Folklore Composition (15 in total)
Let go of yourself
2024-05-26 05:06:05

Folklore Composition (1)

Beautiful folklore Long long ago, due to the fertile land of Tonggu, the people here lived a happy life with plenty of clothes and food, attracting many tourists from other places

"When the bronze drum cannot be played, the golden rooster will fly into the sky". It is said that the reason why the bronze drum has been poor and backward for thousands of years is that the golden rooster has flown away. What's going on here?

A long time ago, due to the fertile land of Tonggu, the people here lived a happy life with plenty of food and clothing, attracting many tourists from other places. I don't know which year, when the military preparation envoy Yan Lun from Jin came here, he saw a huge stone in the eastern suburb of the county, about eight meters high, in a cylindrical shape, like a copper drum. He picked up his pen and wrote down the three powerful characters "Tonggu Stone". Each character is about one foot high. According to legend, the name of Tonggu County came from this.

Many years later, a man named Xu Jingyang, with a sword in his hand, pursued and killed an evil dragon. When he passed the Tonggu Stone, he heard a sound in the stone. He thought that the evil dragon was hiding in it, so he pulled out his sword and cut at the huge stone. Suddenly, the Tonggu Stone split a crack more than a foot wide from the middle. No evil dragon was found, and two golden chickens flew out. It is said that since then, the people of Tonggu have gradually become poorer and poorer. In fact, this is just a legend. What really made the people of Tonggu become poor was natural disasters and wars, especially the Japanese invasion and the civil wars in past dynasties, which made the people of Tonggu in dire straits.

During the Longqing period at the end of the Ming Dynasty, General Deng Zilong led his troops to pass by the Tonggu Stone. Seeing the cracks in the middle of the stone like cutting with a knife, he wrote down the powerful words "test sword", each of which is about one meter high. From then on, Tonggu Stone was also called "Sword Test Stone".

With the deepening of reform and opening up, the industrious and intelligent Tonggu people rely on the advantages of the mountains to open factories, run enterprises, and engage in tourism. Life has changed dramatically. It is also said that the golden rooster flew back.

Tonggu Stone has experienced ups and downs for thousands of years and witnessed the rise and fall of Tonggu. Although the stone top is covered with weeds and the stone wall is covered with moss, the scarlet characters are still clearly visible, and it has become the symbol of the bronze drum.

Folklore Composition (2)

On the ninth day of March every year, it is a "fish killing festival" for Miao people living in Longli, Guiding, Fuquan and other places in Guizhou. On this day, people came to the river, picked up a fresh fish from the river, set up an iron pot, lit a bonfire, boiled fresh fish in the river, drank rice wine, offered sacrifices to heaven and rain, and wished good weather and bumper crops. There is another legend about this day.

A long time ago, the Heavenly Lord had a very beautiful princess. She was smart and talented. God dotes like the apple of his eye. One day, the princess suddenly fell ill, and the Lord of Heaven was very anxious. He sent the heavenly soldiers and generals to send the elixir of the Heavenly Palace, collected the glossy ganoderma grass from Kunlun Mountain, dug the ginseng babies from Changbai Mountain, and retrieved the pearls from the sea. But these medicines did not cure the princess. Seeing the princess' illness getting worse day by day, the Lord of Heaven was too worried to eat and drink. Later, the Lord of Heaven heard that "a hundred kinds of fish in the rivers on earth can cure all diseases", so he immediately sent the God of Heaven to the mortal world to catch a hundred kinds of fish from rivers, lakes and seas, boil them into soup, and deliver them to the princess. After eating, the princess recovered from her illness within a few days. In order to thank the fish for saving their lives, the Lord of Heaven ordered to protect the fish in rivers, lakes and seas and not to hurt them at will. The Lord of Heaven also ordered the Rain God to pour all the rain into rivers, lakes and seas, and not to give a drop to human beings. At this time, the Miao family was very worried because of the drought. So the villagers killed pigs and oxen to pray for rain. However, the Heavenly Lord still doesn't give a drop of water to human beings. At last, all the pigs and cattle were slaughtered. On the ninth day of March, villagers caught some carp, silver carp, salmon, crucian carp and baby fish from rivers and lakes to replace the offerings of pigs and cattle and pray for rain. Who knows, the Lord of Heaven saw that the world had killed his gracious fish in order to live, and thought of the fish's kindness to his daughter, he couldn't help crying bitterly. He cried for three days and nights, with dark clouds rolling, wind blowing, lightning and thunder. Heavenly Lord's tears turned into torrential rain, falling from the sky. It rained for three days and three nights, and water flowed everywhere, filling the farmland and nourishing the vegetation.

Until now, the Miao people in the Jiuli Pingpo, Guiding Guangming and Fuquan Xin'an Village have gone to the river to kill fish every year on the ninth day of March.

Folklore Composition (3)

It is said that this is the day for the Dragon Palace to bask in dragon robes. Because this day, almost on the eve of light summer, is the day with the highest temperature, the longest sunshine time and the strongest solar radiation in a year, many families will choose this day to "sun", that is, to dry the clothes stored in the box and cabinet outside to receive the sun exposure, so as to remove moisture, moisture, mold and moth.

People say that "June 6" hundreds of cables are put on the house. It is said that the Altair and Vega in the sky are separated by the Milky Way on both sides of the strait, and only the seventh day of July in a year can meet. But there is a Milky Way between them, and there is no ferry. What should we do? So on June 6, children all over the world should put the "hundred rope" they wear on the Dragon Boat Festival on the house for magpies to take, and build a beautiful bridge like a rainbow on the Milky Way, so that the cowherd and the Weaver Maid can meet.

It is said that this day is the day when "Little White Dragon" comes home. Because "Little White Dragon" violated the law of heaven and was imprisoned by the father of the Dragon King on a remote island, he lost his freedom of movement. Only on June 6, the Dragon King graciously allowed him to go home to visit his mother. "Little White Dragon" was eager to explore his mother, so he traveled day and night all the way, bringing thunder, lightning, wind and rain.

The ancients said that "ambush" means "hiding from the heat". The worship in ambush has been recorded as far away as the Pre Qin Dynasty. It is said in the ancient book that the sacrifice made in Furi is "the emperor Yan, the god Zhu Rong". The legend of Emperor Yan is the sun god, and Zhu Rong is the sun god of Emperor Yan. It is said that Emperor Yan asked the sun to send out enough light and heat to make the grain grow. Since then, human beings have no worries about food and clothing. People thanked him for his merits and remembered him at the hottest time. Therefore, the legend of "sacrifice in the dog days" came into being.

The Summer Festival in June: "The warm wind comes suddenly, and the light summer comes. The bamboo sounds like rain, and the thunder is heard in the dark mountain. The windows of the house are dark and green, and the court heads are covered with green moss. The hawks are learning new, and the crickets are not urging each other."

Folklore Composition (4)

The beautiful legend is that the moon is like a mirror, and stars are all over the sky. On the quiet night of August 15, our family ate sweet mooncakes and enjoyed the bright moon.

While eating moon cakes, I chanted Su Dongpo's "Water Melody": "When will the moon be bright? Ask the sky about the wine. I don't know -" At this time, the whole family laughed. People often say, "I miss my family every holiday." I think so. Looking at the bright moon, I can't help thinking of my brother in Shanghai.

My father looked at the bright moon and told me a legend about the Mid Autumn Festival: a long time ago, there was a hero named Hou Yi. At that time, there were ten suns there, and he decided to put the other nine suns. So he came to the top of the mountain, used his strength, drew a bow full of gods, and shot down nine suns. Many people respect him and worship him as their teacher. Only one person, Pang Meng, does not really worship him.

Hou Yi's wife Chang'e is very beautiful and kind. The Queen Mother of the West gave Hou Yi a pill of medicine that he could become an immortal after eating. Hou Yi didn't want to leave Chang'e and didn't eat it. Pang Meng knew that on the 15th day of August, when Hou Yi was not holding a sword, he forced Chang'e to hand over the medicine. Chang'e was unwilling to give it to such people, so she swallowed the medicine in one breath. She suddenly floated up into the sky and onto the moon. Villagers miss the kind Chang'e. Every August 15, it becomes the Mid Autumn Festival that people look forward to reuniting. After listening to this story, I finally understand the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. This beautiful story makes me linger in it for a long time.

Folklore Composition (5)

It is said that this is the day for the Dragon Palace to bask in dragon robes. Because this day, almost on the eve of light summer, is the day with the highest temperature, the longest sunshine time and the strongest solar radiation in a year, many families will choose this day to "sun", that is, to dry the clothes stored in the box and cabinet outside to receive the sun exposure, so as to remove moisture, moisture, mold and moth.

People say that "June 6" hundreds of cables are put on the house. It is said that the Altair and Vega in the sky are separated by the Milky Way on both sides of the strait, and only the seventh day of July in a year can meet. But there is a Milky Way between them, and there is no ferry. What should we do? So on June 6, children all over the world should put the "hundred rope" they wear on the Dragon Boat Festival in the house for magpies to take, and build a beautiful bridge like a rainbow on the Milky Way, so that the cowherd and the Weaver Maid can meet.

It is said that this day is the day when "Little White Dragon" comes home. Because "Little White Dragon" violated the law of heaven and was imprisoned by the father of the Dragon King on a remote island, he lost his freedom of movement. Only on June 6, the Dragon King graciously allowed him to go home to visit his mother. "Little White Dragon" was eager to explore his mother, so he traveled day and night all the way, bringing thunder, lightning, wind and rain.

The ancients said that "ambush" means "hiding from the heat". The worship in ambush has been recorded as far away as the Pre Qin Dynasty. It is said in the ancient book that the sacrifice made in Furi is "the emperor Yan, the god Zhu Rong". The legend of Emperor Yan is the sun god, and Zhu Rong is the sun god of Emperor Yan. It is said that Emperor Yan asked the sun to send out enough light and heat to make the grain grow. Since then, human beings have no worries about food and clothing. People thanked him for his merits and remembered him at the hottest time. Therefore, the legend of "sacrifice in the dog days" came into being.

The Summer Festival in June: "The warm wind comes suddenly, and the light summer comes. The bamboo sounds like rain, and the thunder is heard in the dark mountain. The windows of the house are dark and green, and the court heads are covered with green moss. The hawks are learning new, and the crickets are not urging each other."

Folklore Composition (6)

On the ninth day of March every year, it is a "fish killing festival" for Miao people living in Longli, Guiding, Fuquan and other places in Guizhou. On this day, people came to the river, picked up a fresh fish from the river, set up an iron pot, lit a bonfire, boiled fresh fish in the river, drank rice wine, offered sacrifices to heaven and rain, and wished good weather and bumper crops. There is another legend about this day.

A long time ago, the Heavenly Lord had a very beautiful princess. She was smart and talented. God dotes like the apple of his eye. One day, the princess suddenly fell ill, and the Lord of Heaven was very anxious. He sent the heavenly soldiers and generals to send the elixir of the Heavenly Palace, collected the glossy ganoderma grass from Kunlun Mountain, dug the ginseng babies from Changbai Mountain, and retrieved the pearls from the sea. But these medicines did not cure the princess. Seeing the princess's condition getting worse day by day, the Lord of Heaven was so worried that he didn't want to eat. Later, the Lord of Heaven heard that "a hundred kinds of fish in the rivers on earth can cure all diseases", so he immediately sent the God of Heaven to the mortal world to catch a hundred kinds of fish from rivers, lakes and seas, boil them into soup, and deliver them to the princess. After eating, the princess recovered from her illness within a few days. In order to thank the fish for saving their lives, the Lord of Heaven ordered to protect the fish in rivers, lakes and seas and not to hurt them at will. The Lord of Heaven also ordered the Rain God to pour all the rain into rivers, lakes and seas, and not to give a drop to human beings. At this time, the Miao family was very worried because of the drought. So the villagers killed pigs and oxen to pray for rain. However, the Heavenly Lord still doesn't give a drop of water to human beings. At last, all the pigs and cattle were slaughtered. On the ninth day of March, villagers caught some carp, silver carp, salmon, crucian carp and baby fish from rivers and lakes to replace the offerings of pigs and cattle and pray for rain. Who knows, the Lord of Heaven saw that the world had killed his gracious fish in order to live, and thought of the fish's kindness to his daughter, he couldn't help crying bitterly. He cried for three days and nights, with dark clouds rolling, wind blowing, lightning and thunder. Heavenly Lord's tears turned into torrential rain, falling from the sky. It rained for three days and three nights, and water flowed everywhere, filling the farmland and nourishing the vegetation.

Until now, the Miao people in the Jiuli Pingpo, Guiding Guangming and Fuquan Xin'an Village have gone to the river to kill fish every year on the ninth day of March.

Folklore Composition (7)

The moon is like a mirror, and the sky is full of stars. On the quiet night of August 15, our family ate sweet mooncakes and enjoyed the bright moon.

While eating moon cakes, I chanted Su Dongpo's "Water Melody": "When will the moon be bright? Ask the sky about the wine. I don't know -" At this time, the whole family laughed. People often say, "I miss my family every holiday." I think so. Looking at the bright moon, I can't help thinking of my brother in Shanghai.

My father looked at the bright moon and told me a legend about the Mid Autumn Festival: a long time ago, there was a hero named Hou Yi. At that time, there were ten suns there, and he decided to put the other nine suns. So he came to the top of the mountain, used his strength, drew a bow full of gods, and shot down nine suns. Many people respect him and worship him as their teacher. Only one person, Pang Meng, does not really worship him. Hou Yi's wife Chang'e is very beautiful and kind. The Queen Mother of the West gave Hou Yi a pill of medicine that he could become an immortal after eating. Hou Yi didn't want to leave Chang'e and didn't eat it. Pang Meng knew that on the 15th day of August, when Hou Yi was not holding a sword, he forced Chang'e to hand over the medicine. Chang'e was unwilling to give it to such people, so she swallowed the medicine in one breath. She suddenly floated up into the sky and onto the moon. Villagers miss the kind Chang'e. Every August 15, it becomes the Mid Autumn Festival that people look forward to reuniting.

After listening to this story, I finally understand the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. This beautiful story makes me linger in it for a long time.

Folklore Composition (8)

It is said that Pangu created heaven and earth. Nuwa made people out of yellow mud. The sun, the moon and the stars performed their respective duties. People lived and worked in peace and contentment. Later, Gonggong and Zhuan Xu fought for the throne, and they were so overwhelmed that they touched a mountain that was not perfect, leading to the collapse of the pillars of heaven, the destruction of the earth, the collapse of the four poles, the split of the nine states, the heaven falling to the northwest, and the earth sinking into the southeast. Floods and fires spread, and people were displaced.

Nuwa was very concerned when she saw that her people were trapped in a huge disaster, and she decided to refine stones to make up the sky. So she traveled around the world, waded through mountains, and finally chose Tiantai Mountain, a celestial mountain on the sea outside the East China Sea. Tiantai Mountain is one of the five fairy mountains in the East China Sea. The five fairy mountains are respectively carried by the gods on their backs to prevent sinking into the sea bottom. Why did Nuwa choose Tiantai Mountain? Because only Tiantai Mountain produces colorful clay for stone refining, which is an excellent place for stone refining.

So Nuwa piled huge stones on the top of the Tiantai Mountain as a furnace, took colorful soil as material, borrowed the sun fire, and spent nine days and nine nights refining 36501 colorful huge stones. Then it took nine days and nine nights to repair the sky with 36500 pieces of colorful stones. The remaining piece was left on the top of Tanggu Mountain in Tiantai Mountain.

The sky was mended, but the pillars supporting the quadrupole could not be found. If there were no pillars to support it, the sky would fall down. In desperation, Nu Wa had to cut off the four feet carrying the god Ao of Tiantai Mountain to support the four poles. However, if the Tiantai Mountain was not loaded by the Shen'ao, it would sink into the sea bottom. So Nuwa moved the Tiantai Mountain to Langya on the coast of the East China Sea, which is today around Taoluo Town, Rizhao City. To this day, there are still Nuwa Sky mending Platform on Taishan Mountain, and under the platform, there are the cut foot God Ao and the remaining colorful stones, which are called the Sun God Stone by later generations. Nuwa Sky Patching Platform

After Nuwa mended the sky, the heaven and earth were positioned, the flood returned to the Tao, the fire went out, and the world was quiet. People sing and dance in Tiantai Mountain to celebrate the success of mending the sky. At the same time, Nuwa Temple is built at the foot of the mountain to worship for generations. There are many worshippers and incense sticks.

Folklore Composition (9)

In ancient times, there was a mountain called Jiuyun. This mountain trapped in the North Sea, cut off the South Mountain, and buried the Emperor Zhenwu of the North and the Tibetan king in the Jiuyou. There are a group of practicing monsters living on the mountain. They often attack people and animals who go up the mountain. After a long time, the mountain has become a place.

One day, a woman broke into the mountain. She defeated the demons all the way to the top of the mountain. The battle was dark and the sun and the moon were dark. Finally, the woman trapped the demons under the Jiuyun Mountain, and she built a temple on it called "Red Dust". The Jiuyun Mountain collapsed into two in the battle. From then on, there was no monster in the world. The woman wears a phoenix crown and a peacock feather. She rides a white tiger, followed by Xuanwu, and can move mountains and fill the sea. She often walks among clouds and plays in the world of mortals.

After the suppression of demons, the woman became accustomed to pretending to be an ordinary person on the ninth day of each month to play in the human world at the foot of the mountain. Slowly, she got her own name. "Jiujiu" means eternal. She hopes that time will stay on this day forever.

As time goes by, time flies like a shuttle. In the twinkling of an eye, it is thousands of years. Jiuyun Mountain is still two sections, nine years away. There is a temple at the foot of the green mountain all the year round. Looking at the temple in front of you, I recall the story of the past, as if it happened yesterday.

The way of the strong is self-confidence; The path of the weak is confusion. Why can Jiujiu's story be handed down? Jiujiu is also a person, but she has taken an extraordinary road.

Folklore Composition (10)

On New Year's Eve, every child will get lucky money, and I am no exception. My grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and sister-in-law all gave me lucky money. Why do adults want to give children lucky money? I asked curiously. Grandpa told me a touching story about the source of money for New Year

It is said that in the early days, there was a little devil called "Sui". Every year on the 30th, it will touch the sleeping children, and the touched children will become stupid. It's another New Year's Eve, as promised. An adult in a family puts a red envelope with a wallet under the child's pillow. When "Sui" was about to approach the sleeping child, the red paper suddenly gave out a dazzling light, and "Sui" ran away in panic. Later, people called red paper money "lucky money" because it has the function of expelling evil spirits. "Sui" and "Sui" are homonyms. According to the principle of "precious" and "new year", adults only hope that a "god of peace" can protect the healthy and safe growth of children, so that the New Year's money will be passed on from generation to generation.

In fact, every "lucky money", no matter how much, carries the blessing and love of the elders for children. Our children should know how to remember the love of adults for us, and when they get love, don't waste it. Accumulate it and return it to parents to become a good child.

Composition 2: Folk legend composition

One by one, beautiful folk stories are like cups of fragrant green tea, leaving us endless aftertaste. These beautiful folklores reflect the living habits of local people, show their wisdom and wisdom, and let us have many reverie. Today, let me bring a legend about Niuyukou!

It is said that a long time ago, Mount Tai was a sea, where lived the dragon son of the South China Sea Dragon King, and on the shore lived the son of a cow, the daughter of a cow, and the refined meat of carp. Fish and cattle were childhood lovers and often enjoyed playing together. Before they realized this, they had reached their youth. The cow and the dragon fell in love with the beautiful fish. Fish only like loyal and powerful cows.

One day, when a cow saw a fish on a date, the dragon was very angry and wanted to kill the cow. The war lasted 7749 days. The war was so dark that the sea became a mountain. That is Damao Mountain.

This matter was finally known by God, so God put the dragon on the top of Mount Damao. Lock the fish halfway up the mountain; The night before the cow was driven down to do forced labor on the earth, the cow and the fish made a final separation at the mouth of the mountain.

Finally, to commemorate the sad and beautiful love story of cattle and fish, people call Damao Mountain "Niuyuzui".

Folklore Composition (11)

"Bang, bang, bang" New Year! Do you know why you set off firecrackers for New Year? Here is an interesting fairy story! It is said that a long, long time ago, there was a monster called Nian. It would steal animals from the village every year, sometimes even people would not let it go. People felt uneasy. When they were about to move, an old man came up to them. He said, "I can make Nian miss me." People asked curiously, "Why. The next day, people asked Grandpa why Nian didn't eat him? Grandfather said, "Because" Nian "is afraid of very noisy sounds. As long as you make some noisy things to quarrel with it, you can drive it away!" So people followed his advice. They set off firecrackers every New Year, really driving "Nian" away.

Folklore Composition (12)

After reading the folk legends of Nanjing, our city is one of the ancient capitals of the Six Dynasties. It is a beautiful and civilized city. Nanjing has fascinating scenery, magnificent buildings, a long history, and many beautiful legends· Nanjing folklores are the artistic crystallization of the eternal Nanjing and Nanjing people. Many interesting stories praise every mountain, every water, and every lane here, and sing praises of the people's hardworking life and brave behavior. The emperors of the past dynasties have become the objects of ridicule in these folk legends· Speaking of Mochou Lake, everyone must be impressed deeply. There are blue rippling lakes, starry boats, small and beautiful flowers and grass, and elegant rockery fountains, all of which are breathtaking· There is a Yujin Hall in Mochou Lake Park, which is said to be the place where Mochou women lived. On one of the walls of the courtyard of Yujin Hall, a song "Song of Water in the River" written by Emperor Wu of Liang, Xiao Yan, is embedded· Qiu Nu is from Luoyang. Because she was born in autumn, her parents named her Qiu Nu. Soon after she was born, her mother died. Qiu Nu and her father were dependent on each other since childhood, but they lived in poverty. Qiu Nu is smart and eager to learn. She picks mulberry, raises silkworms, and weaves. She also learned a good skill of picking herbs and curing diseases from her father. On this day, the father and daughter went to the mountain to collect herbs. Inadvertently, her father fell off the cliff. Qiu Nv was heartbroken. Her family was poor and could not afford to bury her father. Unable to do anything, Qiu Nv decided to sell herself. She wrote a deed of sale, crying while writing. She felt very sad, so she changed her name to Sorrow Nv. A councillor Lu in Nanjing, who was sorry for a sad woman, took care of the affairs of her father and brought her home to be his son's wife. After marriage, they led a peaceful and beautiful life. Once, her husband said solemnly, "Sorrow girl, Sorrow girl, your name sounds sad. Why not add the word" Mo "in front of it? It means that everyone should not worry. How nice! " Later, Emperor Wu of Liang accidentally saw the Lady of Sorrow. He thought that the fairy had gone down to earth and was fascinated by Mo's beauty. He tried to make her his concubine. Mo didn't want to get on the boat. Because it was too urgent, even the Yangtze River was driven to move northward, giving way to a large lake, so it was named Mochou Lake. And what about Emperor Liang Wu? Thinking that Qiu Nu jumped into the river and committed suicide, she was very guilty, so she wrote a song "Water Song in the River"· Caves, flowers, trees, fish, insects, animals, all have magical stories. People love to feed their own land. Mountains have life, and water has spirituality. The legends are like peonies in full bloom, which add fragrance to the spring of history with a strong soil flavor····· Sanpailou Primary School·····

Folklore Composition (13)

Folklore Composition 1

West Lake folktales tell stories about folk events in the West Lake. The West Lake is the pride of Hangzhou people! Therefore, I love reading this book.

I found that the Ruishi in it was so magical that it had only one finger! His fingers are very magical. A stone is soft when you point at it. The key to another treasure house is this finger! I was fascinated by this story at once. Ruishi is very kind-hearted. He is not obsessed with treasure and is dedicated to helping everyone. At last, he disappeared into the air and disappeared There are not only Ruishi, but also Laurel Peak, White Lady, etc.

You must have seen the White Lady! This is an authentic story! I was moved by the beautiful and kind-hearted White Lady's brave behavior. She fought with the sea of France, and the waters covered the mountains. Free medical treatment for people. After many hardships, he finally defeated Fahai and lived with Xu Xian. Let's take action and learn from the White Lady!

This is not enough. There are authentic articles in it, like the first balcony. One day, when the sun is gone, what will you do? Hurry up! Uncle Bao, a brave boy, went to look for the sun with Jin Fenghuang. He swam more than 10 rivers, climbed more than 20 mountains, and went through countless hardships to find the sun back. On the way, Huiniang is not moved by love and does not shed tears. Because she knew that once she cried, Uncle Bao would have no strength to find the sun. How brave he is!

West Lake folktales are treasure everywhere. As long as you look, think, remember, and write, you will surely find the magic of this book! This book can take you into a dreamland and let you travel in the story!

Let's all take action! Understand the folk history and culture of the West Lake.

Learn the characters inside, let's have a civilized and beautiful West Lake!

Folklore Composition 2

On the ninth day of March every year, it is a "fish killing festival" for Miao people living in Longli, Guiding, Fuquan and other places in Guizhou. On this day, people came to the river, picked up a fresh fish from the river, set up an iron pot, lit a bonfire, boiled fresh fish in the river, drank rice wine, offered sacrifices to heaven and rain, and wished good weather and bumper crops. There is another legend about this day.

A long time ago, the Heavenly Lord had a very beautiful princess. She was smart and talented. God dotes like the apple of his eye. One day, the princess suddenly fell ill, and the Lord of Heaven was very anxious. He sent the heavenly soldiers and generals to send the elixir of the Heavenly Palace, collected the glossy ganoderma grass from Kunlun Mountain, dug the ginseng babies from Changbai Mountain, and retrieved the pearls from the sea. But these medicines did not cure the princess. Seeing the princess's condition getting worse day by day, the Lord of Heaven was so worried that he didn't want to eat. Later, the Lord of Heaven heard that "a hundred kinds of fish in the rivers on earth can cure all diseases", so he immediately sent the God of Heaven to the mortal world to catch a hundred kinds of fish from rivers, lakes and seas, boil them into soup, and deliver them to the princess. After eating, the princess recovered from her illness within a few days. In order to thank the fish for saving their lives, the Lord of Heaven ordered to protect the fish in rivers, lakes and seas and not to hurt them at will. The Lord of Heaven also ordered the Rain God to pour all the rain into rivers, lakes and seas, and not to give a drop to human beings. At this time, the Miao family was very worried because of the drought. So the villagers killed pigs and oxen to pray for rain. However, the Heavenly Lord still doesn't give a drop of water to human beings. At last, all the pigs and cattle were slaughtered. On the ninth day of March, villagers caught some carp, silver carp, salmon, crucian carp and baby fish from rivers and lakes to replace the offerings of pigs and cattle and pray for rain. Who knows, the Lord of Heaven saw that the world had killed his gracious fish in order to live, and thought of the fish's kindness to his daughter, he couldn't help crying bitterly. He cried for three days and nights, with dark clouds rolling, wind blowing, lightning and thunder. Heavenly Lord's tears turned into torrential rain, falling from the sky. It rained for three days and three nights, and water flowed everywhere, filling the farmland and nourishing the vegetation.

Until now, the Miao people in Xin'an Village, Fuquan, on the ninth day of the third month of every year, have gone to the river to kill fish

Folklore Composition 3

It is said that the Chinese are the descendants of the dragon. As long as you are a Chinese, you will know the legend of several dragons. This is a kind of national pride!

At present, there are dragons in the Lantern Festival, because it is said that one year of drought, the common people could not plant the fields, and the fields were dry and cracked. The emperor was asked to find a way. The common people knelt in the sun every day and asked for rain. This moved the Dragon King of the East China Sea. The Dragon King went to the sky to ask the cloud god, the wind god, and the thunder lord to let them do a good job, and finally asked the rain god to rain. In order to repay the Dragon King of Donghai, the people carved a dragon head for him and connected the wooden stool into a golden dragon, which became a vivid dragon. Since then, there has been a folk entertainment activity, namely dragon dance. By the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, many villages will have dragon dances.

There are two kinds of dragon performances, mainly single dragon and double dragon. However, each of them is inseparable from dragons.

It is said that snakes are small dragons, which are similar to dragons in many ways. Their bodies can be bent and are slender, but there are two differences: snakes have no horns and no feet. The ancients called snakes snake dragons.

There is a temple famous for dragons. It is said that the offspring of the white snake and the green snake are called cages, and the zodiac has a snake called "little dragon", which indicates that the snake is the main part of the dragon. There is also important integration.

There are countless legends about dragons, and we only need to know one or two.

Son of the dragon, descendant of the dragon, I am proud of being the descendant of the dragon!

Folklore Composition 4

A long time ago, there was a poor businessman named Nakayama Xuantong in the mansion (Dafen City).

Once, Xuantong went to Pubian to sell wine and walked at the foot of Gaoqi Mountain.

At this time, I don't know where the voice of "Zhi, Zhi" came from. It was very painful.

"What's the noise?" Xuantong hurried to the direction of the sound and saw the monkey rolling on the ground.

A closer look revealed that a big crab was caught on one of the monkey's feet.

Xuantong felt sorry for the monkey and took down the crab in a hurry.

Then, like persuading the monkey, he said to it, "All right. It must hurt. But the crab is a creature like you and me, so let it go." Then he let the crab go.

The next day, when Xuantong was going to sell wine at the foot of Gaoqi Mountain as usual, he heard the monkey's "squeak, squeak" again.

At first, the monkey yesterday kept sending invitations to Xuantong.

"What, do you want me to come here?" Although Xuantong felt strange, he followed the monkey.

After a while, I came to the big stone with water pouring out.

"Squeak, Squeak," the monkey pointed to the water, and Xuantong accidentally tasted it and cried, "This, this is wine. And it's superior wine."

The clear water is not water, but natural wine.

It turned out that the monkey told Xuantong the secret wine circulated among monkeys in order to report the previous help.

In this way, Xuantong sold the wine and soon became the first wine millionaire in Jiuzhou.

That wine is called "Monkey Wine", and even today's Gaoqi Mountain, Monkey Wine related to this legend is still sold.

Folklore Composition (14)

It is said that this is the day for the Dragon Palace to bask in dragon robes. Because this day, almost on the eve of light summer, is the day with the highest temperature, the longest sunshine time and the strongest sunlight radiation in a year, many families will choose this day to "bask in", that is, to hang clothes stored in boxes and cabinets outside to receive the sun exposure, so as to remove moisture, moisture, mildew and moth.

People say that "June 6" hundreds of cables are put on the house. It is said that the Altair and Vega in the sky are separated by the Milky Way on both sides of the strait, and only the seventh day of July in a year can meet. But there is a Milky Way between them, and there is no ferry. What should we do? So on June 6, children all over the world should put the "hundred rope" they wear on the Dragon Boat Festival on the house for magpies to take, and build a beautiful bridge like a rainbow on the Milky Way, so that the cowherd and the Weaver Maid can meet.

It is said that this day is the day when "Little White Dragon" comes home. Because "Little White Dragon" violated the law of heaven and was imprisoned by the father of the Dragon King on a remote island, he lost his freedom of movement. Only on June 6, the Dragon King graciously allowed him to go home to visit his mother. "Little White Dragon" was eager to explore his mother, so he traveled day and night all the way, bringing thunder, lightning, wind and rain.

The ancients said that "ambush" means "hiding from the heat". The worship in ambush has been recorded as far away as the Pre Qin Dynasty. It is said in the ancient book that the sacrifice made in Furi is "the emperor Yan, the god Zhu Rong". The legend of Emperor Yan is the sun god, and Zhu Rong is the sun god of Emperor Yan. It is said that Emperor Yan asked the sun to send out enough light and heat to make the grain grow. Since then, human beings have no worries about food and clothing. People thanked him for his merits and remembered him at the hottest time. Therefore, the legend of "sacrifice in the dog days" came into being.

The Summer Festival in June: "The warm wind comes suddenly, and the light summer comes. The bamboo sounds like rain, and the thunder is heard in the dark mountain. The windows of the house are dark and green, and the court heads are covered with green moss. The hawks are learning new, and the crickets are not urging each other."

Folklore Composition (15)

During the winter vacation, I read the story book "100 Chinese Folk Stories". The stories in the book are full of magic color and have always been loved by people. It can be said that they are well-known and familiar. This traditional folk story makes me feel that the Chinese culture has a long history.

"Wang Xiaoer Lies on Ice and Seeks Carps" tells that a long time ago, there was a family named Wang who was very poor. His mother helped people sew clothes, and his son Wang Erxiao helped people herd cattle, fish and catch shrimp for a living. One winter, after more than ten days of snow, Wang Xiaoer's mother fell ill. The doctor said with a pale face, "We must use a kilogram of fresh carp as a drug guide to cure the disease." So Wang Xiaoer could not chisel off the ice in the frozen snow, for fear of scaring the fish away. He had to take off his clothes and lay on the ice to melt the ice with his body temperature, Wang Xiaoer lost consciousness after being frozen for a while. His behavior touched heaven and the immortal. The immortal helped him catch a carp. After Wang Xiaoer felt the immortal, he went home immediately to cure his mother's disease.

Wang Xiaoer loves his mother, and what he has done for her has deeply moved me. I want to be a good child who is filial to parents, respects teachers, studies hard, and repays parents and teachers with excellent results.

[Model 2]

Today, I read a book called Four Ancient Chinese Folk Legends. There are four stories written in it: Meng Jiangnv Crys over the Great Wall, Niulang Zhinv, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and The Legend of White Snake. These stories reflect the deep sorrow and sufferings of the people. Among them, the most touching story for me is Meng Jiangnu Crying on the Great Wall.

This book mainly introduces the capture of Fan Qiliang, the husband of Meng Jiangnu, the hero. Meng Jiangnu has experienced many difficulties and obstacles, cried down the Great Wall, recognized bones with blood, buried her husband, and jumped into the sea to commit suicide. Alas, Meng Jiangnu is really miserable! However, the spirit Meng Jiangnu left us is valuable, that is - persistence!

When I think of this, I can't help thinking. It seems that there are a series of pictures in front of me. The picture is a bit vague, but it can also be seen. It is the process of Meng Jiangnu's experience of difficulties and obstacles. The difficulty on the screen is beyond your imagination, but Meng Jiangnu can survive!

In the past, students were not persistent and gave up when encountering difficulties. For example, when a student encountered a problem, he left his homework book and went out to play without asking other students. As a result, my hands were busy and my feet were in a mess when I collected the homework book. Sometimes, the person who asked for the homework said the answer generously, but the person who collected the homework always closed his eyes and said no! Looking at his lost expression, we laughed.

Boys and girls, remember, as long as you have a persistent spirit, you can overcome any difficulty in the future!

[Model 3]

During the winter vacation, my father introduced me a book about Lianyungang folklore, which my father said he had kept for nearly 30 years. There are folklores, ballads, and some interesting characters related to Lianyungang in the book.

Now let me tell you about the legend of Yunwu Tea. In ancient times, there were many pilgrims on Yuntai Mountain. On the table in the main hall of the Jade Palace, eggs were piled like a hill. In the evening, the old monk asked the little monk to look at the eggs. The little monk looked at it and fell asleep. The next day, the little monk woke up and there were no eggs left. The old monk decided to stay at home in the evening. After the third watch, he saw a huge wind. A boa constrictor opened its mouth and sucked all the eggs on the table into its mouth. The next day, the old monk asked the monks to pick up many goose stones as big as eggs. After the third hour of the night, the boa constrictor drove to the ground, opened his mouth and sucked hundreds of pebbles into his stomach. The boa constrictor wanted to escape, but his stomach of pebbles made him weak, so he had to swim to the top of the mountain behind the temple. The monks chased to the cliff on the top of the mountain, and saw the boa constrictor sticking its upper body into the fog under the rock, as if eating something. In a moment, the boa constrictor's body, which was supported by pebbles thicker than the mill plate, suddenly became thinner, and then flew away with the wind and clouds.

The old monk saw only two strange trees and repeatedly shouted, "Good thing, good thing". The old monk moved the tea tree up the mountain and carefully cultivated it, making it very prosperous. The tea collected became a tribute treasure of the local government. Only because tea needs cloud and mist to refresh and refresh, people call it cloud and mist tea.