Inspiration Composition of Peanuts (6 selected)
Old trees blossom
2023-10-11 01:46:01

Inspired Composition of Peanuts (1)

When it comes to peanuts, everyone must be familiar with them. But there may not be many people who have ever picked peanuts in the countryside.

The school organized the autumn harvest that day, and I had a good vision all the way. When I arrived at the vegetable field, I was dumbfounded. Where there are peanuts, it is clearly a piece of withered branches and weeds! I didn't know until I asked the teacher that the delicious peanuts were hidden under the ground!

Then, my classmates and I began to harvest peanuts in the fields. The newly unearthed peanuts are not beautiful, just like an ugly doll covered with clay. But when we peel off its shell, the peanuts wrapped in red inside are exposed. They are very cute.

The parents said: "Peanuts are rich in vitamins, which can promote human development. And almost every family uses peanut oil to cook. It seems that this homely peanut has too much effect.

I think peanuts are like a person. There are not only beauty and ugliness in people's appearance, but also in people's heart. Some people are beautiful in appearance, but they are doing things at the expense of others. Some people look very rustic and don't make much of themselves, but they are hardworking, hardworking and considerate of others. I think, isn't this the person we want to learn?

In fact, many things around us are worth learning. Although peanuts do not have the noble and gorgeous appearance of roses, they do not have the thorny stems of roses. Although peanuts are not as popular as plum blossoms, strong poplar trees, and grass that can't be burned by wildfires, they are no less effective than them.

This little peanut has taught me a lot about being a man.

In fact, many things around us are worthy of our deep thinking, waiting for us to dig and discover

Inspired Composition of Peanuts (2)

Dig peanuts

The sky is blue and the earth is full of vitality. The birds are still flying in the branches as before, and cicadas are tirelessly singing the lullaby, ushering in the summer.

When I came to my hometown, the first thing I wanted to do was to take a hoe and a bamboo pole to go with my grandma to the peanut field, to see the green peanut seedlings around, and to experience the fun of pulling peanuts!

After a long journey, I was already sweating and the scorching sun baked the earth like a stove. I looked up at a large peanut field in front of me. When the wind blew, the green waves rose and fell, and the green seedlings and leaves danced.

When I came to a peanut field, I, a petite little princess, imitated her grandmother's movements and danced up and down with a hoe, which was handy in her hands. I also took a hoe to learn something. But just after a few hoes, the hard clod of earth always refused to listen to orders. At that time, I screamed. A grasshopper scratched my feet as if nothing had happened. I felt itchy and panicked. I clapped my hands hard, and the little guy disappeared. Then I looked at the hard clod of earth and seemed to laugh at me, Suddenly, I put down my heart, pulled up the corner of my clothes, picked up the hoe and shouted slogans with the beat. The dead clod immediately loosened its mouth, and then my right hand pulled hard, wow!

String after string of fertile peanuts broke through the soil, revealing small yellow teeth. I proudly walked to Grandma with the harvested fruits, pointed to the peanuts in my hand, and smiled happily.

The experience of pulling peanuts has made me so happy, and I really understand the truth of "one plough altar, one harvest".

Pluck peanuts

Today, we finally looked forward to the autumn outing. We took the bus to Nantong Farm. Along the way, the sky was clear and the sky was clear, and beautiful farmland scenery was presented before our eyes.

After more than an hour's driving, the car reached its destination. The students poured out of the car door like a tide and rushed to the farm we had always dreamed of. We can't wait to throw the bag away and pull out the peanuts with buckets. There are peanut fields everywhere, like a green ocean. When it comes to peanuts, everyone is familiar with them, but when it comes to pulling peanuts, everyone doesn't know. I grabbed a peanut stem and couldn't pull it up after many times of hard pulling. What's the matter? It turns out that many peanuts grow under a bunch of big roots. You can't pull them out just by grasping one stem. You have to grasp all the stems and leaves to pull them out. I followed the way the farmer uncle told me to pull out, and what I pulled out was not peanuts, but a large piece of soil. I was smart enough to throw the mud away and reveal one after another yellow and fat gourd shaped peanut dolls. The mature peanut doll, after my swing, broke away from her mother's arms and scattered on the ground. And those immature "little dots" are like shy little girls holding their mothers tightly and refusing to leave their mothers' arms. After several hours of hard work, the peanuts in the field were snapped up. The farm staff cooked the peanuts we pulled, and a smell of peanuts came to our nostrils. We didn't care to wipe the sweat and soil on our little faces, and scrambled to eat peanuts. Everyone's faces are filled with happy and sweet smiles.

Through today's autumn outing, I understood the profound meaning of "who knows that every meal is hard".

Pluck peanuts

I like peanuts very much, but I always can't figure out where they come from. At that time, I always thought that peanuts would come out as soon as they were ripe in the peanut field! (At that time, I was really naive!) But I was not sure, so I always looked forward to the summer vacation.

Wow! The summer vacation has finally come! I can pull peanuts! So we came to our hometown. The first thing we did was to pull peanuts.

We enjoy the scenery while walking. The scenery on the road is really beautiful! Although it is still summer, many crops have matured: rice, peanuts, soybeans... countless. These fields of different colors, different sizes and shapes, are like pieces of emerald inlaid on the ground. It has brought infinite scenery to the countryside.

When we came to the peanut field, I saw a lush, emerald peanut plant. I was fascinated by it. My sister, who was traveling with me, said, "Well, hurry up!" I was surprised: "Why did you forget to take a hoe?" "Why did you take a hoe?" My sister wondered. "Peanuts need to be hoed out!" "?" My sister was confused: "What's right? Peanuts need to uproot the whole plant!" "Ah?" I cried in my heart, which was embarrassing at that time! After a while, we said, "Oh! I understand!" so we began to pull up the peanuts.

As it had just rained, the mud was a bit thin, but because I pulled out a peanut for the first time, I used all my strength. So when I pulled out a very large peanut, I exerted too much force, so my body lost balance and fell back. Thanks to my sister, I didn't fall all over with mud and water.

When our basket was full, we walked home. I looked at the full basket and felt happy. Why? Because I pulled most of them here! What a sense of achievement!

Pluck peanuts

In the first class of the afternoon, Mr. Wang told us that in the third class, we should go to the flower bed to pluck peanuts. Upon hearing the news, the students would like to rush out of the classroom to pluck peanuts.

In the second class, the students listened carefully. Time passed by minute by second, and the class was finally over. The students talked about pulling peanuts.

The third class of "Ding Ling Ling" arrived, and the students sat in their seats with excitement, heart thumping. "Sir" came, and at her command, the students rushed out of the classroom at a very fast speed.

We came to the flower bed. There were so many people! I can't wait to jump on the flower bed and squeeze in. I had a hard time finding a small area to prepare for excavation. I used my hands to scratch on the ground, but I didn't find it (I don't know where those little things are hiding). I sat by the flower bed dejectedly (watching others digging in the sky, excited and depressed), and suddenly I thought of a good way to dig with a ruler, which would be deeper than my hands, so maybe I could dig!

I ran back to the classroom at the speed of a rabbit, took a ruler and continued to dig. However, this time I dug with Lu Weican. We found a secret: first find the root of the peanut, then dig down according to the direction of the root, and we will be able to dig. (I use a ruler to dig, and she uses her hands to pick it up.) We dug and dug, and dug a lot, (but most of them are small and shrunken, and can't be eaten). Just then, "click", and my ruler was scrapped. (Alas, there is no "one foot power", so I have to continue to pull with my hands).

After a while, Mr. Wang asked us to go back to the classroom on the second floor, and the students returned to the classroom like little turtles. The teacher asked us to put the results on the table, and I counted them (actually I didn't count them). Alas, I only had three to eat, while my deskmate had twelve. I envy him so much!

From this labor, I realized the hardship of the farmer uncle, (and also felt the joy of labor and harvest!)

Pluck peanuts

Early in the morning, my mother called me up and said to me, "Ying, today we are going to pull peanuts and hurry up!" Because I have never pulled peanuts, so I think it is a very easy thing to pull peanuts, and it is also quite interesting. I came to the field with my mother's "pulling peanuts".

When I came to the fields, I saw all the peanut fields, imitating a green ocean. When it comes to peanuts, everyone is very familiar with them, but when it comes to pulling peanuts, everyone does not understand them. I grabbed a peanut stem and couldn't pull it up after many times of hard pulling. What's the matter? I want to do it again: I grabbed the branches and leaves of peanuts, "Hey", pulled them hard. I didn't pull up the peanuts, but pulled out the leaves. The peanuts are still "sleeping". If I don't want to pull them out, it's not because I can't pull them out. "Pull it out again", I encouraged myself, "I can do it!" I tried to pull it out again, but I still didn't pull it up. When my mother saw that I hadn't pulled up a single plant, she demonstrated it to me. She first grasped the lower branch of the peanut, then shook it a few times, gently pulled it out, and the peanut "got up". "Eh, what's the matter? Peanuts can be pulled up so easily, but why can't I pull them up? Oh, many peanuts are grown under a bunch of big roots. It's impossible to pull them out just by grasping one stem. You have to grasp all the stems and leaves to pull them out. I pulled out the first peanut, and my face was full of happy and sweet smiles.

Ah! It's not easy to pull peanuts. Although sweat flowed from my head to my back, I was very happy because I pulled out a lot of peanuts and found the meaning of labor.

After this experience, I thought of a few words: Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Pluck peanuts

Grandma planted many peanuts, which were ripe. Today, I, my grandfather and grandmother went to pluck peanuts while taking advantage of the holiday. I went to the peanut field with my grandfather and grandmother, and my grandfather was responsible for digging peanut seedlings. Why did he dig? Grandma's peanut field is hard and dry, so she needs to dig with a hoe. Grandpa first dug up the peanuts with roots and stems, and then handed them to me and Grandma. Then, we picked the peanuts from the peanut seedlings one by one, and put the peanuts into the bag. After working for an hour, I was sweating in the hot sun.

My grandfather sent me home, and let me give a bag of peanuts to my grandparents, so that they can also taste the fruits of our labor. Through this labor, I realized that although labor is hard, it is very happy.

Pluck peanuts

There was not a trace of coolness in the air that day, and the weather was unusually sultry. However, children's laughter kept coming out of four cars. It was that we were going to pull peanuts, and we were going to experience the pain and joy of pulling peanuts.

We waited anxiously on the bus for more than an hour, and finally arrived at the Guzhen County Peanut Breeding Plant, which I yearned for. It's really a green ocean here. Rows of peanuts are like green waves in layers. Each peanut seedling is full of energy and is being bathed in the sun. Here are all static and surging green, broad and deep green, active and persistent green. A scene of bumper harvest.

To pull peanuts, I slowly walked into the peanut field and started the peanut pulling activity. The peanut field immediately became lively, and it immediately became a sea of joy. The students were talking and laughing, with peanuts in their hands and the happiest smiles on their faces. The students scrambled to pull it up, and I was no exception. After a while, I felt very tired. Beany sweat kept falling down from my forehead. How sweaty! But I didn't care to wipe away sweat, and I still tried to pull it out.

The hot sun in the sky is baking us, but it still can't eliminate our inner joy, and we are still burning towards the heaven and earth. In a twinkling of an eye, more than 30 minutes have passed, and we are about to leave this wonderful time that belongs to us, but I still reluctantly bid farewell to this piece of peanut land.

At first, I thought it would be hard to sow and easy to harvest. But by pulling peanuts this time, I realized that efforts should also be made to harvest. This activity is very meaningful. I want to thank the school for giving us this opportunity to "face the loess and face the sky"

On the way back, the heat still remained, but the four cars were still full of laughter and laughter.

Inspired Composition of Peanuts (3)

Inspiration composition of peanuts

In real life or work and study, everyone must have been exposed to composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and concise language that can be understood by oneself through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure, and can be understood by others. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is the enlightenment composition of Xiaobian's collection of peanuts for your reference. I hope it can help those in need.

Once, my mother took me to my grandmother's house to dig peanuts. I was only seven years old that year, and I really got a profound enlightenment from it.

Along the way, I wondered: Do peanuts grow on trees or are they like strawberries? My heart is full of curiosity when I think of this.

In my curiosity, I soon arrived at my grandmother's peanut field. Looking around, I saw only a green peanut leaf. I was shocked and shouted, "Mom, Mom! Where are the peanuts? Did the peanuts come from Grandma or were they stolen? Why didn't there be any peanuts?" Mom calmly replied, "Ah! How could there be no peanuts? Your grandma said let's pick peanuts! "My mother got out of the car and looked at me with a smile. Why did you say there were no peanuts on the ground? I asked with my mouth pursed and my face disappointed," Where are the peanuts? Why didn't I see them? "" Children's flowers grow under the ground. "My mother said calmly. "Grown under the ground?" I was very surprised because I had eaten many fruits, including apples, persimmons, pears, oranges... They all hung bright red and green fruits high on the branches to make people love them at first sight. I have never seen such a modest person like peanuts!

Later, grandma, grandpa and uncle came with shovels. Uncle dug peanuts with shovels. Beneath the tender green peanut seedlings, there were piles of laughing peanuts, as if thanking us for digging them out. Through our joint efforts, a large area of peanuts has been empty as wild, and a good one has been dug out by us. After digging peanuts, she went to Grandma's house to eat. Grandma cooked the newly dug peanuts for us. I said happily, "peanuts are really delicious, It is also different from the persimmon, which is so bright that people admire it. It is not like the carambola, which attracts people's attention with its strange shape. It just blooms and bears fruit silently, never proud. You should all learn its modesty and unknown dedication like peanuts. "

In the afternoon, we returned to our own home, but Grandma's words were deeply impressed on my heart.

Inspired Composition of Peanuts (4)

Inspiration from eating peanuts 500 words of composition

We get too much enlightenment from life. We encounter various situations every day. Although not all "situations" can give us enlightenment, many situations should give us some special enlightenment.

Every week in the evening, everyone in the class is overjoyed. The students in the class, like dogs, stick out their red tongues. This day is our class "Peanut falling day". But there was a "cake" falling from the sky. The students in the class were impatient, and they were all scrambling here.

The "King of the Big Stomach" in the class broke the Guinness World Record in China, eating one bowl every two minutes, and almost 15 bowls every day. He can't stand it now. My deskmate is a "expert". Although he is very serious on the surface, there is a big "conspiracy" behind him. This is that he almost eats a lot of food per ton!

"Peanut falling day" means eating some peanuts? The first time I ate it, although it was not good to go there, it was delicious!

When the teacher asked several people to distribute peanuts, everyone in the class was afraid that the points would be less. When the peanuts were distributed to me, some people nearby would give them to me without eating. Teacher Zhang, who was reading Chinese late that day, shouted: "Finish your composition quickly and finish your composition quickly." Everyone was still enjoying the words of Teacher Zhang, At this point, Mr. Zhang began to get angry and shouted: "Do I want to find someone to operate?" Some of us reacted to this, and some were still eating there.

Now the teacher immediately shouted: "Xu Feiqi, do you want to copy the text and write instructions?" Xu Feiqi responded to this and quickly lost all the peanuts. This is why he began to work hard on his homework. From now on, everyone is working hard on their homework.

It turned out that I knew that "the tiger doesn't get angry, just think I'm a sick cat.".

Get enlightenment from life Life is a supreme treasure. You can find and explore a lot of knowledge and important enlightenment from it.

Inspired Composition of Peanuts (5)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone is familiar with composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. So, how to write a composition? The following is the enlightenment composition of peanuts arranged by Xiao Bian for everyone. Welcome to share.

We get too much enlightenment from life. We encounter various situations every day. Although not all "situations" can give us enlightenment, many situations should give us some special enlightenment.

On the evenings of every week, everyone in the class is overjoyed. Everyone in the class sticks out their red tongue like a dog. This day is our class's "peanut falling day". But there was a "cake" falling from the sky. The students in the class were impatient, and they were all scrambling here.

The "King of the Big Stomach" in the class broke the Guinness World Record in China, eating one bowl every two minutes, and almost 15 bowls every day. He can't stand it now. My deskmate is a "expert". Although he looks very serious, there is a big "conspiracy" behind his ", which means that he eats a lot of food per ton!

"Peanut falling day" means eating some peanuts? The first time I ate it, although it was not good to go there, it was delicious!

When the teacher asked several people to distribute peanuts, everyone in the class was frightened, afraid that the points would be less. When the peanuts were distributed to me, some people nearby would give them to me without eating. Teacher Zhang, who was reading Chinese late that day, shouted: "Eat up quickly and finish the selected composition quickly." Everyone was still enjoying it slowly, Teacher Zhang's words were completely taken as air, and then teacher Zhang started to get angry and shouted: "Do I want to find someone to operate?" Some of us reacted to this, and some were still eating there.

Now the teacher immediately shouted: "Xu Feiqi, do you want to copy the text and write instructions?" Xu Feiqi responded to this and quickly lost all the peanuts. This is why he began to work hard on his homework. From now on, everyone is working hard on their homework.

It turned out that I knew that "the tiger doesn't get angry, just think I'm a sick cat.".

Get enlightenment from life Life is a supreme treasure. You can find and explore a lot of knowledge and important enlightenment from it.

Inspired Composition of Peanuts (6)

We get too much enlightenment from life. We encounter various situations every day. Although not all "situations" can give us enlightenment, many situations should give us some special enlightenment.

On the evenings of every week, everyone in the class is overjoyed. Everyone in the class sticks out their red tongue like a dog. This day is our class's "peanut falling day". But there was a "cake" falling from the sky. The students in the class were impatient, and they were all scrambling here.

The "King of the Big Stomach" in the class broke the Guinness World Record in China, eating one bowl every two minutes, and almost 15 bowls every day. He can't stand it now. My deskmate is a "expert". Although he is very serious on the surface, there is a big "conspiracy" behind him. This is that he almost eats a lot of food per ton!

"Peanut falling day" means eating some peanuts? When I eat, although it seems that it is not good to go there, it is delicious to eat!

When the teacher asked several people to distribute peanuts, everyone in the class was afraid that the points would be less. When the peanuts were distributed to me, some people nearby would give them to me without eating. Teacher Zhang, who was reading Chinese late that day, shouted: "Finish your composition quickly and finish your composition quickly." Everyone was still enjoying the words of Teacher Zhang, At this point, Mr. Zhang began to get angry and shouted: "Do I want to find someone to operate?" Some of us reacted to this, and some were still eating there.

Now the teacher immediately shouted: "Xu Feiqi, do you want to copy the text and write instructions?" Xu Feiqi responded to this and quickly lost all the peanuts. This is why he began to work hard on his homework. From now on, everyone is working hard on their homework.

It turned out that I knew that "the tiger doesn't get angry, just think I'm a sick cat.".

Get enlightenment from life Life is a supreme treasure. You can find and explore a lot of knowledge and important enlightenment from it.