Compositions about unforgettable events (collection of 17 articles)
make progress every day
2023-09-27 05:24:27

Writing an unforgettable composition (1)

There are many unforgettable things in my memory, but the most unforgettable thing is that happened on the bus.

That day, my mother and I went home by car and saw an injured child limping on the platform. Seeing there was no place, he planned to stand. At this time, an old woman stood up trembling from her seat, walked to the boy, and said to him: "Does it hurt, child? Go to the grandmother and sit down:" I thought the boy would nod his head and agree, but I never thought, the little boy said to the old woman: "Old milk, I'm fine, I don't care about this little injury, I'm in good health! But you are different! You are too old to even stand up. I'm still young, and the injury is not very painful, so you'd better sit down! Besides, a man should bleed without tears. If I sit down, it means that I am afraid of pain and give in to it? Can I still call myself a man? " After saying that, he patted the old woman's chest.

The people on the bus looked at the little boy admiringly. Someone offered his seat.

At the platform, I reluctantly got off the train with my mother. Walking on the way home, I still had the picture in my mind.

Although it has been a long time, I will never forget it.

Writing an unforgettable composition (2)

Each of us will encounter some unforgettable things in life, and I am no exception. In 2011, when I was in the second grade, something happened that I will never forget.

I remember that one day during math class, Mr. Chen was giving a lecture to everyone. My frustrated stomach suddenly hurt. I rubbed my stomach hard, and the students beside me saw my stomach ache and said to the teacher in a hurry: "Teacher, Li Yuxin has a stomachache.". When the teacher heard this, he stopped lecturing and said, "Are you all right?"! Li Yuxin, drink some hot water to warm up. Or go to the bathroom. I said weakly: I'd better go to the toilet! I went out at a snail's pace, and the students looked at me with concern. They saw me wherever I went. At this time, I was very moved, so I slowly walked out of the classroom. When I got to the toilet, I could not squat out. At this time, my classmates came. She asked me how I was doing. I shook my head, meaning that I wanted to tell her that it was still OK. She looked at me and suddenly had an idea. She said, "I will call Mr. Chen.". After a while, Miss Chen really came. She looked at me and said, "Put on your pants first.". I put on my pants. The teacher said: Try to walk. I almost fell down when I took one step. Teacher Chen said: What should I do! With that, Miss Chen had a way. She asked me to lie on her back and carry me back. At that time, I was very grateful to Miss Chen.

In retrospect, I can remember the scene vividly, which I will never forget. Teacher Chen cares about me like a loving mother. I must study hard and repay teacher Chen with good results.

Writing an unforgettable composition (3)

"The 38th autumn sports meeting is now beginning!" The long-awaited sports meeting of students has begun!

At about eight o'clock in the morning, we carried our benches to the playground with a bang. When all the students sat down around the playground and the whistle sounded, the first event of the sports meeting - the Great Adventure of Crossing Obstacles began. The team members quickly exchanged their feet, crossed the grid ladder, and then took off at a high speed. When they landed, they fell down on the ground and rolled over the pole. Then they got up, and their feet just fell into the circle at the same time. Their upper body did not move, and their legs quickly took off, fell, took off, and fell... Finally, they circled the snake shaped pole. The team members all used their unique skills, just like small fish shuttling through the water and grass, which is really wonderful! All around were the shouts and cheers of the students. Finally, the competition ended and our class won the fourth place. Although I'm sorry that I didn't win the first place, in my heart, my teammates are the best!

Just after the big adventure of crossing obstacles, the 20 meter football dribbling around the pole relay started again in full swing. We also used all our strength to shuttle flexibly between poles and control the ball almost perfectly between feet. In particular, the main group of our class, the boys' team, all kicked the ball very fast, like a magic weapon. Sure enough, our class lived up to all expectations and won the championship. Thinking of how hard they train at ordinary times, I finally realized what it means to "pay for something"!

After that, our class also held competitions such as seven people's cooperation in jumping long rope, six people's cooperation in kicking shuttlecock relay and football relay, and won the championship one after another. Among them, the most exciting event is the event of 600 meters. The contestants run heartily on the playground and shed their sweat. It's wonderful!

The wonderful scenes at the sports meeting and the fighting spirit of the students are deeply engraved in my mind, which I will never forget for a long time. As the saying goes, "The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to leap." Isn't that true? The playground is like the sea or the blue sky. We are like swimming fish or birds. We can show our own style on the playground. I exercise, I sweat, I am happy. Let's enjoy our sweat on the huge stage of the playground!

Writing an unforgettable composition (4)

Recently, the weather in Jinan was changeable, so I caught a cold and could not go to swimming lessons for more than half a month. Today, I finally got better and could go to swimming class. This afternoon, the sky was clear and the sky was clear. My father and I went to swimming class happily.

When I arrived at the gym hall, the coach had not come yet. I was excited to watch the wonderful cartoons on the TV in the hall. After a while, the coach began to call the roll and sign in. I happily signed in and waited to go to class. My father handed me my swimming equipment. I checked. Where are the swimming goggles, swimming caps and the most important swimsuits? The swimsuit is missing! My father was also surprised. He looked for it carefully with me and confirmed that he had forgotten to bring it. I was so worried that I was sweating. I thought to myself: I have been looking forward to swimming lessons for more than half a month, but I can't go again! I was very disappointed. My father quickly comforted me and said, "It doesn't matter. Let's see if we can buy one in the gym." We went to the service desk to ask whether there was a swimsuit. The aunt at the service desk said that there was no swimsuit for me. My mood plummeted and I silently said, "What should I do? What should I do?" My father hugged me and said, "It doesn't matter. Let's call my mother to send it." He began to call. As soon as the phone was connected, I couldn't wait to grab the phone and loudly said to my mother, "Mom, I forgot to bring my swimsuit. Can you send it to me as soon as possible?" My mother said, "OK!" After hanging up the phone, I was in no mood to watch TV. Tears in my eyes were swirling in my eyes. Five minutes later, the coach took the students to the locker room to prepare for class. My father and I waited anxiously in the empty hall. I called my mother again to urge her. My father hurried to comfort me. I watched a cartoon first, and my mother came. But I didn't have the heart! Finally, my mother's figure appeared at the entrance of the hall, and I quickly took the swimsuit and ran to the locker room to change clothes. Finally came to the swimming pool, jumped into the water and swam happily.

This matter is unforgettable to me. I should not be so careless when doing things. Fortunately, nothing has been delayed. Next time, no, there can be no next time. I should develop the good habit of being careful and careful.

Writing an unforgettable composition (5)

The childhood dream is a colorful river, a colorful road, a shining bridge, and a wonderful world. But I have had happiness and trouble.

It was the afternoon of the summer vacation when Zhang Honglei (my cousin) came to visit me because she was bored at home. After we watched TV for a while, our stomachs began to growl, but there was nothing to eat in my house, and my father and mother had not come back. At this time, my sister opened the refrigerator and found it empty, with only a bowl of leftovers. My sister thought for a while and said to me, "Why don't we scramble eggs and rice?" I heard the idea and said, "Can you? I can't." My sister said, "I think Grandma has scrambled eggs and rice. Let me try it!" So we started our first scrambled eggs and rice.

My sister went back to her grandmother to stir fry eggs and rice, and started to do it. First, my sister took out the leftovers from the refrigerator, two eggs and a green onion; The materials were ready, and then I cut the onions. My sister poured the rice into the pot, and turned the rice over with a spatula from time to time. After a while, the rice was hot. My sister pulled the rice aside, and put a little rapeseed oil. After a few seconds, my sister knocked the egg on the edge of the pot again. Because my sister knocked too gently, the egg cracked a little. At this time, I said, "Let me come." I suddenly knocked, and saw that the eggs were all broken. My sister saw that, and quickly pushed my hand to the side, just as the eggs fell in the pot. After a while, the eggs were almost ripe. My sister hurriedly mixed the eggs in the rice, and she also put a little salt and MSG, and also put the chopped onions into it. When the rice is cooked, the smell permeates the whole kitchen. No, it's the whole house. Green onions and yellow eggs dotted on the white rice, like a beautiful landscape painting, my sister and I laughed happily when we smelled the aroma of rice.

Childhood dreams are just like stars, so many and so colorful. Childhood is like the sky in the morning. Although it is not colorful, it is broad and full of fantasy and hope. Childhood is like the night sky, and the stars are like drops.

Writing an unforgettable composition (6)

In my growing up, there are many unforgettable things. Today, let me say one thing.

One day in the winter vacation, my mother told me, "Sincerely, my mother will take you to eat fried steamed buns Doubtful, I went out of the house with my mother.

3 Get on the bus, follow my mother and we will soon arrive at the destination - Dahu Chunsheng Fried Steamed Bun Shop on Fujian Middle Road. Before I arrived at the entrance of the store, a burst of fragrance had already hit my face. When I was looking at the door of the store, a long queue had appeared in front of me like a dragon. The team of three floors inside and three floors outside the fingertip crowded the small snack bar. It's not easy to eat him. You have to queue up first to buy tickets, then wait in line to get the fried chicken, and finally wait in line for a seat.

4 The fragrance came to my face in bursts, and finally I waited until the moment when I was served. Its white body is wrapped in thin skin, and the filling is not much, fat but not greasy, and the taste is sweet and fresh, especially the bottom of the raw frying is crisp but not burnt, and the strands of scallions and fragrant sesame are dotted on it, which makes people never get tired of eating. It is different, and they want to eat after eating.

Already hungry and salivating, I can't wait to grab one with my hand and send it to my mouth. My mother said to me in a hurry: "Slow down, slow down, don't burn your mouth." I could hear my mother's words, so I opened my mouth and bit. Ouch! No, the hot soup poured into my mouth, and my upper jaw soup froze. My mother helped me blow the air conditioner painfully. Although my mouth was scalded, it still could not stop me from giving up this delicious snack. After the first bite was burned, under the guidance of my mother, I gently bit the fried skin, slowly 'sucked out the soup in the steamed bun, chewed off the stuffing, and finally ate the most delicious crispy bottom. Ah! It's really a delicacy in the world!

6 On the way home, I was thinking about the delicious fried food, and thought: The fried food of Dahuchun is really different. I must bring my friends to taste this delicious Shanghai famous food again.

I learned a truth from this incident: don't doubt others easily.

Writing an unforgettable composition (7)

Yesterday was a day full of commemoration, why? Because yesterday was the first time I was praised. What does it mean to be formally praised? It was the first time that I was praised and encouraged by my parents through my own labor. I feel very happy. It is also very memorable.

Yesterday was Sunday, and my parents were working overtime. After I finished my homework, I felt that I had nothing to do and was a bit bored. Turning around, I saw my dirty clothes in the bathroom. So on a whim, I wanted to wash my clothes. At the same time, I also want to prove that I can complete this arduous task. Why is it an arduous task? Because until yesterday, I had not washed clothes by myself.

Just do it. I took out the basin and washing powder. Then, learn from my mother before, and start washing clothes. I remember my mother once said to me that when washing clothes, we should wash light color clothes first, and wash dark color clothes, because some dark color clothes will fade. If you don't pay attention, you will dye the light color clothes with other colors, and the clothes can't be worn. So I took out the white short sleeved T-shirt and began to wash it. I remember my mother told me that the collar and cuffs of the clothes, as well as the pockets, are easy to get dirty, so we should focus on rubbing them. So I rubbed these important places twice. Let's do that. Wash the light color clothes, and then wash the dark color clothes. It didn't take long to finish the first wash. The clothes should be rinsed again. I remember my mother once said that there was no need to divide the rinsing times. The clothes have no foam, it's OK. In this way, I thought about several key points that my mother said to me before, and completed the task of washing clothes by myself for the first time in my life.

When my mother came home, she saw the clothes hanging on the balcony, looked at me in surprise, and said to me, Did you wash them yourself? I nodded proudly, as if to say to my mother, praise me, praise me. My mother's surprised expression turned into a smile and said to me, "You are great son. You are better than many other children of your age, even children several years older than you.". Listening to my mother's praise, I am very happy. On second thought, this is the first time my mother has praised me formally.

Through this matter, I not only know, but also must do my own things in the future.

Writing an unforgettable composition (8)

There are many firsts in life, the first time to cook, the first time to do housework, the first time. Only after personal experience can we understand the true meaning of this.

One of my most unforgettable things is that I cooked for the first time. One hot summer a year ago, I returned home from school as usual. My stomach began to stop on the way home. When I got home, I immediately shouted: Mom and Dad! I'm so hungry! I found that the three pairs of slippers at the door were neatly placed, and it seemed that my parents were not at home. Ouch! At this time, my stomach growled again. I immediately ran to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see if there was anything I could eat. It really didn't disappoint me. Nothing! I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. I thought to myself: It's not a good idea to be hungry. Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration in my head and was ready to make a meal for myself. After thinking about it, I only know how to cook instant noodles. I don't know anything else. I can't eat instant noodles. What can I do. Alas, it's better to eat your own food!

My career as a cook has begun! I took out a tomato and two eggs from the refrigerator and washed the tomato first. I changed the English word of tomato while washing it: tomatotomatomato

Then I brought the cutting board and cut the tomatoes into pieces.

I took another bowl out and beat the egg liquid into the bowl to mix, cut it and put it into a pot with just the right oil temperature, stir it for two times, then put in potato shreds, I stir it for three times, stir it for two times, then put in salt, cover it with low heat. I'm going to wash rice right away. After waiting for 20 minutes, I shoveled vegetables and rice and sat down at the table with a sense of ritual. I picked up my chopsticks and filled with excitement. I grabbed an egg and said, "Is this an egg like coal?"? I was very confident that I would go straight to the toilet after one mouthful of food.

After I finished eating, I thought hard to sum up the cooking accident: when the rice was half steamed and half dried, I added some water, and when the cooking salt was too much, I added water to remedy it. Finally, the food was fried, and when the rice was half cooked and the eggs were poured, I burned my hand and sacrificed a bowl. I feel very satisfied with the process and confident. I didn't expect the result to be like this, but it also benefited me a lot.

Writing an unforgettable composition (9)

From childhood to adulthood, there are many things in my mind that I can never forget.

I remember that when I was six years old, my father's friend gave me a cute puppy. The dog's hair is black and white, and its tail is short, so cute! From the day it arrived at our house, our family began to like it. Every day as soon as I get home from school, it will run to me as soon as it sees me and step on me, as if to say, "I miss you so much when you are not at home today!" When I came to the study, it still followed me closely. When I met a problem in my homework, it would wag its tail as if to say, "Think about it again, you will think of it." After a long time, I finally made it. Now it has become my little friend. I like it very much.

I remember when I went back to my hometown for the Spring Festival, the cute and lively puppy didn't follow me. When I returned home, the puppy was dead. My mother said to me, "The puppy was poisoned by other people's drugs." My tears streamed down. Until now, I still hope that my dog has not been poisoned, but the fact has been put before our eyes. I often cry in my heart: "Dog! Come back, come back to me!"

This event has made me unforgettable, and I will always remember it.

Writing an unforgettable composition (10)

Last summer afternoon, when I was doing my homework at my grandmother's house, a small sparrow suddenly flew into the house. I quickly closed the doors and windows. Go to catch the little sparrow carefully. The little sparrow is frightened by me. One moment it flashes to the corner of the wall, and then it bumps into the window. Finally, the little sparrow was dizzy and fell into the empty bucket. I quickly took it out and put it on the table. I gently stroked its feathers and looked at it gently. The little sparrow had round eyes and looked at me in horror. I tied the legs of the little sparrow with a rope, and then skipped to find grandpa.

Grandpa saw the little sparrow and said to me that he should let it go, because the little sparrow cannot be raised at home. If he loses his freedom, he will die soon. I promised, but I really couldn't bear the sparrow, so I had to discuss with my grandpa to let me fly the sparrow, and grandpa agreed to my request.

I took the little sparrow to the window sill, and the little sparrow found that I untied the rope on its leg and flapped its wings desperately. When I untied the rope a little, the little sparrow fluttered its wings and tried to fly out. I reluctantly untied the rope with both hands. The little sparrow immediately fluttered its wings and rushed to the sky with a sound of "Chi Liu". It flew for a while and landed on the opposite pole. With other little sparrows chirping together, I think the little sparrows are finally free again.

After that, I thought that if we kept the little sparrow at home, he would become more and more lonely and die slowly. Small animals belong to nature, not to us humans. They have their own right to live. We should let them get freedom and let them return to nature.

Writing an unforgettable composition (11)

The day before the final exam last semester, I got flu and had a high fever of 40 degrees Celsius. The next day the fever finally subsided, but the brain was still dizzy, like a paste. But I can't. I still have to take an exam. I had to hold on and came to school.

Walking in the familiar corridor, there is no light pace in the past, but more heavy and hesitant steps. Alas, how can I do well in this way?

Unconsciously, I came to the classroom. The students are still laughing, but I feel very noisy and dizzy. I wish I had a good sleep.

Finally, the bell that symbolized the beginning of the exam rang gracefully, but I felt that it was like a group of bees buzzing in my ears, extremely noisy. Then look at the math test paper in my hand. One by one, the figures that used to look very amiable have become ferocious and twisted. They are entwined in my mind, as if to bind my mind. "No, I can't." I said to myself in my heart. Unconsciously, I shook my head, as if to drive those hateful nightmares out of my mind.

However, the more I tried to regain my consciousness, the more confused my brain became and the more dizzy I felt. I reached out to touch my forehead, and suddenly found that it seemed that my forehead was getting hot again. I could not help crying in my heart that it was not good: could it be that I had a fever again?

Finally, after several minutes of fierce struggle with nightmare, I finally calmed down, read the questions carefully and answered them earnestly. When I was immersed in the world of mathematics, all the discomfort left me as if it had never existed. Soon, I finished answering the test paper. After carefully checking it several times, I clearly felt that my exam status was back! Thinking of this, my spirit can not help but cheer up a lot.

Then I took the Chinese and English examinations, and I was in good condition.

A few days later, the results came out, and I did very well in the exam. Now when I think about it, I can't help but feel funny when I was hesitating and worried about gains and losses. Since then, I have learned that difficulties can be overcome. This is an unforgettable thing in my memory.

Writing an unforgettable composition (12)

Everyone has experienced many unforgettable things, and the most unforgettable thing for me is to try and master it for the first time after learning new knowledge.

Today is Saturday, my parents have gone to work. I want to buy two extracurricular books, so I think of the "online shopping" introduced on TV.

When I turned on the computer, I entered the dial-up network and found the website of Xinhua Bookstore. The first thing that appeared was the type of publications. I "click" to enter the book category, and then enter the sea of books. I chose the children's literature category, and soon children's literature books came into my eyes. There are hundreds of such books that dazzle me. Finally, I chose the book My Auntie Is an Elf.

Many options appear in the prompt box, asking me whether to read the introduction of this book or buy it. I "clicked" the purchase button and entered my home address and phone number on the purchase order.

A few hours later, the doorbell suddenly rang. I thought it was Abba coming back. When I opened it, I saw a strange uncle standing in front of the door with a book in his hand. I immediately understood his purpose, which was both surprising and joyful. I took the book, paid the money and jumped with joy. How can I not be excited when I succeed on my first attempt?

"Online shopping" allows us to buy things we need without leaving home. It's really time-saving and labor-saving. It's so convenient! In the future, I will learn and try more new knowledge.

Ah! The most unforgettable thing.

Writing an unforgettable composition (13)

On my 9th birthday, my classmates gave me an unforgettable birthday.

Early in the morning, I put my mother's gift for my classmates - a box of beautifully packaged and delicious soft candy into my schoolbag. Because there is a convention in our class that no matter who has a birthday, we can stand on the birthday table to receive the blessings of the whole class.

After the first class, I hurried to the office and said cheerfully to Teacher Zhang: "Teacher Zhang, I have a birthday today." Teacher Zhang said after listening, "Happy birthday to you!" As soon as the second class was over, Teacher Zhang announced to the class: "Today is Zhao Zichen's birthday, and everyone wishes him a happy birthday!" My good friends Ma Chihang and Sun Mingzhe heard that, They all came to my seat and said to me, "Happy birthday to you!" Then they helped me stand on the high birthday table. In the cheers of my classmates, I put various shapes on the birthday table, and Mr. Zhang took pictures for me and my classmates. After I got down from the birthday table, the students took out their stationery as birthday gifts to me: some gave me a composition book, some gave me a pen, some gave me a stationery box... In order to let the students share happiness with me, I distributed soft candy to the students one by one.

This is my most memorable birthday.

Writing an unforgettable composition (14)

I have a starry sky in my mind, where there are many stars, and in the stars are my 'good memories and unforgettable things. But one day, a star in the starry sky, which is not usually very bright, suddenly flashed in my mind.

It was an unforgettable thing. One day in winter vacation, after I finished writing my Chinese holiday homework, I began to play around and hide at home. When I was trying to scare my brother, I found that he was taking my mother's mobile phone to read photos with relish. I went up and looked: it was his picture taken at Christmas in Coastal City. I looked carefully again: the younger brother in the picture was standing next to a Christmas tree with Christmas cards and posing very handsome. I looked at the Christmas tree, and suddenly I felt I was back to the Christmas when I was in the first grade. The other day, I looked at the beautiful shops and Christmas trees with all kinds of cards hanging outside at the window sill. I remembered that a few days ago, I bought a Christmas card for the teacher with my pocket money in the small shop of the school and took it to the school to give it to the teacher. What should I say when I want to send a card to my teacher? And how can I write the words of blessing? When I got to school, I picked up my pencil and made every stroke. The worker wrote the words of blessing in a neat way. After writing, I put the pencil in place and took out my best pen out of the water, and traced the pencil words just now. Jingle the bell, the bell rings for class. This is a class meeting. I'm very happy because the card is going to be sent to the head teacher, Mr. Luo. As soon as Mr. Luo entered the classroom, I ran up to her, handed her the card and wished her a Merry Christmas! Mr. Luo smiled at me and said, "Thank you," and the class meeting began.

After class, Miss Luo invited me to the office. She smiled and said to me, "Thank you for the Christmas card. It's the first time that I have received a Christmas card from my student." I calmly walked out of the office. As soon as I went out, I was elated and ecstatic, because I was the first one among Miss Luo's first group of students to send her a Christmas card.

Writing an unforgettable composition (15)

Today is an unforgettable day. Students came to the rostrum and sat down happily, waiting for the opening ceremony of the Red Scarf Heart to the Party theme activity.

The first is to sing the national anthem and raise the national flag; The second is that the squadron leader reports the class size to the captain; Grandma also told us the story of her joining the team when she was a child, and the students listened with great interest. Under the solemn national flag, we swore to join the team: from today on, we will be a real Young Pioneer! Everyone's face is filled with a bright smile. At this moment, how proud we are! Teacher Wang, the instructor, said that the red scarf is a corner of the national flag, children are the flowers of the motherland, and how exciting the scene of releasing pigeons is! May we fly to the blue sky like doves to realize our dream. Then the students took out their wish cards and put them into the beautiful wish box. Each small card represents their good wishes and blessings.

Today is really an unforgettable day! We will never forget.

Writing an unforgettable composition (16)

Although I am a naughty and noisy boy with ADHD who doesn't like studying and my teacher doesn't like me, I still concentrate on some things.

I remember one year, the school held a Children's Day activity, and each class had to give a program, so our class decided to perform the children's play "Tortoise and Rabbit Race" according to the proposal of the class cadre. After drawing up the program, the next step is to select actors, including directors, props, rabbits and turtles. If I have no organizational ability, I can't take over as director; I am a boy, and the rabbit is definitely not suitable for me, so I will run for the tortoise.

Who knows, there is a person in the class who competes with me. There is no doubt that I lost the election because his body shape is more suitable for playing the tortoise. I don't like to participate in any activities at ordinary times. This time, the teacher saw that I was so active and said that I must be assigned a role. I asked the teacher if there was any role with the most appearances and the most critical role. The teacher thought about it for a moment, and it was true that there was such a role, so I took over the role of Dashu.

During rehearsal, various problems arose. I remember a scene where the little white rabbit leaned against a big tree to rest, and the tortoise slowly climbed over, saw the little white rabbit sleeping, and then the tortoise said his lines, but the actor of the tortoise could not remember his lines, and this part was almost rehearsed many times over and over, and I, as a big tree, had to stand still and let the little white rabbit lean against it. I couldn't stand for such a long time because he couldn't remember his lines clearly. I couldn't stand the tree anymore, so I reminded him. Who knows, they also said me in reverse, letting me remember that I am a big tree and can't talk freely.

Then he rehearsed again, coming back and forth several times, but he could not control his ADHD. The teacher said that if I really can't act, I will change people. Others want to play Dashu. When I heard the teacher said to change people, I promised the teacher that I would never move again. I have been silently thinking: I am a tree, I can't talk, I can't move. However, I have a very important line: modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind. I studied the only line again and again, and asked my father how to use the tone and feelings. Finally, after several days of hard rehearsal, we performed this children's play perfectly.

On Children's Day, parents of students also came to the school to watch the performance. Other parents who know me say that I am such an active child that I am allowed to act as a tree. However, my performance did not disappoint my parents. Throughout the whole process, I stood on the stage motionless, focused on nothing, and was not disturbed by the outside world. I always told myself that I should not disgrace my parents or disappoint my teachers. Finally, they finished the performance, and I also succeeded in saying that line, which won warm applause from the whole audience. In the end, I got the certificate of the best performance award from the school. I was ecstatic. When I got home, I pasted it on the wall happily. This was my first time to win the prize. My parents were also pleased for me.

Up to now, I still remember every bit of my primary school years, especially the experience of performing big trees. That was my first time as an actor. Although it was a prop, I could still perform very well.

Writing an unforgettable composition (17)

In summer, flowers are in full bloom. A hundred birds contend, when trees are shaded, hot weather can also make people have a bad temper. That's because my temper triggered something.

I remember when I was in a third grade physical education class, I felt as if I had been hit by a high-voltage electricity. I picked up a water cup and threw it at my classmates. I didn't know anything at that time, as if I had lost my memory. I only knew that when my classmates accidentally met me, I should return a tooth for a tooth. At that time, my heart was burning with anger, as if all the trees and flowers on campus were burning with my anger. I only knew that I would kill that classmate. Even if she fled to the ends of the earth, I would revenge and let her return twice. When I chased her, the PE teacher came out from the fitness equipment to fight. At that time, the flame of revenge had swallowed my reason, so she said some disrespectful words to the teacher.

With the students saying that they would tell Mr. Zheng, my anger had been gradually extinguished, but the seeds of revenge had taken root in my heart. By the time Mr. Zheng came out of the comprehensive building like the crystal palace, my anger had been completely extinguished, and all that remained was crying. After all the students left, Mr. Zheng talked to me about the philosophy of life with great sincerity. Gradually, I calmed down, and the scenery on the campus became the same as before, as if the fire was put out by the firemen. And I understand that in fact, this is not all her fault, I am also wrong. I also learned a new way to stay with my classmates - tolerance. After school, my mood was carefree, like a child of two or three years old. On that day, I learned a lot of knowledge that I can't learn from books, so how can I not forget that day?