What Moves My Soul 600 words composition (3 popular articles)
Old Master
2023-08-30 07:38:32

What Moves My Soul 600 Words Composition (1)

The fire is hot and the oil is soaked in sugar and vinegar. The diners laugh loudly at the table, but the fish cry in the plate

When I saw the video of "Eat Fried Fish Live" on TV, my heart was deeply touched. The poor fate of the fish on the plate made me cry, and the laughing diners at the table made me deeply disgusted and sad.

We can imagine the feeling of that fish. When its fresh body is stir fried by the cook in hot oil, when its weak life is suffering from unbearable abuse, when it complains about such cruel behavior of human beings, who will relieve its pain?

Mencius once said, "Everyone has compassion." But in today's bad environment of a harmonious society, where did those people go? Mercy, as the bottom line of human beings, is the most basic human nature. If this kind of kindness is missing, it means that the glory of human nature will no longer exist, and we are no different from people in the primitive society. For the event of "eating fried fish alive", eating fish is justifiable, but abusing food will lose humanity, which is a disregard for nature and life.

But in retrospect, are such incidents still rare? Fudan master students tortured and killed kittens, Tsinghua university students splashed sulfuric acid on black bears, illegal traders or took bear bile... Each is so shocking. In the face of endless animal cruelty incidents, we should reflect on ourselves while reprimanding others.

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Eating abuse is not a "small evil". Just imagine that if you enjoy eating abuse today, you may enjoy it tomorrow. If human civilization develops to that point, then how dark the world will be and how far away a harmonious society will be.

"Compassion is the end of humanity." With compassion, we have the seeds of kindness, and we have the glory of humanity; The world will be more beautiful with the glory of goodness. That scene deeply touched my heart, and I hope that such a "tragedy" will not be staged again.

What Moves My Soul 600 Words Composition (2)

The back of the hand is wind and rain, the palm of the hand is family.

When I saw those hands, I seemed to see a father. The wrinkles on his hands are the road he has walked, winding and winding. He just used his hands to hold up the sky of his children. He stood proudly in the wind and rain, holding the happiness of his family in his palm.

Once upon a time, in the midsummer evening, the family enjoyed cool weather, ate melons and drank tea under the grape trellis in the yard. Look at the sunset gradually fading red, watching the birds returning to nest cut across the sky. My father held me on his shoulder with his big, thick hand. He was afraid that I would fall, so he put his hand on my leg, and I put my hand on the back of his hand. What a big hand! I patted my father's hand and asked, "Dad, why are your hands so big?" My father smiled and said, "When you grow up, you will be longer than me." That night, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and we were walking until several stars appeared in the sky, blinking like bright eyes in this quiet time, simple, full and true.

Time flies. The little hand on the big hand has grown up now. Maybe the time is too smooth. The big hand of that year can't hold the small hand of the long journey. The big hand that held the small hand in that year still stays in the air, and the small hand has gradually gone away. At the same time, the little hand that left now goes home and sees the big hands that held him in that midsummer night.

On that winter night, the family gathered around the stove and ate melon seeds. It was a rare reunion in a year. By the fire, there are four hands. The most painful and guilty one is my father's big hand. Looking at it, I can see how many cold and windy days, those hands are as busy and hard as ever, and in the days of departure, those hands are alone and sad... I stared at those hands in trance, and I didn't know when my eyes were wet. I only hated the rush of time, and took away the dream of that summer night without mercy, and stayed in the winter, alone and sad.

Father's hand and distant mountain always support a sky for children, standing proudly in the wind and rain.

What Moves My Soul 600 Words Composition (3)

She touched my heart

We are really ordinary, ordinary like a green leaf, ordinary like a drop of dew, but in our ordinary days there are many extraordinary things recorded, and in our ordinary life there are many extraordinary movements written.

Linna, the most beautiful middle school student, lives in Wangzhuang Community, Jin'an District, Fuzhou City. On December 21, 20xx, she and her classmates just took a bus home after taking the college entrance examination. The driver's emergency brake caused a passenger to fall down and bleed in the back of his head. Linna and her classmates rushed forward to stop the bleeding. The passengers unanimously agreed that the driver would send the injured person to the hospital, But Lin Na didn't have much money. She only took out the only 50 yuan she had and discussed with the medical staff to pay for the medical expenses for the injured, and she also notified the family members in time. When I recalled what I should have done at that time, and how many passengers were helping me, I believe that at that time, no one would ignore everything in front of me. However, Linna's head teacher said that she would take the initiative to do her best for the class, participate in some volunteer services and work study programs, and occasionally go to the welfare home to play games with children. This weekend, he also said that the children in the welfare home have some congenital diseases, which is unfair to them. We are abandoning them, Take their hearts will be more lonely.

From Linna, the most beautiful middle school student, we can see the light of love. Although a drop of water is insignificant, it can also reflect the light of the whole sun. His love enables the pessimist to move forward, let the people who move forward continue to move forward, let the happy people be happier, and let my heart be more touched by it.

you share rose get fun. Lin Na's behavior deeply touched me, but I still understand that we should not be careless in serving others. Maybe a small act of ours is a timely help to the recipients.

Let's go with Linna, the most beautiful middle school student, and be an ordinary good person. Each of us should become the most beautiful middle school student of this era.