Unforgettable Rainy Night (18 Collections)
Drowning in the deep sea
2024-03-21 03:39:39
Junior two

Unforgettable Rainy Night (1)

At night, thunder and lightning, wind and rain poured down, and lightning streaked in the air like silver snakes. This weather reminds me of what happened on another rainy night.

The weather that night was similar to today's, my mother went out to have a parents' meeting, and my father was still at work. There were dark clouds outside the window, and there was no light at all. Soon it began to rain cats and dogs. Seeing the weather like this, I couldn't help being afraid, so I quickly closed the window and drew the curtains. Just as I was pulling the curtains, a thunder hit me, which made me fall down on the ground. It took me a long time to stand up. The weather outside seems to set off my mood. Because the day before yesterday I was reading a novel in class and was found by the teacher, the teacher would definitely tell her about it. I don't know what will happen when my mother comes back

As time went by, I heard a familiar sound of footsteps coming from outside. I quickly picked up a book of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and pretended to look like it was my mother who came back. She took off her shoes and threw the bag aside without expression. I found a trace of disappointment in her eyes. I quickly slipped into the room when she was still paying attention, but soon my mother asked me to leave for dinner as usual. She cooked my favorite grilled fish and stewed my favorite potatoes, but I didn't have any appetite for this large dish of food. And I was so nervous that I didn't know how my mother would treat me.

At the thought of this, my tears of frustration could not help falling down. I said to my mother sheepishly, "Sorry, Mom, I shouldn't be unable to control myself to read novels in class." "If you know something wrong, correct it, and don't do it again." My mother said she put a potato in my bowl, and my heart finally fell.

Unforgettable Rainy Night (2)

"Lying at night listening to the wind and rain, and the iron horse and the glacier dreaming" is the rainy night of the heroes who have not yet achieved their lofty aspirations; "The autumn cloudy does not disperse, the frost flies late, leaving the withered lotus to listen to the sound of rain" is the rainy night of the lonely people who are tossing and turning; "One or two chickens crow in the rain, and Zhuxi Village has a sloping road and bridge" is a rainy night for the leisurely recluse.

"Every family rains in Huangmei season, and there are frogs everywhere in the grass pond". It can be heard, seen, and waited. It is full of vitality. The rain fell on the thousands of tiles in the south of the Yangtze River, gently and heavily, with streams flowing down the eaves. All kinds of percussion sounds and gliding sounds were closely woven into a net. It was late at night, the lights fell, the guests did not arrive, and they were never lonely. They were leisurely, comfortable, and peaceful.

"You asked me about the rainy night in Bashan when I was not due to return. Why should I cut the candles in the west window, but talk about the rainy night in Bashan?" Li Shangyin wrote that the rainy night in autumn is wet and long. The autumn rain is continuous and dense, and the pool is full of autumn. It permeates Bashan and Sichuan, and even the poet's feelings are wet. "The wind is fluttering, the rain is fluttering, when will you return home to wash the guest robes?" The original return date has to be postponed again. Do you also stand by the window at this time? Dim lights shine on the dense rain feet, you use warm fingers to scratch the fog on the window, and draw the name of the person you miss on the cold glass.

The rain at night extinguishes the noise outside and blocks the mountains and rivers. Only the soul is released. "The rain stayed all night long and it was clear, and a hundred worries were like grass growing in the rain." Sorrow was like vigorous grass growing in the rain. Somehow, the reason was even more upset. The poet Xue Feng's thoughts were accompanied by the autumn rain that forgot to stop. "The crow will not fly away when it presses the tree, and it will be cold and clammy when it comes to the window." The crow must have stayed up all night, otherwise why would it have settled in the tree early and stayed there? The cold drum does not strike, but the night is long. "The rain is murmuring outside the curtain, the spring is waning, and the silk quilt can't stand the cold in the fifth hour. In the dream, I don't know that I am a guest, and I have a moment of pleasure." Li Yu, the king of the country lost, sang in the bitter wind and rain. The mountains and rivers were broken, and it was hard to leave his hometown. His heart was bleeding. Only in the dream can I forget the pain of his servants and his motherland. The murmuring spring rain is his torrential tears, and the surging sadness is the hatred of life, which is as long as water.

Yu Qiuyu said, "Just listening to the rain in the night, you will have enough poetry." In this night surrounded by the rain curtain, the steps are bound by the pouring rain, and the thoughts are not faltering. Let them fly freely, stop in Bashan and Shushui, in Jiangnan, in Mobei, and in Bianjing. At this time, the armor of the soul was secretly removed, and many feelings were growing, focused and remote, sensitive and profound.

Those rainy nights, whether poetic, warm or sentimental, are unforgettable!

Unforgettable Rainy Night (3)

A rainy night last winter vacation was so dark and terrible that I still remember it.

That evening, I was watching TV when a rolling caption appeared under the TV: "There will be a heavy rain tonight, please prepare for rain and wind.". When I saw it, I didn't care about it. I thought to myself: No matter how strong the wind or rain is, I can't stay at home anyway! At this moment, a thunderbolt came from the blue. Before I could get back to my senses, I stood on the balcony and looked out. Dark clouds came. The dark clouds are like a big black pot, holding the sky, swallowing the sunset clouds like a huge black mouthful, and galloping in the sky like black horses. When the strong wind blew, it seemed that people would be blown away. People on the street rushed home quickly.

In the evening, the heavy rain really came. It hit the ground like copper coins, making a sound of "Pa Pa", and shot down from top to bottom like a sword. It deserves to be called a rainstorm. When it appeared, people could see its power: the wind blew all the plastic bags and paper on the ground into the air, and the fist sized hail smashed them from the midair onto the ground. The wind and rain were tight, and the downpour fell from the sky, like a silver curtain hanging in the air. There was only the sound of "Hua Hua". The raindrops blew from the sky to the ground like a dense barbed wire. It seemed that the Tianhe River had burst its mouth and poured down torrential rain. The electric pole in front of the door is tottering, while the small trees in the roadside flower beds have already been in contact with the earth, and the sky still makes a "rumbling" sound from time to time. Suddenly, a thunder like a bomb blew people's souls away. The wind is also blowing, which is really an earth shaking scene.

At this time, a minivan came to my house slowly. When I saw the license plate, it was my uncle and aunt. Eh! Why did they come to my house when it rained so heavily? So I sent them umbrellas and asked my uncle; "Uncle, why did you come out after such a heavy rain?" The uncle said, "We are here to load goods." (The warehouse of the uncle's grocery store is next door to my house.) I nodded and said, "Oh." At this time, the aunt who had just answered the phone shouted, "Hurry up, hurry home, the basement of our house is flooded, and many meters are wet, hurry up!" When my uncle heard this, he quickly stepped on the accelerator, and I also got on the bus and went to the store to help transfer rice. After more than half an hour of emergency transfer, seven or eight of us finally moved the rice to a "safe" area. A word of "tired" could not express my feelings at that time! At this time, the heavy rain finally stopped.

Who would have thought that the gentle water could also form a powerful and fearless cavalry? They shouted from the sky and hit people's hearts. Oh! Just such a rain is so shocking that people regain their respect and fear for the magnificent nature.

Unforgettable Rainy Night (4)

Outside the window, thunder roared, and the storm was rolled by the strong wind. It roared like a crazy lion, and it was like there were countless powerful whips beating the window, and the big rain poured down. Looking out of the window at the world like the howling wind, it reminds me of my warm memories.

"Why didn't you finish the task assigned to you? It's all for your own good!" "I don't need it. Are you bored?" The simple and coping words obviously aroused mother's anger. "You look like a fool... Get out of the house." My argument with my mother finally reached the point of unbearable. I tried to hold back my tears and slammed the door with anger.

I ran out of the house like a madman. Tears like a string of beads slid past my hot cheeks one by one and fell heavily on the ground, turning into traces of my journey.

Wandering in the deserted streets, my heart is full of hatred for my mother. "It's just running away from home, who's afraid of who!" I walked forward in anger. But where can I go outside?

The cold wind kept blowing, and the piercing cold invaded the blood. I took a deep breath, wrapped my clothes on my body, and hugged my body tightly, but I still could not withstand the cold wind. I came to the big stone monument in front of the village unconsciously. Isn't it a natural shelter? I had a brainwave and hurried forward. But the house leakage happened to meet continuous rain, accompanied by my pig like scream, I sprained my foot.

I can't help but curl up here and can't move. Little by little, the dark night swallowed up the idea of hating her mother. In front of me, my mother cooked breakfast for me and called me "Little lazy pig, get up quickly". The pictures of my coming and going in the wind and rain were clearly displayed in front of me, which eventually turned into a sentence, "Mom, I was wrong, I want to go home!"

The village head looks very strange under the night. The wind blows the straw and makes a rustling sound, which is like a picture often seen in horror films. Before long, there was a thunderbolt in the sky, which was deafening. A heavy rain poured down like a collapsed sky. Suddenly, the raindrops were connected into a line. "Mom, don't you want me?" Tears mixed with the rain came down, and I cried like a child.

Darkness, gale, rainstorm, pain, hunger, helplessness, missing, regret. They are like venomous snakes, which gradually approach and swallow up my only will and belief, and only my mother is the one who saves me.

Sure enough, mother and daughter were linked, and she finally found me. "Mom!" I cried out as if tearing my heart and lungs, and now that usually gentle mother in the wind and rain. Which is my gentle mother?

Mother's clothes were ragged and messy, her face was pale like a piece of white paper, and the anxiety and worry in her eyes seemed to be a sharp sword straight into my heart. Unexpectedly, these few hours have made my mother so haggard. The moment she saw me, she almost cried out my name hysterically. The messy clothes, exaggerated actions, and thin body rushed at me almost instantly. She hugged me with strength, and tears came rushing like the river breaking the dike. "You are scared to death, Mom, let's go home, let's go home!" She was at a loss to wipe my tears, and quickly took off her thin clothes and put them on me.

That night, our mother and daughter helped each other home. Her thin and small shoulders, let the rain beat wantonly, the rain slowly flowing down her hair. Close to her, I found that she was so thin and small, even old. My tears can no longer be controlled, let it jump with the rhythm of the rain!

Night, very dark. It's windy. Rain, very cold. Shoulder, very "wide". Heart, very warm, very warm

Unforgettable Rainy Night (5)

There was a clash of spoons in the kitchen. After that, my aunt brought a bowl of steaming poached eggs. My heart was hot, and my throat seemed to be blocked by something: Yaoniang, I was disturbed by the rain and night. Your gracious reception has made my heart uneasy. How could I say.

Seeing that I was hesitating, the old lady greeted me warmly and said, "Don't be in a daze. After all this trouble, my stomach should have been hungry long ago. In a hurry, there was nothing to cook. This egg was laid by my own hen. Come on, eat it quickly." She said and pulled me to the table. Accidentally, my wound touched the foot of the table. A burst of penetrating pain made me groan involuntarily. The aunt was stunned and quickly let go:

"Look at me, you old fool. I almost forgot about your leg injury in this hurry. How's it going?"

The leg was badly injured. The wound that had just been cleaned was bloody now. My aunt and I are silent and helpless. The wound is so serious that if the medicine is not applied in time, it will definitely become infected and fester. However, in this mountain village with poor medical conditions, where can I get ready made medicines? My aunt looked anxiously at my bleeding wound and listened to the wind and rain outside several times. Finally, she said to me anxiously:

"That's all I have to do. I'll get some medicine from the medical room of the brigade. You can wait at home."

"No, Aunt, don't go." It's such a storm outside! Ignoring my urgent dissuasion, my aunt picked up a coir raincoat at the corner of the wall, lit a lantern, and then hid in the wind and rain mixed darkness outside the door.

Her footsteps soon melted into the roar of wind and rain, and I could not distinguish them. But my heart clearly felt the shiver of the wind and rain beating on my aunt, and felt her hard steps on the muddy mountain road, so my heart could not help but feel tight. In the midst of anxiety and anxiety, I seem to have spent a century. Finally, with rain and mud all over her legs, she burst in. As soon as she entered the door, she leaned wearily against the wall to breathe for her ancestors, and the wind lamp in her hand was broken. I hurried forward to hold her. Asked repeatedly "Aunt, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing. It's hard to walk. I slipped when I came back." She looked at the broken wind lamp with a little regret and tried to act as if nothing had happened. But I can fully imagine the hardships along the way from her extreme fatigue. My deep gratitude and strong anxiety intertwined in my heart. I couldn't help but throw myself into her arms and sobbed and shouted, ". Aunt!" Tears streamed down.

The aunt stroked my head and said affectionately, "silly boy, don't do that. Everyone has a hard time. Stay at home with your parents, and let's go out to help. When you get to the aunt's house, don't go out again." She gently wiped the tears from my face with her palm, and took out the ointment gauze from her body: it's late. After applying the medicine, you should rest early, and tomorrow we have to go. "

Unforgettable Rainy Night (6)

On an unforgettable rainy night, it rained heavily. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, I had no intention to pick up the brush and ponder how to go home. I looked forward to God's eyes and stopped the rain earlier...... The rain was getting heavier and heavier, without any intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window made everything outside the window so vague.

After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique soap smell on my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly ran across my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me. Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me.

I would like to take this opportunity to quote a classic line: once there was a nagging around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and I regret it when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I can't afford it"! "Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", not to mention his own mother? You have never known your mother's love for you in your whole life, but she has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with your life?

Unforgettable Rainy Night (7)

There are so many things happening around me, but one thing that has passed for a long time is still reflected in my mind, that unforgettable rainy night.

It was raining hard outside that night, and it seemed to be snoring like thunder outside the window. Mother was informed by the teacher to hold a parents' meeting. Dad worked overtime again and still did not come back. I was alone at home. Sitting on the sofa, I felt very uneasy. Last week's final exam, I stole a comic book and was found by the teacher. I won't say this at the parents' meeting. I feel even more uneasy when I think of this. Mom won't hit me when she comes back!

Thinking of this, I heard the familiar footsteps coming from outside the door. I leaned over to the crack of the door and saw that it was my mother who came back after the parent meeting. I walked around the room. Do I pretend to do my homework or pretend to sleep? After thinking about it, I saw my mother coming into the room. I immediately ran back to my room, jumped onto the bed and pretended to sleep. When my mother came to my room, I narrowed my eyes. My eyes were so cold, as if I was in the midst of ice and snow. I feel scared. I fell asleep without knowing it. When I got up and found that it was time for dinner, my mother asked me to have dinner. I didn't have the same speed as before. I slowly walked to the table with heavy steps. I picked up a bowl and put some rice in my mouth for a long time. I thought: I want to tell my mother. I should admit my mistake. When I had dinner, I said, "Mom, I'm sorry. I read a comic book for a while when I went up, and the teacher criticized me." My mother touched my head and said, "It's OK, as long as I don't do this again."

Having been forgiven by my mother, the big stone in my heart finally landed. I secretly determined that such a thing would never happen again!

Unforgettable Rainy Night (8)

It rained heavily that day. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, I had no intention of painting. I was wondering how to go home, hoping that the rain would stop sooner if the sky had eyes

The rain is falling more and more heavily, without any intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window makes everything outside the window become so blurred.

After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique soap smell on my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly ran across my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me.

Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me.

At this moment, I thought of that classic line, which also suits my mood: there was a nagging around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and I regret it when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I'm sorry"!

"Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", not to mention his own mother? You have never known your mother's love for you in your whole life, but she has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with your life?

Unforgettable Rainy Night (9)

It rained heavily that day. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, I had no intention to pick up the brush, pondering how to go home, hoping that the rain would stop as soon as possible
The rain is getting heavier and heavier, without any intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window makes everything outside the window become so blurred.
After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique soap smell on my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly passed my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me.
Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me.
I would like to take this opportunity to quote a classic line:
Once there was a nagging around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and I would regret it when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I'm sorry"!
"Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", not to mention his own mother? You have never known your mother's love for you in your whole life, but she has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with your life?

Unforgettable Rainy Night (10)

It rained heavily that day. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, I had no intention to pick up the brush, pondering how to go home, hoping that the rain would stop as soon as possible


The rain is getting heavier and heavier, without any intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window makes everything outside the window become so blurred.

After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique soap smell on my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly passed my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me.

Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me.

I would like to take this opportunity to quote a classic line:

Once there was a nagging around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and I regretted it when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I'm sorry"!

"Every drop of grace should be rewarded by the spring", not to mention his own mother?! Your mother's love for you is still unclear all your life, but her mother has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with life?!

Unforgettable Rainy Night (11)

It rained heavily that day. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, I had no intention to pick up the brush, pondering how to go home, hoping that the rain would stop as soon as possible
The rain is getting heavier and heavier, without any intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window makes everything outside the window become so blurred.
After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique soap smell on my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly ran across my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me.
Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me.
I would like to take this opportunity to quote a classic line:
Once there was a nagging voice around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and only regretted when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I'm sorry"
"Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", not to mention his own mother? You have never known your mother's love for you in your whole life, but she has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with your life?

Unforgettable Rainy Night (12)

It's raining steadily, and it seems that the yearning condensed into thoughts will be traced back to that rainy night

In the sky, unknown low-key clouds are floating in the gray and blue color, and the air is filled with a lazy atmosphere. A few purple swallows gallop between the sky and the earth, drawing a few if any bright dotted lines for the dark upcoming world.

At this time, in a state of anxiety and anxiety, there is still a brightly lit family, which is very conspicuous in the dark. It is that I am "writing fast", and I just want to break away from the annoying hand of nervously reviewing before the exam.

Flowing clouds and flowing water, it seems like wandering and flying. However, we didn't know that victory was in front of us. Looking around, a picture of "Wild Grass for Young People" had been completed.

Kick off your schoolbag, throw away your textbook, and once you pass your arm, all the "four treasures of study" will fall to the ground. Twisting my neck, I can't wait to open the computer, shoot, break through the customs, and pamper, all of which stimulate my sensory nerves.

9 o'clock. The rise of my play. The sky has been completely dark, turned to the drizzle, seems to run through all things from the intention.

Ten o'clock. I played like crazy. The rumbling thunder replaced the runny light rain, which was like God's roar and punishment.

eleven o'clock. I'm still in the mood. The thunder is no longer so terrible. Instead, the lightning is extremely fast, dazzling and profound, and seems helpless.

Take advantage of the intermission, open the door to get the coke. The living room is dark, and you can't see your fingers. Who turned on the light? I couldn't open my eyes to the dazzling light. I saw a shadow in the afterglow: it bent over the table, put its head heavily on its arms, and wanted to have a rest. It was my mother. It was so late at night. Why did I lie on the table and fall asleep? I just wanted to cry out to my mother who was lying on the marble table. At this time, my mother had slowly straightened up and hit the waist plate with her fists. Seeing the lights around me, she subconsciously saw me. Her sleepy eyes were obviously tired. "Have you finished your homework?" "Hmm", "It's so late. Why did you fall asleep on the table? It's so cold." I asked. "Oh, I want to accompany you to review your lessons. You are going to have your final exam tomorrow. Seeing your door locked behind you, I thought you didn't want to be disturbed. So I just accompany you in the living room. I don't know when I fell asleep. Look at me, Turning to her mother, she said, "Mom, let me help you go to bed! I will finish my review soon, and go to bed quickly!" Mother stood up and said, "Well, I will go to bed first, there is bread in the refrigerator, and I will eat it if I am hungry. Also, there is rain tonight, so please cover the quilt, and don't catch cold, or it will affect the exam tomorrow, and then...", "OK, I know, go to bed quickly!" I almost choked.

Watching her mother's back disappear in the living room, the light in her room came on for a while and went out again.

I ran back to my room in spite of tears on my face and fell on the bed in pain for a long time. After that, I resolutely turned off the computer, turned on the desk lamp, picked up the textbook, and resolutely began to do exercises. In the light of Weihe, I saw my mother's back lying on the stone table, so fragile and weak

I dried my tears and continued to struggle. I know, I will fight with my mother's love!

Night, deeper and deeper; Rain, more and more heavy; Love, more and more thick.

Another rainy night, another sleepless night to fight for

Unforgettable Rainy Night (13)

I can't remember when it happened. In short, it has been a long time, but it has always been unforgettable. Now, when I think about it again, the unspeakable feelings in my heart show again.

It was a drizzly night, and there were still many people on the street. It seems that most of them are lovers or parents leading their children shopping. I was walking home alone. Suddenly, in the dark corner, I saw her vaguely. Her clothes were shabby, her hair was untidy, and her big eyes were twinkling with poor light.

I tried to get close to her, to see her clearly and ask why she was sitting here. Suddenly, I felt a pair of rough little hands clasping my leg tightly. I looked down and saw that it was the little girl.

"Sister, you have come to deliver money to me!" he said, pulling out a small cloth bag from behind. It's tinkling inside, like some coins.

"Oh!" I conveniently took out one yuan from my pocket and put it into her small cloth bag.

She shook the cloth bag with a lovely smile, and then bounced back to the dark corner. The tinkling sound continued.

She left in a hurry without even saying thank you.

After standing for a long time, I turned and left. The rest of the way left a tinkling sound of coins.

This can't help but make my heart move. I have the same life with her but different life! My family gave everything for me. Eating delicacies, wearing high-end brands, going to first-class schools and receiving good education. But she gradually lost her love, ate humble food, wore cheap rags, lost her dignity in the street, and begged for a living! My life is full of success and glory, but her life will be spent in tinkling change bags. What a difference!

The rain is still falling, and the sky is getting darker and darker. I wonder how she is in the rain

Unforgettable Rainy Night (14)

It rained heavily that day. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking at the intermittent rain outside the window, I had no intention to pick up the brush and ponder how to go home. I looked forward to God's eyes and stopped the rain early... The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and I had no intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window made everything outside the window so vague. After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique soap smell on my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly passed my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me. Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me. I would like to take this opportunity to quote a classic line: once there was a nagging around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and I regret it when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I can't afford it"! "Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", not to mention his own mother? You have never known your mother's love for you in your whole life, but she has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with your life?

Unforgettable Rainy Night (15)

Last spring, I moved from a bustling city to a quiet street. That night, I walked alone in that familiar and unfamiliar street, full of thousands of thoughts: it was my first trip, my first life, it was the first time to walk alone, the first time...... I began to be full of urgent hope and confidence for future study and life, I looked up at the sky, It is not as bright and dazzling as it used to be, and the gray part reflects the surrounding colors. Suddenly, there were bursts of coolness on my cheeks. It was the spring rain that came quietly to me.

The spring rain put a misty veil on the scenery cage around me, washed away the dust of the earth, kissed everything gently, kissed shy flowers, kissed green tender spring buds, and kissed the confused thoughts in my heart.

I reached out my hand carefully. The light rain moistened my skin, seemed to penetrate my blood vessels and flow with the blood. I felt clear and cool all over. At this moment, my mood suddenly unfolded like a crumpled piece of paper, and I felt extremely cheerful and happy.

In an instant, I had come to the riverside and looked across the thin line of rain to the river. Under the misty and rainy curtain, there was a light purple, just like the purple glow in the sky in the evening, beautiful as a dream. It was a strange scene outlined by the willows on the riverside.

At present, a crystal rain drops on a palm sized leaf, splashing a fresh and transparent rain flower, which is so bright, like a child's innocent smiling face.

When the rain falls, my mind is also touched by the rain. Through the baptism of rain and communication with nature, the flowers in my heart will be as bright as rain flowers. The voice of my heart haunts my ears. I just hear the thunder, and I leave quickly with a smile.

Grade 5: Optimistic

Unforgettable Rainy Night (16)

It rained heavily that day. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, I had no intention to pick up the brush, pondering how to go home, hoping that the rain would stop as soon as possible

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, without any intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window makes everything outside the window become so blurred.

After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique soap smell on my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly passed my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me.

Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me.

I would like to take this opportunity to quote a classic line:

Once there was a nagging around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and I would regret it when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I'm sorry"!

"Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", not to mention his own mother? You have never known your mother's love for you in your whole life, but she has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with your life?

Unforgettable Rainy Night (17)

It rained heavily that day. I was in the sketch class at my teacher's house. Looking out of the window at the intermittent rain, I had no intention to pick up the brush, pondering how to go home, hoping that the rain would stop as soon as possible


The rain is getting heavier and heavier, without any intention of stopping. The waterfall like rain on the glass window makes everything outside the window become so blurred.

After class, I hurried downstairs. In the dim light, I saw a familiar figure. Although it was several meters away, I could still smell the smell of soap—— It's Mom! I immediately rushed to the fragrance and "rubbed" onto the bike my mother rode. Listening to the bicycle "creaking" and singing songs, and smelling the unique "soap smell" of my mother, I have forgotten the troubles brought by the rain. The rain drips mercilessly passed my mother's haggard face, while I sucked the fragrance in the back seat of my bicycle. Under my mother's care, the rain never fell on me.

Once upon a time, I was worried about my mother's nagging, and even accused her in front of her. But my mother always laughed and never blamed me.

I would like to take this opportunity to quote a classic line:

Once there was a nagging around my ears, I didn't cherish it, and I would regret it when I knew I was wrong... If God could give me a chance to do it again, Mom, I would say three words to you, "I'm sorry"!

"Every drop of grace should be repaid by the spring", not to mention his own mother? You have never known your mother's love for you in your whole life, but she has never asked for any return. Isn't such love worth cherishing with your life?

Unforgettable Rainy Night (18)

In real life or work and study, everyone often comes into contact with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is an unforgettable rainy night organized by Xiao Bian for everyone - 500 words of unforgettable composition, welcome to share.

In my memory, there are all kinds of things, big and small, but one thing is still fresh in my memory.

At night, thunder and lightning, the wind and rain poured down, and lightning ran like silver snakes in the dark clouds. Everything outside my house makes me fidgety. For a while, I plunge into the toy pile and play with toys absentmindedly, for a while, I stare at the flowers on the balcony, for a while, I turn on the TV and watch advertisements. Why hasn't mother come back? Will the teacher tell his mother about taking yellow people in class and eating sweets secretly? I couldn't help feeling more uneasy.

Mom finally came back. She quietly took out the key, put on her slippers, and threw her bag on the sofa. Her face was very bad. Her eyes were unusually cold, and her eyes were filled with infinite disappointment and sadness. I soon understood that the teacher took out all my old debts. I bowed my head and went back to my room quietly. When it was time for dinner, I came to the table quietly. Under my mother's cold eyes, I looked like a dog in a mess, but my mother still gave me food, but like "Ah, this dish is delicious, Jiajia, you can also try it!" Such words are much less.

I can't stand it anymore. I lowered my head and said to my mother with a red face, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't eat candy in class and play with yellow people... Please forgive me!" Hearing this, my mother's face suddenly smiled, and her frown slowly opened. She looked at me without turning her eyes, looking so warm, like the warm sun in March. My mother said gently, "I don't care, as long as I don't make the same mistake in the future, I will be a good child if I know my mistake and can change it!" This made my heart sigh. The feeling of being stared at just now was terrible, but fortunately, now my heart is relaxed, and I nodded hard.

This made me understand that my mother loves her children very much, and as long as she knows her mistakes and can change them, she will be forgiven by her mother!