Develop Good Habits Compositions 600 (18 in total)
Ordinary and valuable
2024-03-21 06:12:44

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (1)

As we all know, life is inseparable from reflection. Reflection is a way of self-improvement. Sugar Through reflection, we can better understand and think about our own lives. Connect our present, future and future together. Make yourself better in the future. Today I will talk about the topic of reflection. Develop a good habit of reflection.

So, let me first tell you the main sequence of reflection. The first step is to recall the experience at that time. The second step is to think about whether your actions hurt others. The third step is to stop doing the same wrong thing next time and not say anything that makes others sad. The last step and the fourth step is how to do better if you can do it again, or encounter similar situations in the future.

Let me give another example. In art class, I found that I forgot to bring art tools. Alas, this is the third time. Let's take this as an example. In fact, it is a very ordinary thing to bring art tools in art class. But some students always don't pay attention to this little thing, so they just forget about it. I haven't brought art tools with me for three times, which needs reflection. So, how can we remember. We can mark on the curriculum and prepare things the night before art class, so that we don't have to tidy up in the morning. Another way is to put art tools directly in the school, so that you don't have to mention them back and forth. You see, this is the benefit of reflection. In a word, we can get twice the result with half the effort if we grasp the opportunity of reflection.

Then tell us the story of Zengzi's self reflection. Zeng Zi, a student of Confucius, is a person who attaches great importance to reflection. He always reviews his actions every night. Think about whether you have tried your best to do things for others, whether you have kept your word with friends, and whether you have learned everything the teacher said. He uses these questions as a mirror every day to compare his own ways, which is called self-examination.

We should learn from Zeng Zi and reflect every day.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (2)

Habit is a common word, but it has something to do with people's fate. A good habit will help you in your life, while a bad habit can lead you astray.

Since I entered the fourth grade, I have developed some good habits, the most important of which is reading. Now reading is an indispensable part of my life. I didn't like reading when I first went to school. How did books attract me? There is still an experience! During the period from grade one to grade three, I didn't like reading. I thought it was useless to read. Instead of wasting this time, I could do many things well! As a result, all the books my parents bought for me became "antiques", covered with dust, and lying quietly in the corner. Sometimes, my mother forced me to read, and I would not read the illustrations if I flipped through them. I had no patience to read the contents. Therefore, my previous composition level is very poor. I'm afraid you can't find a good word or sentence with a microscope. Those rhetorical methods seem to be separated from me by a big river, and books are the bridge to the other bank, but I didn't use them. In the fifth grade, the teacher advocated reading and asked parents to sign some articles on their homework. At that time, I never thought that this little signature was to let me discover the telescope of the bridge. I couldn't stop reading, so I picked up a book called Children's Literature and read it. I was dazzled by the good words in the book. So I found the mystery of the book from the beginning. In this way, I couldn't put it down. Gradually, I finished "eating" all the books in the cabinet, and I tried every means to ask my parents for books. This time, I finally stepped on the bridge to the other side of the river, which means that my writing level has improved. It's really "reading breaks thousands of volumes, writing like a god"! I no longer think of the content of my composition for a long time like before, but now the content comes out of my mind and cannot be stopped.

In this way, I developed a good habit of reading.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (3)

Bacon said: "Habit is really a tenacious and huge force, which can dominate people's life. Therefore, people should cultivate a good habit through education from childhood."

Habits are very important to a person, and good habits can make a person; Bad habits can also destroy a person.

We should form good habits since we were young, and let them become something we are used to in our life, so that we can do it effortlessly. Why is it that some people can do a thing easily? Because they have already formed a habit in the process of exercise. Day by day exercise becomes a muscle memory, so it seems that they can do it effortlessly.

I also have this habit. When I see my favorite sentences or food while reading a book or playing with my mobile phone, I will collect it, then extract it and recite it, making it my knowledge point. Every time I learn, I will gain a lot. I feel the sense of lifting the veil of words and the charm of learning.

I am also a person who can't see the mess at home. Every time I see the mess at home, I feel bad. I always feel that my heart will not be able to hang down until I clean it up. These good habits have accompanied me for many years without losing them. I will continue to maintain this good aspect and move forward in a better direction.

I also have a bad side. The network is a double-edged sword, and people have two sides? There are both good and bad sides. Because we are human beings, we cannot achieve perfection, and there are more or less shortcomings. Just like when I was on holiday, I couldn't sleep enough in the morning, and it was hard to sleep at night. I stayed up the latest night and got up late the next day; He is also impatient when doing things. He often breaks the dishes at home; Sometimes I will lose everything

I hope that good habits can continue to be maintained and bad habits can be corrected early, so that good habits can accompany our healthy and happy growth.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (4)

Good habits affect one's life. If a person has no good habits, they are destined to be eliminated by the society. If bad habits occupy your whole body, you will become decadent.

No man is perfect without gold. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, and I am no exception. For example, I don't like working, and my language ability is not strong. But I also have a few good habits that students admire.

I like reading books. They are the treasure house of knowledge, the salvation of the soul, and the guarantee of improving people's quality. Whenever I was happy or upset, I would find books to tell or listen to. For this reason, my mother bought me a lot of books, including the four famous books, "One Hundred Thousand Whys", "Encyclopedia of China", and "Uncle Tom's Cabin". When I have time, I read it hungrily, which has become my habit.

I remember that one morning on Sunday, I sat at my desk and read my favorite science and technology books as usual. I fell into the reverie provided by books. It seems that I went with those great scientists to explore the mysteries of the universe in spaceships at the speed of light, explored the planets, planted the seeds of life there, transported some people to live there, and lightened the burden of the earth. I also became a scientist who benefited the society. When I was intoxicated, my hands pulled me back from my dream. Ah! Where am I! Isn't this Jupiter? I asked in surprise. Mother said: What's wrong with you, son? This is our family! It suddenly dawned on me that this was an illusion? Mother said again: You are really a bookworm. Go to eat quickly?

Because I have formed the good habit of reading extracurricular books for many years, my extracurricular knowledge is particularly rich, and I can always answer different questions in class. I remember that when the teacher asked us in a Chinese class who knew the story of "fish fall into the sea, wild geese fall into the sea, moon and flowers fade away", I was the only one in the class who held my hand high and talked with confidence. Books have given me confidence and strength, and they have always been among the best in my performance. In the unified examination of the whole county in the school year, I won honor for the school with my good score at the first place in the school year list.

I will, as always, read more books and good books to lay a good foundation for my future study, get rid of my bad habits and become a good student with all-round development.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (5)

Every habit in your life will determine your future. As the saying goes, habit determines success or failure. It can be seen that the importance of developing a good habit... Learning a good habit includes preparing in advance, listening attentively, asking questions, correcting mistakes in time, looking for information, not being lazy. Being a good habit has a positive attitude, filial piety to the elderly, diligence, thrift, perseverance, self-confidence Punctuality and punctuality, good hygiene habits include washing hands before and after meals, brushing teeth in the morning and evening, washing feet and socks every night, washing hands in time when they are dirty, not sitting on the floor at will, changing clothes and bathing often, etc. However, today I want to talk about some good reading habits.

First, often go to bookstores and libraries. As the saying goes, you can read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. More visits to bookstores and libraries can cultivate good personality, make more friends who love knowledge, broaden their horizons, enrich their knowledge and improve their learning ability. More importantly, you can learn new things and find more interests.

Second, concentrate. Concentrated reading is conducive to understanding and memorizing knowledge. Long term persistence, habit formation, quantitative accumulation, qualitative leap, knowledge reserves will gradually become rich. Concentrated reading can also deepen the understanding of the article. Concentrate on reading aloud to avoid sleepiness and mind wandering. Silent reading can make people become tired and sleepy, while reading aloud can overcome fatigue and cheer up to some extent.

Third, do excerpts to draw key points. Reading notes can help memory, make up for lack of brain power, and effectively improve reading efficiency. Taking reading notes can exercise your thinking ability. After reading the book, take notes and think about it. This is thinking, thinking often. It can train people's ability to think logically, logically and analytically. It can accumulate useful materials, broaden the horizon and improve the ability of language expression. Taking notes will generate new thinking, help to discover new problems, and help to study new problems.

In order to enrich my spare time life, I also began to read every week. I hope you who are reading articles can read with me!

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (6)

What are good habits? In my opinion, loving reading is a good habit, perseverance is a good habit, and being good at asking questions is a good habit. When we encounter confusion, when we encounter problems. In addition to pondering, we can ask others if we have forgotten. Everyone has a different way of thinking. Maybe others will have a way to solve problems. When we ask others questions and ask for help, we are also trying to find solutions. Be good at asking questions, and at the same time, activate your brain, right?

When we encounter difficulties, do you remember that perseverance is a good habit. Zhang Haidi once said: "People will always encounter difficulties and setbacks in their life. It depends on whether you can overcome it. If you do, you will be a hero and a strong person in life." She had a high amputation. She did not lose courage under such difficult conditions and still faced life with confidence. But we only encounter small setbacks and difficulties, should we give up? No, it shouldn't. We should remember that perseverance is a good habit. When encountering difficulties, we should rise to the challenge and never shrink back.

When we are extravagant and waste our parents' money, whether we forget that hard work and plain living are habits. At present, many middle school students spend their parents' money desperately. I bought what I saw and threw it away if I didn't like it. Ignoring that it is parents' hard-earned money. Hard work and plain living are no disgrace. Why don't we buy less clothes and unnecessary things to save money for our parents? We should have the good habit of hard work and plain living.

It is a good habit for us to remember, love reading and be good at accumulation when we think about things when taking an exam and have no writing materials. Do you usually read more books and accumulate more materials, and will you worry about having nothing to write in the exam? can't. We should learn to form a good habit of accumulation, even if it is just an idiom or a famous saying. We should develop the good habit of loving reading and being good at accumulation.

There are still many good habits, which need us to discover and develop. Because we have good habits, we will be more successful.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (7)

The results of the college entrance examination have been released in the past two days, among which Yang Chenyu, a junior high school student from Nanning No. 2 Middle School in Guangxi, is the most attractive one. He is called "another child from another family" by netizens. As a science student, Yang Chenyu lived up to her reputation and scored 730 points in this year's college entrance examination! Among them, English and Maths got "double full marks"!

For such an excellent candidate, many media are competing to interview her and ask her for educational experience. Yang Chenyu's mother said, "We must help children form good habits when they have no ability to think independently. Although this process is painful, after shaping, the way behind is easy". Mother Yang's educational secret: When children have no independent thinking ability, supervise them to form good habits. Yang also stressed that children should cultivate their interests and skills from an early age, and let them participate in them. Whether it is habit or thinking ability, we should help him develop it and use it for himself in the future. Mother Yang is emphasizing the importance of developing good habits since childhood.

Ye Shengtao, a famous educator, once said, "What is education? In a word, it is to form good habits." Parents are responsible for educating children, and the key to educating children is to cultivate their good habits.

I talked with Zhang Yingzi's parents for a long time when I took the exam today. Zhang Yingzi, as a top student in the grade, is excellent in all aspects, which is inseparable from his parents' education. In a hot day when she was young, Zhang Yingzi's father took her to the fields to harvest beans, so that children could experience the difficulty of labor and cherish learning opportunities. His father taught children from childhood that learning is for themselves and learning depends on themselves. Children's tutoring classes are all self initiated, and there is no need for adults to urge them to learn. It is this good habit that children have developed since childhood, and children's achievements have always been among the best.

Whether it is the top student in the college entrance examination or Zhang Yingzi, they all told us that we should cultivate children's learning habits of coal to oil. Only good habits can have a good future.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (8)

Last summer vacation, my mother asked me to learn swimming. When I got into the water, my heart was pounding. I was afraid that I would sink to the bottom. Some of my friends were as frightened as I was. They clung to the teacher's hands and shoulders and dared not swim independently. Some of them simply stopped learning and said they would learn when they grew up. I also wanted to give up like them and bid farewell to the swimming pool that made me "scared". But when my mother's expectant eyes appeared before my eyes, the story could not help echoing in my ears. I seemed to hear my mother's encouragement to me... My courage suddenly grew, and I made a decision in my heart: I must stick to it! So I practiced more hard than others. Other kids learned one or two hours every day, and I learned three or four hours in the scorching sun. Although my back was suntanned, my heart was as sweet as honey when I watched my progress day by day. Now, I'm not afraid of water. I can swim back and forth in the deep water area for several times alone. Swimming has become one of my hobbies. I can swim in the pool in hot days. It's cool and refreshing. I feel sorry for those who "shrink back". I want to say to them: "How can we see a rainbow without going through rain and wind..."

This year I learned English outside. Because that class was full of big brothers and sisters, my age was too young. The teacher thought I might not keep up with everyone's progress, and asked me to learn next year. But I didn't flinch, and asked the teacher to let me follow it for a while. In class, I listened carefully and used my brain actively. After class, I persevered until the end. At the end of the standard test, only three people in the class got full marks, and I was one of them!

Just because I have formed the good habit of taking everything seriously and sticking to it in the end, "success" accompanies me all the way in study and life: I firmly believe that: one piece of hard work, one piece of harvest, unremitting climbing, you can see the most beautiful scenery on the other side of the mountain!

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (9)

Book is the ladder of human progress! Reading is a good habit!

Reading can make us happy and full, enable us to know many things without leaving home, and enrich our knowledge. From a little boy who knows nothing, I learned that because of the revolution of the sun and the rotation of the earth, there will be day and night. I learned that the great white shark, the "king of the sea", is also afraid of jellyfish, octopus and electric eel, I also learned that the Maldives Islands are volcanic heaps formed by volcanic eruptions at the bottom of the Indian Ocean... Reading books can also improve our writing skills. We can write lifeless things with flesh and blood, which makes people who read articles want to read them again after reading them; Reading can also let us immerse ourselves in the scene, happy and sad together with the hero in the book. Let's not worry about our troubles any more, and leave all unhappiness behind us.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the ancients have known the fun of reading. Many stories of loving reading have been handed down to this day. For example, Wang Xizhi. One day, Wang Xizhi was reading in his study, and his servant sent him steamed buns and mashed garlic. Wang Xizhi only looked at books, took steamed buns and dipped them in ink, and ate them. While eating, he said, "Yes, yes, this mashed garlic is really delicious!" Look, Wang Xizhi loved reading to the point that he forgot to eat and sleep. Reading this story makes me think that the ancients read so many books and left us so much valuable knowledge and wealth. Why don't we study hard today and indulge in some computer games and TV?

People can't live without books. Without books, there would be no present civilization; Without books, people will not grow. Reading a good book is like talking to a noble person. Books play an important role in every era and place. Through reading, we can make our personality imperfect and our thoughts improved.

So we should read more and read good books. We should regard reading as an indispensable part of our life, just like people eat three meals every day, our spiritual "food" is also indispensable.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (10)

To form good habits requires our unremitting persistence, and good habits will bring us many benefits. You can save a lot of time, make your life orderly, and help your life. It can be seen how important it is to form good habits.

You must have heard such a true story: one day, the chairman of a company wanted to recruit employees. Many people came here to apply. When they entered the corridor of the office, a mop fell sideways on the ground. The boss deliberately put the mop there. He wanted to do a test. And many people who came to apply for jobs hurried past here. Some people took a look at the mop that fell on it and did not lift it up, but knew it as soon as they left. Others ignored it and walked directly over it. None of these people passed the interview. The other man just lifted up the mop on the ground. This small action was admired by the chairman of the company at a glance, which changed his fate and passed the interview.

You see, although it's just a simple task, we can see whether this person has morality and good habits. It is because the selected person has developed this good habit that he passed the interview.

This event shows that forming good habits is of great help to us.

Each of us has some good habits. For example, I have developed the habit of always being neat on my desk. If books are piled up in disorder, I feel uncomfortable.

I also like reading. I never lie in bed or watch on the road when I read, so my eyes are well protected.

Some students recite the words of those famous people, but they don't understand the truth at all. Whether to throw the peel or throw it casually. It's no use reciting so much.

It's good for us to form good habits. Let's start from the little things around us, form good habits, and create a better future.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (11)

No matter in our study and life, we should form good habits, which will benefit us all our lives.

I have a bad problem. He has hurt me deeply. Because of carelessness, I lost scores in the exam, which led to the "three good students" missing out on me; Because of carelessness, I often leave things behind, which leads to having a home in the cold winter of "March 9" and can't go back, suffering a lot; Because of carelessness, I was ashamed of being scolded by the teacher for forgetting my homework; Because of carelessness, I left no name on the exam paper and was cited as a joke by my classmates.

Once, I hurried to school after breakfast in the morning. When I got to school, I learned that I had forgotten my schoolbag. I called my mother and asked her to send me my schoolbag. After a while, my mother came and brought my schoolbag, but she didn't bring the homework that was put on the cabinet last night. I was blamed by the teacher for this. I hated it and made up my mind to change it, but it accompanied me like a shadow and made me miserable. Good habits are formed from childhood.

I also have "bad habits" in my life. Once, when I watched TV every night, I saw that it was more than twelve o'clock. I got up very late in the morning, so I naturally did not eat. My mother asked me to go to bed early, get up early and have some food, but I didn't listen. About two weeks later, my eyesight declined extremely, which made me become a good habit of "nearsightedness".

As we all know, good habits can benefit people all their lives. The so-called "accustomed"/"habit becomes natural" means. "Ten thousand feet tall buildings rise from the ground" depends on a solid foundation, and it depends on the accumulation of little by little. Good habits rely on constant self correction, perseverance, and tenacity of "repeated defeats" and "repeated defeats".

Good habits are our good teachers; Is our good friend; It is our wealth. From now on, we should be conscientious in our study and life, form good habits, and be a person of noble moral character!

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (12)

Reading can broaden one's horizon, increase one's knowledge, enable confused people to find directions, and enable helpless people to see hope.

Books are human friends and teachers. It teaches us a lot of truth. It is like a light, illuminating our way forward. People need to read because books provide us with spiritual food. We should enrich our brains with knowledge and enrich our cognition with ourselves. The reason why human beings have changed from barbarism to civilization is also because of reading and learning. There are thousands of animals in the world. Other animals have not become the rulers of the earth, but also because other animals do not have good learning ability and cannot read.

It is a habit to love reading. Every one of us should develop the good habit of reading. Zola said that "ignorance never brings happiness; the root of happiness lies in knowledge". Yes, reading brings us unparalleled happiness and happiness, because reading enables us to know the world without leaving home; Why did Zhuge Liang live in seclusion in Longzhong, but he knew the great events of the world—— Reading is precisely because Zhuge Liang reads and studies every day to understand the changes in the world. The changes of the sun, the moon and the stars, the changes of the four seasons, and the changes of everything in the world all need us to open our books and study hard.

Reading can make people become rational. Those who read extensively will have a "refined air", which makes people feel very deep and cultivated. It is the so-called "poetry in the belly". As the saying goes, "There is beauty in a book, and there is a golden house in a book." When we learn to read, we will find that reading is more meaningful and valuable than anything else; A story or an article can make us know friends and bring infinite value to life.

When you are lonely, you will feel accompanied when you hold a book; When you are tired, you will feel powerful when you pick up a book; When you are confused and hold a book, you will feel that you have seen the dawn. Book is the beacon of life ideal; Book is the key to knowledge; Book is the tool of soul building; Book is the ladder of human progress; Start from now on, start from yourself, and form a good habit of reading. It is the so-called beneficial to open the book.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (13)

Good habits are like flowers, making your life fragrant; Good habits are like flute, making your life sweet and pleasant; Good habits are like water, making your mind clear and transparent.

Walking, of course, is such a good habit. It not only makes you healthier, but also makes the dull life grow interesting branches and leaves. It is your philosophy of life.

I remember walking along the Liulin River in the morning. It was empty and very quiet. In the woods, the air is more fresh, and the leaves and grass still have dew left last night. In the entertainment area, the nearby river is still "brushing", and there are still traces of last night's barbecue on the table, stool and ground. On the path, you can see the flowers beside you clearly, and the new mushrooms also feel the time flies. Aren't these philosophies hard to understand? You can only pay attention in the quiet walk in the morning.

I remember walking on Hainan Island at noon, stepping on the hot yellow sand, listening to people's gibberish. Look at crabs walking on the beach and shells losing from the water. Walking by the water, you can feel the coolness of water rushing to your feet, and also feel the essence of life cycle. It seemed that the sea water was also playing with people. Several beautiful shells rushed up from the water, and just bent down to pick them up, they were washed back into the sea. What's wrong with people? A friend is just a little joke to make you dream of becoming rich. You should be serious, get angry with your friend and tear up the friendship. The branches and leaves of this sentiment can only grow out if you are calm, and the ordinary life can only get rid of slowly.

Remember, walking in Yingze Park at night; The cool wind is blowing through your ears; Let you feel the baptism of the wind from the bottom of your heart, and let you listen to the innocent singing from the bottom of your heart. The sound comes, let you stop and look far, the sincere musicians in Yingze Park are playing selflessly in the crowd. At random, there are dancing people everywhere. You can't help but join in the passionate dance. Here, let your soul enjoy and your body healthy.

Walking is a good habit, which makes you pay attention, listen and understand.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (14)

My mother taught me since childhood: "One porridge and one meal are hard won; half of them are hard won." Diligence and frugality have always been my family style. It is an invisible force that drives me, inspires me and helps me move forward.

I remember when I was in primary school, the science teacher said in class: "If a tap drops a drop of water every second, it will drop 60 drops in a minute and 3600 drops in an hour. What about a day? What about a week? What about a month?" Yes, it is not difficult to imagine that this insignificant trickle will be "evaporated" like the vast sea for no reason. Water resources are precious, which is really painful. "Don't let the last drop of water on the earth become people's tears of regret." The science teacher's concluding words, like the rumbling thunder, shocked my heart. Since then, the seeds of resource conservation have been quietly planted in my heart, and I have secretly made up my mind to save resources in the future.

"At noon on the day of weeding, sweat drips into the soil. It is hard to eat every meal on the plate." I believe this song of Li Shen's "Compassion to Farmers" is familiar to everyone. It reminds us to save food all the time. That day, after lunch, I sat on the sofa and watched TV with relish. Suddenly, my father came over and looked at the leftovers in my bowl. His eyebrows immediately twisted into a "Sichuan" character, and his face also sank. He said to me with great sincerity, "Son, it's wrong for you to have such a meal left. You should know that the grains of rice you eat are the crystallization of farmers' uncle's painstaking work from morning to night: in spring, they planted hope; In summer, they work in the hot sun; In autumn, they can harvest children. If you think about it, what a huge project! " My father's words were like a small hammer, knocking at my heart. I blushed and buried my head in the sofa. After a long time, I looked up and said to my father, "Dad, I was wrong."

"Looking at the country and family of the former sages, success comes from thrift and failure comes from extravagance." Not wasting a piece of paper is saving; Not wasting one kilowatt hour of electricity is saving; Not wasting a drop of oil is saving. Yes, thrift is a virtue, a culture, a style, and even a habit. Our life will be better because of thrift!

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (15)

I believe you must have many good habits! Of course, I am no exception. Developing good habits is a lifelong event. I have worked hard to develop good habits. Now please share my good habits with me!

My good habits are manifested in many aspects, such as learning, living, and helping others. Students can't live without learning, let's take writing as an example. Every student can write a composition, but they often get different grades. What is the reason? For example, when writing a composition, we will encounter some words that we can't write. Some students are very lazy and just write one at random, which is also to save time to play. Some ask the teacher, parents or myself. I am the latter. I remember once, the teacher gave us guidance on a composition last week in the composition class. The topic was<>After the guidance, I chose my mother to teach me how to make dumplings last year, But I also thought: "How to write"? As I was thinking, I looked forward, there was a dictionary in front of me that we could talk -- teacher! I raised my hand and asked Mr. Zhou. The teacher pondered for a moment, picked up the chalk and wrote it on the blackboard. In addition to this word, the whole composition was "rain or shine" and "smooth sailing". Thanks to the teacher's help me form this good habit

I have good habits not only in my study, but also in my life. My father loves me very much. He gives me 4 to 5 yuan of pocket money every day. Every time my father gives me money, he does not hesitate to spend it. But after one incident, I have formed a good habit of not spending money indiscriminately. Once my father gave me 5 yuan, I was very happy, He took them to school. That day we were asked to donate money to buy books and books for the children in the mountains. Every student had to donate money. The teacher told us that those children could not go to school, could only work at home, and sometimes could not eat. We could eat every day and eat big fish and meat. After hearing this, I decided not to spend money indiscriminately, Save the money to buy some useful books. The teacher said that I could donate as much as I wanted, so I donated all the five yuan. Through this matter, I stopped spending money indiscriminately, and told my mother, who praised me, "My good boy is really grown up, so he doesn't spend money indiscriminately!" As I said this, a smile of relief appeared on my face. After hearing the praise, my heart was as sweet as honey

There is still a long way to go in life. Whether in the future study or life, forming good habits is a lifelong event. Let's: "Learn from others to make up for your shortcomings," and develop more good habits!

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (16)

Good habits make people grow, while bad habits make people degenerate.

On weekdays and holidays, I usually get up, wash, eat, and then it is nearly ten o'clock in the morning. Then I do my homework, exercise for a while, play games, and have little time to read.

One day after a period of time, my father told me the story of Lv Meng, a great general who had both civil and military skills: Lv Meng often led troops to fight, but had no time to read.

One day, Sun Quan asked him, "Why can't you read more books?" Lv Meng replied, "I don't have time.". Sun Quan said angrily, "I am in charge of national affairs. I am even busier than you. I will spare time to read and study. Why can't you do that? I learned a lot of military tactics and strategies in books.".

After hearing this, Lv Meng felt very ashamed. So in the following days, he often took poetry books and military tactics with him, and whenever he had time, he would look at them for a while. Finally, his accumulated reading and hard work made him a great general capable of both writing and martial arts.

After hearing this story, I felt very ashamed. I was thinking: Yes, since they are all free to study on the battlefield, why can't I do it as a pupil?

So from that day on, I would get up half an hour earlier every day, and then speed up the speed of washing, eating, and doing homework, reducing the time to watch TV, and even freeing up two hours for reading.

This winter vacation, I didn't relax. I read for half an hour before I washed in the morning. I never slept until I could see my eyes closed at night. Sometimes I would recite an ancient poem when I spent time eating, sweeping and watering after dinner. In short, as long as I have time, I will take out books to read. I read more books and improved my writing ability. Last semester, I also won the first prize in the composition contest held by the school!

I have formed a good habit of reading. It has helped me increase knowledge, understand the truth, broaden my vision and enrich my thinking. I thank you for reading!

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (17)

Develop a good habit of reading. "There is poetry and calligraphy in our belly, and reading thousands of volumes can connect us." The power of books is powerful. They will constantly enrich our knowledge, broaden our horizons, and improve our writing level and enrich our vocabulary. Shakespeare said, "Books are the nourishment of the whole world." For me, books are my spiritual food. I can't live without books, and my life can't live without books. Another example: Chen Shou, a famous poet in ancient China, said, "One day without books, everything will be deserted." It is very important to develop a good habit of reading.

Develop a good habit of self-discipline. Self discipline is to restrain and control yourself. Many things in life need self-discipline. For example, students should not be self-discipline when surfing the Internet. If they do not restrain themselves, they will fall into the bottomless hole of the network and cannot extricate themselves. Addiction to the Internet will also affect their academic performance, resulting in decreased vision, and even worse things will happen. Self discipline is very important. We should learn to be strict with ourselves in life. Good habits are like a shining star, and life is like the dark night to add more light to life. If a good habit is a picture, then life is colorful crayons; If a good habit is a candle, then life is a box of matches; If a good habit is a beautiful flower, then life is a pile of fertile soil. Let's aspire to develop good habits and make our life more exciting.

Form Good Habits Composition 600 (18)

I remember that during the winter vacation in Grade 3, the teacher asked us to read two extracurricular books. My mother gave me two "Stories Touching Pupils". She found some knowledge in them too difficult to understand, so she casually turned them over. It took about four weeks to read these two books. Sometimes when I read the back, I forget the meaning of the front. On the first day of school, my mother asked me: "How was the book?" I stammered: "I have read it." "Then what is the main content of" Wings of Love "? I was shocked, and tried to think," I won't forget it at the critical moment. "After thinking for a long time, I didn't say anything.

A few days later, my mother bought me a copy of "New Composition for Examination". After reading it in three days, my father said, "How quickly?" My face turned red.

In Chinese class, the teacher recited a text: "Spring is coming, the earth is reviving..." I was very surprised, so I went to ask the teacher.

After listening to the teacher's words, I reopened the "New Composition in the Examination Room". When encountering words that I can't understand, I recorded them down. After reading, I looked up the dictionary to solve the problem. Then I recalled the meaning of the text, made a summary, and wrote my feelings. When encountering good words, sentences, and paragraphs, I recorded them in a small book. After reading this book, I found that I have gained a lot of knowledge! The accumulated vocabulary is used in writing a composition.

Once, the school was going to hold a popular science contest. I took part in the contest and returned home. I opened the book "One Hundred Thousand Whys" and read it carefully. On the day of the exam, many questions were on the book. I was very happy. I found that reading was so interesting and profound.

I also read the "Composition on the same topic" and the "Encyclopedia of Chinese Children" carefully. I wrote more and more reading notes, and my composition became more and more improved.

When I finished watching "food coming from sorrow" and "no food coming from sorrow", the class held a discussion meeting. We scrambled to answer, and the two sides refused to give way to each other.

"Knowledge is a treasure, and practice is the key to the door." We should develop a good habit of reading and practicing more. No matter what books we read, we should think carefully and understand its meaning. Reading a good book is making a good friend.