Learn to walk composition (set of 3)
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2023-10-04 00:07:02

Learn to Walk Composition (1)

On a deserted island, there lived a crab mother and son.

On a bright morning, Crab went out alone to breathe. When he came to the seaside, a small fish said in a sarcastic tone, "This is the aggressive crab!" The little crab was very unhappy after hearing this. When he came home, he told his mother everything about it. Mother frowned and said, "Son, it's time for you to learn to walk straight."

Since then, Crab has been practicing straight walking every day. Sometimes, even though I have a sore back, when I think of the ridicule of that hateful little fish, I will ignore the pain and become more determined to practice straight walking.

Two days a day, three days a day, time flows day by day

Finally, after the ninety-nine and eighty-one days of training, Crab finally couldn't help complaining: Hey, how stupid I am! I keep learning. My mouth is swollen and my waist can't straighten, but I still can't learn. He said to his mother, "Mom, I won't walk straight, please show me." After hearing this, my mother was tongue tied

Sometimes speaking is easy, but implementing it in action is much more difficult!

Learn to Walk Composition (2)

Walking is a common thing for us. However, when I learned to walk, I had a lot of trouble. Am I too stupid? What's the reason?

When I was two years old, my mother decided to teach me how to walk. I didn't know what walking was. It was absolutely novel. When my mother said to learn to walk, I crawled behind her.

I remember that it was a sunny afternoon, my mother took me to the Triangle Park to play. I was like a little penguin. I walked unsteadily and fell down. I fell down accidentally. I was lying on the ground coqueting, crying and looking at my mother secretly with one eye open, hoping that she could pick me up and coax me. But my mother didn't do so. She clapped her hands and said, "Good boy, be brave, stand up." With my mother's constant encouragement, I had to stand up bravely. My mother was so happy that she kept praising me and saying, "Good boy, you are great!" I thought, is this walking, so simple. Mother smiled.

Later, as long as I had some difficulties, I would think of walking. Therefore, the problem is very simple. But I was totally wrong.

I remember this time, when I was in math class, I saw the teacher talking about a problem in primary school. I thought that the problem in primary school was so simple that I didn't need to listen to it. So, I played with my deskmate. However, after class, the teacher called me to the office. I think it must be that I didn't study hard in class and was found by the teacher. Sure enough, the teacher told me that if this continues, my grades will fall quickly. I was asked to think about it. In the afternoon, when the math teacher came to take the exam, I was stunned. It was all about the knowledge in today's math class. I couldn't do anything. I had no choice but to be trained. After the results were released, I only got more than 50 points. Unexpectedly, what the teacher said was true. Since then, I have never looked at the problem as simple as that.

Since then, I will not take the problem as simple as that.

Learn to Walk Composition (3)

A few days ago, when I came home from school, my mother suddenly said happily to me: "Your brother can walk!" "Really, let me see it quickly?" I was surprised and happy to say.

So, in order to attract my brother to walk, my mother brought my brother's favorite biscuit and put it on the tea table. The younger brother looked at the attractive biscuits, with a "hum" sound in his mouth, his eyes fixed on the biscuits, and his small hands waved towards the biscuits. Mother put her brother's arm on two or three meters away from the coffee table, straightened his leg and slowly released her hand. I saw that my younger brother stepped out on his left foot first and his body was still shaking. I was so nervous that I was afraid my younger brother would fall. I really wanted to help him. The younger brother stopped for a moment, then carefully stepped out his right foot, left foot, right foot, step by step, like a waddling duckling, shaking his little body, and finally came to the biscuit. Seeing my brother's success, I clapped my hands and shouted happily: "My brother can walk, my brother can walk!"

My brother finally learned to walk. Every time I saw my brother walking in a crooked posture, my family would laugh. My younger brother thought it was funny, and he would also giggle with us. He didn't know we were "laughing" at the way he walked. Ha ha, what a lovely little brother!