About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (17 refined articles)
My heart is lonely
2024-01-19 09:28:15
junior middle school

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (1)

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the bright moon is in the sky, and the bright moonlight spreads all over the earth. Eating the sweet moon cakes and appreciating the bright moon, an idea came to my mind

"Dad, do you dare to play chess against me?" I begged Dad. "No time, I'm watching TV!" Dad opened his mouth and said. "Don't say you don't have time, you can't get off me at all." I goaded him with a prod, and see if he still promised? "Hey, I don't believe it. Come on, damn it, set up." Dad said unconvinced. "Well, let's kill him!" I said happily.

In the first game, I will go first. "Single gun," I set up the gun, "mount," Dad shouted. "Hey, just start to scare me! No way! Hum! Get out of the car." I'm not willing to lag behind. After several rounds of fighting, I gave my father a "car general". Ha ha, this time my father messed up on the battlefield. I don't know how to guard against it. In his anxiety, he stepped back "like". "Ha ha, you are fooled!" I rushed to his camp with a horse and gave him a "general horse". "You can't escape this time!" I said to myself. It's a pity that my father killed my "horse" with his running "gun" after thinking about everything. This is amazing. My anxiety is shown on the battlefield. "Boy, you will lose this time!" Dad said proudly. "Hum, I don't believe it!" I was anxious and resourceful. I sent a "double cannon" general to my father. This time, my father was helpless and had to hang up a white flag to surrender to me.

My mother smiled and said, "It's really better than blue." This chess game has brought me a great inspiration, and added a sense of joy to the Mid Autumn Festival night, which I will never forget.

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (2)

Some people like the bustling Spring Festival, some people like the Dragon Boat Festival with the fragrance of zongzi, but I like the reunion of the Mid Autumn Festival. Even though it is not as lively as the Spring Festival and the National Day, the meaningful Mid Autumn Festival is still my favorite.

The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. My mother took me to the supermarket to buy moon cakes. There are many kinds of moon cakes, including meat floss moon cakes, egg yolk moon cakes, and melon seed flavor moon cakes, all of which give off a delicious smell. In the evening, my mother and I went to my grandmother's house. As soon as we delivered the moon cake to her, she smiled and asked me, "Dear Sun, do you know how the moon cake came from?"

As soon as I heard this, I was very excited. I said, "Yes," and I started talking. Well, one day, ten suns appeared in the sky, and they gave out strong light and heat, killing the plants on the ground. Hou Yi took out a bow and shot down the nine suns in the sky. The Queen Mother rewarded him with two elixirs of immortality. Hou Yi was very happy and gave the medicine to his wife Chang'e for safekeeping.

Chang'e wanted to become an immortal, so one day while Hou Yi was away, Chang'e ate both of them and flew to the moon palace to become an immortal. Although the dream came true, Chang'e was lonely in the sky. Chang'e saw the bustling world and found that it was the Mid Autumn Festival. She also thought about it, but she was the only one, so she made some cakes in the shape of the moon. After tasting it, she felt it was delicious, but too much to eat, so she threw the cakes into the world. After tasting it, ordinary people found it delicious, so they learned to make it, and named it moon cake according to its shape.

"That's very good." Grandma couldn't stop praising me. In the evening, Grandma prepared a lot of delicious food. When the family came to the table, I saw Kung Pao chicken, spicy hairy crabs, and my favorite braised pork, etc. I can't wait to wolf down. When I finished eating, I wiped my shiny mouth, burped a few times, felt a round and big stomach like a watermelon, and lay comfortably on the sofa, saying, "Grandma, burn less next time, my stomach is too full."

After the whole family finished eating, we went to the yard to watch the moon. I saw the bright and bright moon like a round belly, a big watermelon and a big round plate. Ah! I like this happy Mid Autumn Festival.

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (3)

The Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. According to our custom here, we will buy many food to worship the moon. In the evening, my mother sorted out the food for worship, took out the moon cakes and enjoyed the moon while eating. I was eager to eat. I watched the moon peep out of the clouds. It was a shy little girl. The moon moved slowly, and the clouds covered the moon. Suddenly, I felt the sky was empty, and my heart was very depressed. For a moment, the moon appeared, as if she were a little girl going back to dressing up, more bright and bright. On the spur of the moment, I said that I would say more about the moon than anyone else. I pondered for a moment and said, "Look up at the bright moon and look down at my hometown."

The elder sister, of course, was not willing to be outdone. She replied, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in her hometown." When she is strong, she has a strong hand. Dad said three sentences in a row: "When she was young, she did not know the moon, and called it a white jade plate; the new moon was like a family member, and she was just beginning to look at the sea; the bright moon came out of the mountains, and among the vast clouds." When she saw the situation was not good, her mother naturally bravely met the enemy and said: "The wild sky and the trees are low, and the river and the moon are clear; The moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward. " I was not interested in listening to their answers. I racked my brains and thought hard, but let me think it out, and then answered: "The moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time; in the third autumn, September, and mid autumn, August." Mom and Dad laughed, and I must have never thought that my sister and I would be so "rich in vocabulary" in this poem. This moon appreciation is an eye opener for me!

When we watch the moon, we can't help guessing poems. "Let me ask you a question. You can guess puzzles." My sister said cheerfully. We all agreed. "Upward with one heart, type one word", "I know that if you have a heart, you will be worried." I quickly replied. "The wildfire can't burn out. I can't write a word," which baffles me. My sister looked at me, gave me a thumbs up, and then gave me a thumbs down. Alas, who told me that I was inferior to others? This question is totally amazing. My mother said, "What is burned is grass, but there is still some left, which is recommendation." My sister smiled and said, "Mom, you are so good. Next, guess the idiom." My sister singled out me for not knowing, and I muttered to myself. My father didn't study this very much at ordinary times, but my mother replied: "In the weight lifting competition, of course, we should be careful."

Here, on the Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you all good luck and more wonderful life; People and months are reunited, thousands of miles of beauty are shared.

Composition on Mid Autumn Festival Junior High School (4)

"Today's moon is so round! Today's moon cakes are delicious!" I ate while watching the moon.

The annual Mid Autumn Festival has finally arrived! You don't know, I'm "one, two, three, four, five. It's so hard to wait for the month!" Grandma has cooked a table of delicious food, including ducks, sweet and sour ribs, and fried beef with glutinous rice balls... When we have enough to eat and drink, it's already more than seven o'clock in the evening.

"Yeah! Let's go to watch the moon!" I jumped up and down like a mad squirrel, because I knew there were delicious moon cakes waiting for me.

What a round moon today! It is as round as if drawn with a compass. The moon tonight is so bright that it shines like a street lamp in our hometown. I was totally intoxicated with the moon, as if I was in the moon, holding a rabbit and smelling the sweet scented osmanthus. Ah! Someone came, I calmed down to see, isn't that Chang'e? How beautiful!

This is my Mid Autumn Festival, delicious and full of fantasy.

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (5)

Every year on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, every family buys round and delicious mooncakes, which is a good memory.

There is a sad and beautiful legend about the Mid Autumn Festival: it is said that there were ten suns in the sky in ancient times, which dried up crops, smoked the earth, and killed animals in the scorching sun; A hero named Hou Yi climbed up Kunlun Mountain, drew a bow and set up an arrow, shot down nine suns at one time, and left one sun to illuminate the earth, so he was very respected. Later, he married a beautiful and kind woman, Chang'e. One day, Hou Yi went to Kunlun Mountain to ask for a way. He happened to meet the Queen Mother and gave her an elixir of longevity. Hou Yi couldn't bear to leave Chang'e and give her the elixir. Unexpectedly, it was discovered by villain Pang Meng. One day, Pang Meng asked Chang'e to hand over the elixir while Hou Yi was hunting. Chang'e made a quick decision to swallow the elixir, so she flew into the sky and stayed on the moon. Hou Yi went home to understand the story. He was in agony. He chased and ran. However, he ran and the moon ran, and when he stopped, the moon stopped. He knew that he would never return to Chang'e. He looked up at the bright moon in the sky and suddenly found that Chang'e appeared in the moon. Hou Yi quickly put Chang'e's favorite cakes in the yard to commemorate Chang'e. Since then, the custom of offering sacrifices to the moon has spread.

In fact, this is a legend. In fact, the appearance of moon cakes began in the Yuan Dynasty. Due to the cruel rule of the Yuan Dynasty, people in the Central Plains began to revolt. At that time, the imperial court was very tight. Military adviser Liu Bowen came up with a clever plan and put the note into the cake. The note said: "August 15 Uprising, Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed. He let all the soldiers and soldiers enjoy themselves with the people and rewarded the "moon cake" as food to his officials. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival has the custom of eating moon cakes.

In the Mid Autumn Festival, moon cakes are the only indispensable food, and it is an extremely beautiful thing to enjoy the moon. In the Mid Autumn Festival, watching the moon is like Chang'e holding a rabbit to visit the world, while Houyi is watching Chang'e, a pair of lovers reluctant to part. Although the Mid Autumn Festival has not yet arrived, I have already felt the atmosphere of the Mid Autumn Festival. Ox killing is a tribute. Eating moon cakes represents the festival, and watching the moon represents appreciation. What a beautiful and complete Mid Autumn Festival!

Mid Autumn Festival, eating moon cakes and appreciating the moon are our favorite things. It's a good thing to enjoy the moon alone on a quiet night! I also hope to eat the soft moon cakes in that realm.

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (6)

Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival, which is also the Reunion Festival. Shopping malls, supermarkets and markets are filled with various kinds of moon cakes. Even the stalls that don't sell things usually sell fragrant and sweet moon cakes. Many people are busy buying their favorite mooncakes, or eating or giving them to their relatives and friends. Of course, my family is no exception. My father bought a large box of various, beautiful, small and exquisite mooncakes for my family, which made my mouth watering. I would like to take a big bite soon.

Unconsciously in the evening, our whole family gathered around the table, eating a rich dinner, while looking at the beautiful sky, a round and big moon, like a white jade plate, hung high in the sky. I not only remembered the poem "Gulang Moonlight", which was written by Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty when I was a child. When I was young, I didn't know the moon, it was called a white jade plate. I also suspect that the Yaotai mirror is flying in the Qingyun end

Looking at the moon, I remembered what my grandmother told me about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival: a long time ago, there were ten suns in the sky, which made the crops barren. There was a man named Hou Yi who had infinite manpower. He was very sympathetic to the suffering people, so he climbed to the top of Kunlun Mountain, took a hike, and shot down nine suns in one breath, and ordered the last sun to rise and set on time to benefit the people, Hou Yi was respected and loved by the people. Later, he married his beautiful and kind-hearted wife Chang'e. The Queen Mother gave Hou Yi an elixir of immortality. Hou Yi liked Chang'e, so he gave it to her.

Unexpectedly, Pang Meng, the villain, saw that he wanted to steal the elixir and become an immortal himself. Pang Meng bursts into the backyard of the house with a sword in his hand, threatening Chang E to hand over the elixir. Chang'e knew that she was not Pang Meng's opponent. When it was critical, she made a quick decision, turned to open the treasure box, took out the elixir and swallowed it. Chang'e swallowed the medicine and immediately flew off the ground, out of the window and into the sky. Because Chang'e was worried about her husband, she flew to the nearest moon and became an immortal.

Hou Yi was shocked and angry. He drew his sword to kill the villain. Pang Meng had already escaped. Hou Yi was so angry that he beat his chest and stamped his feet. He was devastated. Looking up at the night sky, he called Chang'e's name. At this time, he was surprised to find that today's moon is particularly bright and bright, and there is a moving figure that looks like Chang'e. He tried his best to chase the moon, but he could not catch up with the moon no matter what.

Hou Yi had no choice but to miss his wife, so he had to put on the incense table, put on her favorite honey and fresh fruit, and mourn for his Chang'e in the moon palace. When people heard the news of Chang'e flying to the moon to become an immortal, they set up incense tables under the moon to pray for good luck and peace to Chang'e.

Since then, the custom of worshipping the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival has spread among the people.

There are many legends about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. This is just one part of Grandma's story, which left a good memory in my young heart. At this time, I can't help thinking of him. This wonderful story has accompanied me through one beautiful Mid Autumn Festival after another. Here, I also wish people all over the world: Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

Composition on Mid Autumn Festival Junior High School (7)

The white clouds hurried through the virgin blue sky without any intention of staying, and the green of the grassland flickered with fatigue. The sun shines wet on the patches of golden wheat stubble, and the dew is shining. The black road is accompanied by the autumn color of stone man walking slowly to extend far away. At this time, Balikun's wheat had just been harvested, and the staff of the grain department had already been busy buying in the villages. Watching the bags of grain being loaded and pulled away, and the dusty and smiling faces of farmers, I remembered the scene when I was a child and followed my father to pull the rickshaw to pay public food. I was young and I lay on the grain bag, and my father's red and black shoulders with loops of rope were shining in the sun, and cicadas were desperately shouting along the road. More than ten years later, his father, who was nearly 50 years old, had his own transportation company, and no longer needed to pull the rickshaw, while his son returned to the countryside again, came to this border town, and was about to spend his second Mid Autumn Festival here.

When I was a child, I felt like eating moon cakes to visit my relatives. What's more, if the moon cakes were so disgusting, I could not exchange them for other food? When I was young, I was very shy and was afraid of visiting relatives. But when it came to New Year's Day, my mother always took me with her when visiting relatives. This is a very uncomfortable thing for me. At other people's houses, I hardly dared to look up. I didn't say anything when people asked me, but just hung my head and fiddled with my fingers. At this time, my mother would push me and put in a sentence: Your third grandpa asked you something! Then he apologized for my rudeness: the boy was very shy and didn't speak much. At this time, the relatives would comfort him: "The child is so small. If he were old, he would be better. He doesn't talk, but he has everything in his mind. Alas! You see such a small and handsome child, with thick eyebrows and big eyes! If only he were a girl...". So I didn't like Mid Autumn Festival at that time. I always ask my mother why there are so many festivals for people to visit each other. What does it mean to send this moon cake to me and to you? Mom would say: This is a souvenir. We are usually busy with our own business. If you don't come and I don't go, our relatives will not be relatives. Now that I have grown up, I have spent more than ten years to overcome my personality weaknesses. It seems that what the old people said is correct: big is good! Just grow up! Only when I grow up and live far away from my hometown can I really understand how important these festivals are to people.

When it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is naturally indispensable. Now the moon is very close to us, because China's "Chang'e" is going to the moon soon. I wrote a science fiction novel in junior high school, in which I wrote about the Chang'e Project. It was unexpected that it coincided with the reality, and my childhood dream became reality so early, two years earlier than I thought. At the thought of this, I was elated by my childhood fantasies, even a little elated. I still have many fantasies when I grow up, but I dare not say it out for fear that someone might say I am ill. Of course, I can't forget Tian Tian because her birthday is the Mid Autumn Festival.

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (8)

The sun fell into the West Mountain unconsciously, and I felt like falling into an abyss when sitting by the phone. Tears rolled in my eyes and finally fell down. Unable to resist the resentment, he grabbed the pillow and threw it against the wall, saying, "I have to work overtime again, and I have to work overtime again."

After a long time, I calmed down and thought: My parents worked overtime for me to live a good life. As their daughter, I should understand them. It was getting dark, and everyone was immersed in the atmosphere of reunion. Standing in front of the window sill, I saw the moon come out, dressed in cold silver. Maybe the moon is also lonely. Look at the stars around her. Think of Chang'e in the moon palace, and think of your family at this time! No wonder literati of all ages always started without missing the moon and could not help sighing.

The fireworks broke through the sky and spread in the air. Under the sky, a little girl holding her mother's hand asked, "Mom's fireworks in the sky are as happy as we are!" I looked at the fireworks in the sky, but I didn't think they were very happy, and who knew the loneliness behind them. Like who knows the loneliness in my heart, and who knows the pain behind me.

Turning around and looking at the darkening room, a trace of fear and loneliness crossed my mind. I quickly turned on the light, sat on the sofa and picked up a bag of moon cakes. I opened it to eat. Didn't it say that eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival would bring us reunion? I really hope my parents can come back at once, although I know it is impossible.

I don't know how long it took, I curled up on the sofa, confused, I suddenly saw me, my parents sitting under the osmanthus tree, we were playing

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (9)


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon appears particularly round and bright. Every family likes to sit together and enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes. It is said that eating moon cakes is like a sign of family reunion, which has been a traditional custom in my hometown for hundreds of years.

This evening, our family gathered on the balcony early to enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes. There are all kinds of moon cakes on the table, including bean paste moon cakes, fruit moon cakes, fire meat moon cakes... and various sweets. The moon gradually rose to the middle of the sky. The golden full moon seemed like a big moon cake. The breeze blew our hair and gently stroked my head like my mother's hand. At this time, Grandma, who had worked all day, began to tell us many fairy tales, such as "Wu Gang delimits the laurel", "Chang'e rushes to the moon", and "Yutu tampers with medicine". Listen to Grandma's story and see the full moon in the sky. I feel as if I have entered the role.

At this time, my father, who was drinking tea, also picked up the conversation. He pointed to the full moon and said, "Look, Wu Gang in the middle of the month is cutting the osmanthus tree?". My father took another sip of tea, smiled and said, "Wu Gang cut a leaf from the osmanthus tree for a year, and it became a gold leaf when it fell from the sky to the world. This gold leaf will fall on the door of the most hardworking family in the world, and the family will become rich. So, when you grow up, you should be hardworking, and diligence is wealth." Listen to my father's story, Once again, I entered my imagination, as if I saw the sweet scented osmanthus leaves floating down from the sky, just landed at my door

Sand, sand, sand... The wind is blowing, and the trees beside me are undulating. I seem to wander in a dream like a fairy in a fairy tale

Composition on Mid Autumn Festival Junior High School (10)

The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. It is an ancient festival in China.

On this day, the clouds are rare, and the moon is extremely round. Every family gathers together to eat the moon cake happily, appreciate the bright moon, and tell the story of the Mid Autumn Festival together

There is a round moon embedded in the night sky, like a big jade plate. The moonlight is bright and bright. What a beautiful moon! Looking at it, I suddenly remembered the story of Chang'e's flight to the moon, and it seemed that Chang'e was holding a white rabbit in her arms and waving to us in the bright moon... Suddenly, a song called "Water Melody" echoed in my ears. The song was melodious and melodious: people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs. This matter is difficult to complete in ancient times. I hope people will live long, The beautiful song was playing on TV at that time, making the atmosphere of the Mid Autumn Festival even stronger.

The moon was shyly covered with layers of veils. After a long time, it gently lifted its veil and gradually revealed its shining face. I looked up at the moon carefully, and my heart was full of infinite reverie about the distant moon sky

Look at a small moon cake. Under the white pastry, there is a faint fragrance. It is lightly lined with the color of green and red silk. It is so exquisite and delicate. Take a bite gently. The familiar sweet taste of glutinous glutinous glutinous reminds me of my cravings. Mooncakes are square, round, sweet, sour, big, small

This is the beautiful Mid Autumn Festival!

Composition on Mid Autumn Festival Junior High School (11)

Some people like the bustling Spring Festival, some people like the Dragon Boat Festival with the fragrance of zongzi, but I like the reunion of the Mid Autumn Festival. Even though it is not as lively as the Spring Festival and the National Day, the meaningful Mid Autumn Festival is still my favorite.

The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. My mother took me to the supermarket to buy moon cakes. There are many kinds of moon cakes, including meat floss moon cakes, egg yolk moon cakes, and melon seed flavor moon cakes, all of which give off a delicious smell. In the evening, my mother and I went to my grandmother's house. As soon as we delivered the moon cake to her, she smiled and asked me, "Dear Sun, do you know how the moon cake came from?"

As soon as I heard this, I was very excited. I said, "Yes, I know.". Well, one day, ten suns appeared in the sky, and they gave out strong light and heat, killing the plants on the ground. Hou Yi took out a bow and shot down the nine suns in the sky. The Queen Mother rewarded him with two elixirs of immortality. Hou Yi was very happy and gave the medicine to his wife Chang'e for safekeeping.

Chang'e wanted to become an immortal, so one day while Hou Yi was away, Chang'e ate both of them and flew to the moon palace to become an immortal. Although the dream came true, Chang'e was lonely in the sky. Chang'e saw the bustling world and found that it was the Mid Autumn Festival. She also thought about it, but she was the only one, so she made some cakes in the shape of the moon. After tasting it, she felt it was delicious, but too much to eat, so she threw the cakes into the world. After tasting it, ordinary people found it delicious, so they learned to make it, and named it moon cake according to its shape.

"That's very good." Grandma couldn't stop praising me. In the evening, Grandma prepared a lot of delicious food. When the family came to the table, I saw Kung Pao chicken, spicy hairy crabs, and my favorite braised pork, etc. I can't wait to wolf down. When I finished eating, I wiped my shiny mouth, burped a few times, felt a round and big stomach like a watermelon, and lay comfortably on the sofa, saying, "Grandma, burn less next time, my stomach is too full."

After the whole family finished eating, we went to the yard to watch the moon. I saw the bright and bright moon like a round belly, a big watermelon and a big round plate. Ah! I like this happy Mid Autumn Festival.

Composition on Mid Autumn Festival Junior High School (12)

May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..

The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, the bright moonlight looks like the moon pearl of the Queen Mother. In the dark night, the moon illuminates our way forward, brightens the dark night, warms our hearts, and calms our eager hearts for our distant relatives. As Su Shi's "Water Melody": I hope people will last for a long time. As long as the family is safe, they are willing to do anything. Even if we are thousands of miles away, we can see the bright moon together and tie our hearts together, just like our family around us. The moon has become our transmission.

This year's Mid Autumn Festival is different from previous years. This year's moon is particularly lazy and sleeps behind dark clouds. It may be that it sleeps too well. Even the important day of August 15, which was supposed to come out, has been forgotten completely. The moon in the first two days of August 15 is very round. Maybe I have missed kissing for a long time!

I looked up at the sky. The sky was foggy and overcast. The precious tears of God would fall. It must be that God can't bear to see our relatives separated, and feel sad, sad! But this has driven away the moon where we are feeling. Looking at the clouds, I guess my grandparents in Xinjiang are also looking at the clouds and thinking about me. What a happy thing it is to have family reunion and enjoy the moon and eat cakes on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. But I can't get together with grandpa. Ah!

But it doesn't matter. Now the technology is very developed. I used my mobile phone to send a picture of our family to my grandpa, and called my grandpa to greet him. No moon, no grandpa. This Mid Autumn Festival still has to be lived, but the date of August 15 exists, and this Mid Autumn Festival still has to be lived. We play games and eat moon cakes. Say an idiom or poem about the moon, and continue. If they can't go on, they will reward the winner to pick up the moon cake to eat. They have forgotten the lingering yearning, homesickness and stuffiness.

Mid Autumn Festival, family reunion is the best. If you can't, don't lose heart. Look at the affectionate moon and miss... forget about troubles, unhappiness and everything. Have a happy and carefree Mid Autumn Festival!

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (13)

The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again.

That night, three members of my family were sitting at the table, tasting the delicious food made by my mother, and talking about the ancient customs of the Mid Autumn Festival while eating. At that time, my father proposed to conduct a talent contest on the Mid Autumn Festival, which I agree with. First of all, we will have an idiom contest. The requirement is that every idiom must contain the word "month".

I made the first remark: "Love the moon."

The father then said: "The old man before and after the moon."

Mother also refused to be outdone: "romantic, water flowers, mirror moon."

After a round of idiom contest, I entered the ancient poetry contest. I said first: "Look up at the bright moon, bow my head and think about my hometown."

My father said, "The moon is setting, the crow is crying, and the frost is all over the sky. The fishing fire of Jiangfeng is sleeping with sorrow."

With that, I went to the balcony alone, hoping to see the bright moon, the lonely Chang'e in the cold palace and the lovely Jade Rabbit. Looking up and around, there was no shadow of the moon. It turned out that today was cloudy. When the moon was gone, a moment of yearning came to my mind: looking up at the sky, it seemed that the scene of the Spring Festival had appeared before my eyes: my cousin and I were together happily, fighting and making noises. But now they are on the same side, unable to meet each other.

Thinking, thinking, I unconsciously thought of the treasure island of the motherland, xx. At this time, xx must also think of her mother, China. At that time, there was a report on TV that xx would apply to join the United Nations. no Xx is a part of the People's Republic of China. We must not let xx leave the embrace of the motherland.

It was late at night. In my sleep, I dreamed that on the night of my return at xx, my cousin and I were boating and watching the moon at the Sun Moon Lake at xx.

Composition on Mid Autumn Festival Junior High School (14)

With the feeling of homesickness that the moon is bright in our hometown, we are welcoming the Mid Autumn Festival again. This is a Mid Autumn Festival without reunion, because I can't go back to my distant home for a Mid Autumn Festival when I am about to take the high school entrance exam, and then go back to continue my study.

At the end of the Mid Autumn Festival, we looked at the same full moon, letting the tears of homesickness flood out. Imagine the happy scene of the whole family getting together on the Mid Autumn Festival last year. Although there are few words between each other, they are so warm and warm. It will also become an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival, because this time I learned the value of reunion.

When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends will be reunited. This is home, a warm home, and a reunited home. In the past, the playful moon face always hung the thoughts of family. But at this moment, the moon is round, the home is round, and the thousands of yearnings are also round. Eating together is simple, but affectionate. The joy of reunion and the yearning of family have long been in my heart, and I really understand what home is.

At night, the moon is extremely round, and dozens of adults and children in the community start with lanterns and candles. Twinkle candles shine in my eyes. Moon, is this the candlelight of kinship? Look at this pair of parents and children. The smile on their faces is charming, simple, and a real family reunion. The candlelight lit up the whole community and lit up the darkness at night. The flaming flame made me feel that this is really a home.

Tonight, the moon is very round, and the moonlight is very soft and beautiful. Isn't it a great happiness in the world for a family to enjoy flowers and watch the moon in the moonlight? Stars and moon mother, blue sky father reunited, our family also reunited. How many mornings and nights have we looked forward to!

Tonight is the night of Mid Autumn Festival, the night of reunion, and the night that the moonlight of family will always shine on this warm and lovely home.

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (15)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. After having lunch at my aunt's house, my parents and I went to buy a lot of things, including apples and pears, for the moon to eat.

A golden moon has already hung high in the dark sky. In the dark sky, only the high moon will give out its unique light. I sat on the balcony with my parents, looking at the beautiful and moving moon can not help but make people relaxed and happy.

Just then, accompanied by a cool breeze, a voice came into my ears. It was my sister who asked me to have dinner. There are all kinds of dishes on the table, which dazzle people. There are fat braised chicken and fragrant braised meat, which make people drool. At the dinner table, adults talked loudly like thunder, so I had to go to my room to watch TV. Before I left, I went to see my birds. I suddenly wanted to teach them how to talk, but no matter what I said, they would only squeak. Finally, my parents and I went home, and the first thing we did when we got home was to take out the things we had bought long ago, including apples, pears, moon cakes, and chicken with delicious smell. We think; These moons should like to eat.

The Mid Autumn Festival of this year was really happy. Let's spend a wonderful Mid Autumn Festival together in laughter and laughter!

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (16)

This year's Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. Chang'e is playing with a computer, which is a gift from the Jade Emperor this Spring Festival. Now connected to the Internet, Chang'e swims online every day and is not idle for a moment. The computer is surrounded by moon cakes of fine packaging and quality. Chang'e looked at these lovely mooncakes and swallowed. Although she ate mooncakes every year, there was still a great temptation for these various and dazzling mooncakes. Various immortals sent a variety of moon cakes.

The Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magic. The Jade Emperor carved his cartoon image on the moon cake; The Queen Mother made the moon cake into a peach shape; The moon cakes made by the seven fairies themselves are full of fairy spirit, and can be used for beauty and beauty; Sun Wukong was so clever that he made the largest moon cake in the heaven, broke the Guinness record in the heaven, and gave it to Chang'e... There was no return for gifts. Chang'e could not push the favor, so he sent out the moon cakes one by one, leaving only a box of moon cakes with his own image on it. This mooncake is made of millennial pearl spring water, ground pearls from the sea bottom into powder, and added with the extremely precious glossy ganoderma in the sky. The taste is so delicious that Chang'e is overjoyed. Chang'e carelessly browsed the web page and suddenly found that this year's mooncakes were not only made of flour and stuffing, but also launched online electronic mooncakes.

On a whim, Chang'e immediately bought one and sent it to Saddam by email, so that he could taste Chinese mooncakes in the confusion of survival crisis. Chang'e opened her inbox and found an email, which was originally sent to him by Tang Seng. Open it and see it is an electronic moon cake, sending out beautiful 'music, transforming this exquisite animation. (Chang'e surfs the Internet with a good idea and a modern atmosphere. The author's imagination is more remarkable when she invents an electronic moon cake. This is worth encouraging.) Chang'e whimsically wants to use her half baked computer technology to hold an electronic moon cake exhibition, and finds that someone has already done it. On closer inspection, it turned out that it was made by Yutu. Chang'e was so angry that the whole moon palace was shocked: "Yutu, come here! If you don't take your medicine seriously, why do you go online to make trouble?" Yutu said disapprovingly, "You are only allowed to go online, not me? Besides, now the Moon Palace is mechanized, such as full-automatic washing machine, automatic microwave oven... even my tamping machine is also called full-automatic. The centuries old task of tamping medicine has already been completed, and now I am still promoting my tamping medicine online! Even the rogue rabbit appreciates my medicine, and he also buys it from me at a high price! We have already become friends. Who is like you? After playing online for so long, we don't even have any online friends. That's bad! " Chang'e felt very humiliated. She was the owner of the Moon Palace and the protagonist of the Mid Autumn Festival. The Jade Rabbit stole the limelight.

Chang'e was so angry that she grabbed the rabbit and beat it. Suddenly, there was a bang. Somehow, Chang'e ran to see it. It turns out that Wu Gang abandoned the axe and used high-tech laser technology to cut down the osmanthus trees on the Moon Palace. Why is there no moon on Mid Autumn Festival this year? Because osmanthus flowers everywhere cover the moon. Careful people can also smell a faint fragrance of osmanthus.

About Mid Autumn Festival Composition Junior High School (17)

The next day my father bought sweet potatoes and dumplings from the supermarket. My grandmother pulled me out of my warm bed and said that I would be his "little assistant". When I started to work, I first cut sweet potatoes into pieces and soaked them in water. Then when Grandma put water, I put dumplings and sweet potatoes into the pot. After 20 minutes, the delicious dumplings and sweet potatoes were cooked. Take a sweet and fragrant bite. It's delicious!

After breakfast, I went to the market with my mother to buy vegetables. When I came to the market, I found that there were a lot of people buying vegetables today. Some people were crying out about how good their food was, some people were discussing whether today's meat was good, and some people were bargaining with the people who bought vegetables. My mother and I went to the vegetable store to buy some Chinese chives, and then we went to the meat store to buy meat. Because there are a lot of meat buyers today, there is a long queue. After waiting for a long time, I finally got there. My mother said that a pound of pork was needed for the dumpling, so the aunt who sold the meat cut a piece, weighed it, and cheerfully shouted, "28 yuan!" My mother asked doubtfully, "It's too expensive, 25 yuan. Right!" "No, not a penny less, 28 yuan." My mother insisted on giving only 25 yuan, and the aunt sold it to my mother with 25 yuan.

In the evening, it is time to hold a memorial ceremony for Chang'e. Grandpa and grandma put candles and incense there, and put cakes, diamonds, sugar, moon cakes, bananas, cantaloupes, oranges, but the moon never appeared. However, the whole family was still very happy to sit on the balcony and taste delicious moon cakes.

Today is really an interesting Mid Autumn Festival. There is no moon. But I can eat a lot! That's great!