At that Moment I 600 (Collection 18)
My heart is still there
2024-03-09 07:58:57
junior middle school

At that moment I 600 (1)

In the long history of memory, there is one thing that moved me most deeply and inspired me most. In the moment I was touched, I really understood the meaning and truth of life!

The rain is still falling, and the rain fog is hanging over the roof and floating in the sky. The fog, thin as a layer of yarn, seems to break it with a touch... The rain stopped, and the hot and dry weather became much cooler; The sky becomes clearer after the washing of rain; The air is also more fresh after being filtered by the rain, and the sunshine after the rain is particularly bright and warm, which makes people's hearts warm.

As I walked, my eyes fell on a corner of the wall: this was a middle-aged man, about 50 or 60 years old, with disheveled hair and dusty face, so dirty that I could no longer see the original skin color. His eyes were covered with blood, and he wiped every tear with his rough hand from time to time. His clothes were too torn to be broken, and he was disabled. When I saw his appearance, I felt a pity. I really want to help him. But when I took out the money in my pocket, I was a little reluctant. Because I thought of the indescribable happiness, warmth and fullness of being immersed in the book. I put the money into my pocket again: "Alas, forget it. Don't make a fool of yourself. I can only feed him with this money, and I can't help him much." But he is so pathetic. I can't bear it... Just when I hesitated, an old lady in rags led her little granddaughter to her. She took out her pocket for a long time, Just then she pulled out a roll of crumpled change. Just as she was about to give the money to the middle-aged man, the little granddaughter pulled at the corner of her coat behind her and said, "Grandma, I'm hungry." The old lady wavered, her cracked hands clutching the money, and her palms were sweating. For a long time, the old woman reluctantly gave the money she earned from selling waste products to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man took the money and was about to thank her. The old woman had led her granddaughter away without saying a word. The middle-aged man looked at the figure of the old woman who had gone away. He saw the figure go from clear to vague, from vague to disappeared. Soon, his eyes were full of tears. At the moment, my tears have crept into my heart unconsciously and turned in my eyes. Not only I, but everyone around me has shed tears.

This is moving and unforgettable; Grandma's kind heart is even more unforgettable. This kind heart shines like gold. It shines with the sun, brighter and more dazzling than the sun. May this heart always exist in people's chest and emit the most brilliant, dazzling, dazzling and brilliant light in the world!

At that moment I 600 (2)

Life is rich and colorful, with joy, sadness, sadness and emotion. You know what? Moving is a valuable thing, which is transmitted by people's hearts.

That was last year, but I still remember the scene vividly.

At that time, the school brigade department was going to elect members of the brigade, and I was one of the candidates. Mr. Ye, the counselor of the brigade department, asked us all to organize a good group of relatives and friends, at least four people.

Of course, I had already made preparations. I had already arranged nine students to be friends and relatives: Du Xintao, my deskmate, Lu Bin, Zhang Haoxiang, Wu Qianjun and other students. They all agreed at once. Only Du Xintao and Wu Qianjun were a little nervous about going to school TV station, but after my persuasion, they also agreed.

At noon on Friday, when I was about to run for members of the brigade, I counted the number of relatives and friends, and found that there were two people missing. What was the matter?

"Chen Han, Ye Qianheng is in charge of the management in the class, and Hua Jiawei has gone to the chess class." Lu Bin told me why.

I see. It shouldn't be a big problem. There are two people missing, and there are still seven. I was relieved.

The No. 1 contestant has started to read the election script, and it will be my turn soon. However, something went wrong at that time - Du Xintao, Wu Qianjun, Chen Andi and Zhou Zhanghong "fled at the moment". In a twinkling of an eye, nine people became three, ah, the number is not enough!

I was so worried that I was like an ant on a hot pot. At this urgent moment, suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder. It was Lu Bin. He calmly said to me that he and Zhang Haoxiang had practiced what they wanted to say, and called two students to "help".

Hearing these words was like giving me a reassurance, and I immediately settled down. At the same time, my heart is warm, as if a warm current flows through my heart. I think it must be the so-called moving.

Ah, I found a touch and found a beautiful thing. It is it that adorns the colorful life, and it is it that embellishes the colorful life!

At that moment I 600 (3)

The north wind is already howling, and plum blossoms have already blossomed all over the branches, showing their unique style in the cold winter. The grass has gone into the warm soil and hibernated, quietly waiting for the arrival of spring.

I walked in the street. There were only a few leaves on the branches. When the wind blew, they fell in the air, like a butterfly flying into my hands. And it fell on my cheek and touched my face, feeling cold.

At this time, the rain broke through the cloud and came to the world with a parachute. They landed on the floor, on the roof, on the branches... and beat me mercilessly in my cold hands. Ah, it's over, it's over, it's really over! Beans of rain wet my black hair. I'm running in the rain, running.

The rain slipped from my hands to my toes. It wetted my beautiful and colorful clothes and made me shiver. It blurred the road ahead. I fell down carelessly and fell into helpless darkness. I could not see the end and the light. In the blur, I struggled to get up and continued to run in the rain, as if I could never reach my warm home. At that moment, she stretched out her hands and looked at me with gentle eyes. The shining eyes, staring at me; The bright smile encouraged me to run forward. She gave me an umbrella to accompany me home... I cried and was moved.

Many years later, when I think of it, my heart is always warm, very warm. Ah, at that moment, I was moved.

At that moment I 600 (4)

On a cold winter night, you may be moved by a warm embrace; In the long dark night, you may be moved by a beam of light; Boundless desert, you may be moved by a green oasis. People's life has been touched a lot, all from that moment.

In the desolate street, the shadows of trees are whirling, the shadows of the moon and cicadas are chirping, and a slender street lamp is like a pearl at night embellishing this flawless summer night. Only one light illuminates the people's hearts. The road is long, the night is long, and only this street lamp is still guiding, as if shouting: "Come on! There is still a way ahead!"

Years of wind and rain have already made Red Rust climb onto his body, tottering. It seems that once the wind blows, he will always sleep on the ground. In the cold night, the waning moon shrank behind the blue clouds, and a cold wind came roaring, rolled up the fallen dead leaves and threw them into the air. Then, with a burst of angry thunderstorms, it slashed the dark night, and white lights seemed to fall to the ground and hit the gaunt street lamp.

"Puff! Puff!" The street lamp was still struggling, hoping to continue to light up the terrible rainy night. "Puff!" The lamp went out, and the rainstorm became more rampant. The pricked rain fell madly into the ground, and the poplar trees on both sides were ferocious, no longer as kind as before. He is old and finally laid off, leaving only a pile of scrap metal and a unwilling heart.

Without lights, people began to feel overwhelmed and helpless. The road ahead was like an endless abyss, confusing the heart with no sense of direction. People are only now aware of the importance of street lights, hoping to come early at dawn.

The next day, when I accidentally passed the street, I saw a small, green, vigorous young plant growing out of the crack of the street lamp. It was very fragile in this dark night.

A few days later, I had forgotten about the unknown seedling, but tonight there was ink in the sky, and it seemed that it would rain at any time. Then I remembered the nameless seedling in the rusty street lamp. Out of pity, I took an umbrella to pray that he could survive this stormy night.

Eh? How can there be light? Isn't the street lamp broken? Closer up, I was shocked: those were colorful paper lanterns painted with cute graffiti. The tender lines lit the fire in the night, flashing a gentle breath, and seemed so warm and touching in the humble night. A pink lantern is hung on a strong branch, which makes the branch more bright. The once ordinary sapling has grown as strong as a baby's arm. Is your nutrient the persistence after setbacks?

A familiar wind blew, mixed with a little rain, and the expected thunderstorm finally came, as magnificent as before, as if to destroy this ordinary world. I started to want to protect the growing branch, but how can my own strength compare with the strength of nature? Just when I sighed and gave up for these poor lanterns, a group of children younger than me came to me with flower umbrellas and held up their umbrellas to resist.

These lanterns were made by them. They just wanted to light up the whole night, but they did it. The lanterns were finally extinguished, but at the moment when they were extinguished, I was moved that the real fire would not be extinguished, and they were burning in our hearts. As long as we did not give up and discouraged, it would burn endlessly in the world!

At that moment I 600 (5)

The river, winding through the mountains and forests, is the only communication between the small town people and the outside world.

The ship, with its simplicity in the vicissitudes of life, became the only means of transportation in the town.

The man, with a kind heart, is the only ferry in the town.

Not understood.

He silently took over the pole that many people were unwilling to take. He went to meet the villagers in the small town in the wind and rain every day, and was full of his faltering footprints. The old mute worked for nothing, and he never asked for anything. People say he is "stupid".

The old mute felt deeper and deeper pain of not being understood.

Hope to be understood.

The wild flowers on both banks are in full bloom, red and yellow, reflecting some blue tail grass and green river water. On the way to the shore, a child accidentally dropped a shoe into the water, and several young people nearby also looked at the child. The old mute had already put the boat on the bank, then threw the pole, jumped into the waist deep river, and groped hard. He smiled and handed the shoes to the child.

Physical defects made him feel contempt and humiliation, but he was not depressed. He wants to do something for everyone, to gain people's understanding and recognition with his great love. Nobody can hear.

Be understood.

In order to save a drowning child, the deaf mute ferry man tried his best to rest quietly in the river where he had crossed countless boats. People finally realized their unforgivable mistakes and deeply repented. The beauty of the ugly old man's heart was finally recognized after his death.

The ancient ferry is still here, but the fragrant wild flowers have withered. The small ferryboat is still working faithfully. The river is flowing without turning back. As usual, only a few faint blue tail grass are floating in the river~~

Xiaohe remembers this revolutionary whose heart is like dew and body is like grass.

The birds by the river remember that the old man who has a tenacious life like a revolution added infinite scenery to the river.

I remember the boat at the ancient ferry. I remember this ordinary and moving person.

At that moment I 600 (6)

Shortly after returning home, an autumn rain came as scheduled. The raindrops were beaten on the window by the strong wind and hogged into the house. I hurried to close the window, but my clothes were still wet by the raindrops. Suddenly, a chill irritated my nerves, so I hurriedly found a clothes from the wardrobe and changed the wet clothes.

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone knocking at the door. Who? My father and mother will not leave work at this hour. Who is visiting in this stormy day?

I looked out through the door mirror, and only one old woman in her fifties and sixties was standing outside the door. Her clothes had been drenched with rain. Hair sticks to your face in strands. I hurriedly opened the door.

"Girl, you forgot to take the money I gave you just now, and I sent it to you!" The old woman opened her tightly held hands. Pass me a twenty yuan note.

I remember, this old grandma is the one who runs a small shop in the community. Just now I went to her store to buy something. Seeing that it was going to rain, I forgot even her change for me, so I hurried home.

"My child, I'm afraid you are worried. I asked several people before I knew you lived here, so I sent it to you in a hurry!"

I took the money from my grandma. I really don't know what to say! People of this age came to my door to send me 20 yuan in the face of the wind and rain. This is definitely not a simple way to express my respect for her by saying thank you.

I took the old woman's hand and hurried to the house to let her, because what I can do now is to find a clean towel and let the old man wipe the water off his head!

The old man smiled: "Don't use the child. My shop is unattended. I'll take it back to take care of it!" Then, despite my detention, the old lady walked downstairs with difficulty, holding the assistant of the stairs. When I looked at her back, I was suddenly surprised. It turned out that the old lady was disabled!

Alas! At such an age and in such a weather, I let the old man...... Because of my carelessness.

At this time, I didn't have time to think much about it, so I ran down the stairs quickly and took up my grandmother's arm.

At that moment I 600 (7)

Whenever I see abandoned dogs on the street, I will remember those years

It was very hot in the summer. My grandma and I were going to the supermarket. As soon as I went out, I heard strange footsteps. I followed the sound curiously. A brown haired puppy slowly jumped down from upstairs with short limbs and a round body. There was a little sadness in his eyes. It was obviously abandoned by the owner. As soon as he saw me, he walked around me, and then quietly lay at my feet to let me take him in. Such a cute puppy, there is no one who is not lovable! But when I thought that my mother would not allow me to keep pets, I took my mind back.

My uncle downstairs had a dog, so I sent the dog to my uncle. Then my grandma and I went to the supermarket with peace of mind. When I came back, I asked my uncle, "Where is the puppy?" "He is sleeping!" He said with a smile. But the next day, the dog disappeared. I never saw it again for a year.

Once, when I went out to eat, I happened to see it. It turned out that it was taken in by the daughter of the restaurant owner, and I was gradually relieved. The hair on his body grew longer, his fat body made his legs appear shorter and smaller, and his ears were more soft and close to his forehead. He is probably two years old, when he was young and energetic, but his eyes are still full of sadness.

On the way back, I walked on the overpass and saw an old man kneeling quietly on the ground. The white paper in front of me was wrinkled. It said: "My son will drive me out of the house and hope that some kind person will take me in.". Passers by looked hurried, and most of them glanced at each other and left. At this time, a dirty dog ran over and circled the old man for several times, still wagging its tail. The old man smiled calmly, took out half of the steamed bread from the broken bowl, and slowly put it in front of the dog. The dog sniffed closely and began to gobble up.

A gust of wind brushed my face, soft, warm, my tears slowly fell

At that moment I 600 (8)

From my memory, there are many unforgettable things, just like the sand on the ground, the stars in the night sky, and the leaves on the trees. But what I will never forget is that a big sister I never knew helped me buy a ticket.

That day, I went home by bus as usual. After getting on the bus, I wanted to take one yuan out of my pants pocket to buy a ticket, but I couldn't touch it. Will it "run" to other places mischievously? A big question mark appeared in my mind. So I opened my schoolbag and turned it upside down, but there was no sign of one yuan. I was so worried that I was like an ant on a hot pot - round and round, tears were already in my eyes. The ticket clerk's aunt shouted at the top of her voice: "Those who haven't bought tickets should buy tickets quickly. Have you bought tickets, kids, I hope someone can help me, but they also seem to regard me as a ticket dodger, and no one can help me, which makes me very embarrassed.

When I was at a loss, a voice came out: "Little sister, this is the one yuan you just dropped out of your pocket, here." She handed the one yuan to the conductor. I looked at her carefully: long hair, beautiful face. Just when I wanted to step forward to thank her and make friends with her, the bus arrived and she got off.

When I opened the pencil box to do my homework after I got home, I found that the one yuan was lying in it well. Then I remembered that I took out the one yuan in my pocket and put it in the pencil box before PE class today. I think the elder sister must have taken out the money to prevent me from being misunderstood by others. I really regret that I didn't say thank you to the unknown elder sister. If there is a time reversal machine, I will say "thank you" to her. Maybe this is just a small thing, but it is deeply impressed in my mind, moving me, and it often urges me to be willing to help others.

Moving is the noble emotion of human beings. It is our helping hand when we need help.

At that moment I 600 (9)

It was really a sight that moved me.

The walls of the courtyard are covered with creepers, one by one. The tender green makes people love it. Once, I came out to relax when I failed in the exam and caught a glimpse of the creepers on the wall. Eh? They are gone, leaving only a few leaves hanging on the wall, pitiful. Alas, they are just like me.

"These little guys will grow again..." An old man came with a stick, accompanied by a cough. "Why do you say that, Grandma?" I was curious. "People, sometimes they are not as good as the creepers. After a blow, they can't get over it. Alas, the creepers are stronger than people..." I was stunned. They all look like this. Will they really "regenerate"? I was silent. After walking, I went home.

The heavy workload of study made me breathless, so I invited my mother out for a walk.

Passing the yard again, the eyeful of green really grew up again as Grandma said. Seeing that I was stunned, my mother asked me what was wrong. I pointed to the creeper, and my mother smiled: "Isn't it beautiful?" I nodded. Their beauty, from the inside to the outside, made me awestruck. Unexpectedly, they would be so strong and moving.

"Little girl, here we go again? Look, they are growing again..." Grandma stood beside me at some time. "Little girl, one blow is nothing, and it will pass... As long as you work hard, there is no difficulty..." I listened to the old man's words and cheered for myself. I can definitely get good grades! You can definitely make it.

Later, I moved home, far away from the creeper. Although I could not see the green, I was always moved when I thought of it. The creeper was so strong. Why can't I be like it? Yes, what does a setback count for? Get up your courage and face difficulties with your head held high, and everything will be solved! Parthenocissus, you really touched me!

That scene, that piece of green, that move, no, that is the move that I can not forget, let me remember in my heart.

At that moment I 600 (10)

Who sent me a cool wind in summer? Who extended a pair of warm hands for me in the cold? This man is my mother. My mother always infected me deeply with her words and deeds.

I remember that it was just the second grade. At that time, I always liked to play with water and sand. I always made my clothes dirty and changed them every day. Mother never complained about the hard work of washing clothes. On that day, I was free again, so I played with water again. I took two mineral water bottles, filled them with water, carefully lifted them, poured them into the small sand pile next to me, and then played. I soon rolled the sand into balls, and then squeezed the sand into strips. At this time, I found my sleeves were wet, but I still wanted to play, so I didn't care about it, When I went to fetch water again, you found that you said something about me, but you didn't know that my sleeve was wet by water. After more than two hours, I went to touch the sleeve and found that it was dry, so I left it alone.

After dinner, I played for a while and went to bed. At five o'clock in the morning, my whole body began to heat up. My mother felt that my body was very hot, so she immediately woke up from the dream, dressed me, and carried me out to find a doctor. It was only five o'clock at that time, and the nearby clinics didn't open, so they held me and ran to a clinic about 1000 meters away from our home, which was open 24 hours a day. When I arrived, my mother was tired and panting, but she didn't have time to rest. She helped the doctor take my temperature, assisted the nurse to give me an injection, and then took me home to boil water for medicine. That night, my mother didn't close her eyes. She kept putting ice on my forehead. My cough worried my mother. At that time, I was too young to thank my mother, but I fell asleep foolishly.

However, every time I recall this event, my heart is always moved involuntarily, and tears in my eyes can't help falling down, wetting my face.

At that moment I 600 (11)

Sitting in a quiet courtyard, the breeze blows gently, chilly, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on my face, lazy. Holding a family photo in her hand, the girl's face was full of happiness.

Most of the children at the age of 16 or 17 are rebellious. The girl looked at the family photo in her hand and remembered yesterday.

Yesterday, I quarreled with my mother. Now I don't think the reason for the quarrel is a big problem. Looking back on the scene when I quarreled with my mother, I feel very aggrieved. I always feel that my mother is making trouble for no reason. If I can't say 5 words to her, I start to quarrel. Alas! In fact, I don't want to do that either. I always think my mother is too strict and doesn't leave me any room.

Mother came back, I pretended not to see it, and kept playing with the computer without looking up. At this time, my mother started a war again: "The computer is hot, you know how to play all day long, how can you be like a fourth day student? Turn off the computer quickly!" I also did not give in: "Who said I know how to play all day long? Did you see it when I was studying? Do you think that the fourth grader should be like a bookworm and hold a 'Guan Guan Ju Jiu' all day long? It's not good to stop looking for trouble? " After saying that, I angrily turned off the computer, ran out of the house and walked on the street.

In the evening, the street was empty, and my stomach was so hungry that I was "cooing". The wind in the evening was cold and made me shiver, but I still stubbornly refused to go home. I didn't want to see my mother's angry face. I hung my head and walked aimlessly. Suddenly, a light came into my sight. When I looked up, I went back to my home. At this time, my mother was standing at the door, her eyes were intricate. At that moment, I seemed to see that there were worries, remorse, anxiety, and worry in those eyes. At last, she seemed to be relieved again, as if a big stone had been put down in her heart. I tried to hold back the tears that would flow out for a long time and walked towards her.

Passing by her side, I heard a voice that couldn't be more smiling and said, "I'll put my meal in the incubator, and you can eat it." I was stunned, and the tears I tried to hold back could no longer be held back. I got into my mother's arms, ah! Mother's arms are so warm! This long lost hug! I burst into tears. My mother patted my head happily, with an uncertain expression.

Yes, she is a mother, who loves me and cares about me! Why should I haggle over every ounce? Regret, regret

At that moment, I will never forget it. The special love my mother gave me will never be forgotten in this life.

At that moment I 600 (12)

At the end of another semester, I sent ten graduating classes away. In the course of a year's common life, I forged a deep friendship with students. From the initial lack of understanding, after a year of running in, our mutual feelings became deeper. Students greeted me from afar, until now they suddenly came to me to frighten me or give me a surprise, From strange fear to present sincere respect. Each of these small details has brought the feelings of teachers and students closer subtly.

Today is the last geography class in this class. When I walked into the class, the atmosphere was not as active as usual. It seemed to be heavy in the air. I was affected by this atmosphere and walked onto the platform. The whole class stood up and gave warm applause under the monitor's command. At this moment, I can't express my innermost feelings. I bowed deeply to the class. This scene seems to be so familiar. At this time of year, there is a lot of reluctance between me and the students. I sincerely treat every student, from passionate teaching in the classroom, clear blackboard writing on the blackboard, careful lesson preparation in the courseware, careful correction in homework, sincere communication in the conversation, all of which let me devote myself to education and teaching. The students are more and more obedient, more and more fond of learning geography, and more and more sensible. I see all this in my eyes and remember it in my heart,

On the bookcase at home, I saw hundreds of thank-you letters sent to me by students this year, which made me feel that these stacks of students gave me heavy hopes and deep feelings. I am reluctant to throw away these things, because these are not only pieces of paper, but also beautiful memories.

what is it? This is the teacher's happiness! It has been recognized and loved by the students! And I feel pressure, because I want to become more competent, I want to be worthy of every student. When they grow up and finish their studies, they take away gratifying transcripts and leave behind memorable emotional fragments. I love my students, I like my career, because I not only educate students, students also educate me, they are also my mentors!

At that moment I 600 (13)

What will move you? It is the friendship support from others that warms your heart; It is the open embrace of the family window that makes you memorable; Or does the parting of life and death in the movie plot make you cry like rain? In my mind, there was a small thing that kept the cold winter warm. Its occurrence made my calm heart like being thrown into a pebble, which stirred up ripples. It could not be calm for a long time, but slowly rippled away

That winter, I walked alone on my way home, without the company of snowflakes, it was still very cold, and there was a bit more cold. The wind in this winter was too hurtful, and it hurt my face, so I had to pull my hat tightly while walking. At this time, grandpa would pick me up on time by riding an electric bike, but today was an exception. I hesitated outside the school gate for a long time, but still could not see the familiar figure. So, driven by the attitude of complaining to grandpa, I moved slowly towards home step by step.

I don't have a clue about why grandpa didn't come today. I just think grandpa overslept and didn't come. My complaining mood swelled up... But it didn't take long for me to deny this self righteous idea. Grandpa appeared in front of me. He didn't say much, but he was a little sorry in his eyes. Then he handed me two sweets. I touched them and they were hot!

I could not help but see this picture: Grandpa had come to the place to pick me up in advance, but he was preoccupied with me and knew my usual taste of candy, so he went to the familiar canteen to pick up some sugar. Due to the weather, it inevitably delayed some time. The cold wind whistled on the road. Grandpa was afraid that the candy in his pocket would be blown away, so he used his hand to touch the candy from time to time. So when he handed it to me, the sugar was still hot!

Tear open the sugar paper and put it into your mouth. The cold wind is piercing your bones, but your heart is very warm. Our family loves us all the time. We should also know how to appreciate it carefully, repay it, and make the world moved forever!

At that moment I 600 (14)

My friends say that I have a heart of stone. I am a wooden person. However, I was deeply moved that time.

That day, I went to the supermarket alone to buy some snacks. I put on my coat, took my wallet and set out. When I got to the supermarket, I felt a little hot, so I took off my coat and put it in my hand. After strolling around the supermarket, I didn't find my favorite peanut butter, so I went to another supermarket to have a look.

I took a jar of butter peanuts and other snacks from another supermarket. When I went to check out, I found my wallet was lost. At that time, I was sweating and distracted. There was not much money in it, but that wallet was a gift from my best friend. After a long time, I calmed down and slowly recalled what had happened along the way.

I am afraid that I will never be found if I am stolen by a thief or dropped on the road and picked up by others. I felt that I had gone back to look for it. I walked back hopefully, but I didn't find any trace of my wallet. I walked back and forth three times without knowing.

I am completely hopeless.

Later, I thought, I took off my clothes in the supermarket, and my wallet was in my clothes. Will it fall into the supermarket?

With a little hope, I went to the previous supermarket and ran to the service desk to ask the waitress aunt. When she knew my purpose, she asked me some information about the wallet: what color is the wallet, how much money is there, and what else is in it. I answered them one by one.

When she handed her wallet to me, I was very happy. The feeling of regaining it was like eating a cup of cold coke in summer. I asked her who found it, and I would like to thank him. My aunt said that my colleague picked it up and handed it to the service desk. She deliberately said that if the owner came to claim it, never tell the owner her name.

On the way back, I was moved by the man who returned the money. I was really moved. I have no heart of stone.

At that moment I 600 (15)

In life, there are many beautiful feelings, all of which are quietly passed by us inadvertently. My friend, don't let this wonderful feeling slip away from your fingertips like fine quicksand. Please learn to cherish it—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Under the bright light, I was doing my homework carefully, and the pen rustled on my exercise book. Mother kept shuttling back and forth between the kitchen and the bedroom. Every time I look up, I can see my mother's busy figure. The sound of water and bowls in the kitchen made me stop writing and think about something that happened a few days ago.

That day, I didn't do well in a quiz, so I didn't dare to tell my mother when I came home. But later, I didn't know where my mother found out, so she asked me why I didn't tell her. I just said perfunctorily that I didn't do well in the exam. My mother broke the casserole and asked the question to the end. At the end, I said, "Why don't you go to the exam?" My mother's face was gloomy at that time. As expected, my mother has stopped talking to me and joking with me in the past few days.

When my mother saw that I had stopped writing, she came to me and asked me kindly, "Why don't you do it? Are you sleepy?" In the face of this sudden greeting, I suddenly woke up, shook my head to my mother, smiled apologetically, and continued to do my homework. When I looked up again, I found a cup of steaming coffee on the table. Looking at the slowly rising heat, I fell into meditation again

When the evening breeze blew, I couldn't help shivering. My mother came over, touched the cup, and said, "I'll make another cup for you when the coffee is cold." Ah, when the tea is cold, you can change the water, but maternal love is like coffee. You can't change a drop of water. My mother is treating me with her selfless, pure and true love, and never exchange a drop of water.

It took me thirteen years to taste the coffee like maternal love before I could taste its profound meaning and taste. Motherly love is like coffee. It emits a special fragrance with a little bitter taste, but the sweetness always settles at the bottom. Only when you slowly and carefully taste it to the end, can you taste its real delicacy, which is also true of maternal love.

At this time, neither guilt nor gratitude can make up for every disrespect I have shown to my mother in the past 13 years. At this time, I knew that my willfulness and stubbornness had brought too much harm to my mother, but my mother had always used her broad mind to contain all my ignorance and willfulness.

In this quiet and serene night, I once again felt the maternal love. Someone said: Father's love is a mountain and mother's love is a sea, but I think mother's love is sometimes more like a cup of strong coffee: it emits a special fragrance, and sweet is always at the bottom.

At that moment I 600 (16)

In the bustling urban life, people are close to each other, but their hearts are far away. Everyone seems to wear a mask, as if there is no real warmth. I always think that the word "moved" is strange and distant to me. But one thing changed my opinion.

It was the school sports meeting last Friday, and I was lucky to be selected as the last player in the 4 * 100 relay race. Teachers and students have high expectations of us all. The exciting competition started. Standing at the last round, they looked at the last sprinters in other classes. They were all rubbing their fists and ready to pass the baton to their teammates at any time. My heart is uneasy. Can I win them? Can I win honor for class? Did I fail to live up to the expectations of my teachers and classmates? The competition entered a white hot stage. Xiao C, the third runner in our class, gritted her teeth and tried her best to run towards me like stepping on the wind. She was ahead of the other runners.

At the moment of handing in the baton, she said to me, "Come on!" I took the baton and ran desperately, but finally I was overtaken by other classmates. At the end of the game, he kept his head down and said nothing. Tears flickered in his eyes. My heart is full of remorse and guilt. I'm really sorry for our class, I'm sorry for little C. Little C was the first in the third round. But I lost. What will my classmates think of me? At this time, I saw Little C running over with his classmates. Everyone surrounded me, and you comforted me one by one. "Don't do that. It's not that you are slow, but that the opponents of the last team in the other class are too strong. Everyone is big, and of course they run fast." "Don't you blame me? I didn't win a place for the class." "Fool, there are always winners and losers in the competition. It's great that you can represent the class in the competition. I haven't had this chance yet. Let's go. Other students are still waiting for you in the base camp." Everyone crowded around me and walked to the base camp of the class.

For the first time, I was so moved. For the first time, I realized that moving is always there, but I didn't have careful experience. In fact, there are many things in life like fine sand slipping away from your fingers. As long as you feel it with your heart, you will always be touched. This time, I learned to be moved and cherish.

At that moment I 600 (17)

Time flies like an arrow. In the long flow of time, we may forget many things, but this one thing will never forget me!

Remember it was a hot afternoon. "Ringing bell", the radio rang a crisp bell, and the teacher came to the classroom with a steady step holding the test paper. "Boys and girls, the final exam is coming, let's do an exercise today." The teacher said, "Remember, carefully examine the questions, see each question clearly, think clearly what the questions are for you to do, and answer the paper carefully."

The test paper was handed out, and I looked at it, and I was dumbfounded. These are basically calculation problems, and I happen to have a headache about calculation problems. After finishing the exercises, the teacher collected the papers. Some people and I faced the answers and estimated how many points we would get. Half right, I found that I had made a few wrong calculations. At this time, I would no longer evaluate the answers. Because I was afraid that I would make another mistake, I just prayed silently that I would not lose points because of another mistake.

In this PE class, the students were playing happily on the playground, while I was sitting under a ginkgo tree, thinking about life. Suddenly, she came back from the playground and said to me. "Don't be sad anymore. Everyone has a bad exam. Be happy." "Thank you." I said, "Goodbye, I'm going back."

During the big break activity, the teacher came to the classroom with a slightly angry paper. "This exercise is very bad. I will re issue an examination paper in a few days, and you are ready." The teacher said, "Go out if you have made corrections, and stay if you have not made corrections." When I was scheduled to go to the teacher for correction, the teacher said, "Be careful next time. Don't make such mistakes again, and look forward to your performance." I went to the toilet when the teacher finished correcting, When I came back, I found a note on the table. The note said: "Xiaoxinzi, don't be unhappy. This is your favorite red bayberry. Here you are, cheer up."

At this moment, my heart has a warm current called "moving" flowing in my heart, warming my heart! Time is like water, although it has passed for a long time, I still remember it.

At that moment I 600 (18)

One Sunday morning, it was sunny and sunny. I went to school happily. Yes, as I thought, there are many interesting things happening in class today.

After school, I took the bus on my way home. I sat by the window and enjoyed the fun on campus. Suddenly, a kind-hearted old lady got on the bus. Her hair was all white, like long thin silver threads, and like wearing a bright silver hat. She had no seat, so she stood beside me holding the handrail.

At the beginning, Grandma stood steadily, but the car suddenly stopped, and Grandma didn't stand steadily and fell to the ground. The granny groaned in pain, but no one on the bus helped her, as if nothing had happened. The granny was still groaning, her leg was injured, and she wanted to stand up in pain.

At this moment, it seems that there are two villains arguing in my mind, a righteous villain and an evil villain. The just villain said, "Why don't you help her? The old lady's leg is injured." The evil villain said, "Why do so many people on the bus want you to help the old lady? Do you think so?" The just villain said, "Look, the old lady is dying. What if she falls down and has a problem?" The evil villain said, "Aren't you afraid of her touching porcelain?"

Seeing them fight, I said in my mind: "Don't fight, let me find my own way." After some ideological struggle, I decided to listen to the just villain's words and make way for the old lady. After I helped the old lady to her seat, the passengers on the bus cast a favorable look. At the moment, I blushed and looked out of the window.

Yes, at that moment, I have a clear conscience. Let's capture the moment of life together and feel the beauty of life!