500 word composition for a sports meeting (15 articles in general)
Learn to forget
2023-08-24 08:57:37

500 word composition for a sports meeting (1)

With the autumn wind, we ushered in the autumn sports meeting year after year. In the beautiful season of cool autumn, the sports meeting kicked off. Look, neat step; Listen to the loud applause. What a spectacle!

The game is about to start. Although there are many events, the most touching one is the women's 1500 meter race. Shen Fanjiu of our class also participated in the race. The runway was crowded with teachers and students on both sides, and the athletes were in their places. Everyone was enthusiastic and determined to compete with their rivals. With a bang, the game began. Athletes rushed out like arrows away from the string, making the field more lively and cheering one after another. Shen Fanjiu is also holding his head high, swinging his arms in such a rhythmic manner, and his steps in such a flexible manner. He seems to be waiting for the best opportunity to surpass without hurry or impatience. Others are not willing to be outdone. The following athletes, Brother Ruiran, sweating heavily and panting heavily, can clench their teeth to catch up. It's already the third lap, Shen Fanjiu is still energetic, and his speed has not slowed down at all, but is getting faster and faster. The next few athletes were all eager to grow a pair of wings and try their best to approach the finish line. The cheering and cheering of the cheering team became louder and louder. There was only a dozen meters left to compete. Shen Fan was like a meteor crossing the moon, and he was the first to finish the race. The other classes looked at us with envious eyes.

1500m run, 1500m chase, 1500m contest. This is not only a display of strength and beauty, but also a struggle of perseverance, an honor and a gain.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (2)

On Thursday afternoon, it was sunny and sunny. Our school's spring sports meet is held in the stadium.

With the sound of music, the entrance began. Each class formed a square team and walked across the rostrum with neat steps. He kept shouting slogans: "Develop sports, strengthen people's physique, friendship first, competition second."

The competition began with women's sprint first, followed by softball, high jump, long jump and many other events. The best part is the 800 meter long run. There was only a snap. The eight young athletes rushed out of the starting line like eight arrows. "Cheer up" "Cheer up" The students watching around the playground, some beat the trumpet, some waved their fists, and some were eager to try. They wanted to jump out of the cheerleaders to cheer for the athletes. Suddenly, an accident happened. One of the running No. 4307 stumbled, sprained his foot and fell to the ground. My heart suddenly rose to my throat. By this time, two athletes had already overtaken him. I think: finished, now he must be no good. Who knows, he immediately straightened his body, recovered his normal state, and ran forward desperately with all his strength, more than one, more than one! The sprint finally won the second place with the spirit of daring to fight.

"Ten minutes on the court, ten years on the court," "athletes show off their heroism, won the first, not proud, hard work, hard work, next time to create good results." The loudspeaker from time to time came out powerful words and good results.

This sports meeting also made me understand a truth: learning is like a race. As long as you relax, others will fall behind. So we must study hard to get good results.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (3)

Today is my first time to participate in the sports meeting in primary school. It's sunny in the morning. I came to the school early with high spirits. In my mind, I don't know what the sports meeting is like. It's just that I occasionally see those athletes' wonderful performances on TV

While I was thinking about it, the students also arrived one after another. At this time, the school's radio sounded, and we were ready to line up on the corridor of the classroom to prepare for the opening ceremony of the sports meeting! After arriving at the playground, the teacher on the rostrum announced that the sports meeting was officially opened! Then each class of each grade walked through the playground one by one

After entering the arena, the competitions of various events began. The short opening ceremony and the wonderful, intense and tense competitions left a deep impression on my heart. I took part in the relay race. There were four classes in the race. At the beginning of the race, when the starting gun sounded, the players rushed forward like arrows. We rushed forward one after another, hoping to reach the first place. It seems that all the contestants have been through the battle for a long time, racing against the clock, hoping to surpass each other. In this way, we catch up with each other, and gradually our distance is widened. During the sprint, the students of Class 3 rushed to the end and won the first place. Our class won the third place. It was hard not to feel a little disappointed. However, the teacher said that it doesn't matter if you lose. Keep working hard in the future! This sentence comforted our contestants and encouraged them to win the first prize next time!

Although the Games ended, the scenes on the field still appeared in front of me. Each class and athlete received different awards and honors. They not only received medals, certificates of award, happiness, but more importantly, their ambition, enthusiasm, and collective sense of honor were deepened and strengthened to a large extent.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (4)

On this day, our school held the autumn sports meeting.

At half past eight in the morning, we arrived at the school's back playground in a neat line. At this time, a high and enthusiastic march was playing on the radio, and the playground was full of teachers and students. The male players wore sportswear and sneakers, and the female players' hair was coiled on their heads. They were ready to participate in the competition. They were all in high spirits and eager for the match to start early.

After a while, the headmaster announced the opening of the sports meeting, and then the competition began.

The first event is the sprint race. The athletes took off their coats and only wore vests and shorts, which made them very smart.

"Pa!" The starting gun went off. The contestants rushed to the end with a whoosh like an arrow leaving the string. They ran after each other and rushed forward bravely. Jin Ximiao in our class is a short man. He clenches his teeth, musters up his strength, and runs forward desperately. He was about to run to the front, and the champion was about to be won. Everyone was cheering for him, shouting loudly: "Come on! Come on!" But at this critical moment, an accident happened, and he fell on the runway. It shouldn't hurt. We were worried about him, but he stood up bravely and insisted on reaching the end. Although he lost the championship, his indomitable spirit was still praised by everyone, who said he was a good guy.

The subsequent high jump and long jump competitions were also very competitive.

In the relay race, the athletes in our class united as one and tried their best to win the first place in the grade. I am one of them. I am so happy to have made some contributions to the class.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (5)

"I declare that this sports meeting is now open." With the announcement of President Lu Zhiwen, the second sports meeting of our school was opened in the flying balloons.

On the morning of the second day of the sports meeting, I had my strong point, the high jump competition. In last year's sports meeting, I won the first place in the high jump. This time, I was a little nervous. I heard that several new students came to several classes and they were all very good at high jump. The intense and intense high jump competition began. At the beginning, we directly asked for 1.2m, which was easy to skip. I jumped to the final height of 1.31m, and the first one was my old opponent Wan Sai. It's a pity that he didn't jump, just a little bit. Ah! Next came me. I stood on the approach line of the high jump, put my hands on my hips, took a breath, pushed my right foot back hard, and then rushed towards the crossbar with dense small steps. I jumped three zhang in one jump and passed easily. "Good! Good!" All the students in my class cheered to the end, reaching a height of 1.34. Because I didn't grasp the takeoff well, and my foot twisted when I took the first jump, I didn't jump, so I only got the second place.

After I jumped, I walked back to the base camp directly. I cried and was sad. I lay motionless on the ground. The students kept telling me that the second place was good. After a while, the head teacher came and said that I was going to take part in the collective project dribbling relay. I was secretly determined to do my best to complete my task. Through the efforts of 20 students in my class, I finally won the first place.

This sports meeting, my class through the efforts of each student, ranked first in the whole grade.

I'm very happy, but I'm a little sorry. I hope next year can make up for this regret!

500 word composition for a sports meeting (6)

On December 9, we participated in the last sports meeting of the primary school. I also came to the sports meeting with a happy mood, but one thing in my heart "hurts": this is the last sports meeting of the primary school, and there will never be another one!

How time flies! I didn't expect to be in Grade 6 all of a sudden. This is my biggest sigh. Before the sports meeting, I was worried because I was going to run 200 meters. I was really afraid that I would not run well. But when I saw Wang Zijian running, I suddenly relaxed and took a breath. The result was that I did not play well because of this breath. My first 100 meters run was pretty good, but at the last corner, I felt like I was going to break my string. When I sprinted 60 meters, At first, when I heard that Mr. Xu was cheering on the athletes of Class 9, my heart broke like a string. I never felt like this before. Suddenly, I fell down and became the fourth. The result was a seventh. After running, my legs suddenly became soft, and I felt that I could not walk. Later, I stumbled back to work. At that time, my first feeling was that I did not run well. I comforted myself: strength is like this, and I can't change it. However, there is no next time.

In the afternoon, my legs were still soft when I took part in the change relay. I wanted to change people, but I didn't change them. In the end, I just drove Liang Yanxian back a little, but it was only a little faster than that of Class 8... Finally, I came second. I really didn't treasure it!

This made me understand that some things can not be done again, which is impossible. Fortunately, it is only the sports meeting. If it is a big event, it will be even worse.

On that day, I had my last sports meeting and a useful lesson for life.

Farewell to the sports meeting, I will certainly save the good memories of this primary school!

500 word composition for a sports meeting (7)

Although the sports meeting has passed, I still can't forget it in my heart. Because in this sports meeting, I am honored to represent my class to participate in the high jump and long jump competitions.

On the day of the competition, the students were very excited. The two competitions I participated in were scheduled in the morning. The high jump competition will be held first. Recalling the constant practice and hard sweat at ordinary times, I decided to play well and give play to my own level, thinking like this, I have come to the high jump field. The referee teacher told us that each person has three opportunities, and we hope you can take advantage of them. I looked around and saw nearly 20 people coming to the high jump. Most of them were tall and powerful, one head taller than me. But I calmed down immediately.

The height of the first competition was 90cm, and our monitor was the highest. My classmates and I successfully skipped. At 93cm, I also passed successfully once. The first two times were unsuccessful. I really sweated for him. He finally succeeded in the third time. At 99cm, my "comrade in arms" also went out. I ran up, stepped on the ground, leaped, and passed. At 105cm, there were only four students left for me in the game. I jumped three times in a row, but failed. I can only lament my incompetence. Finally, he won the fourth place.

Then I took part in the long jump competition. With the experience of the previous competition, I saw so many "long legged Obas" and no longer panicked. Run up, step on the ground, fly in the air, close your legs, and drop into the bunker in one go. I took every chance and jumped 3. The performance of 21 meters is 3 meters higher than usual. The score of 45 is less than 20 cm. So I only got the fifth place in the end. It's a pity.

In order to get good results next year, let's start practicing today.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (8)

September 26th and 26th are two good days, because they are the days when our school holds the 36th Track and Field Games.

The sports meeting has not yet started, and the playground has begun to be noisy. Students have come to the playground early. Some are practicing high jump, some are practicing long jump, some are practicing race, and others are

Listen, the deafening music has sounded, and the opening ceremony of the sports meeting has begun. The students of each class entered the playground. They formed their own cheerleaders around the playground, shouting their own class slogans, and actively prepared to cheer for the class.

The competition officially started, first the men's 100 meter dash in the junior high school, and then the men's 600 meter race in the junior high school

At 9:30, it was the men's 200 meter race in our small tall men's group. The young players in each class took all their strength to run towards the end, and all wanted to fight for the honor of the class.

The exciting news of the announcer came from the radio: the first place was born, and it was the students of Class 6 (1); The second place and the third place were followed. They were the contestants of Class 6 (2) and Class 6 (6). The students were very excited.

Finally, I watched the high jump competition again. Some sixth graders started to jump before they reached the place of the stalk. Alas! It's really a pity to see it. It's our turn. Our class is different from others. Wang Cheng in our class is like a monkey jumping three feet high and nimbly jumping over the railing. I was so happy that I almost jumped three feet. The teacher in charge of the class also involuntarily raised his thumb.

In this sports meeting, every athlete is actively fighting for the honor of the class. Through this sports meeting, I learned a very important truth that participating in the sports meeting is not to compete for the championship, but to participate!

500 word composition for a sports meeting (9)

The annual sports meeting finally started. We came to the playground in a long line. With the cheerful music of the opening ceremony, the game began.

I participated in the Sandbag Throwing Competition. I was No. 133. There was a long line at the Sandbag Throwing Competition. The athletes were all energetic and eager to get good results. When it was my turn, I was very nervous. I threw the sandbag with all my strength, but it was not very far away. When I heard that I could throw the sandbag again, I made every effort to throw it out. The second time was about 1 meter farther than the first time, but I didn't get the ranking. I'm disappointed that I didn't win honor for the class. I hope the next sports meeting can win honor for the class.

I also took part in foot bowling, and we came to the playing field in a long line. Many bottles are standing on the ground in a neat line, as if they were saying, "Come and kick me!"! Come and kick me! Some of the players in front kicked down 4, some kicked down 6, 9, and others did not kick down. When it was my turn, I tried my best to kick the ball, but the ball didn't roll towards the bottle at all, and I didn't kick down any bottles. I was very disappointed and walked away dejected. At that time, Mr. Zhou came up to me and said, 'Sun Haoran, don't lose heart. The teacher believes that you will achieve good results in the next sports meeting. Come on.'.

Although I didn't win a prize in this sports meeting, I learned a lot of things, such as "Don't fight unprepared battles, and be diligent and wasteful". It was really an unforgettable sports meeting.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (10)

In life, there will always be a happy moment, a moving moment, a sad moment, an angry moment... Let's go and have a look at my most unforgettable moment.

Today, I took a bus to Yangkou Beach. As soon as we got out of the car, we were fascinated by the glittering beach. The sun hung in the sky like a big fireball, and the beach looked particularly charming under the sun.

We have various activities this morning, including touch music, caterpillar, invincible wind fire wheel, happy feet. Watching these games, my heart is as sweet as honey. When we finished playing happy feet, we went to play touch and touch music. The rule of the game is to either hit the boundary or fall down. I thought: this game is a piece of cake for me.

The game started. First, I put the ball on my body with my opponent Shi Fengyu, and then stood in position. "Start!" I rushed at Shi Fengyu like a tiger, and Shi Fengyu also hit me. We collided, and then I felt a force flowing in my body. My teammates are cheering for Shi Fengyu and me. "Come on!" "Hit him!" "Hit, hit!" We are getting tired. At this time, Shi Fengyu suddenly made a collision, and I also threw myself at him. Shi Fengyu bumped me and bounced back. Now I hurry to rush into him. Just as he regained consciousness, I sent him a "one blood". Shi Fengyu almost fell down, and I threw myself at him again. At this time, he rolled like a snowball.

"Yeah!" I made a victory gesture to my team-mates. They couldn't help but cheer at me.

At this time, the sun converged some light, the blue sky and white clouds smiled at me, the sea calmed down a lot, and my heart also drifted with the environment.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (11)

In the afternoon, the first grade students were all out of school. Only Dongdong, Dingding and Yueyue stayed in Class 10, Grade 1 to clean the classroom. Dongdong was cleaning the table, Yueyue was sweeping the floor, Dingding was sprinkling water, Dongdong cleaned the table, and Yueyue cleaned the floor. They were happy to clean the classroom, and the classroom suddenly became clean, They just went home. Last Wednesday, our school held a three jump sports meeting.

The teacher asked us to practice rope skipping every day shortly after school began, but I was always unable to jump, and it would be bad if I only jumped two or three times every time. However, I jumped every day when I went home, and gradually I jumped better and better. At most, I jumped more than 70 times. The teacher saw my progress, and let me participate in the three jump sports meeting. I became a three jump athlete, so happy!

Miss Zhang asked me and Dong Yushan to participate in the "Belt and Road Initiative" project. We had never jumped before. We just started to jump twice and broke down. We both practiced every day, as long as we had time to jump, and we didn't play after class. We jumped on the same rope. We jumped better and better, but also less bad. During the competition, we danced better than usual, only twice. But we didn't win the prize. I saw the senior students dance very well. I think I will dance as well as them if I practice more.

When the competition was over, we heard on the radio that our class had won the second prize, and everyone was very happy. All the boys were "crazy" and laughing and shouting; All the girls smiled and clapped their hands; The playground is noisy. Every class is talking and laughing loudly.

On Friday, the teacher gave us all delicious bread as a reward, and let us go home and share it with adults. This is the result of our efforts.

My mother said that the "Three Jump Movement" is held every year. Next year, I must win a place and win honor for our class. I will start to practice hard from now on.

500 word composition for a sports meeting (12)

Today our school held a track and field meet on the playground. Accompanied by the magnificent music of "Athlete March", teams of energetic athletes walked into the stadium with vigorous steps.

At the beginning of the game, the referees and athletes threw themselves into a tense battle, and the slogans, starting shots and shouts echoed in the sky of the stadium. Our class sat on the 60m runway and shouted. With the sound of the starting gun breaking through the sky, one athlete ran to the end like a tiger. I was moved by the spirit of the athletes chasing each other.

Xia Danling, the "sports master" of our class, participated in the women's 50m and 400m finals. She was wearing a white school uniform, and her tall, dark legs were long and thin. You could see that she was a good runner.

The game is starting Look! She walked onto the track and stood on the starting line with both hands, squatting on her legs and staring straight ahead. "Bang --" With a shot, she rushed out like an arrow, swinging her arms forcefully, and strode quickly to leave her opponent behind. The athlete was unwilling to fall behind, and was only one step short of half a step. My classmates and I hurriedly waved our fists and shouted, "Come on! Xia Danling! Come on..." After hearing this, Xia Danling seemed to be full of strength and rushed to the end like a tiger descending the mountain. That is great! First place! The students cheered happily. At the moment, applause, laughter and cheers converged like thunder.

Looking at the athletes on the playground, I sincerely envy them and feel proud of them. On the way back to the class, I am also thinking about the enthusiasm and continuous spirit of these athletes. Isn't that what I want to study hard?

500 word composition for a sports meeting (13)

Look! Those vigorous and powerful athletes are making final preparations at the starting line. "Bang!" A shot rang through the sky. The athletes who were just in front of us rushed into the distance in a twinkling of an eye. Cheers rose and cheered, and everyone looked forward to the return of the winner. At the end of nowhere, a small and vague figure suddenly appeared, getting closer and clearer, which was very exciting. The athletes began the final sprint and went to the finish line. With a shriek, the winner was born. Many people crowded up and hugged excitedly. A game ended successfully.

Looking at other places, various competitions are also in progress. Long jumpers try to make themselves jump farther, run up, run up, and then jump into the air and fall into the bunker; The high jumper tried hard to make himself jump higher. After the run-up, he made a vigorous jump, jumped over the pole in a graceful manner and landed on the cushion; The shot putter tries to make himself throw the ball farther, and throws the ball into the air with all his strength, waiting for it to land perfectly; Rope skipping athletes are dancing the rope hard, matching the rhythm, and jumping fast... The whole stadium is full of tension, but there is no lack of happy atmosphere.

In the rest area of the class, the students who did not participate in sports events are also busy. They take photos, wipe sweat, pass water, greet, and cheer on. They are always doing the work of cheerleading, giving athletes very appropriate care, such as a charming sketch, monotonous colors, which can give people different experiences and feelings.

Now, I am standing on the starting line, looking at the runways, I am going to the end that belongs to me, forward, work hard

500 word composition for a sports meeting (14)

On Friday morning, when we arrived at the school, after the teacher rectified the discipline, we swam out of the school like a long dragon. The venue of this competition is the 18th Middle School. We walked all the way and didn't feel tired even talking and laughing.

After entering the 18th Middle School, we passed an "iron bridge" and passed the crowd, and suddenly it became bright - wow! What a big playground! It is about equal to the playground of three Dawning Schools!

At this time, the teacher's voice occupied all my thoughts - "The competition is starting! Go find a place quickly, where there are fewer people!" Under the leadership of Han Mingzhu, we were the first to participate in the long jump. I tried my best to jump twice and passed the exam! Next, we took the grip strength, vital capacity and other tests, and then there was only one left.

The remaining item is the gown. It's really unfair. At this time, my stomach hurts again. In my belly is "turning the river into the sea"! I can't help it - it's my turn soon. When I heard the shot of the referee, I tried to run out. At the beginning, I ran back and forth with ease, but later I couldn't support myself. Although I turned my back to my classmates, I could hear their cheering clearly. I gritted my teeth and ran away. There were three more! Twice! There's only one left! A few steps left I became the third place in our group because I was one step slower than Huo Dingyuan, but I was satisfied.

Because of the sports meeting, unfortunately, my symptoms have changed from sore throat to cold, purring

500 word composition for a sports meeting (15)

After the review, I participated in the "high jump" competition. Because I jumped high and posed correctly, I won the third place. I added points to the class and got gifts for myself. I secretly told myself not to be proud, but to continue to work hard to win the first place in the next sports meeting.

At the end of the high jump, I took part in the 200 meter run on behalf of my classmates. The competition started, and the athletes ran forward quickly. It was my turn, and I ran forward quickly, but someone ran faster than me. Although my competition results are not ideal, I am determined to work hard from now on, strengthen training, and strive to win the first place next year. Cheer me on!

In the afternoon, the game started! Some are like running horses, and some are like jumping kangaroos. On the sports ground, everyone is applauding enthusiastically for the excellent achievements of the athletes.

At the end of the day, some of the students frowned. Of course, they didn't win the race and lost! Some people are smiling, and that must be a place. Some students are sentimental. When other students lost, he thought he could not win honor for the class, so he cried sadly.