Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (13 Collections)
water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust
2024-01-07 09:08:02
primary school

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (1)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is a treasure" Yes, from the moment we were born, our mother gave us unlimited love. Why are we not a treasure? If you don't believe it, read down

After playing with the computer for a summer vacation, I finally became myopic. But my mother didn't want me to wear glasses in the future, so she bought me Sansangao. Although San San Gao can cure my eyes, my eyes will be unable to read books and see things clearly for a period of time. My mother is very concerned about my safety. He gets up at the o'clock every day and prepares my clothes to put beside the bed. Then he puts the books I need to use today in the schoolbag. Finally, he makes breakfast for me. After finishing these things, my mother wakes me up and sends me to school. In fact, when my mother got up, I should wake up. When I saw my mother's busy figure, my eyes were filled with tears. My mother has never asked me to wait in the world every day, and she is waiting for me every time

what? This is not convincing. OK, take a look at the following!

I always feel warm when I think of it. This May Day, my mother and I went to play on Cuihua Mountain. I ran around in the crowd and soon got to the top of the mountain. Although I was sweating, I thought, "Mom will praise me when she comes up later!" My heart was sweet. But happiness begets sorrow! Just after I thought about it, I felt like a worm crawling out of my nose! I left a nosebleed. "Mom, I'm here, and I have nosebleed." "What, God, let me see." After a while, the nosebleed still hasn't stopped. I am anxious and afraid, but my mother is more anxious than me. He bought four bottles of mineral water and took out a lot of wet wipes to cover my head. It took a long time for my nosebleed to stop, but my mother was still worried. She bought some mineral water and kept asking me if my nosebleed was still running on the road.

"There is only a mother in the world. A child with a mother is a treasure. Happiness is indispensable when lying in her mother's arms..."

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (2)

Mom, I love you!

We all know that mother is the greatest person in the world. Because our mother brought us from one world to another. From the first time we cried, our mother suffered the most painful pain in the world and gave us the right to live. Since we began to learn language, it is you who taught me the truth of life and nurtured our growth. When we were injured, you still sheltered me from the wind and rain, never giving up, making me unforgettable all my life.

May is a warm month, and the second week of May is Mother's Day. Mother is the cradle of our growth, and she is our guardian angel. No matter at any time, she is a safe haven for children and a good place to cry. Who cooked the lunch when you came home from school at noon and afternoon? When you are concentrating on your homework at night, who is afraid that you will be exhausted with a worried look? Who in the world will do these things silently for you? It's Mom. When I encounter something that I don't understand and worry about, my mother knows that she can't do anything for me, but her actions show that she is worried; If I meet something I don't know and feel happy, my mother will look happier than me and show understanding eyes. There is such a broad and selfless love in the world. It is mother. Motherly love is simple, and mother will not ask children to return anything. When children grow up, mother will feel very happy. However, I don't know anything, I don't know how much my mother has paid for me and how much sweat she has shed. On the occasion of Mother's Day, I want to give my mother a gift, to a mother who has worked hard for me - Mom, I love you! Day after day, year after year, what is old is the mother's body, and what never changes is the mother's heart to the child! In the second week of May, this warm month, we, as children, said to the great mother in the world: "Mom, I love you!"

Liang Yuying, the first junior high school student in Hengzhou Town, Hengxian County, Nanning, Guangxi

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (3)

··Mom, I love you

The simple words "I love you" contain my love and gratitude for my mother.

Today, I want to use the words "I love you" to express my mother's kindness to me for more than ten years. I stood in the room and thought about how to say it. When I got up the courage and walked in front of my mother, I found my heart was beating so fast. My mother smiled and asked me: "What's the matter? What's the matter?" I didn't know how to answer. I was very ambivalent. I was thinking about whether to say or not. When I looked up and saw my mother's smiling face, I quickly shook my head and ran back to the room to close the door. I covered my heart and was afraid that it would jump out. Sitting on the chair, I thought of my mother's care for me for so many years; Think of my mother's painstaking efforts to wash clothes and cook for me... can't I even say three simple words? So I stood up and thought about how to say it. I could not help but practice. "Mom, over the years, I have never known how to repay you for your love for me. I can only say those three insignificant words to you - I love you. No, it's too disgusting." "Mom, I love you! No, it's too simple." As I practiced repeatedly, The door of the room was suddenly opened, and my mother came in. I was scared and didn't know what to do. But my mother didn't say anything, just held me tightly in her arms. In fact, I know my mother cried... then I learned that love is actually very simple, as long as you work hard is the best!

I think a warm word and a slight action can show love. Students, let's take action! Thank your most beloved parents with your sincerity!

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (4)

Mom, I grew up under your care from childhood to adulthood. Thank you for your love for me. Memory There is one thing that is unforgettable for a long time. I will be excited when I think of it.

I remember that it was National Day. You said, "Xiao Dan, you have grown a lot, and some clothes are tight. Let's go shopping to buy you some new clothes." I nodded happily. On National Day, everyone has a holiday, so there are so many people on the street that it is not too crowded. Each store saw the business opportunity and tried every means to attract customers. At one time, the music in the store was loud, and at the other time, the clerk in the store held a loudspeaker and shouted, "All new models are available at a discount of 10%. Don't miss them when passing by."

My mother and I went to a large shopping mall, which was also crowded with people. In front of a beautifully decorated clothing store, my mother and I stopped, looked at each other and smiled knowingly. There are many kinds of clothes, the price is moderate and the quality is good. My mother and I selected some to try in the fitting room. When I came out of the fitting room, I heard someone praise: "Ouch, the clothes you wear are really beautiful, little girl." I was very happy to hear that. Mom thought it was suitable, so she bought it.

Later, my mother and I strolled in the busy street again, and she bought me new pants and shoes. There are many delicious stalls on the roadside, and she bought me some of each. When I took it in my hand and ate it, I found that there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, so I quickly said, "Mom, let me get some for you!" But my mother shook her head and said, "No, you can eat yours."

I hate to see my mother so tired. When I see a stool in a mall that can rest, I run to sit down and let my mother sit down. By the way, I took out a tissue from my pocket to help her wipe the sweat.

Maternal love is the greatest in the world. It can't be seen or touched, but can be felt with heart. Mom, thank you for your love. I love you very much, too.

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (5)

No matter in study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Composition can be divided into time limited composition and non time limited composition according to different writing time limits. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a 600 word composition of "I Love Mom" compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. Mom, I love you! For your reference, I hope it can help friends in need.

The spring breeze in March is warm, and the flowers in March are fragrant. Spring girl came to our city again. Today is "March 8th Women's Day", and the school welcomed a group of special guests - our mother. The school was holding a Young Pioneer activity with the theme of "Mom, I love you!" After doing morning exercises, the teacher led us to the ladder classroom with our mother for English lessons. In English class, we cooperated with our mother, some performed dialogues with her, some read sentences with her, and some were playing games with English cards. After English class, we went to the gym and started wonderful activities.

When I entered the stadium, I saw colorful balloons put together a lot of love, ribbons hanging on the wall, and a banner that said, "Mom, I love you!" The activity began, and the host quickly walked onto the stage to start the curtain call. The program was staged, with beautiful and affectionate poetry recitation, joyful song performance, and lively rap - listen to my mother. My mother and I were quietly changing our clothes. It was our turn to perform. We were going to perform the song "Mom Baby". When the host asked Ying Xinyeng to come to the stage with her mother, my heart suddenly raised its voice. I nervously went to the stage with my mother. When the music started, I picked up the microphone and began to sing. At first, I was very nervous and my voice was trembling. But when I thought of my mother holding my hand, I became very safe and confident, and sang a sweet song steadily, Like a little nightingale, I told my mother's feelings in a gentle and melodious song: "I grow up and you grow old day by day, and the world becomes more vast. From now on, let me lead you to take you away, and let you be my baby...". At the end of the performance, I took the card and roses I had given to my mother and walked up to her and said loudly to her, "Mom, I love you!"

The event ended successfully. I think: the purpose of this activity is not only to let us send blessings to our mothers, but also to let me feel that we have the care and company of our mothers and the strength of our mothers, and I will grow up and become better! I have the best mother in the world!

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (6)

That time, I felt your sincere love for me. That day, the teacher asked us to go home and ask our parents why they love their children. When I asked you innocently, your answer surprised me: "Because you are my daughter." This sentence was exactly the same as that reading. At that time, there was an inexpressible taste in my heart, sour, but also a trace of sweet. Mom, your love for me does not come with any conditions. You love me directly.

In fact, I can always feel your strict love for me. Whenever I make a mistake, you always yell at me. The wayward I didn't listen to anything. You were so angry that you hit me and scolded me. I just kept silent again and again. But every time you hit me and scolded me that night, you would tear off the strong and tall camouflage in front of me and secretly cry. In fact, I also know that this is your strict love for me.

Every time, I feel your warm love for me. Since I started my tutorial class, school has been over at 8 o'clock every day, and it's already 9 o'clock when I get home. But every time I walk to the front of the stairs, I look up and find that the light in our house is still on, and there will be a warmth in my heart - you are still waiting for me. It is because of this light that I know that I am not the only one who is "struggling" in the dark night. You have been accompanying me and guarding beside me. Only when I return home will you feel at ease. Isn't this your warm love for me?

Mom, I deeply appreciate your love for me. I also understand your concern. Mom, in fact, there is a saying in my heart that I want to say to you: "I love you, Mom!"

Thank you for your mother's love and you along the way.


Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (7)

Mom, do you remember that time? When you came to see me off, I saw that I was almost at school and there was a red street light. I was so worried that I untied my seat belt. There was a car taller than my car in front of the car, blocking our view. When you saw the car in front of you, you followed it. Suddenly a car came to us and rushed towards us. In a moment, everyone had to stop urgently, Your first move is to hold me tightly for fear that I might be in danger. When you get off the bus, you see that the driver is a young man. After seeing that our mother and daughter are all right, the young man takes a deep breath of relief, and then hurriedly says, "Sorry, sorry!" The mother is not angry, but just says, "Are you all right? You can drive slowly in the future!" The young man says, "Thank you, you are a good man!"

Through this matter, I think mother is not only selfless, but also has a tolerant heart!

Mom, do you remember that time? It rained that day. I was playing outside. When I came home at night, you saw that my face was not right. You touched my head with your hand. It was very hot. You immediately took me to the car and went to the hospital. The doctor took his temperature and said, "What are you parents doing?" I said hurriedly, "I played in the rain myself." The doctor left after giving me an injection, My mother said to me painfully, "Are you hungry? I will buy you something to eat as soon as you are hungry." My mother came back later. Seeing her sweating, I guessed that my mother ran all the way back, and my tears could not help but flow down. My mother asked, "What's wrong?" I said, "Mom, you are hard!" My mother smiled and said, "It's OK, eat quickly!" As soon as I took a bite, I vomited out. My mother asked me what was wrong. I said, "The food is so bitter, you have a taste." My mother said, "It's not bitter, it's because of your injection." I nodded. My mother patiently fed me one mouthful at a time.

Mom, I love you forever!

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (8)

Mom, you have worked hard! Although I am still young, I know that you have paid too much for our family. If my father can be more competitive, drink less often and help more, you won't have to work so hard. For the sake of this family, as a substitute teacher in the kindergarten, the more than 40 naughty children in the school are enough for you to gasp for breath, but you still have to undertake so many things at home. Living in the tea village, I usually do a lot of farm work, such as weeding, spraying, picking tea, making tea, etc., which is enough for a big man to be busy. What's more, you are a different "man". It's no wonder that neighbors' uncles and aunts all said that Jin Min, a woman, did better than a man, and a scholar could also do heavy work.

Mom, don't be angry with your father! When you learned that your father was drinking again, we were really worried about your angry appearance. What's wrong with you? We know that you are also for the good of your father. For the good of our family, my father has an old problem. Our sister and brother will cooperate with you to help my father get rid of his bad problem.

Mom, our brothers and sisters will win! Our siblings are always obedient at home, and study harder than other children. When we come home from school, we often help our mother do some housework within our power. Our neighbors always praise us as good children. Both of us did well in the usual and final tests. When our sister and brother came home with the big red list, the neighbors always said that your efforts had paid off, and then you showed a happy smile!

Mom, you have worked hard. My mother is always so hard and strong in my heart.

Mom, you are our good mother, we love you forever.

Mom, I love you!

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (9)

Mother's love is my concern. Once, it was raining cats and dogs outside, and the sound of "crash, crash" was accompanied by the clear bell for class, which was the favorite bell of the students. Before the bell rang, the students picked up their schoolbags and walked out of the school. One by one, they rushed into their parents' arms and left the school accompanied by their parents.

I thought my mother would wait at the door early, so I hurried out of the classroom. But at the school gate, there was no mother. "Is Mom a little late?" I comforted myself. But after waiting for a long time, I still didn't see my mother. "It must be my mother who forgot me, regardless of me!" Thinking of this, I rushed out of school crying, tears and rain hit me together. I am like a goose out of the flock, sitting alone in the corner caressing the wound. At this time, I suddenly felt that there was no rain on my head. "Has it stopped raining?" I looked up and found that a coat was covering my head. "Whose coat is this?" I didn't respond when I was still in a daze. "Feifei, hurry up and go home!" I looked up and saw that it was my mother! She only wore a shirt, and I immediately understood what was going on. It was my mother who made a sacrifice for me, and my tears burst out again.

Mother's love is my care. Another time, my mother cooked a table of delicious food. Looking at the food, I jumped up happily. Mother asked me to come over for dinner, and I skipped to the table to eat. As I ate, I suddenly found that what I had in front of me was delicious food, but what my mother had in front of me was ordinary food. When I asked my mother why she didn't eat, she smiled and replied, "I don't like it. You should eat more." Suddenly, a warm current of emotion came to my heart.

Yes, all mothers in the world give the best to their children. Here I want to say: "Mom, I love you! Now you take care of me. When I grow up, I will take care of you!"

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (10)

I remember my first dance class when I was six years old. At that time, I was too nervous to go to art school. My mother encouraged me to say, "Son, you should be brave. This is the time for you to show yourself. Don't shrink back." Finally, my mother held my hand all the way to enlighten me and make me brave. Finally, I arrived at the gate of the art school, but I was even more nervous. At that time, I wondered whether the teacher would criticize me and the students would laugh at me if I didn't dance well. My mother seemed to know what I was thinking, so she stroked my head and said, "Never mind what others say, you can do your best by doing every action taught by your teacher and practicing hard."

The dance teacher came, looking at the teacher's gentle and sunny face, the tension on my face has relaxed. The teacher walked into the classroom, holding my fleshy little hand in his slender hand.

I looked back at the mother again and again, looking at her encouraging gesture, and finally got up the courage to enter a new world. At this moment, I feel I have grown up. When the teacher pulled me in front of her, I said to myself in my heart: "No matter where I stand, I should study seriously and actively. This will live up to my mother's expectations and encouragement." This event is still fresh in my memory, because my mother's love and encouragement surrounded me and warmed me.

Recalling the first time I played the piano, I always recognized a wrong note, and my mother patiently read with me, accompanied me to recognize, never tired of it. With my mother's help, I finally learned to read the staff. When I started to play the piano by hand, I was very clumsy, and I always couldn't figure out which sound to play. Mom again, play, sing and teach me. I am really lucky that my mother's encouragement, support and patience have changed my clumsiness a little bit and made my playing skill grow day by day.

The past depends on me. I recall that my mother created a versatile me in my childhood. Mother is ordinary and great. She accompanies me, encourages me and cares for me day after day. Mom, I love you! Thank you! I will repay you with unremitting efforts!

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (11)

However, only when the teacher asked me to write a composition about maternal love did I calm down and ponder over the "maternal love" that has been with me for more than 4000 days and nights, but I ignored it.

My mother is my alarm clock for school every morning and noon; Every noon and evening, my mother is my warm harbor when I come home from school; Three meals a day, my mother is a "chef" who adds nutrition to me; Every time when she is sick, her mother is the tireless super care; Washing clothes, cleaning the floor, and tutoring homework, my mother is like a "machine" that never stops... My mother's love is "everyday" to me. I was born and always was, but I turned a blind eye to it.

Since last year, my family has added another naughty baby, and my mother's busyness has doubled, feeding, washing, and sleeping... I saw the new wrinkles on my mother's eyes, and I saw the new white hair on her head. My previous days of "reaching out for food and clothes" suddenly changed, and I was in an unprecedented panic. Only then did I realize that it was not easy for my mother, and I realized that I had neglected too much "maternal love" before.

Recently, when I want to dry my nose and become a teenager, I often go against my mother, which makes her angry. In fact, I didn't mean to, my heart loves my mother very much, really!

I will often recite the "Why Not" written by Bing Xin, and I will often sit down to experience my mother's good intentions. "... No reason, just because you are my daughter..." I know my mother loves me.

No reason, just because I am your daughter, mother, I love you more!

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (12)

Mom, how much effort have you devoted to me from birth to now! Every time I come home after school, the table will be filled with delicious food; Every time I am injured or ill, you will help me or take me to the hospital as soon as possible; When I want to buy beautiful clothes, you will not hesitate to buy them, never considering how expensive the clothes are; During your pregnancy and the birth of your brother, you helped me check and coach my homework every day; Although you sometimes scold me, I know it is because you are strict with me and hope that I can grow better... Every bit of life brings together your deep love for your daughter!

This flash, nine years later, you accompany me through the ups and downs, leaving me with many precious memories. I remember that when I first went to kindergarten that year, you were cleaning up in the living room, and I was playing in your room. Dad just poured a cup of hot tea on the table, and turned to do other things. Before I knew it, I walked to the table and reached for the tea cup. The hot water in it ran on my hand, and my hand was burned instantly. I wailed in pain. You heard me and rushed into the room. When I saw my situation, my face was full of nervousness and anxiety. I scolded my father loudly and smeared my wound with the potion prepared at home. Then, you and my father quickly drove me to the hospital, went to the doctor for professional treatment, and worked for a long time. Although I was very young at that time, that scene has been printed in my mind. Later, you paid more attention to my safety education and protection, often taught me safety knowledge and problems to be noticed, and did not ignore every dangerous detail. It is under your careful care that I can grow healthily and happily.

Mom, today is Mother's Day. I want to say to you: "Thank you for your love for your daughter, and I especially love you! I hope you will always be healthy, happy, work smoothly, and live happily!"

Mother I Love You 600 Word Composition (13)

Today is Women's Day, a holiday for women who have become mothers. In order to let myself know the hard work of being a mother, I experienced the process of being a mother and having a baby.

When it comes to this topic, you will surely ask me: "How do you pretend that your mother is pregnant?" I will tell you without thinking: "Of course, use a small schoolbag to replace it, and wrap the small schoolbag full and bulging in front of your waist!"

So I asked my mother, how much did I weigh when I was born? My mother told me, and then, like this, she wrapped a bag of more than six kilograms in her waist. From 8:00 in the morning, I began to act like a "pregnant woman". During this period, I encountered many difficulties, such as: I could not see my feet when I walked, which made me unable to move; If something falls on the ground, you can't bend down to pick it up. You have to squat on the ground to pick it up. Also, when eating, the stool should not be too close to the table, because it will squeeze the "big belly"; Also, I leaned against the table to read: "My chest is a fist away from the table, and my eyes are a foot away from the table". Such simple things can not be done; Even going to the toilet is inconvenient. The bulging schoolbag in front of my stomach seemed like a heavy stone, dragging my body downward. I felt like I wanted to fall down. It was not until six o'clock in the evening that I took off my schoolbag and recovered to my normal appearance. I felt that the whole person was much more relaxed and moved freely.

This experience of being a mother made me feel that it is not easy to be a mother!

Mom, you are so hard! I want to thank you for bringing me to this world. From now on, I must study hard, have good moral character and develop good behavior habits. When I grow up, I will make contributions to my motherland. Let my parents and my family live a happy and happy life.

Yeah! There is a song that is very appropriate: "There is only a good mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. Happiness is indispensable when he is in his mother's arms..."

Ah! My good mother, I love you!