?

Is it thousands of grams, or a few tons, or the whole world?

I think you still remember the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake! I don't know whether everyone knows about it.

At about 2:00 p.m. on May 12, a young mother had just put her child to sleep. She was sitting beside him knitting a sweater. She looked at the sleeping child from time to time. Her mother's love reflected her. Her face was full, and the child slept so sweetly that she could not stop laughing in her dreams. The father of the child was reading, and everything seemed quiet and warm.

Suddenly, when the earthquake struck, a huge piece of concrete fell from the sky. The couple did not have time to hesitate. They held the concrete together, and they always held it like this. The weight of the concrete exceeded the load they could bear, but they miraculously survived.

Just ask, what is the strength that they support?

There is no doubt that it is the love of family, which bears the weight that ordinary people cannot bear.

Soon after the grand Beijing Olympic Games, the air is still full of its fragrance. I remember when the Olympic torch was passed around France, it was attacked by criminals, but the Chinese girl protected the torch with her incomplete body.

Isn't it also a kind of love? This kind of love of the country frightens the lawbreakers and makes people moved. This kind of love is not light, is it?

Love is multiple, which can not be measured by numbers, but by heart and emotion.

On the Power of Love (12)

That is an unforgettable past event.

The day of the final exam is approaching everyone step by step. But the classroom has not changed. Of course, I am no exception. But at this moment, my mind is full of computer games, although it is still incorrect, because the task of middle school students at this moment is to review, review, and review again. But I still can't control my heart's ardent yearning for games. Maybe this is a practice called rebellious psychology.

In a flash, it was time to go home from school again. Everyone thought that time was slow, but only I thought that time was like flowing water, as if these days were just a flowing memory. At this moment, I am like a wanderer outside the Great Wall. Run straight home. Delighted, I ran to the computer before putting down my schoolbag, which was piled with knowledge. Just as I wanted to turn on the computer, my father came to me and said, "Don't touch the computer before the exam is over.". One sentence was like a bolt from the blue. At this time, I felt the atmosphere at home was very strong. Is it really good for me? I fought so long in school for this day. Look at my father's back. From that day on, I went to review with a heavy heart. I was like a ship spinning in the sea without knowing the direction, waiting for the approaching exam.

On the day of the exam, everyone was happy. Just like a group of soldiers who are about to take the lead, they come down from the hair salon one by one. A lot of questions press me like a mountain. I can only write a few questions reluctantly, and the rest are just random guesses.

Time is really fast. When I was thinking about my father's words, the bell rang. After the exam, it was not my style at all. I sighed and walked out of the classroom with heavy steps. Come here and send out the report card today.

I watched the withering leaves and heard the wind blowing the leaves. With the achievements of several months of struggle, I looked at the sky. When I got home, I thought about how to explain to my father. Looking at my father's white hair, I recalled the "Dad's Flowers Fall" taught by Li teacher. I said quietly: Dad, I'm back. Dad stopped his work and looked up at me. Smiling, he said, "Oh, I'm back. I'm going to have dinner soon.". I smiled softly.

In the evening, I ate the spareribs soup cooked by my parents, and my parents just put meat in my bowl. I kept my head down and just remembered the exam questions. My parents seem to find my mood.

My father asked me about what was wrong. I had to tell my father truthfully. I was silent, and my parents were silent. Time seems to be frozen. Dad's words melt time. An exam does not mean anything. You also know the reason why you are not allowed to play computer games. You should believe in yourself. As long as you work hard, you will succeed. Dad firmly believes in you. My father's words gave me strong support and motivation.

Under the light, in front of the desk. I thought a lot about my father's love and trust. All this gives me great strength. I will not be upset because of these setbacks. I will be in the sunshine. Stand up again! Be a true self. This is the power of love.

On the Power of Love (13)

This long winter vacation, I read a short article called "The Miracle of Tears". Although the article is short, it is touching.

In the article, a 6-year-old boy named Billy used bottle caps to feed the heatstroke deer back and forth when there was a serious shortage of water. After being found out by his parents, Little Billy worried about being opposed and shed tears. Moved by Little Billy, his parents joined in and saved the sika deer with very scarce water. Unexpectedly, it rained heavily that night when it hadn't rained for more than two months. Mother said it was little Billy's love that moved God.

Yes, God may not satisfy a person's dream, and God may not agree to a person's prayer, but God will not fail a person's love from the bottom of his heart. Because love is a magic power.

In the Spring Festival of 20XX, we experienced a rare and highly infectious COVID-19 epidemic. For a while, the virus spread everywhere, and the situation was very serious! Zhong Nanshan, an elderly academician, was called upon to lead the Chinese people in the sniping war against COVID-19: the completion of Vulcan Mountain Hospital in ten days witnessed the speed of China; Countless white clad soldiers bravely rushed to the front line to pacify and treat patients; A lot of caring people have donated money and materials, all of them are trying their best to contribute their love and responsibility; Ordinary people listen to experts. Most of them stay at home during the Spring Festival and try not to cause chaos to the country, which is also a contribution to the fight against the epidemic.

As a primary school student, I also donated my meager New Year's money to Wuhan to express my heart. In this disaster, we are all working together to fight against the virus with our own strength and selfless love.

The Chinese people's spirit of unity and struggle has attracted worldwide attention. Some foreign media praised: "God created the universe in seven days, and I think God is Chinese." Yes, God is Chinese! If Little Billy's love created a miracle, then in the face of this epidemic, the love and responsibility of 1.4 billion Chinese people will surely overcome the virus!

Because love is the most magical power.

On the Power of Love (14)

The power of love is always around us.

A spring wind blows, carrying the fragrance of the soil after the rain. Everything in life grows savagely under the nourishment. Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently, and the wonderful spring begins.

There is no beautiful cherry blossom in the school; There is no simple maple leaf in Canada. But apricot trees with white and pink flowers were planted.

This kind of tree is widely distributed, and its flowers are particularly beautiful and moving. That day, I was walking under the tree, talking and laughing with my classmates. A small flower fell down quietly and hid in the hat of my sweater, but I didn't notice it at all.

When class arrived, the girl at the next table whispered to me with a smile: "Hey! Luo, you are 'philandering' again." I blushed, felt the naughty egg in confusion, and couldn't help smiling. Maybe this is the encouragement of the ancient apricot tree to me. I thought maybe the apricot tree wanted to comfort my fragile heart and bring me the power of love. Thank you, apricot blossom, I am also calm with you.

The teacher's explanation in class was very interesting, and the students listened carefully. At this time, the teacher randomly checked the students to speak on the stage. I was afraid that I would not be drawn. I kept praying in my heart, but the god of destiny pointed to me. I had to pretend to be calm and report the answer. I was ten wrong seven eight, but the teacher smiled at me and gave me an encouraging look. I was deeply moved, listened more seriously, and had a more correct attitude. I was afraid that I would disappoint the teacher's painstaking efforts. Thank you, teacher. Your loving eyes gave infinite power.

After class, the students discussed math problems in groups, expressing their own opinions, getting red faced, pointing fingers, seriously calculating with a draft book, and directly competing for the teacher to judge. This lively atmosphere not only improved their grades, but also increased their knowledge, and deepened their friendship with the students. Thank you, dear students, You are the driving force of my love.

The power of love does not necessarily occur only in the time of vows of eternal love, natural disasters and man-made disasters. In fact, love is around us. As long as you feel it with your heart, you can make your heart warm as spring.

On the Power of Love (15)

All things have love.

If love is fertilizer, then we are the land and need the nourishment of love. If love is raindrop, then we are the bud and need the watering of love. Life never lacks love. All things have love, as long as you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering love.

In 20XX, COVID-19 broke out, sweeping across the land of China. In this special period of epidemic, staff from all walks of life showed a high degree of dedication and dedication.

She has long hair and thick eyes. She was the first one to sign up for Wuhan, and resolutely cut off her dark and beautiful hair. In my eyes, she is not a talent beauty with exquisite hair style, not a talent beauty with heavy makeup? Doesn't she love beauty? No, it was his deep love for this land that made him cut off his long hair, face the sky with plain face, and make his clothes soaked with sweat. In the face of enemies and national difficulties, they resolutely gave up their personal interests. How profound and beautiful such love is!

There is an indestructible "mountain" in China called Zhong Nanshan. At the age of 84, he should have stayed at home and enjoyed his life, but he rushed to Wuhan at the first time. With tears in his eyes, he told everyone: Don't come to Wuhan! But he rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, side by side with the angel in white, breathing together and sharing the same fate. What made him stick to the front line of the fight against the epidemic at the risk of getting a new crown, in order to get rich bonuses? No, it is because he loves this land deeply and persistently, which is the power of love.

Workers from all over the world gathered together to quickly build the Huoshen Mountain and the Leishen Mountain Hospital. In only half a month, two hospitals rose from the ground and were born like miracles. They explained what China's speed is, and told the world that there is nothing that China cannot do, and why their efficiency is so high? Why did they leave their home and stay in Wuhan? This is precisely because their hearts are tied to their motherland and their compatriots. They love this land deeply. They buried their love deeply in their hearts and turned love into power. Only then did they have two hospitals, Huoshen Mountain and Leishen Mountain. This is the power of love.

We cannot do without the nourishment and watering of love. Because there is love in our heart and love in our eyes, life never lacks love.

On the Power of Love (16)

When I was in the second grade of primary school, my father suddenly got cerebral hemorrhage and had to go to the hospital for treatment. Dad had been in a coma for several days. The doctor said that there was blood stasis in his brain, which was pressing the brain nerves. He had to operate to take out the blood stasis in his brain. Dad has been in a coma and can't operate, but if he has been asleep like this, his life will be in danger at any time. However, hearing such a heavy blow, the strong mother did not despair.

I remember that my mother never shed a tear during my father's coma. My mother always looked cheerful in front of me, as if she would not be afraid even if the sky fell down. When I saw my father who had been sleeping and cried loudly, my mother would dry my tears for me and encourage me, He said to me, "Dad will wake up. Dad hasn't taken you to the Three Gorges yet." From my mother's firm words and hopeful eyes, I also have confidence. Every day, my mother would sit beside the hospital bed, hold my father's hand tightly, and say to my father, "You must wake up! When you wake up, our family will go out for fun. Didn't you promise Han Han that you would take her to the Three Gorges? You can't slip your tongue!" My mother always talks to my father like this every day, wiping his back and massaging him.

Finally, Dad woke up. At that moment, my mother was as happy as a child, with tears in her eyes. I secretly admire my father's strength and mother's love for him! Later, my father also had an operation, but the operation was not very successful. My father's arms and legs could not use force, and his speech was not very clear. But the doctor said that as long as he exercised more, he could recover to the past, but it would take a long time. So my mother walked around with my father every day, and gradually my father's legs regained consciousness. My mother taught my father to eat with chopsticks in his hands. Once, the chopsticks fell off, and again, the chopsticks fell off, but my mother still didn't give up

Now, my father has completely recovered, become the same as a normal person, and even healthier than before.

On the Power of Love (17)

There are many forces supporting you in this world, which may be a keepsake, a letter, or a person. But in my heart, the force supporting me is maternal love. Motherly love is a beacon, illuminating the dark road ahead for me; Maternal love is a ray of sunshine, warm the cold winter with light; Maternal love is a mirror that lets me find my mistakes.

I remember that on a sunny spring day, I went home with a fever. As soon as I entered the house, my mother stood up immediately, walked quickly to me, and eagerly said to me: "Snow, how about it? Is it cold?" I shook my head to express discomfort. My mother picked up the cup with hot water on the table and asked me to drink water. I took the cup in my mother's hand and drank it. I could feel the sweat on the cup. Maybe it was my mother's cup. After slowly drinking the water, My mother asked me to sit on the sofa and then pour hot water. I slowly walked over and sat on the sofa, feeling very confused. I slowly fell asleep on the sofa, and vaguely heard my mother say: "The child seems to have a fever, go and make porridge for her." Then my mother was careful about the footsteps of Wings

When I woke up, I found myself in bed and my mother was asleep beside me. I felt that my mother also woke up and said, "Snow, do you want to eat a bowl of porridge?" I didn't answer. Although I was hungry, I had no appetite at all. But my mother still took the porridge and mixed it with mustard tuber to feed me one mouthful at a time. After a few mouthfuls, I said to my mother that I didn't want to eat anymore. My mother said, "The last few mouthfuls, eat it quickly!" I pursed my lips, but still finished eating. After I finished eating, I wanted to sleep again, so I fell asleep again.

I had a nightmare. In the dream, I was fighting with a devil. The devil was so powerful that I was beaten all over. This frightened me so much that I cried out, suddenly opened my eyes and sat up. My mother looked at my trembling body in horror and asked: "What's wrong with snow? Did you have a nightmare?" I nodded, and my body was still trembling. Seeing this, my mother came over and stroked my chiropain to calm me down. I slowly stopped shaking and became hungry. I asked my mother to fill me with a bowl of porridge. After eating, I felt very warm.

Maternal love is the strength that supports you at all times. When you are happy, when you are confused, when you fail, when you are successful, when you are sad, when you grow up, you have the power of maternal love in your life. I am very happy!

On the Power of Love (18)

Before long, the class bell rang, and the students were all there, looking at the classroom door with eager eyes. Waiting for Teacher Peng's arrival. One minute passed, two minutes passed

When we opened our books to review ourselves, Teacher Peng unexpectedly appeared at the door. I was shocked! She wore a black coat, and wore the word "filial piety" on her arm. Her face was very sad, and her old bright eyes had become red and swollen. It was obvious that Teacher Peng had stayed up all night. It seems that the teacher's father or mother must have died. She walked slowly onto the platform, looked at us affectionately, braced herself up, and said, "Class.". However, the voice was much weaker than usual. The students all stood up and said hello to the teacher with their loud voice.

The teacher began to lecture, but she didn't mention the death of her relatives. Her blackboard writing is still beautiful and neat; Her spirit is so dedicated and devoted; Her attitude is still serious and meticulous. Only his voice was hoarse and his face was tired. As we all know, the teacher must be tired. Therefore, the students who don't pay attention to the lecture, make small movements and talk casually in class usually seem to have received some enlightenment today. They seem to be listening to the teacher attentively as if they were a different person. It seems that there are several times more people raising their hands to speak in the classroom than before. The next call from the podium is so harmonious, warm and active!

I was moved by the scene in front of me! How I want to pour a cup of hot tea for my teacher to moisten her throat; I want to move a chair, please sit down and have a rest

The teacher's every move reminds me of my mother. Even if my mother is sick in bed, she will prepare steaming meals when I come home from school the next day. A teacher is like a mother, unwilling to delay a class of students, which is also a kind of selfless love. Suddenly, I felt a surge of emotion. In the teacher's first sentence and every question, I realized the power of love.