600 Words of Gratitude Life (18 Collections)
Chanting old love songs
2023-09-10 02:56:08
Junior two

600 words of grateful life (1)

Composition is a narrative method to express the meaning of a theme through words through people's thinking and language organization. Composition is divided into primary school composition, middle school composition and college composition (thesis). The following is "Life tells me to be grateful for 600 words of composition". I hope everyone likes it!

Life tells me to be grateful

I want to learn to be grateful. I want to be grateful to all the people in the world. Because of them, I can be so happy.

I want to be grateful to my parents, who have nurtured me, born me, and raised me hard. I know that since I was born in this family, my parents have become busier. They go out early and come back late every day in order to earn more money. I still remember that in the early morning of one winter, I was feverish. My mother found out that she took me to the hospital to take a taxi, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't get a taxi. So she took me to the hospital. I cried all the way, and my mother still wanted to coax me.

I want to be grateful to my teachers. They give me knowledge, teach me knowledge, and teach me how to be a man. In the past, I didn't like nagging teachers. I thought they had to say something many times. It was boring. But now I know that they are all for my good, and no one will want to say the same thing many times, because they will be very upset. I also regret my previous practice. In the past, as long as it was a teacher I didn't like, I didn't listen to any of them, or I talked to others; Or you can leave and indulge in your own world.

I want to be grateful to my friends. They taught me to help each other. Whenever I have a problem, they will come to help me; Whenever I am sad, they will accompany me and comfort me. No matter when, they will accompany me, happy with me, sad with me

I want to be grateful to my opponents. They let me know my real strength by comparison, and let me have the goal of defeating them, and then keep moving forward. Every time I see my opponent's performance is higher than mine, I will grow the desire to defeat them, and then study hard until I defeat them. After a while, they will surpass me again, and then I will continue to study hard.

I would like to thank the farmer's uncle for their presence, so that I can eat fresh and sweet vegetables and fruits; I would like to thank the cleaning aunts. With them, I can live in a clean environment; I want to be grateful to the workers' uncles. With them, I can have a safe and quiet home; I would like to thank the police uncle for their presence so that I can live in a safe environment; I want to be grateful

Learning to be grateful is a virtue, a feeling and a growth.

Life tells me to be grateful

The Qingming Festival is a spring day without "sun". The cold air, like an invincible blade, silently seeps into our bone marrow and feels the unprecedented chill. It was very cold, like a gray net, and the air was filled with sadness. My mother, uncle and aunt, with a very heavy heart, sent paper money to my dead grandfather.

Seeing grandpa's house omen, a black tombstone, showed more solemnity. My mother cried bitterly for a long time. When I sorted out the painful cry, I felt that the pain of losing loved ones was like a hurricane, hitting every cell in our body. I could no longer control my feelings and let tears gush out

On the way home, we all hung our heads, looked gloomy and said nothing. I looked at my mother who had not yet come out of her grief. Her eyes were a little red and swollen, and the wrinkles on her face increased a bit. According to my mother, my grandfather died of cancer. Whenever I mentioned my grandfather, my mother would burst into tears. It seems that no one can replace Grandpa in Mom's mind. When I think of my father and mother's nurturing kindness, I feel how profound their love is. The thoughts that accumulated in the depths of my heart can not help but come to my mind, and tears burst into my eyes again... The maternal love in my life is meticulous and within reach, and my hair is full of strong fragrance. My mother always cares about me. She always comes to see if I have covered my quilt when I go to bed at night. In winter, I tuck in my bed, and in summer, I drive away mosquitoes and flies. Make me a delicious meal every day and buy me clothes I like. When I study, my mother often accompanies me, helping me solve problems in my study... I worry about my mother, and I love my mother. I'm lucky that I have a father and mother who love me most. I have enjoyed the warmest, most sincere and greatest maternal love in the world. Yeah! My father and mother have given me precious life. I must study hard and make progress. "Filial piety" at home and "younger brother" outside. We should be a good child who is grateful, grateful, and worthy of our parents' upbringing.

On the way of life, I will truly achieve "filial piety first", and never forget the kindness of my parents.

Life tells me to be grateful composition 600 words 3

All things in time are trapped by love. Motherly love is selfless. She makes us feel warm and happy. Mother is the most intimate person in the world. She has raised us for more than ten years and provided us with food and clothing. She also has to work hard day and night to provide us with school. How can we not take practical steps to thank her? The time of happiness is very short. We must master every temporary happiness, and let happiness stay in our heart forever.

I love my mother, because she gave me life, gave me happiness, let me feel the warmth of the world.

I remember one time after school at noon, I hurriedly packed my school supplies and hurried home. About ten steps away from home, I smelled a smell of recognition. Hmm, it was my favorite flavor of braised eggplant. At this time, I was immersed in the fragrance. I hurried home and saw a table of food. The smell of the fragrance went straight into my stomach. I knew that today was November 28, my birthday. But I didn't expect my mother in her busy schedule to remember my birthday. I was so excited. A mother holding an apron took my hands away and helped me to the table.

Dinner is ready! I sent delicious food into my hungry stomach. I picked up my mother's favorite tomato, but her mother said, "Eat it, I don't like it, it's very sour". I am confused. Tomatoes are my mother's favorite food! But today it was a bit... When I was preparing to go back to school, I occasionally saw my mother eating the leftovers. At that time, I understood everything. Tears were already in my eyes, but I could not cry. Because, I knew, my mother didn't want me to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn't matter.". Then he gave me a knowing smile. I squeezed tears in my eyes and also met my mother's knowing smile.

It is true that this matter has passed for a long time. But I will never forget that day. Mom, I love you! I shouldn't contradict you. I was wrong to lose my temper with you. I hope you can forgive your ignorant daughter. I will study hard and thank you in the future.

600 words of grateful life (2)

Life is full of variety; Life is full of hardships and efforts. Life, life, is one thing; Living is another matter. You will experience many things in your life. To put it bluntly, life is like a five flavored bottle, with sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty flavors. Only by grasping these five flavors, can we be a strong person in life.

It is the frustration in thanksgiving life that has taught me not to bow down or be depressed in the face of difficulties; In the face of setbacks, learn to face bravely and make up for deficiencies; Don't be proud and arrogant in the face of success.

There will be all kinds of setbacks and failures in life. They are like interpersonal relationships. Only by using the correct methods can we enhance our friendship. They are also the same. Only by using the correct method to deal with them, can they correctly solve the problem and welcome the next site.

Frustration and failure can be called hardship in life.

Thanks to my friends in life, they have accompanied me through countless years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and they have studied and played together with me. When I met with difficulties, they comforted me and encouraged me, so that I could get through every difficulty successfully.

Sometimes we will have some trouble with our friends, but we should know that our friends will also think for us, and our friends are also our growth leaders like our parents.

Friends can be called sour and sweet in life.

Spicy, I don't like the taste very much, but it is also an important part of life. If there is no spicy, everything in life will become dull and calm like a pool of stagnant water. All creatures have lost their original vitality.

In life, we will encounter many challenges. It is precisely because of these challenges that we have the will to work hard and start every journey in our life.

These challenges can be called spiciness in life.

Salt, like salt, is indispensable in life. But too much will lead to many unimaginable consequences.

There are all games in life. "Play" is essential, but "play" should be moderate, just like salt, as an additive in food, it is essential but also appropriate.

Making fun in school can be called salty in life.

Thanks to this bottle, I learned to appreciate the sweet, sour, bitter, salty and various life styles correctly, learn to face, learn to smile, learn to correctly grasp the sail of life, and move towards the future!

Thanksgiving life, Thanksgiving now, Thanksgiving life!

Always have a grateful heart, you will find that the world is so beautiful!

600 words of grateful life (3)

What is life? Life is a big tree, which makes people know how to cast green shade; Life is a row of geese, which makes people understand to fly with one heart. Not everyone's life is smooth and everything goes well.

I try my best to find all the beautiful things and let me know how to be grateful... Thank the great parents for creating our lives and giving us the right to live; Thanks to the right to choose life in our own hands, we can use the passion of life to create our own world; Thank you for the thousands of feelings in the world that can be interpreted by us heartily: the kindness of nurture, brotherhood... Thank you for having eyes that can discover the beauty of the world; Thank you for having ears that can listen to moving music; Thank you for having hands that can make a better life

"Mom, why didn't you call me earlier? I should be late." I complained. "OK, hurry up, I'll wait for you downstairs." Mother said as she walked out of the door. I brushed my teeth slowly, picked some food, dressed, and hurried downstairs. Mother had been waiting downstairs for a long time. The north wind was blowing, and I was shivering with cold. Mother took off her coat and put it on for me. I complained incessantly: "Why didn't you call me earlier? You'll be criticized for being late." Mom drove faster. The cold wind whistled past my ears like a knife, making my ears ache. When I arrived at school, I was really late. I ran to the classroom at full speed. My mother looked at my back and shouted, "Don't run, be careful!" When I arrived at the classroom, I was out of breath. "Mom!" Back home, the house was quiet. Dad rushed out: "Shh! Your mother wore too little this morning. She caught a cold. She is resting now." I heard this and burst into tears. My mother made herself suffer because I didn't catch cold. All this is for me, because of love! I ran to my mother's bed and said sorry.

Life, thank you, thank you for restoring my courage; Life, thank you, thank you for letting me have sunshine.

600 words of grateful life (4)

I remember Thackeray, a British writer, said: life is a mirror, you smile, he also smiles; You cry, he cries too. I think that's right. As the saying goes, life is better than meaning. How should we face failure and helplessness?

Once, Roosevelt's house was stolen, and a friend wrote to him to advise him not to care too much. Roosevelt replied, "Thank you. I'm safe.". Thank god! First, he just stole my things without hurting my body; Second, he just stole some of my things, not all of them; The most important thing is that he, not I, stole things.

This is Roosevelt's philosophy of life - sing about life in a grateful way. Stealing is an unfortunate thing for everyone. However, he found at least three reasons to be grateful from this misfortune.

As a result, there was more sunshine and less yin in his sky. Perhaps most of us can not be as grateful for the misfortune of life as Roosevelt. After all, everyone has his own attitude towards life.

This reminds me of a group of black children. Before they have dinner every day, they have to finish a special homework - write down the things they are grateful for that day with some small notes. One of the shocking things is that the contents of those notes are almost uniformly expressed in simple sentences, such as: the wild flowers on the roadside are really beautiful, the pizza made by my mother today is delicious, and the story told by my father at night is really beautiful, etc.

In my opinion, they are still young and don't know what is "en". However, they use their young minds to record every bit of happiness they feel. They only know that they should be grateful for every good thing.

I think that like these black children, we can face the blandness of life with a grateful heart and feel the beauty of blandness. With such a heart, we will be grateful for our healthy body, a glass of milk beside the bread for breakfast, our harmonious family, and even the sunshine through the skylight in the morning. All this blandness has become better because of a grateful heart.

If the natural pool water is turbid, put a piece of alum in it, all the dregs will be precipitated, and the pool water will become clear and transparent again. Then, if the sky of life is dim, let go of a grateful mood, which can resolve all discontent and anger, and bring sunshine and brightness. Because gratitude is the alum of life!

600 words of grateful life (5)

A seedling is grateful for the nourishment of the earth, so it has a great posture; Thanks to the washing of flowing water, a hard stone has smooth skin; A bird is grateful for the care of the earth and the sky, so it has strong wings and flies freely

In our life, we have met many people, both familiar and unfamiliar. They may have passed us in a hurry, or they may have helped us, or they may have extraordinary significance and far-reaching impact on our life.

Our parents gave us each life, nurtured us to grow up, and silently cared for us on the way to growth. Thank our parents, thank you, so that we can grow up carefree!

If parents are the flame that ignites our lives, then teachers are the oxygen that accompanies us and makes us burn brighter and brighter. Teacher, it is you who have always dedicated yourself, burning yourself selflessly to light up our world, so that we can see the palace of knowledge and the square of morality, understand what is "endless learning" and what is "integrity", and teach us one truth after another. Thank you, teacher!

Born in the Republic and grew up in peaceful times, our generation is lucky and happy. The motherland is the cradle, which makes our life full of fun; The motherland is a ship, leading us to the other side of happiness; The motherland is home, which gives me a sense of security and pride. I love you, my motherland. It is you who raised us and brought us to the happy life now.

Gratitude fills our hearts with fragrance, and life becomes extremely clear. We should be grateful for every day of life and treat everyone around us kindly. As we grew up under the banner of New China, we should always be grateful and repay our motherland with outstanding achievements and practical actions. "If you are strong when you are young, your country will be strong". Only by working hard, learning skills, and being an ideal person and contributing to society in the future, can we be the best way to live a grateful life!

600 words of grateful life (6)

Today, I read a book called Thanksgiving Life, which made me realize the miracle of life. There are many stories about gratitude in this book. Among them, Amy's Wish deeply touched me, and the persistence of the hero touched my nerves.

When Amy, the hero in the article, was in the third grade of primary school, she suffered from cerebral palsy, stuttered and limped, so people laughed at her walking and talking every day. Amy was very upset. When she returned home, her mother found her silent and knew that Amy must have had an accident at school. To make her happy, when Christmas was coming, her mother asked Amy to participate in the TV station's Christmas wish contest. So Amy wrote a wish. When Amy's letter was sent to the radio station, the director read it again and again. Because of the director's deep understanding, he thought that it would be good for the whole city to know this special girl and her wishes, so Amy's story spread all over the world, and the mayor named December 21 Amy Day, helping Amy realize this most beautiful wish.

After reading the story, I think Amy wrote a real and ordinary wish, but it taught people a profound truth about life. She hoped that people could respect, understand and care for each other. At the same time, her wish also attracted the wide attention and sympathy of the mayor and the general public. Amy saw that the world was full of people who cared for each other, and sent Amy friendship and inspiration. From now on, she is no longer lonely. Amy really achieved her wish. Here, I suddenly remembered that in life, we should also care for others. Don't laugh and satirize others because of their disability and speaking problems. Maybe today you may be healthy, lively and lovely, but tomorrow you suddenly have an accident and become a disabled person. What will you feel when you are ridiculed and satirized by others? So we should pay more attention to and encourage others, so that others will not be lonely because of their disability. We should act at once.

I remember my godfather once told me that I should strive to build a harmonious society. I still understand that if we live in a world of ridicule and irony all day long, will society be harmonious? Therefore, each of us should respect, understand and care for each other, so that our society will become more harmonious!

600 words of grateful life (7)

I feel that the days are passing day by day, and faster and faster. There are always a lot of trivial things in life. I don't care about others' help, but I don't care about others' help. But I should be grateful for others' contributions!

I think I am a person who knows how to be grateful, but later I found that my parents are the ones who complain most about me. In one summer vacation, there was also a tutorial class to attend, and they went to work with their parents. A cold current suddenly hit the local area, and the temperature was suddenly cold like an ice house. I caught a cold, coughed all day, my nose was running, my throat was swollen and sick. Every day I feel dizzy and top heavy. At the moment, I really think I'm going to die and can't walk steadily. In the evening, my mother cooked ginger soup specially, and I filled a bowl. I felt everything was shaking, and even my mother's voice was like a voice coming from the glass, so far away.

Slowly drink the fragrant and thick ginger soup, sweet with new and fragrance, and feel the whole body alive again. In front of you, there is a bright and beautiful moon hanging in the sky. I think of my father and mother's love for us. Ginger soup contains not only warmth, but also the love of parents. I looked outside and casually shed tears. I really appreciated my father and mother for making me feel happy.

Father and mother did not ask for the return of the pay, just now I have. I have a happy life and family, people around me who love me, books to read, food and clothing, what is more fortunate than this? I made a decision secretly, and I also want to pay everything for my parents to let them enjoy the same happiness as me.

Some things may just happen for a short time, but some things can really be remembered deeply. Be grateful for the contributions of others. After all, everyone is an independent individual, and others have no obligation to do anything for you. It's better to say "thank you" sincerely!

600 words of grateful life (8)

Gently open your eyes, embrace this life with your real hands, and feel a real life.

When the courtyard is replaced by tall buildings, when the ancient road is replaced by roads, when the carved car is replaced by cars. Do you think life is boring, too busy and lacking in realism?

Now life is too boring, because people go too fast, too eager to work, and missed the beautiful scenery on the way. Various pressures from life make people feel that the definition of "real life" has been blurred by the carving of time.

In the end, what is "real life" like?

Tao Yuanming said that the real life is the tranquility of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain"; Su Shi said that the real life is the open-minded of "eating 300 lychees a day and being Lingnan people"; Du Fu said that the true life is the mind of "being able to stand on the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains".

I said that real life is to face life with gratitude and be grateful for life.

Be grateful to the people around you. Thanks to our parents, who have worked hard to raise us, so that we can grow up healthily. Thank our teachers for generously imparting knowledge to us and making us thrive. Thank our friends for helping our opponents in times of difficulty and helping us through our youth. Thanks to our opponents, we learn to surpass ourselves and improve ourselves.

Learn to appreciate the people around you and taste the real life.

Be grateful to nature. Thanks to the four seasons, we can see the vibrant spring, touch the hot summer and smell the fruitful autumn; Hear the quiet and peaceful winter. Thanks for the spring rain, bringing the music of life; Thanks for the cool summer wind; Thanks to the sunshine, which brings us light and warmth.

Learn to be grateful to nature and understand the true beauty of life.

Appreciate the knowledge that the book fragrance gives us. Open the book and taste it carefully, you will benefit from it. It is a kind of "alternative" real life to savor the fragrance of books.

What is real life like? Different people have different views.

Maybe the real life is to face life with gratitude, love life and appreciate life.

Now we are going too fast, and the burden is getting heavier and heavier, so we have made life heavier. It's time for us to put down the burden and live a real life!

600 words of grateful life (9)

What is life? Life is the activities carried out by people or creatures for survival and development. In short, it is survival. However, in life, there is no eternal happiness, nor eternal pain. In happiness, we should thank life, and in pain, we should also thank life, because life is originally beautiful.

Life always leaves something for us, pain, disease, happiness, happiness... Whatever life leaves behind, we should not hate, ridicule, indifference, but sincerely thank life. In the society you are integrated into, there are many people who extend a helping hand for your frustrations, hold a ray of sunshine for your confusion, and add a touch of comfort and sentiment to the occasional pain in your life. You feel that ordinary people can get so much attention and care. So when you look around, you feel that there are too many things to be grateful for.

We know that life is not always a picturesque spring. The mountains in the distance will gradually become brown in the evening mist; Yesterday's moon can't round tonight's dream. After reading Alexandre Dumas's book, I read that he finally stood up from the hail of bullets, stroked his bleeding body and laughed: "Thank God, I can really feel the pain.

Pain is so good. It tells me that I am still alive and have life and hope. " Yes, being able to experience physical and mental pain is the greatest gift that life gives us. It tells us that if we live, there will be happiness, pain and hope. There is a good saying: When God closes all the doors, he will leave you a window. The same is true of life, when it gives you disappointment, pain and frustrations.

It also gives you happiness, rich experience and aftertaste. It contains infinite scenery and expectations, waiting for you to discover and explore, waiting for you to grieve and enjoy. It is not stingy, and will not close all doors and windows to put you in a desperate situation for life; It is not hypocritical, it will not intoxicate your body and mind with sweet candy, and make you confused with the eyes you are looking for; It is not hypocritical, deceitful, pretentious or sophisticated. No matter you are poor or senior officials, you are treated equally.

Thank life, because I know that I am so ordinary, but also so lucky. The course of life tells me, what is luck? It is not money, nor officials, but there are many people around who deserve to be thanked. Thank the great parents for creating our lives, giving us the right to live, and owning this beautiful world; Thank you for holding the right to choose life in your own hands.

We can use the passion of life to create our own world; Thanks to thousands of beautiful feelings in the world can be interpreted by us heartily: the kindness of nurture, brotherhood, intimate friendship, peach and plum; Thank you for having eyes that can discover the beauty of the world; Thank you for having ears that can listen to moving notes; Thanks for our hands that can create a colorful world

600 words of grateful life (10)

A person is a kind person only with a grateful heart. The teacher once told us that if you don't love your parents, who can you love? Our parents are the people who gave birth to us and raised us. They are our close relatives. It is our parents who gave us life and gave me the deep love of father and mother that we never want to return. They can be called the greatest people for us, the most grateful people, and the most intimate people.

In my mind, there was a picture that it was a bad weather with wind and snow. I didn't have breakfast in the morning. I was dizzy and headed towards the school. On the way, the cold wind blew, making me wrap my coat tightly. Finally, I arrived at school, put down my heavy schoolbag, and began to work. I would hand in my homework and collect it later.

I look energetic, but actually I have a headache. After class, my attention was diverted and my head didn't hurt so much. I didn't think so, and the morning passed like this. In the afternoon, I began to have a headache again. My body was as hot as the fire. I felt my head with my cool hands. It was very hot. Although I want to go home, the final exam is coming, and the afternoon class is very important. Just stick to it. Don't talk to the teacher.

I just had a hard time through the afternoon. When I got home, I quickly found out the thermometer. I didn't know how to measure it, but I was shocked that I had a fever of °, which was very close to burning stupidity. I quickly called my mother and told her that she hurried home in a hurry. When I saw my mother coming into the house, I cried. My mother looked at me distressed and said, "Don't worry, my child. My mother will take you to the hospital.

”I nodded with tears in my eyes. My mother took me on her back and comforted me all the time after she got into a taxi. Tears of love also came out of her eyes. I looked at my mother blankly, raised my hand slightly, wiped the tears with love left by my mother, smiled and said to my mother: "Mom, I'm fine, I'm very strong, it's not a fever, it's no big deal!" My mother smiled at me.

When I got to the hospital, I walked into the cold ward. I felt a little scared and held my mother's hand tightly. My mother said, "You wait for me here a little while, and I will buy some medicine for you." I nodded, but I still didn't trust my mother. Because my mother had insomnia and was not in good health these days, I followed her. I saw her running around, Later, I went up and down the stairs. My back was tired. I saw my mother coming.

I hurried into the ward and looked at my mother's breathless appearance. I cried again: "Mom, I don't want you to be so tired. I won't stay in the hospital. I'm fine, really. I'll just go home and sleep." My mother said angrily: "No! This is no reason for you. You must stay here well and go back to school when you get well!" From her harsh words, I feel a deep maternal love. Finally, I recovered from my illness, but my mother was tired and ill

I love my mother. I love her selfless love for me. I thank my mother for her constant rush and care!

600 words of grateful life (11)

Gratitude is gratitude. Thanks to my parents, you gave me life and brought me up; Thank you, teacher, you have taught me knowledge and led me on the road to success; Thank you friends, you let me feel the warmth of the world; Therefore, gratitude is to know how to thank.

From crying loudly in swaddling clothes to babbling for the first time, to stumbling on small feet for the first time, carrying a schoolbag to school for the first time, getting back exam results for the first time, leaving parents for the first time

Maybe I didn't care how much effort and love my parents spent on the long road of growth in these countless firsts. Every time I laugh heartily and every time I succeed, my parents silently support me and encourage me, so I can achieve such success!

When I was young, I didn't understand. I always took this selfless love as a natural duty. I didn't know what my parents' hard work and mental pressure were. I can only say that at that time, I was too young to understand anything. It was too immature.

As the years go by, I grow up. I know that I should have a grateful heart to understand and take care of my parents. I can no longer wilfully add trouble to my parents. This is gratitude.

"Every drop of grace should be reported by the spring". This sentence is not bad at all. What's more, what parents pay for us is not only a drop of water, but also a piece of ocean

Gratitude is love. There are many kinds of love. They represent different benefits. It is selfless to have parents love their children. The love of my parents is a trickle, which nourishes my small tree and grows up healthily. I always thank my parents. My mother gave me life, which is the source of my life. She embraced me with her mother's arms and protected me, making me feel the greatest mother's love in the world. When I was ill, my mother waited anxiously aside; When I was lost, my mother patiently soothed my heart that had swung to the bottom; When I win, my mother will share happiness with me.

I was thinking about a question before: how should I be grateful? Who should we guard? Who doesn't know that the person who needs to be guarded most is around, that is, his parents. Rather than blindly looking for it, it is better to experience it with heart. As long as you guard and take care of it with heart, it is also a kind of gratitude

600 words of grateful life (12)

In today's society, science and technology continue to progress, the times continue to develop, people's living standards continue to improve, and the degree of civilization is also rising. However, no matter how the society develops, how civilization progresses, gratitude is an eternal theme.

Filial piety is gratitude to parents, loyalty is gratitude to friends, respecting teachers and valuing morality is gratitude to teachers, cherishing food is gratitude to farmers, dedication is gratitude to society, and protecting the environment is gratitude to nature.

There are too many things in this world that deserve our gratitude and need our gratitude. Gratitude is the foundation of love and understanding. If you feel that your family doesn't love you enough, try thanking them. You will find that you have more love than you think. Gratitude is the source of happiness. If you feel that you are not happy enough, then be grateful. You will find how happy you are if you are grateful for every bit of life. Gratitude is the power to overcome setbacks. If you are trapped in a swamp, you might as well stop struggling, look back, and think about those who help you, support you, and love you. You will be energetic immediately.

Gratitude makes us noble, elegant and pure, and optimistic. What's more, we have a pair of eyes to discover truth, goodness and beauty, so that we can be calm and fearless when encountering falsehood, evil and ugliness.

All beautiful things are not far away from us, even around us. If we find that they need a bunch of colorful light, it is gratitude. Open a door of thanksgiving, maybe there is a light behind the door, extend a pair of hands of thanksgiving, maybe you will have a brilliant smile.

Maybe you were sad, maybe you were lost, maybe you were at the bottom of life, but please don't give up, look back, let all the love surround you, strive to shake your grateful wings, make them fly freely in the sky, let those powerful wings take you bravely to the future.

Our life consists of innumerable things, innumerable bits and pieces, and each part deserves our cherish and gratitude. Years have changed, times have changed, and the wheels of history have rolled over, changing countless people and things. But gratitude has lasted for thousands of years. I believe that in the long future, no matter how advanced science and technology are, and how progressive society is, gratitude will continue to pass on until the end of time.

600 words of grateful life (13)

There is only a mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. When he is in his mother's arms, he cannot enjoy happiness... "Whenever I hear this song, there is always a warm current flowing into my heart.

In the past 13 years, from childish to young, how much effort has my mother spent on me? When I get good grades, how much pain does my mother feel behind her comfort?

When I was a child, I didn't understand anything, my mother's love, my mother's hope, or the worldly wisdom. When I was a child, I had a serious illness. My mother took the trouble to watch me day and night, serving me tea and water. She bought me whatever I wanted to eat. But I was still young and didn't understand my mother's love.

When I was in a big class, I didn't know what the benefits of going to school were. I always listened to my mother say to me, "Xiao Hui, we should go to school well and try to get into such good universities as Tsinghua University and Peking University." Tsinghua University, Peking University? It sounds strange. What is this. Mother sighed and said, "You are still young and don't understand. You will know when you are in the first grade."

From then on, I waited anxiously for the first grade, and the day finally came. I did well in the class, and I was still the monitor! Mom is very happy, let me continue to work hard.

Unexpectedly, the good times didn't last long. I failed in two final exams in grade two. It happened that my mother took Mensifan to educate me and told me. Now I know something. Hearing my mother say this, I was very unconvinced. She said, "What is a failure once? What is a success once? Will it be a success forever? Will it be a failure forever?" So I redoubled my efforts to study, and my mother also gave me advice. If I can't ask my mother, my mother patiently explained to me. Kung Fu pays off. I won the first prize several times in a row.

Now that I'm in the fifth grade, I often joke with my mother: "If you want to be in the second grade of junior high, you say I'm inferior to Sifan. I say failure is the mother of success. Hey hey, Sifan is not as good as I am now!" My mother pinches my nose and says with a smile, "Kid, I'm afraid that your mother is coming. I won't tell you if you can't get into a good university!" "Hee hee, Mom, don't be afraid, I will get you into a good university." I said with a grin.

Mother, how can you repay your kindness? I can only repay you with my excellent achievements. Mom, thank you for my love; Thank you for your concern for me; Thank you for taking care of me; Thank you for your education... Mom, a thousand words can't express my gratitude to you. I can only use a song to thank you: "Thank you for your heart, thank you for having you. Accompany me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself. Thank you for your heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will cherish..." Send this song to my dear mother!

600 words of grateful life (14)

We have so many hopes and ideals. How many things can be found in front of the reality of life? We also have no words to ask the sky. Such a growing helplessness is the edge of life that pierces the dreams of youth, giving us a kind of experience and a kind of thinking.

What is life? We are still looking for answers.

Why are there always so many complaints and tears? Why is there such trembling and pale? Why is the sky always narrow and the language always boring? Why desperately, obsessively and intrigued? There are too many reasons why, with the tide of the four seasons, the young heart seems to never find a place to live and find its own thorns.

Life is like a net. In this net, we can't escape.

It is also because there is no Taiwan dollar, we have no scruple to choose to embrace life, with gratitude to dominate life.

Life is a pair of eyes, and life is a pair of eyes. The color in your eyes, living alone, is not to make life heavy on your shoulders, nor to let life secularize your innocence one by one. You should be the master of life, and use your whip to drive the slave life.

With open arms, the body is always inexplicably excited. With the rise of the sun and the moon, we stand on the wave of life - perhaps just a drop of water, a piece of grass, and we still have no regrets.

When we enter the youth season, the scenery of life comes into our view. Whether laughing or sad, sweet or bitter, this is the gift of life, the truth of life.

Please remember: as long as the seeds are planted, there will be tasting fruits in autumn.

As long as there is hard work, sweat will condense the joy of success; As long as you are alive, you should believe in your own life, that there is sunshine in every season, and that the sun is shining every day.

As long as you embrace life, appreciate life, and dominate life, the season will shine for you!

600 words of grateful life (15)

Be thankful for your life! Be thankful that you have so many playmates and don't feel lonely. "Go!" your partner said to you, "Let's catch tadpoles!" So you took a small plastic cup and went to the pond to catch tadpoles. Look! One by one, cute tadpoles swam happily in the water, and sometimes came to the bank to peck at the moss. Here, you can quickly cover it with a plastic cup, and a "black spot" with a small tail will arrive in your cup.

Be thankful for your life! I am grateful for the company and care of my parents. "Let's go!" your parents said to you, "Let's go for a bike ride!" So the family got on their respective bikes and rode more than half of Jinjing. They were exhausted but felt an exciting pleasure and happiness from the inside out!

Be thankful for your life! Thank you for being able to go to a good school and learn a lot of wonderful knowledge! There are many books to read. This is a very happy thing!

Be thankful for your life! Thank you for the convenience of the times you are living in. Once upon a time, you had to wait for half a month to deliver a thing by post. Now, if you deliver it to your door by express, you can only wait for two or three days to receive it; Once upon a time, the relatives in the distance had to write letters if they wanted to talk with you. Now they can talk with their relatives in the distance just by making a phone call!

Be thankful for your life! Thank you for being able to see, touch, hear and smell. You can see the smiling faces of your partners and the kind faces of your parents every day; Your hands can feel round, rough, warm and cold; Your ears can hear your mother's nagging voice, the birds' delicate and clear singing voice and the joyful laughter when you hear them; You can smell the smell of food coming home every day and the fragrance of small wild flowers on the roadside.

Let's be grateful for life, deeply grateful, so much gratitude in our hearts.

600 words of grateful life (16)

Thanksgiving composition 600 words: Thanksgiving life (I)

Without outstanding achievements, amazing beautiful appearance, and enviable luxury home, I stubbornly believe that I live in a happy and happy emotional world. Because of the existence of gratitude, my life always blooms attractive brilliance.

In spring, I will dedicate my gratitude to the earth. Without the moisture of spring rain, there is no vitality of green leaves; Without the gentle breeze of spring, there would be no gorgeous flowers. Only with selfless dedication in spring can we achieve fruitful results in autumn. Friends, when walking on the land full of spring, please take your heart of gratitude. With this attitude, every plant and grass will become your best friend naturally.

In summer, I will dedicate my gratitude to farmers. It is they who make the field full of green; It is they who make the garden fragrant; It is they who turn sweat into food. They use their own hands to make the barren land no longer desolate; With their wisdom, they sang the praises of new rural construction. If the world loses them, it will be unimaginable.

In autumn, I will dedicate my gratitude to my teachers. Never forget the encouraging eyes of the teacher when encountering embarrassment; I will never forget the smiling face of the teacher who encouraged me when I fell behind; Never forget the teacher's wordless joy at success. Teacher's Day is coming, I will put the newly opened flowers on my windowsill in front of the teacher's window; I will silently pick up the dishcloth and carefully tidy up the stage for teachers to teach; I will also offer my best wishes when the teacher enters the classroom.

In winter, I will dedicate my gratitude to my parents. Our parents are our hearts' dependence and destination. On rainy days, they are an umbrella on top of our heads; When we are sad, they are handkerchiefs to wipe away our tears. Find a cold winter day, let my parents stand beside me and enjoy my masterpiece. I wash the dishes carefully, I mix them carefully, and I fry them carefully. When I sent the delicious food to my parents, I saw the most beautiful smiling face in the world, although my hands were red with cold.

Living in the season of thanksgiving, I have gained the infinite happiness of life!

Thanksgiving composition 600 words: Thanksgiving life (2)

The nature, love and happiness in life deserve our gratitude.

Thank nature!

Nature, you let me know how blue the sky is, how clear the river is, how green the grass is, and how fragrant the flowers are. When I get up in the morning and open the window, fresh air comes to me. It turns out that you gave me the freshest air in the morning, giving me the best mood of the day; At noon, when the sun was burning, I suddenly felt a burst of cool. It turned out that you sent the fresh wind to my arms, making me feel that my mood was no longer so impetuous; In the evening, I sat in the yard and looked up at the sky. It was you who waved a golden brush and left a beautiful glow in the sky, letting me forget the troubles of the day and enjoy the gorgeous picture.

Thank you for your love!

I am grateful to those who care about me in life. It is you who let me tide over difficulties and embark on the road of success again; It was you who made me understand that I should be strong, so that I could not shed tears easily; It is you who let me understand the true meaning of life, so that I can live each day seriously and learn to cherish each day. When I was young, my grandmother sewed dolls for me, but she was exhausted; When I was in primary school, my parents picked me up and sent me to and from school, but my back was sore and my legs cramped; Now that I am in middle school, I thought you would not work so hard, but you still have to worry about my life every day and accept the complaints I made when I was in adolescence.

Gratitude and happiness!

Happiness is what our family gives us. My father's humor, my mother's gentleness, and my grandfather's kindness... Only having a home makes me happy. The source of happiness is home. A bunch of flowers represents my loyalty to you; A cup of hot water represents my love for you; A greeting shows that I hope you are healthy every day.

All things that deserve my gratitude come from life. Life has given me a colorful life. Finally, I want to say to life from the bottom of my heart: "Life, I am grateful to you!"

Thanksgiving composition 600 words: Thanksgiving life (3)

When you are cheated by others, the first belief that flashes through your heart must be hatred, then you are totally wrong. "A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.". A smart person will be grateful and grateful to this person, because he has increased your knowledge and tempered your ambition.

On the way of growth, people have to encounter various experiences. The lie of deception will be found out one day. At that moment, you have made a step forward on the road of life, because you understand that you will not be tripped by the same stone twice.

People who rely on others for a long time are sometimes abandoned by others. They will become unaccustomed and afraid, but many things cannot be helped by others. He who knows himself best is himself. He who depends on the sky and the earth is not a hero. Maybe when you encounter difficulties, people around you will abandon you, and you will choose to solve them by yourself. It is because the person who abandoned you has taught you to be independent.

The reality is a cruel and terrible society, but many unknown corners will also have those wars, which are full of bullying and infighting. At this time, you may complain about the difficulties in front of you, "I live in an unequal world". But there will always be so many winners who stand out from the war for one reason: a grateful heart for everything around.

He regards all kinds of setbacks as help from others. He always extracts lessons from all kinds of difficulties and warns himself that he will never make the same mistake next time. However, after success, he will appreciate those who have challenged him.

Sometimes cheating is not cheating, abandonment is not really abandonment, and difficulties are not difficulties. The key is your attitude towards them. Hate will eventually hurt both sides, so try to be grateful.

Be grateful to those who hurt you and tempered your mind, and to those who cheat you and improve your knowledge; Be grateful to those who have tripped you up and strengthened your ability

A wonderful life needs challenges. We should learn to be grateful for everything that stands in your way and makes your life brilliant.

Thanksgiving composition 600 words: Thanksgiving life (4)

From birth, we live in the arms of love and warmth.

Parents, teachers, partners, some kind and familiar faces give us firm smile and strength when we are confused and confused. They deserve our gratitude.

Some strange but kind faces give us warm and unforgettable help when we encounter difficulties when we go out. They deserve our gratitude.

Sour, sweet, bitter and hot, all flavors are mixed. It is she who gives us setbacks and let us experience; It is she who gives us difficulties and lets us solve them; It was she who gave us tears and moved us; It is she who gives us success and makes us happy. It is she who let us know that no pains, no gains; It is she who makes us understand that the rainbow after the storm is more beautiful, and she makes our growth richer and more colorful. Who is she? Tell you, she is life! Life takes us into a colorful, bittersweet world. She has given us so much joy, so much emotion and so much unforgettability. But some people give up life because of the pain she brings us! They forget their parents, teachers, partners, and strangers who helped him selflessly. They don't know how to live a grateful life!

Thanksgiving life should start from every bit of it. Always be optimistic and strong to meet challenges. Life can't always be smooth, but as long as you remember to repay your parents, teachers, partners, and strangers, you will go through life optimistically and firmly.

There is no lack of beauty in life, only the eyes to find beauty. In the same way, there is no lack of grace in life, only a lack of gratitude. What a kind God life is! She gave you so many deserving people! Parents, teachers, partners and even strangers! Please cherish your life just for them, with a grateful heart, to thank life, relatives, friends, partners, strangers!

600 words of grateful life (17)

Thanksgiving life

In life, there are many troubles, but you are happy, and you may be under great pressure. But we should be grateful for life. It is everything God has given you. When God closes a window for you, he will also open a door for you. Therefore, God is fair. Because God is kind, we have so many things to cherish and be proud of. We are just like his children. He is a kind and fair father

When I am depressed, I will be enlightened by my classmates, who will be the savior given to me by God. When I am proud, my family will educate me, and my family will be a bright light in the dark. When I am lonely, there will be friends playing with me. Then, friends are my happy fruit. When I am sad, I talk to the lake, and the lake is my mental nutritionist

In a person's life, many things will happen, just like walking backward, you never know what will happen on the next road, so you should take every step of the way, and only when you walk through can you know what happened and how dangerous your situation is. So only by taking every step of the way, can we avoid falling down.

In the past, I always complained about the world, because the things that originally belonged to me were taken away one by one. I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled, why? Hum, I always thought that others looked down on me, so I secretly made up my mind that I would not be looked down upon. I wanted to be a strong man. I would not cry myself. When I wanted to cry, I looked at the blue sky and tried hard to use my hands. Because I thought my hands would hurt, my heart would not hurt. It is because of my determination that I will not fall behind. But I was very tired. So for a while I was sad. I hid in a place where I could see the lake but was hidden by trees. Hiding there, I was wondering if I was right. I sat there alone and looked at the lake. Seems to understand something. So now I am back to the past, lively, cheerful, love to play a little temper.

I am a student, but I am also grateful for life. I am grateful to God. It is God who makes me live. Although not happy every day, but at least I live in this world, when I live I have everything

Thanksgiving life

When you are cheated by others, the first belief that flashes through your heart must be hatred, then you are totally wrong. "A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.". A smart person will be grateful and grateful to this person, because he has increased your knowledge and tempered your ambition.

On the way of growth, people have to encounter various experiences. The lie of deception will be found out one day. At that moment, you have made a step forward on the road of life, because you understand that you will not be tripped by the same stone twice.

People who rely on others for a long time are sometimes abandoned by others. They will become unaccustomed and afraid, but many things cannot be helped by others. He who knows himself best is himself. He who depends on the sky and the earth is not a hero. Maybe when you encounter difficulties, people around you will abandon you, and you will choose to solve them by yourself. It is because the person who abandoned you has taught you to be independent.

The reality is a cruel and terrible society, but many unknown corners will also have those wars, which are full of bullying and infighting. At this time, you may complain about the difficulties in front of you, "I live in an unequal world". But there will always be so many winners who stand out from the war for one reason: a grateful heart for everything around.

He regards all kinds of setbacks as help from others. He always extracts lessons from all kinds of difficulties and warns himself that he will never make the same mistake next time. However, after success, he will appreciate those who have challenged him.

Sometimes cheating is not cheating, abandonment is not really abandonment, and difficulties are not difficulties. The key is your attitude towards them. Hate will eventually hurt both sides, so try to be grateful.

Be grateful to those who hurt you and tempered your mind, and to those who cheat you and improve your knowledge; Be grateful to those who have tripped you up and strengthened your ability

A wonderful life needs challenges. We should learn to be grateful for everything that stands in your way and makes your life brilliant.

Thanksgiving life

The nature, love and happiness in life deserve our gratitude.

Thank nature!

Nature, you let me know how blue the sky is, how clear the river is, how green the grass is, and how fragrant the flowers are. When I get up in the morning and open the window, fresh air comes to me. It turns out that you gave me the freshest air in the morning, giving me the best mood of the day; At noon, when the sun was burning, I suddenly felt a burst of cool. It turned out that you sent the fresh wind to my arms, making me feel that my mood was no longer so impetuous; In the evening, I sat in the yard and looked up at the sky. It was you who waved a golden brush and left a beautiful glow in the sky, letting me forget the troubles of the day and enjoy the gorgeous picture.

Thank you for your love!

I am grateful to those who care about me in life. It is you who let me tide over difficulties and embark on the road of success again; It was you who made me understand that I should be strong, so that I could not shed tears easily; It is you who let me understand the true meaning of life, so that I can live each day seriously and learn to cherish each day. When I was young, my grandmother sewed dolls for me, but she was exhausted; When I was in primary school, my parents picked me up and sent me to and from school, but they made my back ache and legs cramp; Now that I am in middle school, I thought you would not work so hard, but you still have to worry about my life every day and accept the complaints I made when I was in adolescence.

Gratitude and happiness!

Happiness is what our family gives us. My father's humor, my mother's gentleness, and my grandfather's kindness... Only having a home makes me happy. The source of happiness is home. A bunch of flowers represents my loyalty to you; A cup of hot water represents my love for you; A greeting shows that I hope you are healthy every day.

All things that deserve my gratitude come from life. Life has given me a colorful life. Finally, I want to say to life from the bottom of my heart: "Life, I am grateful to you!"

600 words of grateful life (18)

My mother and I stood at the crossroads, looking at the traffic lights opposite, ready to cross the road. At this time, my mother took my hand again. Perhaps it was because of the hot air that I became anxious. I broke away from my mother and put my hand on my pants pocket. My mother seemed stunned, sighed, and gently. In this way, my mother and I walked across the road without saying anything. But in my heart, I still think of that sigh.

When I was a child, I saw asphalt roads running through the whole city. At that time, I was most afraid of crossing the road. The endless flow of vehicles seems to have no intention of stopping, and the continuous sound of whistling makes people feel terrible. Look at the newly planted trees on the sidewalk. They seem to be as tall as me. All these things frighten me. At this time, my mother would lead me step by step through the road that made me afraid. A pair of big hands holding a pair of small hands, tightly. My heart is full of attachment to my mother.

Time passes like a fleeting horse. Mother's hands are not as soft and powerful as they were in those days. Now, my hand is much bigger than my mother's. Time is like a carving knife, always like to leave some lines in people's eyes.

My mother may not be able to connect with my growth, and she always wants to do her best to protect me as before. Just like the old game of eagle catching chicks, the chicks behind the mother chicks have become aggressive roosters, but she still has to hide them behind her and face the wind and rain alone. Perhaps, this is maternal love, deep and strong maternal love. When I think of this, I can't help feeling grateful.

Finally, a breeze blew, bringing a trace of cool to the hot and dry air. Yes, every bit of life contains my mother's love for me. At the same time, it also teaches me to be grateful.

At another crossroads, I held my mother's hand with gratitude.

A pair of big hands holding a pair of small hands, tightly