Malaysia's composition (19 popular articles)
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2024-05-01 07:04:26

Malaysian Composition (1)

My mother took me to Malaysia this summer vacation. The first time I left China to travel abroad was an eye opener.

Malaysia is a country that combines Chinese and Western cultures. There are mainly three ethnic groups: Malays, Chinese and Indians. Most of the Chinese are distributed in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and other big cities. They are mainly engaged in business and have no political status. Malay government officials are basically native Malays. Malaysia was once a British colony, so besides Malay, English is also the common language of the country. In some big cities, there are still some European style buildings. For example, the center of Penang is called Georgetown. In Malaysia, various cultures are mixed. White, yellow and black people live under the same roof, speak their own hometown dialect, worship their own gods, and get along in a friendly and harmonious way.

Malaysia's currency is the Kyint, which is twice as expensive as the RMB, that is to say, 100 yuan RMB is about 50 Kyint. The profile of the king is shown on each coin. There are 13 states in Malaysia. The governors of these 13 states take turns to be the king of Malaysia.

In Malaysia, what attracts me most is the clothes of the local Malays. What surprised me was that all Malay women wore headscarves and gowns, and their whole bodies were tightly wrapped, with only one face exposed. Some women even covered their noses and mouths. It is said that this is a Muslim religious rule. Malay girls must wear headscarves and gowns after the age of 14. It is summer all year round in Malaysia, so their dress will be very hot. Why can't Muslim women choose cool clothes? I feel how free and happy I am as a Chinese girl.

I also met many Chinese in Malaysia. Most of their ancestors migrated from Fujian and other places in China. These Chinese and overseas Chinese live a very hard life in Malaysia, leaving early and returning late, working day and night. When we asked for directions, they would talk warmly and lead you there in person, and take the initiative to talk with you. They are very concerned about China's development. The Penang Second Bridge, which is about to be put into use, was built by the Chinese, and they are very proud of it.

The unique customs and culture of Malaysia have deeply attracted me, making me linger and forget to leave

Malaysian Composition (2)

On July 13, when the summer sun was blazing, our family and Sister Fan Xinyi's family started the long-awaited parent-child trip to the island.

At 10 a.m., we took the bus to Chengdu Shuangliu Airport with our prepared luggage. An hour and a half later, we arrived at the international terminal of Shuangliu Airport. How many people go abroad! There was a long queue in front of each check-in counter. After 30 minutes of waiting, we successfully completed the check-in.

After a simple lunch, we boarded the plane through security check. After a 5-hour long flight, we came to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

My father told me to get up at 4:00 in the morning of the next day. We had to take an hour's flight to Dengjialou first, and then take an hour and a half's boat to arrive at the main destination of this parent-child tour of the island - Rehang Island.

Once on the island, the staff of Laguna Hotel greeted us warmly and gave each guest homemade summer water, which made us feel at home immediately. "Come on, go and see our room", Sister Fan Xinyi shouted to me, and pushed the door. "Wow! What a beautiful room." It is spacious, clean, comfortable, and has a big balcony, just like my home.

In the afternoon, we went snorkeling on the high seas by boat. This is my first snorkeling, because I was afraid that I would hold my father's neck tightly, like a bear, and my father was so tired that he gasped for breath. With the encouragement of my father again and again, I gradually got used to it, thinking of what my father said, "Relax and adjust your breath". After my own efforts, I finally managed to float on the sea. The scenery at the bottom of the sea is really beautiful! The blue water is clear to the bottom. Corals of different shapes lie quietly on the bottom of the sea, and various small fish shuttle among the coral clumps. There are many kinds of small fish here, including blue, red, color, black and white, countless. In short, snorkeling here can see the beautiful scenery that has never been seen before.

On the third day, we took part in the island hopping tour. When snorkeling in Langzhong Island, I saw a big turtle that had lived in the sea for hundreds of years. It was as big as a table. Although it looked very heavy, it was not slow at all. Brother Xiaotian, the tour guide, also brought sea cucumbers from the sea bottom for us to watch and touch. We also saw a lot of hermit crabs and lizards on the mooring island. We can't help sighing that the environmental protection here is so good!

In the next few days, we also went to Malacca, saw the Malacca Strait, and visited Zheng He's big ship when he sailed. Of course, it was imitated. I also went to Kuala Lumpur, visited Independence Square, Twin Towers and other famous scenic spots.

How time flies! Our pleasant trip is coming to an end. I am deeply impressed by the beauty, unique scenery and hospitality of Malaysia. I will come again. Goodbye, Malaysia!

Malaysian Composition (3)

After staying in Yunding Hotel for two nights and playing for two days. Today, we will go to the Botanical Garden to participate. When we get there, we will take a tour bus. Drive into the botanical garden and see the car

There were groups of wild monkeys on both sides. The car continued to move forward and came to a white bridge. Everyone went down to take photos. I saw a bunch of beautiful flowers. I don't know what they are called, their flowers

It is orange, and a group of bees are collecting honey beside it. I saw a strange tree again. The tree was covered with branches one by one. The branches would still blossom and bear fruit! I feel Kuala Lumpur

That is, the trees in Malaysia are very tall and the flowers and plants are very bright. The guide said that the rain here is very good. It's spring and summer all the year round, and it's not the same as our Chinese summer

So hot. The geographical location is also very good, no typhoon, no earthquake.

The most famous thing in Malaysia is fruit. The mangosteen is particularly fresh and sweet, and the durian is particularly fragrant. Moms and aunts love eating durian. Durian is very nutritious!

We eat desperately, and mangoes, watermelon, rambutan and so on. Even the mango juice and watermelon juice in the hotel are very pure.

Malaysian seafood is also very fresh, including abalone, shark fin, big fish and shrimp. We were so full that we ate every meal. Of course, thanks to our uncle.

He has many friends here, all of whom have worked together for many years. With local friends, we certainly had a good meal and lived well.

Malaysian Composition (4)

After staying in Yunding Hotel for two nights and playing for two days. Today, we will go to the Botanical Garden to participate. When we get there, we will take a tour bus. When I drove into the botanical garden, I saw groups of wild monkeys on both sides of the car. The car continued to drive forward and came to a white bridge. Everyone went down to take photos. I saw a beautiful cluster of flowers. I didn't know what they were called. Their flowers were orange. Beside them, a group of bees were collecting honey. I saw a strange tree again. The tree was covered with branches one by one. The branches would still blossom and bear fruit! I think the trees in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, are very tall and the flowers and plants are very bright. The guide said that the rain here is very good. It is spring and summer all the year round, and it is not as hot as our Chinese summer. The geographical location is also very good, no typhoon, no earthquake.

The most famous thing in Malaysia is fruit. The mangosteen is particularly fresh and sweet, and the durian is particularly fragrant. Moms and aunts love eating durian. Durian is very nutritious! Home desperately eat, and mango, watermelon, rambutan and so on. Even the mango juice and watermelon juice in the hotel are very pure.

Malaysian seafood is also very fresh, including abalone, shark fin, big fish and shrimp. We were so full that we ate every meal. Of course, thanks also go to our colleague's uncle, who has many friends here and is a customer who has cooperated with us for many years. With local friends, we certainly had a good meal and lived well.

Malaysian Composition (5)

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, day by day, it is close to my time to go to Malaysia.

The mood of going abroad is the mood. However, the preparations for traveling abroad must be essential.

People will say "safety first"! Therefore, I also need to prepare something about this. Otherwise, if you get sick abroad, you can't even take medicine without safety. I think we must take some common medicines when we go abroad. If you are unlucky in Malaysia, you may suffer from heatstroke. If the two sides do not speak well, there will be no rule of law. So take more medicine for heatstroke. There are often some stab balls on the beach in Malaysia. It is very likely that you stepped on it. What if you bleed? So it's better to bring more hemostatic patches and several bottles of red potions.

The second is about some life problems. Everyone should know that one yuan in Malaysia is equal to two yuan in China. If you don't bring enough money, you can't even change money in Malaysia, and you can't stay for a day. Malaysia is also a place known as the country of beaches. There is no swimsuit to sit on the beach, only watching others play happily in the water. Also, you should bring enough clothes. It is said that the weather in Malaysia is very hot, and you will sweat all day.

The third is about some piecemeal problems. You can take a notebook with you and record everything around you. Whether it is a national custom or the responsibility of a small trip, we must understand it clearly. Maybe some people begin to wonder why they can't use a camera? And the camera is much more convenient than the record book. Sure, you can use a camera, but do you think that who can keep a notebook and a camera longer? The notebook may be kept until you grow up, or even longer, but the camera is hard to say. Maybe it will disappear after 2 years.

It's enough to take what these little travelers should take. It is not necessary for some people to take a few large boxes of luggage, but there are still some unimportant things inside. In this way, the meaning of travel is transferred to the contents of these boxes. Prepare as I said in the previous three paragraphs. The trip should be wonderful because of me. Let's grow up in the sun!

Malaysian Composition (6)

This summer's trip to Malaysia is full of surprises. Among all the surprises, the most thrilling one is the water parachute experience on Sabi Island.

In the morning of August 6, we arrived at the dock, got on the speedboat and rode against the sea wind, and soon arrived at Sabi Island. The white beach and the blue and clear sea water make us excited. What made us even more excited was that the tour guide told us that we could arrange all kinds of thrilling rides on the island, including water parachutes, banana boats, underwater walking... tourists can sign up freely. After discussing with Tan Hao and brother Jinou Liang, I decided to play parachuting at sea. We took a speedboat to the middle of the sea. The staff asked us to fasten the safety belt of the parachute and then stand on the deck. Suddenly, a big red and blue umbrella opened with a "whoop". The three of us quickly separated from the speedboat under the pull of the big umbrella. We rose higher and higher, and soon reached a height of nearly 30 meters. I looked down. Wow! It's really a special effect scene on TV! In front of me, there is a blue sea and sky, and a gentle arc is drawn at the junction of water and sky. The sea is blue and pure. The sea encircles several islands. Coconut trees form a forest on the island, and the sand on the beach is pure white. "How beautiful!" I could not help exclaiming.

Suddenly, our parachute began to descend rapidly. I desperately shouted: "Up! Up!" But the rope did not listen to me at all and continued to fall. I suddenly felt black in front of me, and my mouth was full of salty sea water. ah I fell into the sea! I desperately cried for help, but I choked several mouthfuls of seawater. I was so nervous that I closed my eyes at once. After a while, I felt that our parachute was slowly rising again. I opened my eyes in fear. In front of us, it's bright. Look at me and brother Ouliang, who are all wet. "Bah, Bah!" I quickly spit out the salt water in my mouth. It turns out that this is a "dragonfly skimming the water" move, which is just exciting. Look at Tan Hao sitting in front of me. Because his seat is high, he hardly touches the water. He stretched his legs long and tried to reach the water. He muttered to me, "If I had known, I would have changed my seat with you. I haven't had fun yet!" I was proud of myself: Hey, no! The parachute flew in the air for a while and gradually landed on the ship. When I got on the boat, I kept sighing: "It's so funny! I really want to play again!"

Although the process of taking the parachute was only 15 minutes long, it always gave me endless memories. I think it will be the most wonderful memory of my childhood.

Malaysian Composition (7)

Animals living in water is a very normal thing, but in Malaysia, we can't understand that there are people living on water!

On that day, we sat in a small boat floating on the sea.

These houses are made of tree roots and straw. The roof is made of some golden straw. I thought: What if the straw is so crisp and the wind blows, and the roof is blown away? But this was thought out by people in Malaysia, who fixed them with wooden roots without any glue. Looking down, the four sides of the house are shaped by tree roots. Straw is used in the middle. Although the house is small, the air is very good. And I found that they don't use glass as a window, which is too environmentally friendly for them. I don't understand why they don't make a hole directly? Looking down, they found that they had built the whole house with four solid pieces of wood. One room is connected with the second room, and then the third room. A closer look shows that every three rooms have a round wooden stick lying horizontally. Do people on the water want to walk from above?

As expected, a young man walked steadily from the top to the opposite side. Oh, my God! Is he not afraid to plop into the water? What if I choke on the sea water? The water is so deep, and I don't know that I was drowned in the water... All the terrible hunches rushed out. But seeing his joyful appearance, I had to give up the idea.

Soon I saw several children who looked younger than me carrying a large bottle of gas oil in the water, swimming and rolling the gasoline barrel. I turned around and asked my sister what they were doing? But my sister asked me to find the answer by myself as if nothing had happened. I broke the casserole and asked my knowledgeable father. Finally, they found the answer. It turned out that children helped adults, but the oil drums were too heavy, so they had to carry gasoline while swimming.

The river is clear to the bottom, and such water reflects such people on the water, which is really a beautiful watercolor painting.

Although they always live on water and have no conditions to go to school, they are very happy there. The familiar friends they know are the water. I think they also like their home very much, just as we love China.

It is incomprehensible that people on water are always brave.

Malaysian Composition (8)

On the morning of January 18, 2014, my grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt and cousin flew from Guangzhou to Malaysia, and I flew out of the country for the first time!

After getting off the plane in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, I thought I was at the destination. I went to ask my uncle, who said, "Our destination today is Langkawi." "Where is Langkawi?" I asked curiously. My uncle replied, "Lankawi is a beautiful place with mountains and water." I said, "Let's go to the security check soon!"

About six o'clock in the afternoon, we transferred to a plane and came to Langkawi. I cried happily. We rented a beautiful business car near the airport. Although the deposit was only 50 yuan, there was no gasoline in the car, so we had to go to the gas station. With his fluent English, my uncle quickly found a small shop and asked the owner of the shop. The uncle not only told us where the gas station was, but also rode a motorcycle to show us the way for free, so that we quickly found the gas station. There are really kind-hearted people everywhere! When he left, we all said to him: "thanks!!!" He also smiled and waved to us, probably to show that Malaysia and China are friendly! Soon, my uncle drove to the Sheraton hotel he booked online.

At first glance, this hotel is really extraordinary: it is located in a forest, and countless small villas are scattered everywhere in the forest. On the car that took us to the villa, I saw two little squirrels climbing up and down the tree, looking smart. They have furry tails and big black and round eyes like two glass balls. Their beautiful "clothes" are black and yellow, as if they are wearing a small flower robe, which is extremely cute. I guess they must be twins. The car entered the villa. I took a bath and soon fell asleep.

The next afternoon, my uncle took my sister and me to the seaside swimming pool. My uncle wore a pair of swimming trunks. I saw him with his big hair combed back, wearing blue waterproof glasses, a smile on his face, and white skin. It was indeed a scholar's temperament, but the more developed his limbs, the more I looked like an athlete. My uncle took me and my sister to jump into the water. After swimming for a while, I couldn't dive because my eyes were uncomfortable, so I had to borrow my uncle's waterproof glasses. He smiled and replied, "OK!" He immediately took them down and put them on for me. Later, my uncle grabbed my sister's swimming circle with one hand, afraid that her swimming circle would be blown away by the wind; Hold me with one hand for fear of sinking. When we swam for almost half an hour, my sister went up. Then my uncle taught me how to swim. He patiently taught me every move, so that I quickly learned to dive. Next to him, a white brother gave a thumbs up and said, "rerygood!"!

I went up to the shore and sat on a stone. When I looked up, there was a vast ocean, blue water and blue sky. At the junction of water and sky, there is a mist, hazy. The shadow saw several ships disappear in the sky, and several ships came into our sight from the sky, becoming more and more clear. At the foot of the mountain, the waves rushed to the shore, slapping the rocks and splashing water, forming a cloud. Recently, dozens of people are fighting and playing with the sea, including men, women, young people, old people, white people, black people, and yellow people. In a twinkling of an eye, my uncle jumped among them... Ah, what a wonderful "unity of heaven and man"!

We were "crazy" in Langkawi for a few days. On the morning of New Year's Eve, we flew to Kuala Lumpur again. In the evening, we came to a restaurant. My uncle said that this is the first class restaurant in Kuala Lumpur with 855 Malaysian restaurants ranking first in online service quality and second in total score. Their decoration also adds a little New Year's Eve atmosphere to our Chinese guests. When we got the menu, we found that it was all in English but not in Chinese, so we had no choice but to let our uncles and aunts handle the ordering. After ordering, we are enjoying the beautiful scenery around. I saw a colorful small fountain, which turned into red wine, cola, milk and Chinese green tea

After dinner, we went back to the hotel and turned on the TV. We found the only Chinese international channel that we could understand. We watched the "Spring Festival Gala" program for a while. The bell of the Year of the Dragon rang. Grandpa suggested that six people take a picture of the whole family. The background was the Twin Towers in the distance. We smiled to the camera one by one, and the picture left all the joy of the New Year.

Late at night on the second day of the Spring Festival, we saw the brightly lit Guangzhou City on the plane

Malaysian Composition (9)

Malaysia is divided into East Malaysia and West Malaysia. We went to West Malaysia. Malaysia produces chocolate, coffee, palm oil, mangoes... and it is also a big oil country. Malaysia's neighbor is Singapore, which is separated from the Malacca Strait. If you don't believe it, there are pirates in the Malacca Strait! There is a bridge connecting Singapore and Malaysia on the sea, half of which belongs to Singapore and half to Malaysia.

What impressed me most in Malaysia was watching Indians pull tea. Their tea is brown. Do you know how they pull tea? I feel like a circus. The tea maker has two cups, one big and one small. At the beginning of the performance, the Indian poured the tea from the small cup into the large cup, and then poured the tea from the large cup into the small cup. This was repeated twice. Then he lifted his right foot, crossed his left hand holding the large cup under his leg, poured the tea from the small cup into the large cup, and poured the tea from the large cup into the small cup. Looking at their proficiency, I also want to try, but the tour guide said that it would take several years to learn how to pull tea. It's really ten years off the stage, one minute on the stage! You know what? Indians do not use tooth powder for tooth brushing, but we Chinese are more excellent. We squeeze toothpaste on the toothbrush and dip it in tooth powder, which has both the feeling of toothpaste and the effect of tooth powder. I also tasted Indian tissue cakes, but I regret that I ate too much with relish and forgot to drink the tea drawn by Indians.

Next, we went to Malaysia's largest tin wax factory. Walking into the hall, the twin star tower built of tin beer mugs shines under the lights, which is really dazzling. Then we went into the workshop and first saw how to make the handle of the tin cup. First scoop up a spoonful of molten tin and pour it into the mold. It takes only a second or two to pour out the surplus tin. Then pull out the mold, clamp the mold with pliers and put it into the furnace to melt the surplus tin. If it is not done well, put it into the furnace and do it again. Next to the aunt is the process of tapping the points on the cup. The commentator said that this kind of work should be practiced for six or seven months, and each point should be knocked at the same point. My other people's hands were itchy. I tried to knock with my father, but they were all knocked askew. I watched the aunt beside me knock very well. It was really "Rome wasn't built in a day". In the exhibition hall, we also visited such tin wares as fire dragon, chess and tea pot, which are very exquisite.

In Malaysia, we went to the National Palace. Although we couldn't walk in, we took a photo with the royal cavalry. In the Prince Bay Square, I saw the Prime Minister's Mansion, the highest flagpole in the world and Malaysia's landmark building, the Twin Star Tower.

This trip has increased my knowledge.

Malaysian Composition (10)

Singapore and Malaysia

Singapore is an economically developed country and one of the "Four Little Dragons" in Asian economy. On January 13, I was lucky to perform in Singapore with Diandian Dance School. I heard from my teacher that I had to take several flights on this trip! I am very excited! Because this is my first time to perform abroad, and also my first time to fly.

Under the guidance of teachers, 33 children in our dance group talked and laughed all the way. Unconsciously, I arrived at Hangzhou Airport. After getting off the bus, the teacher finished all the formalities and we were about to board the plane. Seen from the outside, the plane is really long. When I got on the plane, I felt very spacious inside. With a sense of deafness, the plane took off. Looking out of the window, the clouds outside became colorful under the sun's light. They can't wait to wave to us! The plane flew higher and higher, and the sun outside the window was not far away from us.

After Hong Kong, we arrived in Singapore by plane. When I arrived in Singapore, it was 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. I didn't care about the roadside scenery at all. I came to the hotel dizzy and slept alone in the hotel for the first time. At this time, I suddenly felt homesick and missed my mother so much that my tears could not help falling down. The next day, I woke up to the sound of my teacher knocking at the door. In the morning, guided by the guide, we visited Jurong Bird Park, one of the largest bird parks in the world. The guide introduced that there are more than 600 kinds of birds here, including more than 8000 rare birds and endangered birds. The wonderful bird performance made us linger. In the afternoon, the teacher took us to the Aixue School to participate in the performance. Our performance was very successful. The program won a gold medal and was warmly applauded by the children there. However, we are still a little nervous. After all, this is our first time to perform abroad. But yes, we all worked hard, and the teacher praised us.

The next day, we went to the second high mountain in Singapore - Huaba Mountain. Watched a panoramic view of Singapore. In the afternoon, we took a bus to Malacca, the historic city of Malaysia. We visited Mount St. Paul, St. Paul's Church and Malay Village, which are rich in Portuguese architectural style. We also saw the living habits and ways of Malays.

In the next few days, the tour guide Uncle yellow (we call him because he often wears yellow clothes) took us to the Malaysian administrative center - the national palace in Putrajaya, which is a fairy tale building. There are soldiers in front of the palace gate, which is very dignified and spectacular. It's said that the king and queen really live in the palace! I really want to have a look!

Then we went to the chocolate factory. You know, chocolate is our children's favorite! Just like mice love rice. We don't want to hear uncle yellow introduce cocoa fruit at all. We just want to rush into the chocolate factory to eat chocolate. We all had enough addiction.

A week's journey soon ended. On the way home, I felt like an arrow returning. Tears filled my eyes when I saw my mother. My mother said I lost a lot of weight. Alas, I can't help it. Who can't get used to the food there! However, this trip has given us exercise and we can take care of ourselves.

Malaysian Composition (11)

On the afternoon of January 18 this year, three of our family boarded the plane to Kuala Lumpur at Shuangliu Airport. Sitting in the cabin, I saw the wide runway first, then the plane ran faster and faster on the runway and took off at once. In the sky, I saw white clouds, majestic mountains, blue sky... It's really beautiful!

After a four hour flight, we finally arrived at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. Thinking of the good times in the next few days, I feel very happy!

(1) Beautiful Kapalai

Kapalai is a shoal located in Sabah, Malaysia. It has crystal clear sea water, cool and comfortable sea breeze, magnificent and vast sea scenery... It can be said to be a paradise on earth! In order to witness the beauty of Kapalai, we took a 3-hour flight, a 2-hour bus and a 1-hour speedboat early the next morning, and finally arrived at Kapalai at noon. Under the guidance of the staff, we lived in Kapalai Water Resort. When you enter the gate of the resort, a path paved with wood stretches to the middle of the sea. On the sea on both sides of the path, small wooden houses are arranged orderly on both sides. Wow, that's great! A hundred times more beautiful than I thought! I cheered happily.

Enter Room 21, that is our room. As soon as we opened the door, a clean and warm wooden house appeared in front of us. Under the terrace of the room, there is clear water. Sea water is composed of three colors. Seen from a distance, the sea is dark blue. Seen from a little closer, it is also blue. The nearest one to the house is still green. It is simply beautiful! Looking up, I was surprised to find that the whole resort was built in the middle of the sea, and there was no land or beach around! It's amazing! I quickly told my mother that she deliberately blinked her eyes and said in surprise, "Ah, Ziyun, you will sleep on the sea tonight!" After that, we laughed happily.

(2) Kayaking Adventures

On the afternoon of the third day, I was sitting on the balcony of my room, enjoying the beautiful scenery with the cool sea breeze. Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from a distance. I quickly put my head out to have a look. Ah, someone was rowing a kayak! I was so excited that I shouted on the terrace: "Mom, Mom, let's go, let's go kayaking!" Mom said happily, "I just want to go!" So we changed our clothes and went kayaking happily!

When we came to the diving center and paid the money, we got on a bright yellow kayak arranged by the staff. I will sit in the front, and mother will sit in the back. After we sit firmly, we will start! Excited, we just thought about how to play, but forgot how to row the kayak. The waves kept surging, and we were soon pushed by the waves to a thick pole. Seeing the kayak was about to hit, my mother was so worried that she shouted, "Ziyun! Come to think of a way!" I turned my eyes and got it! I immediately pushed the pole back with one end of the oar, and the kayak retreated with the trend, so that we were out of danger.

At this time, Dad was so worried that he shouted on the bank: "One left and one right, you can go forward, go right, go left, go left, go right!" We seemed to grasp the straw, suddenly energetic, while talking and rowing. At last, after our efforts, we finally managed to "command" the kayak. My heart is so proud!

(3) The Spirit of the Sea

In the evening, I saw several gray birds pecking fish on the sea on the terrace. I thought: What kind of bird is this? So I went to ask my mother. Mother came out to have a look. She lowered her voice and said, "Shh, be quiet, those are some petrels. They are carrying fish." "petrels?" I was very excited. Isn't that my favorite bird? I immediately rushed back to the terrace and began to observe them carefully.

You see, they have a sharp mouth, a pair of powerful wings open, circling on the sea. One, two, three... they form the most beautiful scenery on the sea!

Haiyan is smart! As long as they see the opportunity, they will fly quickly, just like an arrow leaving the string. Once they catch it in the water with their sharp beaks, they will easily pick up the fish and swallow it. They are so happy and gratified when they catch fish, just as happy as our children get lucky money, and happy as we get 100 points in the exam. In addition, they are also very brave. Before the storm came, they kept rushing into the dark clouds, as if they were fighting with the storm. Haiyan is much braver than me! I'm afraid of the temporary power failure at home!

I love the sea elf!

(4) Travels in Malacca

On the last day of our tour in Malaysia, we came to Malacca, a small city. This city is small, simple and quiet, but it is very famous in the world. Do you know why? This is because Zheng He, a famous navigator in ancient China, once came here. He made seven voyages to the West and stayed in Malacca five times. His arrival has deeply influenced the history of the city.

When I walked on the street, I felt the story of the street and the history of the city with my heart. I found that Malacca in rain is more beautiful than in sunny days. Listen, the umbrellas knocked by the drizzle seem to be beating drums; The leaves rustle in the wind, which is really nice! Malacca in the rain seems to be playing a concert, beautiful and beautiful.

In Malacca, I finally got my dream durian puff. Take a bite and feel fragrant and sweet. It's delicious! Dad didn't like to eat all the food related to durian. I purposely put Puff to the tip of his nose, and he immediately covered his nose and ran away. It really killed my mother and I!

Although this trip in Malaysia is short, it always brings us lots of happiness, big surprises and happiness! I love the beautiful and magical Kapalai, and I love the historic town of Malacca... I will always engrave you in my heart!

Malaysian Composition (12)

On the morning of January 18, 20xx, I flew from Guangzhou to Malaysia with my grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt and cousin, and I flew out of the country for the first time!

After getting off the plane in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, I thought I was at the destination. I went to ask my uncle, who said, "Our destination today is Langkawi." "Where is Langkawi?" I asked curiously. My uncle replied, "Lankawi is a beautiful place with mountains and water." I said, "Let's go to the security check soon!"

About six o'clock in the afternoon, we transferred to a plane and came to Langkawi. I cried happily. We rented a beautiful business car near the airport. Although the deposit was only 50 yuan, there was no gasoline in the car, so we had to go to the gas station. With his fluent English, my uncle quickly found a small shop and asked the owner of the shop. The uncle not only told us where the gas station was, but also rode a motorcycle to show us the way for free, so that we quickly found the gas station. There are really kind-hearted people everywhere! When he left, we all said to him: "thanks!!!" He also smiled and waved to us, probably to show that Malaysia and China are friendly! Soon, my uncle drove to the Sheraton hotel he booked online.

At first glance, this hotel is really extraordinary: it is located in a forest, and countless small villas are scattered everywhere in the forest. On the car that took us to the villa, I saw two little squirrels climbing up and down the tree, looking smart. They have furry tails and big black and round eyes like two glass balls. Their beautiful "clothes" are black and yellow, as if they are wearing a small flower robe, which is extremely cute. I guess they must be twins. The car entered the villa. I took a bath and soon fell asleep.

The next afternoon, my uncle took my sister and me to the seaside swimming pool. My uncle wore a pair of swimming trunks. I saw him with his big hair combed back, wearing blue waterproof glasses, a smile on his face, and white skin. It was indeed a scholar's temperament, but the more developed his limbs, the more I looked like an athlete. My uncle took me and my sister to jump into the water. After swimming for a while, I couldn't dive because my eyes were uncomfortable, so I had to borrow my uncle's waterproof glasses. He smiled and replied, "OK!" He immediately took them down and put them on for me. Later, my uncle grabbed my sister's swimming circle with one hand, afraid that her swimming circle would be blown away by the wind; Hold me with one hand for fear of sinking. When we swam for almost half an hour, my sister went up. Then my uncle taught me how to swim. He patiently taught me every move, so that I quickly learned to dive. Next to him, a white brother gave a thumbs up and said, "rerygood!"!

I went up to the shore and sat on a stone. When I looked up, there was a vast ocean, blue water and blue sky. At the junction of water and sky, there is a mist, hazy. The shadow saw several ships disappear in the sky, and several ships came into our sight from the sky, becoming more and more clear. At the foot of the mountain, the waves rushed to the shore, slapping the rocks and splashing water, forming a cloud. Recently, dozens of people are fighting and playing with the sea, including men, women, young people, old people, white people, black people, and yellow people. In a twinkling of an eye, my uncle jumped among them... Ah, what a wonderful "unity of heaven and man"!

We were "crazy" in Langkawi for a few days. On the morning of New Year's Eve, we flew to Kuala Lumpur again. In the evening, we came to a restaurant. My uncle said that this is the first class restaurant in Kuala Lumpur with 855 Malaysian restaurants ranking first in online service quality and second in total score. Their decoration also adds a little New Year's Eve atmosphere to our Chinese guests. When we got the menu, we found that it was all in English but not in Chinese, so we had no choice but to let our uncles and aunts handle the ordering. After ordering, we are enjoying the beautiful scenery around. I saw a colorful small fountain, which turned into red wine, cola, milk and Chinese green tea

After dinner, we returned to the hotel and turned on the TV. We found the only Chinese international channel that we could understand. We watched the "Spring Festival Gala" program for a while. The bell of the Year of the Rat rang. Grandpa suggested that six people take a picture of the whole family. The background was the Twin Towers in the distance. We smiled at the camera one by one, and the picture left all the joy of the New Year.

Late at night on the second day of the Spring Festival, we saw the brightly lit Guangzhou City on the plane

Malaysian Composition (13)

Malaysia Blogs

Dong Zixian

On July 31, we are going to the famous building in Kuala Lumpur: the Twin Towers.

Why are they called twin towers? Because the two identical buildings have 41 floors in total. Sitting in the front square and looking up at the starry Twin Towers at night, it is a shock that can only be felt on the spot, and can only be described by photos. Many foreigners lie on the ground to take photos of their friends. They are too high to take panoramic pictures near by. My mother tried many ways to take a panoramic view, because we were standing too close. Then we went into the building, which was too cold. Mother said the electricity here is free! There are places to eat, drink and have fun inside. You won't be hungry even if you wander inside for a day.

Malaysia is an Islamic country. Especially in Kuala Lumpur, many women can be seen wearing long sleeved trousers and scarves on their heads. Some even cover their whole faces and only show their eyes. But they still love, marry and live happily. A particularly interesting place was found in Malaysia. No matter in the hotel bathroom or public toilet, there will be a thin pipe connected to the faucet next to the toilet, which is convenient for washing. There are many crows in Malaysia, almost everywhere. At first, my mother thought it was a frog. There are many Chinese in Malaysia, so Chinese can also work here, but Malays and Indians can only speak English. Take a map and subway map when you go out. Be sure to come to the Twin Towers to see the night view, which is unforgettable in your life.

Tour Malaysia

This Spring Festival, our family went to the picturesque Malaysia, where all the year round is like summer. When we arrived there, we felt that our legs were too heavy to move, so we quickly took off the thick cotton padded clothes. I felt as if I had walked from winter to summer, relaxed and comfortable

We visited the Royal Palace of Malaysia, the Monument to Heroes, the Twin Star Tower, Independence Square, TV Tower, etc. The most unforgettable thing for me is a holiday island in the Green China Sea. The island is picturesque, and the tropical plants are verdant, as if washed with water. All kinds of unknown flowers are bright and eye-catching. Here, it is like a large natural garden; The island is also a paradise for animals. Monkeys walk freely on the island and often climb into the rooms where tourists live. Peacocks walk back and forth in the dining room, as if they were in a deserted place. Here, it is also like a wildlife park

My friends and I spent all day at the seaside, where there were colorful shells, groups of small fish, rare sea cucumbers, beautiful corals, and various colorful tropical fish. We couldn't wait to catch them. We picked shells, caught small fish, and played in sand. We had a lot of fun

I will never forget my trip to Malaysia!

Tropical Rainforest Hotel in Malaysia

Today is January 30, 20xx, my third day in Malaysia. At 10 o'clock in the morning, we took the shuttle bus to the Nexus Hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel, it was nearly 12 o'clock. The sun was scorching the earth. The waves on the sea were a little big. Yellow flags were hung on the beach, indicating that it was not suitable for swimming, but suitable for surfing. So I hurried to my room, changed my bathing suit and ran to the beach. I took off my shoes and ran straight to the sea. After walking more than 40 meters, the water was not waist deep, but a wave could drown me. Therefore, whenever the waves rush to me, I will jump up.

After playing for a while, we went ashore and felt very comfortable. The waves washed away the dust on my body, as well as the fatigue of my long journey and the dust in my heart. We played in the swimming pool of the hotel for a while and then returned to our room.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, we went around the hotel. Nexus is an original five-star resort hotel with complete facilities, including swimming pool, golf course, SPA, tennis court, etc. The biggest highlight of this hotel is the private white beach 6 kilometers long. Looking from the back, there is a dense tropical rainforest. The building is wooden. The roof is a kind of local unique bark, which is well integrated with the tropical rainforest. The garden is full of original tropical rainforest landscape. We also see a large aquatic lizard in the pond.

Malaysia Blogs

Huang Wenwen

After three days in Malaysia, I found that Malaysia has a unique feature - it rains at 3:30 every afternoon, neither late nor early.

The magical Malaysia seems to have a magic mirror. Why do you say that? Have you read the story of rain and the story of the sea?

It's raining outside the window. Have you ever thought about how the rain comes? It has a process. Where is the water for mother to dry clothes, the oil smoke for father to cook vegetables, and the steam for sister to cook? Strange to say, they all rose up into the sky like air.

When they rise into the sky, they gradually become clouds, floating freely in the sky

After a while, if the cloud is too wet, it will rain. When there is wind, it changes direction, and it rains again.

Then, Malaysian customs are different from ours. Why do we try our best to rain and rain at 3:30 on time?

This is a key point! But don't forget that Malaysia is a beach country. There are many seas, beaches and islands, which is the true face of Malaysia.

Some people began to wonder, what does it have to do with punctual rain? That's the problem. Malaysia is always so hot in the morning, you can't help sweating for the sun! And the sun covered Malaysia with a quilt in the morning. There were many seas, and the sun turned into steam and rose to the sky as soon as it shone. Since this process needs the same time, it has to rain at 3:30!

In fact, to understand the history of Malaysia, we should not rely entirely on books, but have some of our own wisdom and analysis.

Malaysia Blogs

After breakfast in the morning, we set out. Our family sat on the side of the motorboat. After putting on the life jacket, the engine at the stern began to speak. The distant island of Manukan slowly magnified in our view, and twenty minutes later, the ship docked. On the trestle, you can see groups of colorful fish playing in the water, and you can also see some sparse colored corals.

As soon as I went to the island, I put on my upstream swimsuit and jumped into the sea to swim. At a depth of 1 meter, I could see small fish in groups around you. My father took me to swim deeper. There were more fish. We threw the prepared bread into the water to attract more fish. There are many shells on the beach, and they were picked up soon. The shapes and colors of the shells are different, some like hedgehogs, some like waves, some like clouds.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, we came to Shapi Island. The beach of Shapi Island is very flat, and the water depth is only 1 after 100 meters. About 6 meters, so people can have close contact with benthos. However, there are many corals at the bottom of the sea, which are easy to be scratched, but corals bring convenience to small fish. Fish regard coral as their palace and swim in it. Some of the corals here are like mushrooms, and some are like branches of big trees... They are dense and unconnected. There are mainly four kinds of fish I see: clown fish with white background and black lines, clown fish with yellow background and black lines, pomfret with yellow in black and color fish with blue, yellow, purple and green.

At 3:30 p.m., we returned to the dock by boat, ending our trip to the island. This trip will make me unforgettable forever.

Malaysian Composition (14)

At 10 a.m., we took the bus to Chengdu Shuangliu Airport with our prepared luggage. An hour and a half later, we arrived at the international terminal of Shuangliu Airport. How many people go abroad! There was a long queue in front of each check-in counter. After 30 minutes of waiting, we successfully completed the check-in.

After a simple lunch, we boarded the plane through security check. After a 5-hour long flight, we came to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

My father told me to get up at 4:00 in the morning of the next day. We had to take an hour's flight to Dengjialou first, and then take an hour and a half's boat to arrive at the main destination of this parent-child tour of the island - Rehang Island.

Once on the island, the staff of Laguna Hotel greeted us warmly and gave each guest homemade summer water, which made us feel at home immediately. "Come on, go and see our room", Sister Fan Xinyi shouted to me, and pushed the door. "Wow! What a beautiful room." It is spacious, clean, comfortable, and has a big balcony, just like my home.

In the afternoon, we went snorkeling on the high seas by boat. This is my first snorkeling, because I was afraid that I would hold my father's neck tightly, like a bear, and my father was so tired that he gasped for breath. With the encouragement of my father again and again, I gradually got used to it, thinking of what my father said, "Relax and adjust your breath". After my own efforts, I finally managed to float on the sea. The scenery at the bottom of the sea is really beautiful! The blue water is clear to the bottom. Corals of different shapes lie quietly on the bottom of the sea, and various small fish shuttle among the coral clumps. There are many kinds of small fish here, including blue, red, color, black and white, countless. In short, snorkeling here can see the beautiful scenery that has never been seen before.

On the third day, we took part in the island hopping tour. When snorkeling in Langzhong Island, I saw a big turtle that had lived in the sea for hundreds of years. It was as big as a table. Although it looked very heavy, it was not slow at all. Brother Xiaotian, the tour guide, also brought sea cucumbers from the sea bottom for us to watch and touch. We also saw a lot of hermit crabs and lizards on the mooring island. We can't help sighing that the environmental protection here is so good!

In the next few days, we also went to Malacca, saw the Malacca Strait, and visited Zheng He's big ship when he sailed. Of course, it was imitated. I also went to Kuala Lumpur, visited Independence Square, Twin Towers and other famous scenic spots.

How time flies! Our pleasant trip is coming to an end. I am deeply impressed by the beauty, unique scenery and hospitality of Malaysia. I will come again. Goodbye, Malaysia!

Malaysian Composition (15)

Malaysia Travel Composition High School Excellent Model Article 1

In the summer vacation, I heard my parents say that I can go to Malaysia to play. I was very happy. Last Saturday, my parents and I finally set out. We boarded Malaysia Airlines' international flight from Shanghai Pudong Airport and headed for Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

We sat on the plane, looking at the clouds outside the window, eating the meals sent by the crew and drinking orange juice. After flying for several hours, we arrived in Kuala Lumpur. We first took a small train to the interior of the bustling airport. Then I got on the bus and drove to Xinshan.

The next morning, we got on the bus and headed for the dock. We all took the bus and ate fruit. It was more than 2 hours before we reached the dock. We waited for a while and finally got on the ship. After spending 2 hours in the rickety boat, we boarded the beautiful Diaoman Island.

In the afternoon, we started a happy snorkeling. We were led by the coach. First we swam to the rest mat, and then we jumped into the water one by one. We all enjoyed our swim and saw many fish and coral.

On the third day, we went snorkeling, but we took a boat to another shallow sea, and one by one we "went to the dumpling". We also feed the fish this time! We took bread crumbs, and groups of small yellow, blue and black fish poured out. Bite our hands. Have fun.

Then we continued to play on the island and saw lizards, which were very gray. I also saw the hermit crab, white and small. These are just small hermit crabs. Later, we saw a big hermit crab with a big shell on its back, which is very beautiful.

We played on the island for four days before returning to Xinshan by boat. After staying overnight in Xinshan, we drove directly to Malacca to visit the scenic spots. I saw the portrait of Zheng He, the Malacca Strait and other scenic spots. Then we go to Kuala Lumpur.

Because Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia, it is very prosperous and beautiful here. Of course, the most unforgettable thing is the Twin Towers, which is magnificent. After staying in this beautiful city for a few days, we officially embarked on the journey home. When we got to the airport, we got on the plane again, but the last time we came here with happiness, this time we left very reluctantly. After the five hour flight, we returned to my dear home in Suzhou.

Malaysia Travel Composition High School Excellent Model Article 2

One month ago today was the official end of our trip to Malaysia. It took another month for the travel notes to start. I don't want to write the same journal as Bali this time. I will write one for each region, and will mark some key points in the middle. I hope it can be used as a reference and help for friends who will go with me in the future. No more nonsense, just get down to business.

We got the promotion tickets of AirAsia one year ago. From Macao to Kuala Lumpur, 980 yuan tax is included for two people. It's cheap enough to laugh. If you want to know how to grab it, please see my travel planning article! Since our plane takes off at 10:45 am in Macau Airport, we must arrive at the airport before 10 o'clock. If we set out from Guangzhou in the morning, it would be too late even at 7 o'clock, because there are too many unforeseen factors such as customs clearance and transportation in Macao. So we thought about going to Macao or Zhuhai for one night. We finally chose Zhuhai between Macao and Zhuhai. Because accommodation in Macao is not cost-effective, the cheapest hotel that can be rented is 400-500 RMB. Why. So we booked a 7-day hotel nearest to Gongbei Port. On the day we left for Zhuhai, we had to go to work in the morning. After work, we picked up our luggage and went straight to Zhuhai. After arriving at the hotel, it was already more than 8 p.m. I strolled in front of Gongbei Port. There are many people here on weekends. We chose a very interesting place to eat.

The environment is good, the average consumer is about 80, and the products are not bad. My wife likes it. It is worth mentioning that the store "Gongbei Port Store is the nearest branch to Gongbei Port, located at No. 88, Guihua South Road, 7 Days Zhuhai Gongbei Port Store" written on the official website of 7 Days is not the nearest to the port! It takes about 15 minutes to walk! And I had to turn several times before I arrived. I found us for a long time. The nearest store should be "Zhuhai Gongbei Port Pedestrian Street Store is located at 138 Yuehua Road, Gongbei".

The plane in the morning is good. It's really different from the feeling of Bali last time. We were frightened by the red eye plane in Bali last time. We dare not book a plane late at night, or at least have a hotel for a nap! The next day we got up at 7:00 and arrived at Gongbei Port at 7:30 to start customs clearance. It was a non holiday Wednesday morning, and there were still many people waiting to pass the customs! I recall what I have heard before: Macao residents now go to Zhuhai every day to buy vegetables, and often bring some local imported and tax heavy things to sell! This is commonly known as ant moving. Little by little, the masses should free trade in everything they need. As Macao people pass the customs by themselves, they will not be crowded with us tourists. So it's not too long for us to pass the customs. Half an hour passed. By the way, when we fly in Hong Kong and Macao, we just need to bring our tickets and destination visas to pass the customs, and do not need Hong Kong and Macao passes. But it is also the line of Hong Kong and Macao pass!

After passing the customs, follow the gate for people to leave Macao, and at the exit, there will be a staircase into the basement, where is the bus stop. There are buses to all parts of Macao. Of course, there is also the AP1 bus to Macao Airport. The way is from Guanzha Terminal to Macau Airport Terminal. The ticket price is 3 MOP per person, which can be paid in RMB. Of course, there is no change. If the whole journey goes smoothly, it will take about 40 minutes. But we ran into a traffic jam!

Generally, I don't like to go to Macao where there are many people and many cars. Too many people are easy to get stuck in traffic. This time, we got on the bus and walked for two stops. Fortunately, we have reserved enough time. By the way, if you are in a hurry, you can choose some special cars for the airport just after customs clearance. It should be 60 yuan per person. There is no detour to the airport. It should be within 15 minutes.

Take a picture on the bus. Despite the traffic jam, we reserved enough time. It will arrive at the airport at 9:31. Half an hour earlier than the original time of 10:00. ha-ha. Before we left, we had already carried out the WEBCHECKIN of AirAsia and printed the boarding pass. But later, I asked the flight attendants at the airport to confirm that for the international flights of Air Asia departing from China, the boarding pass printed by myself cannot be used directly, and must be stamped at the counter of Air Asia. Why is it so troublesome? In fact, if you want to go deeper, you will know that this is an international airport, not an airport dedicated to AirAsia. People's customs and security will certainly not recognize these self printed things. After all, everything you print can be printed, and others can't find it. So the convenience of printing and boarding after WEBCHECKIN is only applicable to domestic flights in Malaysia! To be correct, only use LCCT of Malaysia Lianhang Airport!

Because we didn't buy luggage to check in, we only brought a 20 inch boarding case. And it should be a little overweight (normally it can only carry 7.5KG), but our luggage shows more than 8KG on the measuring machine. But the lady at the counter didn't look. They just gave us a red circle, which means they brought it to the computer. Therefore, AirAsia is very relaxed in the management of boarding cases. I am relieved to check in. It's almost time to wait for the plane.

Malaysia Travel Composition High School Excellent Model Article 3

Last week, we went to Singapore and Malaysia, but I like Singapore best because Singapore is one of the four dragons. There are many trees there, and Malaysia is the same. But Malaysia is not as clean as Singapore, but much cleaner than China!

Malaysian language is very interesting, such as toilet: die of boldness, dinner: die of drag, for example, thank you: take your mother to the theatre, don't thank you: kill.

There are many Chinese in Malaysia, but the Chinese in the north go there for tourism, while the Chinese in the south do business there and are local millionaires. The local Malay is very worried about calculation. You can ask him: how many children do you have? He will move his fingers: 1, 2, 3 When the count of 10 is not enough, he will take off his shoes, plop down on the ground, and pull his toes open: 11, 12 Before he counts to 20, you will faint. He has at least 10 children, because he can marry four wives or more.

How about Malays? Are they cute?

Malaysian Composition (16)

Tour Malaysia

This Spring Festival, our family went to the picturesque Malaysia, where all the year round is like summer. When we arrived there, we felt that our legs were too heavy to move, so we quickly took off the thick cotton padded clothes. I felt as if I had walked from winter to summer, relaxed and comfortable

We visited the Royal Palace of Malaysia, the Monument to Heroes, the Twin Star Tower, Independence Square, TV Tower, etc. The most unforgettable thing for me is a holiday island in the Green China Sea. The island is picturesque, and the tropical plants are verdant, as if washed with water. All kinds of unknown flowers are bright and eye-catching. Here, it is like a large natural garden; The island is also a paradise for animals. Monkeys walk freely on the island and often climb into the rooms where tourists live. Peacocks walk back and forth in the dining room, as if they were in a deserted place. Here, it is also like a wildlife park

My friends and I spent all day at the seaside, where there were colorful shells, groups of small fish, rare sea cucumbers, beautiful corals, and various colorful tropical fish. We couldn't wait to catch them. We picked shells, caught small fish, and played in sand. We had a lot of fun

I will never forget my trip to Malaysia!

Malaysia Blogs

This summer's trip to Malaysia is full of surprises. Among all the surprises, the most thrilling one is the water parachute experience on Sabi Island.

In the morning of August 6, we arrived at the dock, got on the speedboat and rode against the sea wind, and soon arrived at Sabi Island. The white beach and the blue and clear sea water make us excited. What made us even more excited was that the tour guide told us that we could arrange all kinds of thrilling rides on the island, including water parachutes, banana boats, underwater walking... tourists can sign up freely. After discussing with Tan Hao and brother Jinou Liang, I decided to play parachuting at sea. We took a speedboat to the middle of the sea. The staff asked us to fasten the safety belt of the parachute and then stand on the deck. Suddenly, a big red and blue umbrella opened with a "whoop". The three of us quickly separated from the speedboat under the pull of the big umbrella. We rose higher and higher, and soon reached a height of nearly 30 meters. I looked down. Wow! It's really a special effect scene on TV! In front of me, there is a blue sea and sky, and a gentle arc is drawn at the junction of water and sky. The sea is blue and pure. The sea encircles several islands. Coconut trees form a forest on the island, and the sand on the beach is pure white. "How beautiful!" I could not help exclaiming.

Suddenly, our parachute began to descend rapidly. I desperately shouted: "Up! Up!" But the rope did not listen to me at all and continued to fall. I suddenly felt black in front of me, and my mouth was full of salty sea water. ah I fell into the sea! I desperately cried for help, but I choked several mouthfuls of seawater. I was so nervous that I closed my eyes at once. After a while, I felt that our parachute was slowly rising again. I opened my eyes in fear. In front of us, it's bright. Look at me and brother Ouliang, who are all wet. "Bah, Bah!" I quickly spit out the salt water in my mouth. It turns out that this is a "dragonfly skimming the water" move, which is just exciting. Look at Tan Hao sitting in front of me. Because his seat is high, he hardly touches the water. He stretched his legs long and tried to reach the water. He muttered to me, "If I had known, I would have changed my seat with you. I haven't had fun yet!" I was proud of myself: Hey, no! The parachute flew in the air for a while and gradually landed on the ship. When I got on the boat, I kept sighing: "It's so funny! I really want to play again!"

Although the process of taking the parachute was only 15 minutes long, it always gave me endless memories. I think it will be the most wonderful memory of my childhood.

Malaysia Blogs

This Spring Festival, my family went to Malaysia for a tour. We went to many places, and the most interesting one I found was surfing in Longwei Bay in Sabah.

Longwei Bay has vast sea and soft sand beach. We first paddled a canoe in the small lake by the sea, and then took a banana boat. Then I ran to the sea happily. I took a surfboard, put on my life jacket, and rushed into the sea regardless of everything. I was lying on the surfboard when a big wave hit. Because I didn't hold the surfboard firmly, the wave overturned the surfboard. I fell into the water and drank several mouthfuls of water. Wow, the sea water is so salty! I was unwilling to climb onto the surfboard again, and the waves turned me over again and again. Slowly, I mastered a little skill. I saw the waves coming to my side and quickly climbed onto the surfboard. The waves pushed me to the beach far away. It was really exciting and interesting. Having mastered the skills of surfing, I enjoyed playing with the waves. Sometimes I screamed, sometimes I laughed and had a great time.

The happy time always passes quickly, and it is time to return unknowingly. I reluctantly left the beach, but the feeling of fighting with the waves has always been hard for me to forget.

Malaysian Composition (17)

Malaysia Tourism Composition 1

I have been to Malaysia once. This time, unlike last time, I went to Sarawak, Malaysia, and this time I went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital.

We first took a plane to Malaysia, and then took a taxi for 40 minutes to a hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Then we went out for lunch. On the way back, I saw the twin towers in Kuala Lumpur. They are 452 meters high and have 88 floors. They are the highest twin towers and the highest bridge in the world. When we got back to the hotel, we couldn't wait to go swimming. I swam several times in the swimming pool and then went to the hot spring. For the first time, I went to the hot spring. The water was really hot and comfortable. I heard that the water can relax tendons and activate blood circulation, and can remove dead skin. I think: this hot spring is really comfortable. Go back to your room to have a look at the night view and see the twin towers in the night. The twin towers are so magnificent and beautiful in the night. The twin towers are very beautiful in the night.

I think Malaysia is very interesting and beautiful. I like traveling, because traveling can let me increase a lot of knowledge.

Malaysia Tourism Composition 2

In the Chinese areas of Malaysia, the Mid Yuan Festival, also known as the Yulan Shenghui Festival or the celebration of the Yulan Shenghui Festival, in addition to offering sacrifices to ancestors and performing traditional operas of all native places, there is a special performance activity to entertain ghosts. The local people have established a singing platform culture similar to that of Singapore Chinese, which is generally similar to Singapore, that is, to build a temporary stage in the temple or the open space before the Yulan Shenghui Festival, In addition to the decoration of sound equipment and lights, rows of chairs are placed in the audience below the stage. The first row of chairs are usually reserved for "good brothers" (ghosts), and sometimes beer and other drinks, peanuts, green beans and other snacks are placed. The stage performance is usually arranged from 8 o'clock at night to 12 o'clock at midnight. There are a variety of performances on the stage, including humorous short plays, magic, singing and dancing, and there are performances throughout the lunar July.

As a celebration of traditional festivals, the singing platform performance is often warned by the police because it is too noisy and is complained by some surrounding residents. In addition, some passages often appear on the stage, such as the host who likes to tell dirty jokes and the female performers who wear revealing clothes, which make many people in Singapore and Malaysia misunderstand the July stage. However, in recent years, the Malaysian Singing Zan China Yuan Council has banned performers from wearing revealing clothes and controlling the volume of the singing platform to avoid misunderstanding and friction.

In addition, in Bogongcheng, at the foot of the mountain in Penang, there is one of the largest paper wrapped Tuas in Beima. The Tuas is 26 feet 8 inches high. Celebrating Zhongyuan has become an annual event in Beima District. Every year, during the Lantern Festival, many tourists flock to the foot of the mountain, mainly to worship the largest Tuas in Beima. This huge Tu Shi Ye was erected in the Tu Shi Ye Hall of Yulan Shenghui, a city in the foot of the mountain. This magnificent gold body of the Tu Shiye has also attracted many foreign tourists to visit

Malaysia Tourism Composition 3

I have been to Malaysia once. This time, unlike last time, I went to Sarawak, Malaysia, and this time I went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital.

We first took a plane to Malaysia, and then took a taxi for 40 minutes to a hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Then we went out for lunch. On the way back, I saw the twin towers in Kuala Lumpur. They are 452 meters high and have 88 floors. They are the highest twin towers and the highest bridge in the world. When we got back to the hotel, we couldn't wait to go swimming. I swam several times in the swimming pool and then went to the hot spring. For the first time, I went to the hot spring. The water was really hot and comfortable. I heard that the water can relax tendons and activate blood circulation, and can remove dead skin. I think: this hot spring is really comfortable. Go back to your room to have a look at the night view and see the twin towers in the night. The twin towers are so magnificent and beautiful in the night. The twin towers are very beautiful in the night.

I think Malaysia is very interesting and beautiful. I like traveling, because traveling can let me increase a lot of knowledge.

Malaysian Composition (18)

Malaysian Tourism Composition 1000 Words: Experience Fun

Fun is not happiness, because when you experience fun, there are laughter, tears, happiness and sadness. When you combine them, it is called fun, and everyone has their own fun. Fun can also be elegant and vulgar. You can't force yourself to be so elegant, as long as you like it, it is fun! When it comes to fun, my greatest pleasure is travel. I don't have the time and experience like a donkey friend, a backpacker or someone who travels around the world by car. Travel can broaden my horizon and increase local and foreign knowledge. I remember Mr. Lao She's writing in "Raising Flowers" This text says, "There are joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, flowers and fruits, fragrance and color, both labor and insight..." This sentence is the most appropriate way to travel!

I still remember sitting in the room of the subtropical Lagura Hotel on Malaysia's Rehang Island last year. Looking out of the window, across the white sand, it is a blue swimming pool surrounded by lush coconut trees. The swimming pool is the beautiful white beach and the endless sea, and slowly appreciate its style, At this time, I feel so relaxed... I arrived in Kuala Lumpur by plane for four hours at 12:00 the day before yesterday, and I am exhausted, but I am still full of vitality, because I can dive soon! The next day, my friends and I took a boat to another island for diving. The water there was so clear that the fish swam around. Sometimes they would bite your legs and throw some bread crumbs into the water. They would scramble to eat. I took photos of a group of cute fish around. It was a great pleasure, Although we may scratch our feet on the beach, we are still so excited and have an unspeakable feeling. In the evening, I listened to my favorite European and American songs in an outdoor bar (not a bar) downstairs of the hotel, ordered a cup of watermelon juice, and went back to bed late. The reputation of Rehang Island in China is derived from the "Despice Tea in Summer" performed by Ren Xianqi and Zheng Xiuwen. There is a channel on the hotel's TV that has been playing circularly. Thinking about tomorrow's trip, how interesting it is. There are clown fish, little sharks... slowly closed their eyes.

If something bad happened like the year before last, it would really make me dizzy. At that time, when passing the customs, the man said a lot of English, and we didn't understand a word. Fortunately, the Filipino next to him could speak Chinese, and helped us translate the man's words. In fact, our visa was a single one. It was written as "single", so we couldn't go back to Malaysia. As a result, the man blackmailed us, A visa fee of more than RM300 was paid! We were lucky enough to ban landing visa on the same day, and the next day we started to implement it. From that day on, I was hit. I decided to learn English well. English is the universal language in the world. If I learned to travel around the world, I would not be bullied, laughed at or blackmailed!

Montaigne said, "Traveling is still a kind of useful exercise in my opinion, and the mind is constantly engaged in new activities of unknown things in the implementation." This shows that tourism is also a kind of fun. I love traveling, but I must learn English well. I think this is just labor.

Malaysian Composition (19)

After taking a car for one hour and a boat for half an hour, it's hard to avoid suffering. The first time I know how good it is to be down to earth. The scene in front of us can't help but brighten our eyes. Cloudless blue sky, blue sea, soft beach, lovely cabin and comfortable temperature. I dare not blink for fear that this is a beautiful dream. "What a fool! Come and help me with the luggage!" Mother used Lion Roar to bring me back to reality. I was stunned and went to carry my luggage.

Lying on the white bed, I felt more and more sleepy. But his stomach was not dry: "Gu~" tried to resist sleepiness and got up to eat the first meal in Malaysia. Ten minutes later, someone who was just about to sleep ate in the restaurant. "How come even fried rice in Malaysia is so delicious?" This was my only idea at that time. One fried egg, one fried rice, one chicken, one soup. Four kinds of ordinary food constitute delicious food. I can't forget it for a long time.

After sleeping all afternoon, the muddleheaded Sun said to me, "If you don't get up, you'll have to go to sea tomorrow!" I suddenly woke up, bounced like a conditioned reflex, hurriedly changed my bathing suit, woke up the others, and plunged into the sea.

After swimming for a while, I found that the sun was already in the west. Back home, after washing and gargling, he fell back on the bed and went to sleep. After all, it was too tired.

The leisurely day passed like this, and the warm sea breeze made me welcome the Malaysian sun. After lunch, we will go to the island. I wonder if the scenery there is more beautiful than the big island?

After a big meal, we boarded the boat to Big Island. The distance between the two islands is not large. Ten minutes later, I came to the charming island. Somehow, there are more people on the small island than on the big island. After packing, we started to set up tents. I was sweltering with heat. Because the sun was high at that time, we were afraid of becoming "black" after returning home, so we did not dare to go to sea. Seeing that the chair on the beach had an empty position, his eyes immediately lit up and he rushed to grab the position.

Four or five o'clock is a good time to go to sea. The waves on the island are relatively large, so only a few small fish can be seen, and I'm tired of it soon. The sun was sinking and the stomach said it was hungry. After a wash, we decided to go to the other side of the island to eat. Ten minutes later, I reached the other side of the island. It's much more lively there than ours. Even the sea is different. There are sea cucumbers everywhere. I'm afraid of sea cucumbers! (Later, I was not afraid.) Sea cucumbers feel like socks. They are black and soft. The most interesting thing is that if you fished it out, it would "wet its pants".

After a barbecue and a walk, I went back. The next door to the tent is a karaoke! Now the sun has set, I can't change places. That's good. I can't even go to bed early. At half past eleven in the evening, Karaoke refused to stop. It seems impossible to get up early tomorrow.