I grow up in frustration (collection of 17 articles)
Sugar Plum
2023-12-19 08:04:50
fifth grade

I grow up in frustration (1)

"Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow, no one can casually succeed..." When the familiar melody came to my ears, my mood could not be calm for a long time. Yes, it was the baptism of wind and rain and the tempering of setbacks that made me grow and mature step by step.

When I was in the fourth grade of primary school, I had a strong interest in guitar, so my mother signed up for a guitar class. At first, it seemed to be a magnet, which attracted me firmly. I often practiced the piano until I forgot to eat and sleep. But slowly, the steel wire strings on the guitar made several blisters on my fingers. When I played again, it hurt very much, as if I was stabbing with a needle. I even stayed at home several times and didn't want to learn the piano. My mother encouraged me to say, "If you really want to be an excellent guitarist, you must persevere." Then use that mobile phone to play me a true hero: How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain, and no one can casually succeed... The sonorous and powerful lyrics seem to have injected me with a heart enhancer, and I suddenly came back to life with blood. What is this flesh wound? How can this setback hit me? I began to study guitar seriously again. By the sixth grade, I had been able to play beautiful music. When the beautiful music slowly floated out from my fingertips like flowing water, the previous pain no longer existed, and what remained was a strong me. Frustration, I want to thank you for your training, and I am growing slowly.

However, the road of life is not smooth. After entering junior high school, due to the increase of subjects and homework, I found it difficult for those who thought they were good at learning, and always lost their minds in class. As a result, the first large-scale exam was completely failed. On that day, I was depressed at home and felt that the air was frozen. The light rain outside the window is chattering incessantly. I used to look out of the window. Eh! When did Clivia grow a bud? Was he still dying a few days ago? Mother also said that it could not live, and would throw it away. Suddenly, it rained heavily and fell on the broad green leaves of Clivia. I thought: The delicate leaves of Clivia must have fallen down in such heavy rain. Depressed, I immersed myself in my homework again. After a while, I looked out of the window again, and saw that Clivia was energetically blocking the rain with its wide green leaves. The rain flowed into the soil along the leaves, nourishing Clivia, and it was full of vitality! I was shocked! The wind and rain made him more tenacious and upward. Isn't my failure in this exam a challenge to me?

Clivia's tenacity, my tenacity in playing the guitar, and the lyrics and songs of "True Heroes" have all come to my mind. Why can't I be strong in setbacks? I can't give up because of a failure, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will pay a hundredfold effort. I immediately felt more confident. I really appreciate this setback, which gave me more strength to move forward on the road of growth.

In the future study, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I can calmly face them. It is also in the battle with setbacks again and again that I grow and mature.

The road of life is still very long, and setbacks and difficulties are inevitable, but I will raise the confident sail, wave the tenacious oars, ride the wind and waves, and sail to the other side of success!

I grow up in frustration (2)

"Sunshine always comes after rain, and there is a clear sky on the dark clouds..." Whenever this song rings in my ears, my heart is full of strength, encouraging me to move forward.

I remember it was an English exam. I, who had always done well in English, unexpectedly failed in that exam.

"Mom, I went to school. Today is the exam, I have to leave early." I said hurriedly.

Only heard her mother's loud and powerful voice on the other side: "OK! Slow down on the road and take a good exam!"

I went out with joy and a smile on my mouth. Along the way, I saw birds perching and flying on the wires intertwined between tall buildings, as if playing the staff. By the street, bursts of melodious singing came along with the breeze, and willows could not help dancing, which was really wonderful. With the beautiful scenery full of vitality in the morning, I came to school skipping.

"Jingle, jingle..." The students immediately ran into the classroom, sat neatly, and quietly waited for the teacher to hand out the test papers. Sitting in the front row, I can deeply feel that the teacher is walking towards us with heavy steps. After the teacher came in, the air in the classroom seemed to solidify. When the test paper was handed out, my mood became more nervous.

"Start to answer the question!" With the teacher's order, the students all bent their heads together to start the question. I worked hard and finally answered all the questions. Seeing that it was still early, he began to play. After the teacher collected the papers, I felt that I did well in the exam.

Who knows, God played a big joke on me, which caught me off guard.

The next day, the teacher came into the classroom with a thick test paper. "Next, I will read the scores. Please remember your scores." The teacher said seriously.

"74 points," the teacher said softly.

"This is my grade? How could it be so low?" I hung my head and went to the stage to get the test paper. I was not reconciled to seeing others so happy.

Listening to the teacher's explanation, I seriously corrected my wrong question. After the exam, I will reflect on how I can improve myself.

On the way home, I felt a little depressed. The chirping birds seemed to laugh at me, and the willows were also depressed and lost their original vitality.

At this time, I passed a video store, and the familiar song came from my ear: "The sun always comes after the rain, please believe there is a rainbow..." Suddenly, a fire rose in my heart and burned again in my chest. The sunset in the sky seems to have stopped for me for a second. I saw its light, at the same time, it also lit up my hope.

Since then, I have lost my previous pride, and began to recite words every morning, and kept doing exercises after class. Soon, the teacher organized another exam, and I played my real level and achieved ideal results again.

Balzac, a great French scholar, said: "Frustration is a stepping stone for genius and an abyss for the weak." Life cannot be smooth. Who does not tread on setbacks to success? A life with setbacks is a wonderful life. Let's face setbacks with a smile and build a better future together!

I grow up in frustration (3)

Frustration is the compass in the fog, helping me find the direction; Frustration is a beacon in the darkness, which makes me have a goal; Frustration is an umbrella on a rainy day, which keeps me from getting wet. Everyone will encounter all kinds of setbacks. We need to learn to face setbacks and go on strong.

After a setback, some people learned a lesson; After a setback, some people have grown up; And I, after a setback, reaped the joy of success. Because I had setbacks, I was able to get good results in that sports meeting.

It was a hot summer. The sky was blue and the sun was like a fireball. The clouds seemed to be burned by the sun and disappeared without a trace. The school is holding a sports meeting in full swing. After the entrance ceremony, we are preparing to sit down and have a rest. The first sport, the relay race, has started without stopping. Before I could catch my breath, I stood on the runway. My position was the first. When I heard the command, I rushed out immediately. The teachers and students nearby were cheering me on. Hearing their cries, I also ran forward with full power. Then I gave the baton to the next student, who also ran hard when he got it.

But somehow, although we all tried our best, we still won the last place. I think the sky is going to fall and the world is becoming gray.

After that, all the students in our class devoted themselves to intense physical exercise and practiced hard every day, hoping to get rid of their former shame.

At the beginning of the training, our bones seemed to fall apart, and we could not even stand up. However, no matter how hard and tired we were, we would continue to train. Gradually, our performance became better and better. At the beginning, it was a few tenths of a second, the last second, two seconds... Finally, we achieved excellent results in the next race.

Through this failure, I learned that failure is the mother of success. It doesn't matter if you fail for the first time. If you work hard, you can succeed in everything!

I grow up in frustration (4)

I grew up in frustration

In the long journey of life, a person will experience many setbacks, which will not defeat us, but will make us stronger in the future life and study, and have the courage to face everything.

I have successfully passed the first hurdle of my life, and I have been admitted to the ethnic middle school that all primary school students in the county yearn for. But then came a four-day intensive military training. Once upon a time, I heard that senior students said that military training was very tiring. They had to stand in the sun for a few hours without moving or even wiping sweat. This alone made me back down. Thinking that my skin would become like Africans in four days, I could not help but shiver.

On the first day of military training, although the students knew it would be hard, they were still enthusiastic. Sure enough, at the beginning, I met a "roadblock" - standing in military posture. There are many ways to stand in the military posture. Everyone is a little confused. After experiencing it, they feel "dizzy". It's simply too tiring. However, this is the first test for us. The sun was burning in the air, relentlessly casting its light on the earth. I kept my military posture in the queue. After a while, my hands were numb, my legs were sore, and the sweat was falling mischievously. I was teased and wanted to move. But when I saw the drillmaster's stern eyes, I gave up the idea. At this time, several students still couldn't hold on, their faces were pale, and they were shaking from side to side. The drillmaster hurried up to help them and sent them to the medical room. My head was also a little dizzy, and I thought: If I pretended to faint, wouldn't I have to stand? But I thought, if I gave up now, wouldn't my previous efforts be in vain? It seems that success is only one step away, so I can't just give up. But after standing for so long, I'm really tired, and I don't want to stand for a second. Maybe today I will finish all the things I have to stand for my whole life. On second thought, I can't give up when I encounter a little setback like a primary school student and ask others for help. I'm already a junior high school student. If I can't even overcome this setback, How can I experience the ups and downs of life in the future? Finally, I clenched my teeth, kept my mouth shut and tried not to think about anything else. "Move", the instructor's command let me finally see the dawn, I sat down on the ground with a "plop", but my heart was full of joy: I persevered, I won!

In frustration, I learned to persist; In frustration, I learned to grow... In frustration, I will grow into an eagle, fly, fight against the wind and rain, and pass every stage of life.

I grow up in frustration (5)

A person will experience many setbacks in the long journey of life, but setbacks will not defeat us, but let us be stronger and have the courage to face everything in the future

Now, I have successfully passed the first hurdle of my life, and I have been admitted to the Ethnic Middle School that the students in the county yearn for, but then came a four-day intensive military training. Once upon a time, I heard from senior students that the military training would be very tiring, and I would have to stand in the sun for a few hours without moving, even wiping sweat. This alone made me want to give up, Thinking that my skin would become as black as Africans in four days, I could not help but shiver

On the first day of military training, although the students knew that it would be hard, they were still enthusiastic. Sure enough, they met a "roadblock" - standing in the military posture at the beginning. There are many ways to stand in the military posture. Everyone is a little confused. After experiencing it, they feel "dizzy". It's simply too tiring. However, this is the first test for us. The sun was burning in the air, relentlessly casting its light on the earth. I stood in the queue with my army posture. Soon, my hands became numb, my legs became sore, and my sweat was falling mischievously. I was itching and wanted to make a move, but when I saw the drillmaster's strict eyes, I stopped the idea. At this time, several students were still unable to hold on, their faces turned pale, and they shook from left to right, The drillmaster quickly went up to help him and sent him to the medical room. I also felt dizzy, thinking that if I pretended to faint, I would not have to stand? But I thought, if I gave up now, wouldn't my previous efforts be in vain? It seems that success is only one step away, so I can't just give up. But I think, after standing for so long, I'm really tired, and I can't stand for a second. Maybe today, I have stood all my life. But I can't just give up when I meet a setback, like in primary school, and ask others for help. I'm already in junior high school. Even if I can't stand this difficulty, How can I experience the ups and downs of life in the future? Finally, I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes, trying not to think about anything else The drill sergeant's command of "move" made me finally see the dawn. I sat down on the ground with a "plop", but my heart was full of joy: I persevered, I won!

In frustration, I learned to persist; In frustration, I learned to grow... In frustration, I will grow into an eagle, fly, fight against the wind and rain, and pass every stage of life.

The article narrates my experience of a setback in the first person, including environmental description and mental activity description, which highlights the difficulties and shows my determination. More importantly, after this setback, I have gained success, persistence and growth. The center is more prominent. The expression of military training has grown up in frustration, and the content is a little less novel. Keep going.

I grow up in frustration (6)

Everyone's life is not smooth, but rugged.

I also experienced many setbacks in my life. But the setback of the campaign for monitor was the most unforgettable, because I grew up in that setback.

I remember that in the election for monitor, I lost by three votes and could not be re elected as monitor. At that time, I was very sad and lost. Back home, I hid in the room alone, sobbing, tasting the taste of failure, tasting the helplessness of not being understood. When I came to the class the next day, I saw strange eyes in the eyes of my classmates who I knew very well. The students were whispering about my defeat. One of my classmates, who was also my opponent for the election of monitor, strode up to me and mocked me loudly: "Buhan, I didn't expect you to be today, did you? You should carefully reflect on why you were not elected!"

I listened to him and slowly walked back to my seat to reflect. I carefully recalled what I had done before to see if I had done anything wrong, especially what had offended him. Finally, I remembered that once he gave me a good suggestion, but as the monitor, I did not hesitate to deny his suggestion, and laughed at him publicly as "nonsense". I also remember that I seldom listen to the suggestions and opinions of other students. It was my arrogance that didn't put my classmates in the eye, which made them no longer agree with me, so I lost the election. And he became the monitor. I finally know where I lost. Thanks to my opponent, he made me completely awake.

Since then, I am no longer the arrogant one, but the modest one. Although I lost the election of monitor, the teacher made me the team leader. I cherish this precious opportunity and treat each member of the group kindly. If they put forward reasonable opinions and suggestions, I will accept them modestly. The students all appreciated my change.

The new semester is coming, and we are running for monitor again. I have made full preparations for the election this time, and I believe that I will not lose the election if I have won the support of my classmates again. After a period of time, the election results came out, and I became the monitor again with a high support rate of 48 votes.

After the setback of losing the election of monitor, I learned a truth: when encountering setbacks, I should not be discouraged, but should muster up courage and face up to myself. Only in this way can we grow up in frustration.

A person will experience many setbacks in the long journey of life, but setbacks will not defeat us, but let us be stronger and have the courage to face everything in the future

Now, I have successfully passed the first hurdle of my life, and I have been admitted to the Ethnic Middle School that the students in the county yearn for, but then came a four-day intensive military training. Once upon a time, I heard from senior students that the military training would be very tiring, and I would have to stand in the sun for a few hours without moving, even wiping sweat. This alone made me want to give up, Thinking that my skin would become as black as Africans in four days, I could not help but shiver

On the first day of military training, although the students knew that it would be hard, they were still enthusiastic. Sure enough, they met a "roadblock" - standing in the military posture at the beginning. There are many ways to stand in the military posture. Everyone is a little confused. After experiencing it, they feel "dizzy". It's simply too tiring. However, this is the first test for us. The sun was burning in the air, relentlessly casting his light on the earth. I stood in the queue with my army posture. Soon, my hands became numb, my legs became sore, and my sweat was falling mischievously. I was itching to move, but when I saw the drillmaster's strict eyes, I stopped the idea. At this time, several students still couldn't hold on, their faces turned pale, and they shook from left to right, The drillmaster quickly went up to help him and sent him to the medical room. I also felt dizzy, thinking that if I pretended to faint, I would not have to stand? But I thought, if I gave up now, wouldn't my previous efforts be in vain? It seems that success is only one step away, so I can't just give up. But I think, after standing for so long, I'm really tired, and I can't stand for a second. Maybe today, I have stood all my life. But I can't just give up when I meet a setback, like in primary school, and ask others for help. I'm already in junior high school. Even if I can't stand this difficulty, How can I experience the ups and downs of life in the future? Finally, I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes, trying not to think about anything else The drill sergeant's command of "move" made me finally see the dawn. I sat down on the ground with a "plop", but my heart was full of joy: I persevered, I won!

I grow up in frustration (7)

Growing up in frustration (I)

Growing in Frustration (II)

Growing in Frustration (3)

[Grow up in frustration]

Don't dare to run because you have fallen, don't curse life because of the wind and rain, and don't ignore the natural scenery because you are lost. Only by overcoming setbacks, challenging setbacks and enjoying setbacks step by step can we find the shining point of life and enjoy the splendor of every aspect of growth.

Life is unpredictable. It is like an endless sea. Sometimes it is calm, sometimes it is billowing. However, I have encountered all kinds of thorns and frustrations in my life.

It was a light morning and we had an English test. It was also that time that I ushered in the test of frustration - failure in the exam. I heard that my heart was like a knife, and sharp arrows seemed to pierce my young soul from all directions. Why is the result of every exam "black and blue"? It's really terrible and terrible. I remember its taste. Later, I reflected on myself and tried to find my own shortcomings.

However, how should I face setbacks and avoid them? Is it sinking? No, the key is to see their own choices, I think; Life is accumulated by countless setbacks. If you can't stand the strong winds and waves, and face many difficulties and dangers, you can't defeat yourself, and you will be overwhelmed and yield.

In fact, setbacks are not necessarily bad, but wealth. Later, because of setbacks and failures in learning, I learned how to support the canoe that was sailing against the current, to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, to strive for excellence, and to stand up again in the valley to meet more challenges.

It doesn't matter if you fail, pick yourself up. Sunshine always comes after rain, and no one will casually succeed. I firmly believe that the rainbow after the storm will always be the most beautiful.

Frustration accompanies my growth. I will use optimism as the navigation mark, so that I won't lose my way. Without an optimistic attitude, we will lose the direction of struggle, lose all beliefs, and let the ideal sailing boat drift with the waves, up and down, and even all of us will be destroyed in the turbulent waves of setbacks. The setback is not a failure, but a warning to you not to be lazy, to stick to faith, and to ride the wind and waves with optimism and calm at any time. How can I grow up without setbacks, a kind and strict teacher?

Frustration accompanies my growth, and I will be strong as the backing, so that I will not be easily defeated. Any life that is not strong cannot exist safely. If the tree is not strong and upright, how can it harvest sunshine and rain; If bamboo is not strong, how can it hold on to the green mountain and not be respected by others; If Mei is not strong, how can she have the clank and pride of Linghan alone; If people are not strong, how can they have the strength to fight, seek and defeat setbacks and defeat themselves? In this way, I can't grow up without the encouragement of frustration.

Frustration grows with me, and I will take humility as the bottom line, so that I will not lose my personality. People should not only know modesty when they succeed, but also adhere to a modest and studious style when they are defeated. Don't take humility as the criterion, even if you really have a skill, you will lose it because of arrogance and stubbornness. In this way, how can I grow up without frustration, the mother of success that is hard but soft?

Frustration, let me know optimism, learn to be strong, keep humble, make my life more exciting, I want to grow with setbacks!

[Grow up in frustration]

In this world, where there is sunshine, there must be dark clouds; If there is sunny day, there must be rain and wind. The sunshine freed from the dark clouds is more brilliant than ever before, and only the sky that has experienced wind and rain can blossom into a beautiful rainbow.

People all hope to have more happiness, less pain, more success and less frustration in their lives. But fate always seems to tease and torture people, always giving people more loss, pain and frustration. I remember reading such a story: there was a chrysalis on the grass, which was found by a child and brought home. A few days later, a small crack appeared on the pupa. The butterfly in it struggled for a long time. It seemed that its body was stuck and could not get out. The innocent child could not bear to see the butterfly struggling in the chrysalis. So he took up the scissors to cut the pupa shell to help the butterfly out of the pupa. However, because the butterfly did not go through the painful struggle that must be passed before breaking the pupa, it was bloated after coming out of the shell, and its wings were shriveled. It could not fly at all, and soon died. Naturally, the joy of this butterfly disappeared with its death forever. This little story also shows a truth of life. To get happiness, you must be able to bear pain and frustration. This is the training of people, and it is also a necessary process for a person to grow up.

In life, everyone will encounter setbacks. Moderate setbacks have a certain positive significance. They can help people drive away inertia and encourage people to forge ahead. Frustration is also a challenge and test. Bacon, the British philosopher, said: "Miracles beyond nature often occur in the conquest of adversity." The key question is how to face setbacks.

When setbacks stand in front of us, we begin to choose. Just as there are no identical leaves in the world, people's choices are also different. We can choose to give up setbacks and make a detour, so we don't have to feel sad about setbacks or make efforts; We can also choose to face setbacks in a positive way without fear. Although we have worked hard for this, we can gain a lot. We have the joy and excitement of overcoming difficulties, the sweetness of "seeking happiness in pain", and the courage to overcome difficulties in the future.

I once heard such a story: a female writer met an old lady selling flowers on the streets of New York. She wore shabby clothes and looked weak, but her face was full of joy. The female writer picked one and said: "You look very happy." "Why not? Everything is so beautiful." "You can bear the trouble very much." The female writer added. The old lady's answer surprised her: "When Jesus was set on the cross on Friday, it was the worst day in the world, but Easter was three days later. So when I met with misfortune, I would wait for three days, and everything would return to normal."

What an ordinary old flower seller, what an extraordinary heart to look at life (delete). She looks at life with optimistic eyes, and life will return happiness to her. I appreciate such a metaphor: "Everyone's heart is like a crystal ball, glittering and shining, and in the event of an accident, those who are loyal to life will always reflect a variety of colors to every corner of their lives." Indeed. When you encounter (not) setbacks, when you are in pain and cannot extricate yourself, do not lose heart, do not despair, no matter what you have lost at the moment, you still have your most valuable thing - life, please try to smile in the mirror, because when you smile at life, life will certainly present the best side to you, and happiness will reappear. Create life with happiness. Time will eventually dilute all pain, all pain, only (happy) life will become eternal.

The process of our growth is full of ups and downs, always accompanied by bitterness and trouble. Frustration is like a sharp grindstone. Only after being polished by it can our life shine brightly. "How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?" It is more meaningful to grow up after experiencing setbacks. In fact, setbacks are a wealth. How many times we have searched hard, how many times we have fallen and climbed up with tears, just like flowers blooming and falling, which has paved the way for our future life. The process of growth is like walking on the beach

Our footprints record the footprints of our growth. Only after setbacks can our legs become more powerful and the footprints of life become more solid.

[Grow up in reading]

Whether it is the Qiongyun of Beijing Opera or the real grass seal script script, whether it is the ancient rattan of Xuanyuan or the new branch of China, whether it is the classic works or the popular sayings, they are all integrated, highlighted and separated in reading. Without reading, there is no wisdom and depth.

Growing up in reading, I realized the vicissitudes of history. The sand in Zhoukoudian, the smoke and clouds in Hemudu, the seclusion of Banpo Village, and the wind and frost in Dawenkou are miracles born in the wilderness. Qin bricks and Han tiles have forged your strength, Chu Ci and Han Fu have clarified your soul, Tang poetry and Song Ci have cleansed your soul, Yuan Qu, Ming and Qing novels have magnified your appearance, and the Yangtze River and Yellow River have unblocked your lifeline... I used to mourn with Ma Zhiyuan the loneliness and sadness of "the sunset, heartbroken people in the end of the world"; I sighed with Li Shangyin about the sadness of parting, "Why should I cut the candles in the west window, but talk about the night rain in Bashan"; With Yan Shu, we lament that the charm of "helpless flower falling, familiar Yan returning" is fleeting; Together with Du Mu, they lamented the inconstancy of the world that "business women do not know the hatred of national subjugation, and they still sing the backyard flowers across the river".

Growing up in reading, I appreciated the beauty of nature, the floating stream, the leisurely white clouds, the swaying fields and the cool summer color of a pond; Grass is luxuriant, elms are cut in the shade, trees are in a hurry, and green willows outline a gorgeous season. Butterflies love flowers, bees fly across, eagles strike the sky, and clouds are cut; The majesty of Himalaya, the meandering of Yarlung Zangbo, and the holiness of Qomolangma combine into a symphony of thousands of echoes. My heart has become the verdant verdant of "flowers are becoming more and more attractive, and only grass can have no horseshoes". I am nostalgic for the elegant leisure of "talking about the bumper year in the fragrance of rice flowers, listening to the sound of frogs", and I am passionate about the quiet and carefree of "thin shadows cross the clear water, faint fragrance floats in the moonlight at dusk"; Pay homage to the pine and cypress weathervane of "thousands of millstones and thousands of strikes are still strong, and the wind is blowing from east to west, north to south"; The enchantment of "Qingchuan is full of Hanyang trees, and Parrot Island is full of grass". I am fascinated by the morning and evening. I want to let myself down, admire the flowing mist and rainbow, listen to the chirping of birds, appreciate the winding water of flowing wine cups, gamble on the coconut trees at night, immerse myself in the embrace of nature, and let my thoughts gallop in the fields of colorful flowers, long grass and flying birds.

Growing up in reading, I realized the splendor of poetry. After reading "The journey of the sun and the moon, if you go out of it, the stars will be brilliant, if you go out of it", you will understand the open-minded and heroic spirit of "there is a bosom friend in the sea, and the horizon is like a neighbor"; After reading "The sea is full of day and night, and the river is in the old year", we will realize the truth of the old and new changes and the positive and optimistic spirit of "thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees grow in front of the diseased tree"; After reading "The green mountains are haunted and there is no way out, and suddenly thousands of sails are looming", I also realized that "the mountains are heavy and the waters are no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village is bright". A cry of "the long wind and waves will sometimes, and the cloud sail will help the sea" has inspired many promising self-confidence; The story of "Farewell to Jiangnan Road from now on, and turn into a cuckoo and return with blood" sublimates a lot of patriotic integrity; The passion of "the old wing is always ambitious, and the martyrs are always ambitious in their old age" has inspired many persistent pursuits; The enlightenment of "Mo Yan will be easy to go down the mountain and make people happy. Just entering the circle of thousands of mountains, he will let a mountain pass" has inspired many intelligent minds.

Growing up in reading, I realized the vicissitudes of history, appreciated the beauty of nature, and understood the splendor of poetry; Growing up in reading, I cut off the bad root of my soul, clarified the dirty soul, and broke through the barriers of thinking; Growing up in reading, I have the elegance of long sleeve broadband, the free and easy elegance, and the heroic grandeur.

I grow up in frustration (8)

I grew up in frustration 800 (1)

Grow up in frustration

If life is a boat, then setbacks should be the waves that push the boat forward; If life is a big tree, then setbacks should be the sunshine to protect the growth of the big tree; If life

Every one of us can't escape from setbacks in life; Only in the struggle against setbacks can we exercise our will to be stronger.

I remember last time I ran 800 meters in 3 minutes. I am not good at sports. I have to sweat and blush when I run 200 meters, let alone 800 meters. So I gritted my teeth and started a hard "battle". At the beginning, I was able to cope easily. My pace was the same as that of other students, but I ran behind and my pace was getting slower and slower. But I couldn't walk, so when I was choking up, my eyebrows curled, and my eyes were bulging round, I covered my stomach and ran. But I was still 50 meters away from the last. But it was only 15 seconds before the time came. So I gathered my strength again and tried my best. My face turned red, waved my head and sweated, and finally I reached the end. But it was 3:18 at that time, hey! It's only 18 seconds away, and I got a "good". Alas, the plan of sports excellence has gone down the drain! At that time, I learned from setbacks to be strong, making my heart even harder. Face all kinds of setbacks and failures firmly.

That time, I wanted to run for the head of geography. At that time, we regarded the performance as the first judging principle of the local geography team leader, and only one or two members of the class could be elected. I was full of fighting spirit at that time, and I wanted to do well in the exam. Only 91 points, 8 points lower than the first place! Only 8 points! After only 15 places in the exam, I was immediately discouraged by the results. I felt like I had been baptized by the wind and rain. The mud statue had shrunk into a ball. I really wanted to beat my chest. After I lost the election, I learned from the setbacks to work hard, so that I could better accept the setbacks and have a chance to win the next victory.

Frustration is like wind and rain. It can make flowers wither, bow their heads and yield helplessly, and make eagles stronger to fight in the sky. In frustration, you can do better!

I grew up in frustration 800 (II)

I grew up in frustration

"The brave see setbacks as a ladder to success, while the weak see setbacks as a stumbling block." I can't remember which philosopher said this. If asked why we should suffer setbacks, I would say: "setbacks are for our growth. When we overcome various setbacks and look back, we will be surprised to find that we have grown up."

When we started to walk, how frightened and curious our young minds were! When we want to explore this wonderful world with our own steps, we fall down. But when we muster up courage, we stand up again and again, and fall down again and again. After several twists and turns, our faltering steps became stable and solid. When we were in kindergarten, how could we bear the flowers growing in the arms of our relatives! When we walked into this strange place and looked at the family leaving behind, we always cried sadly for a while, but gradually we understood that this was a meaningless struggle. At this time, we learned to adapt and how to live in this environment. Isn't this growing up in frustration?

When I was in primary school, everything changed again. Here is no longer the world of peers. There are many older brothers and sisters. The teachers are not as kind as the uncles and aunts in the kindergarten. The teacher's face always has an inexplicable dignity. We often get a little punishment from the teacher for doing wrong questions and reading wrong words. At this time, we will try to communicate with the teacher. Finally, we found their kindness and friendliness. I found their kindness and gradually adapted to it. At this time, we have taken a firm small step on the road of growth

In junior high school, after experiencing all kinds of setbacks in childhood, we finally stepped on the road of growth. However, at this time, we are facing a bigger test. Sometimes we fail in various examinations, we will not be defeated, we will not be discouraged, but catch up. After being criticized by the teacher, we will not be angry with the teacher, but summarize experience and learn lessons. Especially in the busy third day, we came to the crossroads of life. Test after test, test after test.

Again and again the failure, has brought me again and again the setback. But in this last precious year, we have become more and more courageous. It can be said precisely that our growth path is full of setbacks, and growth needs setbacks, because only by constantly overcoming the immediate setbacks and difficulties, can we go further and further on the growth path, and better and better.

In fact, growth can not be separated from setbacks. If you regard setbacks as stumbling blocks and deliberately avoid them every time, even if you are in your twilight years, you will not really grow up. Let setbacks accompany our growth in the future life! Remember, growth is inseparable from setbacks.

I grew up in love

Home is a haven and a cradle of growth. I, a young seedling, have spent twelve years in the cradle of growth, and my healthy growth cannot be separated from a warm home The reason why the home is warm and warm is that the different types of love at home, under the care of these love, enable me to grow healthily and not go astray.


The old man in his family is always obedient to my love. When I was young, every time I went out to play with my grandfather, he tried to satisfy me with whatever I wanted. After growing up, he still put me in the "honey pot" to "treasure", let me taste the joy of being a little princess. But now I have got rid of some childish, and I'm really not used to it.


The most hardworking member of the family, her love for me is meticulous. Every time I go home, her love rings in my ears, and some caring words are endless: "Is it cold today?" "How much homework today?" "Come back early tonight!", Of course, there are other "styles". Therefore,

Whenever I was lazy, her "love" brought me back from the disobedient child to the "good girl" in real life, so that I had to study hard and get good grades.


The pillar of the family, his love is strict and strict, if this love is too much, I can't stand it! However, he is usually "friendly", playing with me and watching TV every day, and teaching me something useful in these interesting and happy things. But once I make a mistake, his face will turn from sunny to thunderstorm, which is very scary. I remember one time, my math score slipped from more than 90 points to more than 80 points, and he gave me a solid education. At that time, I learned from his words how much my family expected of me, and I understood that my achievements had disappointed them. I cried at that time, but it was terrible. He said, "Don't cry, what's the use of crying? There is no need for people who can only cry, crying will only make others look down on you!" What did he say later, I don't know, because this sentence has been ringing in my ears. Since then, my study has become more difficult.

At home, I have these different types of love that have always helped me grow. When I am at a loss or make mistakes, I get help and wake up in time, so I can grow healthily.

I grew up in frustration 800 (3)

I grew up in frustration

"The brave see setbacks as a ladder to success, while the weak see setbacks as a stumbling block." I can't remember which philosopher said this. If asked why we should suffer setbacks, I would say: "setbacks are for our growth. When we overcome various setbacks and look back, we will be surprised to find that we have grown up..."

When we started to walk, how frightened and curious our young minds were! When we want to explore this wonderful world with our own steps, we fall down. But when we muster up courage, we stand up again and again, and fall down again and again. After several twists and turns, our faltering steps became stable and solid. When we were in kindergarten, how could we bear the flowers growing in the arms of our relatives! When we walked into this strange place and looked at the family leaving behind, we always cried sadly for a while, but gradually we understood that this was a meaningless struggle. At this time, we learned to adapt and how to live in this environment. Isn't this growing up in frustration?

When I was in primary school, everything changed again. This is no longer the world of peers. There are many older brothers and sisters. The teachers are not as kind as the uncles and aunts in the kindergarten. The teacher's face always has an inexplicable dignity. We often get a little punishment from the teacher for doing wrong questions and reading wrong words. At this time, we will try to communicate with the teacher. Finally, we found their kindness and friendliness. I found their kindness and gradually adapted to it. At this time, we have taken a firm small step on the road of growth

In junior high school, after experiencing all kinds of setbacks in childhood, we finally stepped on the road of growth. However, at this time, we are facing a bigger test. Sometimes we fail in various examinations, we will not be defeated, we will not be discouraged, but catch up. After being criticized by the teacher, we will not be angry with the teacher, but summarize experience and learn lessons. Especially in the busy third day, we came to the crossroads of life. Test after test, test after test, and failure after failure have brought me frustration again and again. But in this last precious year, we have become more and more courageous. It can be said precisely that our growth path is full of setbacks, and growth needs setbacks, because only by constantly overcoming the immediate setbacks and difficulties, can we go further and further on the growth path, and better and better.

In fact, growth can not be separated from setbacks. If you regard setbacks as stumbling blocks and deliberately avoid them every time, even if you are in your twilight years, you will not really grow up.

Let setbacks accompany our growth in the future life! Remember, growth is inseparable from setbacks.

I grew up in love

Home is a haven and a cradle of growth. I, a young seedling, have spent twelve years in the cradle of growth, and my healthy growth cannot be separated from a warm home The reason why the home is warm and warm is that the different types of love at home, under the care of these love, enable me to grow healthily and not go astray.

Grandfather, a middle-aged old man in my family, is obedient to my love. When I was young, every time I went out to play with my grandfather, he tried to satisfy me with whatever I wanted. After growing up, he still put me in the "honey pot" to "treasure", let me taste the joy of being a little princess. But now I have got rid of some childish, and I'm really not used to it.

Mother, the most hardworking member of the family, loves me meticulously. Every time I go home, her love rings in my ears, and some caring words gush out: "Is it cold today?" "How much homework today?" "Come back early tonight!" "Today's homework has not been finished yet, what fun??!!" "Don't you know how to review after today's homework is finished?"...... She turns love into "today" nagging, Of course, there are other "styles". Therefore, whenever I was lazy, her "love" brought me back from the disobedient child to the "good girl" in real life, so that I had to study hard and achieve good results.

Dad is the pillar of the family. His love is strict and strict. If there is too much love, I can't stand it! However, he is usually "friendly", playing with me and watching TV every day, and teaching me something useful in these interesting and happy things. But once I make a mistake, his

The face will turn from sunny to thunderstorm, which is very scary. I remember one time, my math score slipped from more than 90 points to more than 80 points, and he gave me a solid education. At that time, I learned from his words how much my family expected of me, and I understood that my achievements had disappointed them. I cried at that time, but it was terrible. He said, "Don't cry. What's the use of crying? There is no need for people who can only cry. Crying only makes others cry

I despise you even more! " What he said later, I don't know, because this sentence has been ringing in my ears. Since then, my study has become more difficult. At home, I have these different types of love that have always helped me grow. When I am at a loss or make mistakes, I get help and wake up in time, so I can grow healthily.

I grew up in frustration 800 (4)

I grew up in hardship

I grow up in frustration (9)

Everyone's life is not smooth, but rugged.

I also experienced many setbacks in my life. But the setback of the campaign for monitor was the most unforgettable, because I grew up in that setback.

I remember that in the election for monitor, I lost by three votes and could not be re elected as monitor. At that time, I was very sad and lost. Back home, I hid in the room alone, sobbing, tasting the taste of failure, tasting the helplessness of not being understood. When I came to the class the next day, I saw strange eyes in the eyes of my classmates who I knew very well. The students were whispering about my defeat. One of my classmates, who was also my opponent for the election of monitor, strode up to me and mocked me loudly: "Buhan, I didn't expect you to be today, did you? You should carefully reflect on why you were not elected!"

I listened to him and slowly walked back to my seat to reflect. I carefully recalled what I had done before to see if I had done anything wrong, especially what had offended him. Finally, I remembered that once he gave me a good suggestion, but as the monitor, I did not hesitate to deny his suggestion, and laughed at him publicly as "nonsense". I also remember that I seldom listen to the suggestions and opinions of other students. It was my arrogance that didn't put my classmates in the eye, which made them no longer agree with me, so I lost the election. And he became the monitor. I finally know where I lost. Thanks to my opponent, he made me completely awake.

Since then, I am no longer the arrogant one, but the modest one. Although I lost the election of monitor, the teacher made me the team leader. I cherish this precious opportunity and treat each member of the group kindly. If they put forward reasonable opinions and suggestions, I will accept them modestly. The students all appreciated my change.

The new semester is coming, and we are running for monitor again. I have made full preparations for the election this time, and I believe that I will not lose the election if I have won the support of my classmates again. After a period of time, the election results came out, and I became the monitor again with a high support rate of 48 votes.

After the setback of losing the election of monitor, I learned a truth: when encountering setbacks, I should not be discouraged, but should muster up courage and face up to myself. Only in this way can we grow up in frustration.

A person will experience many setbacks in the long journey of life, but setbacks will not defeat us, but let us be stronger and have the courage to face everything in the future

Now, I have successfully passed the first hurdle of my life, and I have been admitted to the Ethnic Middle School that the students in the county yearn for, but then came a four-day intensive military training. Once upon a time, I heard from senior students that the military training would be very tiring, and I would have to stand in the sun for a few hours without moving, even wiping sweat. This alone made me withdraw, Thinking that my skin would become as black as Africans in four days, I could not help but shiver

On the first day of military training, although the students knew that it would be hard, they were still enthusiastic. Sure enough, they met a "roadblock" - standing in the military posture at the beginning. There are many ways to stand in the military posture. Everyone is a little confused. After experiencing it, they feel "dizzy". It's simply too tiring. However, this is the first test for us. The sun was burning in the air, relentlessly casting his light on the earth. I stood in the queue with my army posture. Soon, my hands became numb, my legs became sore, and my sweat was falling mischievously. I was itching to move, but when I saw the drillmaster's strict eyes, I stopped the idea. At this time, several students still couldn't hold on, their faces turned pale, and they shook from left to right, The drillmaster quickly went up to help him and sent him to the medical room. I also felt dizzy, thinking that if I pretended to faint, I would not have to stand? But I thought, if I gave up now, wouldn't my previous efforts be in vain? It seems that success is only one step away, so I can't just give up. But I think, after standing for so long, I'm really tired, and I can't stand for a second. Maybe today, I have stood all my life. But I can't just give up when I meet a setback, like in primary school, and ask others for help. I'm already in junior high school. Even if I can't stand this difficulty, How can I experience the ups and downs of life in the future? Finally, I clenched my teeth and closed my eyes, trying not to think about anything else The drill sergeant's command of "move" made me finally see the dawn. I sat down on the ground with a "plop", but my heart was full of joy: I persevered, I won!

I grow up in frustration (10)

Looking at those pieces of hard work, diligent award certificates, grade examination certificates, happy and proud smile rippled on my face. Others may envy or praise them when they see them, but only I know that all the certificates are hard won. They record the footprints of my growth, joy and countless setbacks in my growth.

My growth has not been smooth. It can be said that there are obstacles everywhere. I stumble, fall in failure, and climb up, walk forward, fall, climb up, and move forward countless times in frustration

I clearly remember that when I took the piano exam of CET 10, I always hoped that time would stop, because it was too hard! Endless piano practice makes me tired. But the beauty of the music made me have to put my hands on the keys again to play and practice! Six hours of devil training every day trapped me in a small piano room. When your fingers are hot, soak them in cold water and continue to practice; You can play blisters on your hands, apply oil and continue to play; Your hands are sore and sore. Take a rest and continue. I thought it was OK to practice hard and hard, as long as I could pass the grade examination. However, when I played all the songs to the teacher, a cold "no!" hit me completely. At that moment, I was sad, helpless, and confused!

The teacher's blow made me feel defeated, and I was frustrated that I had never been so frustrated. Frustration is like a mountain, blocking my way forward. I know that I can succeed only if I try to climb up and climb over the mountain of frustration. I gasped to climb up, fell to stand up and continue to climb. In frustration, I learned to be strong and to find ways. When I finally climbed the "Frustration Mountain", I knew that I had succeeded. I hold the Grade Examination Certificate of Grade 10 in my hand.

Growth is a race against yourself. It's not terrible to stumble over setbacks. As long as you are strong and cross the setbacks on the way to growth, victory will wait for you on the way to growth!

I grow up in frustration (11)

There are setbacks in my life almost every day. Every time I do something, it is sometimes good, sometimes bad. I do more bad things, so there are many setbacks.

The story of raising ducks: I raised ducks several times and died several times. I was not sad and found out the cause of death: it was all the temperature and things. But the only thing I don't understand is that there are not many ways to raise ducks. Why do they die every time? Because I didn't care about the way they died at first, but I found out later, but I didn't care about ducks.

I don't have a friend so far, because I don't know anyone who is "congenial" to me, but there must be. I can infer where by my preference. But I never did, because I didn't find value in the frustration of no friends, and the method I just came up with has been written out. In fact, bosom friends are very easy to find, only depending on how much you know yourself?

Frustration can make people grow and despair.

I grow up in frustration (12)

Recently, I am crazy about bicycles. Whenever I have free time, I will drag my bicycle downstairs to walk around.

But there is a problem that has been bothering me all the time. I can ride the bike well, but I can't carry it. How can I go downstairs?

Once, I was about to go downstairs to ride a bike, and my heart was filled with joy. Suddenly, I thought that the bike was so heavy, so big, and on the fifth floor, I must be tired to death. Forget it. Don't go. Wait until Mom comes back. But it seems that my desire to play is also helping me to say, "I want to carry the car for me. It's a piece of cake.

I first backed out of the car, then grabbed the faucet, grabbed the seat cushion with one hand, and I forced one. Suddenly, my hands seemed to be filled with lead, and I couldn't work hard. After a while, I was sweating. I looked at the car angrily, but he did not move, as if laughing at me. I simply pushed the car down the stairs. Suddenly, the bike flew down, causing me to rush down with people and horses, and fell down. This fall, to throw out my fighting spirit and anger, I don't believe I can't move you, I hold the head, put the car on my shoulder, take a full breath, go downstairs!! I went down to the fourth floor in one breath, and finally came downstairs. Although I was tired and panting, I smiled happily. I carried the bike down by myself.

Difficulties are not terrible. What is terrible is your fear of difficulties.

I grow up in frustration (13)

Since I learned the clarinet, troubles began to find me.

"Why do you always connect your fingers here? Hurry up and get the metronome and blow it for me a hundred times!" Dad started yelling again. By the way, I forgot to explain that I was about to take the grade examination. The "Lianzhi" mentioned just now means that the last beat has not finished, and the fingers have pressed the next note. It is the biggest enemy I have met when playing clarinet. Every time I mention it, I feel the urge to throw away the instrument. I wonder why I chose this instrument that needs tongue and finger coordination.

Alas, I had no choice but to adjust the rhythm and start playing slowly. I blew it again and again, complaining about the "roadblock" of "even fingers" in my heart. I thought that I had prepared for this grade examination for several months, so would I just give up? The answer is no, for this exam, I have practiced for one and a half hours every day for two months in a row, which has cost me so much effort. I must play well, I must! I began to adjust my mind, blowing again, once, twice, three times... a little slower, a little more relaxed, I kept reminding myself that finally I succeeded, I was very happy, and I sighed a long time.

This exercise not only increased my confidence in the grade examination, but also made me understand that playing the clarinet, like life, will encounter setbacks. We should not give up eating because of choking when encountering setbacks. If we work hard, we will be able to overcome difficulties and taste the joy of success.

I grow up in frustration (14)

When we recall the past, I know that the man who fainted in front of me is a very prestigious, but also very beautiful boy P. Perhaps the reason for his fainting was that his family was too rich. He was spoiled since he was young and had never suffered such hardship. But soon after, another thing happened: I had a fever that day and went to the clinic to take my temperature. Halfway through the measurement, P came in unexpectedly, and his facial expression was twisted, and he seemed to be suffering great pain. The beautiful female doctor talked with him briefly, sent him to a small room equivalent to a simple ward, and returned to care about me. (I sighed: feminism!) Facts have proved that I really have a fever. When I walked out of the infirmary with the pills, I saw P lying on the white bed in the small ward, his eyes tightly closed, one hand still tightly covering his abdomen, which was obviously stomach ache. I walked back to the classroom while thinking about "being a loser in the end of the world". I returned to the classroom only a few minutes later, and P also returned. Later, my roommate described us both as cabbage beaten by frost. Unfortunately, neither of the two cabbages can put down their homework, so they stay in the classroom unmoved and continue to study at night. As soon as I picked up the pen, I began to have a headache. At that time, I saw that P was so painful that he almost rolled on the ground. It was so painful that we were both helped back by our roommates after the evening self-study. The next day, my fever subsided and P's stomachache recovered, as if nothing had happened. How come I have to stay with such a poor boy every time I get sick?

After training in the morning, go back to the dormitory to tidy up the house.

At that time, our dormitory was on the fourth floor, with six people in one room. I chose the first bed on the right side of the door. In the bed opposite me was a girl with small eyes. Her name was very special, which was homonymous with "raindrop". So among the five roommates at that time, I only remembered her name if I didn't call others directly. She is the head of our bedroom, but she doesn't look like the head of our bedroom at all. Her favorite game is to hide in the wardrobe for a long time, take a flashlight to illuminate in it, and light squeezed out through the gap on the top of the wardrobe, which led to our entire bedroom being infected with the habit of hiding in the wardrobe. There was a record of six people hiding in the wardrobe for 20 minutes at the same time. Her other hobby is singing, which is not serious. When she is not in the wardrobe, she sits on the bed and sings, with the flashlight head up as a microphone. (I once made fun of her, saying that you should try turning on the flashlight.) At that time, the popular song in our bedroom was Yi Nengjing's Firefly. At night, they sat on the bed and shook their heads and sang together. They also turned on six flashlights to create an atmosphere, which was very delicious.

I grow up in frustration (15)

No way out after mountains and rivers

Swallows have gone, but they will come again; Peach blossoms fade, but they will bloom again; When the willows wither, they will turn green again; However, the results were not good, there is a time for rapid progress? Looking at the red cross almost occupied the whole page of the examination paper and the pitiful score, my heart sank to a deep valley; Looking at other people's smiling faces filled with joy, it hurts my nerves and my eyes. I exclaimed in my heart: Why can others get good grades, but I can't? Why can students be happy every day, but I can't? Because I'm stupid? No, everyone is carefully made by God. There is no distinction between intelligence and stupidity. Why? I am puzzled.

In the afternoon, I walked along the tree lined path with that shameful test paper. The quiet environment made my restless heart a little calm. I looked up and looked at the shining silver leaves on the tree. The leaves seemed to feel my gaze and nodded to me frequently in the spring breeze. I can't help but be confused: why don't the leaves complain about the burning sun? Because of the light, no one appreciates its original green. Why is it still so vigorous? Why on earth is this? With the deepening of the questions, the problems of this morning had a chain reaction, one by one jumped to my eyes: Why can't I do well in the exam? Why do I just? My brain, like being out of control, is running quickly

Another Village

As I thought about it, my eyes could not help falling on the silver shining green leaves again. I seemed to see something and understand something. Eyes move downward, eyes fall on the test paper, looking at the score, as if more and more, oh! I finally understand!

Frustration, the power of life

It turns out that what has been bothering me is the small setback. The setback is not terrible. The key is how you treat it. If you smile at it, it will smile at you; If you cry to it, it will cry to you. Frustration is a stumbling block on the way forward, but as long as you understand it and have confidence to overcome it, it will become a stepping stone on the way to success.

Life is rough. Without setbacks, how can there be a genuine smile after overcoming setbacks? Without setbacks, there is no wonderful life?

Laugh at setbacks, and you will find that life is wonderful because of setbacks!

Let me grow up in setbacks, let setbacks enrich my first day life!

I grow up in frustration (16)

My Growth in Frustration Article 1:

Everyone's life is not smooth, but rugged.

I also experienced many setbacks in my life. But the setback of the campaign for monitor was the most unforgettable, because I grew up in that setback.

I remember that in the election for monitor, I lost by three votes and could not be re elected as monitor. At that time, I was very sad and lost. Back home, I hid in the room alone, sobbing, tasting the taste of failure, tasting the helplessness of not being understood. When I came to the class the next day, I saw strange eyes in the eyes of my classmates who I knew very well. The students were whispering about my defeat. One of my classmates, who was also my opponent for the election of monitor, strode up to me and mocked me loudly: "Buhan, I didn't expect you to be today, did you? You should carefully reflect on why you were not elected!" I listened to his words and slowly walked back to my seat to reflect. I carefully recalled what I had done before to see if I had done anything wrong, especially what had offended him. Finally, I remembered that once he gave me a good suggestion, but as the monitor, I did not hesitate to deny his suggestion, and laughed at him publicly as "nonsense". I also remember that I seldom listen to the suggestions and opinions of other students. It was my arrogance that didn't put my classmates in the eye, which made them no longer agree with me, so I lost the election. And he became the monitor. I finally know where I lost. Thanks to my opponent, he made me completely awake.

Since then, I am no longer the arrogant one, but the modest one. Although I lost the election of monitor, the teacher made me the team leader. I cherish this precious opportunity and treat each member of the group kindly. If they put forward reasonable opinions and suggestions, I will accept them modestly. The students all appreciated my change.

The new semester is coming, and we are running for monitor again. I have made full preparations for the election this time, and I believe that I will not lose the election if I have won the support of my classmates again. After a period of time, the election results came out, and I became the monitor again with a high support rate of 48 votes.

After the setback of losing the election of monitor, I learned a truth: when encountering setbacks, I should not be discouraged, but should muster up courage and face up to myself. Only in this way can we grow up in frustration.

I Grow up in Frustration Article 2:

The willows outside the window are withered and green, and the gardenias in the garden are broken and open. As time goes by day by day, I have transformed from that ignorant little girl into a lively and cheerful junior high school student. In these short years, I have grown up a lot, and this is all due to every setback in life.

With the increase of schoolwork, the examination has become as ordinary as a family meal, but I am as afraid as ever. There are always too many disappointments in the world, and I am really not happy when I face the horrible exam results every time.

"The exam papers are handed out!" The class roared again, and everyone was eager to know their exam results, but I really hope my exam papers can disappear. I could hardly do the exam yesterday. How could I possibly get an unexpected result?

What was expected happened. My exam results arrived as scheduled. When Xiaoding handed me my test paper, he glanced at me, and saw that he glared round, disappointed and disdainful, and walked away. That look is really chilling. Then, to my surprise, my ugly test paper was like a storm, which hit our class! Everyone knows my exam results, and they moan and talk boldly... Faced with this double blow, I really can't bear the result of failing the exam these days, and tears come out restlessly

I hate, I hate, why am I always unlucky?

This is, the sun finally shines into my heart. The teacher called my mother that night and "reported" my grades. But my mother didn't blame me. When I came home from school, my mother kindly asked me: "How is school life recently.

After listening to this, my mother smiled and said to me, "Lin He, you have grown up too. You should know that examinations are like wars, and you can win every battle. The so-called" winning every battle "also needs the experience from previous failures. Such a small setback has knocked you down? What can we do in the future? Mom can't always accompany you. In the face of setbacks, you should face them bravely, and even harder, smile! "

My mother's words were gentle, but they were deeply branded in my heart. Yeah! No one's life road is free of thorns, it is plain sailing. But how many people can stand up to setbacks? Only such people can come to the end and really grow up. What would it be like to shrink in the face of a small setback and stop moving forward? Then how can we achieve anything? Then the olive branch of the goddess of luck will never favor you.

"How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain?" I deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

I Grow up in Frustration Article 3:

Some people think frustration is a disgusting guy and a bad guy, but I think frustration is the cornerstone of my success, an indispensable lesson in my life, and I grow up in frustration.

It was a sunny Sunday. My father took me to the square to go skating. At first, my feet seemed to be fighting with the skateboard. My feet were forward, my skateboard was backward, my feet were left, and my skateboard was right. In a hurry, the skateboard fell down. Make my feet black and blue. "It's killing me. I can't slide! I can't help crying. Dad had no choice but to take me home!

After several days of recuperation, my foot wound healed.

The second time, my father led me to slide. When I was sliding, my father's hand was released. I was afraid. When I was nervous, my feet did not listen to me. I fell down from the skateboard with a sound of "Pa", and fell into shit. "Ouch, my ass". I cried again.

I had no choice but to go home again to recuperate.

How unlucky I am! I hate in my heart!

The third time, my father took me to ski again. I quit. I was very afraid, but my father still coaxed me out. My father held me tight, but what should happen will happen. My feet did not stand firmly, my body tilted and flew out from my father. The fall was not easy. My arms and legs were skinned and bleeding. Ah! Luck didn't care for me after all.

I was very angry, "I don't believe it", I thought in my heart. This time, I took the initiative to "fight".

First, I put my feet on, stood firm, held a tree in my hands, and slowly slid up. After a while, I released my hand and tried to slide by myself

Now, my skateboard is very exciting, and I can also play some tricks.

Frustration is ubiquitous in my life. Today, it is a stage to show a strong self. Frustration, it accompanies me on the road of life. Frustration accompanies my success, and frustration accompanies my growth

I Grow up in Frustration Article 4:

It was a brave attempt.

There are inevitably several attempts in life, which may succeed or fail. A famous person once said: "Practice is the first step of progress, and only practice can make you find something and feel something." In my countless attempts, one attempt impressed me deeply. It was a brave attempt.

On Saturday, I went to Wenhua Community with my sister and grandma. When we came to the skating rink, I couldn't help but see how interesting roller skating was! People on the roller skating rink skated very well. They were as light as a swallow, but I could not skate at all. Then my eyes darkened. I thought again: try everything. The ancients said: eyes are sluggards, hands are heroes. Why can't I try it once? So I went to the ticket office to sell tickets and entered the venue.

When I put on roller skates, I felt like I was going to fall down. I couldn't stand steadily, let alone slip. I carefully held the railing and walked step by step. I found that people around me were sliding very fast. I carefully observed their steps. The movement of the feet must be in the shape of "eight", and the body should cooperate well. When I got the hang of it, I let go of the railing and tried again. As soon as I raised my foot, I unexpectedly fell down. I stood up bravely and observed the movements of other people again. They bent down and swung their arms back and forth to keep balance. I relaxed my tense nerves, imitated their movements, and slid up. It's really "Kung Fu pays off". I can slip! But the posture is not beautiful at all, and the speed is also very slow. I am determined to improve my skills. I tried again and again, failed again and again, and fell again and again. My shirt was soaked with sweat, but I was not discouraged and continued to practice...... Composition

Finally, I can skate freely. I skate and dance as soon as possible, just like a swallow gliding gently on the ground; Like a dancer, she shows her graceful appearance; Like a fine horse, it is running briskly. I slide freely and become a scenic line.

I was very happy because I learned roller skating, tasted the happiness of my own gliding, felt the joy of success, and understood the taste of freedom. I deeply felt that "if you don't feel cold, you can't smell plum blossom". I feel infinitely gratified and proud of my brave attempt.

I grow up in frustration (17)

What is it? It comes without leaving a trace, and goes with vitality, but in the harvest season, the sky is the most gorgeous color;

The philosopher smiles at the blue sky, which is time; Children looking at the sky flying kites, is the wind; I said it was a setback

Once, the math exam came out. When I handed out the test paper, I was shocked by the red difference and the dazzling results! Is this my score? Someone else misplaced it. I stared at it for n times. - Li Jing, yes, it's mine

I was recognized as a good student in the whole class. My eyes seemed to be hurt like a needle, and immediately became red. At this time, in the class, I didn't want my classmates to see me crying, so I forced myself not to cry

After school, watching the sky darken, my heart is hard to imagine, is God aware of my sadness? Does he feel bad, too? I could not help crying. How could I do so badly in the exam? I can do it again and again

When I got home, I couldn't go on with my homework. Somehow, I suddenly saw a sentence, "Frustration doesn't mean failure, it is the turning point of your success." This sentence seemed like the warmth of the sun, which melted my cold heart. I slowly calmed down, took out the test paper that ordinary people didn't want to see, and looked at it carefully. I found that many mistakes were not caused by my inability to do them

This experience, others will say, is a failure experience, not worth remembering, but I think, it is because of the small setbacks on the road of life, I can gradually become strong from a weak bird

Growing up in frustration is a ticket to success. Don't just believe in success. Frustration can also become a golden key. How can you see a rainbow without going through ups and downs?