Partner's Composition 3 (19 compilations)
Keep quiet for a lifetime
2024-01-12 06:08:47

Partner's Composition 3 (1)

Quietly, she has long black and shiny hair, and when she smiles, she also has two shallow dimples on her mouth. She is not tall. Her academic performance is great! She is often at the top of the class. If her grades decline, she becomes more angry at her study and is very strict with her own requirements. Once, she quietly said that she would call me in the morning and we would play together. However, I didn't call me until two o'clock in the afternoon, so I went to her home to see what was going on. When I arrived at her home, I realized that she had given me more than one problem, I didn't go out until I finished. Unexpectedly, the topic was too difficult, which made her forget the time. Quiet not only had good academic performance, but also she was willing to help others. One day, we picked up the wallet in the stairway of a community, and I said to Quiet, "Let's divide the money equally!" "No, the owner will be worried." Quiet said. Hearing what she said, I lowered my head in shame. That day, She went door to door looking for the owner of the wallet. Although she was very tired, we were very happy. Another time, on a rainy day, a classmate accidentally fell down and could not move his feet. Watching the pedestrians on the street ignore her, the classmate shed tears of disappointment. I pulled Jingjing to leave, quietly shook off my hand, ran to the classmate, and said to her, "Do you want to go to the hospital? I will carry you!"! "The student's eyes were filled with tears. There were many similar things, and I thought in my heart silently: we must learn the good quality of collecting money quietly and helping others!

Partner's Composition 3 (2)

Do you have your own friends? I also have my own buddy book.

Everyone must be surprised, right? Yes, that's the book! My little friend will play with you whenever you want. He never complains. For example, if you want to travel around the world alone, when you feel lonely, it will introduce you to some local customs. Funny and humorous stories will make you crazy, and you will never feel lonely again.

My little friend looks very small and inconspicuous. However, it has a lot of knowledge in its belly! If I have knowledge that I don't understand, I can ask it. My mother said, "A book is your best partner and teacher." It can take me to travel in space, it can take me to travel to the ancient Tang Dynasty, and it also lets me know more knowledge. My good friends have also helped me a lot in my studies.

Once, I wrote a composition. But there was one word I couldn't write. I asked my mother, but she didn't tell me. Let me think about it for myself. At this time, I suddenly thought of my little partner. I asked my little partner how to write the word, and my little partner replied without hesitation: "Xin".

How is my little friend? okay? You can also make friends with it. It must be very helpful to you!

Partner's Composition 3 (3)

He is wearing a pair of small blue glasses. It looks very gentle. He likes to have long hair. Maybe he thinks the boy with long hair is handsome! Do you know who he is? He is my little friend Zhu Chenyu.

Zhu Chenyu is a lively, cheerful little boy, and he never haggles over trifles. Once, after class, I was going downstairs to play with Zhu Chenyu. When passing Class 31, a group of children who knew Zhu Chenyu beat Zhu Chenyu for no reason. I said angrily, "Why did you hit him? "Zhu Chenyu smiled and patted me and said," It's OK. Let's go downstairs and play. "Ah! This man is so honest!

Zhu Chenyu has many hobbies, such as painting, reading, singing, etc. Zhu Chenyu likes painting best, and he likes painting "Plants vs Zombies" best. Once, when class was over, all the students were playing. He lay on the table and devoted himself to painting. After a while, he drew a picture of "Plants vs Zombies", in which three plants were fighting two zombies like stunted children. Several children and I praised Zhu Chenyu's paintings for their lifelikeness.

Zhu Chenyu is a lively, cheerful, tolerant little boy. His study is also one of the best in the class. Would you like to be friends with him?

Partner's Composition 3 (4)

My family has raised two crayfish, which have been in my house for one and a half years. Since they came to my home, they have brought me a lot of joy.

About a year ago, my father and I went to the flower, bird and fish market to buy small animals. I finally selected a small fish tank with a filter and two crawfish inside. I took it home happily.

My two crayfish look very cute. You see, they are wearing armor, and their blue transparent heads are inlaid with two small eyes big as rice grains. They also have two huge and powerful front pincers. How about my crawfish!

My two crawfish have a different life habit. I feed them a lot of red worms every day until they are satisfied with food and drink. One day, I was afraid that I would feed more red worms to kill them, so I just wanted a little red worm. As soon as the red worm fell into the tank, the crayfish brushed a phantom and took away the red worm. The crayfish was angry, so it waved its double pincers and ran back and forth in the tank, which made the crayfish exhausted. The crayfish vomited the red worm out sadly, The lobster ate with relish.

These two crawfish let me spend a happy year and a half.

Partner's Composition 3 (5)

I have many friends, such as Lv Shiyao and Wang Weihang. What I like most is Peng Jingpeng, my new classmate.

That time, I went to climb the mountain behind Dongting Garden with my friends. The mountain was steep, the mountain road was rugged, and the cliffs were steep. A tree is connected to a tree. The trees are getting denser and denser, the mountain is getting steeper and the foot is getting more and more uneven, and it is often impossible to go up and down. At this time, my partner handed me a stick, and the two ends of the stick were held by me and my partner. In this way, my partner beat the "pioneer" and I was behind him.

After crossing all the difficulties and obstacles, I was stunned as I walked, "Ah, what a steep mountain! If I didn't pay attention, I would fall off the cliff!" I looked at my little partner quietly, holding the stick tightly in my hand, and I didn't know what to say. He smiled at me. Every time, he jumped down first and made his way ahead. Whenever I couldn't move, he came to help me and pulled me out of danger.

Finally, under the guidance of our partners, we successfully walked out of the mountain. Suddenly, the whole body relaxed, and a hanging heart relaxed. This is my little partner. He has the good qualities of being resourceful, brave and helpful, and is always worth learning from.

Partner's Composition 3 (6)

As soon as I mentioned my little partner, I immediately thought of a little boy I met in the cram school. His name was Pan Mingjun. He was wearing a black shirt, brown jeans, and a pair of black and white sneakers. He has a smile on his face and short hair on his head, but the most popular one is those long black hair. Under his bright eyes, he has a big talkative mouth with two rows of neat white teeth. He often wears a watch on his right hand and a jade pendant on his neck. He is outspoken and courageous, and has a bit of humor. He also likes to say with a sneer. I always kiss up to a group of people around a table all day long, and I am often fooled by him. Once, it was in the corridor. I was playing a game with several friends. As soon as he came near me, he said to me, "Hey, Wang Zhiying, what game do you play? Seeing you are so happy, I heard your laughter in the room. Can I join in playing with some of your friends?" I smiled and said, "OK! My game is called Word Solitaire. Seeing you are so sincere, I agreed." The rules of the game: I will start by saying that when the second person finishes what I said, he or she will say his or her own, for example, I say sister, and then the next person will say sister, sister.

And the loser will tell a cold joke! At the beginning of the game, I said the sky, and my deskmate continued to say the sky, the open space, and the place. When the next Xiaoming arrived, he said the sky, the open space, and the place... But when Pan Mingjun arrived, he couldn't think of it. Because the word Xiaohong said was blue, I prompted him and pointed to his clothes and said, "Color!" When he heard it, he immediately replied, "Color!" The people next to me knew that I cheated, So I persuaded me: "Wang Zhiying, you are too dishonest. Tell me a sneer quickly." I said: One day, father and mother chickens were watching TV at home. Suddenly, mother chickens had stomach pains and said to father chickens: "Wife, you are not having stomach pains! Funny!" Everyone was amused. Pan Mingjun was also punished for saying that his mother once took Xiao Ming to kneel before the Buddha because he failed in the exam again. He knelt down. His mother was doing his own thing, but Xiaoming ran to his mother and said, "When will mother kneel?" His mother replied, "Half an hour!" Xiaoming knelt down in front of the Buddha with a face of grievance, but Xiaoming got up after kneeling for less than a minute. His mother asked him why he stood up? Guess why? We said at the same time: "I don't know." He opened the answer and said: "Because Xiao Ming saw Buddha make a gesture, with his left hand horizontal and his right hand OK." He also made such a gesture, and we all laughed. With his humorous and funny action, we laughed even more happily. Then we played a lot of games. Everyone said, "Where Pan Mingjun is, it is a great paradise." Children, do you think Pan Mingjun is humorous?

Partner's Composition 3 (7)

This year is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In order to celebrate the motherland, welcome the World Expo, and carry out fitness activities for all, our Yueyang Primary School has held many competitions. The most unforgettable one for me is the sunshine partner - four people five feet competition. Watching them training hard, every time when they go to the morning shift, they can always hear them shouting: "One two one, one two one, come on! One two one, one two one..." In the midsummer, they are still training hard: it's raining, they still insist on training, and only heard a "puff", they fell down, and some people had blood on their legs, Some people were all covered with mud, and some people cried that they would stop practicing, but with the teacher's persuasion, they were finally persuaded, and the effect of the pause was immediate! They first set up tactics, muttered for a while, and went back to battle.

After running for a long time, my friend seemed to have rickets and could not stand straight. But after listening to our encouragement, he was full of energy and continued to run with other students! Finally, when the day came, their faces were very solemn, as if they were going to fight to the death! They are as calm as fish in water. At first, it's their turn. The audience are all clearing their throats, waiting to cheer for our Yueyang Primary School! At the beginning, their steps were the same. They walked first, and they walked faster and faster. Finally, they began to trot. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! It's the last point! Hurry! You must win!" The headmaster and the audience cheered for them and shouted together! "One two one, one two one, come on! One two one, one two one..." bursts of clear and loud shouts rang in my ears again... Ah! Sunshine partners insist! I trust you! Mutual trust is power! Come on! Together, we can win!

Partner's Composition 3 (8)

From birth to the present, I have many little friends, but what I can't forget most is Song Jiaxin.

She is tall, with crescent eyebrows, big eyes like grapes, a straight nose and a red cherry mouth. She always wears a ponytail and a red bow tie on her head.

Although she is very quiet in school, in fact, once she got home, she immediately showed her true colors.

In the room, she always "dresses up" her toy dog. She wants to dress the dog more beautiful and braid the dog. She finds that there are still some hairs left in the dog's hair, but she also happily says, "Hmm, not bad. "That time, my grandpa bought a kitten. I was too timid to touch it, but Xinxin boldly picked up the kitten's two front paws and turned the kitten around like a fire wheel. The kitten was so frightened that it meowed, but Xinxin was very happy. Later, when the kitten saw her, it jumped up under the sofa.

At the weekend, she tied her mother to make clothes for her toy dog: "Mom, please make clothes for my dog! "" This is just a toy dog. What clothes can I make for it. "" You can make a dress for it, please. "She put her hands together and stared at her eyes like grapes." Well, do it for her. "Xinxin's mother finally agreed with her.

Although Xinxin is very naughty, her hands are very skillful.

Her paintings are particularly beautiful. She can also cut paper. Many of the window decorations she has cut are pasted on the windows of her home. She can also fold hand-made paper. Every time I go to her home to play, she always lets me visit her works. There are "piano", "paper cranes", "flower baskets", etc. All of them are lifelike and amazing.

This is my little friend Song Jiaxin, a naughty and attractive girl.

Partner's Composition 3 (9)

At this time, everyone will have many "friends" in his life, but childhood friendship is the most innocent. I had many friends in my childhood. My best childhood friend was Nie Yuyuan.

She is a violent girl. A round apple face with two big black grapes. These two big black grapes make her look more energetic. Below the eyes is the nose, and below the nose is a mouth that can be said to arrive. This mouth can annoy you to death. If you don't believe me, let me give you an example:

One Saturday morning, I was doing my homework with her at my home. There is a classmate coming downstairs to do homework with us. Because she didn't know where my family lived, she called me downstairs. She rushed downstairs immediately and shouted at the boy, "Why are you shouting so loudly? Don't you know that people can't be disturbed while they are resting? People like you who are rude are really damned." She was about to fight. "Mom, don't be beaten by this little ancestor. If anyone is beaten by her, it will be strange not to be in hospital." I immediately shouted, "Don't fight, that's my classmate." She stopped and said, "You are so rude. If it weren't for her face, I would have beaten you all over the place. Later, the classmate went home angrily without saying a word. On Monday, my classmate told me that she was going to kill me. This is her powerful mouth, a mouth that can make normal people become "neurotic".

This is my little friend, my little friend since childhood. A partner who is always a partner. I hope we are partners, not enemies.

Partner's Composition 3 (10)

Childhood is a vibrant spring; And you are the most beautiful flower in my memory - my dearest childhood partner, Yi, your moving smile is forever engraved in my mind.

You have big round eyes and sweet dimples. When you smile, it makes people melt. We were "iron girls" since we were young, and we were too fat to wear a pair of trousers together. What impressed me most was that we went to pick bayberry together.

At that time, there was a huge area of red on the mountain. You were so excited that your cheeks were as red as myrica rubra. Don't delay, mining! I picked a big one as quickly as I could, and you didn't want to be outdone. In this way, we started the game, and my heart was full of excitement and excitement. After accelerating the war for a while, I looked at it proudly: Oh, why are you so busy eating! Look at you, your mouth is covered with red bayberry juice! I can't help laughing; You glanced at me, but pouted angrily. I hurried to comfort you, but you suddenly put juice on my face. "Ouch!" I chased you, and our crisp laughter spread all over the mountain.

At this moment, I stumbled over the grass roots and fell heavily on the ground, with my hands stabbed. Suddenly, a red blood flower bloomed on my hand. As a young man, I was stunned and filled with helplessness and fear. I shouted your name, and the voice echoed in the mountains. When you came, I was crying like a tearful person. My heart was in pain... "Don't cry..." You were at a loss and gently patted me on the shoulder. You carefully took my hand, looked at the wound, gently blowing, very distressed. After thinking about it, you bent down, sucked my dirty blood and spit it out. At that moment, my heart suddenly became full. A warm current rushes out of my heart gate, and happiness fills my heart. You put a big red bayberry in my mouth, sour and sweet, which makes me happy - perhaps, this is the taste of friendship?

That time, Yi, it was your smile that gave me infinite comfort; You let me understand the sweetness of friendship; It was you who gave me a taste of happiness.

Time flies, time flies, it is you who accompany me from childishness to maturity. Looking back now, your bright smile is still engraved in my memory.

Partner's Composition 3 (11)

In my childhood, there was a plump, yellow duck. There is a tuft of curly hair on the head of a rhubarb duck. I try my best to press that hair down, so that its round head looks flat. However, no matter how I press it, that hair stands up firmly, with two beany eyes staring at me happily. In winter, its fat body gives me a lot of warmth. Every time I eat, I will pour a large bowl of water into its mouth, making its face wet, but in my opinion, it is very cute. When I sleep, I lie on its huge and round body, and then I can sleep in peace. I grew up day by day, it began to become dilapidated, gradually, gradually, I forgot it in a corner of the home.

I began to really grow up and wanted a dog more and more. I never knew when a snow-white dog came into my life. I gave it a name that could not be more ordinary than Xiaobai. Before going to bed every day, I have to look at it. I'm afraid that it will be stolen in the middle of the night. Every afternoon, I take Xiaobai out for a walk. I like to hug him. He always licks my hands with his tongue Until one day, Xiaobai pulled out a big yellow duck from an old box. After years of polishing, it has become dilapidated. It is the first time that I have tasted the taste of nostalgia ---- it is the faint hidden pain from the bottom of my heart, and there is never a broken feeling in my heart

Then, the big yellow duck was thrown into the garbage can, and Xiaobai was sent to her grandmother's house far away.

Talking about Xiaobai and Yellow Duck, the happiest happiness will still be broken by the remote and deep feeling from the bottom of my heart. The night Xiaobai lost from Grandma's house, my heart was confused and empty, and I didn't know whether to be sad or happy, cry or laugh. Yellow ducks live in the dark trash can, and my heart is hard to hide the pain.

Xiaobai, where are you? How is your life? Yellow duck, have you become someone else's precious toy? I have no other thoughts, just silently thinking about my two childhood friends.

The dog, the duck

Partner's Composition 3 (12)

Read well, read well, read well.

When I was a child, I lay on the bed every day and read Journey to the West again and again with a book with pinyin and pictures. My hands kept turning over, and my mouth kept saying "One day...". Although I had read this book many times, I was never tired of reading it. In short, I feel reading is very interesting. I was 4 years old that year.

I gradually grew up and began to read storybooks. Once when I saw The Daughter of the Sea, it told me that in order to see the prince, the mermaid exchanged her voice for human feet. Every step she took had to endure the pain of a knife. For the prince's happiness, she turned into foam on the sea. I cried "ooh, ooh, ooh..." It was so pathetic that such a kind princess finally became a foam on the sea. That year, I was seven years old.

Day after day, year after year, I grew up. Once, I was watching The Water Margin. Mother asked me to buy a bag of vinegar. I took the money and went to the store. I said to the boss, "Waiter, please take a bag of vinegar, This is a big joke. I was nine years old that year.

Now, I am eleven years old and become a fifth grade student. I also understood a lot of truth and learned a lot of knowledge. "Read more than ten thousand volumes, and write like a god"; "One day without books, Pepsi is deserted"; "Books are like medicines, and good reading can cure fools"... These famous words about books are all what I learned in books.

Each book will make a beautiful voice, sometimes sweet, sometimes deep, sometimes euphemistic, sometimes passionate, she deeply attracted me to the ocean of knowledge.

The book is the cool shade in summer, the charcoal fire in winter, the Eden of the soul, and my growth partner. It's gorgeous, it's colorful, and I have an indissoluble bond.

Books will be my lifelong friends.

I love reading!

Partner's Composition 3 (13)

Walking into the spacious courtyard, there was a green poplar pavilion, which was tall beyond the top of my house. It was full of vigor and vitality, and its age was just a few years younger than me. I took care of it as my little brother, because it had a special meaning.

When I was a child, I had a very good friend. Although we were similar in age, she seemed much more mature than I was. She suffered from congenital heart disease. Since she was sensible, she knew that her life would not be long, but she had never been pessimistic. She always faced life with a smile. She was very sensible and knew how to tolerate and understand others, Help others. She is like a big sister in my mind. She is very strong. When encountering difficulties, she always stands up by herself and bites her teeth. She doesn't like tears. She said that tears are cowardly. She is very warm-hearted. She will help people in trouble when she sees them. She will try her best to give full play to her highest level. She will speak her best and have a clear conscience. I will tell her when I encounter troubles in life and study, and she will also help me get rid of my troubles. Of course, my happy things, happy things also need to be shared with her, she will also laugh happily, she looks really beautiful, beautiful, her smile still appears in my mind, she loves reading, she knows a lot of touching stories, she learned in a book that trees can hold people's feelings, we are allowed by adults, I personally selected a poplar tree and planted it in the courtyard. We wished our friendship would last forever, so we named it "Friendship Tree". She said: "Poplar is upright, strong and tenacious, and we should behave like it!" For me, who was naive at that time, I didn't understand its meaning at all. In this way, the small tree grew up under our careful cultivation, but unfortunately, half a year later, her heart fell off in a panic, and she ended her life in this way. She left, but her words and deeds remain in my heart. The small tree we cultivated together is still booming. It is just as she said. I like to express my troubles and happiness in life and study to him. Every time he seems to understand me, he swings his branches and leaves, making a "rustling" sound. After telling him his troubles, I feel very comfortable. After sharing happiness with him, I will be happier.

After ups and downs, cold snow and frost, it has become stronger, I have become more mature, and gradually understand what she once said. The tree of friendship is more prosperous. It will eventually become a pillar. I will also become a "person among people, king among kings" like it. This tree of friendship will accompany me to make a perfect life.

The friendship tree is my growing partner.

Partner's Composition 3 (14)

I have a partner who can accompany me quietly at any time. Although it can't express feelings in words, I can still feel its attachment to me. He is very naughty and likes to play coquetry with me. Every bit of life is happy with its company.

It is a very handsome dog. Its big black eyes seemed to speak. Its little paws walk like they are wearing high heels, with their heads held high. It has curly down, white, plump, fat and very cute, so I gave it a loud name - steamed bun. The most favorite thing about steamed buns is to play ball games with me. When he saw that I was free, he would come to me to play. It used its small mouth with black lipstick to hold the small thorn ball, and threw the ball to me accurately. Sometimes I will pretend not to see, and it will pick up and put down the ball again and again, picking up and putting down, as if it is deliberately attracting my attention. If I still ignore it, it will slap my leg with its front paw and yell at me. If I continue to ignore it, it will stand up and hold the ball with two small forepaws, put the ball on my leg, and then go to the opposite side to wait quietly. It will tell me "Play with me" with its poor little eyes. At last, I will insist on it, and I can't help it anymore!

When I was ready to throw the ball to steamed bun, his face was tense and he stared at the ball in my hand. When I threw it, it rushed out like an arrow. Catch the ball with a hungry tiger pouncing on it, but the ball does not obey and rolls around. The steamed bun turns left and right to fight with the ball for several rounds, and then the ball will be bitten dead. Pick up the ball and make one or two circles. Finally, it will throw the ball to me and let me continue to throw the ball and play. Sometimes it can be played continuously for an hour or so, with many tricks, and it is tireless.

Mantou is very close to us. Every night when I come home from school, Mantou is very excited. It quickly ran out and cheerfully met me. The legs jump high as if they were equipped with springs. I picked it up. It fluttered its feet excitedly, arched me with its head and licked me with its tongue, as if to say, "My little master, you are back.". Steamed bun is my most lovely partner, an important and lovely member of the family, and it is happy to be with it every minute! I love my partner, the lovely "steamed bun".

Partner's Composition 3 (15)

He has a small round face and a charmingly naive manner, like a national treasure panda. The eyes are shining like black jewels, and the nose is blunt. He is willing to help others and never gives up. He is my iron friend Liu Zhiyuan in primary school.

I remember one time, our math teacher assigned a very difficult math problem after class, leaving us without a clue. Having been dizzy and distraught in class, I thought: "Never mind, the math teacher will talk about this problem anyway. I'd better go out to play." So I stood up and began to pester Liu Zhiyuan to accompany me to go out for ventilation. But he said impatiently, "No! You can play by yourself! Anyway, I must work out this problem today!" So I asked several other students to go out together, and I didn't forget to tease him about his "blind heart".

I was sweating when I played outside. When I returned to the classroom, I found that Liu Zhiyuan was still writing on the paper with his eyebrows locked tightly, and there were a lot of draft papers piled up beside him. I gloated and thought: It's not worth it if I didn't play or figure it out! Suddenly, he stood up, raised his hands and shouted excitedly, "Yeah!" It turned out that he had overcome the difficulty. He saw me beside him, so he called me over and began to explain to me carefully. At this moment, my heart is very ashamed, I wish there was a crack in the ground. I made up my mind to study hard from Liu Zhiyuan.

Another time, I played happily in the park with Liu Zhiyuan and other partners. Suddenly, a partner fell heavily on the ground. Seeing this, Liu Zhiyuan hurried to check the situation. "Are you all right? Does it hurt? Let me take you home." Liu Zhiyuan helped the partner, who was so tired that he sweated heavily, and finally sent his friend home.

Liu Zhiyuan, you will always be my good friend and good example! Although you went to other schools this year, I will never forget you!

Partner's Composition 3 (16)

Whose smile is as bright as spring flowers? Whose comfort is as warm as the spring sun? Whose concern is as thin as spring rain? It's her, my good partner - Hu Jingmei. She has big bright eyes, cherry like mouth, and a ponytail at the back of her head, which is either swinging left or right. It is rare for her to return to peace.

We have been deskmates since primary school. We play together, go to school together, go home from school together, do homework together... It can be said that we are inseparable every day. In the five years of primary school, many things have happened between us, the most touching thing for me is that time.

On that day, the gloomy sky was like a sad expression, and the rain kept falling. I had a conflict with Hu Jingjuan because of little things. I was so angry that I drew a striking "38 line" on the table, but she always inadvertently crossed the line. I looked at the white coat she was wearing. Hey, the white coat matched with black ink. I took advantage of her inattention to drop black ink on the "38th parallel" and secretly rejoiced. After school, the rain didn't seem to stop. The students were picked up by their families one by one. I stood alone at the door of the classroom and stared at the gate. At this time, Hu Jingjuan came up with an umbrella and said she would take me home. I was a little stunned and asked softly: "Why? I said so many angry words in class..." Before I finished, she interrupted me and said: "I know, it doesn't matter, because we are good friends." After listening to her words, I felt much more comfortable. It rained all the time, and a stream formed on the ground. In this unique music, we giggled, sang, danced and headed home.

If you are like a flower, your friend is like a leaf. Many people only see the beautiful flowers, but not the green leaves. Only flowers know that leaves are the most perfect.

Partner's Composition 3 (17)

It's a long way to grow up, but I have a silent partner who has accompanied me through many storms, and it is still there.


The sky is as beautiful as blue agate. Occasionally, a few birds return to their nests. A few daisies are blooming on the green grass, fresh and elegant. The lake is rippled by the gentle breeze.

"Good, Grandma sang one more song, and Grandma sang one more song than the kindergarten teacher." "Good, Grandma sang one more song." At that time, I liked listening to Grandma sing. I was young at that time, and maybe I didn't understand what that song was, but the melody was very beautiful, and it struck my heart. In my childhood memory, the song has been echoing.

Grandma's singing is beautiful, and I grow up with that singing.


The golden wheat field has the fragrance of rice. There are several scarecrows stuck in the field, and a few crows fall on them from time to time. The figure looks very lonely.

"I went, and it collapsed again." I was very distressed. The building block was piled three or four times, and the last one always collapsed. It felt bad to fall short. A piano song came from the speaker, and the sound was like a pair of magic hands, smoothing my restless heart. "Yes!" At the moment of success, I was very happy. In my heart, I silently said to the music: "Thanks, old man!"

The ups and downs of childhood are also buried in the music, like honey, and become sweet.


The weather is very good. The sky is clear and the sun is shining. There is a team on the playground playing with the sweat of youth. The students in the classroom are screeching and screeching.

"The monthly exam will be held in 10 days! All of you should hurry up and study better than everything!" The teacher's old and powerful voice echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help picking up the earphone when I got home. The music slowly released, I closed my eyes and felt the change of rhythm and the jump of notes. At that moment, I was filled with strength.

Music, if you feel it with your heart, will be very beautiful. If you ignore it, it can drift away with the wind. It is such a thing as if it were not there, and it has become a partner I have never left in my growth.

My growing partner, music.

Partner's Composition 3 (18)

I have a close friend, my computer. It is called "Founder". Its head is very flat and looks very clumsy. In fact, it is very smart and can help me do many things, such as surfing the Internet, writing compositions, listening to music, etc. As the saying goes, "people" cannot be seen. My computer accesses the Internet when I need to learn. When I am tired, they will release beautiful music to me to relieve my fatigue. Whenever I am bored, let me play the games I have hidden. Once, after finishing my homework, I found it boring, so I turned on my computer and played "minesweeping". At first, I didn't know how to play, so I opened the "Help" of "Minesweeping" to see how to play minesweeping. After watching it, I started to play. I passed the beginner level at an amazing speed of 12 seconds, and then I passed the intermediate level at an amazing speed of 86 seconds, which was inferior to the advanced level. I played left and right, but I couldn't play the advanced level. But I didn't lose heart. I insisted that there was only one thunder and two spaces left. I hit a space by mistake and clicked a space at random. Unexpectedly, it exploded. I was very depressed. I finally made up my mind to play well. At last, I passed the junior, intermediate and senior level with a total of 374 seconds. I was very happy. One time, our computer was infected with a virus, and my mother moved my beloved computer to repair it. I was very sad. Two years later, the computer I missed finally came back. But what came back was not the former Founder computer, but a new Kirin. It can also access the Internet, listen to music and so on. It also has a function that has multiple users: "father", "mother" and "little master", which is much more convenient to use. Although the forms of "Kirin" and "Founder" computers are different, I know you must be a "Founder" computer! Now, I have become the closest friend of the computer. 500 words of partner composition

Partner's Composition 3 (19)

I remember that there was a serial story in Story Hundred Flowers Garden, called "Brothers and Sisters of Zuo Freckle". Zuo Freckle was born in a magician's family. In this magical family, she imagined that she could have many brothers and sisters to live happily with herself. Many lovely and interesting stories of fantasy made people happy... Story Hundred Flowers Garden attracted me deeply.

In the Virtue Comics, we see many moving stories. It teaches us to understand the truth of being human, what is beautiful and what is ugly. It keeps our life from detours, and lets us know from now on that we should be a person who contributes to society and the motherland in the future.

In "Kwai in Qingqing Garden", there are various articles written by my friends as old as me. Let's grow together; "Story of Composition" and "Western View of English" are closer to our daily learning, allowing us to learn more knowledge; In Red Boy, we learn from each example and have higher pursuit

Friends of Primary School Students, you are both my little teacher and my good partner. Let's grow together happily and become the pillar of our country as soon as possible!