Kite composition (16 refined articles)
Rain in early summer
2024-01-09 08:07:51

Kite Composition (1)

In the first month, the Spring Festival will be over, and dumplings will be eaten to pick up lanterns. In February, when the spring wind blows together, it's time to fly kites. Today's children want to fly kites, just buy one on the street. When we were young, if we wanted to fly kites, we had to tie them ourselves.

The process of making kites is sweet and beautiful, just like the spring wind blowing in my heart. The materials used for making kites are relatively simple: a few bamboo strips, several cotton threads, one or two sheets of glossy paper and some red, yellow and green colored paper, and then add a spoonful of semi thin paste. We don't produce bamboo here. It's hard to find bamboo strips, so we split the broken broom handle into bamboo strips, which are very useful for making kites.

The simplest thing is to tie a big circle, cross tie 8 "tendons" in the middle, and paste paper on it; The one with wide top and narrow bottom is called "Tuolayan"; A larger circle, the one with six smaller circles of equal size around it, is the most difficult to tie, but its name is nice, called "Seven Stars High Light"... Paste the tied kite with white paper, hang it in the air, and then draw the picture with crayons. The tail of the kite is decorated with red, yellow, and green ears, and a beloved kite is born.

How proud and joyful it is to fly your own kites in the sun, in the spring breeze and in the fields! The best way to fly a kite is two people. One is to lead the line, and the other is to hold the kite. The distance is 10 to 20 meters. The kite holder lifts the kite over his head and spreads it. The lead person immediately runs back, pulling and flying the line as he runs. If the wind speed is moderate and the kite tail is light and heavy, the kite will quickly rise into the sky. The kite rises and rises higher and higher until the line in the hand is finished. The huge kite hangs steadily in the sky, which is our most proud time. Then draw a picture on the prepared paper and send it to the sky along the kite line. One piece of "Chi Liu" goes up, and another piece of "Chi Liu" goes up. Each piece of "Chi Liu" goes up, a warm feeling will rise in my heart. Blue sky and white clouds, green grass, children on the ground, kites in the sky

Flying kites is not easy. When the wind is low, the tail of the kite is heavy. If you run off your shoes and lose your hat, you will gasp and sweat all over, and the kite will not go to heaven; When the wind is strong and the tail is light, the kite will swing from side to side. After turning over several somersaults, it will fall down and hurt the bones and muscles. It must be taken home to repair. What's annoying is that it's just flying on the ground. With a bang, the string is broken, and the kite runs away, drifting away along the wind, you have to run quickly to catch up with it. Sometimes you can catch up after running for one or two kilometers at a time. To my annoyance, when you came to me panting, you found that the kite was hanging on a tree or a wire. Don't say you can't take it off. Even if you take it off, it will be hung up like a rag. You can't put it on again.

Flying kites at night is another fun. The bean straw ash is rolled with yellow paper, tied to the lower end of the kite tail, and lit up when flying. As the kite rises, the self-made "fireworks" will spread in the air, glittering and "crackling". The scene will also be exciting when it rises in the night sky in early spring in the countryside.

In February, the spring wind blows and we fly kites happily.

Kite Composition (2)

In spring, the warm sunshine shines on the dog, and the gentle spring wind blows on his face. The dog thought of flying a kite, so he found his three good friends, bear, elephant and cat, to make a kite. The four partners worked together to make a big kite. well! This kite is really beautiful. It looks like a big butterfly.

The four friends came to the park with "Big Butterfly" in their hands. A light wind blew the big kite up into the sky. It floated up and down in the sky. The four young friends were happy and jumped happily. However, the good times didn't last long. Suddenly, the dog's kite fell on the tree. The dog saw it and cried. The bear hurriedly said, "Don't cry, dog. I'll help you.

At this time, the little elephant said, "Let me help you. Suddenly, a small voice sounded in the dog's ear: "Dog, let me help you." Just heard a whoosh, and the dog climbed up the tree a few times to fight the wind down.

The dog smiled and gave a gust of wind, and sent the dog's kite to the sky. Everyone jumped and jumped happily.

Kite Composition (3)

On Friday afternoon, our school held a kite flying competition, and all classes from grade one to grade six participated.

The long-awaited competition began. The students took unified kites to test fly on the playground. Some of these kites have flown into the blue sky, and they look like falcons spreading their wings; Some were dragged around on the ground, just like an old car, driving slowly.

It's our turn to play. Our kites rose with the wind and flew proudly in the high blue sky. Suddenly, several kites dropped at a very fast speed and soon landed. My kite failed, but miraculously "came back from the dead" and flew again. Finally, my kite was still in the air, and other kites had already "crashed" to the ground. Looking at my "eagle", my heart is as sweet as honey.

Time flies like an arrow. A touch of happiness passes quickly. Although the results have not been publicized yet, this competition gave me a taste of the happiness of success, also let me see the strength of other students, and inspired me to make better efforts.


Kite Composition (4)

Lyric composition of kite

Whether you are in school or in society, when it comes to writing, you must be familiar with it. According to different genres, writing can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a collection of lyric compositions about kites collected by Xiao Bian for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Kite Lyric Composition 1

I always envy those girls who are younger than me. They always have time to change and forget.

Today, I went to the square with a kite.

It was also the same time when I flew kites last year. At the beginning of March, something wonderful was quietly coming into being, maybe it was some kind of sentiment that came from passing by accidentally; Perhaps it is the struggle of grass in the thawed soil to stretch its body; Maybe it's the fear and excitement when you hold the kite string in your hand and watch the kite fly away from you and fly higher and higher

When the kite is still in hand

When the kite is still in my hand, I want to let it rise to the blue sky in an instant, and embrace what it should embrace in an instant. So I kept setting out, taking in, setting out I have been repeating these movements all the time, even if my arm is too sore to fly, even if I really can't let it fly, I am afraid that others will see the bustle, and I want to go back after hurriedly closing the line, but after the line is confiscated, a little brother comes out - his kite is the highest one flying in the square. I admit I envy him, but this does not prevent me from talking to him in a cold attitude.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sister, you shouldn't be like this all the time. You should relax and enjoy the moment of flying kites. You just need to think that it will fly very high." The boy looks no smaller than me.

But is it so obvious? I have something on my mind.

"What are you doing?" I was still thinking about it, but found that the kite in my hand had been taken away by the boy.

"Just watch what I do," the boy said with a smile.

"All right." I felt helpless.

Sure enough, I flew the kite a moment later, but when I was looking for the boy who taught me to fly kites, I found his kite fell down, and he was busy flying again? I smiled and didn't bother him.

In this way, the kite rushed into the blue sky. He first kissed Bai Yun and then greeted the sun.

The kite left

Looking at the kite flying higher and higher, I couldn't help worrying about whether it would break the line, and what if it did? A series of questions flooded my mind. I didn't know what to do, and the skills I just learned suddenly failed.

"Sister, you are distracted again." The boy picked up his kite and came to blend in again.

"Well... I was thinking, what should I do if the line is broken? So..." I was incoherent.

"So I lost my mind and forgot how to operate, didn't I?" The boy said everything I wanted to say. I said yes in some embarrassment.

"How can there be such a stupid girl like you!" The boy scolded me like an old maid. Well, I can't say anything, after all, what he said is true.

I saw that he had been extremely patient and told me again. He was really embarrassed to bother others again, so he hurried to say goodbye and went home.

The kite is still in my heart

I think I will remember it! A beautiful encounter, a beautiful boy, a wonderful emotion. I will always remember.

Perhaps it is the mutual sympathy between people that brings two lonely souls together

Kite Lyric Composition 2

If a kite has a line, it will fly in the sky along the track of the line, with its own height, as if looking down on the whole earth, high above. If the line of a kite is broken, it will fall down from the height it has not easily reached, stagger, lose its direction, and lose its own victory fruit, as if the whole sky is looking down on it, which is insignificant.

On the other hand, what will you choose when comparing a kite with a line and a kite with a broken line? This may be really hard to choose. Because a wired kite means that you are under the control of others. Without your own freedom, others may make the kite fly higher if they are in a good mood. If they are in a bad mood, they may not care about it at all. They can fly as high as they want.

If we talk about this topic from the perspective of outlook on life, it is not much different from life.

I believe that everyone is unwilling to be instructed by others, just like a puppet. Reflect the actions of the manipulator to the puppet itself. Whatever the manipulator does, the puppet will follow. Do we want to make such puppets? Definitely not. We humans are the most advanced animals in the world. We are all the same. We all have our own thoughts and bodies. Everyone is equal. Should we be controlled? Absolutely not. We are born with dignity to live in our bodies, our own souls to live in our thoughts, and our original beliefs to live in our dreams. Do we have to trample on that dignity? Absolutely not.

I have repeatedly sympathized with the black slaves who were sold in the evil "triangle trade". They were deprived of even a little freedom and dignity. Although black people are pitiful, white people are also worthy of our pity. We pity them as a person, how can we trample on the dignity of black people at will? He knows that such deprivation of human life and freedom tree is not only shameful, but also will attract criticism and hatred from future generations, and will be infamous forever.

Black slaves are like wired kites, and broken kites are the most appropriate metaphor for our teenagers.

Now, more and more students are becoming more and more tired of school. We teenagers often contradict teachers and parents. Our original innocence has been successfully replaced by rebellion and publicity. What is more important is that each of us has no fixed learning goals and ideals when we grow up. We often give up halfway because there is no clear direction in front of us, and often become degraded and unwilling to make progress because of the influence of the surrounding environment.

Do we want that? I believe many people do not want to do this. They actually know what they have done wrong, that is, they can't face it well, can't correct it against it, and can't always wake up to themselves. Therefore, we should set up our own ideal, set up our own goals, and strive for the realization of this ideal. In this way, the fruits of victory ahead will be waiting for you to share the joy of success with it.

Since we don't make kites with wires, we don't make kites with broken wires. We should let our life have a new starting point, learn to work hard for our ideals from now on, and let success shine in the future.

Kite Composition (5)

Since we were born, we have been like kites tied with strings, shaking our wings against the wind and slowly flying to the vast sky.

As a child, I used to make a kite myself. The warm spring sun shines on the square table under the window, making the fine dust in the air like a curtain of gold sand, shining with dazzling light. Grandpa leaned down and stroked on the table to teach me how to make a slender skeleton of a kite.

I made a square kite and crossed it with two bamboo strips, which is the diagonal of the square. Pour glue along the diagonal, paste the black and white newspaper, and a simple kite will be formed. I held my kite and was eager to try.

Grandpa said that if you want to fly a kite, you must choose a windy day. Kites are not like birds. Birds are born with wings and the talent to fly. When I was young, I thought to myself, kites are dead and birds are alive. How can we generalize.

Later, as I grew up, I realized what my grandfather wanted to teach me. Children like us who were born in rural areas have ordinary family circumstances. If we want to make a success and make a career, we must use learning. Only by obtaining a high degree can we enter a high platform and realize extraordinary ideals.

When the wind came, I kept flying, trying to raise the kite higher and higher. As the line became longer and longer, the kite did not fly higher, but began to swing in place. Grandfather just smiled, and the wrinkles on his eyes deepened. He took the thread in my hand and slowly tightened it back with his big rough hands.

I looked at grandpa doubtfully.

He said, "You see, only when you tighten the string, pull the string and shake it hard, can the kite have the driving force to rise. At this time, if you fly the string again, the kite will rise a height.".

I looked at grandpa with remorse. It's because I'm too eager for quick success and instant benefits. How can there be a good thing in life. We must stop rushing every once in a while, adjust our mentality, move forward with a more cautious and positive attitude, and seek space for progress. The kite that flies highest is not necessarily the kite with the longest line.

sundowners. I held the kite and walked with my grandpa on the stalk of the field, and the wheat seedlings in the wheat fields on both sides grew vigorously. I remembered what people often said. Kite and freedom, so I asked my grandpa if the kite broke the line, would it fly higher and fly more freely in the sky.

Grandpa nodded.

After a long time, Grandpa said another thing to me. He said that if the kite broke the line, no one would control its direction. In the short term, it would indeed fly farther. It might fly over mountains, rivers and endless fields. It is free, but has no direction. It doesn't know where it is going. It has lost the will to fly high. If it encounters a little wind and rain, it will fall into the deep valley. He fell to pieces.

At night, I fell asleep with a kite in my arms. I dreamed that I had become a kite, and I was struggling to fly to the sky in the bright spring sky.

Kite Composition (6)

Kite, I think it may not be strange to you!

One morning, I walked aimlessly on the lawn. The wind, gently blowing, blowing on the face, cool, not comfortable! Not far away, there was a little girl looking up with a smile, and I immediately followed her line of sight and felt happy: Isn't that a kite?

In my dreamy childhood, I once had a kite in my heart. Yes, I often think innocently: If one day I can fly freely in the broad sky like a kite, how wonderful it would be!

I thought that the kite was free, but now I know that it is being pulled and controlled by a thin line; I once thought that kites were free, but now I know that there is a barrier between them and wind, clouds and birds.

Kite, it may want to be beyond the control of the line and fly according to its own wishes, but it cannot! Kite, it may be at a loss, it may not know whether the control of the line is benign or malicious.

Sometimes, in my heart, the sky is not blue, but gray and gloomy, like a huge pot cover on my head, which makes me breathless. At that time, I, like a kite, wanted to get rid of the string!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew. The string on the kite seems to be breaking. My heart "shouted" and hung up. The line of hope was broken, because I wanted to let the kite be free. Sure enough, the line broke, but it didn't fly as freely as I thought, but kept turning in the sky, flying aimlessly. It has no choice but to be at the mercy of the wind.

I suddenly understood that the string on the kite is the guiding line of the kite. When the kite gets lost, the string on it can bring it to the light!

Gradually, the wind stopped and the kite slowly fell down. At this time, the sky looks particularly blue!

Kite Composition (7)

In the morning, I opened my dim sleeping eyes: blue sky, white clouds, happy birds and bright spring light. They came into my sight together, as if afraid that I would forget them. How could I disappoint this wonderful spring light.

Mom, my brother and I came to Shangqiu Shangdu Square to participate in the kite flying competition for small journalists held by the Beijing Jiulong Evening News. I took my own "painstaking effort" - a kite made by a little swallow, which was made by myself and painted with exquisite patterns. While imagining how to put my beloved kite into the blue sky and fly freely, I looked around and felt the happy atmosphere in the square.

As soon as you enter the square, the first thing you see is a big sky blue sign, which says: Chase dreams and fly hope! Playing the beautiful song "Flying Free", I thought: Yes! Soon we will release our "hope" into the blue sky.

The competition is about to begin. The teacher told us about the rules of the competition. The rules are as follows:

After hearing the referee's whistle, he began to fly; After 5 minutes, the second whistle sounded, and no successful flight was eliminated; When hearing the second whistle of the referee, the successful flight starts to recover; 7 minutes later, the referee whistled for the third time, and those who did not recover successfully were eliminated; If it is successfully released and successfully recovered within the specified time, experts will give a full score of 10 points for the process evaluation. The first prize, second prize, third prize and excellent prize will be awarded according to the score. And the teacher also told us that we must do some neck and shoulder exercises first to prevent contusion. If the kite flying is very big, we should wear gloves!

The competition started. At the order of the referee, I took the crutch and started running quickly. The kite began to rise! I didn't have time to be happy, so I hurried to tighten the thread and loosen it one by one in order to fly. (This is my experience from flying kites before.) Maybe one of the steps in the process of making my kite was not perfect or I forgot one step. The kite spun in the middle of the air with great power. My hand loosened the line at once. The kite sagged straight and crashed with a sound of "dong". I didn't give up. I tried several times and still couldn't fly. My kite had been "destroyed". Although I was still energetic, I was ruthlessly eliminated in the first round. Take a look at my brother, and the result is similar to mine. But we didn't lose heart because we had already tried. As the saying goes, the most important thing is participation!

Although we didn't fly our kites, the uncles and aunts of the Beijing Jiulong Evening News gave us such a happy opportunity to fly. We learned a lot of knowledge not found in textbooks from making kites to flying kites. Finally, in order to encourage us, they also gave us a beautiful kite to encourage us.

Looking at so many beautiful kites in the blue sky, I can't help thinking that kites are not our dreams. In the future, I will let the "kites" in my heart fly higher and farther, and gain more hope and happiness - just like this theme: chasing dreams, flying hopes!

Kite Composition (8)

I like kites and freedom. I like the feeling of flying freely in the sky. I can pursue my favorite life.

However, at the beginning, I didn't know that even though the kite was flying high, there was still a thread that held him back.

For me, who was in adolescence, treason was common.

When I first entered junior high school, I envied the students who boarded outside the school. They could live independently without restrictions. In contrast, I am not so happy. I am controlled by my parents every day and have no life of my own, so that I often quarrel with my mother about some trivial matters.

Today, I was criticized by my teacher at school, so I felt very bad. When I just came home from school, I saw my mother burning the same food as usual. I lost my appetite in a moment, yelled at my mother, and then slammed the door.

The spring wind blows my face and the sun shines brightly, but everything seems very dazzling in my eyes. I walked to the stadium and saw a gorgeous scenery: kites flying freely in the sky, which further strengthened my idea of independence.

Hurry home and stick a "notice" on the door of your house - no admittance. But when I returned home the next day, I found that the "notice" was missing. It was no doubt that my mother had torn it away. I was so angry that I wanted to find my mother and ask why, but my mother said carelessly, "Are there any" idlers "in this family?"? Embarrassed, I have nothing to say. After a brainstorm, she said, "You can give me money directly later. I don't want to go home for dinner." At first, her mother repeatedly objected, but she could not beat my stubborn nature and complied with my wishes.

I became a "little adult" with big money. On Wednesday, I couldn't help going to the bookstore. When I came out, I had an extra book and a lot of money missing. In the next two days, I realized that I was already penniless. To save face, I endured hunger for a long day. When I was doing my homework in the evening, I was so hungry that I had no intention of doing my homework. At this time, my mother came in with a piece of bread and ten yuan. My mother handed me something, which I refused at first.

But reason made me accept the money.

Since then, the relationship between my mother and I has eased up a lot. One afternoon, I accompanied my mother to the stadium for a walk and saw the flying kites. "Mom, why can't the wind fly?" The young child's voice came into my ears, and then I answered a kind and kind mother, "You should close the line, and it will fly higher!" After listening to the mother and son's dialogue, I looked up. This time, I saw not only the kite flying freely in the sky, but also the line that helped the kite fly high. Only then did I understand that even if the kite flies high, there will be a line that holds it back. It is because of that line that the kite can fly without scruple.

I am in adolescence, just like the kite flying high, and I want to be free, just like the kite with broken lines. It turns out that even if the kite with broken line flies high, it will fall down sometimes.

And these make me understand that no matter when and where, there will always be some concerns, and these concerns are my most reliable spiritual support.

Kite Composition (9)

Who says life is boring? Isn't imagination rich and colorful? Watching the kites flying all over the sky in autumn, my mind began to turn over the imaginary chapters.

Sometimes it is like a butterfly, flapping its wings, no matter how many obstacles in front of it, looking for the deepest sweet fragrance; Sometimes, like an eagle, he refined his character, strengthened his physique, and walked alone to fight against the highest mountain peak; If the blue sky is a drawing board, the kite is a beautiful painting with colorful colors on it; What else does it look like? It is all kinds of strange things. It is hoped by people. It is controlled by people but yearns for freedom, like those poets who are entangled in reality and dreams. It may not have great achievements, but it is working hard to achieve its small goals step by step, isn't it good?

In other words, it is more like a student who works hard and starts to learn, works hard and finally learns every day.

What we have to face is dozens of examinations. Every time, we have to restrain our heart from beating wildly because of nervousness, and then we can throw ourselves into the bitter sea of learning. All kinds of strict discipline by parents, no matter how much we don't like to listen, we have to submit to it for your own good. Therefore, we will continue to obey unconditionally. There is no doubt that this is a kite line that binds our young, frivolous hearts and our bodies yearning for freedom. However, when we complain, we may forget that it is not easy to fly kites. They need to be careful and carefully support us to fly high. Yes, it's just as difficult as planting a straight and unyielding young tree that will not be eaten up by insects. Their responsibility is so great, but they have never cried out pain or fatigue. In front of our parents' selfless dedication, do we still have the right to complain? Each of us has his own long way of life. We can't do it like a kite. We pursue freedom, and have a carefree life. Although the love of parents, like this kite line, has tied our hearts that we occasionally want to escape, we pick a light flower, walk in the quiet village at night, listen to the beautiful rhythm of nature, and the unique music of beetle musicians. More likely, we can also get more contact with nature, and feel relaxed, Freedom is no longer so far away.

When the wind blows the kite away, the square becomes cold gradually. My heart is shaking, and life is as diverse as the kite on the square. Everyone who flies a kite has his own way. It's me, you, him, her, and it.

Kite Composition (10)

After school on Friday afternoon, the teacher assigned us to make kites on weekends. He handed out the materials and let us take them home to work with our family.

On Saturday, my father and I started to work together. First, I went to buy paste, colored paper, and several thin threads. With the materials ready, we began to make kites.

The frame I made is soil shaped, which is the oldest practice before, but it is also very beautiful if it is well done. First, make a kite frame with bamboo sticks, then stick rice paper with paste and dry it. The last is the tail. I made the tail in the way the teacher said, and a kite was finished.

It happened to be sunny that day, so we went to test fly the kite. Put on the string and ask another person to take the kite in the back. As soon as he let go, I ran, but it was a pity that I didn't fly up for the first time. After my observation, I found that the rice paper was broken in some places, and I immediately stuck it with transparent glue. The second test flight was successful. As soon as I saw the kite flying into the sky, I ran very fast, and the kite flew very high. Unexpectedly, the line broke

The kite flew to Shangshe, and I caught up with it. Later, it took a lot of effort to catch up. Later, it was improved. I believe it will fly higher on the day of Kite Festival.

I'm looking forward to the Kite Festival coming soon, so that I can fly happily.

Kite Composition (11)

Today, the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. My father said it was a good day to fly kites, so my family went to the municipal government square happily. When I was about to arrive at my destination, I looked from afar and saw all kinds of kites flying freely in the blue sky. They were colorful, up and down, left and right. Some were robot cats, some were green dragonflies, and some were flower butterflies

We began to fly kites. I took the kite, and my father took the spool and began to try to make the kite fly high. But kites like naughty children always fall from the sky and watch others' kites dancing in the air. I couldn't help myself, so I said to my father, "It doesn't look difficult, let me try it!" My father handed me the kite, and I ran and flew with the kite as I did just now, but the result was not as good as my father! It's just like this for two consecutive times. It's still the same. I'm worried. At this time, a grandpa who was also flying a kite looked at us and said to me, "My child, let me help you. You raise the kite with your left hand and hold the string with your right hand. When the wind blows, you will run against the wind" Oh! I see! Grandpa demonstrated his actions as he spoke. Watching the kite rise to the sky bit by bit, I am very grateful to my grandfather and think he is really great.

After a while, the kite was caught by a branch, and Dad took it down with great effort. We put it in another place without trees. Because there is no wind, it hasn't been put up for a long time. Suddenly, a strong wind blew over. God helped me! Dad shouted to release, I quickly release, ah! Our dragonfly finally flies to the sky again! Slowly, we finally learned how to fly a kite. As soon as the wind blows, we will quickly fly the line. The dragonfly kite was flying in the air. Its green body, colorful patterns and a long tail were so cute.

Looking at the flying kites, I understand that no matter what you do, as long as you have patience and confidence, and master certain methods, things will be done well and succeed.

Kite Composition (12)

Last Saturday, I went to Xicheng Square to buy books.

The hot sun baked the earth, and the sunlight emitted from the ground hurt my eyes, but the wind was very strong, blowing my hair on my face, and sometimes it stopped blowing, which made me a little upset.

At this time, a kite flew over my head, and I felt a little cool because of the small shadow. But the kite flying overhead fell to the ground, looking a bit "embarrassed". "Alas! We failed again, or we should go back. It's too hot to see clearly, and the wind is too cloudy and sunny. How can we fly a kite?" A middle-aged man said to a woman about his age. "Never mind, try again! It will succeed." said the woman. Hearing this, I stopped, found a shady place to sit down and watched with interest how they fly kites in this weather.

"Whew..." The man took a deep breath and slowly shortened the rope until the line was only one meter away. Then he ran with the kite. A kite is shaped like a swallow, with several skeletons supporting it. It seems that it is the kind of kite that is often sold and bought cheaply. The man ran for a while and then let the kite fly up into the sky slowly. Suddenly, a messy strong wind blew, and the kite immediately shook violently, swinging from side to side. The man hurried to speed up his running speed and tightly grasped the kite line, trying to make the kite stable. Seeing the rickety kite, my heart also involuntarily lifted. Women are also men who stare at the kite and run below.

"Ah!" I shook my head regretfully, looked at the kite that fell again, sighed, and prepared to go into the bookstore to buy books. But behind him came a faint but determined voice: "Come again!"

When I walked out of the bookstore, I squinted to the sky and didn't expect to see the kite - but I really saw a small black spot moving in the sky. Look carefully - it's the swallow kite! On the ground, men and women are smiling and squinting at the small kites in the sky, with bright and clean sweat on their forehead. It seems that kite flying is not easy.

On the way home, I thought: "As a human being, we should have the spirit of never giving up and perseverance. We should not give up easily, no matter whether it is big or small."

Kite Composition (13)

The spring wind can't disperse my sadness; Flowers are beautiful, my heart is still closed. Perhaps as a kite, my destiny is to be imprisoned by a thin thread forever, never be able to remove the shackles tied to my body, and can only stop looking at the free birds forever. Even if I am covered in beautiful colored clothes, my smile will not bloom. It is better to let the wind rip me violently. Even if I am bruised all over, I will break free and embrace the sky.

What a child wants

In March, the grass grows and the birds fly. The time is bright. The soft spring wind like gauze dyed the mountains green and brushed the water green. It lifted beautiful paper kites and flew into the blue sky to arouse me who had been studying hard at the desk. Through the locked window, I couldn't help looking at those kites with envy. It must be that the children who lead the kite line are laughing and running. As a peer, I have to work in school, tutorial class and study every day. My kite has already become a part of my memory. Alas, when can I hold the paper kite in hand and release my happiness in the east wind?

Unbearable lightness

Happiness comes too suddenly. At the moment when I was free, I was too excited to be myself. The bird sings softly, and he cheers for me; The big tree swayed in the wind, and he was happy for me. Taking advantage of the warm spring breeze, I can't help dancing in the air. However, I soon found that the taste of freedom may not be sweet. Because I don't have the wings of birds and the traction of kite lines, I can only be at the mercy of the wind. Soon, the strong wind knocked me into a tree. My noble clothes were cut by sharp branches, my dream of freedom was bound by the rusty leaves, and the wind was sneering, and I was cold hearted.

Take advantage of the east wind to release the paper kite

When I found the broken kite in the tree, I was in high spirits. Although it is dilapidated, I repaired it carefully while my parents were away. The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke. I hold a new kite and fly with my laughter under the blue sky.


It seems that this is my destiny. I said to the kite line, still with a trace of reluctance and regret in my tone.

This is your mission. The kite line said faintly, then fell silent again.

The child's innocent and happy smile accompanied by the colorful spring breeze gently brushed me, and I felt the warmth and happiness I had missed for a long time. Maybe what the kite line said is right.

Kite Composition (14)

Huang Huang

Kite is something people are familiar with and like; Everyone likes flying kites, so Coca Cola destroyed us this Friday. What are you asking? Of course it has something to do with kites. It was necessary to fly kites at the class meeting on Friday afternoon. At the thought of that scene, I would smile.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon is easier than looking forward to this day, and the whole class can't help being full of joy. In the afternoon, the class was full of kites, and the eyes were full of beautiful things. This kind of plane is better, and that kind of bird is also better. It is really possible to open a kite auction. Just after class, the kites had spread out, big and small, crowded, and filled the table, no one could see. The teacher took us to the playground. With the kite flying, our hearts flew into the clouds.

My kite is triangular, its color is rainbow, very beautiful. I first put some strings on the kite, and then when it got up, I threw it out, ran against the wind, and put out the strings while sending them up with the other hand. Get up, get up, the kite is blowing! It danced in the sky for a while, but this day it did not go according to people's wishes. The wind gradually weakened and stopped, and the kite fell like a fallen leaf. I collected some lines and thought it would be better, but the kite did not fall worse. Wind, why don't you blow! eye

Watching the kite fall to the ground, I ran quickly, picked up the line and patiently took it. It doesn't matter. It's all windy; I comfort myself. It's windy again. "Hu Jingya, please help me lift it up", I said as I let go. Hu Jingya picked up the kite, and I said "OK". She let go, so the kite wanted to get close to the clouds again and chat with the birds. I ran and soon ran from one end of the playground to the other. What should I do? I have to run with the wind and run faster, but I lost my strength. So the kite took away my enthusiasm, brought back my loss, and caught my lost eyes. Once again, this idea forced me, who was already very tired, to rush to the kite again happily, pick up the line, and patiently get it... I repeated the "tragedy" again. Again, twice, three times. Every time. The wind is strange. My sadness is not repeated on some students, and some students fly kites well. Looking up, there is a kite whispering to the white clouds in the sky. This is Liu Xingyu's kite. He has been able to stop. His eyes were fixed on the kite in the sky, but his hand was shaking the tool that twined the string. He could not see whether it was drawing or paying off. His kite was flying and floating in the air, but the wind had stopped. He has been roaming in the air for quite some time, but the kite hasn't fallen yet.

I failed, but I want to learn from my failure. Flying kites also has a philosophy! I want to tell you:

——Whether a kite is good or not depends not on the price, but on the height it flies.

Kite Composition (15)

"Children come back early from school. They are busy putting paper mandarin in the east wind." Winter quietly recedes, and spring is coming with a brisk pace! The warm wind wakes up the green grass; The sky is blue, like water washed; The white clouds are soft, like spring girls in white clothes, dancing. Xiaopeng, Xiaojun and Xiaohong fly kites in the park.

They came to Kite Square. Ah! Look, there are so many people flying kites! The sky has been filled with all kinds of kites, including lively and lovely little goldfish, brave eagle flying high, and the big centipede with countless feet... They are really like naughty elves, dragging colorful tails, playing with white clouds. It's very beautiful!

A family of three in the distance, the children dragged the kite line and flew the colorful triangular kite into the sky, smiling happily. The father beside said to his mother, "Do you think the kite looks like a roc flying high?" "Yes!" The mother said, "If our children grow up and fly high like kites, how happy we are!"

The three of them were envious. So Xiaopeng said to Xiaojun, "Let's fly kites, too!" After saying that, Xiao Peng and Xiao Peng Jun immediately ran up the slope, ready to fly their swallow kites. Xiaopeng pulled the string in his left hand and held the spool in his right hand. Xiaojun held the kite above his head. Xiaopeng shouted, "Fly!" Xiaojun gently released his hand in his direction. He ran against the wind, pulling the string and looking back at the kite. Xiaopeng and Xiaojun shouted with one voice: "Little Swallow is flying to heaven! Little Swallow is flying to heaven!" The kite flew higher and higher with the breeze, Sometimes I turn over several somersaults, as if playing with the "little goldfish" kite; Sometimes around the "centipede" kite to show off their beauty and lightness; Sometimes he pushed his sharp head to the ground, but immediately jumped up from the ground playfully. Xiaohong danced happily on the edge, and Xiaojun turned a somersault excitedly.

"You are wonderful!" Xiaohong said, "Can you teach me how to fly a kite?" "Of course, you can have a look, and I will give you a demonstration." Xiaohong was very focused on watching Xiaopeng's demonstration, and she learned to fly a kite. Her The "butterfly" kite also flew into the sky, with a relaxed mood and happy dance.

There were shouts, laughter, and running voices from the grass... Even the birds flew to join in the fun. The partners had a great time.

Kite Composition (16)

Once there was a world-famous litterateur who wrote the article "Kite" because of his unparalleled regret for plundering his younger brother's kite dream when he was a teenager, which moved us. Childhood is ridiculous, and childlike fun is priceless.

Kite is a good memory of our childhood, because it makes our childhood full of mythical color, gorgeous and colorful.

Look, how high and far the kite with its wings stretched out flies, flying with the wind, dancing beautifully, showing off its beautiful posture, and how eager it is that the long rope tied under its belly can be longer, longer, or even infinitely long, so that it can fly freely under the blue sky, overlooking all the vast oceans, vast grasslands, and majestic peaks, Bring endless happiness to children.

And the children standing on the ground flying kites, how innocent, pure, lively and lovely they are. They are extremely happy because of this beautiful kite. They are discussing the beauty of the dancing butterfly, or the spectacular centipede dragging its feet, or

As time flies by, time flows by us like water. We have also moved from our dreamy childhood to our wonderful youth, but the beautiful kite will always accompany us. As time goes by, we are also under more and more heavy learning pressure. At this time, how much we yearn for freedom, relax our mind, drift with the wind, have our own heaven and earth like a kite, dare to fly, dare to fight with enthusiasm, ride the wind in many difficulties and never give up.

"The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will turn to ashes and tears before it dries." There are too many devotees around us who are like "spring silkworm" and wax torch, who are dedicating their youth and life. The hardworking gardeners are like the long ropes under the belly of a kite. They always tie the strings well, lest they be damaged by the wind and become useless. What they hope more is that we can fly better and farther and become the flower and pillar of our country. "The lotus grows out of the mud and does not stain, and Zhuo Qinglian does not enchant." If the lotus had not been nurtured by the mud, could it have a noble lotus today? While lotus is called a symbol of purity, it belittles the nature of mud.

I love kites, not only because they have given us our dreamy childhood, but also because they are the ones who offer themselves silently like the long rope under their belly.