Junior high school military training diary 600 words (8 required articles)
Xiao Xiao Yu Xie
2023-08-28 05:11:14

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (1)

Thanks to junior high school, thanks for this sublimation of soul! I have collected 600 words of junior high school military training. Let's have a look!

"No whispering, no leftovers, no stooping to eat, no looking around, no......" Being a soldier is too unfriendly, and even eating is not optional. But soldiers are soldiers after all, and their excellent style is honed in this strict requirement. When they returned to the dormitory, they could not wait to open their mouths and pour out all the words they had held back all day. "I only slept for more than an hour last night." "You are better than me. I hardly slept." "You know, just when I had dinner..."

It rained heavily in the afternoon, but the training went on as usual. Many students were very dissatisfied, and I was one of them. You know, it's the first time that I have been forced to get caught in the rain when I am so old. If it rains, no matter where I am, no matter how busy my parents are, they will always send the rain gear to me as soon as possible. Alas, if my mother sees that I am in such a mess in the rain now, she will be sorry.

On the last morning, the day of the Hui Cao performance, all our classmates did their best. I think it was the best training in many days. As a result, we won the praise of all instructors. On that day, let's not mention how happy we were. We celebrated until the instructor came to catch us, and then we were willing to go down to the playground and wait for the bus. Although the drillmaster asked us to go down with a serious expression on his face, we still saw a faint smile on his mouth when he left.

There is a reason why I think the life of military training is "sometimes joyful, sometimes sad". The reason for "worry" is that the training is very hard, and we are afraid of being punished by the instructor, and we are also afraid of a surprise attack at night. It is really tiring. I am glad that the activities at night are colorful, and it is also exciting to watch movies.

In this military summer camp, I lost a lot: proud temper, lazy character... learned a serious and responsible attitude, courage and confidence to challenge difficulties. I believe that in the next three years of junior high school life, I will face more difficulties with such attitude and confidence.

The dream of childhood is colorful. Since childhood, we have yearned to be a soldier, dressed in military uniform and armed with a steel gun. Today, the dream came true. The school organized a two-day military training for our fourth and fifth grades. We were excited and excited.

In the morning, there were several white clouds floating in the tile blue sky. With the hope of our teachers and the advice of our parents, the students of 12 classes headed for the playground of Nanjing Normal University under the guidance of our instructors.

When we got to the playground and stood in the designated seat, the instructor first said: "My surname is Zhu, Zhu from Tianzhu, please call me Instructor Zhu. The rules are changed, and the class starts without saying anything else!" Instructor Zhu said seriously. He first taught us the first lesson of standing at attention and being a little self. "Standing at attention: first, you must raise your head, straighten your chest, close your stomach, tilt your arms and neck backward, spread your toes apart, close your heels, and finally focus your eyes on the front. Please remember my words, look carefully at each action, do it carefully, and concentrate on practicing. Next, I will do a demonstration action." As soon as the pronunciation of Professor Zhu's official speech fell, the students began to practice, But I didn't master the main points of the movement. It was wrong here or there. The movement seemed so clumsy and not as natural as instructor Zhu. Then we teach the next movement: Step with the left foot above the right foot, and keep the upper body upright. Please start practicing... Unexpectedly, these two seemingly simple movements are so difficult when it's our turn to do them. We are really ashamed

Take a look at those ordinary spoiled girls. Our class was arranged to stand in a place where the sun was hottest, and there was no tree around to shade from the sun. Their left hand blocks the sun, and their right hand blocks the sun. Maybe it is the nature of girls who love beauty. They are afraid of getting sunburnt, and they are very undisciplined, let alone follow the instructor's command in all actions.

At the noon break, the boys said that girls were cowards, which woke up all the girls. They spent the whole afternoon studying how to overcome mental obstacles, not afraid of the scorching sun, listening to the instructor's command, and being a real "little soldier".

What impressed us most was the training that afternoon. Girls really do what they say. They have to compete with boys. One by one, their small waists are straight. Although sweat is sprinkled on their faces from head to head, they do not move a bit. Everyone carefully listens to the instructors' commands and meticulously completes them. The girls standing under the "blazing fire" look much more energetic than the boys, which is totally different from the training in the morning. All of them have become real "little soldiers", which also makes the boys look at them with new eyes.

The three-day military summer camp for grade one of junior high school finally ended yesterday. I returned home with excitement and joy and was very satisfied with the summer camp. I immediately took out my diary and wrote the following words: Soldiers always remind people of many solemn, beautiful and emotional words about dignity, life and death, and the motherland, but as a soldier, it often only means dedication and training, and they are the most worthy of my admiration. I can't help thinking of my beloved instructor and the military training life of "sometimes happy, sometimes sad".

On the first day when I first came here, I fully realized the discipline of soldiers. From training to internal hygiene, everything is so orderly. Both the standing posture and the beancurd shaped quilt with four corners can reflect the strict requirements. It is obviously hard to live in such an environment for three days. At that time, the tragic situation of the next few days had always been on my mind. Under the strict requirements of the instructor, I seriously studied the lifestyle here. At the end of the day, I probably learned how to fold quilts and bags, how to clean up the dormitory and other simple training contents. Although the whole body is aching, it is still qualified, and I feel a sense of achievement.

The hardest work is the next day. The first night I didn't sleep well. Everyone was not used to sleeping in plank beds, and there was no air conditioning. I tossed and turned until more than 3:00 in the morning, but my roommate woke me up before long. I opened my hazy eyes with difficulty. At first, I forgot that I was in military training. I also asked, "What day is today? I woke someone up so early!" My roommates were all amused by my appearance. Let me check my watch. Oh, my god, it's only five o'clock! As soon as I touch back, I want to sleep again. Lie down, close your eyes and think about it, then suddenly remember that you are not at home.

Didn't it say that they would assemble at 5:20? Too bad, I only have ten minutes to clean up. Thinking of this, I sat up like an electric shock and rushed to the toilet to wash my face. It was not easy to finish everything. Before I could say a few words to my roommate, I ran to the playground at the fastest speed in my life, because the whistle that all students were most afraid to hear sounded. If I was late, I would definitely get a heavy punishment. When I got to the playground, I couldn't help being stunned. People on the playground were more and more embarrassed. Look, a classmate hurried to smooth the messy hair; A boy limped over, his shoes were not fastened properly; A girl still had toothpaste in her hand, and it seemed that she could not even brush her teeth and wash her face. When it was finally time for lunch, everyone ate with ease. But before the meal was half eaten, the drillmaster's deep voice came: "Hurry up, only half an hour to eat..." "What?!" We shouted out with one voice. We thought we could relax when eating, but we didn't expect there would be so little time. "Alas..." Everyone sighed again.

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (2)

The weather is sunny on Sunday, xx, xx, 20xx

Today is the last day of our military training. This is a special day because all leaders of the school will come to visit our training results today. First, the teacher asked us to sit down and wait for playing. But my legs got sore soon after I sat down. Looking at my classmates nearby, they began to get restless like me. I thought to myself: I would change my legs if I didn't move. Just when I was about to move, I thought again: if I move, the leaders above will deduct the points of our class, so I can't move. So I sat down again and watched other classes perform carefully.

Now, it's our turn to perform. Our legs are sore. After sorting out, we greeted the leaders' review with the fullest spirit. We held our heads high and acted confidently. At last, the "audience" encouraged us with warm applause. At that time, everyone was very excited. We had played our best and performed successfully.

Finally, our class won the title of "hard training model class". Although we didn't get the title of "training model class", I think we deserved it. Our efforts were not in vain. I am proud of our class.

This military training benefited me a lot. It not only strengthened my physique and perseverance, but also made me feel the friendship between classmates and the care of teachers for us. How meaningful this military training is!

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (3)

The weather is sunny on Sunday, xx, xx, 20xx

Today is the last day of military training. Tomorrow we will have a report performance, and we will also leave the instructors. So we held a get-together in the evening. The teacher stipulated that each dormitory should give two performances. What is good to perform? By the way, I can perform several card tricks.

Before the get-together, several people around me gathered around me to show them the magic show. OK, I'll use them to practice my hands first, so that I won't be embarrassed when performing later. I performed several times in a row, and they couldn't see the flaw. Ho ho, I don't know what happened, do you?

It's my turn to perform. After the first magic show, they were suppressed. When I finished, Liu asked me to perform again. He didn't understand what was going on even after watching it several times, so he had to bow down. I proudly asked him, "Have you taken it?" "Take it, take it. I am the defeated general of your team."

This get-together also made me sad, because it was time to part from the instructors. Although we only got along with the instructors for nine days, we were still reluctant to let them go. Teacher An adapted a song "Mice Love Rice", and we gave this song to two instructors. "Instructor Li, I love you just like a mouse loves rice... Instructor Guo, I love you just like a mouse loves rice..."

In the singing, many students could not help crying. Tears were streaming on their faces, and my heart was also sour, but I still kept from crying. I think the instructors must hope that we can all be happy!

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (4)

The weather is sunny on Sunday, xx, xx, 20xx

Military training life is like an exciting symphony, with pain and music constituting its main theme, which is worth aftertaste and unforgettable!

The iron discipline and rigorous training are our military training. We are constantly carrying out boring training. Sometimes we stand in the sun and feel dizzy. Every training is the baptism of sweat, and every day life is fighting against willpower. But even if the military training is hard and tired, we will survive. This steely will pervades the whole military training playground.

The hot sun is relentlessly baking the earth, but even though the sun is poisonous, we sweat like rain on the playground and practice wholeheartedly. This reminds me of a sentence: the sun is cruel, but what is more cruel than you is our steel willpower. Yes, there is always a reward for our efforts. Look at that action. Although it is not as standard as the military, it also has a sense of masculinity. This is the inevitable result of our efforts and rewards. This is the blooming of success flowers irrigated with sweat.

When we first arrived, we all looked forward to it. After all, it was the first time to go to formal and strict military training. However, when we first trained, the strict movement requirements made it difficult for our bodies to adapt to the lack of exercise. In an afternoon, our legs were sore and we could not stand steadily. We wavered a little and wanted to give up, but we overcame our weakness and always persevered. Two days later, we slightly adapted to the life of soldiers, and we took on a new look: not only were we strong and energetic, but also our will was strengthened, and each of us had a steely perseverance. This is of great significance to our study and life in the past three years.

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (5)

Finally, I got my wish and came to Gaowai. I was assigned to Class 3. When I nervously looked at the dormitory distribution table, I didn't see my name in the boys' dormitory column, but my name was prominently written in the girls' dormitory column. At the same time, Shi Jiale's name (she is female) is written in the boys' dormitory. After all the confusion, I went to room 516.

All our instructors are soldiers. Class 1 was taught by a special forces officer, Class 2 was taught by an armed police officer, and our class was taught by a third class sergeant from Jinan District of the People's Liberation Army. I'm not sure about Class 4.

I remember once standing in Junzi, many people were looking at people in other classes. The instructor saw us and asked us a question: "Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming bought apples for 2 yuan per kilogram and 5 kilograms. What's your business?"

As a result, I prepared for push ups.

What impressed me most was the preparation of push ups. When I lay prone for a long time, I wouldn't let you do it. After you lie down, you will absolutely forget to leave. Your memory is profound, and you will be filled with emotion. There are endless words. I also had to train in the morning, because I came back late, so I lost all the fried rice with eggs. We have a lot of things to train. We also need to train to run. If we reach forward, we should not expose our elbows, or we will be ruined. It's hard to keep pace. I was tired when I heard that I had to make four movements after standing still, but I became more skilled later.

On the last day, we performed a lot of exercises. Because of our earnest efforts, we won the first place! In this way, we walked out of Gaowai with joy, feeling thirsty (on the second day, I lost my voice), looking at our suntanned face.

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (6)

As the name suggests, it is the posture of a soldier: standing at attention, looking up, moving forward, and keeping his hands close to the pants. Although the action is simple, the seven day military training life in the hot sun is like an exciting symphony. Pain and music constitute its main theme, which is worth recalling and unforgettable!

The iron discipline and rigorous training are our military training. We are constantly carrying out boring training. Sometimes we stand in the sun and feel dizzy. Every training is the baptism of sweat, and every day life is fighting against willpower. But even if the military training is hard and tired, we will survive. This steely will pervades the whole military training playground.

The hot sun is relentlessly baking the earth, but even though the sun is poisonous, we sweat like rain on the playground and practice wholeheartedly. This reminds me of a sentence: the sun is cruel, but what is more cruel than you is our steel willpower. Yes, there is always a reward for our efforts. Look at that action. Although it is not as standard as the military, it also has a sense of masculinity. This is the inevitable result of our efforts and rewards. This is the blooming of success flowers irrigated with sweat.

When we first arrived, we all looked forward to it. After all, it was the first time to go to formal and strict military training. However, when we first trained, the strict movement requirements made it difficult for our bodies to adapt to the lack of exercise. In an afternoon, our legs were sore and we could not stand steadily. We wavered a little and wanted to give up, but we overcame our weakness and always persevered. Two days later, we slightly adapted to the life of soldiers, and we took on a new look: not only were we strong and energetic, but also our will was strengthened, and each of us had a steely perseverance. This is of great significance to our study and life in the past three years.

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (7)

I got on the bus home and left the camp. N days of military training is over. Looking at the scenery flying past the window, I unconsciously think of my experience in N days. My mood also follows the uneven road up and down. I have paid so much hard work, what have I got?

In these N days, I know myself.

Hard training can temper people's will. For a child like me who lives in superior conditions and has never left his parents since childhood, military training is a great opportunity for training. In the military camp, the hard training made me physically tired, so I had no time to care about other things. Even if blisters have been worn out under your feet, you should bear the pain of training. One hour, two hours, even several hours, all repeat the same training content. Everyone will be tired and tired after changing. But I can only whisper in my heart that I am tired.

The bounden duty of a soldier is obedience. It is also a test for me, who is physically and mentally exhausted. From the first day of military training, I tried to adapt to the life and lifestyle here. The time of N days is too short for me to appreciate it. Although I didn't learn to adapt, I learned to persist.

The day before leaving the military camp was the traditional Chinese festival, the Mid Autumn Festival. After our training that day, the instructor sat down with us to talk. That day, I first noticed the drillmaster's eyes when he relaxed, and I was awestruck. They are no longer young, they have dedicated their youth to our motherland. The eyes showed no regrets, pride and expectations for our generation. All these deeply shocked me and made me unforgettable. After this military training, I know more about myself and the people around me than before. He let me know what is happiness, what is happiness, but also let me cherish the possession.

It can be said that military training made me know myself, and it can also be said that military training improved me. Anyway, I firmly believe that through my own efforts, I will become a useful person of the country!

Junior high school military training diary 600 words (8)

This is my first time to go out of the campus and into the military camp for training. I came to the green camp with a curious heart. This is also the first time I have been away from my home alone. As soon as we drove into the army in the military vehicle, I felt that everything before me was both familiar and unfamiliar. I understand this completely now. Apart from the heavy luggage, I can't breathe, but I understand that this is a military camp, and it can't be helped by my father, nor cared and comforted by my mother. I gritted my teeth and held on. When I arrived at the courtyard of the 19th Company, it was a tiresome procession and roll call again. When I stepped into the dormitory, my heart suddenly brightened up. The annoyance caused by the disgusting luggage just now disappeared, because I knew that the environment here was much better than I thought. Everyone started to tidy up their luggage with all hands and legs in less than ten minutes, Just now, the dorm, which was still cold and quiet, was decorated by us. Colorful bedsheets, strange bedclothes, and luggage everywhere. In the afternoon, we first practiced some basic standing posture, and got to know the leaders of the school's leading forces and the instructors. The evening was much colder than we thought. Several students lived in the same room and thought they could make a big noise. But after a day of trouble, everyone was very tired, and no one was willing to speak, In addition, we are not familiar with each other, so we have nothing to talk about. We lie in our own bed all night without words.

Alas! This is the end of a tense and bad day!

Friday, August 23 Sunny

Today is the second day when we came to the military camp. Compared with the first day, we have begun to adapt to this tense and exciting rhythm, although our backs are sore today.

Maybe last night, because we were new here, we didn't have a good rest. In addition, we got up early in the morning with sleepy eyes. At the beginning of the training, almost everyone was not in the state. We thought that the instructor would severely scold us, but to our surprise, the instructor didn't really look at us as we thought. He understood us deeply and told us, These situations are normal. There are four days of military training, and every day is worth cherishing. We are encouraged to persevere! He also said that once in three years, it is good to stick to it! A few short words warmed the hearts of the students, and everyone was energetically involved in the training.

After all, the instructor is an instructor. During the training process, he is still so strict and meticulous. Some students who are not serious about the training attitude will still be mercilessly criticized until they correct. The afternoon running exercise is even more tiring, because everyone still has to run around the school twice after a day of training. But it is the instructors who work harder, because some of them have to lead three laps. Some of them had to lead the race for two laps, and shouted commands on the way. Looking at the drillmaster's hard work, everyone insisted until the end.

Military training life is full of fun and wonderful. I believe that tomorrow will still be fun.

August 24th sunny

It is the third day of military training, and finally there is no sense of freshness. All the feelings are only soreness, fatigue and numbness. The leg pain is even worse.

At the beginning, naturally, it was to practice standing posture, which was a required lesson. Although I sometimes moved a little when the instructor did not pay attention, recently I found that my waist seemed straight, not always like shrimps. Then, stand at attention, take a break, turn left and right, turn back, and walk in unison. Today we learned to turn left, turn right, and turn back. My head was blinded. I didn't follow one step. In the evening, we learned a military song. We didn't know its name. Then we watched the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games together.

We went to the basketball court with the small bench to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. We were very excited that night.

August 25 sunny

I may be homesick, so I dreamed that I was at home last night.

The sun came in early from the window, so I woke up at about 4:30 today. Standing in front of the window sill, looking up at the sky, I found a beautiful rainbow looming in the sky - a rare rainbow, which is rare in the city, but I can often see it here. I think, just like the rainbow, we don't lack happiness and happiness, but we often pass them by, so we lament the lack of happiness in the world. There is hardly a cloud in the sky. I have a hunch that today will be tough.

I swallowed another cold medicine. Everything went well in the morning. In the afternoon, it was a tough training, and then we had a rehearsal of the exercises the day after tomorrow. Take it easy, stand at attention, stand tall... walk, run, and add loud slogans. It should be said that everyone has made great efforts.

We came back to the dormitory at about 8 o'clock at night. We were very tired, and all the exposed skin was suntanned.

August 26, sunny

Today is the fifth day of military training. Time passes so quickly. Maybe it's because tomorrow will be gone. Sleep is very sweet, but it's also good. Another day of military training has begun. Because the basic movements are all mastered, today's main task is to review the learned movements and correct the wrong ones. Practice makes perfect. In addition, the military training performance will be performed tomorrow, so today's review action is very important. Not only that, we also need to evolve according to the competition steps, understand well, and practice many times. Abnormal excitement and tension. Because the game is coming tomorrow, the instructor said to us not to be nervous, but to be happy with everything. I think that's quite right.

August 27 sunny

Take the bus home and leave the camp. Six days of military training is over. Looking at the scenery flying past the window, I unconsciously think of my six day experience. My mood also follows the uneven road up and down. I have paid so much hard work, what have I got?

In these 6 days, I know myself.

Hard training can temper people's will. For a child like me who lives in superior conditions and has never left his parents since childhood, military training is a great opportunity for training. In the military camp, the hard training made me physically tired, so I had no time to care about other things. Even if blisters have been worn out under your feet, you should bear the pain of training. One hour, two hours, even several hours, all repeat the same training content. Everyone will be tired and tired after changing. But I can only whisper in my heart that I am tired.

The bounden duty of a soldier is obedience. It is also a test for me, who is physically and mentally exhausted. From the first day of military training, I tried to adapt to the life and lifestyle here. The time of N days is too short for me to appreciate it. Although I didn't learn to adapt, I learned to persist.

Only in suffering can human beings truly know themselves. Indeed, military training has given me such a chance. I realized my own shortcomings and shortcomings, and also saw my own advantages and strengths. Military training has also given me time to think about life and let me understand many reasons. If a person is suffering, then his thought is the most rational at this time; When this person faces challenges, he will be fearless and go forward bravely.

If a person has withstood the test of military life, there will be no more difficulties to reach this person; Although it is hard to be a soldier, it will be of great significance to life. " Although I only participated in N days of military training, I may not have many opportunities to experience military life in the future, but I want to say that I understand my father's intention and expectations for me.

It can be said that military training made me know myself, and it can also be said that military training improved me. Anyway, I firmly believe that through my own efforts, I will become a useful person of the country!