Expecting Eye Composition (16 recommended)
A hurried traveler
2024-05-26 01:21:09

Expecting Eyes Composition (1)

Expecting Eyes Excellent Composition

Whether in study, work or life, we can't help but contact or use composition, which can improve our language organization ability. So have you learned about composition? The following is an excellent composition about the look in your eyes for everyone's expectation. For your reference, I hope it can help your friends in need.

Although grandpa is far away from us, grandpa's voice in the picture is always kind and objective, and even his eyes are always full of infinite tenderness and expectation.

For more than a month, I have thought of my grandfather more than once, always thinking of his unfinished wish and the promise that I haven't had time to complete. During the Tomb Sweeping Day last year, when I came home from vacation, I saw my pen container which had been left in the corner by my grandfather and was covered with dust. Suddenly, I wanted to see my grandfather write: "Grandpa, I want to see you write the characters of sheep hair." My grandfather turned to look at me. She wore a gray shirt, black pants, a little black skin, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose. She was gentle and gentle, Just like a scholar. From childhood to adulthood, I knew that Grandpa's handwriting was always beautiful, but as the spring and autumn period became bigger and bigger, Grandpa's limbs were not as flexible as before, and the number of times he wrote became very few, let alone the number of times we saw it. He turned his head and obviously wanted me to say again that he was old.

Listen to me again, Grandpa was stunned for a moment, then smiled, looking embarrassed, "I haven't written for so many years, I'm afraid I'm a little rusty..."

"It's OK, Dad, you haven't written for so many years, not only the children, but also I want to see it!" Mother also said, expressing her approval of my idea.

"This......" Grandpa held his glasses and looked at us, his eyes full of kindness.

My sister then said, "Grandpa, I also want to see it. I know there is no rice paper. I will buy it!"

It's hard to give up. Looking at our expectant eyes, grandpa seemed to overflow his pity. He smiled happily and said, "OK, go and buy paper, and I'll do the rest." He set up a table in the living room. grandpa took out the ashy sheepskin, slowly wiped his bottle of ink, and gently poured out the ink as thick as the night, The hair is full of lingering fragrance. Soon, my sister also bought rice paper. According to Grandpa's request, my sister and I cut the paper. Grandpa saw rice paper and said it was of good quality.

Grandpa took up his pen, like a general who has been on the battlefield for a long time. Grandpa dipped in thick ink and was absorbed. He saw the pen and his flexible wrist shuttling back and forth in the white paper. The words of "the sea embraces all rivers" suddenly appeared on the paper. Grandpa's font, like his own, had to be amazing. "Wow, look carefully." With our continuous exclamations, Grandpa's mouth could not help rising, and the wrinkles on his face showed that he was more loving. He took out a sheep's hair from a brown pen holder. The rabbit hair had been dyed black, and only a little water could be used. I think he needs to change a pen to write. After all, the spring and autumn light of this pen looks much bigger than mine, Unexpectedly, grandpa handed it to me. He looked expectant and kind in his eyes. Then he asked me to write a few words. I naturally evaded him. Guan Gong could not do such a thing by playing broadsword in front of him. Besides, I had never learned the word "sheep hair".

"It's OK. I'm just writing for fun. If I can't write well, there's still your grandpa!" Looking at my confused and depressed expression, my mother smiled and said she stood by my grandpa. In this way, I reluctantly picked up the sheep's hair. Looking at my pen holding posture, Grandpa smiled and corrected me: "This is not a mistake, ah, yes, it is this way to hold the pen... Watching the words forming under my pen, Grandpa's face showed a happy smile. Grandpa encouraged me to say:" I could not even hold the pen. Later, I will raise it so much, write well, practice well, and I will be able to write beautiful calligraphy. " Looking at Grandpa's expectant eyes, I also smiled happily.

Later, due to intense study, I went to see my grandfather less and less. Last October, I went to my grandpa's house. Just after I entered the door, my grandpa said, "Today, you can practice calligraphy with me again. I have bought all the paper." Looking at his expectant eyes, I remembered that time was very tight. After all, the time for visiting home was crowded out by the whole family

I pursed my lips for a moment and then said, "Next time, I will have time in the winter vacation. Then I will come back and practice calligraphy with you every day. We can also write Spring Festival couplets together!"

"Well, I'll get things ready by then." Grandpa's disappointed face showed color again and smiled excitedly. It was all fine, but he never left us in the last few days before the winter vacation. Grandpa, who always trusted, didn't win the letter this time. "I regret everything before death." I never expected that the first time I practiced calligraphy with my grandfather would be the last time. Whenever I think of the look in my grandpa's eyes, I feel more guilty.

Expecting Eyes Composition (2)

The midterm exam is coming soon. When I thought that I had only 30 candidates in the midterm exam last semester, I was very afraid this time. Will I also have 30 candidates?

Last year, when I took the midterm exam, I didn't take the exam seriously and got 30. How regretful I was then! But it was too late. I was criticized by my teachers at school and my parents at home. At that time, I was in hell.

There was only one day left for the exam. I was lying in the quilt. My heart was afraid and my mind was in a mess, because although I reviewed, I did not review well, and I was afraid that I would do poorly in the exam as I did at the beginning. At this time, my mother suddenly walked into my room. Seeing my sad expression on my face, she asked me what was wrong. I told her everything I thought. I thought she would say many things to me, such as: review hard, don't be nervous, but unexpectedly, she only gave me a look, which was full of expectation. This look suddenly made me energetic.

The next day, I bravely walked into the school and saw that my classmates were reviewing the exam content in the classroom. I also sat on the chair to review. At this time, my good friend came to me and asked me how my review was going. I said it was almost done. But he told me that he didn't review very well. When I thought that the look my mother gave me last night was invigorating, I gave him the same look. His originally unhappy face suddenly smiled. I also smiled at him to encourage him.

The exam began soon. I was a little nervous at first, but I was not nervous at all when I thought of the look my mother gave me. Unconsciously, I finished the exam.

A few days later, the test paper was handed out. As soon as I saw the results, I jumped up happily: No. 7! This is the first time for me to get so good in junior high school! I asked a good friend in the past. He was the eighth in the exam, one lower than me. He had done better than me in the past. I was afraid he was sad, so I comforted him: "Don't be sad. It's OK if you didn't do well in the exam this time. It's OK to do better next time." He told me: "It's OK. In fact, if you didn't give me that look, I wouldn't do so well in the exam." We laughed happily together

From that moment on, I understood that this kind of look is called anticipation.

Expecting Eyes Composition (3)

Before the exam, I made up my mind to do well, but the reality is always "bone".

When the papers were handed out, they always looked regretful. Looking at the papers, they said, "How can I do wrong in this question? How can I do so badly in the exam?" So I always made a decision in my heart to do well in the exam next time.

As a result, within three days, I forgot everything, and the next exam was unsatisfactory.

I don't know whether others are like this. Anyway, I have spent my primary school life in this way for six years. I have no choice but to be upset.

Until I entered junior high school, until after the monthly exam, until I saw my mother's expectant eyes

It was the first monthly exam in junior high school, and I even got 120. I couldn't believe it. Looking at the test paper, I was silent

Back home, my mother asked me hopefully, how was the exam? I took out the roll of paper slowly. I didn't dare to look at her. I was afraid that she would be disappointed with me because I had disappointed her too many times. Moreover, before the exam, I once confidently told her to wait for my good news. How disappointed she would be if she knew that I was only 120. Because just now, after looking at my volume and ranking, my father went out without saying a word, and I heard his deep sigh. "It doesn't matter, kid, you lost 20 points in English because you painted the wrong card this time. In fact, you have made progress. How could you still miss a question in Chinese? It's a pity. And in mathematics, the last step of the question lost the minus sign, which was too careless." She seemed to have discovered the new world, and she talked to herself with affirmation in her voice. This was unexpected. When I looked up, I saw a pair of shining eyes full of expectation.

Since then, I have learned to be serious and persistent.

Our departure places are the same, and our goals are the same. However, many people will give up halfway, but I do not. Every time I see my mother's expectant eyes, I will stick to it, because I don't want to disappoint her.

My friends, when you are arrogant and complacent, please close your eyes and think about the expectant eyes of your parents. When you are afraid and want to give up, please close your eyes and think about the expectant eyes of your parents. I believe it will bring you courage and motivation.

Looking back, I saw my mother's expectant eyes again.

Expecting Eyes Composition (4)

When a wonderful program is about to be staged, people always look forward to it. Staring at the magnificent curtain, I leaned forward slightly, as if I wanted to see the actors coming to the stage backstage. The expression in the eyes is anticipation, which makes people intoxicated. Almost everyone who is going to the stage wants to be closely surrounded by these eyes, so they are crazy. I also like the look of anticipation.

I will practice hard for the look I look forward to. I will catch every minute and practice day by day. I don't care about the thick calluses covering my hard working hands, I don't care about the numerous scars on my exhausted body, I just want the look of anticipation. On the morning eve, the rooster crows, but I have practiced in the morning light; In the afternoon, the sun is hot, but I sweat like rain; In the evening, when the stars are shining, I practice with the moon. Other people talk and laugh happily, and other people play together, but I don't care. Because there is a strong belief supporting me - for the look of anticipation.

I will wait a long time for the look of anticipation. I know that the emperor is worthy of all his efforts. God will send a kind angel to give me a small opportunity. Maybe others don't care about losing this opportunity; Maybe this opportunity was thrown at me from the rear window; Perhaps, this opportunity is full of countless unknowns... But I believe that my efforts will make the originally colorless iron plate covered with sweat and tears, make it shine and shine like gold! "There will be times when the wind breaks the waves, and the cloud sails will help the sea." As long as I have the look of expectation in my heart, I will wait.

Finally one day, I stepped onto a small but glorious stage, a stage of my own. I stood there safely, but my heart was surging. The eyes of people below the stage reveal the expectant eyes that I have been pursuing hard. They are waiting, they are longing, they are expecting! I understand how much blood and sweat I have paid for this moment, how much pain and sadness I have buried for this moment, and how much happy time I have lost for this moment! But now, are not all the things I seem to have lost back? I firmly believe that I will go farther, run faster and fly higher for the look of expectation!

Expecting Eyes Composition (5)

Seeing this topic, I thought of my mother. Mother's eyes can speak, and mother's eyes can express many things: praise, encouragement, criticism, and expectations.

I remember one time, I participated in the school's recitation contest, and I was trained by my mother for several consecutive nights. Because my mother is a master of recitation and often participates in various recitation competitions on behalf of the unit, I also want to be able to participate in competitions on behalf of the class like my mother. Every training exercise, my mother accompanies me, encourages me, corrects my mistakes, and affirms my advantages. When I am tired, as long as my mother gives me a look, I am full of power!

On the day of the real competition, I suddenly became very nervous and afraid. Suddenly, I heard: "Next, Wang Junmiao." My heart immediately mentioned my voice, and my mind was blank, I didn't know what to do. At this time, I saw my mother's eyes, which were full of expectations. My confidence was greatly increased, and I said the content of the recitation with emotion. As a result, I represented my class in the school recitation contest with the highest number of votes in the class. At that moment, I was really happy!

I firmly believe that my mother's expectant eyes will let me go farther, run faster and fly higher!

Expecting Eyes Composition (6)

The rain is still falling, wetting the intoxicating aroma in the air, refreshing. I looked at her habitually. She saw me and grinned at me.

When I first saw her, she was sitting in the noisy street with a gray blue hat on her head. A few strands of pale hair were blown by the wind, and her weather beaten face was full of fatigue and helplessness. Piles of fresh osmanthus flowers in front of me made the air in that section sweet and intoxicating. Holding her only hand, she skillfully and quickly strung the osmanthus flowers in front of her carefully with thin threads. Exquisite but fragile.

The sun is hot, and her sweat flows from the sideburns to the back of her neck, but she still keeps stringing osmanthus flowers. From time to time, I looked up timidly at passers-by, but I never dared to shout. People came and went, and almost no one noticed the skinny old man sitting on the street corner.

"Little girl, do you want to buy sweet scented osmanthus?" She seemed to realize that I had been staring at her. She finally spoke timidly, as if worried that I would go away, and tried to raise the sweet scented osmanthus she had just strung together with her arm. "This is a beautiful necklace. It's not expensive."

I looked into her eyes. In those turbid eyes of vicissitudes of life, there was still confusion, as if they were fascinated by the fragrance of flowers. They were full of pleading, expectation, eagerness, and sadness. Her hand was still high, and the osmanthus string was lifted high, half of which was dragged to the ground. This action was inevitably funny and ridiculous to others, but who knew her inner urgency and difficulty.

She is still looking at me, but I am a bit absent-minded. The thick fragrance of flowers seemed to cover her and me with a layer of gauze, and I saw tears in her eyes through that layer of gauze.

"Well, give me two strings." I hurriedly avoided her eyes. I knew that she must open her toothless mouth and smile happily.

She kept saying thanks and insisted on giving me a bunch. He said something vaguely.

"Little girl should study hard. My granddaughter is as old as you, but..."

My heart thumped and looked at the old man's suddenly darkened eyes. She didn't go on, and I didn't know her story.

She put the osmanthus in the bag and handed it to me. A big smile broke open.

"If the flowers are dry, put them in the flower stall. When the wind blows, they will still have fragrance."

I nodded and handed over the money. I could not help but hope to look at those eyes. My pupils seemed clearer, showing some joy.

I carry a bag full of fragrance. The fragrance follows me all the way home.

What is the story of the old man? I can't bear to listen. I only know that although she is suffering, she tries to live. Complete the last chapter of life with only one arm.

I think, if open. It must be fragrant.

Expecting Eyes Composition (7)

Even if I am in a wet corner, your eyes are still full of expectation—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The hot sweat slid down my face, I exhaled a mouthful of foul air, and continued to walk with heavy steps. Looking back, a group of people who were slightly slower than me wanted to catch up. Looking up, a red sun hung in the sky.

The kapok tree beside the school road is full of torch like flowers. In March, it burns red in the campus.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and suddenly regretted my promise that day.

"Write your own ideal, let us burn our youth to pursue." On that day, you looked at us with sunny eyes. I picked up my pen and forcefully wrote: the world champion of sprint. Maybe the newborn is not afraid of tigers. Now I still feel far away, but at that time, I wrote it with confidence.

"Xiao Lin, your dream is really ambitious, but the teacher suggested you do what you can." You sat on the chair with a peach blossom smile that is still unforgettable. I raised my head and looked at your expectant eyes, which were imprinted on my heart - that is, the expectation of spring wind for willows, the expectation of spring rain for seeds, and the expectation of sunshine for early spring kapok!

Finally, the school sports meeting is coming! Lift, fall, lift, fall. Although the legs are heavy, how can they compare with the heavy look from expectation to loss? There is only one idea in my heart - the end, the look of expectation!

The wind ran across my face, the applause flew past my ears, and the cry swept through my heart window - my destination, only the look of expectation!

"Pa", my right foot seems to step on a piece of cotton——

"I am a champion!" When I screamed from my dream, I did not stand on the podium of the champion, surrounded by a white world: white coats, white masks, and white eyes

"Oh, you finally wake up!" It's your expectant eyes!

"Just wake up." You said with a smile that I fell down that day and suddenly fainted. You are always in front of the hospital bed.

The sun shines on your face through the ward window.

"Teacher, I --"

"Don't talk about it, body first, keep healthy, there are many champions." You smile, like the sunshine outside the window.

The wall outside the window is covered with green moss. "Look at the moss. 'When the day is not everywhere, youth just opens.

Expecting Eyes Composition (8)

Looking forward? For me, I just hope I can study hard, grow up and have a good future, and find a good job. But I can't feel this aversion in Grandma's eyes.

Grandma never asked me about my study. She always took me to eat, drink and have fun. She didn't like to see me frown. She hoped that I could live a happy life like her. Sometimes, I have something hidden in my heart, which can be seen through by her at a glance. Others, when they see me, always say, "Xiaoying, study hard. When I was a child, I didn't have such good conditions. Don't humiliate us." My mother is the one who talks the most. Sometimes, I wonder when scientists will invent a chip that can control people's thoughts. Believe it or not, my mother will buy it at any cost.

Grandma has spoiled me since I was young. My mother beat me, and she protected me. Everything depends on me. Of course, sometimes if I don't listen, I will still slap me. In fact, I am a cheerful and outgoing child. I always raise my hand first in class. But gradually, my grandmother was too old to protect me. When my mother beat me, she often used dirty words to stimulate me. When I was beaten, I always looked up stubbornly and looked at my grandmother.

I know that Grandma wanted to help me, but she was pulled aside by her mother and was not allowed to take care of her. Slowly, I began to become silent, impolite, do not like to play with classmates.

In those weeks, my world seemed to be black and white, without laughter and happiness. Later, I became sensible, gradually understood my grandmother, and learned to love her. No matter who talks back to Grandma or doesn't respect Grandma, I will try my best to scold and beat him until he apologizes. One night, Grandma cried. She said, "It's up to me, it's up to me, and it's up to me that you've become like this." After hearing this, she felt sad and couldn't help crying.

At that time, I didn't know why, but since then, I felt sorry for my grandmother. As soon as I saw Grandma's weather beaten face, I turned away from her. I was afraid I would cry again.

Now that I have grown up, my family is getting richer, but the relationship between my grandmother and me has gradually faded. Although my grandmother and I are no longer like before, I always encourage myself again and again. I believe in Grandma's expectations, so I learned to be strong and confident. I am very grateful to Grandma, who has taught me so much virtually. No matter what difficulties I encounter, as long as I think of Grandma's silent expectation and encouragement behind my back, my heart seems to be deeply touched.

Expecting Eyes Composition (9)


For examinees, before the exam, there was a symphony, because adults nagged and homework piled up before the exam. After the exam, there were bursts of tears of regret, and the sound of sighing was another sound... Alas, the final exam is coming again!

A heart free, relatively relaxed holiday is what I expect! Such a holiday depends on the results of the final exam. "You must do well in the exam! Come on!" he shouted in his heart, "You must not fail in the exam, in case of failure! Think about it, when you enjoy your holiday life comfortably, someone will ask you about your exam results, and compare with others. There is no mood to play, and the whole person's state will not be better."

The voice of "DuDuDuDuDu" broke my meditation. No, no one! The math problem is "abusing" me. I have been walking around its trap for a long time, and just saw a ray of light. I have to find a way to climb out. Don't let people upset my heart.

Sure enough, three times later, there was no sound again. I don't know how long it took to make it finally. I jumped out of the chair and stretched. Suddenly, my mouth felt a bit dry. I opened the door quickly.

"Mom, you... why don't you come in?" Looking at the tea cup in her hand, I was reminded of the knock on the door just now, and I felt a little guilty: "Mom, I'm thirsty to pour water myself, so you should have a rest earlier! It's getting late!"

"It's too late to come here to urge you! Knock on the door a few times and nothing happened. I know you are thinking. It's OK for Mom to wait a while..." Mom put down her tea cup and stroked my back, my heart suddenly burst into a clear stream, and my eyes were moist!

"It's right to work hard at ordinary times, silly boy!"

"I'm going to have the final exam tomorrow! Mom --" I looked up. Mom was looking at my face. Her eyes were black and bright, which calmed my impetuous mind!

"Tomorrow's exam is very important! But we should also pay attention to rest! Mom hopes you can get excellent results, but more hope you can be healthy and happy!" Mom took my hand, sat down, and gently closed my book, "As long as you put your heart into it, as long as you try your best, the exam results are not so important. As long as you are healthy and happy, and a self-motivated and responsible child, your mother will be satisfied!"

My heart was warm in a moment. Lying on the bed, my mother's eyes appeared in front of me. Those eyes were full of love and expectation. I always thought that my mother only cared about my achievements, but I forgot that I was her child and ignored her love for me. So sometimes my mother's advice is regarded as nagging. For example, my mother has always stressed that I should write in a standard way and not scribble, but I ignored it. The written score of the last midterm exam was deducted by five points, and I didn't care.

In the past, I even thought that pursuing children's achievements was a little vanity of adults. In order to support this vanity, they would rather sacrifice children's freedom and happiness! Thinking of this, I was laughing at my own pedantry, "Do what you do when you do it, and please study hard when you study!" My mother's words suddenly resounded in my ears.

My mother's expectant eyes let me see pure love, let me understand the meaning of my efforts, and let me find my usual laxity in learning!

My mother's expectant eyes told me that on the way to growth, I should not only pay attention to my own health, but also be a person who strives, strives, works hard and makes progress!

There is no rehearsal in life. I must pay close attention to every minute and every second of my study to be a serious and diligent student! I want to thank my parents! They are loving us in their own way!

Expecting Eyes Composition (10)

In the early winter, the cold air was pressing, and the willow trees were shivering in the northwest wind. The branches were crowded and bumped. Sporadic leaves are hanging and bare, which makes people feel chilly. It is already dusk, and the street is empty. I am walking alone on the path. Suddenly, the figure in front startled me. I looked up and saw two figures, one big and one small. My brain was like a movie, showing various scenes. Take a closer look. It's a father and daughter.

This father is tall and burly, but he is also handsome, but the girl next to him is so inappropriate. I began to complain for her. Why is God so unfair? He gave her a deformed face and a half face birthmark, but her eyes attracted me deeply. She was big and nimble, and her eyes were so firm as if she was expecting something? Such a winter night, such a person, but some of the occasion.

Soon, a figure came into sight. Not tall or short, about thirty years old, I stretched out my neck and didn't wait for my reaction. The girl ran past me, and her father followed her closely: three people hugged each other and walked past me. Suddenly my heart was also warm.

Although the girl is not perfect, I see expectation, happiness and love in her eyes

For 15 years, I know that my mother, like her mother, has been watching me and looking forward to me every day. I think this expectation makes me more motivated. I firmly believe that I will be more successful and powerful under the look of this expectation. Thank you for the eyes that surround me all the time, and thank your mother for her selfless love!

Expecting Eyes Composition (11)

Grandma was stooping to add firewood to the stove. The fire was very hot, and the steam in the pot was rushing up, filling the whole room. I opened my mouth to say goodbye, but I choked. Grandma turned around and saw me. While busy, she said to me, "Are everything ready? Don't leave your homework/textbooks at home. Wait a little while and eat an egg before you leave." Then Grandma got up and fished out two white eggs from the pot. They were from her own firewood chicken. They were very small but very clear. I didn't want to eat at first, but for the sake of Grandma's painstaking efforts, I ate it in two bites. "These are firewood eggs. They are fresh and nutritious. Grandma will cook them for you if you want to eat them later." My heart ached. How I wanted to stay with Grandma, but I couldn't. In order to learn, I had to go. I looked up and saw Grandma's eyes full of love and expectation. I couldn't say a word.

"My child, I will come with your parents several times. I don't need so many things every time. As long as I see you with my own eyes, I will be happy." Grandma choked, and her eyes were filled with tears. She wiped them with her sleeve, then smiled at me and stroked my head lovingly. I stuck myself in Grandma's arms and buried my head lower.

"Grandma, I have to go, or I will be late." "Go, study hard! I will send you."

I slowly walked out of the house with my schoolbag in my hand, looking back at my grandma from time to time. "Grandma, you can rest assured that I will study hard and come to see you often!"

Expecting Eyes Composition (12)

On a holiday a few years ago, I came to my grandparents' home in the countryside with great joy.

My grandparents lived in a small quiet village. I walked straight from the entrance of the village along a gentle path. It was very close. Grandmother is sitting in the yard peeling peas. This kind looking old woman seems to have no choice but to dye her eyebrows. Grandma stopped her work when she saw me coming and said with a happy smile; "Xuan Xuan is back!" I also threw myself into my grandmother's arms like a coquette. After saying hello to my grandmother, I went into the room. The figure of an old man was sitting at the table, his hair had been quietly rendered silver, and he was a grandfather.

He was drinking. His eyes, which were no longer clear and bright after all the vicissitudes of life, looked out of the window, listened carefully and murmured to himself. I don't know what's going on. I look puzzled. Because ordinary grandfathers all have a forthright smile, but today they look unhappy. I went to my grandfather, who didn't notice my arrival. Grandpa, what's wrong with you? I whispered. The original bright eyes seem to have lost their luster, and they are still dull: "Xuan Er is coming". Grandfather came back to himself. I want to know what happened to make this old man so depressed.

My grandfather told me the whole story while drinking --- it was the vegetables he had worked hard to grow that had been stolen. Grandfather looked up to drink all the wine in his glass and looked at me expectantly: "Xuan son, you must study hard to get a good university entrance exam in the future, and be a knowledgeable, polite, and open person. You can't do things secretly all your life!" His eyes were small, but they were very bright; Although there are many wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, they are always bright and energetic. I promised: "Hmm, hmm".

My grandfather was a man of culture. He didn't happen to meet the Cultural Revolution in the college entrance examination that year, so he couldn't go to college. Later, he became a soldier. Years of military life has made my grandfather cool and honest. My grandfather often told me his "famous saying": "Either not do it or do it best!" He did it, too. When he was in the army, he became a battalion commander. When he was old, he returned to his hometown to farm, and the vegetables he planted were the best in the village.

I don't know why my grandfather's expectant eyes remind me of those above. Several years have passed, and I sometimes ask myself why I remember this event so clearly, even the details. Actually, Grandpa, do you know? At the beginning, I was afraid that I could not fulfill your entrustment to me. It is your look of expectation that keeps me in mind. It always pushes me, inspires me and encourages me. Now I am no longer so timid. I know how to study hard, how to strive for opportunities, and how to become a person.

Thank you for the look, because it is a gift and advice from an old man who has gone through the world.

Expecting Eyes Composition (13)

Looking at the constantly flashing scenery outside the car window, my thoughts have drifted back to my warm home. However, this time the result is so bad, how should I face my parents who work hard for me?

Stepping out of the door, a cold wind with snowflakes poured into my clothes, and I couldn't help shivering. It was snowing, and the snowflakes were a bit hazy and quiet under the reflection of the dim street lights. I walked with heavy footsteps, dragging my tired body, facing the cold current on the way home. At the thought that my parents must have already prepared meals for me to come home, my heart could not help pulling up. Alas! Such a poor result.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the snow seems to be getting bigger, and the road is still stretching, as if it can never reach the end. From a distance, there was a familiar figure pacing up and down under the street lamp. When I got close, I could see the person's appearance clearly, oh! It's my father. Father's shoulders fell a layer of snow, and his ears were red with cold. My father has been waiting for me! But I was still dawdling on the road. My tears of frustration poured out like a gate, and I couldn't stop them.

My father panicked when he saw me crying. The eyebrows all frowned together and asked: "My dear daughter. What's the matter?" When I thought of my father cleaning up the house and preparing dinner for me this afternoon, I felt more sorry for my father. The tears that opened the gate were even more devastating. "Dad, I'm not a good daughter. I'm regressing, and I let you down again. "Winning or losing is a common thing for soldiers. Why care about a small failure? I believe my lovely daughter will not disappoint my father, right?" I nodded forcefully. When my father's cold fingertips touched my cheek, I understood my father's seemingly plain but strong love.

My father and I walked together on the way home, and no one spoke. The wind is still whistling, and the snow is still falling, like an elf dancing in the air. The stone in my heart finally came down. Along the way, my father's expectant eyes always appeared in my mind, giving me unlimited encouragement and courage.

It was my father's expectant eyes that lit the flame in my heart; It was my father's expectant eyes that made me no longer wander; It was my father's expectant vision that gave me the direction and motivation to move forward; It's my father's expectant eyes

In the face of the miserable achievements in reality, it is my father's expectant vision that gives me the courage to face, challenge and pursue a better future.

Part II:

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I have spent 15 years. In the past 15 years, I have cried, I have been annoyed, and I have been touched countless times. However, what left a deep imprint in my heart was an expectant look.

That was when I was in the first grade of junior high school. I was very nervous about my study. Maybe it was because of the changeable weather. I had a slight cold. My mother urged me to take medicine as soon as possible, but I didn't care too much at that time. I felt that it would be over soon. Unexpectedly, the cold became more and more serious, and finally a high fever occurred. In the morning, when I was lying on the bed weakly, my mother sat beside me and said, "Why are you so disobedient? I asked you to take medicine for a long time, but you just didn't listen. Is it alright now? I deserve it..." Finally, she became more and more angry and scolded me loudly. I listened in silence, feeling extremely uncomfortable. "Mom, please take a leave for me," I said weakly. "Ask for leave? Don't you just catch a cold? Will you miss a day's class?" Mother's usual kindness seems to be full of anger just now, her tone is firm, without any sympathy. Later, I carried the cold schoolbag on my back - I felt my mother's heart was as cold as her schoolbag at the moment. When I arrived at school, my classmates and teachers asked for help and took care of me meticulously. A warm current flowed all over my body. Although I went to school that day, I spent the whole morning lying on the table, my mind was in a daze, and I didn't listen to anything. After school, my mother took me to infusion. Just when I was going to take advantage of this time to sleep for a while, my mother handed me an exercise book. I trembled and took over the exercise book.

Holding the pen in my hand, I couldn't help thinking of my enthusiastic classmates and teachers, and of my mother's love for me in the past. But now, my mother is so ruthless. Doesn't she love me? When I think of this, tears of injustice flow from my cheeks. Suddenly, a warm hand wiped away my tears: "My child, my mother knows that you are uncomfortable, but learning is the first thing. If you don't work hard, how can you get good grades? My mother believes you can..." My voice was choked up. I suddenly looked up and saw my mother's eyes, but she turned away like she was running away. Ah, I saw it. It was clearly the eyes of an anxious mother, but the clear eyes were full of love, tenderness and tears. At this time, my heart was shocked. I finally understand now that my mother's heart is not uncomfortable? All that she did was for me, and I resented her... It's so pathetic for parents.

Although several years have passed, my mother's expectant eyes have made me unforgettable all my life!

Expecting Eyes Composition (14)

For more than a month, I have thought of my grandfather more than once, always thinking of his unfinished wish and the promise that I haven't had time to complete. During the Tomb Sweeping Day last year, when I came home from vacation, I saw my grandfather's forgotten pen pot in the corner, which was covered with dust, and suddenly wanted to see him write: "Grandpa, I want to see you write with a brush." Grandpa turned to look at me. She was wearing a gray shirt, black pants, a little dark skin, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose, Just like a scholar. From childhood to adulthood, although I knew that Grandpa's handwriting was always beautiful, as he grew older, his hands and feet were not as flexible as they used to be, and the number of times he wrote became very few, let alone the number of times we saw it. He turned around and obviously wanted me to say it again. After all, he was old.

Listen to me again, Grandpa was stunned for a moment, then smiled, looking embarrassed, "I haven't written for so many years, I'm afraid I'm a little rusty..."

"It's OK, Dad, you haven't written for so many years, not only the children, but also I want to see it!" Mother also spoke, expressing her approval of my idea.

"This......" Grandpa held his glasses and looked at us, his eyes full of love.

My sister then said, "Grandpa, I also want to see it. I know there is no rice paper. I will buy it!"

It's hard to give up. Looking at our expectant eyes, grandpa seemed to be overflowing with love. He smiled happily and said, "OK, go and buy paper, and I'll do the rest." He set up a table in the living room. grandpa took out a dusty brush, slowly wiped his bottle of ink, and gently poured out ink as thick as night, It emits a lingering fragrance. Soon, my sister also bought rice paper. According to Grandpa's request, my sister and I cut the paper. Grandpa saw rice paper and said it was of good quality.

Grandpa took up his pen, like a general who has been on the battlefield for a long time. Grandpa dipped in thick ink and concentrated. He saw that the pen followed his flexible wrist and walked back and forth in the white paper. Soon, the four characters of "Haina Baichuan" suddenly appeared on the paper. Grandpa's font, like his own, had to be admired. "Wow, look carefully." With our continuous admiration, the corners of Grandpa's mouth could not help rising, and the wrinkles on his face showed that he was more kind. He took out a brush with a brown pen holder. The rabbit hair had been dyed black, and only a little water could be used. I thought he would change a pen to write. After all, the pen looked much older than me, Unexpectedly, grandpa handed it to me. He looked expectant and kind. Then he asked me to write a few words. Of course, I evaded him. It was impossible for Guan to do such a thing when he played broadsword in front of him. Besides, I had never learned calligraphy.

"It's OK. I'm just writing for fun. If I can't write well, there's still your grandpa!" Looking at my confused and depressed expression, my mother also smiled and said that she stood by my grandpa. In this way, I reluctantly picked up the brush. Looking at my pen holding posture, Grandpa smiled and corrected me: "This is not right, ah, yes, this is the way to hold the pen... Watching the words forming under my pen, Grandpa's face showed a happy smile. Grandpa encouraged me to say:" I could not even hold the pen at first. After a while, I will make great progress. Write well and practice well, and I will be able to write beautiful calligraphy. " Looking at Grandpa's expectant eyes, I also smiled happily.

Later, because of the tension in learning, I went to see my grandfather less and less. Last October, I went to my grandpa's house. Just after I entered the door, my grandpa said, "Today, you can practice calligraphy with me again. I have bought all the paper." Looking at his expectant eyes, I remembered that time was very tight. After all, the time for visiting home was crowded out by the whole family

I pursed my lips for a moment and then said, "Next time, I will have time in the winter vacation. Then I will come back and practice calligraphy with you every day. We can also write Spring Festival couplets together!"

"Well, I'll get things ready by then." Grandpa's disappointed face was shining again and smiled happily. He was all right, but he didn't want to leave us forever in the last few days before the winter vacation. His trustworthy grandfather didn't keep his promise this time. "I regret everything before death." I never expected that the first time I practiced calligraphy with my grandfather would be the last time. Whenever I think of the look in my grandpa's eyes, I feel more guilty.

Expecting Eyes Composition (15)

Once in a math unit test, when Mr. Chen reported the score, he almost reported my name. I was so nervous that my palms were sweating. At this time, Mr. Chen reported: "Tingting, 86 points!" I suddenly got a cold sweat and blushed like Guan Gong. The students in the class stared at me curiously, and some of them even grimaced with glee, because we all know that my scores are the top students among the top students, and I have never taken an 8 word mark. This is a bolt from the blue for me!

After school, I shuffled my schoolbag. At that moment, Mr. Chen and his mother walked in quickly. Mr. Chen said to me: "Tingting, this test paper is my own question. Mathematics is connected with life. You have a bright eye in your first grade, but now what? I hope you can learn a lesson, OK?" She and her mother gave me a look of expectation. Since then, I have worked hard every day, and once in the exam, I scored 100 points! I want to say to Mr. Chen, "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

This is my favorite look, an expectant look!

Expecting Eyes Composition (16)

During the summer vacation, my cousin invited me and my parents to watch him play table tennis. When we came to the competition, I couldn't help admiring my cousin for his skillful play. My father said, "Well played, look! The other side has no ability to fight back!" Looking at my father's expectant eyes on my cousin, I felt a little envious, a little envious, and a little speechless. Sure enough, My cousin won the men's championship. While we are happy for him, I am thinking of one thing

Later one day, I said to my father who was reading a book, "I want to be as powerful and successful as my cousin. Can I go to learn table tennis with him, I nodded and said, "I will try my best not to disappoint you." Dad patted me on the shoulder and said, "Come on!"

The next day, I came to the table tennis hall and saw an old man who was nearly sixty years old. I said to him, "Hello, coach!" The coach said, "Hello, let's start practicing. First, forehand attack. At first, I thought it was very simple, as long as I could master a few basic movement essentials, but the real situation was very difficult. I either had a wrong type of shooting or lacked strength, which made me very distressed. When the coach fed me the ball, I only caught the single digits of 20 balls. Looking at my younger brothers and sisters who were half shorter than me, I couldn't help feeling inferior and discouraged because they played better than me. A terrible idea -- give up -- flashed through my mind. The coach seemed to see my depressed mood, He said to me: "It doesn't matter. Kung fu can not fail those who have a heart. As long as you are willing to persevere, work hard, and bear hardships, I believe you can play well. Those children, though younger than you, have practiced for two or three years. You just learned, you must work harder!" I looked at the loving coach and looked at the eyes full of expectation, and I could not help but feel refreshed and full of fighting spirit.

Day after day, from my father's eyes to the coach's encouragement and expectation for table tennis, I can't help thinking of the words Zhu Di said to his son Zhu Gaoxu in the war. Zhu Gaoxu looked at Zhu Di's expectant eyes and knew that his responsibility was great. After that, he fought bravely to defend the arrival of Zhu Di's reinforcements and achieved success. For me, my love for table tennis is due to my persistence and those expectant eyes.

"Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." My love and success in table tennis are due to my inner persistence and the most important "look of expectation" that I will never forget!