600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (12 recommended)
Old Lane Old Man
2023-08-29 02:12:43

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (1)

Quietly, osmanthus bloomed in the campus. This is my favorite flower.

When you enter the campus, you will smell the faint and fresh fragrance of osmanthus in the thick fragrance of triangle plum, refreshing. A few steps ahead, you will see several osmanthus trees near the pool. Looking from a distance, you will find that there are yellow smiling faces of osmanthus in clusters of green leaves, looming and looming, and a gentle wind blows, and the smiling faces of osmanthus are swaying in the wind! When you walk in, you will find that they all like to be lively, talking about their new things one by one, but hiding in the green leaves. Their petals are in the shape of a cross. There are only four petals, all beige, bright in color, but not eye-catching. Each petal is about several millimeters long. The stamens are chrome yellow, inlaid inside like gems, like the eyes of osmanthus. If you get closer, the fragrance will be stronger. oh It is these inconspicuous flowers that emit fragrance with their own lives and offer silently, but do not ask people to repay them! Shake the trunk of the sweet scented osmanthus tree gently, and the sweet scented osmanthus will fall like rain on your head, shoulders and body, bringing you a fragrance. The sweet scented osmanthus falling on the ground will form a sea of yellow flowers, which is extremely beautiful.

When it rained, the crystal clear raindrops fell down, turning into a rain curtain and misty. Rhythmically beating the leaves of osmanthus, watering osmanthus and playing drums. While osmanthus intoxicated drinking water, wash away dusty faces and dirty clothes. Now, the sweet scented osmanthus has faded a lot, and the fallen osmanthus has played a game with Mother Earth under the impact of the rain. When the first ray of sunshine shines through the clouds, it shines on the osmanthus trees. The water drops on the osmanthus trees refract gorgeous brilliance like gems, so beautiful. Sweep the rain, osmanthus in the sun shining beautiful. There are some fallen osmanthus in the soil, which reminds me of Gong Zizhen's poem "Falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers".

Under the influence of sweet scented osmanthus, everyone and every plant in the campus are very lively, one by one upright and energetic. In the fragrance of flowers, you will linger and forget to return. You can't wait to breathe. In front of the laurel tree, you will be intoxicated.

The sweet scented osmanthus trees on campus and the little flowers like stars are always my most beautiful dream.

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (2)

In the golden October, there is a kind of flower in full bloom. You can smell her fragrance ten miles away. What kind of flower is this? Let me tell you, this is osmanthus. There are three kinds of osmanthus, including golden osmanthus, silver osmanthus and four seasons osmanthus. Among the blooming flowers in autumn, my favorite is osmanthus.

Walking under the osmanthus tree, I carefully looked at the osmanthus tree. I saw that the trunk was tall and straight, and there were some uneven black bumps on the surface of the gray tree! When touched by hand, the tree looks very rough, with dense and hard branches. The crown of the tree is like a big green umbrella, and also like a standing guard soldier, who is loyal to his duty there.

From a distance, the leaves of the trees are green, as if pieces of green clouds were falling from the sky. A closer look shows that the leaves are oval, and the veins are clearly visible, like human blood vessels, which can deliver nutrition to the osmanthus tree. With a touch of hand, the leaves are hard, smooth and covered with dust. There are many small thorns on the edge of each leaf. If we don't pay attention, we will prick our fingers. Clusters of golden sweet scented osmanthus, about the size of a grain of millet, are like golden sesame seeds. Each yellow flower has four petals and tightly wraps its stamens, as if afraid of being touched by others. Close to a smell, a thick aroma came to the nostrils, refreshing, always want to smell enough sweet scented osmanthus.

When I walked under the osmanthus tree, a burst of autumn wind blew, and the osmanthus on the tree fell down one after another, smelling like a shining star on a summer night. At this time, I couldn't help shouting: "Wow! It's raining on osmanthus! It's raining on osmanthus!" The osmanthus rain spilled all over the ground, as if a golden carpet had been spread on the ground; Walking on it is soft and fragrant; Extremely comfortable. The elders said, "People in my hometown made pillows with fallen osmanthus flowers. They swept the fallen osmanthus flowers together, picked out the twigs from the osmanthus flowers with a dustpan, and threw them away. Finally, they dried the osmanthus flowers and put them in pillows. They are fragrant and soft, and also have the function of eyesight." In addition to being a pillow, osmanthus flowers can also be used as food. In short, osmanthus has many uses. This reminds me of a poem: "When people are at leisure, osmanthus flowers fall, and the birdsong mountain is more secluded." In the golden autumn of October, the golden osmanthus flowers bloom for ten miles, bringing fragrance to autumn and beauty to nature.

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (3)

When I opened the window, suddenly a fragrance came to my nostrils. I couldn't help but turn to look for the source of the fragrance while greedily breathing the fragrance. It was the osmanthus blossoms outside the window. Several lovely yellow elves jumped on several osmanthus trees and hid behind the green leaves shyly.

In spring, flowers are blooming and colorful, which makes people enjoy a visual feast. After spring and autumn, there is no beautiful color, leaving only a monotonous yellow, but osmanthus, let us smell the breath of autumn. Walking on campus and in the community, there is a thick fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus everywhere, refreshing, but let me write about sweet scented osmanthus, I really don't know what it looks like, because in my impression, it is really inconspicuous, they are too small to be found, clustered together, forming blond balls. Seen from a distance, the osmanthus tree is just dotted with a few golden leaves. Seen from a distance, it is just like this. But now its fragrance has become the beginning of autumn, a golden beauty in autumn. I can't imagine why such a small body can release so much energy?

If we say: "Chrysanthemum is the flower of seclusion; peony is the flower of wealth; lotus is the gentleman of virtue." Osmanthus fragrans is the ordinary flower. Among all flowers, not everything can be as leisurely as chrysanthemum, as gorgeous as peony, as pure as lotus. Perhaps more flowers have no bright coat and beautiful posture like osmanthus, There is no good moral, and even some flowers are not heard or known, but who can say that they are not beautiful? Even the most fragile petals, even the most monotonous color, have bloomed and been beautiful in its season, just like osmanthus, whose fragrance is the most beautiful trace in autumn.

Isn't that true of people? Not all people can climb to the top of the pyramid, not all people can have a brilliant life. However, everyone has their own beauty. As long as you show your own beauty, your world will be colorful, won't it?

Looking out of the window, a group of golden elves are still dancing on the branches, dancing out of their own world

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (4)

The autumn rain is pattering in the morning.

The wind weaves it into a crystal clear and unpredictable curtain.

The sweet scented osmanthus has a wisp of white in its beige, and it is decorated under the green jade like leaves, dotted with fragrance and fragrance.

The rain, quietly, quietly more and more heavy. It is no longer like a silk curtain, but like the big and small pearls falling on the jade plate, constantly arousing the rippling smile lines in the pool.

Osmanthus fragrans completed a baptism in the cold rain. Some osmanthus flowers seem unable to hold the rain falling in their arms. They shake a little, and carry some thin smell into the cold rain; Some were covered by the leaves, with joy, watching the raindrops powerless to turn on the leaves.

The sound of rain is getting quieter and quieter. The elegant curtain came back and gradually faded. Finally, the water in the pool calmed down.

What's the osmanthus after the rain like? There are several small pools of water under the tree. They float gracefully in the rain like fairies. They are tiny flowers that choose to let go in the cold rain; On the tree, there was a faint osmanthus falling on the branches, revealing a wisp of fragrance that had not been washed away by rain. There are some flowers on the trees and under the trees, waiting for the rain to evaporate and melt into the soil directly; Some were brought to their friends by the wind after waiting for themselves to complete the mission of flowers.

Smelling the faint fragrance after the rain and gazing at the falling flowers, a word suddenly appears in my mind: life is like a flower.

Yes, life is not like this sweet scented osmanthus in cold rain? In the face of wind and rain, you can choose to work hard, persevere, complete your mission, and finally become a strong man in the wind and rain; You can also choose to exit gracefully when you are unable to do what you want and move to another way to better use the remaining light and heat. However, no matter what you choose or experience, it will eventually turn into a tiny dust in the Milky Way after several years. Only when you choose a right, appropriate road that can bring happiness to everything around you, and look back on everything behind you many years later, will you feel that you have no regrets in your life. Really, life is like a flower, as long as it is beautiful, fragrant, blooming, and paid

A light wind blew, the osmanthus on the tree sent a wisp of fragrance to the face, and the osmanthus in the water drifted gracefully with the ripples. Occasionally, a few scattered flowers also released their hands gracefully and floated to the ground. In my opinion, they all made the right choice for themselves. They left with the same quiet, the same beauty, and the same regret

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (5)

When autumn comes, there are bursts of fragrance in the park, which is memorable.

The park is full of osmanthus trees. In the morning, there was a layer of hazy mist in the air. At this time, a faint osmanthus tree appeared in front of me. A gust of wind blew, and a refreshing fragrance came, making people linger. Soon, there were more and more people in the park, and many people were watching osmanthus. Suddenly, a bird flew over and stopped on the branch of the sweet scented osmanthus tree and sang "twitter, twitter". After a while, a group of birds flew over, and they and the bird just danced gracefully beside the osmanthus tree.

At noon, the sun shines overhead, very hot. Some naughty children like to sleep under trees and play hide and seek. The sweet scented osmanthus trees in the sun are still elegant, emitting the charming fragrance.

In the evening, under the glow of sunset, the sweet scented osmanthus tree looks even more dazzling. It looks like a graceful girl standing there quietly. A closer look makes people feel as if they are in a fairyland.

In the alternation of winter and summer, the osmanthus tree is like a beautiful and loyal messenger, conveying the message of autumn with its diffuse fragrance. The trees are full of golden flowers dotted in the branches of the breeze, giving people a cordial peace. What seeps into the heart and nose is the distant sweet. Among the flowers, osmanthus is the most common, but the most amiable. She is the most lovely flower, dancing romantically.

More importantly, people will shake her down when she is in full bloom, make tea from her, or make cakes. When the sweet scented osmanthus leaves the home of life, it is so magnificent, elegant and magnificent, scattered with a tree of beauty, the fragrance of life, bringing joy and sweetness to the world.

Ah, sweet scented osmanthus! Autumn has gone and winter has come. The osmanthus in the park once dazzled and decayed. At this time, the fragrance has disappeared. The pale winter can not see her warm and beautiful image. Osmanthus fragrans is an ordinary simple flower, but her amiable and generous temperament will always bloom in my heart.

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (6)

"The white tree dwelling crows in the atrium, the cold dew silent wet osmanthus!" The fragrance of osmanthus, osmanthus fragrance has always been synonymous with osmanthus. Now, it is also the season full of osmanthus.

In the morning, I came to school happily. Suddenly, I was attracted by a strong aroma, looking at the yellow trees, one by one, oh! That's sweet scented osmanthus. Osmanthus fragrans leaves green, sharp at both ends, particularly lush; The sweet scented osmanthus flowers are golden yellow and very small. Some of the petals are open, some are half open, and some are still wrapped together, which makes people can't help but guess the mystery

They are as big as grains of rice. They gather together in groups. It seems that they are having some family meeting; Next to the leaves and next to the trunk, they hide and hide one by one. They also laugh mischievously at us from time to time, as if playing hide and seek with me: they are also like delicate little girls. They are densely clustered, one cluster after another. From afar, they seem to be dotted with broken gold among green leaves. Under the sun, osmanthus trees are full of golden light, which is particularly dazzling! Especially beautiful!

I stood quietly under the osmanthus tree, looking at small osmanthus blossoms, quietly smelling its thick fragrance. A gust of wind blew, and the sweet scented osmanthus branches shook gently, as if they were nodding to me to say hello. With another gust of wind, several osmanthus flowers fell. I picked up several osmanthus flowers that fell on the ground. I was curious to close my nose and savor the fragrance of nature! I was intoxicated with it until the bell rang, and then I reluctantly returned to the classroom. In the next few days, the whole school and I were immersed in the fragrance of osmanthus.

A few days later in the afternoon, the teacher mysteriously called several people downstairs. "Teacher! What are we going to do?" I asked doubtfully. "Pick osmanthus!" Really? that 's fine with me. We came downstairs with joy. There were a lot of people under the osmanthus tree. They took the bags and put the picked ones into the bags. We also began to pick it. I held the bag in one hand, and reached up with the other hand to catch the osmanthus, and got a big handful in the other hand. This is the season of sweet osmanthus blooming. We just grabbed it lightly, and a large group of people ran up like smoke. I grabbed it here and there, and I was very happy!

After the osmanthus is dried, pick out the small branches and leaves, you can make tea, make osmanthus cakes, refresh your mind, stop coughing and dissolve phlegm. Osmanthus is a good medicine for us! I like sweet scented osmanthus so much!

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (7)

The mildew of the small osmanthus has come. Its branches, leaves and flowers are covered with nasty scale insects. If this goes on, it won't be long before the small osmanthus will wither and even die.

Dragonflies flew in and landed on the small osmanthus. The little osmanthus said eagerly, "beautiful dragonfly girl, please help me catch pests?" The dragonfly said apologetically, "little osmanthus, I'm sorry, I usually eat some flying insects near the pond, please ask others to help me!"

The agile bat came and hung upside down on the branch. The little osmanthus said, "Dear Brother Bat, would you please help me catch the hateful scale insects?" The bat said apologetically, "Little osmanthus, I'm really sorry. I will catch moths at night, but not scale insects."

Spiders are coming. The little osmanthus flower said, "Spiders, spiders, call you Zhiduoxing. Would you please help me catch pests?" The spider said, "Little osmanthus flower, I'm sorry. I will 'set up a gossip array and catch only flying insects.' That is, I will only eat mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects that stick to my web, and not eat pests on flowers."

When the little osmanthus was worried, a small creature with bright green transparent wings flew to the leaves of the little osmanthus like a fairy. It had shining golden green eyes, a pair of slender silk antennae, and large compound eyes on both sides of its head.

More miraculously, the "fairy" killed the shell insects on the sweet scented osmanthus in a short time.

"My benefactor, may I ask your name?" The little osmanthus asked gratefully.

"I'm a lacefly, and I only eat crustaceans. My mouth is very developed, and I'm as good at catching pests as the ladybug," replied the lacefly.

"Thank you, sandfly. I hope you can catch pests often in the future," said the little osmanthus.

"Good!" The lacefly agreed happily.

Soon after, the small sweet scented osmanthus grew into a small tree. Many sweet scented osmanthus bloomed on the branches of the tree.

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (8)

Sweet scented osmanthus cake is in long strip shape. The surface is scattered with fragmentary sweet scented osmanthus petals, which are sprinkled on it randomly. At first glance, it looks not like food, but like a piece of jade that has been playing for many years.

The sweet scented osmanthus cake is cold and cold. Holding it in your hand is like holding the golden autumn in your palm, enjoying the cool wind and passing through your fingers.

"Son, the main ingredients of sweet scented osmanthus cake are glutinous rice and sweet scented osmanthus, which are all gifts from autumn. No wonder people say it is the crystallization of autumn!"

It's really rare for an ordinary food to attract the poetic admiration of an old man with dull senses.

Osmanthus cake is an ordinary dessert, but there are many ways to eat it.

It can be steamed in a steamer. After steaming, the warm, soft and glutinous food will be sticky and glutinous. After a bite, the sticky food will stick to the teeth, but it is not greasy. It is refreshing and refreshing. The soft and glutinous food in the throat is sweet, and the sweet taste is complementary to the sweet taste.

You can put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate. What you eat is a hard way, chew slowly, and taste carefully. It's full of cool and fragrant. Swallowing it, I felt a cool, fragrant smell from my throat to my stomach. At that moment, I had no desire and no desire, just wanted to immerse myself in the cool fragrance, and I didn't want to wake up.

It can be cut into thin slices, or fried gently, or boiled over high heat. It can be burnt yellow, crisp outside and glutinous inside, and cooked creamy white, soft, rotten, and pliable. How to eat it, it has a wonderful taste.

The best way to eat is to sit under the moon when the moon is full on the Mid Autumn Festival. When you smell the sweet osmanthus in the air and think about the appearance of osmanthus in the moon palace, you can plant the legendary beauty and taste the delicious osmanthus cake.

But for me, the above kinds of eating methods make me feel that the waiting time is too long. When I buy them, I can't wait to tear off the film. One mouthful, one mouthful, and one mouthful. The aroma of the osmanthus is entwined in my mouth, slipped through my throat, accumulated in my belly, and closed my eyes for aftertaste. Praise: "Fragrance! Cool!"

Osmanthus cake, golden autumn crystal jade; Osmanthus cake is the most beautiful taste in golden autumn.

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (9)

Excellent composition I describing osmanthus trees

In the east of the hall of my hometown, there is a tall osmanthus tree. This sweet scented osmanthus tree is very strange. It has "one body and two branches", just like twin brothers and sisters, side by side, hand in hand, living in harmony. It is evergreen all the year round, with luxuriant branches and leaves, like a big green umbrella.

Spring is coming, the breeze is blowing gently, and the drizzle is falling from the sky. Osmanthus fragrans trees sprouted many bright red new buds, and soon many new leaves grew, adding infinite vitality to spring.

In summer, osmanthus trees grow more luxuriant. The luxuriant branches and leaves shelter the hot sun and bring us a sense of coolness. The sweet scented osmanthus tree is like a green sunshade. We play happily under the umbrella, and the happy laughter spreads all over our hometown. Autumn is the season when osmanthus flowers are in full bloom, and I always seem to have an appointment. Those clusters, those strings of golden osmanthus, seemed to understand our expectations, angry in the sun, emitting fragrance, floating to every corner of our hometown. This mellow fragrance makes people relaxed and happy, with endless aftertaste. The flowers like stars, like gold, and like yellow fields, appear in the green leaves. The fragrance, the leaves and the color are not like peonies.

The cold winter comes. Most of the trees in the village have lost all their leaves, but they are still young in the third grade cold.

Osmanthus fragrans leaves are green, shining in the sun. The flower is yellow, the flower core is light yellow, the flower is very small, like a small star. When sweet scented osmanthus bloomed, it was full of trees. From a distance, it seemed that yellow lights were shining; when yellow sweet scented osmanthus bloomed, it seemed that yellow street lights were lit.

Osmanthus fragrans are not only fragrant and beautiful, but also can be used to make sweet scented osmanthus cakes. Osmanthus tea is very useful! The graceful sweet scented osmanthus tree, fluttering and sprinkling like yellow butterflies, and the refreshing fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus, which is ten miles away, makes me unforgettable.

Excellent composition of describing osmanthus trees II

October is coming again, and Miss Osmanthus is blooming again. The strong fragrance in the distance makes people immerse in it. Although the sweet scented osmanthus tree looks clumsy and doesn't have the same posture as the plum tree, its fragrance is really fascinating.

The crown of the osmanthus tree is luxuriant, like a big umbrella, which can let people enjoy the cool and rest below. When the sweet scented osmanthus tree is not in blossom, only green leaves can be seen all over the tree, like a big pompon. Each leaf is closely attached together, as if whispering. Some osmanthus trees have only one trunk, and some have three or four. The trunk is about 1-2 meters long and more than 30 centimeters thick. Other trees usually have only one trunk, but Osmanthus fragrans has only one trunk, which looks very special.

Osmanthus fragrans bloom between September and October, so there is a saying that osmanthus fragrans fragrance. The shape of the osmanthus is small. There are four petals and five petals. It makes people feel that when the wind blows gently, the osmanthus will say goodbye to the branches. There are three or four flowers in a cluster, and more than ten flowers in a cluster. They are as delicate as a daughter. The color of osmanthus is golden, just like glittering gold. Osmanthus fragrans fragrance is very pungent, people can not help but immerse in its world. Its fragrance is neither as elegant as pear flower nor as pungent as rape flower. Its fragrance is very rich and sweet, so there is a saying of "fragrance within ten miles".

Osmanthus fragrans is not only fragrant, but also has many functions. Pick out the twigs and leaves, sun them for a few days, and put them in an iron box, which can be added to tea to make tea, and can also be used to make cakes for the New Year.

Osmanthus has many functions. I will always remember the fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans. I love Osmanthus fragrans.

Excellent composition 3 describing osmanthus trees

The night before yesterday, I was walking alone in the community. Suddenly, a faint fragrance was diffused in the air. I walked along the fragrance. It was a cinnamon tree. There are a few withering osmanthus flowers on the osmanthus tree. Although they are not as elegant as autumn, they still stand on the branches, looking different.

August and September is the season when osmanthus is fragrant. In the cascade of leaves, small osmanthus in twos and threes, embellish them. It looks yellow and green, which makes it interesting. You are next to me, and I am next to you. There are piles here and there. It seems that we are discussing something. If a cassia tree is a night sky, then those flowers must be the dazzling stars in the night sky. Closer to these flowers, four rice sized petals are evenly distributed beside the orange stamens, which look particularly lovely and delicate in the green leaves, as if they will fall gently when the wind blows. It is so lovely and touching that people can't help loving them. No wonder the poet Yang Wanli once praised osmanthus flowers with the poem "It is not a human species, but it is doubtful that it comes from the middle of the month. A little cold fragrance will blow all over the mountain.".

Osmanthus fragrans leaves are zigzag, evergreen all the year round, invincible. Its leaf surface is smooth and shiny, always full of vitality and liveliness, which makes people cannot help but have numerous illusions. In the moonlight, the shadow of the osmanthus tree is reflected on the wall. The leaves are uneven, and the flowers are blurred, which has caused me many fantasies. I imagined that it was a Chinese ink painting, and it really became a Chinese ink painting. Here is a mountain, there is a lake. A few insects fly by, and they become egrets that are hunting

Osmanthus fragrans has a wide range of uses. Because of its warm and non-toxic smell, it can be used as a medicine to relieve phlegm, cough, produce saliva, and treat toothache. Fresh osmanthus can also be made into sweet and delicious osmanthus cake, osmanthus sugar.

I love the beauty of osmanthus, but also its incomparable vitality!

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (10)

People go with the wind, and flowers bloom and fall freely, regardless of the vicissitudes of the world; A city full of lovesickness is silent, only the fragrance of osmanthus wafts past.


When flowers bloom, they will wither.

It is the golden autumn. Walking in the campus a few days ago, what haunts me is the fragrance everywhere in the air. No matter how dull, late witted, uninteresting, or busy and hurried you are, as long as you walk on the path to the west of the campus, you can't help but be attracted by the overwhelming fragrance, and you can't help breathing hard and letting the fragrance of flowers enter from the nose to the heart. Unless you have no sense of smell.

Sweet scented osmanthus in August.

In the campus garden, osmanthus is blooming vigorously. The fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus is neither like the "subtle fragrance floating" of plum nor the "fragrance clearing" of lotus. It is warm and fragrant. It is a woman who is in love, expressing the strongest feelings. In Mr. Ma's comments, there is only one word that can properly describe the fragrance of the flower - fragrance. My feeling, aroma, is also sweet.

Every day when I eat lunch and walk on such a fragrant road, I feel happy at that moment. The campus also feels lovely.

Osmanthus fragrans is actually a flower with ordinary appearance. The yellow flowers, which are big in grains of rice, are tiny and dense, hiding in clumps among the green leaves. If there is no fragrance to attract people's eyes, it may be difficult to attract people's attention. I only know that osmanthus can be divided into golden osmanthus and silver osmanthus. Presumably, the yellow osmanthus is golden osmanthus. In addition, there is little understanding of osmanthus fragrans.

In my impression, the ancient literati and scholars also liked flowers and grass to cultivate their temperament. Such as Tao Yuanming to chrysanthemum, Zhou Dunyi to lotus, Lin Jinghe to plum, Zheng Banqiao to bamboo. In ancient culture, there are many beautiful stories about flowers and plants, and beautiful sentences about singing flowers and praising grass can be found everywhere. I can also blurt out some beautiful lines like chrysanthemums, peaches, and lotus. I believe that there are many people chanting osmanthus. Unfortunately, after searching my mind, I found that I was really ignorant. I only thought of a sentence in Liu Sanbian's "Watching the Tide of the Sea": "There are three autumn osmanthus seeds and ten li lotus flowers." It is said that this poem describing Hangzhou's prosperity and prosperity attracted the gold owner at that time to look at it with a full face, "so he wanted to cross the river with a whip." Whether the legend is true or not needs no further study, at least, Just the beautiful scenery of lotus flowers ten miles away from the osmanthus in the third autumn is enough for people to dream.

But it seems that the flowering period of osmanthus is not very long. A few days ago, the aroma was still strong. These two days, it was indistinct. I'm afraid that the aroma will disappear in another two days.

I also know that when flowers bloom, they will eventually wither.

However, when the sweet scented osmanthus withers, I don't think I will lose too much.

Because the fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus can be preserved in food and soul.

What's more, when the flowers wither, they will bloom again.

Boys and girls, this is the end of the 600 word composition about osmanthus trees. I wish you all can write a good article as soon as possible.

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (11)

August came, and the sweet scented osmanthus bloomed again.

In Shanhao Garden Community, there are rows of osmanthus trees. Mother said that the most simple and elegant flower in the world is osmanthus. Its small petals will emit a charming and long fragrance, making people relaxed and happy. And when the osmanthus blooms most attractively, the fragrance is really haunting. Osmanthus has become my mother's favorite flower, however, I will also carefully observe Osmanthus. Osmanthus fragrans has the characteristics of both clear and thick. It is sweet and fragrant. Its unique fragrance with a trace of sweetness always brings people to a wonderful world. The trees are full of golden small flowers, dotted with the green leaves of the whole tree.

Looking at the golden flowers all over the trees from afar, it seems that the trees are full of gold; At a close look, the flowers around the branches seem like dozens of people in a family, hugging each other tightly, and no one wants to be separated. Looking closely, I found that each open osmanthus has four petals, with a pale yellow core in the middle; Some half open flowers, like shy little girls, are ready to open and shy. I looked at this one and that one. A tree has at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of flowers. How many! There is also the rich fragrance, which is always annoying, impressive and refreshing. When I finished my homework and came to the corridor in my spare time, the gentle breeze would kiss my nose and face with the sweet scented osmanthus fragrance. Enjoy the beautiful atmosphere, slowly, I have a feeling of love for osmanthus. Look, the swaying osmanthus trees are swaying in the wind.

Eh? What's that? It was like a golden butterfly, like a silver ribbon, lingering floating, falling, floating to the ground, pieces of yellow, small petals, with a strong fragrance, floating to my mother's hair, body and shoes. I stretched out my arms and exclaimed: "Osmanthus Rain! Mom, this is Osmanthus Rain! How wonderful!" I looked up, and the Osmanthus fell on my face, gently, carefully, with the fragrance of flowers, stroked my face and told me. Osmanthus blossoms, this year's community osmanthus particularly fragrant, particularly beautiful!

Boys and girls, this is the end of the 600 word composition about osmanthus trees. I wish you all can write a good article as soon as possible.

600 word composition describing osmanthus flowers (12)

Osmanthus blossoms again, but in a different place.

Farewell to primary school, came to middle school, osmanthus trees everywhere. When the weather turned cold, the osmanthus flowers climbed onto the branches again, blocking the light from the gaps in the trees. It was still green, but it gave out a faint fragrance, invaded the heart and spleen, stood on tiptoe, broke the branches, and put it on the hand. In the pale yellow laurel, I saw a trace of sadness and sadness.

In the past, there were several osmanthus trees in the primary school, which opened around the Mid Autumn Festival. After class, groups of children ran to the osmanthus trees, shook the osmanthus flowers with their small hands, and fell like a rain of osmanthus flowers. Light yellow raindrops fell down, kissing the ground, with infinite love. On the earth yellow ground, the graceful laurel is talking and crying.

We leaned against the tree, breathed the fragrance, quietly approached our ears, told the secret, said the recent happy things, and occasionally burst out a burst of hearty laughter, and then mercilessly teased each other. Under the osmanthus tree, in the rain, there were four girls laughing, smiling very sweet, far away.

Osmanthus rotted in the soil and left behind lingering fragrance, which made me aftertaste.

Now, four girls are scattered. One goes to the county to study, and another has an iceberg with me that can't be crossed. Only her and I are left to talk about secrets. Maybe there is also a sweet scented osmanthus tree in the school where she studied. She still likes to laugh under it, but we are not around. She must be missing us, missing the only tree.

We all have a sweet scented osmanthus tree in our hearts. The sweet scented osmanthus blossoms and withers. The tree is always the sustenance of the flower spirit. The tree is always there, and the flowers are always there. We go through a season together. The flowers in our hearts will never wither, accompany us through life; Even if there is a distance, our friendship will not wither. Even if there is a gap, we can still stick to our hearts and let the flowers of friendship bloom in the four seasons.

600 word composition 2 describing osmanthus in junior high school

Osmanthus does not restrain itself. The flowers bloom and fall freely. Look, it has flowers blooming in clusters, and the fragrance will float ten miles away. This one didn't want to thank, but the other one came out side by side. From the branches and under the leaves, so many emerged overnight that the leaves could not cover their charming dimples or shut off their refreshing fragrance. It releases the golden flowers into rivers and waterfalls, and also gathers and disperses the fragrance of autumn without reservation, such as clouds and fog. When the wind gently calls, they will fall together as brothers and sisters, turning into fragrant wind and rain. At this time, if you sit under a tree, you will feel that the whole person is dancing in the heaven, like being intoxicated by the fragrance of osmanthus in the Grand View Garden.

Osmanthus does not fish for fame. It blooms in the same season with chrysanthemums, without the reputation of "Four Gentlemen", but with the same spirit as chrysanthemums. Although it is not always open all the year round, its leaves are always green all the year round. It is not afraid of loneliness. In the bleak autumn, when flowers wither, it slowly blooms in the autumn wind. There is no competitor, no foil, it still opens so tastefully: today is still a humble bud, tomorrow morning will be awakened by the fragrance. Like stars, full of trees; It's like a cloud floating around: leaves open below, branches open, branches open, where there is a gap, you can squeeze it, you can open it where you want. This year's thanks will go, and next year will be more brilliant. It just opened silently, laid aside, indifferent, and did not compete with flowers. It never cared about its reputation. On the tree, it gathers in the wind, it scatters; All I want is a touch of beauty and a ray of fragrance in autumn.

Osmanthus is the treasure of autumn, and it is willing to contribute. After being baptized by the autumn wind, it leaves a treasure to people: you can make tea, which tastes delicious; It can be used as osmanthus wine with mellow taste; Can make sweet scented osmanthus cake; Can also do medicine, phlegm, cough, saliva, toothache have obvious effect!

Osmanthus fragrans! What kind of spirit and beauty is it that you are not constrained by yourself, not fishing for fame, and willing to contribute! Through the ages, how many people like you, praise you, praise you! Although your life is ordinary, the precious spirit in your bones has been passed on forever

600 character composition 3 describing osmanthus in junior high school

When summer runs away with its tail between its legs, sweet scented osmanthus paves a way for autumn with its thick fragrance. If February orchid is the messenger of spring, then it is not wrong to say that osmanthus is the girl who welcomes autumn.

In the past week, the osmanthus has been in multiple bloom and scattered in the wind and rain. However, whether it is the flower string on the tree or the flower sea on the lawn, it exudes intoxicating fragrance, so strong, but so simple. So, in my heart, the osmanthus has become a mysterious flower.

It is not mysterious to say that it is mysterious. You can find its mystery through careful observation. Osmanthus is small, cute and delicate. Although it is small, it opens very recklessly, and among the branches and leaves, it competes to open. The clusters of sweet scented osmanthus, like clusters of gold, are shining brightly in the sunshine. "I'm here", they are calling.

"I'm here", they are laughing.

In this way, they are playing hide and seek with laughter, attracting people to look at it with great interest, and you will be fascinated by the fragrance of their laughter. What an enchanting and simple fragrance! Slowly close to you, further envelop you, and make you feel refreshed. At this time, you are surprised to find that the trouble in your heart has already gone, and you say it is not magical.

Appreciating osmanthus is a pleasure, but when you taste it carefully, you will enter a realm. Tasting osmanthus, I don't know that it is the small petals in the four gardens, nor the moving fragrance, but the spirit in its bones. Osmanthus fragrans is very ordinary, very ordinary, but it is the ordinary appearance that hides a fragrant heart. Their time is very short, or one day, or two days, but they will not regret, because they will turn into fragrant soil to accompany their mother; Think they will not regret, because there are their brothers and sisters to continue its path; They will not regret, because they have cried, laughed, struggled, and blossomed... The greatness of osmanthus blooms in the ordinary, and smiles to face life firmly, so that their life has no regrets. This is the greatness of osmanthus.

I am not osmanthus, I can only stand in the perspective of a passer-by to taste their temperament; I wish I were a sweet scented osmanthus, and could blossom my greatness in the ordinary like it.

That little sweet scented osmanthus has sprouted in my heart. Maybe next year, the sweet scented osmanthus will float in my heart.

600 character composition 4 describing osmanthus in junior high school

"Sasha -" Osmanthus fragrans trees shake, leaves friction sound. Osmanthus fragrans fell in clusters, pale yellow like beads, and the land was full of osmanthus fragrans. The shaking is so powerful, can't someone push it? The other trees didn't shake! I looked to the left of the osmanthus tree. It was a tall boy? What is he doing! Lose the face of our school after leaving the school! I really want to stop him, but he won't listen! What should we do? The whole community will see it. If the security guard comes and asks him what primary school he belongs to, he will kill us?

"Shasha -" The osmanthus tree shook more violently. The branches shook like a hand asking for help. There were several dark green leaves in several clusters of osmanthus, but they were suddenly covered by falling flowers, like crying tears. I looked around, and several people in our school's blue uniforms looked here. It seems that I'd better... slip away! The shame of saving. I had just taken a step, but I heard a tender voice, very loud: "Don't shake the osmanthus any more! You are not only losing our school's face, but also your class's face!" I quickly turned around. A little girl with a ponytail held the osmanthus tree with her hand, and the red scarf on her neck was very bright, as red as the sun, against the blue school uniform. The little girl seemed to use all her strength to support the osmanthus tree. Her mouth pursed and her eyes were full of unevenness.

"What grade are you in? Do I want you to take care of it?" The tall boy seems to be frightened by this situation, and his voice softened. "You are older than me. A person older than me can't even understand the truth I understand, and you have the face to say?" The little girl put down her hand. The tall boy was stunned. He whispered something, but he put down his hand. My God? A little girl has such great courage! I'm ashamed of myself! The light yellow plan is hidden in the leaves. It is very small and not obvious, like yellow beads embroidered on green cloth, with only a few clusters. The sweet scented osmanthus tree emits fragrance, which is very intoxicating. Yes! Who can do this kind of courage and spirit so easily? Maybe it's just a small osmanthus tree, but it's also a life!