Greening environment (20 in general)
Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields
2024-03-10 04:25:13
fifth grade
speech draft

Greening environment (1)

In modern society, land desertification, species disappearance, turbid rivers, hazy sky... floods, sandstorms, "SARS"... Nature has warned humans many times that ecological destruction will lead to people's demise!

There is an old man named Wang Xianming in Wujing Town, Shanghai. Since April 1999, as a community volunteer, he has gone to the Huangpu River near Wujing Park every day to salvage white garbage and clean up the dirty things along the river. Thanks to unremitting efforts, he has salvaged more than 400 tons of garbage in the river and more than 200 dead animals in the past four years. Thanks to Wang Xianming's encouragement and drive, many people's awareness of environmental protection has been ignited, and Wujing Town has formed a volunteer team composed of more than 200 people.

Cao Shengting from Zhuzhou, Hunan is another example. In 1993, Cao Shengting saw the deteriorating environment and could not sit down. He felt that he had to go out to awaken the environmental awareness of the Chinese people as soon as possible, and made cartoons to promote his painting skills every day. In August 1999, his father passed away. When he learned about this, he hurried home. After the funeral, he went back to his glorious career.

Compared with them, how do we do it? The word "environmental protection" is still weak in many people's minds. There are some people around us who eat and drink all day long. After eating, they throw things on the ground. Waste paper, peel and chewing gum are everywhere on the ground; Some factories discharge a lot of smoke every day. The white clouds are also blackened, and the birds are also smoked away. They also discharge sewage into the clear river, making the river dirty. The fish also die with their belly in the air. The river is colorful, and even thicker water can make paint! The worst ones are the bad guys who cut down trees. They use a big and wide electric saw to cut down the trees. The birds are displaced, and the trees cry silently... But those guys are already obsessed with money. What consequences! The earth began to wither and yellow, the wind and sand danced in the sky, and the flood was like a tiger and a beast

I appeal to everyone and all people: cherish every piece of green land, love our mother earth, and let people away from the terrible ecological disaster!

Greening environment (2)

Dear teachers and students

Environment is a necessary condition for human survival. To protect the environment is to protect ourselves. Protecting the environment and greening the campus can make the campus full of vitality. As the guardian of green, I solemnly propose to new teachers and students here:

1、 Advocate civilized behavior, start from me, do not spit everywhere, do not litter.

2、 "Water is the source of life" and "electricity is the lever of development" At present, we are facing the problem of shortage of water and electricity resources. We should save water and electricity and not waste every bit of resources.

3、 Waste paper, waste plastics, waste metals, etc. All recyclable materials should be classified and recycled as far as possible to achieve resource recycling, thus saving resources and reducing garbage pollution.

4、 Reduce noise, do not make loud noise in public places, use radio recorder and TV set at moderate volume, and do not affect others' work, study and rest. It is advocated to use walking instead of cars or bicycles to reduce vehicle exhaust pollution.

5、 Take care of flowers, plants and trees. Do not trample on the lawn or pick flowers casually. Set an example and actively promote the concept of caring for flowers and trees to friends.

The protection of the environment can not be achieved by one person and several people, but requires the joint efforts of everyone. Individual actions may be insignificant, but the strength of each of us will be enough to support a civilization, a civilization coexisting with nature, and a civilization of sustainable development. As long as we persevere, the earth on which we live will become more beautiful. Then the earth will be greener, the water cleaner, and the sky bluer.

To protect the environment, we should start from bit by bit and from ourselves. Save every drop of water, every piece of paper, every kilowatt hour of electricity, popularize the knowledge of caring for the environment and cherishing resources to people around us, so that every student and parent can cherish resources, protect land and environment! Let's work together to build a beautiful and charming campus!

Greening environment (3)

With the change of the times, people pay less and less attention to the living environment. A large number of forests are destroyed and trees are cut down. This is wrong. We can't survive without trees, because we all know that flowers and trees need to breathe like people. People need oxygen 0 every day. 75 kg, emitting 0. 9 kg, while plants are on the contrary. Through photosynthesis, one mu of trees can "produce" 94 kg of oxygen and "recover" 67 kg of carbon dioxide every day. Plants can not only purify air, but also filter dust. In some cities, the amount of dust falling per square kilometer per year is up to 500 tons, and in some cities, even 1000 tons. Green leaves can block the dust in the air below the leaves, which is really a worthy air "filter".

Let's plant trees together! Trees are very helpful to our environment. If everyone in the world plants a tree, the whole earth will become a sea of trees, and the human air will be very fresh. If the trees do go on like this, maybe in a few decades, our beautiful earth will also become a bald "bad old man". What should our descendants do?

Also, water is the cradle of life. Any life on the earth can not live without water. The water resources on the earth are originally limited, but for a long time, people only know how to obtain, but do not know how to cherish, or even pollute and destroy the precious water resources, making the water available for human use increasingly scarce. Take the Puyang River here for example. Its water was originally clean, but now it is polluted, so it needs to be extracted from the Chencai Reservoir far away.

It can be seen how important it is to green the environment and protect the environment.

Greening environment (4)

I love the earth and the home on which we live. Love her green mountains and waters, love her blue water and sky

Once upon a time, people began to cut down trees indiscriminately, causing serious damage to the ecological balance of nature, and sand dunes devoured thousands of acres of fertile land. Destroyed the beautiful and lovely home. Nature has suffered unprecedented damage. The flood in 1998, the sandstorm in 2000, the 512 Wenchuan earthquake, the 414 Yushu earthquake... In fact, this is a warning from nature to mankind. These retaliations of nature make human embarrassed and dumbfounded. Without nature, there would be no human beings, which is a simple truth in the world. In fact, people don't give face to nature, and nature certainly won't give way to mankind. It is imperative for us to protect the environment. So we should start from me, from the little things around us, and from the little things in life.

When we use water, have we ever thought of saving every drop of water? When we use electrical appliances, have we ever thought about environmental protection—— Low carbon life is a very environmentally friendly and civilized way of life. Water saving, node saving, oil saving, solar terms, etc. can help us turn life into reality.

As a primary school student, I know: what is low-carbon? Low carbon life refers to the reduction of energy consumption during daily life, thus reducing carbon consumption, especially the reduction of carbon dioxide, that is to say, low carbon life is a lower energy, lower consumption lifestyle, restoring its simple communication between man and nature.

At present, the average standby energy consumption of household appliances in each city is equivalent to that of using a 15 watt permanent light. Because the appliances are turned off and the plug is not pulled out, each country wastes energy in standby every year. Not only that, we don't use disposable chopsticks in our daily life, but also bring environmentally friendly shopping bags and take fewer elevators. Both are good ways to reduce carbon emissions, which only requires us to change our habits slightly.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are very important. As a primary school student in the new era, school must be "good". There are a lot of "natives" in the city who have passed the driving license but have not bought a car. They see that car exhaust can emit a lot of carbon dioxide, which has strengthened their determination to travel by public transport. Besides, Qingdao's subway is almost completed. Scientific explanation: every liter of gasoline consumed will produce 2. With 7kg of carbon dioxide, owning a private car is undoubtedly a way of living a high carbon life. If it is really necessary to use a car instead of walking, it is advisable to "low-carbon" by changing the air filter in time, maintaining the appropriate tire pressure, and stopping the ignition in time, so that each car can reduce fuel consumption by about 180 liters per year, and reduce carbon dioxide by 400 kg.

In addition, replace ordinary light bulbs with energy-saving lights, try to walk, ride a bike or take a bus, and unplug the electrical plug... You see, these seemingly casual things are all contributing to "carbon reduction".

Low carbon life is the green lifestyle we want to establish. As long as we act, we can approach low carbon life and reach the standard of low carbon life. "In short, low-carbon life is not only to protect the environment, but also to save ourselves."

Low carbon life is an attitude, not an ability, for ordinary people. We should actively promote and practice low carbon life, pay attention to saving electricity, water, oil and solar terms, and do these little things. In addition to planting trees, some people buy goods with short transportation mileage. Some insist on climbing stairs. Some are very interesting, and some are unavoidably troublesome. But people who are concerned about global warming have actually brought carbon dioxide reduction into their lives.

Our earth needs our common care. Let's start from the little things around us, cherish resources, reduce pollution, and build a green life to make life better.

Greening environment (5)

Young Pioneers
Greening is an obligation that every one of us should fulfill. It is not only a slogan, but also needs our actual actions to prove it. However, there are still some phenomena in daily life, such as mowing the lawn and picking flowers. To this end, I would like to appeal to the Young Pioneers of the city, and let us strive to do the following:
1. Actively participate in greening activities organized by schools and communities.
2. The phenomenon of "trampling on the lawn and picking flowers" should be stopped in time.
3. Make slogans for greening environment.
4. Call on people to plant trees, flowers and grass to better green the environment.
5. The garbage shall be classified and picked up in time when there is garbage on the ground.
Environmental greening depends on everyone. Let's act together!

Greening environment (6)

As you all know, March 12 every year is the Arbor Day in China. Spring is the best season for afforestation. Our government stipulates that March 12 every year is the National Tree Planting Day.

Our Chinese nation has had the traditional virtue of "loving and nurturing trees" since ancient times; Afforestation can reduce air pollution, beautify the environment, purify the air, and protect people's physical and mental health; Afforestation can also reduce noise, protect ecological balance, and provide ideal places for people to study, work, play and live; The forest is really a faithful friend of mankind.

But do you know? The amount of deforestation in China is the first in the world; The long-term destruction of trees and forests, resulting in water and soil loss, floods and waterlogging disasters, has caused huge economic losses to the country and people every year.

Look around us again, people are popular to use wood furniture, and trees have entered people's families. In restaurants, disposable chopsticks and toothpicks are not uncommon; Spring is the time when all things grow, but some of our students do not find deep footprints in trampling on flowers and grass and in the school lawn; In some places, it has become a bare path. To protect forest resources and protect our living environment is actually so close to us.

Students! We are the masters of the 21st century. Planting trees, protecting the environment and greening the motherland let us start from ourselves and start now; I firmly believe that as long as everyone gives a little love, our campus will be more beautiful, and our city will also be more beautiful! The future of our motherland will also be more bright!

Greening environment (7)

Once there was a beautiful picture: mountains are green, water is green, and fields are green; Colorful flowers are like colorful clouds nestling in the arms of green leaves, whispering with them; The happy bird sings a happy song and falls beside the flowers; The docile lamb plays with the dancing butterfly; The naughty fox runs on the green hillside; The gentle deer quietly passed through the green field; Cool mountain springs run out of the green mountains and jump into the shady brooks; People work in the fields, humming their own songs······

Several years later······

This fairyland like green has slowly faded away: birds hide like shy girls; The flowers wither in an instant, sometimes emitting a corrosive odor; The leaves become withered and yellow, and the face is still wrinkled; Butterfly listless, also do not fly; The lamb, fox and deer disappeared, and they hid as if they had met the enemy; The bitter spring water is also polluted; Plants are crying; Uncle farmer complains all day······


Is this not caused by human beings themselves? If people are still so stubborn, they have been cutting down and destroying the ecological environment. After decades, the world's green will be replaced by yellow, all kinds of animals will be homeless, and human beings will be punished by God.

Green is the hope of mankind. Please protect it well, so that it will not disappear from the earth, but also give our children a way to live.

Please act quickly! Planting trees and greening the environment, let the earth put on a thick green dress!

Greening environment (8)

A good environment is conducive to our healthy growth and happy mood. No matter how comfortable we study or live, everyone hopes to live in a good environment. Therefore, everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

The birds are singing in the branches. In order to make the birds live better and the environment more beautiful, Uncle Dashu gives them a warm home. When it rains, Uncle Big Tree protects them from the rain. When the sun is fierce, Uncle Big Tree shields them from the sun. It's all thanks to Dashu!

A group of pupils came to the tree with buckets and kindergarten children. A primary school student said: Big trees have many functions. They can beautify the environment, prevent debris flow, and make paper!

Another pupil said: Big trees not only have these functions, but also can prevent floods and fires. It can absorb carbon dioxide through leaves and emit fresh air. Finally, it can store water for backup.

So, this group of primary school students led the children in the kindergarten, together with buckets, to water the big trees and the small flowers around, so that they can grow up as soon as possible and decorate our motherland more beautiful!

Then, Big Tree straightened up and became more energetic. The flowers nearby are dancing, as if they are happy for the tree! If everyone protects big trees and afforests the environment, I believe that our world will be more beautiful!

Greening environment (9)

Hello, teachers and students!

The spring rain is misty, and everything revives. In March, we are about to usher in a festival that breeds green life - Tree Planting Day. Facing this year's Arbor Day, have you ever thought about what you can do in this festival?

In a modern city full of automobile exhaust, breathing pure air has become a luxury. In recent years, due to poor air quality in major cities, many people have come to Fujian for "air travel" in order to breathe a mouthful of sweet air in the green mountains and waters. Trees can secrete a gas that kills bacteria. Research shows that there are 30000 to 40000 bacteria per cubic meter of open space, while only 300-400 bacteria per cubic meter of forest. This is all due to the tree.

Human beings cannot survive without oxygen, and they cannot live without trees, one of the important oxygen producers. However, in 2012, China's forest coverage rate was only 20.26%, far below the world average. Some areas suffer from serious soil erosion due to lack of trees. The increasingly foul air is eating away at our lungs. The sky is always gray. Where can I go to find the everlasting blue and green?

Are we just waiting to die? Let carbon dioxide plunder our health. no As early as 1979, China designated March 12 as China's Tree Planting Day, calling on people to protect the environment and plant trees. We should actively respond to this call and do our part for the common future!

Please plant a tree in order to keep the oxygen fresh.

In order to make the soil stable and fertile, please plant a tree.

In order to make the environment pleasant and comfortable, please plant a tree.

As long as everyone plants a tree, the isolated young trees can be merged into a green ocean.

Those green elves can transform the dirty gas into sweet fairy dew; Grasping the loose loess into a fertile land of peach land; It can turn the Loess Plateau into a place south of the Yangtze River.

Teachers and students, take action for our beautiful home!

Greening environment (10)

In modern society, land desertification, species disappearance, turbid rivers, hazy sky... floods, sandstorms, "SARS"... Nature has warned humans many times that ecological destruction will lead to people's demise!

There is an old man named Wang Xianming in Wujing Town, Shanghai. Since April 1999, as a community volunteer, he has gone to the Huangpu River near Wujing Park every day to salvage white garbage and clean up the dirty things along the river. Thanks to unremitting efforts, he has salvaged more than 400 tons of garbage in the river and more than 200 dead animals in the past four years. Thanks to Wang Xianming's encouragement and drive, many people's awareness of environmental protection has been ignited, and Wujing Town has formed a volunteer team composed of more than 200 people.

Cao Shengting from Zhuzhou, Hunan is another example. In 1993, Cao Shengting saw the deteriorating environment and could not sit down. He felt that he had to go out to awaken the environmental awareness of the Chinese people as soon as possible, and made cartoons to promote his painting skills every day. In August 1999, his father passed away. When he learned about this, he hurried home. After the funeral, he went back to his glorious career.

Compared with them, how do we do it? The word "environmental protection" is still weak in many people's minds. There are some people around us who eat and drink all day long. After eating, they throw things on the ground. Waste paper, peel and chewing gum are everywhere on the ground; Some factories discharge a lot of smoke every day. The white clouds are also blackened, and the birds are also smoked away. They also discharge sewage into the clear river, making the river dirty. The fish also die with their belly in the air. The river is colorful, and even thicker water can make paint! The worst ones are the bad guys who cut down trees. They use a big and wide electric saw to cut down the trees. The birds are displaced, and the trees cry silently... But those guys are already obsessed with money. What consequences! The earth began to wither and yellow, the wind and sand danced in the sky, and the flood was like a tiger and a beast

I appeal to everyone and all people: cherish every piece of green land, love our mother earth, and let people away from the terrible ecological disaster!

Greening environment (11)

Everyone wants to live in a beautiful environment, and I am no exception. The food we eat has a production and processing process, which may produce waste water, waste gas and other harmful substances, thus polluting the environment and endangering nature. So, protect the environment - we should start from now on, from the small things.

I have some ways to protect the environment, which should be called a coup! Now let's share with you the clothes - change with the season and wear appropriate seasonal clothes to reduce the use of air conditioners. Choose hand washing for laundry, and reduce the purchase of clothes.

2. Food - buy local seasonal food to reduce food processing. Use the cooking method of less oil and salt.

3. Living - The living area does not need to be large, and the house type should be selected rationally. Because reducing the housing area can reduce the use of water and electricity, which virtually reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

4. Use - recycling vegetable washing water and bath water. Each room is only equipped with energy-saving lamps. Use fashionable environmental bags for double-sided printing. Refuse to use disposable tableware. Try to buy products with simple packaging.

5. Driving - Try to drive less cars and more bicycles, which can also reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Don't leave your computer on all day long. Go out for a walk more often. This can not only protect our eyes, but also "absorb" less radiation and save electricity.

I believe that as long as everyone has done this, our Earth Mother will be better!

Greening environment (12)

We plant trees together on the annual Tree Planting Day. Sow small green seeds and harvest shady trees. Let's take action, plant trees together, protect our homes, and have a happy Arbor Day.

On this day, teachers and students of our school gathered at the gate of Qujiang Park, full of energy. Once entering the park, it was an open place, full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, full of spring. People sat on the chairs beside the road and chatted. Elders and aunts who were practicing Yangko stopped their happy steps and looked at us with approval. Oh, the Young Pioneers have done a good deed! After hearing this, everyone felt happy, confident and energetic!

The teacher led us to the center of the square and explained to us the precautions for planting trees, but I didn't listen at all and was anxious to get the saplings. The male students rushed to the tree planting instructor. You took one and I grabbed one. The female students also refused to be outdone. They rolled up their sleeves and rushed into the crowd.

After a while, a huge army of tree planters set out for the destination. Look! Some people hold a seedling in one hand, a basin in the other hand, and some people have to carry a spade. What's more, some people hold a thing in one hand and a bag in their mouth... In this way, they talk and laugh all the way to the other side of the lake. It's more like an uncultivated farmland than a tree planting area, with golden rape flowers everywhere and a faint fragrance soaking in the air

According to the teacher's instructions, our class was divided into 12 groups, with at least 4 people in each group and at most 6 people in each group. After the tree planting area is selected, everyone will start to act in groups. You are here and we are there. I was in a group with Zhang Ting, Ma Zhenxing and Li Xiaodong. As soon as the teacher said that, Li Xiaodong began to dig with a big shovel. Regardless of the situation, he dug a piece of soil here and then, with a shovel of mud, he spilled the soil all over others. I was so angry that Zhang Ting and I called him a rascal. Look at Ma Zhenxing again. He took a shovel, aimed at the position, dug for a while, and after a while, his hole was dug. However, Zhang Ting and I are not willing to be outdone by the so-called women. After some discussion, we decided to dig a hole together. First, it was very smooth. Zhang Ting and I were full of stamina. The second, the second... When -------- has just dug three times, the spade seems to be stuck by something? Yes, I can't move. I tried my best, but it didn't help. Hum! I don't believe that I can't cure you. When Zhang Ting and I were at a loss, Ma Zhenxing came over and found out that benzene was dead. Use a small shovel to dig! A word woke up the dreamer. Zhang Ting rushed to borrow a shovel in a hundred seconds, dug up the soil around the unknown object, and saw again that it was a stone, cut! Get out of the way, I'll do it! Li Xiaodong came over and exerted all his strength, but the stone was still motionless. Ma Zhenxing slowly moved the stones out of the ground when the instructor passed by and praised Ma Zhenxing's intelligence.

After the pit was dug, Zhang Ting took the sapling and righted it. I filled it with fine soil, added several extra large pieces of soil, and dug out a bowl shaped edge. I carried a basin of water and was about to fall down when Zhang Ting said, "Wait!"! After saying that, she took handfuls of water and gently sprinkled them around the tree. Ah! After the success, I looked at the students, who were busy one by one, with sweat on their faces.

We are all happy for planting trees, because planting a green pine makes a green land; Planting a tree peony makes a bright red; Plant a true heart and sow the seeds of love; Only when trees are green can the world have a pulse.

Greening environment (13)

In the morning, when I got up, my mother told me: "Xiangxiang, today is the Tree Planting Day. Our school is going to plant trees in the countryside. Will you go?" When I heard about tree planting, I immediately said, "OK, I will go too!" After that, I and my mother quickly went to the school to gather.

At the school gate, my mother bought me some food and drinks, and then set out. When we got on the bus, Wang Biao and I sat together. While we watched the scenery, we thought about how to plant trees.

Unconsciously, we have arrived at the place. Wang Biao and I practiced digging first, and we dug a small hole after several minutes. Alas! It seems that we are not material for digging. We thought hard and finally came up with a solution: plant seedlings. Just then, the tree planting activity began. I hurried to stay with an uncle. He dug a hole and I planted saplings. After a while, I was sweating, but I didn't feel tired. It was half past ten before I knew it. Wang Biao and I planted 21 trees each.

I started to pay subsidies. Unexpectedly, our children also have subsidies, which are the same as adults. My mother told me that we are here to plant trees and green the environment. It doesn't matter whether we have money or not. Like these saplings, you should become a pillar of the country!

The trees in my mother's school have been planted, but the trees in our school have not been planted. So we went to help. Wang Biao and I are working hard to plant seedlings. I plant one, he plants one; I planted two trees, and he planted two trees... Finally, we tied again: each planted eleven trees.

It's time to go. The reporter and my PE teacher also took two pictures of Wang Biao and me. My ideal grows with the small tree, and I can become a pillar of the country!

Greening environment (14)

I remember a few years ago, my parents took me to visit Grandma. There was a small river in front of Grandma's house. The river was clear and shining with golden light, slowly flowing forward. By the river, a group of aunts are laughing and washing clothes, and a group of children are swimming and playing in the river. My mother and I pulled up our trouser legs and picked up pebbles by the river, while my father was leisurely fishing nearby. I still remember this peaceful scene.

However, a few years later, when I saw the river again, I couldn't help but be startled. The river is not clear enough. The water is muddy with some dirt. On the bare riverbed, the water is almost exhausted and stinks. Where does the smelly water come from? I looked around and saw several factories spraying smoke into the sky. The smoke polluted the white clouds and then turned into acid rain, which poisoned the earth; At the same time, the factory also continuously discharges waste water to the river, turning the clean river into turbid toxic water. Coal is the solar energy that nature has stored for hundreds of millions of years, but it has to be developed and utilized in a large amount in just a few hundred years. A large amount of coal burns to produce carbon dioxide, resulting in the greenhouse effect of the earth. At the same time, the combustion of a small amount of sulfur in the coal generates sulfur dioxide gas, which falls to the ground with rain and forms acid rain. Acid rain has destroyed a large number of forests and become an "air killer" of the ecosystem

The water from the drainage yard also continuously discharges sewage into the river, even the plants along the river die. Isn't this the dump? The original clean river water is no longer clean, the river water is no longer flowing, and the air is no longer fresh. What is people's attitude towards this old river that has accompanied us for many years? Continue to pollute the environment or protect the river? Do you want to be a destroyer or an environmentalist?

Due to the pollution of water sources and the overexploitation of groundwater, human freshwater resources have begun to be in urgent need. Due to deforestation and over reclamation, grazing, soil erosion and land desertification are becoming increasingly serious. As a result of the destruction of the earth, as of 20xx, 23000 species of plants and more than 1000 vertebrates have been extinct, and now one species of life disappears from the earth every hour. Land pollution, human deforestation, rock slide, flood destroyed houses, flooded crops; People throw rubbish into the river, causing water pollution. Plastic bags can be seen everywhere, forming white pollution. People kill animals indiscriminately, resulting in the extinction of animals; People pick flowers and trees at random, which makes us lose our beauty. There is only one earth for human beings. If we live on the earth, we must protect the earth and our home.

Greening environment (15)

With the rapid growth of population and the rapid development of industry and agriculture, the pollution of ecological environment also follows. The sewage, waste gas and solid waste discharged by the factory are cut down indiscriminately, and the awareness of environmental protection in daily life is weak, which makes the environment gradually deteriorate, ecological resources cannot be regenerated, and brings a series of disasters to human beings.

With the high development of human society, mankind has entered an unprecedented era of civilization. We should live in a beautiful environment, but in fact what we feel is a suffocating environment. Bare hillsides, blackened rivers, withered grasslands??

Every time, some people complain about the bad environment and insufficient resources, but have those people ever thought about how much they have contributed to the green world? How many times have you turned off the light? How many times have you turned off the water? To protect the environment, we should start with ourselves. This is very important for each of us, and has a great deal to do with our happiness. Looking back at the history and the reality, every development and progress of human beings requires the giving of nature. Human development and progress, the ultimate benefit is always human, pay is always natural. Therefore, as a member of human beings, we should take part in more environmental protection activities. With more trees and flowers, we will always have a beautiful home with blue sky, white clouds, clear water and green land, and we will have a green mood.

When it comes to how to do a better job in environmental protection pioneer to protect their homes, I think "low-carbon" life is the most important.

"Low carbon" life means that the energy consumed in daily life should be reduced as much as possible, so as to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon life is an attitude, not an ability, for ordinary people. We should actively promote and practice low carbon life, pay attention to saving electricity, oil and solar terms, and start from every bit. If environmental protection concepts such as environmental protection, animal protection and energy conservation have become the code of conduct, low-carbon life is the green lifestyle we urgently need to establish.

Therefore, in my opinion, climate change is not just a concern of environmentalists, experts and scholars, but is closely related to each of us. If you think that the power of one person is very small for the whole earth, and the power of one person does not matter at all. If you think about it carefully, an energy-saving lamp and a solar water heater can really make little contribution to energy conservation and emission reduction, but as long as 1/10 of the 1.3 billion people use them, the energy savings and carbon emissions reduction will be astronomical.

It can be seen that low-carbon life can make our bodies healthier, the environment more beautiful, and the quality of life really improved.

In order to make our life better, people should advocate and urge each other: create a green home, leave a green mood, start from me, protect nature, protect the environment, protect ecological balance, and make our home better and more brilliant!

This composition describing green environment in Grade 6 of primary school is accurate, fluent and clear.

Greening environment (16)

For environmental protection, Li Xinting Earth, the fourth grader of Banqiao Primary School in Linze County, has warned people many times in its unique way. Look, northern China has been hit by yellow sand for several times. Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi and other provinces have been hit by flying sand and rolling stones, and severe sandstorms have occurred; Southwest China is seriously short of water, resulting in drought; The drought has not stopped, and Yushu has had another earthquake, which can be said to be a series of disasters. All this, mankind has an unshirkable responsibility! Someone once asked me: "As a primary school student, you are busy and ordinary every day. What can you do for the environmental protection of our home?" I think environmental protection is not only a matter for adults, but also a responsibility and obligation for our primary school students. In fact, greening the home, protecting the ecology and saving the earth are not a distant feat. Action, just start from yourself! I can't stop people from cutting down indiscriminately, but I can save every piece of paper and take care of flowers and trees; I can't stop people from killing rare animals, but I can avoid catching and eating all animals protected by the state; I can't prevent the overwhelming white garbage from polluting the environment, but I can use environmentally friendly bags to enter the supermarket and reduce the number of times I use plastic bags; I can't prevent people from polluting the environment by littering with waste batteries, but I can send the waste batteries at home to the designated place for recycling... I can't prevent too many things from damaging the environment, but I can also do many things to protect the environment. I can start from small things, from daily life, and from what I can do. I think if everyone does this, our living environment will reduce some pollution. For our own sake, for the sake of our future generations, and for the sake of our common homeland, protecting the environment should be our conscious action.

Environmental protection, start with me! My dear friends, from now on, let's start from using less and no plastic bags, sorting garbage and other small life things! "Big things can't be done, and small things can't be done", which will not help to solve the problem of environmental pollution; Everyone, let's do it. Don't let the disaster come to our planet again. Don't let the earth become a tearless black planet. Let's work hard to create a green home! Let's protect our Earth Mother together, make the water clearer, make the blue sky bluer, and let our Earth Mother regain its vitality!

Green Environment Composition (II)

Green environmental protection is known by everyone. Green represents the beginning of life and the source of life. Greening the city is also something everyone should do. Some people love green, some people don't love green. I am a person who loves green, flowers and sunshine. Green makes me full of confidence in life. Green can sometimes bring us happiness. When I am sad or unhappy, I feel more comfortable walking on the green carpet in the forest. When I am unhappy, when I walk on the green carpet, I stop. When there are birds singing, tall trees, soft grass and beautiful flowers on the ground, I feel better.

I don't know why some people do not like green, like black; What's good about black? Black means no glory, no joy. Green is different. Flowers and grasses are red, yellow and white. Green is different, and you will feel relaxed. In this colorful world, I will feel happy. They are so beautiful. Why do some people want to destroy this beauty? Why do they want to damage the good and not the bad? People are like this. There are good and bad. It is everyone's responsibility to green the city, and everyone must do it.

Green, green. I hope the world is green, colorful, diverse, and colorful. I hope people can love green and dye the world into colorful, not just one color. Life is rich. There are thousands and hundreds of colors, forming a happy family and a round home, A home with brilliance and brightness like green. Isn't it very happy?

Why don't you feel happy in this green world! Green is the life of people as well as the life of trees. I love green, and I hope you also love green.

Green Environment Composition (III)

The forest has brought too many benefits to mankind. It can prevent disasters, clean air, store water and so on, and is the partner of human survival. However, with the continuous development of economy, people have neglected the protection of forests, and large forests have been damaged to varying degrees, leading to the disappearance of some forests and some tropical rainforests from the earth.

For a long time, the forest has been the patron saint of humans and animals, which has brought countless benefits to human life and production. Many plants have well-developed roots and good water storage function, which can prevent mountain torrents from breaking out; The roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds of plants can be eaten, which is an important source of food for humans and animals; The dense leaves in the forest can carry out photosynthesis, produce fresh air, and provide us with a lot of oxygen; Many grass plants form a huge forest, forming a green umbrella, which is a natural habitat for all kinds of animals. However, with the continuous development of economy, the extent of forest destruction has become more and more serious. The biggest enemy of trees is waste gas. Some factories and enterprises have weak awareness of environmental protection and emit waste gas and waste residue at will. Many animals have gone extinct, and the environment has been greatly damaged. Therefore, we should protect nature and forests. We should start from ourselves, strengthen our awareness of environmental protection, publicize the importance of environmental protection, and love our earth, our country, and Changzhou.

I want to make a loud appeal, take good care of nature, take good care of forests, and take good care of our human survival partners! Don't hurt nature any more. Environmental protection composition 300 words Pollution composition Future environmental composition 500 words

Greening environment (17)

China's construction and development are getting better and better, but our living and learning environment is getting worse and worse. We should not lag behind but act. The motherland, which is built in strict accordance with the provincial exemplary standards, is striding forward to the goal of a garden like country. However, in this process, there have been some extremely disharmonious phenomena in China. For example, a few people deliberately destroy public facilities, and some people arbitrarily destroy trees and trample on turf. These bad behaviors are extremely uncoordinated with the increasingly optimized Chinese atmosphere, and are also wanton damage to the civilization of contemporary people!

I feel heartache for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. I think that if teenagers, as future successors, do not understand the composition of the human environment and the seriousness of environmental problems, ignore the laws and regulations related to environmental protection, do not strengthen the awareness of environmental protection, and consciously fulfill the obligation to protect the environment, our lives will be destroyed in their own hands, God will punish us severely. For this reason, I have made up my mind to protect the environment from me, protect our home, and be a guardian of the environment. I actively mobilize people around me to protect and build the common and only home of mankind in accordance with the law, so as to promote sustainable economic and social development and contribute to human civilization. I also jointly launched the initiatives of "raising a pot of flowers, adopting a tree, cherishing every piece of green land, making our surroundings green" and "using plastic bags without foam lunch boxes and disposable chopsticks, keeping us away from white pollution". Let's put down the convenience bag and pick up the food basket, so that we can move towards a beautiful green tomorrow and a brilliant future together!

"Don't leave anything except love; don't take anything away except memories." Let's jointly propose: start from me, start from now, strengthen environmental awareness, protect every plant and grass, promote China's harmonious development, and let civilization and beauty stay in our country forever!

We firmly believe that with your care, our campus will be more beautiful! Come on for a green tomorrow!

Chapter 2

The birds are singing in the branches. In order to make the birds live better and the environment more beautiful, Uncle Dashu gives them a warm home. When it rains, Uncle Big Tree protects them from the rain. When the sun is fierce, Uncle Big Tree shields them from the sun. It's all thanks to Dashu!

A group of pupils came to the tree with buckets and kindergarten children. A primary school student said, "Big trees have many functions. They can beautify the environment, prevent earth rock flow, and make paper."

Another pupil said, "Big trees not only have these functions, but also can prevent floods and fires. They can absorb carbon dioxide through their leaves and emit fresh air. Finally, they can store water as a backup."

So, this group of primary school students led the children in the kindergarten, together with buckets, to water the big trees and the small flowers around, so that they can grow up as soon as possible and decorate our motherland more beautiful!

Then, Big Tree straightened up and became more energetic. The flowers nearby are dancing, as if they are happy for the tree! If everyone protects big trees and afforests the environment, I believe that our world will be more beautiful!

Chapter 3

The earth, in its unique way, has warned people how many times. Look, northern China has been hit by yellow sand for several times. Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi and other provinces have been hit by flying sand and rolling stones, and severe sandstorms have occurred; Southwest China is seriously short of water, resulting in drought; The drought has not stopped, and Yushu has had another earthquake, which can be said to be a series of disasters. All this, human beings have an unshirkable responsibility! Someone once asked me: "As a primary school student, you are busy and ordinary every day. What can you do to contribute to the environmental protection of our home?" I think environmental protection is not only a matter for adults, but also a responsibility and obligation for our primary school students. In fact, greening the home, protecting the ecology and saving the earth are not a distant feat. Action, just start from yourself! I can't stop people from cutting down indiscriminately, but I can save every piece of paper and take care of flowers and trees; I can't stop people from killing rare animals, but I can avoid catching and eating all animals protected by the state; I can't prevent the overwhelming white garbage from polluting the environment, but I can use environmentally friendly bags to enter the supermarket and reduce the number of times I use plastic bags; I can't prevent people from polluting the environment by littering with waste batteries, but I can send the waste batteries at home to the designated place for recycling... I can't prevent too many things from damaging the environment, but I can do many things to protect the environment -- 3 primary school students' compositions -- 3 green environment compositions. I can start from small things, from daily life, and from what I can do. I think if everyone does this, our living environment will reduce some pollution. For our own sake, for the sake of our future generations, and for the sake of our common homeland, protecting the environment should be our conscious action!.

Environmental protection, start with me! My dear friends, from now on, let's start from using less and no plastic bags, sorting garbage and other small life things! "Big things can't be done, and small things can't be done", which will not help to solve the problem of environmental pollution; Everyone, let's do it. Don't let the disaster come to our planet again. Don't let the earth become a tearless black planet. Let's work hard to create a green home! Let's protect our Earth Mother together, make the water clearer, make the blue sky bluer, and let our Earth Mother regain its vitality!

Greening environment (18)

China's construction and development are getting better and better, but our living and learning environment is getting worse and worse. We should not lag behind but act. The motherland, which is built in strict accordance with the provincial exemplary standards, is striding forward to the goal of a garden like country. However, in this process, there have been some extremely disharmonious phenomena in China. For example, a few people deliberately destroy public facilities, and some people arbitrarily destroy trees and trample on turf. These bad behaviors are extremely uncoordinated with the increasingly optimized Chinese atmosphere, and are also wanton damage to the civilization of contemporary people!  

I feel heartache for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. I think that if teenagers, as future successors, do not understand the composition of the human environment and the seriousness of environmental problems, ignore the laws and regulations related to environmental protection, do not strengthen the awareness of environmental protection, and consciously fulfill the obligation to protect the environment, our lives will be destroyed in their own hands, God will punish us severely. For this reason, I have made up my mind to protect the environment from me, protect our home, and be a guardian of the environment. I actively mobilize people around me to protect and build the common and only home of mankind in accordance with the law, so as to promote sustainable economic and social development and contribute to human civilization. I also jointly launched the initiatives of "raising a pot of flowers, adopting a tree, cherishing every piece of green land, making our surroundings green" and "using plastic bags without foam lunch boxes and disposable chopsticks, keeping us away from white pollution". Let's put down the convenience bag and pick up the food basket, so that we can move towards a beautiful green tomorrow and a brilliant future together!  

"Don't leave anything except love; don't take anything away except memories." Let's jointly propose: start from me, start from now, strengthen environmental awareness, protect every plant and grass, promote China's harmonious development, and let civilization and beauty stay in our country forever!  

We firmly believe that with your care, our campus will be more beautiful! Come on for a green tomorrow!

Greening environment (19)

1200 words on environmental protection: control pollution and green environment

Whenever I sit in the classroom with clean windows, walk beside the lake with clear water and mirror, and fly on the football field with green grass, I will feel comfortable.

But a crisis that has been lurking around us for a long time is slowly breaking out. Maybe one day this beautiful scenery will leave us. All of this is caused by human beings. The keys to the gates of heaven and hell are in human hands. We middle school students should consciously fulfill the responsibility of protecting the environment, improve the awareness of environmental protection, strengthen the concept of legal system, and implement environmental protection actions. Be a "little guard of civilization".

Our earth is a very beautiful planet. However, water and soil loss and desertification continue to perplex mankind. Is madly devouring the land on which people live. According to relevant statistics, the deserts and wastelands on the earth are expanding at the rate of 27 million hectares per year, and the desertified land in China is also expanding at an area of 1560 square kilometers per year. At present, China has 1.28 million square kilometers of land desertification, and the potential desertification land is almost 150000 square kilometers. Desertification has become the most serious problem endangering the global environment.

I once saw a cartoon with profound meaning. On the picture, two cars were driving one behind the other, and the people in the front car were beating gongs and drums. They also wrote on red paper: "Good news, the chemical plant increased production, and the output value was 30000 yuan.". The man in the next car was worried. A piece of paper said: "We are worried that the chemical plant pollution has reduced the grain output by 300000 kg. The nearby residents are seriously damaged, and several rivers around can not be used. The court ordered him to rectify within a time limit and impose a fine.". It is obvious who likes and who worries. All these are warnings sent to us by nature, which remind us not to forget the severe punishment of nature and those painful lessons. This also reminds us that we must protect the environment in the future.

Environmental pollution will damage our body and mind. In order to protect our health, we need our society to improve and strengthen the awareness of environmental protection. The earth is our mother. We should not drain a lot of sewage into its blood vessels and bury a lot of garbage in its body. The earth is not a garbage dump. We can't spit in public places, litter litter, cigarette butts and other sundries, and pay no attention to environmental protection. Chewing gum makes it covered with black spots, littering plastic bags, causing "white pollution", but also makes it barren, dirty, everywhere is a muddy world. These actions are totally contrary to socialist spiritual civilization and social morality.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. The bell ringer is needed to clear the bell. If human beings can make up in time, they can protect trees; water saving; Reduce the environmental pollution caused by waste water and waste gas discharge. We middle school students should actively participate in public welfare work, let us protect the living environment together, first make our campus clean, and then contribute to the cleaning of the city. My friends, please show your love and efforts! We must start from ourselves, from the little things around us, and protect our living environment through our own actions. We can no longer make the mistake of destroying the ecological environment.

We are citizens of the motherland and masters of the 21st century, so we are responsible for our motherland and human beings. The society is our common home. The quality of social members directly reflects the ethos of the whole society. The Chinese nation has a civilization history of five thousand years. As a country of etiquette, public morality is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. As every member of society, They all have the responsibility to carry forward this traditional virtue. To strengthen social morality, society needs social morality. We can't be casual people. Social harmony is based on social morality and order. "Virtue makes good talents" Good civilization habits come from the cultivation of good moral quality. Only when we are young and "think of others" everywhere, be civilized, keep order, and form good habits, can we grow up with civilized and polite conscious action.

"It is not too late to mend the fences.". We must ring the alarm bell to all people, we shout loudly, we only have one earth! We must protect our homes. From now on, we should act urgently to control pollution, green the environment and prevent the tragedy of pollution from happening again. Strive to be the "little guard of civilization".

This is the end of the 1200 word essay on environmental protection. Thank you for your reading.

Greening environment (20)

Composition 1 of low-carbon, environment-friendly and green life

Faced with the deterioration of the natural climate, people began to protect the earth from their daily behavior and started a low-carbon life.

"Tinker......", with a burst of clear and sweet bell, I opened my dim sleeping eyes, and the dawn of hope shot into the window. A new day has begun! The morning wash and dress is as usual, but the water used for washing face and brushing teeth is less, just to save water resources; Put on your schoolbag, walk downstairs, get into your car and send you to school. Your car is no longer a gas filled car, but an environmentally friendly gas filled car, which can reduce carbon emissions.

When we entered the school, we were still laughing and laughing. The high-power electrical equipment such as air conditioners had been idle for a long time. Instead, we used high-tech solar heating equipment. Even the electricity used for electric lights is also wind power.

After school, there was a lot of noise outside the school. The old snack stalls no longer exist, because students have stopped eating snacks to protect the environment, because there will be a lot of carbon emissions in the process of making snacks.

When I get home, I finish my homework quickly. Like other students, in order not to stay up late, I turn on less lights to save electricity.

The alarm clock also uses the clockwork type to replace the battery type, because the manufacturing process produces a lot of carbon, and the waste battery also has a great destructive effect on the earth's soil composition.

At dinner, the alcohol stove used for stewing cooked the bio alcohol made of wheat straw and other raw materials, and the TV set was also watched together. Sometimes there were differences because of the channel preferences, but in order to save electricity, it was decided by a democratic show of hands, with the minority subject to the majority.

The earth, the flowers of our motherland, love you. The only hope is to make your mottled face shine again. There will be no more tsunamis and earthquakes that devour mankind. The air will be fresh, the sky will be blue, and the earth will be green, forming a harmonious unity between man and nature.

Composition 2 of low-carbon, environment-friendly and green life

As a student representative, I am honored to participate in a very meaningful activity - "Amway Environmental Protection Carnival Jining Station Launching Ceremony". Through this activity, I have a deeper understanding of "low-carbon environmental protection".

The event was jointly organized by the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the media and other units. At the "Amway Environmental Carnival Jining Station Launching Ceremony", I further understood the meaning of "low-carbon environmental protection" through professional explanations, low-carbon environmental protection knowledge Q&A, low-carbon environmental protection games and other ways.

I believe that many grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters know about the content and significance of "low-carbon environmental protection", and I also believe that everyone has made some contributions more or less. However, it cannot be said that once, twice, or even ten or eight times of environmental protection is enough. "Low carbon and environmental protection" requires us to form some good habits, but also requires our persistence.

In response to the call of "low-carbon environmental protection", we should reduce or not use some disposable products, such as chopsticks, cups, paper towels, hotel and hotel toiletries, etc; We should reduce carbon dioxide emissions. For example, we should try not to drive or take a car when we go out for a short distance, and we should ride bicycles or walk more; Water and electricity should be saved. For example, the power switch of washing machine, household appliances and computers should be turned off in time if the clothes can be washed by hand

My friends, do we have much to do in terms of "low carbon and environmental protection"? Do we have much to do? The answer is yes. Then, let's start from the little things around us, from the little things in life, and from "I".

Composition 3 of low-carbon, environment-friendly and green life

Low carbon environmental protection simply means to use less polluting cars and mopeds that spray thick smoke and try to use more pollution-free things. The story of low carbon environmental protection has also happened in my home. Now let's listen to my family's low carbon environmental protection story!

At the beginning of this year, the moped at home was dilapidated because it had been used for a long time. It took nearly half an hour even to start the car, and after starting it, a big black chimney was dragged behind its buttocks, which was almost a detoxification vehicle. So my father and my mother discussed and planned to buy one or two cars, including electric cars. When I heard that I would buy an electric car, I said to my father, "I don't want to buy an electric car. I want to buy a motorcycle." My father refused, so a debate about buying a car began.

First of all, I spoke clearly about my own ideas. "When you buy a motorcycle, you should be fast." Dad said, "Although the motorcycle is fast, it is not environmentally friendly. Buying an electric bike is environmentally friendly, energy-saving and money saving." After several rounds, I lost.

My father told me: "The air pollution is very serious now, so we should promote low-carbon environmental protection, walk more and drive less to make our sky a bit bluer. Electric cars are very environmentally friendly and do not emit toxic gases, so we should buy electric cars." I nodded in disbelief.

Students, in order to make our sky bluer and the earth more beautiful, let's take action! For the sake of the same blue sky, for the sake of the same earth, let's act together!