600 word composition on smile (20 compilations)
Understanding Heart
2024-01-07 01:55:11
topic of conversation

600 word composition on smile (1)

Smile, show your smile, let the sun illuminate the world. The following is the composition about that smile compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. I hope everyone likes it!

600 word composition 1 on that smile:

As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success". Success needs a smile, failure needs a smile, there is nothing in the world that does not need a smile.

Everyone knows the story of Helen Keller. After suffering misfortune, she smiled and faced life and achieved great success. "Face failure with a smile" is the truth I learned from my admirers. My admirer, Sang Lan, is a famous athlete who was once active in gymnastics. When Sang Lan participated in the Fourth Good Games held in the United States, she was injured accidentally, resulting in paralysis. However, she fought against the disability with indomitable will and optimistic attitude, and won people's praise and respect. I understand that optimistic strength is really strong. I was touched by the spirit of the three columns. She experienced so many setbacks and was optimistic. However, I was often depressed because I didn't do well in an exam. Although an exam was nothing, I had already left everything behind when I was depressed. Even if you need to smile, smile and say "I can do it!" to difficulties. Smile is to say "I'm not proud!" to victory. As long as there is a smile, success will be closer to you. If Sang Lan is depressed after being injured, can she become a famous disabled sports reporter? There is no one who does not need to smile, and no one can avoid failure. Only by smiling at failure can we narrow the distance between success and success. Binge, you can always stand in an invincible position in human life.

No one can taste the taste of failure. No one has a smooth life. The perfect life is made of success, failure and tears. Just like: How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain. Only by embracing an optimistic and positive heart can we have happiness. A wise man is always defeated. If Edison gave up the experiment because of too many failures, he would not invent the electric light. He succeeded. He first had a successful heart.

There are storms and rainbows in a perfect life. Only by smiling at everything can we be closer to success.

The 600 word composition about that smile II:

Bing Xin once said: Not every red stone can flow into the sea, but the one that does not flow will become a dead lake; Not every seed will grow into a towering tree, but it will never grow and will always be an empty shell. Living is the formation of life, and smile is the most brilliant flower in life; Only with a smile can you overflow the sand and run happily; Only with a smile can you break through the ground and grow into a towering tree.

I once saw such a thing in the newspaper. On a plane leading to a certain place, a passenger asked the attendant for a cup of coffee, but because the attendant was very busy, he accidentally spilled the coffee he handed to the passenger all over. The passenger was very angry and said he would complain to the stewardess, but instead of complaining, the stewardess smiled and apologized to the passenger, Every time when he passed the passenger, he seemed to be smiling warmly and generously to serve him. After the plane arrived, the passenger found the stewardess and said to him sincerely, "I'm sorry."

I remember one time when I took an exam in school, and the result was very unsatisfactory, and it was also the worst exam I ever had. When I returned home at the weekend, I didn't dare to confess my grades to my parents, so I went to class in the afternoon. I wrote on a piece of paper: "Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't meet your expectations in this exam, which disappointed you." I put the paper in the most obvious place and went to class. When I came back, I took a look at the paper, To my surprise, my father replied on the note: It doesn't matter. Next time, I will try my best to refuel and draw a smiling face beside me. My father's smile appeared in my mind. I was overjoyed. My mood was as if it was dark clouds, a ray of sunshine suddenly came out, and it warmed up all of a sudden, which made me pick myself up again on the road to success and walk calmly.

From vaguely remembering things to now, there are many lives left. That touch makes me recall for a long time. That touch may be after getting rid of troubles but troubles, or after receiving unexpected surprises, that touch of my world is warm and sunny. It can't help but appear at the corners of my mouth. Maybe it will spread everywhere.

It is really worthy of Mark Twain's saying that human beings have an effective weapon, that is, laughter.

600 word composition 3 about that smile:

Someone said: Why don't I smile? I was tongue tied. Yes, why not smile. Is it unbearable? Or does life make you miserable? Did you fail? Still, no matter what, the smile is gradually away from us.

Why should we smile? Isn't life just like an angry bird? When you are depressed about a bird fight, there will always be a few pigs laughing. If a dozen birds kill a pig, when you laugh, there will always be a few pigs crying. Only when we face failure with a smile and follow the enemy, will the enemy smile at you. If you cry to the enemy, he will laugh at you

At all times and in all over the world, how many people fail and how many win with smiles?

Su Dongpo has been demoted several times. If he were a layman, he might have been unbearable. However, he has withstood repeated shocks, leaving this place of peace of mind as our family's swan song. He smiles in the face of failure, frustration, and life.

Yes, there are too many smiling people. Everyone is our teacher. Beethoven used his life to interpret the Symphony of Destiny; Sima Qian was wronged into Historical Records; Zhang Haidi learned by himself in pain; General MacArthur was persuaded to leave West Point twice. But later it became famous in history; Hossain, the great Egyptian writer, wrote light in the dark world; Ah Bing played "Spring Reflected in February"; Ostrovsky tells you a truth with his life: "How Steel Is Tempered"; At the Paralympic Games, life smiled with its damaged body!

Friend, please tell me. Why don't you smile? What's the reason for losing in life?

Why should I praise and smile? Because he is a wise artist. He pulled himself together. After the failure, pat the ash to cheer up again; His magnanimity can tolerate all mistakes; He is gracious and does not haggle with others; He is enthusiastic and can always keep singing enthusiastically; He is strong and will not fall down at any time.

If people can be defeated, they can't be defeated! Because we always have a smile to help you get up!

600 word composition on smile (2)

I came to my father-in-law's portrait again and looked at his kind face and sweet smile. It seemed that my father-in-law came back to me. My father-in-law is a tall and thin old man. It seems that a gust of wind can blow him down. In the past, he always wore a tall hat and a gray cloth shirt, holding a long pipe in his left hand, and looked at me with a smile. However, just this summer, my father-in-law left and never came back! My father-in-law used to be a captain when he was young, and he did a good job, but he also developed the habit of wandering around. Every time he came back, he always said that this family killed pigs and that family built houses, which made him a news officer on the mountain.

My father-in-law is approachable, and people in the village trust him very much. No matter what happens, I always invite my father-in-law to visit, comment and make suggestions. In my impression, my father-in-law is a good fisherman. Every holiday, my family always wants to go back to our hometown. My father-in-law is very happy. He puts down his pipe and drags out the fishing net, greets me and unties the rope quickly. When I came to the pond, my father-in-law quickly cast the net and pulled it up again. I saw several white fish jumping in the net, so there was a large plate of delicious fish on the table! My father-in-law is a literate in the village. He knows everything about the stories of the Three Kingdoms and Liangshan heroes. When I was a child, listening to my father-in-law tell the story of Golden Hook and Li Beard, I still have a good feeling for thieves!

There are several peach trees behind the house of my hometown. When I was young, my father-in-law sent me two baskets full of peaches every time the peaches were ripe, bending his back. My father-in-law would go back again within a day. He always said that his home was busy. Watching the tall and thin figure of my father-in-law go away, I felt extremely painful in my heart. This summer, my father-in-law fell ill. He was curled up in the cool chair, skinny, his eyes faded, and blinked feebly. It was chilling to see him! We gathered around my father-in-law and couldn't speak. My father-in-law opened his mouth, stretched out his hand and said with difficulty: Peach! At this time, my whole body was trembling, and tears welled up. My father-in-law, at the last moment of his life, is also thinking about his descendants. He is so kind and selfless! My father-in-law has gone, he has left us forever. What he left us is the eternal smile on the portrait. He has always loved to smile. He used to be, and he is now.

Grandpa, I miss you. I want you to fish for me, tell stories for us, and eat the peaches you picked for me!

600 word composition on smile (3)

If life is a piece of music, then smile is one of the jumping notes; If life is a picture, then smile is to paint a brilliant color; If life is a big tree, then smile is the green leaves on the tree. Life can not do without a smile. Starting with a smile, we will find many beautiful scenes in life.

Starting with a smile, we will find friendship between friends. After having a quarrel with friends, I went home every day and watched the sunset slowly set. Suddenly, I felt sad. Without the company of my friends, there was less laughter and laughter on the road, and even the grass on the roadside became decadent. At this time, a familiar figure appeared on the road. I hesitated, and finally they looked at each other with a smile. That smile, like a bright light, melted the ice wall in my heart, lit up the dark heart, and let me find the long separated friendship.

Starting with a smile, we will build a bridge between strangers. When the red light came on, I braked hard, but the car didn't stop in time and hit the previous car. The man had to cry "ah". I thought that he would turn around and scold. Unexpectedly, the man looked back and smiled faintly. That smile, like a bond, connects the hearts of strangers, and gives me a bridge to communicate with strangers.

Starting with a smile, we will feel the strong and great life of the disabled. I can't forget the Thousand Hands Guanyin at the Spring Festival Gala. It's a beautiful show with delicate hands, sweet smiles, gorgeous lights and soft music, which seems to bring the audience into a mythical realm. They are special actors who can't hear music, but turn notes into beautiful dances. They did, and they defeated the fate of the arrangement with the tenacious force of life. I was shocked and moved by the sustained applause from the audience. The smiles of the audience are like a mirror, reflecting the strength of the disabled and the greatness of life.

Smile is a beacon, a bridge, and a mirror. It allows us to discover friendship, build bridges, and understand life.

Starting with a smile, the music of life will be more pleasant, the picture of life will be more gorgeous, and the trees of life will be more robust.

600 word composition on smile (4)

The sky has regained the blue of yesterday, but yesterday's Enron has disappeared. Seeing the birds flying in the treetops, the prosperity is scattered. I feel the holiness of all this, the sacred essence of nature, and the hardships and beauty of growth—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Dream of branches, light up the pink world, and feel the charm of spring. At this time, peach blossoms, like sand, cover the mountains, showing charming, enchanted, and a faint sense of shame hidden in the valley, dotted the valley, showing pink beauty. The golden winter jasmine is dotted in the mountains, making up for the last regret of the mountain. There are no lofty mountains, no low valleys, hidden among them, speckled. I feel the beauty of the world at this time, I experience the vitality of life at this time, and move towards new sunshine. Experiencing this new beginning, my heart inevitably planted several seeds of ideal. Waiting for the dream to sprout.

The sun in midsummer lights up my window lattice. I know that the first leaf has quietly climbed onto the branch and settled down in the sunny corner. Everything is breeding so fast. Listening to the ding dong sound of the spring eye, with the beat of the frog jumping, the sun shines into my heart through several beams of green shade, making the seed of ideal sprout into a dream. I experience every day of life. Although I know that after autumn, the dream in my heart can only be fragrant at this moment. The cool wind blows, and the dream also withers along the way.

The scorching sun has passed, and the good opportunity has also been squandered, ushering in a withered color. But the vitality is less, and the exuberant excitement has disappeared. When the golden wind passed, it sent a long wisp of fragrance. Although there is no hot summer sun, more is full of desolation. The fallen leaves are hidden in the earth, and the world is withered and yellow. Looking at the dream in my heart, how many fruits are ripe and bright red? Everything is still unknown.

The withered leaves are gone, and the coming things are more cold. The wind blows up the residual clouds, which also take away the color of the world. There is no color, no gloss, only a piece of turbidity and vicissitudes. More is at a loss, blowing off the cold heart. I can only wait for the next spring sun to shine into my heart and melt the cold heart. Waiting for the next warmth, germination, dream, nature of the sun and moon.

I smile because I grow up.

600 word composition on smile (5)

There is a kind of flower in the world that will not wither, that is, the flower of smile. It is open wherever there is a crowd, regardless of season, north or south. The more noble the soul is, the more beautiful the flower of smile is. It is just like the warmth of the first ray of sunshine in the morning, and the passion of waves hitting the rocks.

The vicissitudes of history have witnessed Li Qingzhao, a woman who "has a dream that no one is close to her, and her lover is the only one who is crazy for thousands of years". It is always hard to imagine what kind of historical background has created a strange woman like Li Qingzhao. Many people who read Li Qingzhao's poems will always have to lament what kind of day and night expectations are, and toss and turn, making this picturesque woman thin and yellow.

What kind of historical years made this water like girl sigh "When will the glass stop. In fact, I had such doubts when I read Li Qingzhao's poems, but what attracted me more was that the thin and yellow daughter faced the distant responsibility of her husband, and the decline of the country did not bow to fate.

Instead, he gave God a big smile and re recognized himself. "Three glasses of two poisonous wine can't defeat the night wind." I believe that the thin fingers must have had a feeling of "drinking to ease their sorrows" when they abandoned the wine. Thanks to Li Qingzhao, who said "no" to the bad luck in the bitter experience, they left a cultural treasure handed down through the ages and decorated the Grand View Garden of literature.

There was Li Qingzhao in the Song Dynasty, and there was Sima Qian in the Han Dynasty. In order to intercede for General Li Ling, Sima Qian angered Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and was sentenced to the most cruel punishment in the palace. He was shameless in prison. He thought it was the most humiliating thing for a man in his life, but would you think that Sima Qian would fall? If you think so, you are wrong. Sima Qian was full of strength when he remembered his father's unfulfilled wish in prison and wrote the first general history of China. Mr. Lu Xun's evaluation of the historical records is "the swan song of a historian, the unrivalled Li Sao". After this evaluation, Sima Qian's lifelong efforts gathered. I want to tell Sima Qian that your smile, Let's look at it with new eyes.

Let's learn the spirit of Li Qingzhao and Sima Qian, and face life with a smile, then our life will be more exciting!

600 word composition on smile (6)

In our life, there are smiles everywhere. In everyone's memory, there will be several unforgettable smiles: Mona Fusha's mysterious smile; Liu Xiaoqing's sweet smile; The stewardess smiled kindly; Liu Xiang's smile of victory... However, in my memory, there is a smile that always inspires me to forge ahead and cheer me up. Ah, my unforgettable smile, eternal smile.

It was the morning of early summer. I had just failed two courses in the exam. After being scolded by my mother, I quarreled with my good friend again. I was in a bad mood. I really wanted to find a place to cry. "Alas, how unlucky! I caught up!" I kicked a stone with hatred to vent my anger.

"What's wrong?" As the stones rolled, a question came. I looked up and saw that it was her, my old classmate. I had a conflict with her, and both sides ignored each other. Now, she asked me on her own initiative. Maybe she forgot those things in recent years, and I lowered my head.

She came over and stood beside me and said to me, "You are angry, aren't you? I used to be like this. I was angry when encountering unpleasant things, and discouraged when encountering setbacks. After many times of encountering obstacles, I realized that people are alive and can't be disturbed by unpleasant things, can't let themselves yield to setbacks, and can't let themselves sink. Since then, I have smiled in the face of unhappiness, frustration and life. I hope you can cheer up like me and use a smile instead of being unhappy, OK? " Then she smiled. I stared at her blankly, and she was still smiling. Ha, I really should smile.

From that day on, whenever I encounter something unpleasant, I think of the beautiful morning and her smile, which is far more beautiful than the smile of the Mona Lisa, Liu Xiaoqing and the stewardess, and I feel that the smile is more cordial. In this way, I can't help laughing.

Life is full of smiles. Everyone should face life with a smile. Make life more exciting. Friend, don't you want to smile?

600 word composition on smile (7)

Smile is a spring in the vast desert, a barrier in the chilly wind, and a big umbrella under the hot sun. It is passed around the corner of the mouth, giving people infinite power.

In the afternoon of the sports meeting, school is off. But I have to run to a place far away from home to take a special class, and my resentment is very high. But I had no choice but to take the car to class.

I put my earphones into my ears in anger and rode on my bike. I complained and rode absentmindedly.

I rode my bike with a worried face. Just as I was about to reach my destination, I heard a scream that was about to break my eardrums. Look down, ah! I pressed someone's foot, said I was sorry in a hurry, and then ran away on my bike. It seemed that I caught a glimpse of his smile when I apologized. I didn't think about it, because the scene just happened was too soul stirring.

I came to the place where I had classes with fear, parked my car in the parking area, locked it up, and my mind had already gone out of my mind. Worried about the negligence just now, complained about this course.

"Guess who I am, "Sorry, I'm in a bit of a bad mood today. Don't worry about it." Then he frowned and rubbed his temples with his hands.

When I opened my eyes, I found that my eyes were not the angry face I imagined, but a charming smile, which seemed to be waiting for something.

"Smile doesn't like being alone, because only one person's smile is not perfect." She still doesn't change the smile.

I got the idea, slightly cocked up the corners of my mouth, and entered the classroom with her.

Because I learned that smile doesn't like being alone, and only one person's smile is not perfect.

600 word composition on smile (8)

I was a girl who loved to smile when I was young, and I hope to bring a smile to everyone around me. My good friend (I won't say her name) is a girl who studies very well, and almost everything is excellent, but she is timid, but she also likes to laugh like me.

I remember a class meeting in primary school. The school asked each class to hold a class meeting on the theme of "learning experience". The teacher wanted a person who learned well to tell everyone how she learned so well on the platform, so she thought about saying: (My friend's name), you can tell us. "When my friend heard this, she looked at the teacher in surprise. I didn't know what to do, so she had to step onto the platform slowly. All the students looked at her. She seemed more nervous, and her face was a little red. So she turned her eyes to me. I saw that she was afraid, but I couldn't do anything, because I could never help her all my life! I hope she can be brave and just smile at her, because I think smile is the best encouragement for people, and I think my smile can make her less nervous.

She seemed to understand my meaning. Gradually, she stopped stuttering and spoke to us in a low voice. Instead, she told us her learning experience in a loud and beautiful voice... From then on, I loved smiling even more and passed it on to everyone. I hope everyone in the world likes smiling like me.

I remember once reading a report about a female college student who was going to report for college. On the way, she suddenly saw a thief being chased by a woman. The woman kept saying loudly, "Catch the thief..." When the college student learned that, she stopped the thief and the thief tried to push her away.

Unexpectedly, the university student grabbed his clothes and refused to let him run away. Seeing that the woman was coming, the thief had no choice but to take out a knife to intimidate her, but the university student still refused to let go, so the thief stabbed her with the knife, but the university student still held on. The thief was afraid, threw down the money, and took the opportunity to escape. The woman came after the university student, and when she saw that the university student's arm was full of blood, she was frightened to cry, The college students had to comfort her with a smile. The women were moved by her and decided to be optimistic and smiling in the future

Maybe now you are worried about the test paper, maybe you are quarreling with your parents, maybe you are worried about your homework... Even if you are unhappy because of these, why not face life with a smile! Smile, maybe you will forget all your troubles. Let's smile more and bring a smile to everyone!

600 word composition on smile (9)

Give yourself a smile, maybe it can inspire you, maybe it can make you confident, maybe it can make you face difficulties without fear

One day in Grade 5, the school held the annual winter sports meeting. At the sports meeting, the students showed their skills and broke the records of many projects.

But what I remember most is the tug of war in the class. As soon as the whistle sounded, the team members of both sides made every effort to bite their teeth tightly and shouted from time to time. I also participated in it.

In the first and second rounds, our class won the first round completely, but in the third round, our physical strength was insufficient. We wanted to loosen the hemp rope at any time and spread it on the grass for a rest. But my nervous system disagreed. It kept me going like a farce clock saying, "Come on! Hold on! Victory is ahead! Come on! Hold on..." It seemed to hypnotize me and kept talking.

The strength of our two classes is similar, and hemp rope has been hovering around the middle line, unwilling to make a choice. At this time, the head teacher smiled and shouted, "Come on! Children! You are the best! Come on..." After listening to this, I always want to work hard to win honor for the class, but I can't do it alone. What should I do? Suddenly, a crisp and powerful words came to my ears: "One two, one two, one two... Come on! Give yourself a smile, we will win!" Who said? It was the "leader" of our class who encouraged everyone. This speech was full of power, which made us full of fighting spirit. I gradually relaxed, slightly raised the corners of my mouth, and suddenly, a warm current from my heart filled me with power. The students worked hard together, raised their mouths and closed their eyes. A long whistle came to our ears. Our class won, our class won! Tears of excitement and joy filled his eyes

Give yourself a smile, give yourself a timely smile, will certainly make you succeed!

600 word composition on smile (10)

Smile can make people happy, smile can give encouragement, smile can make people feel relieved and friendly, smile can let me regain confidence from failure, smile can also let me become confident.

This year, the school held a rope skipping contest, and the contestants should select six people from each class.

Today, the head teacher is going to select people from the class to participate in the rope skipping competition. When I learned about it, my heart beat incessantly. The teacher selected two boys and four girls from the class. I am one of the four girls. When I heard that the teacher selected me, I was very nervous. I was afraid of dragging the total score of the class. Thinking about it, I lost confidence in myself.

In the evening, I lay in bed, my heart could not be calm for a long time, thinking: What should I do if I lose the game tomorrow? What if our class loses? I'm very worried! So I fell asleep in a daze.

In the morning, I came to school. In the first class, I was very inattentive, because the second class competition began. As time went by, the game began. The head teacher of each class came to the game with the players of their own class.

Coming here, the game will begin. Although our class was the last one to play in the third grade, it did not relieve my nervous mood.

Watching other classes dance so well, I thought to myself: Why can't I dance so well when others dance so well? At this time, I smiled and said to myself, "Don't worry, you can do it." My nervous mood slowly calmed down, and suddenly I was full of confidence in myself.

It's time for our class to come on stage. I took a long breath, calmed down my nervousness, picked up the skipping rope and got ready. As soon as the whistle sounded, the game began. I shook the rope and jumped up briskly. I jumped to the end with my best efforts. The result of the game came out, and our class won the first place. I was very happy.

This competition has benefited me a lot. I understand that a smile gives me confidence and strength to overcome difficulties.

600 word composition on smile (11)

"After the plaster is removed, you can walk. You must practice hard." "OK, thank you, doctor."

I got up from the wheelchair, hung one foot, and jumped out of the ward. Although the doctor said I could walk, I still dared not put my foot down easily. At this time, my father behind me kicked my uninjured leg hard and said coldly, "Will you walk well? What a spectacle?" I steadied my body that was almost kicked by my father, slowly put down the hanging right foot and took a small step.

At the moment when the right foot landed, the marble floor under the foot was not smooth, but covered with thick pins, flashing cold light, each of which deeply pierced my skin and penetrated my bones. Instinctively, I raised my left foot and landed quickly. I looked back at my father and longed for a little encouragement, even a little. But I only got a basin of cold water: walk well, or don't go home.

I was worried. My eyes were wet with tears, but I didn't dare to fall down in public. "Child, come here and sit down." It's Grandma's voice! I looked around and saw Grandma sitting on a bench, calling me. I tried to bear the pain and walked slowly to stand beside Grandma. Grandma patted the chair gently to show me to sit down. I gave my father a timid look. Grandma gently comforted me, "It's OK, sit down." I just sat down.

At this time, Grandma took out a small mirror she carried with her, held it in front of me, and said, "Come, smile in the mirror." Although I didn't understand why, I still did. Grandma held up the mirror while slowly stroking my hair and said, "Look, how lovely you are smiling. Children, don't forget to give yourself a smile when encountering setbacks."

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled lovingly, as if I could break through all the difficulties ahead. My running figure appeared in front of me, and my heart was full of strength. With the help of my grandmother and my own efforts, I smiled and finally took a real step.

600 word composition on smile (12)

One night, a lightning cut through the silence of the city. In a short time, it was already stormy outside. Unfortunately, I had a high fever at this time, and my mother could not care so much. She put on high heels and ran out with me on her back.

When the rain hit my face, I woke up and only saw my mother's blurred back. At that time, the cold wind was howling, and I just kept shouting: "Mom! I'm cold, I'm cold." Mom turned her head, endured the wind and rain, smiled and said: "My dear son, I'm going to the hospital soon, bear with it." Mom only talked to me, but didn't notice that there was a stone at her feet. Mom fell down. What about me? It happened to be on my mother's body. I quickly got up from her, and saw her clothes were wet and covered with mud. "My dear son, didn't you fall?" My mother got up and patted the mud on her body.

"No, Mom, I... cough... cough... go by myself." I kept coughing. My mother pretended to be angry and said, "Look! You still have a fever. Let your mother carry it quickly, or she won't love you." I tried to hold back my tears and climbed onto her back again, saying, "Mom, I won't make you angry in the future." "This is my good son." Then my mother ran to the hospital again, I suddenly noticed how my mother was limping when she ran! When I saw it, I found that my mother's high-heeled shoes had broken a corner. My mother didn't care that my high-heeled shoes had broken for me. At this time, I couldn't help crying around my eyes as early as possible. With the rhythm of the rain, I now hate why I used to make my mother angry instead of giving her more care.

Alas -- I suddenly remembered that my mother used to give me the biggest egg to eat. I always thought that this was what I should do as a mother. Without even saying thank you, I grabbed the egg and began to eat it. I only saw my mother smiling at me. I used to like to eat double cooked pork. Every time I eat double cooked pork, I always eat a piece of it. My mother would not eat a piece of meat. When I was devouring meat, I only saw my mother smiling at me. I still remember the winter night when my mother and I were walking along the river. The cool wind was whistling. I felt a little cold from time to time and shouted to my mother, "Mom! I'm so cold!" My mother didn't speak. She took off her coat and gave it to me. I felt warm only to see her smiling at me

I thought about it and fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw my mother smiling at me. I suddenly felt extremely warm. I also laughed and jumped off the stool. I found that I had already arrived at the hospital. After my mother bought the medicine according to the doctor's instructions, she led me back. The sky is dark blue, only the moon in the sky is smiling at me

600 word composition on smile (13)

Smile is a kind of silent and kind language.

Smile is a kind of silent and moving music.

Smile is a noble expression of human beings.

Smile is always the bright sunshine in life

Friend, do you hold such a magic key firmly in your hand? Smile and sing the songs of life. Don't complain that life has given too many hardships, and don't complain that there are too many twists and turns in life. If the sea loses the billowing waves, it will lose its vigor; if the desert loses the wild dance of flying sand, it will lose its splendor; if life only pursues the smooth sailing of two and one lines, it will lose its charm of existence.

Smile and sing the songs of life. To sum up every failure as an attempt and not to feel inferior; Think of every success as a kind of luck, and don't be arrogant. In this way, smiling, playing leisurely string music, to face setbacks, to accept happiness, to taste loneliness, to shower sadness. Smile and sing the songs of life. Go to write the word "human" directly, live a dignity, live a power, do not flatter money, do not bow to power. Poverty is a simple song; Ordinary is a line of beautiful poetry. Smiling, we go to sing and sing, watch the world fly in peace, and appreciate the ups and downs of the world in loneliness.

Smile and sing the songs of life. Open your dusty heart and let narrow selfishness fade away; Let the free mind fly, let the open-minded tolerance return. In this way, a suddenly enlightened world will open in front of your eyes. Blue sky and white clouds, small bridges, flowing water... As you go along, the fragrance of flowers will linger on your nose, and the gorgeous rainbow will dance around you. Yes, our life really needs a smile. Smile is the sunshine of spring and the new green of spring. The trace of a smile left in my heart, the sun rises overhead, and the world is bright and warm.

Under the sun, that smile left a shock on my heart. It turns out that smile is the warmth of the sun.

600 word composition on smile (14)

"I like to see grass laughing, I like to see squirrels laughing, and I like to see Grandpa laughing" Ha ha, I believe everyone has heard this slogan! Today my topic is: Mom's Smile. So I'm proud to say that I like to see my mother smile.

My mother is in a bad mood these days. She tries hard to cook for me and check my homework every day. But I am so ignorant, and I make so many mistakes every day. I always get a bad score in the exam, so I can't let my mother worry about me. At this moment, I really see in my eyes, and the pain is in my heart. For several days, there is no smile on my mother's face. So, I secretly determined to make my mother laugh. In order to achieve this goal, I sacrificed all my rest time, locked myself in my small home, and started my creation. I carefully made a greeting card and wrote a blessing on it: Mom, I really want to see you smile. My teeth of Li Yuexin are willing to be laughed off by you. Mom, please smile! When I finished the card, I felt it was not enough. I secretly took out my mother's cosmetics and dressed myself as a clown in the mirror. When I finished, I was going to see my mother. I flew out as fast as I could and appeared in front of my mother. When she saw my masterpiece, she could not cry or laugh. She had tears in her eyes, but her face was happy. She smiled, It seems that my mother is sure of my careful planning! My mother stroked my head and said kindly, "Baby, thank you, my mother is so happy!

Although my mother was amused by me, I know that my own work is far from good enough. I want to see my mother smile every day, so I will study hard. I hope next time my mother is not amused by me, but she is proud to smile for me!

600 word composition on smile (15)

In our life, there are smiles everywhere. In everyone's memory, there will be several unforgettable smiles.

Mother's smile is warm. Once, because I didn't do well in the exam, I didn't dare to tell my mother. When my mother found out, she smiled and said to me, "It doesn't matter if we don't do well in the exam this time. Let's check and fill the gaps and try to get excellent results next time." Looking at my mother's smile, my nervous string relaxed. My mother's smile comforted me and promoted my progress. Ah! Mom, your smile is like a burning flame, warming my heart.

The teacher's smile is charming. Once I was playing with my new pencil sharpener during class. As you can see, my amiable appearance turned sunny to cloudy. I bowed my head to accept the baptism of the storm, but it was not long ago. When I looked up, I found the teacher was looking at me with a smile. I immediately put away the pencil sharpener, put my hand on the desk, and listened carefully. At that moment, the teacher's smile was like a jasmine, emitting a charming fragrance.

The smiles of students are full of encouragement. At the sports meeting, I participated in the long-distance running race. At first, I walked like a runaway wild horse running on the runway. Suddenly, I slipped and fell a dog gnawing mud. I almost couldn't get up in pain. At this time, students on both sides of the runway shouted my name, cheered me on, and gave me a smile. That smile prompted me to get up again when I fell down. So, I got up again, and ran up before I could catch the dust on my body. Finally, I won the first place. It was the smiles of my classmates that encouraged me, gave me strength, and let me defeat myself again.

Smile is an indispensable expression in our life. It urges us to get up in difficulties and inspires us to succeed. My mother's smile made me feel warm, my teacher's smile made me realize my mistakes, and the smiles of my classmates made me move forward. These smiles will become the most beautiful picture in my memory.

600 word composition on smile (16)

A person's life is always complicated, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, all these need us to find. But the smile in life is like a steering wheel, which needs you to control yourself.

Living in the secular world all day long, I always feel that I am just like the twittering little sparrows around me. I can neither see far nor fly high. Facing the life full of challenges, I forgot the radian on my mouth.

Every day, I repeat the same pace of life. I don't know my initial pursuit. I face stiffly to greet the test papers and bury the ridiculous scores with tears. Is this the so-called life? I am not reconciled. The middle of the term is coming, and I am so afraid, because it is another competition after all! Whether your grades are good or bad determines your attitude towards learning and the affirmation of others. If you get good grades, gossip will accompany you. In this case, it is better to put aside everything and not be discouraged when encountering setbacks, but to overcome them with a positive attitude; When encountering gossip, we don't need to return it with malicious words, but face it with an open-minded smile. Because smile contains tolerance, smile contains confidence, smile makes people open-minded, smile makes people warm

smile! You seem to be a budding bud, a driving force to break through difficulties, and a unique color in life! When sorrow and despair are intertwined, when life is facing unprecedented difficulties, let the smile turn into bright sunshine and dispel the haze of life!

Perhaps the rapid changes in life make us unpredictable, but as long as we are not discouraged in the difficult situation and treat each other with a smile, we believe that life will glow. Because we can never leave a smile, life is the same. So I believe that the colorful life must come from the existence of a smile!

Now, I'm finally relieved! No longer yelling troubles with a straight face all day, no longer fighting over some trivial matters, no longer sulking over a little dispute, and no more crying over a failed exam paper. I learned to smile and face the unknown life with a smile. Even if there will be a thunderbolt or a storm tomorrow, I will bear it calmly and face everything with a smile

Friend, the feeling of mouth rising is really good!

600 word composition on smile (17)

Smile is a wisp of spring breeze, which makes everyone move. Smile is a piece of sunshine that moves everyone physically and mentally. Everyone wants to have a smile, but everyone does not necessarily get it. And I have a smile, so I think I am the happiest person in the world, the happiest person.

I have a harmonious and happy family. My father is a farmer who deserves my pride and respect, but he will not waste his life because of his ordinary status. Instead, they worked hard in the fields. It is still the same with four seasons, spring and autumn. He is noble, competent and selfless because he has devoted himself to everything.

At home, my father likes to tell jokes and amuse my children. It always makes me have a naive and romantic smile. The reason why I say I have the happiest smile in the world is because of my father's love. Also out of a mother's love. My mother is also a competent farmer, and she likes her career. Similarly, he never looked down upon himself.

I always have confidence in myself and do everything perfectly. Unlike my father, my mother makes me smile with sweet words and jokes, but makes me happy with a special love. Everyone knows that maternal love is the most selfless sentence, so it is said that mothers use love to warm themselves, care for themselves, take care of themselves, so they are so happy. Only then can I have such a sweet smile. My mother values my life more than her life.

Every day when I get home to eat after the meal is done, I am told to do my homework carefully again and again after the meal. When my clothes were dirty, I didn't have time to wash them, so I quickly washed them and folded them in the wardrobe. My mother was afraid that I would be cold, so she watched me wear more clothes. Such days, day after day, year after year, made me full of happiness. So my mouth often shows a sweet smile. People around me often bring me smiles. For example, classmates, friends, teachers, uncles, aunts

It will bring me endless laughter. Every day, the students in school play some jokes in their spare time to amuse me; In class, the teacher saw me listless and absent-minded. The teacher will tell some jokes to guide us to listen attentively and improve our learning efficiency, and the students will laugh happily. Although this is just a common thing. But I can also find happiness from it; So everyone's smile is endless. We have to find and find for ourselves.

With a smile, I am a happy bird in the sky, I have the sky where I can fly, I have the warmth brought by my mother's feathers, I have the courage to dive high into the sky, I have the eyes that are proud of the earth, and I have a dream of happiness in the future. Smile is a fortune. With this smile, my life becomes more beautiful.

A sweet smile has infinite charm. Everyone, go and find it! Go out of the lonely world and into the happy world. Don't be a frog in the well, but become a happy bird in the sky singing and flying freely.

600 word composition on smile (18)

In my eyes, smile is a force. Teachers often say that self-confidence is essential, but do you know? The smile that some people once ignored is one of the sources of self-confidence.

When you look at the smile of others to you, will you be happy? Most people will be happy, but when a person frowns at you, will you be angry? Most people are so. Smiles can be seen everywhere, and they can also infect people around you when you smile carelessly. Maybe you have never found them, but it is the case when you carefully observe them.

Maybe you feel tired when you smile, and you are tired when you smile every day, even a little bored. But I want to tell you that you may be bored, but look at the people around you, they are also smiling. I used to hate math, math problems were annoying, and I fell asleep when listening to the math teacher. But you know, I slowly fell in love with math with a smile. No math teacher from Grade One to Grade Five made me like it, but Mr. Wang changed me.

I have loved to talk since I was in the first grade. There are many small movements. Teachers are also very upset. Other teachers either get angry and scold me, or make me stand and shout for parents. And Mr. Wang is no exception. At the beginning of school, I almost stood every day. Do you want to know why I like math? Mr. Wang always smiles in class. Although he sometimes loses his temper, he is good to us. Sometimes he is a little wordy, but he will teach us every question carefully. The smile inadvertently infected others, and I fell in love with mathematics among Mr. Wang's countless smiles.

Maybe when we grow up, we can't remember all people. At least I will remember those who smile. When smiling, people are the most beautiful. I think everyone has heard that beauty lies not in the appearance but in the heart. Although I wrote this article, I don't know how many people will smile, maybe very few. I think everyone has felt the power of a smile. Maybe you have smiled at a person from the bottom of your heart. Many years have passed, you may have forgotten, and the person you once smiled at will remember that smile. How precious that smile from the bottom of your heart is!

Smiling is actually very simple. Move your mouth to make others feel better, so let's smile together.

600 word composition on smile (19)

Mother is the greatest and noblest person in the world.

From birth, I was bathed in the sunshine of maternal love. In order to raise me well, a mother has done everything she can. What impressed me most was my mother's kind and sincere smile. I made progress, she smiled and praised me; When I made a mistake, she smiled and criticized me; When I was proud and complacent, she smiled and poured some cold water on me; When I am decadent and frustrated, she smiles to give me some impetus... I am a small tree growing up under the nectar of my mother's smile, and I am a small flower blooming under the warm spring breeze of my mother's smile.

I grow up day by day, but I don't know why. Mother's kind smile is no longer common. Instead, she often has a stern face. I am accompanied by my desk, desk lamp and countless exercises every day. "Doesn't mother love me?" I thought again and again, and denied it again and again. When I was a child, my mother taught me to write, recite poems, wash my clothes in cold winter, and tidy my room in the hot summer... One day when I was nine years old, at one o'clock in the middle of the night, it was pouring rain, lightning and thunder outside. I suddenly had a high fever. My father was not at home. My mother looked at me, looked out of the window, carefully put on my raincoat, and resolutely carried me to the hospital. I leaned on my mother's back and clearly heard her breathing. My heart was about to break. I said, "Mom, let me go down and go by myself!" My mother resolutely replied, "How can you do that? You have a high fever, how can you walk in the rain? Put on your raincoat, and don't get wet." My eyes could not help but get wet. The rainy road was slippery, and my mother nearly fell down when she tilted. When I stood firm, she asked me anxiously, "Is it all right?" I said, "It's all right!" My mother sighed with relief and said, "That's all right, that's all right." In this way, my mother carried me to the hospital with deep and shallow feet.

When the exam curls up in the hand again and again, a sense of inexplicability will always flow from the bottom of my heart to my chest. My nose is sour, but I can't help it. I'm afraid my classmates will see it. The bright red mark on the test paper told me everything. When my mother saw the test paper, her long lost smile was written on her face again. She smiled and said to me, "If you fall down, get up." This sentence accompanied me through more than ten years. It gave me strength and promoted my progress. I sincerely thanked my mother.

In the sun, I seem to see a gorgeous halo rising behind my mother. It is the halo that only immortals have in ancient legends. This is the most holy and inviolable light of motherhood! Look up to the light!

[Part II: Smile in the face of difficulties]

Nietzsche said: "As soon as human beings think, God laughs." The walls of the University of Paris are also painted with poetic slogans such as "living elsewhere". I used to like these things for a long time and regard them as shining truth. Of course, I hadn't read Heidi's story at that time.

Heidi in Atlanta spent her twenty third birthday in a special laboratory. The pale girl suffered from a strange disease when she was born. Her skin is allergic to the external environment. She has been living in the sterile laboratory made for her by scientists. Knife's mother did not hold her for a day. She spent her childhood alone and entered the youth alone. More cruelly, she cannot cry, because salty tears will corrode her skin. What kind of life is this? But Heidi smiled and told us: "I can surf the Internet. I like to imagine that there is my happy paradise."

Because she could not shed tears, Heidi chose to smile, as did Ai Qing, the poet. In front of an unprecedented catastrophe, he always smiled soberly. Laugh at the Red Guards who criticized him, laugh at the rebels who attacked and "tried" him. You can often see him singing and working in the vast forest of the Great Khingan Mountains. He said, "One wave, one wave is beating endlessly, breaking at its feet, and its face and body are cut like knives, but she still stands there with a smile, looking at the sea." Just because the poet has an extraordinary openness and detachment, there is such a shocking verse in Ai Qing's "Cactus": "It is raised on the windowsill, imagining the sea."

In that special era, Gu Cheng and talented Haizi, also as poets, claimed that "darkness gave us black eyes, but I used it to find light", but they were painfully far away from the world because they could not smile.

Because they cannot shed tears, some people choose to die; Because they can't cry, some people choose to smile actively. It is also facing difficulties, but the former's "feat" can not cause the latter's great regret. So I said, "Life and life are the accumulation of ten thousand jokes" is a shining philosophy. I would like to tell Milan's Kundera that I have seen a smile that is more beautiful than God's own smile.

[Part 3: Start with a smile]

Autumn has arrived, and the coolness is always attacking everyone's body. The trees on both sides of the road are only a few leaves, and the wind slides through the treetops, taking away the remaining life.

As the number of laps increased, the figure on the runway slowed down, and finally fell helpless like an abandoned child.

The beginning of the runway is also the end of the runway.

Always rotate in place.

What about failure and being looked down upon? Is this also a mistake? As if he had figured it out, the figure suddenly stood up and walked in the direction of the setting sun. Others say that failure is the mother of success. You can stand up wherever you fall. This failure is only a part of life. It's OK to strive for it. It doesn't matter. While comforting myself, I adjusted a smile expression for myself.

Yes, start with a smile, just like Hawking, beating his life with one finger, creating his own glory with his firm belief, and opening flowers all the way with his smile. Just like Helen Keller, even though he had felt inferior and despaired of life, the smile always appeared in his mind, letting him know how to face life tenaciously and hopefully.

We cannot lose our smile, just as birds cannot lose their wings, flowers cannot lose their fragrance, and fish cannot lose their sea.

Set out with a smile, no matter the way is full of thorns, it will accompany you all the way.

Start with a smile. It will support you all the way, no matter what people laugh at or ridicule.

Start with a smile, no matter the result is sweet or bitter, it will not give up on you.

Because the power of smile is great.

Please let us maintain the radian of the corners of our mouth and calmly face everything that is about to happen or has already happened. Since we have already experienced the baptism of wind and rain, why should we be stingy.

Smile is the most beautiful expression of human beings. So, start with a smile. Even though it is autumn now, the next spring will come as scheduled.

[Chapter 4: Smile every day]

Students, when you are happy, you will smile; When you succeed, you will smile; Then when you are sad, wronged, helpless or even desperate, can you also be open-minded and optimistic, smile and tell others: "Nothing, I'm fine"!

Life is a wise teacher. It has been with us since we came into the world, teaching us, testing us and exercising us all the time. But he did not use dry preaching - but vivid examples. Life has given us happiness, let us get the care of our parents, the care of our teachers, let us feel the joy of success... All this is so beautiful, let us indulge in it, even fantasize: if we can always have all this, always happy, then how wonderful! However, this is absolutely impossible. Facts have proved that everyone can deal with setbacks in a deep or shallow way. While life gives happiness to human beings, setbacks will also follow. In the face of setbacks, some people are full of confidence in themselves, smiling in the face of setbacks, withstood the test, became strong, became a model for future generations; The other part of the people are sad. They don't want to make progress. They are completely frightened by setbacks and become "cowards". They have become the objects of cynicism and "different eyes".

Throughout history, many celebrities are our models. Beethoven continued to compose music after he was deaf; Zhang Haidi is disabled but still faces life with a smile; Sima Qian still insisted on writing the Records of the Historian after being passively punished by the palace; Bell invented the wired telephone in the cynicism of others; Helen, who was blind, deaf and dumb, suffered from many diseases all her life, but she became a writer; Madame Curie lost her dear husband in the heyday of her life, but she still insists on doing scientific work... When celebrities suffer setbacks, they are not defeated. Instead, they are like a rock. The more difficult they are, the stronger they will be, and strive to achieve their human life goals. As President of Panasonic Group Konosuke Matsushita said; "Since ancient times, most of the great men have struggled through adversity with indomitable spirit." Mencius also said: "When the sky is going to place great responsibilities on these people, they must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and empty their bodies." It is the spirit of enduring hardships, enjoying setbacks, and always maintaining optimism that has made them brilliant.

The seedlings in the greenhouse can't stand the wind and rain. Similarly, a smooth life is not a complete life. Because it is lack of suffering, less experience of fighting with suffering, less tempering, and less valuable wealth in life. Therefore, when you are disappointed, please do not forget that "failure is the mother of success"; When you are in despair, please do not forget the best gift that God has given to mankind - hope. No matter how hard you encounter, as long as you smile at yourself in the mirror, sing a song and encourage yourself: everything will be better! At this time, your smile is full of confidence and strength. It seems that there is an extraordinary magic, from which you can read self-reliance and hope. Like sunshine, it can dispel dark clouds and sweep away many frustrating and frustrated bad emotions. composition

Students, let's face each day with a smile frankly, and face everything with a smile from the bottom of our hearts, and we will be full of confidence. As long as you are happy and regretless, you will feel that your life is successful.

600 word composition on smile (20)

One day, Wu Di'er was out for a walk. At that time, the sky was cloudless and the grass swayed with the wind. Wu Di'er hummed a song and walked happily on the street. But just then, the sun was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and then the whole sky became a dark one. Big raindrops fell one by one, and Wu Dier soon became a drowned rat.

"What a bad weather!" Wu Di'er hid in a cake shop, complaining about today's weather while slapping the rain on his body. Wu Di'er's eyes swept over the counter of the cake shop one by one, and finally she was attracted by a small squirrel cake. So she waved to the person standing at the counter and said, "A squirrel cake." Then she found a seat and sat down. "Your squirrel cake." The waiter brought the cake. Wu Di'er looked at the beloved squirrel cake and found that there was no squirrel's eyes on the cake, and the squirrel's movements and image were not as realistic as the one on the counter. "What kind of shop are you? How can you cheat customers like this! Call your boss!" Wu Di'er immediately became angry and shouted at the waiter.

The manager of the cake shop came at once and smiled at Wu Di'er all the time. Wu Di'er felt his heart "clunk" for a moment, but this subtle feeling was immediately suppressed by anger. She kept nagging the manager of the cake shop about how bad the shop was. However, the manager of the cake shop always smiled, nodded and apologized. Wu Di'er felt very strange: the shopkeeper across the street was angry with me before I could blame him three or two times. Why does the shopkeeper here always smile at me?

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "Dil, you are always complaining about others. Maybe you can't think about your own mistakes?" This is what my grandmother said to me when I complained to my grandmother that my classmates didn't play with me. I didn't really care about it at that time, but it has been buried in my mind, waiting for me to think of it! Wu Di'er's eyes moistened when she thought of this. She felt guilty for the smile and apology that the manager of the cake shop had been giving. Quickly paid for the cake and ran out of the shop.

Since then, Wu Di'er seems to have changed her personality. She is modest and polite. Her classmates and neighbors also like her very much. When others asked her what made her look like this, Wu Di'er would smile and answer, "That's the smile."

Author: Jiang Liujing (public account: Chunmiao Society)