About Accumulating Compositions (19 in general)
Gather the vicissitudes of life and white hair
2023-08-18 08:23:43

About Accumulating Composition (1)

Sometimes we always look down on some subtle things and think that nothing is so small, so little, so little content, so little strength.

However, there is a force called accumulation.

The accumulation of dripping water and stone wears away is a mantra that people often talk about, but when we really put it into life, we will still have prejudice and give priority to our subjective consciousness.

It seems that some old people are frugal and earn a few pennies by picking up some junk. But after a long time, you will find that they can also save a lot of money.

Just like when we were young, we began to learn Pinyin. When we learned Chinese characters, phonetics and Chinese characters, we gradually learned to read and read by ourselves.

In fact, we can also talk about habits. It seems that everything is random and things are placed in disorder. After a long time, you can see his room and the place where he is. In the same way, if you are a person who pays attention to every detail, you can wear the same old clothes because they are clean and can take care of them. Even if you are not beautiful, you can wear them to make your eyes shine.

Our knowledge and our habits are really a process of accumulation.

Recite a few words, learn a few poems and read a few chapters every day. Maybe we don't think we have anything, but when we save up, you will find that some English words are no longer strange, you can whisper a few words when you encounter poetic beauty, and you can talk with friends about one or two new writers and new ideas they have never known.

Everything will be different because of accumulation.

About Accumulating Composition (2)

The story of my childhood is just like the grapes on the grape trellis. There are too many grapes to count. I can't say it all. Let me pick the purple and shiny story and tell it to everyone!

I remember that time when I went to catch fish by the stream with my brother, it was so interesting. Before starting, my brother and I each prepared a small bottle. When we started, my brother and I walked side by side. We hummed a song, and our faces were full of happy smiles, which made us feel free and relaxed. We have reached our destination - brook, my brother and I are going to start our mission - catching fish. We pull up our sleeves first, then slowly walk into the water, gently remove a stone, and look forward carefully. Do you know what I am looking forward to? YES, Right, we are expecting fish under the stone! Ha ha, as I expected, there was a fish under the stone. My brother immediately opened his hands. I also learned to slowly open my hands. We finally caught the fish with great efforts. I was secretly happy, not to mention proud.

My brother and I are going to look for the next target again. "Yes, that's right there." My brother said as he pointed to a small pit. We trampled the stream here and began to look for fish. At this time, a fish flew past my eyes, and I shouted at my brother. Maybe because of fright, my brother sat on the small stones beside the pit in bunches. "Ouch!" I heard his screams. Looking at my brother's embarrassed appearance, I couldn't help but pick up my hands to cover my mouth and secretly smile. My brother smiled when he saw me. In this way, laughter rippled along the stream all day long.

When I was young, I wanted to laugh when my brother and I went to catch fish by the stream.

I believe everyone will have their own rich and colorful childhood. Come and tell us something interesting about your childhood!

About Accumulating Composition (3)

1. Keep a diary - this method is a more traditional way to accumulate composition materials.

Although it is traditional, it is effective and easy to use. The specific operation is as follows: first, record the typical events in our real life in the form of a diary. When recording, you can remember more details. If you really can't record in detail, you can simply write down the general content of the event first. Some details will be recalled later. It is very important to keep your notes meaningful and healthy. The number of words can be hundreds or more, depending on your writing level. When recording, the time, place, person, cause, process and result of the event must be clearly recorded. In this way, it will be convenient for us to recall in the future.

2. Make an extract

——This method is very simple. It is to extract some good words and sentences or anecdotes of celebrities through reading books, and store them in your own database for future composition. The content and scope of the excerpts here must be clear. You must not copy everything, but you must choose and use for reference. The following principles should be grasped: (1) The content is not new, it is all platitudes, and the content without new ideas or innovation should not be copied.

(2) Do not copy common sense materials you often see.

(3) Do not copy materials that are too profound and difficult to understand.

(4) Do not copy unhealthy materials.

3. Wide collection - this refers to the intentional wide collection of writing materials.

The forms include collecting useful writing materials from radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and conversations with others, and recording them in books to serve our composition.

About Accumulated Composition (4)

My father, happy Father's Day

After a year of high recovery in Hangzhou, I entered the college entrance examination room for three days without so many miscellaneous things in my mind last year. I took the exam wholeheartedly.

I remember my deskmate said that her father sent her a message, "As long as your feet are still on this land, don't take yourself too lightly." My heart was also touched by some feelings, father's love is like a mountain, calm and silent. Although my father is always acting like a fool, he can speak with every word and is capable of fighting against thousands of enemies. I didn't care about when I would win the first prize. I didn't mount my certificate to show off, but I always sniffed my sadness when I was lost and comforted me silently. He never talked about the national affairs and made people feel like a fierce man, but he fought with the ferocious men in the Northeast on the road. He only said that he despised men who beat women.

This is my father who thought he was worthless since I was young. He can't do business because he can't lie; Will not be an official, because do not like flattery; I can't teach because I like freedom. It's really inappropriate to change jobs one by one. So my mother has become a strong woman who takes charge of her own affairs. She earns money, runs around and works hard.

He is just a bookworm.

However, the mother will give all the important things to her father. Although she will scold him at home for being useless, everyone praises him as a good man, a good man waiting for him. Mother is blessed to marry such a good tempered man as him. Every time his mother gets angry, he pours good water for fear that she will be thirsty, cooks good food for fear that she will be hungry, listens to her scolding silently and never answers. Some people say he is cowardly, but this is clearly love!

I also asked my mother why she should consider my father's opinion. He seems to be a person who is not in life, and is an exception to the busy people in the world. Mother just smiled, crow's feet were piled up in the corner of her eyes, "Daughter, he is my God." This was the first time she realized that they were a good couple, and they were snuggling together in this world.

Now, without economic worries and mortgage pressure, even I will be jealous of their friends. They will go out together and come in together. No matter how late my father will go to pick up my mother, no matter where she plays cards, no matter how far away.

I'm afraid of the dark. My father always lights the lamp for me and turns it off when I fall asleep. Later, when they went to the north to do business, he bought me a walking lantern. Stay with me all night long.

Listen, you two always talk about my future marriage. Silly old man, I'm only 20. But, dear father, if one day I really want to get married, will he treat me as well as you?

You and your mother are the most beautiful gifts that God has given me in this life.

I love you. Happy Father's Day, Dad.

About Accumulating Composition (5)

No time to sharpen the axe

A woodcutter found a suitable job in a wood factory. Because of the high salary and good working environment, the woodcutter cherishes it and is determined to work hard. On the first day, the boss gave him a sharp axe to delimit a logging area for him to cut. The hardworking woodcutter cut 18 trees that day, and the boss was also very satisfied. He said to the woodcutter, "Very good, you should keep this level!" The woodcutter was very happy to hear the boss's praise, and the next day he worked harder. However, for some reason, he only cut down 15 trees that day. On the third day, in order to make up for yesterday's deficit, he cut down more, but this day he cut down even less, only 10 trees. The woodcutter was very ashamed. He ran to the boss and apologized: "Boss, I'm sorry, I don't know why, but my strength seems to be getting weaker and weaker." The boss looked at him gently and then asked: "When did you last sharpen an axe?" The woodcutter looked at the boss and replied in surprise: "sharpen an axe? I'm busy cutting trees every day, and I don't have time to sharpen an axe at all!" Applicable direction: cognition; Wisdom; Strategy; Desire and reality; Phenomenon and essence

Don't do the best and do the best

Data shows that two-thirds of the inventions in the global tire industry come from Michelin. In the eyes of Michelin people, "the car is just a part of the tire". Now, the annual investment in product R&D of Michelin Group exceeds 4% of the total investment. In fact, among various brands of products, Michelin tires are often the most expensive in the market, but Michelin people never worry: "Our task is to let customers know that the cost per kilometer of Michelin tires is actually the lowest." Hansek said: "Michelin's goal is not to be the largest company, but to be the best company in product quality, price and service." In addition to tires, Michelin is famous for its Guide to Michelin, which is regarded as a "red treasure book" by countless gluttons. In the first year of the 20th century, Michelin published a pamphlet containing information about gas stations, repair shops, accommodation and other places in France, which was sent to drivers traveling in France free of charge through Michelin dealers. Andre, who was then the head of Michelin, wrote in the preface of the pamphlet: This book will be published in the new century, and it will surely coexist with the century. Later, this guide, updated and published on the first Wednesday of March every year, was regarded as a treasure by food lovers, and even known as the "food bible" in Europe, especially after it began to evaluate the stars of French restaurants every year. Even with such high popularity, food guide is still a "sideline" in the eyes of Michelin people. With such focus, Michelin has always led the world tire industry. Applicable direction: target; Strategy; sober; Self-confidence; cognition

Big Boss and Small Details

Henry Ford is the founder of Ford Motor Company and the first person in the world to use assembly line to produce cars in large quantities. He is known as "the person who brought America into the assembly line". It is such a big boss that he is so demanding in details that it is surprising. In July 1913, Ford ordered a batch of auto parts worth USD 20xx million from a German auto parts manufacturer. When signing the purchase agreement, he asked the other party that these parts should be packed in wooden boxes. The size of the wooden box, the thickness of the board, the combination of the boards, the size of the screws, and the location of the combination must be designed according to his requirements, and there should be no different nails on the wooden box. After the contract was signed, his subordinates felt that the boss was too strict, not just the packing box. Why are they so strict? When the car parts arrived, Henry Ford personally led the workers to unload them. He also told everyone to be careful when unpacking and not to damage the boards. Once again, the workers felt the boss's harshness. When Ford came out with the design drawing of the office floor after all the disassembly was completed, everyone suddenly understood and admired Ford. It turns out that Ford's private office has just been completed, but the floor has not been laid. Ford just used these boards to pave the floor. The size, thickness and screw position of each board are completely consistent with the design drawings. The bigger the boss, the more scrupulous he will be in every detail of the operation of the enterprise. It is this meticulous spirit that makes them stand out in the fierce market competition. When people envy their huge wealth, they do not know that their success is accumulated by one small detail. Applicable direction: attitude; Details; success; Wisdom; reason

Zheng Yonghui: "Faith"

Mr. Zheng Yonghui, a famous French literature translator, professor and writer, died on September 9, 20xx at the age of 94. In the impression of many readers, Zheng Yonghui is a translator who loves French realistic literature in the 19th century. In his life, he translated 409 works, more than 6 million words, including Hugo, Balzac, Flaubert, Merime, Alexandre Dumas, Zola, Gide, George Sang, Maupassant and others. Mr. Zheng's translation first emphasizes a word of "faithfulness". On this basis, try to achieve "expressiveness" as much as possible. Whether "elegance" depends on the degree of elegance and vulgarity of the original text, so as to achieve "faithfulness and elegance" or "faithfulness and vulgarity". This is the basic principle he has adhered to for decades. After 1949, the most influential translator of French literature was Fu Lei, but Zheng Yonghui once chose many mistakes in Fu Lei's translation because of translation problems. Once when he talked about his own translation of Gao Longba, he consciously corrected the old version of Fu Lei, and found that there were dozens of mistakes in Mr. Fu's book, such as "arbitrary deletion" and self righteous annotation due to misunderstanding. "I wrote an article called" On the 'Faith' of Translation ", which was published in the third issue of World Literature in 1990. From the three principles of literary translation, 'Faith, Expressiveness and Elegance', I talked about Fu's translation of Gao Longba, cited some examples and criticized Fu's translation." At the end of the article, Zheng Yonghui said, "It can be seen how difficult it is for a translator to be absolutely 'faithful'. Fu Lei, let alone our generation! There is never a shortcut in translation. Only a little more modesty and prudence can reduce a little mistakes." For Mr. Zheng Yonghui's half century long translation work, Yu Zhongxian commented: "I have translated the works of Mei Rime and Rob Grier, but these things have been translated by Mr. Zheng before, so after careful study of his translation, his greatest feature is that he is very loyal to the original." Applicable direction: sober; Sense of mission; Adhere to principles; believe oneself; Challenge authority

Yu Kongjian and His "Dream of Taohuayuan"

"He has created a new professional direction. Design has created many different moments for landscape." In the list of 20xx America's annual professional awards for landscape design, the American Association of Landscape Architects awarded the only highest award, the "Outstanding Award for Integrated Design", to Professor Yu Kongjian, School of Architecture and Landscape Design, Peking University. The Harbin Qunli National Urban Wetland Park Project presided over by him stood out from more than 620 entries. Since he left his hometown Jinhua, Zhejiang, to study in Beijing at the age of 17, and then went to the United States to study and return to Beijing, 25 years later, Yu Kongjian has been accompanied by a bag of native soil given to him by his mother before he left. This bag of soil is put together with Yu Kongjian's doctor's clothes and is treasured. Love is deep and responsibility is clear. As the dean of the Institute of Landscape Design at Peking University, Yu Kongjian has never stopped his sharp criticism of the current urban construction in China. After returning to China, Yu Kongjian inspected more than 100 cities across the country and saw the repeated destruction of cities and cultures. Yu Kongjian said bluntly: We are making the mistakes made by Americans and Europeans 100 years ago, but we are proud of it. "My ideal city is a city built on the network of nature, cultural heritage and people's leisure and recreation. This network is the ecological infrastructure on which the sustainable and healthy development of the city depends. This is the" Peach Blossom Garden "of a new era." For this "Peach Blossom Garden Dream", Yu Kongjian began to oppose the "City Makeup Movement" in 1997. In 20xx, under his auspices, the Institute of Landscape Design of Peking University was officially established. Now, more than 200 like-minded colleagues are struggling for a harmonious "indigenous concept" in the name of land. Applicable direction: dream; pursuit; harmonious; Home; Urbanization

Drifting stone

Zhang Ruimin, CEO of Haier Group, raised a question at a meeting of middle-level cadres: "How can a stone float on the water?" The answers returned were varied: someone said "empty the stone", and Mr. Zhang shook his head; Someone said to put it on a board, but Mr. Zhang said, "There is no board"; Someone said that "the stone is fake", and Mr. Zhang emphasized that "the stone is real"... Finally someone stood up and replied, "Speed, There is no chance to stay for you. Only by racing against time can we win. The early bird catches the worm and catches up with others. Don't stop. This is the state of competitors and winners. Yes, if there is a shortcut to success, it is to fly and be ready to fly. Applicable direction: success; Shortcut; cognition; The state of life; Speed of life

About Accumulating Composition (6)

Home is like a warm harbor. I have a warm home with my father, mother and I. But the family is small, and there are many interesting stories and jokes.

Once when I was doing math, I figured out a difficult and flexible question. I felt very proud, so I wanted to test my parents. I showed it to my father, who frowned, puzzled. I gave it to my mother, who held her chin in her left hand and a pen in her right hand. After a long time, my parents couldn't figure it out. My mother said sincerely, "We can't figure it out, so we have to ask Mr. Ge to explain it." Because I was not used to lecturing for others for the first time, I spoke in a wordy way, and the preface didn't catch up. My mother was impatient and said, "I don't understand! I don't understand!" My father retorted, "I understand!" The grandmother sitting beside said, "I can understand, fifty seven thirty-five!" I smiled and said, "My father and grandmother are my bosom friends!" Both father and grandmother laughed, but my mother vomited a face and said nothing.

In this math exam, my mother thought I could get a score of 100, but I didn't read the questions carefully, and I made an accurate calculation, so I got a score of 98. I always eat slowly and slowly. My mother asked me, "How many points did you get in the exam today?" I replied dejectedly, "98 points." My father said, "Be careful, and your throat should be thick!" We laughed so much that our food almost burst out.

Home is like a warm sun. The sun shines on every corner, and laughter resounds in every corner. These funny things reflect the love of my family for me.

About Accumulated Composition (7)

I changed my work unit and wanted to tell my old and new friends my new address. phone? Text—— I don't want to. Maybe in autumn, people will be nostalgic. I miss old songs, old friends, and the time when the cell phone was still called Big Brother and ordinary people could not have it. At that time - we always wrote letters into novels, and also casually drew a few cartoons and put a falling flower in it. But in today's era of sensitive information touch, is it too extravagant and pretentious to write a letter?

I hesitated to go to the shop, and the landlady held out a lot of stationery for me to choose. The fragrant fragrance comes to my nose, and the paper is full of colorful flowers. I don't know when our plain faced notepaper has come out so gorgeous? Cartoon bears and warm wishes are ready for you. I asked difficultly: Is there the simplest one? Is it the kind that has nothing? The landlady said apologetically: Now all the people who write letters are teenage boys and girls. Who needs such stationery? I felt embarrassed for my untimely, picked a plain book for myself, and hurried away. On the water rippled letter paper, a cute rabbit cracked its mouth at me. A string of flowers wrote: Hi, how are you?

At noon, I was sitting alone in the office, facing a beautiful perfume letterhead. The pen was turning around in my hand, and never left a word. I don't know who to write to? Don't know what to say? I think it's too luxurious to use this letter paper to face those friends who are as simple as me and our friends who are as simple as us.

So, every day when I go to work and open the drawer, I will smell the familiar fragrance, and the lovely rabbit always smiles at me regularly: Hi, how are you? My friends, how are you? Will there be a letter written in autumn when I miss you?

About Accumulated Composition (8)

Speaking of lying, I told it once not long ago, but after this time, I finally understand that the cost of lying is too high, and I will keep my feet on the ground in the future!

A few days ago, I bought a very beautiful pen. When I came out to use it, several students were attracted. They all rushed to appreciate my pen. Suddenly, a girl said, "Song Huyi, would you please bring me one?" As she asked, I was also asked to bring some other pens. When I saw them, I said angrily, "You can buy these pens in Xiyuan. You can buy them yourself!" After I said that, several students left angrily, but several others asked me to bring them, When I saw that they begged each other hard, I readily agreed.

When I came home from school in the evening, I had already forgotten what my classmates had asked me to do.

The next morning, when I just got up and saw some other pens in the pen holder, I just remembered. I was very anxious, but at this time my mother urged me to go to school. I thought twice and decided to lie to hide the truth.

When I came to school, I saw that several students had bought the pen, and several others were waiting for my "goods". I pointed at them and couldn't speak at once. When they saw me, they "forced" me. I said hesitantly, "I... when I went there, the door was closed..." As soon as I spoke, the student who bought the pen said, "I will go there at ten o'clock and still open. Don't deceive people!" When I saw my lie was exposed, I wanted to find a hole in the ground

All day long, my classmates ignored me and I became very lonely! This price is too heavy. I will never lie again! Never again!

About Accumulated Composition (9)

In the days without you, I always think of the time we spent together. Although there are quarrels and pains, it is still beautiful and unforgettable in retrospect.

I remember the way you were at a loss when we quarreled. I remember every words that were not sweet but could make me no longer angry when you coaxed me. I remember the way you held me and cried with me when I lost my voice and cried bitterly. I remember that you came to accompany me when you were busy. I remember that we lived in your humble temporary residence. My pain in my heart was not because I was wronged, but because I loved you, I remember that I sent you a meal in the rain, and I was satisfied with the way you ate. I remember that I was anxious and happy when I met you at the intersection every time, I remember that I was uneasy when you left, and I remember the necessary lessons and our information every night. Remember the little things we were together

Today, you are no longer with me. What will accompany me will be those unforgettable memories. My beloved, do you know the pain and suffering in my heart? If I dare not miss you easily, my deep love will also be buried in my heart.

Even so, I'm glad to meet you. Because of our meeting, knowing each other, loving each other, because of the pain and love, I grow up and know how to cherish more. I do not regret, because I am sure that my love is the most true, no matter when. I also believe that letting go of you is the pain of my life, but losing me is the biggest loss of your life. One day you will understand that I love you the most and love you the most.

Dear, let me still call you like this. You must remember that I walk away quietly to make you happy. Remember, I miss you quietly in the corner of the world, and bless you quietly. Remember, my unrepentant love.

About Accumulating Composition (10)

The day before the final exam, the students were all working hard, and the atmosphere was stifling. Suddenly, a teacher came and said, "Take graduation photos these two days, and your class will take them in the afternoon first!" Then he walked away. This sentence seems to inject excitement into the classroom, and students can no longer be quiet.

"This day, this day has come" I read silently, holding my pen tightly. The tip of the pen pierced a deep hole in the paper, but my mind could never return to the book?

After lunch, I turned over all my clothes and made a bed of colorful clothes. I looked at them carefully one by one, just like a scientist dissecting frog eggs. "Actually, it's just taking a picture." I stared at the mirror and said to myself, "Well, that's it." I tied the ribbon on my skirt again for the seventh time?

In the afternoon, the weather is surprisingly good. Maybe the sun likes to join in the fun. The process of taking pictures was faster than expected. No one blinked or looked listless when the flash flashed. With a "click", the smile of the whole class -- 80 people -- was fixed under the blue sky in summer. Behind us are two green pines that have stood in the campus for more than 30 years.

Back in the class, the students buried their heads in the books again. No one cared about how the photos were taken. The final exam will be tomorrow. This may be the last time we sit in the same classroom to study. Somehow, I thought of the graduation photos of the kindergarten. I often looked at the children above and thought: Did these people really exist in my life? Maybe several years later, I will look at the graduation photos of primary school and think like this!

I can't help feeling creepy.

A floating cloud outside the window was swaying from side to side by the sudden strong wind.

About Accumulated Composition (11)

My sister is a lovely child. She is less than 80 cm tall, neither fat nor thin. Her head is big, round, like a small ball. Although her hair is very little, she combs it every day in a decent way. Her mother shaved her head several times to make her hair grow faster, but now it still grows very slowly. I can't help it! Because her sister's hair is too little, her forehead looks very big and plump, like a doll. My sister has a pair of big, black jewel like eyes and looks very smart. She has a small mouth, but she is eloquent. As long as someone asks, "Who treats you best?", she will say it's the person who asked her. How interesting! However, she became angry, and her mouth pouted so high that no matter how you teased her, she ignored it. Look, isn't she cute?

My sister loves dancing very much. Once, when we were shopping in the street, we passed a store with music on. My sister started dancing with the music as soon as she came to the door. She twisted her hips from side to side, waved her hands back and forth in the air, and then crossed her waist, swaying rhythmically from side to side, all of which were crazy! Many passers-by on the road looked back and smiled at her, and some kept praising: "This little girl can become a star when she grows up!"

My sister not only loves dancing, but also plays music on her mobile phone! At ordinary times, whenever she sees someone holding a mobile phone, she makes a fuss about listening to music. Once, my father just gave my sister his mobile phone to play with, and she found a place to play music. Look, she shakes her cell phone held high with the music rhythmically. Look at her pride!

My sister, who can dance and likes listening to music, is only one and a half years old. She is so cute. My family likes her very much!

About Accumulated Composition (12)

Sometimes, dreams are joyful and exciting, while some are frightening and sad.

One day, I got fear in my dream, but I got love.

In my dream, I was at home preparing to go shopping when I suddenly saw a strange bag hanging on the door. I took it down and opened it curiously. "Ah!" I cried out in fear, and my mother, father and little brother ran down. "What's the matter? Why did you yell?" Mother asked anxiously. "Mom... Mom, this bag contains six skeletons..." I pointed to the bag I was still underground. "What!" cried Dad. I ran to my mother and brother, and my father walked gently to the bag, picked up the bag and prepared to throw it away.

Dad walked to the door, and we followed him. We were surprised to find that each family held a bag, and then each family put the bag together. Everyone worked together to bury it in a forest. Then everyone came home, with a lot of garlic and onions hanging at the door. At 11:00 this night, there were some strange noises outside. Dad put a lot of leeks and garlic on my brother and me first, told my mother to guard us, and told us not to go out. We heard a cry in the room, and our door was kicked open. With a "bang", I was scared out of my wits. I saw several skeletons coming towards us. My mother stood in front of us, protecting us. My brother and I ran back to the room, locked the door, and then, with a "ah".

I woke up with a start. I woke up quickly and ran to my parents' room. "Mom, Dad, brother!" I rushed to them and held them. "Swallow? Have you had a nightmare?" Mother said gently. "Sobbing..." "Don't cry, we will always be by your side." Mother said kindly.

It turns out that both in the real world and in dreams, parents love their children!

About Accumulating Composition (13)

I spent the Spring Festival at my grandma's house in Henan this year. Although the rural Spring Festival is not as busy as Beijing, it is also very lively.

When I first arrived at my grandma's house, my cousin dragged me to watch the Yangko Dance. It turned out that there was a Yangko team in the village. My grandma and my second grandma were both members of the Yangko Dance team. In order to increase the festivity of festivals, gongs and drums will be performed several times every New Year.

After waiting for a long time, it was not easy to start the performance. The band was in front, playing drums and flute. There is an old lady riding a donkey, played by an uncle, who looks very funny: short, thin, black face with thick powder, pink cheeks, red lips, small eyes squinting like they can't open, withered and yellow wig tied a small bun behind her head, wearing a silk red flower, wearing a green coat, red pants, shaking her head, With a small whip, he started to walk in front.

Grandmother and Second Grandmother were in the first row wearing clothes for Yangko dance and big red flowers on their heads. When they danced fans, they walked back and forth with the music. The Yangko dancers were all women, not men and women like Latin dances. There are more than 40 people in the Yangko team, which is like a dancing dragon! Several people dressed as dolls, Monkey King, Tang Monk, Pig Bajie, and Monk Sha are in the back town.

There are so many people watching Yangko. Almost all the people in the village have come out. It's really eye-catching! They walked far away, and the four streets of the whole village had to be twisted.

After the performance, I hurried to help Grandma get things. I asked Grandma if she was tired? Are you happy? Grandma said: Not tired, very happy. It turns out that only by bringing happiness to everyone can we be happier!

I went home happily with my grandma and sister.

About Accumulated Composition (14)

Just a passerby

Peach blossom on the iceberg

Heart is dusty amber

Clivia blooming on the cliff

Laughing at my loneliness in the crowd

Walking alone in the bustle

Smiling like flowers, young and bright

The chill is rising secretly

I'm just looking for a ray of sunshine

Why can't the sky be clear

Why did I lose hope

Collected Works of the Author Broken Bridge

The feeling of home!

Go pro, go pro, go pro. With this view in mind, several good sisters meet each year before the Lantern Festival and invite relatives to have a New Year's dinner. Everyone gets together to get in touch with each other.

Well, since the sixth day of the lunar new year, from this hotel to that hotel, there are plenty of fish and meat, which makes people feel sick! Singing after dinner, playing cards, lively and busy with the taste of New Year! After the 15th anniversary, I have to work hard again, but my family's New Year meal has not started yet! After thinking about it, I decided to make a special New Year meal for my friends!

Early in the morning, I got up and found dried bamboo shoots, dried beans, farmhouse fans, etc. from my relatives and friends in my hometown. Then I went to the market to buy mutton rolls, accompanied by a lot of vegetables, flammulina velutipes, white radishes, and so on. Go home and start three stoves at the same time. The cuttlefish soup with tripe ribs should be slowly cooked in casserole for three or four hours before it tastes good; Braised pig's feet in brown sauce has sufficient ingredients, and the temperature must be appropriate; The pickling time and color matching of Shuangwei fish head are very important - of course, the most important thing to remember is to take advantage of the gap, take out the wine set and carefully mix some good wine to set off the atmosphere, not to mention health care. At half past eleven, twelve dishes were served on the table, accompanied by their own fermented bean curd and dumplings, wow! Unexpectedly, there are all kinds of colors, smells, and flavors! I smell that I have a big appetite!

Because we had dinner at home without scruple, the sound of laughter and blessings, coupled with the cheerful music in the computer, made the atmosphere unprecedented warm. After dinner, a sister helped to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen, while I moved out one of the most treasured treasures - tea sets. Then I selected the popular Tie Guanyin, adjusted the music to a zither tune, and cooked tea. While sipping tea, friends chatted and laughed, slowly talking about the gains and losses of the previous year, and talking about the life planning of the new year. Because they were happy, sensitive family issues that usually don't dare to mention too much were also brought out for discussion, which actually solved the 'knot' between one of the sisters and their husband for many years. It was really fruitful and overjoyed! While chatting like this, a brother-in-law sighed: "I haven't felt this sense of home for a long time! In the future, we should organize such family gatherings at home as we do today." This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone!

The pace of modern life is fast and work is busy. Many people think that it is too troublesome to cook hard at home and clean up the mess after eating. Moreover, China has always been famous for its delicious food. Snack stalls and restaurants at different prices have all kinds of delicious food to choose from. As a result, fewer and fewer people cook at home. Dining is more in the hotel, while staying in the hotel. Most people think it is easier to do this, and the second bar is more grand. But I'm still more accustomed to eating at home. Although my food may not be as exquisite as that of a high-end restaurant, it always tastes like home. In particular, the intimate and warm atmosphere of communication created inadvertently when a family or friends get together for dinner always brings a feeling of freedom, relaxation and happiness! As a woman, she sacrifices a little sleep time to make breakfast for her dear family every morning and watch them eat delicious food. That happy feeling will make you have a good mood for the day! Saturday and Sunday to spend a variety of snacks to make a dish with good color, fragrance and taste. My little sense of achievement is no less than what I have achieved in my work. After a busy day at home, take off the high-heeled shoes that have damaged your feet all day, remove the elegant images piled up during the day, take a hot bath, change into comfortable pajamas, turn on the warm lights, let light music fill your space, boil a pot of good tea, and lazily lean on the large and soft cloth sofa, That cozy and comfortable feeling will make you feel that the original warm and happy feeling is not so hard to reach!

About Accumulated Composition (15)

What we usually refer to here is soybeans. Moreover, unlike other places, we plant beans in the fields, but on the earthworm like ridges near the paddy fields.

The ridge of the field had been weeded early, and a new layer of mud was added with a harrow. In the early summer sun, half dry. The seedlings, which had been planted in the fields for only ten and a half days, turned green and grew fast in the wind. The little frog in the water was still alive. That day, the same young loach was very active among the hillocks. I saw the draggler jumping around with his little tail, wriggling his thin body from side to side

"Sweet potato" and "loofah" are planting beans. The sun was bright, and they didn't wear hats. Although they were born in the same year and month, one was short and the other was tall and thin. The partners gave them nicknames vividly, and called them "sweet potato" and "loofah" loudly all day long.

The bean sprouts are made good by Grandma Sweet Potato. She selects plump soybeans, soaks them in water for half a day, spreads them on the flat sand beside the house, and then spreads them with straw (some cover the stove ash). When the beans stretch out their arms and kick their legs to grow a match stick long and bear a small bud, like a baby bowing to salute, they have to transplant quickly. Otherwise, the leaves will be pulled out and the branches will grow out of date.

The original name of sweet potato is Dongsheng, and the real name of towel gourd is Lishan. The house is next to the left and right neighbors of the house. The two of them, in the eyes of everyone, were like oil and salt pots on a stove, not separated. If anyone has something to do, they will go out and work together with a shout. Even if they are sweating hard, they will not hesitate.

Sweet potato parents went to Guangdong to work with many people in Tiantu. It was almost past the bean growing season, and his grandmother used her crutch to poke around for work. After two or three times, she found no one. Either there is no time to repair the house for others, or my own work has not been completed. The loofah knew about it and said, "We haven't been planted before. What if we can't find anyone.

About Accumulated Composition (16)

"Reading makes people progress, and reading makes people smart." Today, after reading the Spirit of Little Water Drops, I really benefited a lot.

The article "The Spirit of Small Water Drops" mainly tells us the story of Premier Zhou, who came to our mind through "I" seeing that countless small water drops can be gathered into a basin of water, and tells us that knowledge is accumulating. If there is a small water drop, the spiritual knowledge will be more abundant.

"Everyone was surprised when they opened the book. Every page of the book was filled with words, which were his reading notes and good words and sentences." This is a sentence in the article. The book was written by Premier Zhou after reading the book. Seeing here, I can't help thinking of myself. When the teacher assigned us to write reading notes, I was always not so careful, just casually copying a few words and sentences on the hasty way. If the teacher didn't assign, I didn't even want to write. After reading a book or an article, it disappeared in my mind. It is also about writing reading notes. Premier Zhou is so conscientious and conscientious, while I am so passive and careless. Can I write a good composition and enrich knowledge without accumulating knowledge bit by bit like me? I'm so ashamed!

"I think: if we have the spirit of small drops of water, our knowledge will be richer." This is the last sentence of the article. Indeed, if we had the spirit of accumulating over time, wouldn't our knowledge be richer and more comprehensive, and wouldn't we become a person with real talent and learning in the future?

After reading the article "Spirit of Little Water Drops", I have a deeper understanding of the sentence "knowledge lies in accumulation". Maybe it's not too late for me to mend the wounds!

About Accumulated Composition (17)

Today, my father came to pick me up after school, and I was very happy. Because my father was busy, he didn't have time to pick me up. On the way out of school, my father and I talked and laughed. I took my father's hand to guess riddles and recite ancient poems with him. Dad can get so many! I asked my father, "I have accumulated this bit by bit."

Back home, my father picked up a water cup and put it in the pool. The mouth of the water cup was facing the faucet. Then, my father slightly twisted the faucet for me to watch. After a while, a drop of water dripped into the cup; After a while, another drop of water dripped into the cup. I asked my father, "What are you doing?" My father looked at me, smiled and said to me, "You will find a problem later." I smiled at my father and said, "Then I will go to do my homework first." Today's homework is not very much, and I finished it in about forty minutes. I stood up and went to the pool. I saw that the water was still like it was at the beginning. After a while, it could drop into the cup, but by this time, there was already half a cup of water in the cup. I thought to myself, what is Dad doing? At this time, my father came up to me and said, "Have you found anything?"

I said, "The water is dripping slowly, but there is already half a glass of water in the cup." My father smiled and said to me, "Think carefully about how much knowledge you learned in preschool, how much knowledge you learned in the first grade, and how much knowledge you learned in the second grade." Without hesitation, I said to my father, "Of course, you learn more every year!" My father said, "Then how did the water in this cup increase?" I said to my father with a "ah" sound, "The water in the cup increases bit by bit. So my knowledge also increases bit by bit. That's what you mean by accumulation!" My father saw that I understood the truth of dropping water, He was very happy to say: "Learning knowledge needs to be accumulated bit by bit so that it can become more and more abundant."

About Accumulated Composition (18)

Suddenly, I found that the word "accumulation" can be found everywhere in our daily life and in classic works. "Jingwei reclamation" and "Yugong shifting mountains" tell stories of accumulation; "Rope sawing and wood cutting" refers to accumulation; "The accumulation of earth makes a mountain, the wind and rain make a mountain, the accumulation of water makes a river, the dragon makes a river, good deeds make virtue, and the deity is complacent, and the mind is prepared." It is still about accumulation.

Thus, "accumulation" plays an important role.

Tai Lihua, a deaf mute girl, performs a moving dance without any music or beat. "One minute on the stage, ten years off the stage", she turned herself into a spinning top. Except for eating and sleeping, all the other time in the 24 hours was given to dance. For her in the silent world, the only way to make dance and rhythm fully closed was to remember, repeat, remember, repeat. Little by little, she accumulated her dedication to dance and finally became one of the people who "touched China" for 20 years.

"The heaven moves healthily, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement. The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue." This is a well-known saying. Where does it come from? The Book of Changes! The Book of Changes is a book written by ancient Chinese sages through long-term observation of natural and social phenomena and highly summarizing various social practices and their results. It has detailed discussions from natural science to social science, social production to social life. This is also the result of accumulation.

However, "accumulation" does not always bring benefits. The famous sentence "A thousand li dike will collapse in the ant nest" and "A magpie will see Cai Henggong" all illustrate the harm of "accumulation". It is still remembered that Liu Xiang limped out of the track and field field in the Bird's Nest after pulling off the number cloth. His Achilles tendon was not very normal. He had given up two games before June. His desire for gold medals was stronger than anyone else, but the pain accumulated day by day deprived him of his dream.

So, how should we accumulate? Everyone knows Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, and Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental English! They have made great achievements in English. Don't envy them out of thin air. One thing Li Yang must do every day is to read English aloud before dinner, and Yu Minhong recites a whole English Chinese dictionary. The way they succeed is to persevere and start accumulating little by little!

"Rome was not built in a day". We should know how to accumulate, learn to accumulate, and learn to only accumulate useful things. In this way, you will understand the true meaning of "no accumulation of silicon steps, no thousand miles. No accumulation of small streams, no rivers and seas".

About Accumulated Composition (19)

Life is created by oneself (picture source: data map)

An old carpenter was going to retire. He told his boss that he would leave the construction industry and go home to enjoy family happiness with his wife and children.

The boss was reluctant to let his good workers go and asked if he could help build another house. The old carpenter said yes. But later, everyone could see that his heart was no longer on work. He used soft materials and worked hard. When the house was built, the boss handed him the key to the door.

"This is your house," he said. "I gave you a gift."

He was stunned and ashamed. If he knew he was building a house for himself, how could he do this? Now he has to live in a shoddy house! We are not like this. We carelessly "build our own life, not positive action, but negative coping, unwilling to improve everything, and unable to do our best at the critical moment. By the time we realized our situation, we were already trapped in the" house "we built. Think of you as the carpenter. Think of your house. Every day you knock in a nail, add a board, or erect a wall, and use your wisdom to build it! Your life is the only creation in your life, which cannot be erased and rebuilt. Even if there is only one day to live, that day should be beautiful and noble. The nameplate on the wall reads: "Life is created by yourself!"

2. Yesterday's choice determines today's life

Yesterday's choice determines today's life (picture source: data picture)

Three people will be put in prison for three years, and the warden will give them one request each.

Americans like to smoke cigars. They ordered three boxes of cigars. The French are the most romantic. They want a beautiful woman to accompany them. The Jews said that he wanted a telephone to communicate with the outside world. Three years later, the first person who rushed out was an American, with his mouth and nostrils full of cigars, shouting, "Give me fire, give me fire!" It turned out that he had forgotten to ask for fire.

Then came the French. He was holding a child in his hand, a beautiful woman holding a child in her hand, and a third child in her belly. Finally, the Jew came out. He held the prison governor's hand tightly and said, "In the past three years, I have contacted the outside world every day. My business has not stopped, but has increased by 200%. In order to express gratitude, I will give you a Rolls Royce!"

This story tells us that what kind of choice determines what kind of life. Today's life is determined by our choice three years ago, and today's choice will determine our life three years later.