If I have a composition of 600 words (collection of 18)
Yearning for the flying of eagle
2023-08-30 07:25:11

If I have 600 words in my composition (1)

I want to have a magic pen of Ma Liang. If I had a magic pen of Ma Liang, I would draw many, many magic pens of Ma Liang for all kind-hearted and harmless people to use, so that they can have a happy life.

It is said that Ma Liang's magic pen is very powerful, so I want to have a magic pen of Ma Liang.

If I had a magic pen of Ma Liang, I would draw many, many ideals, let everyone wear their own ideal on their heads, let the seeds of the ideal sow in everyone's heart, let everyone who has their own ideal work hard for their own ideal, and let their own ideal become a reality. Then, all the people in the world will not lose sight of their own face and what they are living for.

If I had a magic pen from Ma Liang, I would draw a blue sky, and the sky would no longer be gray due to man-made pollution. It has long been people's dream to keep the sky clean, but people do not take practical actions to reduce, mitigate, and further reduce the pollution level. That is why the sky has never become as blue as before. However, as long as I have a magic pen of Ma Liang, my dream for a long time will be realized by me.

If I have a magic pen of Ma Liang, I will go to the place where there is still smoke of gunpowder, wipe the smoke of war with an eraser, and then use Ma Liang's magic pen to draw a pair of hands holding each other, so that the world will be filled with peace and there will be no smoke of gunpowder.

If I had a magic pen of Ma Liang, I would draw thousands, even thousands, of healthy souls, so that healthy souls can be injected into everyone's body. "Health" should also be injected into the bodies of children and adults in starving poor areas, so that they can get healthy bodies and challenge the harsh environment.

If I had a magic pen from Ma Liang, I would draw an oasis on the desert and a drinkable pond with endless clean water, so that people who have no water to drink in the desert can drink water there and rest in the woods of the "oasis".

If I had a magic pen of Ma Liang, I would

I want to have a magic pen of Ma Liang. If I had a magic pen of Ma Liang, I would draw many, many magic pens of Ma Liang for all kind-hearted and harmless people to use, so that they can have a happy life.

If I have 600 words in my composition (2)

On the night of the 1000 day countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, I sat in front of the TV and saw five lively and lovely Fuwa - the live broadcast of the Beijing Olympic Games mascots. I was very excited. At that time, I seriously thought: "If I had a pair of wings that could travel through time and space, how wonderful it would be!"

If I have a pair of wings that can travel through time and space, I can fly with Fuwa to the place where the Olympic flame is lit, to see the Olympic Mountain, to appreciate the style of the temple in the ancient city of Athens, to see the scenes of the first Olympic Games, to feel the joy that the Olympic Games brought to the people at that time at the very beginning, to interview the first Olympic champion

If I have a pair of wings that can travel through time and space, I can fly with Fuwa Nini to all parts of the world to convey the message of peace and friendship, to tell people that there is no racial discrimination, no poverty, no bullying, no war, and that the earth is a warm family. People should respect and understand each other, Love and help each other

If I have a pair of wings that can travel through time and space, I can greet the Fuwa and fly Jingjing to the plateau, grassland, forest and green land to tell people there that animals are human friends. Among the animals, human friends include not only giant pandas, Tibetan antelopes, but also many, including wolves. The story of Kaibab Forest cannot be repeated. The fate of humans and animals is linked. We should face natural disasters and diseases together

If I have a pair of wings that can travel through time and space, I can fly with Fuwa Bei to the capital Beijing in 2008, go to the scene of the 29th Olympic Games, cheer for Liu Xiang's 110 meter hurdles, cheer for the Chinese table tennis team, shooting team, basketball team... and listen to the national anthem on the field again and again, Look up to the bright five-star red flag rising again and again on the field... How beautiful and happy it should be!

Oh, how I yearn for a pair of wings that can travel through time and space!

If I have 600 words in my composition (3)

If I have a stick that keeps changing money, then I will have money. I will have leisure and entertainment everywhere and have no worries about food and drink!

I lived in a big villa, where TV, air conditioner, sweeping robot... all arrived with a snap of my fingers. I also made a swimming stoke on the balcony, which is a comfort. Not only is it comfortable in my heart, but also in my body and mind. I also built a hot spring, which has been soaking in it all the time. Ah! Think about it and think it will be very happy to have this money changing stick!

There is a saying that "food is the most important thing for people". Now I can eat as much food as I want, which naturally makes me very happy. This time I went to dinner again. I came to the luxury hotel and walked to the counter. I said to the boss, "Give me some big dishes of your most expensive dishes! Send them to the best private room!" After that, I proudly watched other customers look envious, and followed the waiter with the same expression into the best private room. Just as I sat down, the owner of the restaurant brought up several large dishes in person and said to me with a smile: "Dear guest, these dishes, plus the room fee, total 200000 yuan." I didn't look back when I was tasting the food. I took out the stick and put it in his hand. Suddenly, 200000 yuan suddenly appeared in his hand. He could not bear it at once. If the money was not tied tightly by the rope, The money will fall on the ground and fly everywhere.

After tasting the delicious food, I wiped my mouth and walked out of the luxury hotel with my toes high. A driverless car came to me and stopped right in front of me. As soon as I sat in, the car automatically drove home, which shocked the hotel owner again.

When I got home, I threw myself on the bed with enough food and drink. Because it was night, I put the stick on the table without taking off my clothes and fell asleep.

The next day, I came up and yawned and touched the table. Eh! The stick is missing! I woke up with a start. Look, ah! The house is empty! Into the big thief!

I regret that if I could keep a low profile, I would not be missed by thieves

If I have 600 words in my composition (4)

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly freely in the blue sky, ask Sister Caixia for red and bright colors, ask Sister Xingxing for sparkling silver, put a bottle of life's sweet spring in the arms of the beautiful spring mother, and collect many pollens from the most exotic gardens around the world, such as seven color flowers, tulips, cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, etc, Learn the technique of making honey from the little bee dancing with the flower fairy. I poured the brilliance of rosy clouds, the brilliance of stars, and the sweet spring of life into the pollen, waved my wings, and a fragrance came to my nose. I finally became a kind of honey of happy life. I took the honey I picked, spread my wings, and began a long journey.

I will spread my wings and fly over the mountains and hills to find the invisible girl. How clever she is! She recognized Beethoven only when she heard him play a piece of music, but her beautiful eyes lost their luster and charming smile. She could not see the color of the world. What an unfortunate girl! I fanned a breeze and sent honey into her mouth. Oh, how beautiful! The sapphire like eyes shone again, full of surprise and thought. She saw the golden sun, green trees, beautiful flowers dancing in the wind, and she sang with the endless stream. Looking at the beautiful and lively girl, I reluctantly flew away.

Fly, fly, I came to a birch tree, where the "little musician" Yanke lay quietly. I put some honey on his mouth, and his pale face showed a red glow, and his eyes shone like stars. Ah, he heard again. He heard the birch singing a happy song, and the birds and insects playing a happy song. Nature was cheering for his second life.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly all over the world to find people suffering from poverty, disease and oppression, and relieve their pain. If I had wings, I would let the whole world not moan and cry, only laughter and laughter! Let's create a world of laughter without tears!

If I have 600 words in my composition (5)

I have always wanted to have magic power. With magic, I can achieve many wishes.

One day, I was bored at home. Suddenly, a flash of lightning fell from the sky and hit me. Suddenly, I felt different. Just before I knew it, an immortal appeared in front of me and said, "Now that you have achieved immortality and immortality, I will teach you a lot of magic. You should make good use of magic and use it to help those who need help."

He began to teach me magic patiently, and I also learned modestly, so one year passed. I gradually became stronger and stronger. The words once said by the immortals rang in my ears from time to time, and I said the mantra: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. I waved my wings and came to the mountain area. I found that the school in the poor mountain area was very dilapidated, so I used the magic I learned to create a clean and tidy teaching building for them, a very beautiful garden; Rows of spacious and bright teaching buildings; Neat tables and chairs; There is also an electric zigzag school gate. I am very happy to see the smiling faces of teachers and students in the school! I waved my wings again and came to the public security department. I found a prisoner escaped from his cell. I immediately turned out a big net, caught him, put him in the cell, and changed a new lock for the prison. Then I continued to fly with confidence. When I came to the park, I saw garbage everywhere on the ground, and turned into a "garbage energy robot". It specialized in taking garbage as energy, collecting all garbage, and the park returned to its original appearance. At this time, I remembered that there were fewer and fewer forests on the earth, so the desert became a dense forest.

After doing so many things, I was so tired that I lay down under a big tree to rest. Suddenly, an atomic bomb exploded... I was shocked and woke up from my dream. This is my dream, fantastic and interesting.

If only I had magic.

If I have 600 words in my composition (6)

I sat by the bed, looking at the sparrows bouncing on the book outside the window, thinking how happy the sparrows are! It is carefree all day, without thinking, and can fly wherever you want. It is not because it has a pair of wings that can fly. How wonderful! I also want to have such wings. Thinking about it, I quietly fell asleep

Ah! Mine. Why is it a little heavy on my back? I touch it gently. It's fluffy. Wow! I unexpectedly grew a pair of feather wings. I quickly ran to the mirror and saw that the wings on my back were snow-white. They were woven from feathers and felt very comfortable! I ducked my mouth, put my chin in my hand, and nodded my forehead. Suddenly, my eyes turned and a good idea came to me.

I silently thought in my heart: If only I could fly to the city where the little match girl is, I could help her!

Suddenly, I felt a magic power on my body. After a while, my body left the ground and flew towards the door gradually. My heart was excited. I saw the wings making a "whoop" sound behind me, and I immediately flew to the sky and flew away. But intuitively, I could feel that it was taking me to the city where the little match girl sold matches

Whoa! After flying for a long time, I finally fell in a small town. It was snowing heavily and the wind was blowing heavily. There was almost no one outside, but I still saw a weak figure looming in the snow in the distance. I walked to the wall close to her and thought: If only I could give her money and food!

After a while, I felt a magic behind me again. I saw a big bag of food and a small bag of money flying from my back to the little girl's side. I saw her face surprised, her eyes wide open, and she used her frozen hands to take the bag of food, hid in the corner and ate it greedily. I saw this behind the wall and smiled with satisfaction! When the little girl finished eating and went home happily with a bag of money, I was even happier!

"Tink!" I got up from the bed and opened my eyes vaguely. It was a dream! I used my wings to help the little match girl in my dream, and I was very happy!

If I had a pair of wings, I would do my best to help others!

If I have 600 words in my composition (7)

I want to have a pair of wings. Have a pair of strong, never tired wings.

If I had a pair of wings, I would stand on the high mountain top, feel the majesty of the mountain, stand under the waterfall, and sigh about the majesty of the water; I want to walk on the sea to feel its grandeur and tolerance; I will nestle beside the stream, listen to the sound of the spring, and feel the tranquility and serenity of nature; I want to visit all the places of interest on the earth and feel the ancient and great earth; In a word, I will fly freely in the blue sky, enjoy everything in the global village, and fly to places that I yearn for.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly freely in the blue sky, pick colorful auspicious clouds, and prepare a beautiful blessing. To my father, mother and relatives, thank them for everything they have done for me, and wish them good health and success in everything; To my teachers, thank them for their careful care and earnest teachings, and wish them a smooth work and a happy family; Also to everyone on the earth, wish us peace, far away from war, and live in harmony.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to Japan with a lot of food and daily necessities to visit the people in Japan's disaster areas and help them overcome difficulties.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to all the planets in the universe, explore their secrets, and bring back a panacea to relieve the pain of millions of patients. For the benefit of mankind.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to every country in the world, introduce everything about China to them, let them know that China has world-famous scenic spots, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the highest mountain in the world --- Mount Everest, the magnificent Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and let them know that the Chinese people are peace loving, warm and hospitable. And invited them to visit China.

If I had a pair of wings, I would like to participate in various competitions of the 26th University Games, and achieve good results one after another, to win glory for Shenzhen and the great motherland.

In a word, if I had a pair of wings, I would help to realize all human desires.

If I have 600 words in my composition (8)

The childish face, the shaking pen, and the twisted "If I had a pair of wings" repeated on the white paper. Strange imagination, too many dreams, can not suppress the power to break through the shackles.

I once knew nothing about the world, and I have scribbled countless of myself on the paper. So, now? Last night, after listening to my father's teachings, drinking my mother's warm milk, receiving greetings from my classmates, and finishing the homework assigned by my teacher, what if I suddenly had a pair of wings this morning?

Mr. Wings written by Jimmy is like this. He can fly overnight. He walked happily in the streets and alleys, capturing 100% of the turn around rate; He enthusiastically delivered the mail for the postman in the distance and got the gratitude of the other party; He helped the children retrieve the balloons and helped others with their urgent affairs, which won a lot of applause and praise. However, a few days later, more people were surprised by their eyes, they were always following, talking and pointing behind their backs, and they were estranged from other instincts. Therefore, Mr. Wings had to lock himself in the dark room and pull out the inexhaustible feathers cruelly. As for whether he curled up in a corner and licked his wounds or hid in a desert island for the rest of his life, I have forgotten. I just clearly remember that the departure of his wife and children is far more painful than his scarred wings.

Wings can give people a sense of joy to travel, a sense of freedom, a sense of achievement that transcends others, a sense of satisfaction that benefits the society and a sense of pride in achieving their aspirations, but it also brings Mr. Wings a heavy disappointment and loneliness. Because his family was broken by the spotlight of excessive attention, and there was no warm cloud like home in the sky for him to live in.

However, we are ordinary and we are in the real world? Once bathed in glory and praise, but also suffered setbacks and hesitations. In any case, there is a home for us to clean up and comfort our wings, so that we can gather strength and fly again.

If you could have a pair of wings, if you would lose your harbor, how would you balance them? I think most people would still like to stay in the glamorous world outside. Maybe they don't know that when they are tired, they will try their best to fly home, so as to avoid being too late and staying alive.

If I had a pair of wings, I would use them to fight against the clouds, lift them up, and embrace my deep harbor with them.

If I have 600 words in my composition (9)

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to Tiananmen in Beijing and watch the PLA raise the five-star red flag in the national anthem at dawn; I will fly to Haijiang, to the South China Sea to find the hero Uncle Wang Wei and save him; I want to fly all over the country to see mountains, rivers, grasslands, big cities with many tall buildings and brilliant lights, and the magnificent scene of the Three Gorges Project. I also want to fly out of the country to watch the Antarctic expedition work hard in the snow and ice, and help them put the five-star red flag on the Antarctic iceberg.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly around the world to tell the people of the world about the construction and development of our country, so that everyone knows that our people's life is beautiful.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to the deep universe to investigate the lunar landforms, visit Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and visit Cowherd and Weaver Girl among the Silver Stars.

I keep flying, I want to make for the scientific cause of our country if I have a pair of wings.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to Tiananmen in Beijing and watch the PLA raise the five-star red flag in the national anthem at dawn; I will fly to Haijiang, to the South China Sea to find the hero Uncle Wang Wei and save him; I want to fly all over the country to see mountains, rivers, grasslands, big cities with many tall buildings and brilliant lights, and the magnificent scene of the Three Gorges Project. I also want to fly out of the country to watch the Antarctic expedition work hard in the snow and ice, and help them put the five-star red flag on the Antarctic iceberg.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly around the world to tell the people of the world about the construction and development of our country, so that everyone knows that our people's life is beautiful.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to the deep universe to investigate the landform of the moon, visit Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and visit Cowherd and Weaver Maid in the group of silver stars.

I keep flying, I want to make contributions to the scientific cause of our country!

Grade 6: Little Miss 8522

If I have a composition of 600 words (10)

Everyone has a dream, and I am no exception. My dream is to grow a pair of beautiful wings. If this dream can be realized, how wonderful it would be! As soon as I thought about it, I turned around. I looked in the mirror and exclaimed, "I have a pair of wings, I have a pair of beautiful wings, I can fly freely in the sky like a bird and an angel!" I ran out of the door happily, flapping my wings, and flew to the blue sky!

I am flying in the sky. I look down and have a panoramic view of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Wow! That's Mount Tai and that's Mount Hua. Eh! It should be Mount Hengshan! It should be Hengshan Mountain! yes! That's Mount Song, that's Mount Huangshan! How beautiful! Is that Huangguoshu Waterfall! This is my motherland. Suddenly, a yellow thing flashed in my sight. I looked around, and there was also a yellow thing. I suddenly realized that this was the desert. I thought to myself: people really don't want to change these deserts and turn them into oases; The beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland are affected by the yellow pen.

I quickly flew back to the earth with a lot of tree species. Holding the tree species, I flew to the blue sky again. I found my partner, the bird. When we flew over the desert, we scattered a lot of tree species on the earth. Gradually, the tree species were scattered out and only waited for the tree species to sprout. As soon as we are free, I will take some water and fly to the sky. When we fly to the desert, my friends and I will sprinkle water down. With our careful care and our hope day and night, the trees finally sprouted. After a few years, they have grown into towering trees.

That day, when I was flying in the blue sky and playing with birds, I suddenly found that the motherland was more beautiful - the desert of the motherland has become a lush oasis, and the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland have become more magnificent!

When I was laughing happily, I saw that I had no wings in the mirror. I heard my father saying that there would be a sandstorm in Beijing tomorrow, and I suddenly "woke up". It turned out that the scene just now was illusory, and I really hope that it can become a reality!

If I have 600 words in my composition (11)

I can only read the book by the dim candle light, but I can't read Niels' Travels by Goose, my favorite book at ordinary times. I can't help looking out the window again. The total wind is so powerful. I'm afraid even the house won't last long!

Suddenly the window glass broke. I hurried to check, but a white goose was blown in by the typhoon. I can't help blurting out: "Writing Ding!"

That's Martin! In his narration, I understood the original end of the matter. It turned out that the root of the typhoon was a bead of calm wind. Unexpectedly, he moved his position, which caused it.

I decided to go with Martin. Many people have great power, not to mention to save the whole human race from suffering.

We were flying hard against the wind. I tightly grasped the goose feather on Martin's neck. The wind was whistling in my ears, and sometimes there were trees and objects flying by.

I stumbled to the Dingfeng Mountain, where the Dingfeng Pearl is located! Martin was so tired that I had to pick through the thorns and climb up through the grass. Typhoon blows me away from the direction from time to time, and I slowly but firmly find the right direction

It was an elf who was playing with Dingfengzhu. When he saw me, he held up his little fist with disdain: "I can make you very small! Let's go!"

I was angry and worried. I grabbed the branches with both hands to support myself, but the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Finally, I got a brainwave and took out the candy from my pocket. It was given by a boy when Martin and I helped him get the ball back. I shook the candy and threw it at the elf. She really fell for it. I took the opportunity to kick Dingfengzhu

I rolled off the bed and everything was safe. What's the matter? Is everything just a dream? I looked sadly at the TV screen. "According to our news, there will be a super typhoon in the near future, perhaps accompanied by heavy rain and snow. At present..."

Bad, calm wind bead

If I have a composition of 600 words (12)

I picked off the first petal, walked into the desert, and then threw it into the air, silently wishing in my heart that the desert could become an oasis again. Just after the wish was made, the edge of the desert slowly turned green, with grass and trees growing. After a while, the whole desert became a forest. Then, the spring water came rushing over, and the animals jumped out of nowhere. Suddenly, the whole forest was full of vitality.

When I walked to the seaside, I saw garbage floating on the sea, including plastic bags, mineral water bottles, leaked oil, and small dead fish and shrimp. I took off the second petal and threw it into the sea. The garbage and oil in the sea disappeared without a trace, and the small fish and shrimp returned to their original lively appearance. Watching the sea return to its original shape, my heart felt much better.

Passing the earthquake stricken area. Under the collapsed house, I saw a child kneeling in front of the ruins and crying, shouting: "Dad! Mom!" People fought for a piece of fruit and rice. People are either crushed to death by the ruins or starved to death. I picked off the third petal and buried it in the ground. The collapsed house stood up again. The dead people came back to life. They talked together at home and looked very happy

Although I didn't use the colorful flower to realize my wish, I was very happy because I did a lot of good things with it. Suddenly, the seven colored flower stems I used up in my hands turned into a shining colored seed

If I have 600 words in my composition (13)

If I had a pair of wings, when I was lonely, I would fly to the concert hall to listen to Lang Lang playing the piano and playing a saxophone with Chen Lin. Oh, yes, that was my own song - Onobi Sails Away.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly all over the libraries, select my favorite book treasures, and bring them to the children in poor areas, so that they can swim in the sea of knowledge like us.

If I had a pair of wings, at the beginning of the New Year, I would fly to the roof to help my parents hang lanterns, fly to the busy street, pinch a sugar figurine for my sister, and then mention a lantern to light up my grandmother's way home.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to space to have a close contact with astronauts. What would the shoes with hooks on the soles look like? I want to lie on the white cloud bed and feel the blue sky. At night, I want to see whether Sister Chang'e and Little White Rabbit have sweet dreams in the little house of Mother Moon?

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to my dear teacher's window and send a fragrant and beautiful lilac.

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly over the high-speed railway, eh? When I saw my father on business trip, he was smiling at the pictures of my sister and me on his mobile phone!

If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to the most beautiful Shangri La, pick a beautiful Gesang flower, and send it to my mother who has recited for a hundred times

The world is very big. There are many people living together in the sunshine.

The world is very small. If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to every corner, bring a bright smile, and touch every rainbow.

Oh! If I had a pair of wings, I hope it is no longer if

If I have a composition of 600 words (14)

What should I do with it? I thought on the way, this pen is very useful!

I looked up to see the ghost weather. It was gloomy, like a ghost. Let me draw a rainbow for it! This is beautiful. After a while, I waved my hands and the rainbow came out, bringing brightness to the world.

"Lala la la", I hummed all the way home, opened the door, and I began to think: if I turn the room into blue, will it be beautiful? "Shua" waved his little hand, suddenly, I felt as if I had fallen into the world of the sea, and I was thinking, since it is the sea, how can there be no fish? Then he drew a lot of fish. Instantly, the whole room seemed to be alive, which made me feel very comfortable. But I still have a lot of waste paper in my room. Can I reuse it? I thought, in a flash, all the waste paper turned into clean white paper.

I was tired of making trouble in the room. I wanted to go to the park for a walk, but after waiting for a long time, there was no car. I suddenly patted my head. Don't I still have a magic pen? I use it to draw a paper plane to fly directly to the park!

The cool summer wind slapped on my face. It felt good to take a paper plane! Suddenly, I stopped because I saw our classmates. "Lily" I called her, and she smiled at me in her wheelchair. She was born disabled, so she had to sit in a wheelchair. I started my imagination again: can I cure her leg? No matter what happens, we must try. "Ah! You finally stand up! I said excitedly to her that she was also moved to tears. So we came to the park together. Today's Lily seems very different, and the whole person is much more cheerful!

On the road, a child picked up rubbish and went to the dustbin. Suddenly, a car ran at full speed. I immediately drew a flying carpet to lift the child. It's really breathtaking!

I suddenly sat up and shouted "No!" and looked at the time again. It's only two o'clock. So, was it just a dream? But it feels too real. I swore silently in my heart: "I will do this in the future!"

If I have a composition of 600 words (15)

If I had a horse, I would let it take me to the desert. Looking at the sunshine shining on the sand and forming colorful light, I still feel heavy despite such pleasant scenery, because the desert should not exist, which has seriously polluted the living environment. I don't want to see the desert. I want to see the forest with trees, which is the place we yearn for.

If I had a horse, I would let it take me to the open field. With the fragrance of grass and the freshness of soil, I sit on the saddle and look at the blue sky, white clouds and endless green flat land. From time to time, there will be a breeze blowing here. How comfortable and enjoyable I am at this time. If you bring this peace to everyone, they will be as intoxicated as I am!

If I had a horse, I would let it take me to find the meaning of the journey. I took a heavy package, climbed mountains and rivers. After walking for a long time, we were exhausted, but we didn't find the meaning of the journey. After walking for a while, I saw a small fish struggling to move towards the river. I picked up the fish and put it in a bottle full of water. I felt the burden was reducing. I walked forward again, and saw a monkey unable to get down from the tree. I hung the rope on the top of the tree, and it came down, and the weight of my backpack was reduced again. Then I helped the bird to wrap up, and the rabbit to escape the trap... As the evening approached, there was little left in my backpack. When I arrived at a hillside, the sun went down. Looking at the gorgeous sunrise, I understood the meaning of travel, not the process, but the beauty around me.

Thank you, Ma Er. You let me understand the importance of protecting the environment, feeling quiet, peaceful and traveling. They are the most important part of our life, and I will always remember them.

If I have a composition of 600 words (16)

You used to be a teenager's favorite, and your eyes seem to hold the whole stars, as well as the eyebrows that appear with the stars like the moon. Your fragrance spreads all over the Milky Way, making people want to touch your white fingertips.

After you get married, you still retain the yearning and pursuit of beauty. Every time you look, you dress yourself in front of the mirror of the dresser. Until now, I have been convincing myself that you are a mother with a thirteen year old daughter, because you are really like a girl. Open your wardrobe. It's not ordinary women's black and white gray middle-aged clothes, but a palette of colorful clothes. Your clothes are never limited to age, from retro bell bottoms to rest straight trousers, from elegant cheongsam to girls' short skirts, from suits to fairy pink coats. It is no exaggeration to say that every suit here will have a pair of matching shoes. You don't have flat shoes or a pair of shoes. Your clothes account for three quarters of the wardrobe. Cosmetics are on the table. There are two ironing machines at home, one at home and one for going out. It is conceivable that you pay attention to beauty.

If I have magic, I will make you the most beautiful girl and make you a "water ice moon" with beauty, kindness, gentleness and virtue. At that time, I will hold your hand and spread your photos all over my space and circle of friends. When they ask you, I will only say proudly that "she is my beautiful girl". I will hold your hand over time. At that time, the spring breeze will be ten miles away, which is less than the stars in your eyes.

I will take you to the initial beginning, see your happy young and liked young again, and see your childish face from students to work, to get married and then to you now. I will take you to the seaside and let the sea breeze caress your cheek. Then you will tidy your hair like a girl.

I was awakened by the morning sun, and you still stood in front of the mirror to dress yourself.

If I have 600 words in my composition (17)

Scolded me for falling asleep on the way home. I had a strange dream that an old man with white hair and white beard was dragging on the ground. The master waved the Buddha dust in his hand, squinted his eyes and said kindly, "Zhang Mengze, do you have any wish?" I asked in surprise, "Really? If I can, I want to have the super ability to help others!" The grandpa waved the Buddha dust and said with a smile, "Go and do what you want to do!" As soon as the voice fell, the grandpa disappeared.

A flash of lightning flashed past, followed by a thunderclap, which made the sound of landslides. My whole body is full of power. Is this true? I'll try it. I came to Liu Wenhu's brother's house, looked at his sick uncle in bed, silently read: "Uncle, get better soon Liu Wenhu's mother beside said with tears, "The baby's father is well, and now there is hope for the family." I was happy to think that my brother should not be sad about his uncle's illness.

I came to the saline alkali land in the village again, and silently said: "Let the crops grow quickly!" In the desolate land, green seedlings broke through the ground, a breeze blew, and instantly turned into a golden wave of wheat, one after another heads bowed and bent to report the joy of maturity to people.

I went to the village primary school happily, and I silently read: "The school is going to change." The broken house in front of me has become a tall and beautiful teaching building. Neat tables and chairs are arranged under the bright fluorescent lamps, and every child's face is shining with happiness.

I turned the poor village into a new rich village, and my heart was as sweet as honey.

Suddenly I felt someone was taking a picture of me. "Zhang Mengze, we are home." I slowly opened my eyes and said to my mother, "Mom, if only I had super power.".

If I have a composition of 600 words (18)

In my dream, I have the super ability to read people's thoughts. One day, when I was sitting on the bus, I saw that each person on the bus had his or her own destination on his or her head, and that everyone's mood at this time was displayed on the underground of the destination: red represents anger, green represents happiness, and gray represents loss... I observed with interest, and suddenly found that an uncle's head was displaying a black screen. I felt very strange, afraid of what would happen to this uncle. So after Uncle got off the bus, I followed him and followed him all the way. I didn't leave until I saw him walk into a building with security guards standing at the door. But after a short walk, I heard the screams of passers-by behind me. I ran to the crowd and saw that I was stunned: Uncle fell on the ground, with a pool of red blood under his head. At this time, I realized that the black screen represents despair. No wonder he has no destination.

Since then, I have learned a lesson, devoted myself to studying psychology, and became a psychologist. I read the patients' thoughts to help them get out of the predicament and go to the bright side. A few days ago, I met an elder sister on a bridge. At that time, the screen on my head was also black, so I hurried to talk with her. It turned out that her father was seriously ill, her husband ran away, and her family was heavily in debt. She really had no choice but to commit suicide. So I helped her pay the high medical expenses and asked her to do the front desk service in the clinic. The elder sister kept thanking me, and I said, "Don't thank me, elder sister, you can start your life again!"

In this way, I became more and more famous and helped more and more people. The government also decided to award me an outstanding contribution award. Just as I was happy to accept the trophy, a voice woke me up, "Son, eat!". In this way, my trophy is gone. However, this dream made me see that there are many people in need of help in the society. In the future, I must do my best to care for them and help them.