I like eating vegetables (7 articles)
Roaring Moon Sirius
2024-04-12 04:16:20
Grade 6

I like to eat vegetables (1)

I prefer vegetables to tomatoes

Tomatoes have red skins When not ripe, the skin is green. The skin of the tomato is smooth, soft and comfortable to touch. The unripe tomato is very sour and hard. The ripe tomato is sour and sweet It's delicious There are many ways to eat tomatoes. They can be used for cold dressing. They can be mixed with sugar. A light sweet taste makes people feel anxious to stick chopsticks into the cold tomato. Put a mouthful into the mouth with a light ice. Sour makes people have an indescribable feeling. It is a good dish for relieving the summer heat, Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C. Tomatoes are also delicious in soup. If you were me, you would have coveted them for a long time. Tomatoes can also be used for beauty. Cut a few pieces and stick them on your face like ice. It feels like a pair of small hands gently caressing your face. Tomatoes are big and small. Small ones are as small as Guiyuan, round as little red beads, Some are round and flat, and some are big and round like little suns. They are very cute. There is a green handle on the top of each tomato, which is very beautiful

I like tomatoes. I like their cute appearance even more

I like to eat vegetables (2)

Today, I introduce to you one of my favorite vegetables called carrots.

Carrots have three pinnate leaves, which are clustered on short stems. It has a compound umbel at the top. It is cross pollinated. It is rooted, and its main roots are distributed in 20-90cm soil layer, 180-250cm deep. The petiole is slender and the leaves are dark green. It cuts horizontally like an eye. It is mainly composed of secondary phloem, with thin xylem and satisfactory column.

Carrots have various colors, including purplish red, orange red, pink, yellow, white, turquoise, orange and red. Its shapes are also various, including oblong, oblate, conical, cylindrical, long cylindrical, short cylindrical, etc.

I love carrots very much. Every time Grandma buys carrots, she will cook them for me in a different way. Whether they are steamed, fried or cooked, I think carrots are the most delicious vegetables. You may ask me why I like carrots so much, because they are crunchy, sweet, and have a traditional Chinese medicine flavor. Besides, they are nutritious and contain more minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. It can treat night blindness, invigorate the spleen and digestion, invigorate the liver and improve eyesight, clear heat and detoxify, treat eczema, reduce gas and cough, and also treat constipation, hypertension, gastrointestinal discomfort, fullness and flatulence.

After listening to my introduction to my favorite carrots, do you also want to eat carrots very much?

I like to eat vegetables (3)

My favorite vegetable is tomatoes.

The red tomato is round, like a small red lantern. The skin of tomato is smooth, thin and tender. Mother said that tomatoes are very nutritious and contain many vitamins. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are delicious, sour and sweet. You can also eat raw or cook soup. In short, no matter how you eat it, I just can't eat enough. Every night I will let my mother wash a raw food, sour and sweet, refreshing.

What a delicious tomato! It attracts me like delicious candy.

I like to eat vegetables (4)

Among many vegetables, my favorite is cucumber.

Cucumbers have different shapes. Some are straight, like a stick; Some end a little bent, like a naughty tail; Some are crooked, like crescent moon coming out on duty at night. When the green melon is tender, it is green. The whole body is covered with tender thorns, which is like a mace. It is also covered with a thin layer of white gauze, also known as "frost", which can be used to identify whether it is fresh or not. After a period of time, the green and yellow "wrinkles" climbed onto its forehead, and finally became yellow all over, indicating that the cucumber was "old" and had the feeling of "being old and yellow", so some people called it "cucumber".

Cucumber is fresh and delicious. Put it in your mouth and bite it. Ah! Don't mention how comfortable it is! There are many ways to eat cucumbers: raw, fried, cold... Among them, I like cold cucumbers best: first peel the cucumbers, cut them into shreds, and then pour some hot water into them to soak them. Then, pour a little water out of the bowl, and pour a little white vinegar into it. (Don't pour too much, or it will kill you!) Finally, put five or six spoonfuls of white sugar into the bowl and stir it evenly. In this way, the cucumber salad is made. Since my parents knew that I like to eat cucumbers, they bought two cucumbers for me every other day and asked me to make them myself! Eating my own hand-made cucumber salad, I feel happy because I learned to be independent!

Green melon can not only be eaten, but also be used for beauty! The cucumber is cut into pieces and applied on the face, which can not only eliminate wrinkles on the face, but also fade spots on the face. Unexpectedly, cucumbers have many functions!

I like to eat vegetables (5)

My favorite vegetable is radish.

When I was at home, my mother always cooked white radishes for me to eat. The shape of the white radish is sharp, and the leaves on the head are like an umbrella, which is very interesting. I often eat carrots, and I especially like to drink carrot soup, although I don't like the color of carrots; In addition to drinking radish soup, I also like to eat fried carrots, because fried carrots are fragrant and crisp, especially delicious! My mother saw that I loved radishes, so she often used them as food materials to make dishes of various flavors for me to eat.

See here, do you think I love carrots too much!

I like to eat vegetables (6)

Among many vegetables, my favorite is cucumber.

Cucumbers have different shapes. Some are straight, like a stick; Some end a little bent, like a naughty tail; Some are crooked, like crescent moon coming out on duty at night. When the green melon is tender, it is green. The whole body is covered with tender thorns, which is like a mace. It is also covered with a thin layer of white gauze, also known as "frost", which can be used to identify whether it is fresh or not. After a period of time, the green and yellow "wrinkles" climbed onto its forehead, and finally became yellow all over, indicating that the cucumber was "old" and had the feeling of "being old and yellow", so some people called it "cucumber".

Cucumber is fresh and delicious. Put it in your mouth and bite it. Ah! Don't mention how comfortable it is! There are many ways to eat cucumbers: raw, fried, cold... Among them, I like cold cucumbers best: first peel the cucumbers, cut them into shreds, and then pour some hot water into them to soak them. Then, pour a little water out of the bowl, and pour a little white vinegar into it. (Don't pour too much, or it will kill you!) Finally, put five or six spoonfuls of white sugar into the bowl and stir it evenly. In this way, the cucumber salad is made. Since my parents knew that I like to eat cucumbers, they bought two cucumbers for me every other day and asked me to make them myself! Eating my own hand-made cucumber salad, I feel happy because I learned to be independent!

Green melon can not only be eaten, but also be used for beauty! The cucumber is cut into pieces and applied on the face, which can not only eliminate the wrinkles on the face, but also fade the spots on the face. Unexpectedly, cucumbers have many functions!

Grade 6: wozhangwenjing

I like to eat vegetables (7)

Xu Ke

I'm a snack. I like eating a vegetable very much. Do you know what it is? Ah! By the way, it's tomatoes.

The tomato is oval, like a fat girl. It's as red as a red coat. There is a small spot on the bottom, like its birthmark. There are six leaves on the top, like a hat. Tomatoes feel a bit icy. Some places are smooth, and some places are uneven. Take a bite. It tastes sweet and sour. It's very refreshing.

Tomatoes are not only beautiful, but absolutely delicious. Tomatoes can be eaten raw, scrambled into tomatoes and scrambled eggs, or boiled in hot pot. It is absolutely delicious when cooked. Tomatoes can also be eaten to supplement nutrition, vitamin A, B, D can be added. How about tomatoes are very nutritious. I tell you, the vitamin of tomato is 2-4 times higher than that of apple, banana and other fruits.

Children, do you like tomatoes? If you like it, go and buy it.


Du Xinyan

"Wearing purple cheongsam and green hat, hanging in the air, like practicing martial arts." Do you know what kind of vegetable it is? Of course, it's my favorite - eggplant.

It has an oval shape, a turquoise hat, and a purple cheongsam, just like a lovely and beautiful girl. It has a small hat on its head, which is more its leaves, green with purple, very distinctive. The eggplant feels cold and slippery. It feels very comfortable. You must be very careful when you take it, or it will slip away.

There are many ways to eat eggplant. It can be cold mixed, boiled, roasted and fried. Each way of eating is very delicious. It contains protein, and the skin is the most valuable. It can protect the cardiovascular system and prevent gastric cancer.

My favorite food is eggplant. Do you like eggplant, children?