600 words composition on scenery (16 compilations)
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2024-05-26 09:39:32

600 words composition of scenery (1)

In one corner of the garden, there is a beautiful wall.

There is a wall standing in a corner of the garden. It has been erected for many years, and few people pay attention to it. Many people write on it, such as "××× came here". The pen is very sharp, the wall hurts, groans and shouts, and no one pays attention to it. People continue to write and laugh.

People put advertisements on it, put a layer on it, and then someone tore it up. The wall doesn't understand why people do this, but layers of advertisements gradually devour its original beauty. The smooth white wall leaves only a lot of potholes.

Someone tried to sneak into the garden, and the wall was blocked. The loser threw his anger on the wall and kicked him, but he could only smile helplessly.

Behind the wall, there is a small apricot tree. The wall protects it; The wind comes and blocks it. The wind, like a sharp blade, marks its face. It has no complaints. It feels that maybe this is its mission.

When the snow came, the branches became heavy because of the snow and pressed on it. The wall silently helped the apricot trees survive the cold winter.

Maybe the tramps really know the value of this wall. They love to sleep at its feet, tell jokes at its feet, look up at the sky at its feet, and sigh.

In this way, after many years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, it seems that the wall does not know, but the apricot trees behind it grow up little by little.

Another spring, the sun was shining brightly, and the little apricot tree also poked its head out of the wall mischievously.

"Spring is full of flowers, and a red apricot is coming out of the wall." Passers by stopped to take photos with the apricot tree. Perhaps because of apricot blossom, the wall was repainted. This place has gradually become a beautiful landscape in the garden.

People admire the beauty of apricot flowers, but only the swallow nesting on the wall knows that the most beautiful scenery is not apricot flowers, but its foil, the most beautiful wall.

600 words composition of scenery (2)

It has been half a year since I entered the new school, but I always dream of returning to my old school, which is my alma mater - Ningdong No. 1 Primary School. Although the original school cannot compete with the current "palace", it has its own unique features.

After entering a small gate in Ningdong, you will see flowers and pine trees when you walk across the steps. How many flowers there are! Like countless bright stars in the sky, they are winking at me; That flower is so beautiful! As if entering a continuous fairyland, flowers are blooming to me; That flower is really fragrant! The fragrance makes people intoxicated in the sea of flowers. The pine tree is no exception. It really looks like a fighter fearing difficulties, standing in every corner and making unknown contributions to its green. It deserves to be called "Qingsong School" by Ningdongyi Primary School!

After watching the flowers and pine trees, I slowly walked to the quiet corridor. The ground is so clean! I'm afraid even a microscope can hardly find a particle of dust. The wall is really white! Like pieces of white jade.

Then I walked into the lively classroom and listened to the neat reading. I felt happy because we are both the future and hope of our motherland. Every day we study in this dazzling classroom, but the knowledge we can understand is boundless. The awards on the back wall are the strength of our class unity! The narrow book corner is a sea of knowledge! The examination papers with excellent results are the result of our sweat! A small classroom, every day you can hear the students' polite answers! This is "small classroom, infinite warmth"!

After visiting the classroom, I ran to the small playground behind. Students will play here after class every day, which is equivalent to "the ocean of joy". Only laughter, not silence. Someone is playing football, someone is running, someone is playing games... How happy and comfortable it is!

After seeing the scenery of the school, I walked to the gate and looked at the four magnificent characters - Ningdong First Primary School. He said goodbye and left.

Look, no matter which school it is, it has its beautiful scenery. This is really a lovely, beautiful, full of good memories of the school ah! I love my old campus, but also love the beautiful scenery in the campus.

600 words composition of scenery (3)

Grandfather stood at the entrance of the village, smiled and looked at me. From afar, he could see his thin gray hair, trembling in the wind. He was holding a crutch, and his figure was no longer as straight as before.

I didn't have time to care and trotted to Grandpa. "Where is the rice field? Where has it all gone?" He stared at me and sighed: "Yes! It has already been filled. Where else? Look -" He waved to the old green tile houses standing behind him with the crutches, "All moved, moved!" I wonder if his voice was shaking because of the wind.

In fact, more than that? The muddy river, the rebuilt cement road, and the empty chicken and duck all indicate that the hometown I once knew is leaving me. Time, like a blunt axe knife, has carved memories beyond recognition every year.

My eyes blurred and I asked softly, "Grandpa, will I come again next time? This place has changed completely?" Grandpa just looked at me and suddenly said, "Girl, will you fly a kite with grandpa?"

I suddenly opened my hazy eyes and was at a loss, but my grandpa had already turned into the room and took out the kite. The shape of a swallow, its long tail, and some dim colors after years of erosion, is the kite that my grandfather bought for me when I was young. We climbed the hillside step by step, Grandpa picked up the kite, I pulled the line in my hand, everything was ready. Grandpa suddenly asked me: "Girl, do you remember, what should I do next?"

of course! I almost blurted out, but suddenly I understood what Grandpa meant. When everything is ready, the rest is waiting for the wind to come.

Each of us is small. We stand at the crossroads of life, and are carried forward by the torrent of time. The memory of childhood and the scenery of hometown can only become the past. All we can do is get ready and stick to ourselves. The rest is left to time.

My eyes were moist, the world in front of me was blurry, my throat was astringent, and I could not speak. Slowly, the wind blew and brushed my ears, as if to hear soft whispers.

Quietly, whether it is sunny or cloudy, when the wind comes, hold your heart, never forget the past, never think about the future, this world is safe, so good.

600 words composition of scenery (4)

My hometown Nanxiong, where peach blossoms are very bright and charming. Although I haven't returned for two or three years, I still remember the green fields in my hometown, the hillside full of red flowers, and some fragments of my life in my grandma's home when I was a child.

In spring, the sun shines brightly. No matter in the field or on the hillside, you can see a piece of green from afar, and sometimes you can see two or three children herding cattle. They played and soon burst into laughter. How innocent and lovely they were, just like us when we were young. As the Tomb Sweeping Day approaches, the famous peach blossoms at home and abroad are in bloom. It attracts thousands of tourists to watch. In front of Grandma's house, there was a river. The trees beside the river were full of peach blossoms. While appreciating the peach blossoms, I listened to the sound of flowing water.

In summer, the fields of my hometown turned green. At the beginning of June, the farmer uncle was busy working in the fields. The child was taking advantage of this time, either to catch frogs in the fields, or to catch butterflies, dragonflies, and grasshoppers in the mountains. This kind of life was really carefree.

In autumn, the sky is so clear and the air is so clear. I always want to sing a song to show my happiness. This season, the fruits in the orchard are ripe. The women picked the ripe fruit and let everyone be busy. And almost every family has different fruits in front of their door.

In winter, sometimes it snows, covering the ground. When the New Year comes, every family will cook their own delicious food, and every child will have new clothes to wear. Take the lantern to the street at night and enjoy yourself! Late at night, lanterns illuminate Nanxiong and bring warmth to everyone.

My hometown is so beautiful, and the people in my hometown deserve my admiration. They use their hard hands to make unknown contributions to the motherland.

600 words composition of scenery (5)

As the sun sets, the sky is covered with mysterious red gauze, and I carry a heavy schoolbag. I feel depressed and have infinite regrets. I walk in the campus. The breeze is blowing slowly, but it can't break my mind. Leaves fall one after another, as if also telling me what I am not. A strong sweet scented osmanthus fragrance comes to my nose, as if it injects a warm current into my heart, The scenery in front of me also seems to become hazy and beautiful, comforting my lost soul.

Suddenly, a splash ink landscape painting leaped into my eyes, and the king coconut towering into the sky stood on both sides, accompanying me; A clump of green grass stretches along the tranquil pool. The orange sunset sprinkles on the water. The weeping willows set off the bridge, as if entering the world of Song poetry. It feels particularly beautiful, hazy and quiet. Sitting on the grass and looking at the tall and low trees around me, I felt suddenly enlightened. Close my eyes, I imagine that I am a monk who is meditating in the deep mountains. I feel a special mood, quiet, and integrated with everything, the wind and the lake.

A burst of shouts and cheers came to my ears. I walked along the direction of the sound. A group of people were using their skills to carefully "send" the ball into the small basket for the sake of that red ball. Their exciting and brilliant performance kept my eyes glued. Suddenly, a person listening to music and jogging picked up a plastic bag and fell on all fours, making people laugh. In this quiet campus, in this noisy campus, my sad mood seems to be released.

The setting sun was shining on my face, and I looked up to welcome the warm pink afterglow. I put down my schoolbag, put down this heavy burden, and at the same time, I put the day's fatigue, the pressure and depression brought by the exam out of the sky. I quickly joined the ranks of chasing the "little red ball". There was more yelling on the court and more smiling faces on the campus. This beautiful scenery has become the joy of growth in the campus.

600 words composition of scenery (6)

April is a warm spring season, in this beautiful season, our family went to Damu Mountain to play.

After driving for nearly two hours on the road, we finally arrived at the foot of Damu Mountain. Because it was a weekend and the weather was sunny. In addition, it was the time when cherry blossoms were in full bloom, many people came to watch cherry blossoms. Many cars had stopped at the foot of the mountain. The mountain road was full of people and cars. It was really a bustling scene. The car was stuck on the road after driving up for a few minutes. In order to train me, my parents let me go up the mountain alone. They took my brother and drove up slowly with the traffic.

There are so many mountain bikes! I climbed the mountain for thirty or forty minutes, but there was still an endless motorcade ahead, and the whole mountain winding road became a parking lot. Walking on, I saw a piece of bamboo forest. The sun shines through the dense bamboo leaves and sprinkles on the ground. At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of "Hua Hua". I think there must be a stream in the ravine. In my heart, I felt like "I can hear the voice before I see him". After walking for about ten minutes, there were several cherry blossoms blooming like snow on the roadside. The scattered cherry blossoms made me very interested in the cherry blossoms on the top of the mountain. I could not help but quicken my pace under my feet. After several turns, I saw cherry blossoms all over the mountain. There are so many cherry blossoms here! Some are as pink as peach blossom, some are as white as snow, and some are as bright yellow as autumn leaves. After a while, the warm spring breeze gently touches the Buddha's face, and the cherry blossoms along the road greet me slightly.

Walking under a tree, I also climbed the mountain for more than an hour. Gradually I felt a little tired. I just sat on the rocks and had a rest. There was a clear stream beside me. Looking at the stream quietly, I remembered that I heard the sound of "Hua Hua" at the beginning. He said to himself, "Maybe it flows from here!" How clear the stream is! It is so clear that I can see a small stone at the bottom of the stream. There are thick trees beside the stream, but there is no trace of decay in the water. This stream has also attracted many people's attention. Some people use mineral water bottles to decorate water to drink, some people use their hands to gently touch the water surface to feel the cool of the stream, others gently pick up a handful of water in the place where the water flows gently to wash away the sweat and fatigue on their faces, and some beautiful big sisters face the water surface to tidy their hair. At this time, I looked back down the mountain. The cherry blossoms all over the mountain made me feel the beauty of the big screen.

In the future, I will see more beautiful scenery, but I will never forget the cherry blossoms in Damu Mountain! Its beauty will be engraved in my heart forever.

600 words composition of scenery (7)

Every night, I use a small fan to catch groups of fireflies, put them in a transparent bottle, and hang them in my small room. When I was sleepy and bored, I looked up to see the fireflies flying. It was like watching the naughty and cute little stars that were half blind and half ignorant. I fell asleep unconsciously.

Speaking of parks, you must think of amusement parks in big cities, right? But my paradise is the quiet, serene and beautiful countryside.

Yes, rural life is so beautiful all the year round.

In spring, everything recovers and is full of vitality. I like to climb to the high, curved stone arch bridge, sit on the edge of the bridge deck, and swing my legs leisurely, then enjoy the scenery across the river with curious eyes. How beautiful! There are rolling hills on the other side. There are many big trees standing on the mountain: bodhi trees, Chinese wolfberry trees, big green trees, metasequoia trees, pine trees... There are many small flowers blooming in the mountains: peach flowers, pear flowers, apricot flowers, winter jasmine flowers... Look, they are saying hello to me!

Or, I will carefully wade through the shallow river and play in the water. Short, I will step on the big stone in the middle of the river. Did you see it? Fold a willow branch and draw a big circle on the river. When the wind blows, the river ripples, sparkling and beautiful. I remember when I was four or five years old, I played until sunset and still refused to go home. My grandfather found me and threatened me, saying, "If you don't go home so late, the water devil in the river will take you away!" But I still go my own way, and it's not likely that the water devil will catch me!

In summer, the sun shines brightly, birds sing and cicadas sing. Every night, I use a small fan to catch groups of fireflies, put them in a transparent bottle, and hang them in my small room. When I was sleepy and bored, I looked up to see the fireflies flying. It was like watching the naughty and cute little stars that were half blind and half ignorant. I fell asleep unconsciously.

In autumn, golden osmanthus fragrance, wild geese flying north and south. I like picking golden sweet scented osmanthus with plastic cups, making a pot of sweet scented osmanthus tea for my grandma, and sipping gently. It's refreshing. In the afternoon, I like to run to the small playground and play hide and seek with my friends. You hide and I hide, you hide and I hide. I'm very happy! In winter, everything is sleeping. I like snowballing, snowball fights and snowmen. I don't have to worry about adults criticizing me.

oh Country, my paradise!

600 words composition of scenery (8)

Walking in the shade of trees, suddenly looking back, I saw the sweet scented osmanthus falling and the withered leaves falling.

"Drifting" is a very beautiful word. Like a broken stamp or a broken glass bottle. Even if you can't carry your blessing to your family, or your inner prayer. She is still beautiful, and once reposed your childish fantasy and blurred meditation.

I love watching the drifting snow, the drifting rain and the drifting fog. Only love the moment when the wind passes, the snow flies, the rain slants, and the fog disperses; When the wind passed, he returned to the original track. Few people remember that he was broken. It's incomplete. A faint touch of that shallow corner leaves behind memories. In a moment, it's beautiful.

Rose is destined not to be treasured by people because it exists in people's sight all the year round and is ignored because of its existence. Yu is a rose, beautiful but thorny; Yu is a fireworks, beautiful but short; Yu is a fruit, fresh but not easy to preserve; Yu is still a beautiful comma, a circle that is not round. She used to be young and shy. She followed Xiang Yu and smiled at the sky with one song and one sword. Sweet, only with the neck feather under the knee; Painful, just for Xiang Yu's hard work; Relieved, does Xiang Yu have an inescapable responsibility for a woman who benefits her? It was a part of his life, a part of his life. Erase this part, he is no longer Xiang Yu, no longer in her heart.

Perfect transformation, she changed into a solemn and steady charming woman. She is as soft as water, just to wash Xiang Yu's fatigue; She is as fierce as fire, so she can end her life by the Wujiang River.

She loves Xiang Yu, right? She loves him too much, including all his things. In Xiang Yu's eyes, the dance of Wujiang River is so beautiful. Unfortunately, it is too dazzling. The sky is jealous, and the beauty is lost.

Wujiang is silent for him, sobbing at the sand on both sides, as if he were telling his regret again and again why he blocked Xiang Yu's army? Let a beautiful flower wither in the world?

In fact, we should praise Wujiang: it interprets the love of Concubine Yu, retains the love of Concubine Yu, and makes love stop at the most beautiful moment.

The wind is gone; Tears, gone; Beauty is dead. The Wujiang River is long, and there is a layer of ethereal feelings and heavy love.

Concubine Yu, is she unrepentant? She doesn't want to be always around, as long as she has it. What's wrong with wandering? It is an expression of extreme beauty. If there is no flower like bloom and fragrance, where can you leave the fragrance?

Wandering, beautiful. Charming scenery.

600 words composition of scenery (9)

Taking advantage of the cool autumn wind, I walked briskly to the beautiful Xilin Square for a walk.

Wow, look, what color of dye did Miss Qiu use to paint autumn so beautiful and moving. You see, the big sturdy poplar trees waved their yellow crowns and smiled so brightly. The people in the square could not help smiling.

I walked on and picked up some fallen leaves in a low bush. Under the sunshine, they are flaming red and very gorgeous. I gently put it into my pocket to take it home as a bookmark. Who doesn't like such beautiful leaves.

I ran excitedly and jumped happily, but I didn't find that "fountains" on the lawn around the square were spraying water. "Wow!" A stream of clean water rushed towards me. I panicked and jumped out of the "water circle".

I ran to a dry grass and touched my hair. Eh, where is my hat? When I looked back, I found that my bear style hat was lying quietly on the grass wetted by the fountain just now. It seemed to be wronged and looked at me in dismay. I had to take the risk of getting wet again and pick up my hat.

I skillfully avoided the attack of the "fountain" and came to the center of the square. I looked around and saw that the trees were all in new clothes. This tree wore a yellow green camouflage dress, that tree wore a gold dance dress, and the other tree only wore a gold hat, but hesitated to match what color of clothes would be good, as if we were going to the dance, one by one dressed up brilliantly. Only rows of pines and aspens, still firmly dressed in green.

Walking on the square in this autumn, looking at the gradually yellowing trees and the deep blue sky, people's mood can not help but become relaxed, and a comfortable feeling comes from the bottom of my heart. I like this beautiful feeling, I love this picturesque autumn.

600 words of landscape composition (10)

Qiu, long time no see, you are here again. What fun did you bring this time?

Look, Qiu! What's that? It's a yellow forest! There is a moving and interesting story recorded in each leaf. When you pick one, you will see another world. You and I are walking on the path in the yellow forest. There is withered grass beside the path, but I feel it is shy; The wild flower also lowered her head, like a child who made mistakes. Picking up a maple leaf and putting it into one of your favorite books, it becomes a unique bookmark in the world.

Qiu, listen! What's that? It's a charming wind! Standing in the wind, the wind blows into my heart and makes me feel fresh. The wind sweeps over the forest and grass, making the world sway with the wind. You and I stand on the top of the mountain, open our arms, close our eyes and smile, and feel the happiness brought by the wind. He took out a small bottle. As soon as the wind blew, he immediately covered the bottle cap, held the bottle, and his face was innocent: "Qiu, look! I put the wind into the bottle!"

Qiu, you smell! What's that? It is fragrant osmanthus! Standing under the osmanthus tree, stand on tiptoe and pick off a cluster of osmanthus. It lies in my palm, and I watch it like this. It, like a star, looms in the shade; Like eyes, peeping at pedestrians in the lush; It is like a small and exquisite ornament, embellishing the monotonous green leaves. The fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus twined around me, refreshing me.

Qiu, look! What's that? It's a golden field! The autumn wind blows, and the straw sways slightly with the wind, just like a group of children singing autumn songs, as if this autumn is full of melody. Autumn! Your arrival makes the farmers more and more busy. They work in the fields, while you play in the world. Although their forehead is covered with sweat, their faces are full of joy, the joy of harvest.

You and I are standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the beautiful scenery. I turned my head to excite my face and said to you, "Autumn! This autumn will be very interesting!" You smiled at me and merged into the charming autumn scenery

600 words composition of scenery (11)

Life is a journey, and the scenery along the way makes life have quality and color. It is important to treasure the feelings and memories and encourage everyone to move forward tirelessly.

The scenery of life is beautiful. A philosopher once said, "On the journey of life, don't forget to stop for a moment to appreciate the roses blooming on the roadside. However, some people are eager to achieve their highest wishes and ignore the beauty in the process. Some of them suddenly wake up after climbing the peak of infinite scenery and feel sad for the loss in the process; Some people, after fully tasting the hardships and bitterness of the journey, found the illusion of making progress, gave up in the middle of the journey, and even doubted or lost themselves. However, if you stop to appreciate it occasionally, you can see every flower irrigated with sweat smiling in the sun, and every hard cultivated seedling is growing healthily; You can feel the infinite warmth contained in every breeze and every warm sun... The scenery is all the way, but only by feeling carefully can you discover the beauty. This beauty is enough to inspire the disappointed travelers to be enthusiastic, go all out, and find the way forward.

The scenery of life is rich. Life is like the four seasons, with scenery everywhere. There are sunny and rainy days, joys and sorrows, rose gardens and thorns. But sweet, bitter and hot are all nutrition, and all kinds of experiences are the sublimation of life. Everyone grows up in different environments and has different living spaces. Even for the same scenery, there are different visions and feelings in the eyes of different people. If you watch it with a positive attitude, you will find that the original scenery is extremely beautiful, and you will be intoxicated by it naturally; If you wear colored glasses and look at it with a critical eye, you will never feel the beauty of the scenery. In fact, in any case, the key to the scenery is the attitude of the viewers. There are times when one's life is successful, but it is inevitable that things will go against one's wishes. The road ahead is not only a smooth road, but also a bumpy road. If you want to live a better life, you must learn to face various situations. Don't indulge when you are satisfied, and don't stop when you are frustrated. Whether successful or frustrated, who can say that there is no scenery worth appreciating in the life experience? Because each calcination makes our hearts more tenacious; Each time, our will will become stronger; Each sharpening makes our edge more sharp; Every difficulty and hardship, let our energy be released heartily; Each challenge and setback allows us to appreciate the joy and satisfaction of the Jedi's counterattack after rising from the slit. Through repeated calcination and tempering, we can continuously accumulate wisdom and courage.

The scenery of life should not be indulged. The scenery along the way will eventually disappear. Only by moving forward can we reach a new situation. If you indulge in it and stop forever, life will be full of regrets. Akutagawa Ryunosuke, who was once praised as a genius in the Japanese literary world, wrote Rashomon when he was young. After a relative left, he indulged in pain all day and ended his young life by suicide. Like sadness, Han Xin, who could not sink into the scenery, also had fame. After he achieved Qi Di, he relied on his high achievements, which eventually led to his own death. No matter the scenery along the way is a pity or a harvest, we should not extravagantly stay at this point for a long time, otherwise, life is like a broken kite, which can only fall to the ground. The scenery along the way, stopping occasionally, should not be indulged. Let it encourage us to move forward more firmly and fearlessly on the road of life.

Life is full of scenery. As long as we keep our passion and never give up, we will surely create the most beautiful scenery in the world.

600 words of landscape composition (12)

Life is originally a rich forest. Ji Xianlin said: "There are deep mountains and large rivers, but also pleasant slopes; there are apricot flowers and spring rains, but also the northern autumn wind; there are mountains and rivers recovering, and there are willows and flowers blooming." We are all lonely travelers trekking among them, watching the scenery, exploring the beautiful scenery, looking for their shoes, but we do not know that life is full of scenery.

A thousand years ago, Wang Xizhi practiced drinking on the river bank and sighed, "I am so glad of it, and I can't help but feel excited about it." As things are, the beauty of life is so changeable, but some people know how to stop and embrace the beauty of the moment.

During the journey, whether the scenery is beautiful or not, tourists should climb and experience it by themselves, rather than relying on others' comments. The same scene, different answers, the so-called benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom. The same is true of life. You need to discover the beautiful scenery yourself. Because you have experienced it, you have no regrets. As the classic lines in Forrest Gump, "Mom said that life is like a box of chocolates, and you never know what the next piece will taste like." Other people's comments are just a reference. If you don't open it yourself, you will never know the joys and sorrows.

Wang Anshi lamented in "A Journey to Baochan Mountain": "It is not a pleasure for a man to travel." He ended the trip with regret that he did not try his best to explore the wonders. This trip brought him constant thinking and deep reflection, and concluded that "those who can not reach as far as I want can have no regrets. Who can blame them? What else can I get.". This is also our feeling, isn't it?

Life is like climbing a mountain. Maybe we can't find success even when we reach the top, but at least we have worked hard for it and struggled for it. At least we don't leave too much regret for ourselves. Every student worked hard for the college entrance examination, but in the era when thousands of troops crossed the single wooden bridge, someone would fall down. How many days and nights of fighting, even if the moment was destroyed, we also have no regrets, because we shed tears and sweat on this road. We tried our best. It is not uncommon in such a life that you can't succeed if you try your best. If you can't succeed just because you have done your best, how can you succeed? So it doesn't matter if you fail, as long as you think you have done your best on this road and have a clear conscience.

In the rich forest of life, we stop and stand in front of a beautiful scenery, and continue to move forward. It is another beautiful scenery. Although the road may not be so smooth, it can not stop us from pursuing the beautiful scenery. No one knows that life is full of scenery.

600 words composition of scenery (13)

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers!" With the sound of selling, a little girl in plain clothes appeared in the short film lens. She was carrying a pink satchel, holding newspapers in her hand, and peddling everywhere. Whenever she sold a newspaper, she would always respectfully say "Thank you.

You can't imagine what a heavy burden this little girl is carrying behind her back. Her brother had just been born when the left hand nerve was broken. The whole family spent all their savings to cure his disease. Her father has been working outside for a long time. A younger sister and a younger brother all want her to take care of them, which makes things worse. When her mother died early, she became the pillar of the family. Washing clothes and cooking are her daily tasks. The younger brother didn't know what it meant when his mother died. Two years ago, he ran to the street and fainted. People thought he was ill, but unexpectedly, he was hungry and fainted. People in the community also helped their families.

The little girl has never eaten dumplings since her mother died, so the community organized a dumpling making activity to ask her to make dumplings together. This time, she tried her best to study and hoped that she could make dumplings for her younger brothers and sisters in the future. She also took the dumplings she had saved home for her younger siblings to eat.

Do you know who this little girl is? She is You Zhenan, one of the most beautiful filial teenagers in 20xx. I admire her simplicity, I am moved by her perseverance, and I admire her filial piety. Her image of selling newspapers is the most beautiful scenery in my heart!

600 words of scenery composition (14)

My hometown is Huangpi, where the scenery is very beautiful and the air is very fresh. Among the cities with geomantic and human feelings here, the place I go most often is the magnificent pine forest.

The pine trees here are evergreen all the year round. Rows of pine trees stand on both sides of the road, like diligent young soldiers standing guard there.

They are not only very industrious, but also very naughty sometimes!

Now, they play hide and seek with me. They are almost the same. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the one I'm looking for.

They are all performers!

When the wind blew, they began to play. Miss Ye was responsible for singing and dancing, Mr. Dashu was responsible for accompaniment, Sister Baiyun was responsible for referee, and the stream under the tree was responsible for host - what a grand concert!

In fact, the reason why I really like this pine forest is its internal beauty, because although it is not beautiful and its leaves are needle shaped, it has been making contributions to our human life. It helps villagers transport oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide; It brings green and hope to the villagers - what makes it evergreen all the year round? Because it has amazing perseverance! Whether it's stormy or snowy; Whether it is sunny or rainy, it never looks down or bends over. It is waiting for my hometown like an iron soldier, never complaining, never leaving——

Ah, beautiful pine tree, I can't sing, but I want to sing a song of praise for you; I can't write poetry, but I want to write a poem for you; I can't paint, but I want to paint a picture for you - I would like to use all the beautiful words in the world to describe you!

Ah, the pine forest of my hometown! Forever beautiful scenery in my mind!

600 words of scenery composition (15)

Every scenery in the world is naturally beautiful, but if you can't go deep into the scenery for a long time, it will be boring. There is always a scenery that belongs to my heart and can be deeply understood! It will give you lifelong education.

I remember that it was a snowy morning. I was seven years old. I was playing happily with my friends on the snow in front of my house. At a casual glance, I felt that someone was watching me upstairs. At first, it was my mother. I cried impatiently, "Mom, what are you looking at? I'm playing!" My mother quickly closed the window.

In the blink of an eye, I grew up. The other day, it snowed again. I was reading a book. The article was about maternal love. I looked up carelessly and saw my mother close the window nervously. I was afraid I would see her. At that moment, my heart shook and I could not tell what it was like. In retrospect, when I was a child, I was really ignorant.

Since then, I began to pay attention to that window. Every time I walked out of the house, I always looked back at the closed window. But I knew there was a loving mother behind that window. I could imagine her smiling face when she saw me turning back. It was not a general smile, but a scenery. The scenery was beautiful.

Once, when I passed the door of my house by car, the window opened. I saw my mother leaning against the window, looking for something in the crowd with her eyes. Her face was full of anxiety. Although across a narrow alley, the anxious expression on his face was very clear. I looked at her. She didn't see me. Her figure seemed lonely. The white hair that I hadn't noticed before also came into my sight in a moment. She had been unwilling to let go of her habits for many years. The love that I didn't understand before, at that moment, I was in tears. Love was not heavy, but I was overwhelmed.

When the car started, my mother leaned against the window and looked at it. It became a picture and gradually left me. But I knew that the way my mother leaned against the window and looked at it would be the most beautiful scenery in my heart

There are many beautiful sceneries in the world, which make people have endless aftertaste, but in my landscape it is so meaningful! It gave me that great maternal love!

That's my unique scenery!

600 words composition of scenery (16)

When the morning glory was still a seedling, I loved it very much. I watched it teething and leafing day by day, and the green vines climbed up the sparse fence. Beside her was an aloe, which was different from its kind. It had no thick leaves, only a thin touch of thick green.

I purposely planted them together, perhaps to let them rely on each other, support each other, and share a place where Lvyin lives. Those two green plants are growing proudly. The green is like a gurgling spring in the desert, which makes people see hope. Naturally, I have a strong preference for them.

However, the storm that night was so crazy as a devil almost destroyed my hope.

The thunder and lightning, the rainstorm hitting the window, and the "roaring" thunder were deafening. The rainstorm seemed to have a blood feud with the earth, desperate to turn heaven and earth into a world of water, and the wind also helped the king. The lightning clapped and the thunder cheered on the side.

I rushed into the garden, but the storm blocked my way. Seeing the rain pouring down and the leaves washed to the ground, I could only pray for morning glory and aloe vera in my heart.

The next morning came as scheduled, and the warm sunshine fell as if nothing had happened last night. I opened the thick leaves on the aloe with a feeling of uneasiness, thinking of the sad scene I couldn't bear to see. However, a touch of green stimulated every nerve of mine, and the root of the aloe was washed out and tilted to one side, Flowing transparent juice. The little morning glory, under the protection of aloe, slept soundly, only a few leaves fell, which made people wonder how much pain she suffered last night.

Perhaps I should marvel at the magic of nature's creations. When they face a devastating blow, they do not shrink back, but unite with each other to help each other and jointly resist the wind and rain. To survive with their tenacity and tenacity.

Under the sunshine, the juice on the aloe reflects the joy of survival.

Looking at the green that belongs to me, I smiled, and I was glad that I planted the most ordinary scenery.