Accomplish Writing (16 Collections)
Out of print lonely lover
2024-05-28 03:42:52

Accomplish composition (1)

Hua Xin Asylum describes the experience of Hua Xin and Wang Lang when they took refuge by boat. When they took a boat for refuge, a man wanted to take their boat. Hua Xin was very embarrassed. But Wang Lang said, "The boat is still spacious, what's the trouble?" Seeing that the bandits behind are catching up, Wang Lang wants to leave the person who just boarded the boat. Hua Xin said, "This is the reason why I hesitated just now. Since I have accepted him to the ship, how can I leave him because the situation is critical?" So he continued to lead him on his way. The world also judges the merits of Hua and Wang.

This story was once read in an assignment, but due to time constraints, I could not read it carefully, but it left a deep impression on me. Until some time ago, when I was free, I turned to this story to taste it carefully and think deeply.

However, the reason why I can have a deep impression and deep thinking on this story is that there is a problem in the text - "the pros and cons of China and the king". Many people will think that it should be the superior and the inferior. The reason is that Hua Xin is noble. Although I hesitate and think twice before helping others, I will help them to the end once I agree. It makes people think that Hua Xin is stable; On the contrary, Wang Lang will abandon the asylum seeker even if he agrees with his request. Naturally, Wang Lang is not trustworthy. But I think Wang Lang is more suitable for us to learn from. When others have difficulties, they should help as generously as possible without endangering themselves. Because your simple effort is a ray of hope in others' hearts. It is also worth noting that when necessary, you should also consider your own efforts.

From this point of view, the moral character of being cautious about others' requests and not giving up in critical situations is truly noble.

Accomplish Writing (2)

Responsibility is what one can do, what one must do, and what one wants to do.

For me, a new concept is the existence of an impossible peak, new sentence patterns, new words, and new tenses. When I open it, the above articles are like a heavenly book. I don't want to recite them, but I have to recite them, which makes me feel awkward.

In the face of this kind of heavenly book, I never recite it most of the time - it's too difficult, I haven't learned it, it's too unfamiliar. Every time there is an excuse to prevaricate and deceive myself. However, responsibility does not exist because of unloading, but after completion.

So even if the English teacher didn't come to me to recite the shadow of the English teacher, it seemed to swing in my mind, and I couldn't get rid of it. Every time I have an English class, I feel like I have a heavy debt on my back and dare not look up at the teacher.

I couldn't stand the torture, so I decided to finish it.

But this is not easy to talk about. When I opened the Heavenly Book again, my sense of responsibility did not make it any easier. I almost want to close this difficult book again.

But the sense of responsibility does not allow it. "He said that he should recite the whole thing", and a voice in his heart said, "Otherwise you will suffer?" So I decided to bear it hard. Yes, anyway, it is still necessary to carry, carry, suffer, not carry, the same pain, why not give it a shot? Let's do that.

One sentence, two sentences, as time goes by, although it is difficult to recite the Heavenly Book, I have made progress.

I immersed myself in new concepts, recited them sentence by sentence, and then connected them. In the process of continuous progress, I constantly gain happiness and sense of achievement. I am like the Yugong in "Yugong Moves the Mountain". I want to shovel off the mountain in front of me.

After a late repair, I actually recited a complete paragraph.

I feel very happy. Yes, why evade responsibility? As long as we face difficulties, we can not only gain happiness and sense of achievement, but also complete this task, enrich our knowledge, and let ourselves grow. Why not?

I will never forget my happiness when I recited the article in front of my English teacher that day. I will never forget the joy and encouragement when my English teacher looked at my eyes. My pride is singing.

Responsibility can not be relieved only by avoiding it. It is better to complete it and you can feel happy because of it.

Accomplish Writing (3)

Although the long rope race has passed, I still remember the scene at the beginning of school. At that time, I would not jump on the long rope. It seems to be Thursday morning, when I was free dancing.

"Practice quickly if you can't connect!" Teacher Min said in an ordered voice, "The lion roars". The more hurried I am, the more scared I am. I'm afraid I will be brushed. Looking at the free and unrestrained expression of Class 4, the mocking eyes became more and more uncomfortable. I thought: Is it not to connect? What's the big deal? One day, our class will surpass you! Now, I'm really a prophet. What I say is what I say.

The rope was shaking, but I still didn't dare to enter. Students said I was wasting time, and I had no choice. As the saying goes, all gods and horses are floating clouds. It's no use. I still can't connect. I was running around gasping and sweating. It was the most tiring time in my life. But I'm not angry. Pan Zhe in front of me can't connect, but she just connected! She turned back excitedly and said to me: "I'm connected! I'm connected!" She could not jump three feet high! Although I smile on my face, my heart is full of anxiety. Pan Zhe will be connected. Now I'm the only one. I'm still walking behind. What should I do?

"Each class returns to the entrance position," called the PE teacher in front of me. At this time, Pan Zhe just came in front of me. Time seems to be slowing down, and the students who threw the rope did not go back, as if they were giving me the last chance. After Pan Zhe jumped, I jumped in. I passed!! Everyone is also cheering for me. There is a feeling called illusion. Just now, I thought that I was eating ginseng fruit, and every pore of my body was stretched out. It seems that flowers and applause are thinking of my warm wave! I did it, I did it!

"Zhang Huiling, good, come on," the students said to me with a smile. I am like the news of the smooth return of God VII. All the Chinese people are elated, excited, and tell each other. I like long ropes more and more now, but I don't practice anymore. If I could, I would work harder!

Accomplish Writing (4)

When I was in the senior grade of primary school, what gave me marks was not Chinese and English, but mathematics. At that time, I didn't like mathematics, because I felt that mathematics was a very difficult course, so I didn't think I could achieve my ideal score in any exam, and my score was also very poor. But that time not only let me like math, but also math scores are very high.

It was a math exam. I was tired of writing, so I wanted to finish it quickly, and I began to write or not to fill in. I finished it in a short time. Teacher Wang saw that I had finished writing, and took my test paper to judge. After a while, Teacher Wang finished judging. Then he came over and asked me why I wrote blindly. I said I would not, and Teacher Wang said that it was all in class. I stopped talking, Mr. Wang understood my heart and asked me to sit down. After class, I went to the math office to find him. I nodded.

When I arrived at the office, Mr. Wang asked me why I didn't like mathematics. I said, "Mathematics is too difficult. Even if I study hard, I can't achieve my ideal score." Teacher Wang said: "Mathematics is not as difficult as you think, and you are not stupid. As long as you are eager to learn, you will certainly get the good grades you imagine. Maybe you will become a top student in mathematics! I am optimistic about you!" After my teacher's words, I hope I can not disappoint the teacher's trust!

Accomplish Writing (5)

In the big class, the teacher asked each of us to plant a tree and buy the saplings ourselves. But we have no money. Many children help their mothers do housework to buy pocket money. I also go home to find my mother. My mother looked at me and said, "Planting trees is very meaningful, but there are many ways to make money.". My mother reminded me: "If we go to the square to play, will we be thirsty? Do many people in the square want to buy water to drink?" I jumped up and said: "I know, go to sell water!"

My mother helped me wholesale a box of mineral water. We found a place on the square that could not be exposed to the sun. There were many people here. I stood there and looked around, hoping everyone would buy it! Finally, a brother came to buy it, but he didn't have any money with him. Seeing that he was going away, I was so worried that I would cry. My mother came and said, "You can use WeChat." I was very happy when my brother scanned my mother's mobile phone with WeChat. After a while, two more sisters came to buy it. My mother also put her mobile phone here, and she sat on a stool and looked at me from afar.

A box of mineral water soon sold out. I shouted to my mother, "Mom, I did it!" On my way home, I heard cicadas calling from the tree. He is very happy. He must praise me. I can plant a tree tomorrow.

Accomplish Writing (6)

Grandma is the gardener who watered me when I was in primary school. It is she who makes me study hard and make me make progress every day.

When I was in grade one, my academic performance was very poor. Every exam was only seven or eight ten. The teacher often sighed for me, and the parents also shouted that I didn't want to win. Grandma was worried about this. For me, she had a wisp of white hair on her head.

Once, my grandma was checking my homework for me. Suddenly, she fainted and I screamed to call my parents. After the doctor's examination, she said that Grandma had a heart attack. I cried and lay beside my grandma's bed. Grandma lingered. He touched my head, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes. He said to me, "Xin'er, you must study hard and don't trouble your parents. My grandma loves you forever." After she said this, she leaned her head gently against the bed, and her kind eyes closed. "Grandma!" I cried, tears bursting out of my eyes.

Since then, every time when I wanted to skip class, I thought about what Grandma said to me; Whenever I want to be lazy, I think about my grandma's face and her hope for me. My grades have improved significantly. I used to count down in exams, but now I always go home with 90 or 100 points. The teacher always gives praise to her, and her parents always smile happily.

Grandma, I did it, I did it, you must look at me in heaven, you must be very happy, in fact, Xin'er also loves you, loves you very much.

Accomplish Writing (7)

Previously, I always felt that I could do nothing, so I lost myself every day. I think that as long as we are barely able to live, we can live as human beings. However, in the face of discrimination from people around him, Xiaoli always has waves.

I am such a person. Sometimes I admire myself and wonder whether I can say or not. Only when I was treated coldly did I think about working hard. However, if you want to think about it and do it, you might as well not think about it.

In fact, there are two reasons why I dare not do it. One is the laziness caused by depression, and the other is some sense of inferiority. However, sometimes, some things are really just your imagination. Later, some experiences told me that in this world, there is nothing but unexpected.

I still remember that time, I thought I could not, but in the end, I proved that I could do it and defeated myself.

In the past, I was a person who couldn't get out of one door or another. My relatives advised me to go out more and not stay at home all the time. However, I am hostile to others, afraid of meeting people, and my inferiority makes me afraid of being looked down upon. However, this state is not good, then one day, I decided to change myself, I want to try, get along with others.

To be honest, I was very worried, but when I stepped out of my home and into the society, I found that things were not as difficult as I thought. Many people like to make friends with the me, no one looks down on me. At that time, I found that the world was really beautiful. It was just my problem. I was too tied up and looked at the world with a pessimistic view. But in fact, life is really beautiful and worth cherishing.

I still remember that time, I thought I could not, but in the end, I proved that I could do it and defeated myself.

I like writing when I was young, but I always put this hobby aside, and lazy days are not good. Finally one day, I decided to work harder, but my only concern was that I was afraid of not writing well. After thinking about it, I decided to gamble. Even if I failed, I would lose nothing.

So I bought a composition book, read and write every day, just to be able to write better articles. To be honest, in the first few days, I was extremely unfit for such hard work, always wanted to be lazy, but finally I resisted. Finally, I have gained from my efforts as always. I began to win prizes and receive contributions. I just know that I can do my best as long as I work hard.

Through these two things, I learned a lot. In one's life, don't always think about failure and success. Isn't there a saying that "failure is the mother of success"? Another saying goes like this: "Try your best, and leave the rest to God."

From today on, I will be more confident and not inferiority complex. I believe that as long as you have deep kung fu, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle. Remember before, I always asked myself: "Can I do it?" Now, I came to the conclusion that - I can!

Accomplish Writing (8)

How can one succeed in one thing? Some people think that talent is necessary, while others agree that opportunity is necessary. After more than five years of learning zither, I believe that persistence and dedication are the steps and ways to success.

I remember when I was five years old, my parents took me to the National Grand Theater to watch a concert. The beautiful melody attracted my attention. I asked my mother curiously, what kind of music is this? My mother told me that this is a piece of music played by a classical national instrument, the zither. From that moment on, I had an indissoluble bond with this new term.

My mother bought me a zither and applied for a training class. The day when Qin arrived home, I couldn't wait to see how it felt to play the zither myself. A small thin finger is wearing a false nail. I don't know where the power comes from, so I stretch my hand and play. Touch this string, and then dial that string. After each play, I turn my ears to listen carefully, just like a little musician. The pop up voice is intermittent, not to mention beautiful, but ugly.

With the teacher's careful guidance, I gradually woke up from ignorance and gradually fell in love with the zither. I remember when I first learned the classic song "Fishing Boat Sings in the Evening", when I watched the teacher play so hard, I thought to myself, won't the strings break? With constant encouragement, I also began to try. Although I remind myself to be bold, I can't help beating my heart when I play. After several times of plucking, I feel not as terrible as I thought. Through repeated practice every day for more than two months, I can not only recite the music score, but also play it skillfully.

From winter to spring, I have been learning zither since I was five years old. I also cried and wanted to give up when I practiced a fingering countless times, and I was too excited to sleep when I broke a new track. Every time I passed the grade examination, I was always worried, like a rabbit. Excitement, nervousness, worry, etc. are just like waves pounding the chest. After a while, I will think that I am well prepared and will be able to pass; After a while, I thought, what if I forgot to play in the middle? Even the idea of whether the examiner is strict bothers me... Fortunately, every grade examination is a happy ending. In fact, I know that it is not luck, it is the cumulative result of countless days.

Five years of persistence, dedication and hard work have made me gain the pleasure of success. What we eat is bitter, and what we grind is heart. "Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold, and treasure sword edge comes from sharpening". We should learn to persist in doing everything, and we will gain by giving.

Accomplish Composition (9)

You must have seen my personal album, but you must not know the story and experience in my personal album.

I remember that on Friday, Teacher Qin said, "Our homework this time is to make your own personal album." I thought, "Oh, personal album is to make more compositions on it. It's too simple. When I got home, I was turning on my computer when I found that our computer was broken. I had no choice but to say to my mother, "Mom, our computer is broken. Can I go to your unit to do a personal album tomorrow?" After listening to this, my mother said yes in a hurry.

The next day, when I was going to do a personal album, I was foolish. I had no choice but to ask my mother: "Mom, how can I do a personal album. I printed out all my previous compositions first, and then counted my articles. Ah, how come there are only ten compositions on my mother's computer? The teacher said that at least 20 compositions are needed. Just then, my mother took out a USB flash drive from her bag, and I was happy at once. I inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and my compositions were typed out. But when I typed the last composition "My Dog", the computer somehow lost some typesetting anyway. At that time, I really didn't know what to do. Later, I had no choice but not to type that article. I counted 26 articles. I started to write the preface and make the catalogue. When it was time to make the cover, I asked my mother: "Mom, Mom, what should be the name of this composition?" After listening to this, my mother pondered for a while, and said to me: "Yao Yao, I think it's called Growing up Essay, which is a good name." I typed the cover according to my mother's advice. Ah, at last I went outside to load film paper. My mother and I excitedly went to a stationery store to buy film paper and put it on my album cover when we got home.

Mr. Qin praised my personal album. When I got home, I told my mother, and she said happily, "We Yaoyao really succeeded in making a personal album this time!"

I have been able to skillfully produce personal albums, and the process of my production has become my best memory.

Accomplish Composition (10)

Success is a beautiful word; Success is a moment of joy; Success is the result of hard work and sweat. Everyone yearns for it, but it is not easy to come. notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

As mentioned above, success is achieved through hard work and sweat. There are too many difficulties and hard work behind success. Success requires many failures, sometimes at a price.

Last summer vacation, I went to Zhengzhou Ostrich Garden with my English classmates. There is a water park in the park. One project crosses the Lotus Leaf Bridge, which is to lay a row of foam boards on the water. People can walk on the foam boards to cross the opposite bank. During this period, they need to learn to balance. Because the foam is very light, they will fall into the water if they do not grasp the balance.

When I saw other students walking fast across the lotus leaf bridge, I wanted to try it, but I was always careful and afraid of falling into the water. It would be bad if I wet my clothes, although I also brought a set of clean clothes. I hesitated. I was eager to challenge, but I was still afraid of falling into the water. After all, I didn't know how deep the water was.

Finally, I overcame myself and felt that I had to be brave to challenge. I walked to the Lotus Leaf Bridge and gently stepped on the first foam board. Suddenly, I was very happy that it was not difficult! But when I stepped on the second board, the foam shook, and my body began to rise and fall, suddenly I felt dizzy and dizzy. No! I have to go back. I'm going back.

The second time, I went up again. This time, when I came to the middle, I thought I was going to succeed, but a man ran to me. When he came to me, the foam board could not bear it, and we both fell into the water together. I was shocked and thought: This is over, I have become a drowned rat.

When I dragged my wet body ashore, I felt a sense of retreat, but I could not help looking back at others who were walking like flies from the Lotus Leaf Bridge. No, the clothes are wet anyway, so I'd better do it again. This time I took the first step carefully, then the second and third steps

I succeeded, I finally succeeded. As I approached the shore, I could not restrain my joy and shouted. The sky is blue and the sun is bright. Looking back, the Lotus Leaf Bridge is no longer far away. Some of my friends dare not play, so I said to them: How can you know you can't go there without trying? Don't be afraid of falling into the water and wetting your clothes. Go and have a try!

Yes, success is hard to come by. I lost my whole life in order to succeed, but there is no way to compare the joy after success! In the future, I will persist in whatever I do until the moment of success!

Accomplish Composition (11)

Military training is to live like a soldier and learn the tough and beautiful qualities of a soldier. notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


During the vacation after the high school entrance examination, I had a deep understanding of military training. I searched microblog all over the holiday and thought I was ready. Zhihu, just for military training. In this way, I welcomed the first military training in the three years of high school with great expectations.


The night before the military training, the head teacher introduced the military training schedule to us. Among them, the most difficult thing for me to overcome is to go to bed at 10 p.m. and get up at 6 a.m. During the holiday, my biological clock completely ran counter to the rest time of military training, but closely matched the American time. But I have to face this challenge and overcome it.

After I got up in the afternoon nap, another fear was thrown in front of me in the standing posture for 30 minutes. For me who was born with ADHD, it was clearly the suppression of nature, which would take half my life!


Under the suppression of the "obscenity" of the military training, I thought there would be no fun in the military training these days. Fortunately, I finally found that it was just my self righteousness. The humor of the students, the diversity of military training content, and the cold humor of the instructors all brought us a trace of cool and joy under the scorching sun.


After the military training, I have made great changes. I insisted on the training tasks that I thought could not be completed. I thought I would move when I stood in the military posture, I would never sleep when I slept, I would never get up when I got up, I would never insist on military training, my face would never be able to bear the sun, but unexpectedly, I did not move when I stood in the military posture, and I could easily go to bed at ten o'clock. It was stipulated that I would get up at six o'clock, and I would be able to get up after five o'clock. All the subjects of military training were adhered to, I can keep training in the hot sun

These changes, ranging from big character to small words and deeds, are the result of serious military training, which really proves that my military training is not in vain. All the sweat and tears flowing through have condensed into crystal clear amber. Through the years, through the wind and rain, they are forever treasured in the bottom of my heart. They accompany me along the way and light a bright light for me who may be lost in the dark.

Military training is to live like a soldier and learn the tough and beautiful qualities of a soldier.

It's my honor that I did it.

Accomplish Composition (12)

When I was in primary school, my singing voice was generally recognized as good, so every time, I was always useful in some activities organized in the class.

Once, the school organized a "Campus Singer Competition", requiring each class to have at least one student participate. At that time, the head teacher did not think about it, so he strongly recommended me. But I was a little flustered. I thought: with my little trick, although it was no problem to sing two sentences in class, if I had to face so many students in the school, if I could not sing well, it would not only humiliate the class but also disgrace myself. So I told my teacher my idea and hoped that she could replace me.

"Xiaowei, you have to believe in yourself. Everyone sees that you have strengths in this field. Now, we will give you a stage to perform well. Do you want to give up this hard chance?" Under the teacher's persuasion, I agreed to this competition.

The game finally kicked off on this day, but I still have no confidence in myself. I felt more and more nervous as I watched one after another step off the stage

"Let's invite the last contestant of today to play." In a burst of thunderous applause, I gradually stepped onto the stage. The dazzling flash light made me unable to open my eyes, but also let me temporarily put down my anxiety. The familiar music gradually came back to me, and I also began to enter the state: "Who can remember who said it first, love me forever, the former words are our wounds in the future......"

As the music gradually faded away, I was intoxicated with my own music kingdom and could not let go for a long time. The music stopped and my singing ended. At this moment, I saw that every student in the class, every teacher, and every judge in front of the stage were applauding for me, and I walked off the stage with applause

I will never forget that experience. Because I overcame difficulties and overcame myself. Since then, I am no longer afraid to perform and speak in front of everyone. My courage has also grown in the usual exercise. Anything, as long as you give yourself a little confidence, you will find that, in fact, your so-called difficulties are nothing at all.

Accomplish Composition (13)

One's life will always encounter setbacks, and then grow. That time I went through many difficulties, and I really did it!

When I was in the third grade of primary school, I had the first "private car" belonging to me. At that time, I jumped three feet high happily when I knew it. Unexpectedly, I also had a "private car". For this "private car", I decided that I must conquer it. However, it's easier said than done. For me, whose balance force is almost zero, riding a bicycle is not easy. On my first attempt, I stepped on the pedals slowly and held the handlebars with trembling hands. My body and the car shook from side to side. Within five seconds, even people with bicycles came to the earth for an intimate hug. I patted the dirt on my body and helped the car up. It is the so-called failure that is the mother of success. Slowly, I will succeed! Two times, three times, five times... all ended in failure, and I gradually became tired of it. From the beginning, the fierce fire that wanted to conquer it was going out. I put my bicycle aside and looked at it silently. I could not help complaining: Is this bicycle magical? Why do I fall down every time I ride it? Can't I even control this small car? It's impossible. It must be the car... Why don't I try again? OK, so it's decided. Try again for the last time, in case of success. I got on the bike again and pedaled slowly with two feet. This time, neither my body nor the bike swayed left or right. I crossed the grass, reached downstairs, and then stopped. This series of movements are almost perfect. I looked at the bike and froze for a few seconds, then shouted happily. I did it, I did it, I really did it!

When you work hard, you will get a harvest; When you overcome difficulties, you will see the rainbow after the rain; You will make unremitting efforts and you will succeed.

Accomplish Composition (14)

Our life is colorful. In the lovely campus, many moments are still fresh in our memory. What impressed me most was the autumn sports meeting

"Our school sports meeting is about to start, please actively sign up." When the teacher announced the beginning of the autumn sports meeting on the platform, the students were cheering, but I was not happy. It's not because I'm not good at sports, but because I don't know what sports I want to participate in. "Go for the 60 meter dash, no way, I can't run fast in the short run; go for the 400 meter dash, no way, my endurance is not very good; go for the high jump, no way, I'm afraid I can't jump. The registration will be closed soon, and the number of girls in the class is still one short. I can't help but report the high jump and the 400 meter run.

On the day of the competition, I went to the court with my classmates and waited for the start of the competition. The fourth grade is going to jump so high, isn't it? When I saw the fourth grade contestants all jump past, I was shocked! Finally, it's our turn to the sixth grade. I looked at the list of contestants. What? I was the first one. My already nervous mood became more nervous.

With the referee's order, I went out now. Just before I touched the pole, I suddenly stopped. I was so nervous that I suddenly dared not jump. The referee teacher gave me another chance, "This time, we can't stop, we must jump over!" I said to myself. "Come on, Class 6 (3)! Come on, Class 6 (3)!" At this time, I heard the cheers from my classmates, and I felt confident. I rushed out and jumped over with a gentle leap. Ha! I jumped over and I did it. It's great!

I will never forget this experience in my life. Although I only won the fourth place, it taught me that only by believing in myself can I succeed!

Accomplish Writing (15)

Do you believe it? How high a person can fly depends entirely on his determination and confidence. Some people may say that it is difficult for people to make up their minds, but there are many blind and confident people. I think this idea is more or less biased. Personally, I think some people are less confident, but they are always forcing themselves to make up their minds to work hard. I am such a person. I always feel inferior and feel inferior.

Many people of my age have either achieved academic success or have married and had children, while I am still unaccompanied without success. In fact, it's sad to think that others have fulfilled my dream, while I am so humble, ordinary and ordinary in the crowd. I used to complain about the unfair fate and my lack of intelligence. But in fact, it seems that I should complain that I didn't work hard enough.

I am a patient with depression. Influenced by this disease, I am more sensitive and suspicious, and I cannot make up my mind to make efforts, because this disease itself will lose interest in things I was interested in before. However, life should go on anyway, and without hard work, there will only be one result, that is, not as good as people.

Sometimes I wonder why I live so hard, why I live so badly, but I also think of a sentence: "Don't complain, everything depends on yourself." So I summon up the courage to force myself to see how high I can fly. Even if I fail in the end, as long as I try my best, I will have no regrets.

I often see some disabled and determined girls on the browser. Some are similar to me, some are younger than me, and some are much older than me. Their persistence in dreams is extraordinary. Although their bodies are limited, their souls are one in a hundred persevering. After many hardships, they finally achieved success.

Therefore, I analyzed my problem, that is, laziness and lack of confidence. Indeed, in addition to self-confidence, a person must be diligent, so that he may have the chance to succeed. Because there is no crowding on the road to success, confident and diligent people are the best ones selected for success. Since then, I have learned to persevere, and I am no longer so humble. Instead, I have learned to make progress while being modest. I believe that as long as I know how to work hard and work harder, I can do what others can do.

Accomplish Composition (16)

··········Grandpa, I have achieved that I used to be a naughty, naughty little girl. I don't know how high and thick the sky is. I do this because I have a grandfather who loves me very much. My grandpa loved me so much that when someone touched me lightly, he felt extremely distressed. Grandpa likes to watch me smile. As long as I don't smile, Grandpa will feel that I am being bullied. Grandpa also often makes me laugh. We are inseparable every day and live happily every day. But happy times are always short. Grandpa is sick and very sick. He can't play with me anymore. I can't see Grandpa laughing. Every day after that, I only saw the word "pain" on my grandpa's face. Looking at him, my heart was very painful. I wanted to pray to God: I would use my ten year life to exchange for grandpa's health. Maybe God heard my prayer and thought I was silly to let me end this idea. That night, Grandpa was sent to the emergency room with sudden deterioration. Grandpa was in a coma all the time. One day, two days, three days... Grandpa finally woke up. When he woke up, he didn't do anything, so he asked Dad to take me to him to see me. When I saw Qiao hage's grandfather, I didn't say anything, so I began to cry. I said to grandpa, "grandpa, I'm sorry, I hurt you. If I didn't make you play with me every day, you wouldn't be tired and sick. Sorry grandpa, I'm sorry." Grandpa answered me with his delicate voice: "Nana, it's not your fault, it's grandpa's failure to protect his body. You are not only not wrong, but also good. You make grandpa laugh every day, and grandpa is in a happy mood." My heart was much calmer after hearing what grandpa said. Every day later, I accompanied my grandpa, and he recovered well. Everyone thought that my grandpa was getting better soon... Maybe it was because of my lack of sincerity. God took my grandpa away. When he left, he said to me, "Nana, you must remember, no matter how difficult and sad you are, you must face it with a smile. Grandpa wants to see you smile again." After listening to my grandfather's words, I dried my tears and gave him the sweetest smile to accompany him to another strange world. Grandpa saw my smile and he left me forever, even though I could not accept everything. Everyone cried, except me. Because this is what Grandpa wants. Finally, I want to tell my grandpa, "grandpa, I have done it. I have lived every day with a smile, faced all difficulties with a smile, and faced all sadness with a smile. I have done it, grandpa, have you seen it? I have not let you down!"