About Wind and Rain (17 Collections)
Little old man
2023-12-06 03:14:17

About wind and rain (1)

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and each cloud gathered enough water to be ready to pour down at any time. The air pressure is getting lower and lower, making people almost breathless. I didn't see my mother when I came home from school. In this dark weather, I felt uneasy.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open with a "bang", and my mother came in excitedly. As if I was looking forward to a savior, I jumped into my mother's arms. My mother stroked my head and said lovingly, "Guess what I bought?" "Yummy?" Every time my mother asked me this, I always answered.

Mother was so excited that she ignored my answer and showed the baby she bought in the living room.

I was shocked: "It's really beautiful!" I exclaimed in my heart.

This is a red umbrella with bright red satin. There is a circle of green leaves on the top and a circle of yellow flowers on the edge of the umbrella. Yellow flowers and green leaves make a wonderful contrast! Really: This umbrella is beautiful and beautiful, and the room decoration is faded.

"My mother is a beauty lover, and she must have bought it for her own use." I muttered in my heart, and asked involuntarily, "Who bought this umbrella for?" "Of course it's for you!" My mother looked at me, smiled kindly, and said, "Only my precious daughter is best equipped with this umbrella. Your white and red face is as old as a flower. You can hold up this beautiful red umbrella and walk up. That's the real flowing beauty! "

Although my mother's words made me feel a little embarrassed, I still couldn't restrain the heartland flowers from blooming.

What a coincidence! It's going to rain today, so I need to bring an umbrella. If I hold this red umbrella to school, it will be beautiful and become the highlight of the campus!

I am intoxicated with happiness.

Somehow, a trace of sadness hit my heart again, which made me frown: what a pity that this beautiful red umbrella was hit by the rain! But when can I use it in rainy days? Students who hold umbrellas in sunny days will be laughed at, and they will never show their beauty at home. I told my mother what I thought. After listening to my mother, she said, "True beauty is not afraid of wind and rain."

Mom's words, I don't understand.

The air began to be fresh. I looked out of the door, and the wind began to show its arrogance, trying to uproot the trees. A flash of lightning flashed across the sky. With the deafening thunder, white rain poured down from the sky, like overturning a river. The water in the sky fell down, and the water in the ground splashed upward. At once, it was a world of white water.

Perhaps it was my mother's words that inspired me. The violent storms inspired me to fight against it. I resolutely held up my mother's beautiful red umbrella, walked into the storm, enjoyed unique beauty with it, and accepted the test of the storm.

About wind and rain (2)

A shining pearl must have experienced countless wriggles of the clam's body and countless waves to shine.

Similarly, a truly successful person must stand up again after countless falls, because "how can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed".

Shi Tiesheng fell and lost his legs, which was a heavy blow to anyone. But instead of losing confidence in life, he used his brain and hands to express his infinite love for life.

Beethoven was blind and deaf, but he still wrote a lot of music works such as Hero and Destiny. In the misfortune of life, he tenaciously grasped the "throat of destiny".

These were all people who had fallen, but they stood up firmly, fought against fate and misfortune, and finally achieved great success.

So for each of us, wrestling is not terrible. What is terrible is that you lose confidence and courage in life.

Bing Xin said, "People only admire the flower of success for its present brilliance! However, its original bud was soaked with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice."

Therefore, each of us should not be depressed when facing misfortune, because we may hold any chain of life after changing our mentality.

Just like the boy in the picture, after wrestling, we should boldly say, "It's no big deal" to all the inquiries from teachers, parents and society

Because life is our own, and our destiny is in our own hands, our mentality and our choices determine the direction of life.

Frustration is a wealth of life and a good medicine to promote your success. How can flowers that do not experience wind and rain be gorgeous? How can a life without suffering emit dazzling brilliance?

As Hong Zhanhui, a person who moved China in 20xx, said: "It is our responsibility to face difficulties and solve them.". As a new generation of young people, we should understand that wrestling is not terrible, just as we always have the courage to sing this song: How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed!

I want to say, how can a person grow up without going through many falls and getting up after many falls? Wrestling is also a kind of happiness. The wind and rain are just the omen of the rainbow after the rain!

About wind and rain (3)

Before the storm, the sky is clear. After the storm, there is a rainbow. In the wind and rain, there is a word, love. Silence—— The inscription opened the door and turned on the light, and the light went straight into my heart. I turned my head and looked at my grandfather, who was also wet but standing upright... walking on the road, letting the rain hit me. Take a deep breath, just like that night. That night, because of school activities, I left school late. I looked at my watch. The 8 o'clock on the watch foreshadowed my fate. My parents are busy, so my classmates should leave. It seems that I have to go home by myself.

When I got out of the gate, I was surprised to find my grandfather waving to me with an umbrella under the street lamp. However, the surprise turned into indifference. "Hum, come on!" I ignored him and walked past him. He also closed his umbrella, walked side by side with me, and was whipped by the rain. Don't say I don't understand. I don't like my grandfather for my own reasons. My grandfather was once a talented person who was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. A talented person is self effacing, just like him. Because of his romantic, he quarreled with grandma every day; Because of his romantic, Grandma broke with him. A happy home is broken.

I was brought up by my grandmother when I was young, and naturally inherited the hatred of my grandfather. That's why I never call him grandpa according to the habit of northerners. Unlike my grandfather, he treated me very well. For example, this time, he went to pick me up when he was ill. He often helped me silently, but as long as I found out, I would rather fail than accept. In my young eyes, he did it just to make up for his mistakes, and he never wanted to pay off his mistakes in his life. The gray sky, the watery road and the wind and rain swayed my grandfather and me... I stayed under the street lamp and heard what he said to me when he came home.

"Child, I know you have a problem with me, and I know that maybe I can never change my image in your heart, but I think that in my lifetime, when you face the wind and rain, I can be around you." After he said that, he went into the bathroom, and then came a rapid cough. He loved me, and he did it all because he loved me. Love is like a bamboo shoot. After 15 years of long winter, in a spring rain, it suddenly came out of my heart... When the rain hit my head, it ticked away, and I could not help telling a mountain sheep: the rain beat like a sword, the wind roared like anger, or that night's return. The feet are relaxed, the heart is heavy, and the sadness turns into a fog all over the sky. I have only been famous all my life. I have been born, love has been misunderstood, and I have died, crying alone. A month ago, when he was dying in bed, I held his hand in tears and called to him: "Grandpa, Grandpa!" He smiled, but could not stop the steps of Death. Rain is the fastest growing seed, which will bloom when it falls to the ground.

Love is the slowest feeling to realize. It takes 15 years to know the truth. The rain stopped and a rainbow hung under the street lamp. Rainbow! Please tell your grandfather over there: I understand his love in the wind and rain.

About wind and rain (4)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, the rain drops from the sky. Tower, tower, tower, tower, tower, one solid step after another.

There was a group of people on the training ground, carrying sandbags, running around in the rain like crazy people. The sandbags are heavy, and it's hard to breathe. The thick gasp should be accompanied by the thick footsteps and the patter of rain. Another scene was outlined in the rain.

Wearing glasses, with the rain getting heavier and heavier, the rain gradually blurred my vision. With the sandbag on my back, I felt OK on the first lap. Just after the second lap, I felt like there was a fire in my throat and my lower legs were weak. It was like stepping on a sponge when I stepped on the ground. Breathing began to grow heavier, cold wind poured into the throat, with sharp pain, as if swallowing ten thousand silver needles; The lungs are burning like red carbon; The legs are extremely sore, as if the blood flow in the blood vessels is not blood, but pieces of cement. Almost subconsciously, the pace slowed down, and a string of thoughts flashed in my heart at that time, or give up! I took out my hand and rubbed my cold face. My pace gradually quickened. At 500 meters, I had no strength at all. I ran 1000 meters with a weight of 40 kilograms. I felt that I had reached my limit. It was all my pride. I ran again. I felt that my throat was like a clot of blood. I looked up and shouted at the sky, The body and limbs seemed to be full of strength again, and they sprinted all the way over 200 meters. They unloaded the sandbag and handed it to the next member. They also ignored the rain and lay on the ground directly. I was satisfied by the persistence of enjoyment.

No one's life is plain sailing, without any setbacks and difficulties. In the face of difficulties, some people will inevitably choose to give up. Some people will choose to face the wind and rain and persevere without hesitation. How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? A thousand tempering makes iron, a thousand tempering makes steel! Since you choose sports! Why give up?

About wind and rain (5)

We are like flowers. I often see such a situation in life: children who have been loved by their parents since childhood can't even tie their shoelaces in middle school. However, some children who lack father love and mother love have strong ability to take care of themselves. Aren't the two kinds of flowers the epitome of these two kinds of people?

Only by struggling in the wind and rain will we be most open.

Butterflies are always beautiful insects. But its birth is difficult. The larva of a butterfly will first become a pupa. At a certain time, it will break its shell from the pupa and become a beautiful butterfly.

Once there was a teacher who showed the children a chrysalis of a butterfly in class. The children gathered around and discussed. At that time, the butterfly was struggling to get out of the pupa. The children couldn't bear it and decided to help Butterfly. So they pierced the chrysalis and helped the butterfly out of the chrysalis. But after a while, the butterfly did not move, apparently dead. The children cried sadly. When the teacher asked what was wrong, the children told everything. The teacher understood: "If the butterfly wants to survive, it must try its best to get out of the chrysalis!" "Why?" "Because... only after struggling in the wind and rain can the sun shine!"

Yes, only after hard work can we welcome the sunshine! The flowers in the greenhouse are well protected and weak, so they can only survive in the greenhouse naturally; The flower growing in the wind and rain has been suffering all the time, but it struggles with the wind and rain in the tribulation, and becomes more tenacious and blooming. While struggling in the pupa, the butterfly exercises its ability to adapt to the outside life, so it can survive outside the pupa; However, the butterfly that was helped out of the chrysalis could not adapt to the outside environment without hard work. It was too fragile to survive and could not welcome the sunshine!

Sunshine always comes after the rain. We don't want to be the flowers in the greenhouse, we want to be the beautiful butterfly that we try to get out of the chrysalis. Don't always complain about the bad environment. The key is: have you worked hard? What we lack is not that there is no bad environment, but that we do not pay and struggle.

If you want to be the most brilliant flower; If you want to be a free flying butterfly, then accept the trials and challenges of the wind and rain and welcome the warmest sunshine!

About wind and rain (6)

The successful flower is only admired for its present brilliance, but the original bud is soaked with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice.

The wave of history is rolling, with no intention of stopping, and the trickle of it has aroused my meditation. Looking back at history, we can see how many literati with lofty ideals have succeeded without fear of difficulties and dangers!

Gou Jian Lies on hardships for revenge

Yesterday, after Goujian, the King of Yue, was defeated by the State of Wu, his land was invaded and the people were trampled on. The King of Yue himself became a servant of the King of Wu. People may think that what else can a fallen monarch do when his fate is extremely tragic? Undoubtedly, the word "death" is most suitable for him. It is unbelievable that he did not fall down because of the pain of national subjugation. On the contrary, he endured hardships and tried to hone his indomitable will. Have you ever thought that the king of Yue, who was above ten thousand people in those days, slept in a grass shop. Every day before going to bed, he had to taste the extremely bitter pig gall to warn himself not to forget humiliation, and formulated a series of thoughtful revenge plans. Through trials and hardships, the King of Yue finally defeated the powerful State of Wu and became the overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period. It can be said that "the sword comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold".

Kill Deng Yaping halfway

As we all know, Deng Yaping has 18 world championships, and on November 29, 2008, she added a doctor of economics from Cambridge University to her bag. But behind the success, how much wind and rain and sadness, who can truly experience it? As an athlete, she was mercilessly kicked out because of her short stature, and her father did not think highly of her, but she broke her own record and won the world women's singles championship of table tennis. Every time she wins a ball, she will clench her fist and shout "kill!" from the bottom of her heart to prove that she can do it. After retirement, she did not fall into the low tide of her career and life due to the confusion of her life goals and the lack of livelihood skills. She braved the pressure of being labeled as "winner takes all" because outstanding athletes went to college directly after retirement. She braved the wind and rain and made her way to success. She also founded an online search engine, which was favored by many netizens. She used her own strength to verify the truth that "the strong are always strong". The wind and rain is terrible, but it is also the lead to success, and the wind and rain is just the baptism of success.

Frustrated in learning, aware of rising

As for me, my grades, which have always been excellent, have plummeted since I entered high school, which makes me ashamed. Meditation, this may be God's test for me, historical celebrities inspired me, I have no reason to choose to retreat. From then on, as a mobile phone controller, I will "wash my hands in a golden basin", never listen to anything outside the window, and concentrate on reading only the books of sages and sages. Just for the ardent hope of my parents and just to be worthy of my conscience, I will study hard and fight again! I believe that through the storm, I will overcome setbacks and move towards success!

"There is no way out after the mountains and rivers are over, and there is another village." After the wind and rain, there will be a rainbow. The road is too crooked, the dream is too empty, no one can casually succeed. Then let the storm come harder! Through setbacks, through wind and rain, victory is ahead!

About wind and rain (7)

Looking back on yesterday's storm, looking forward to today's sunrise. Maybe only after the rain, can we see such a bright sunshine. The ears can't help echoing, and the mouth can't help humming, "The sun always comes after the rain, and there is a clear sky after the rain...".

Yesterday, the sultry day was suffocating. Lightning streaked through the dark sky and poured the water of Tianhe into the world. Today, the rising sun puts a golden coat on the earth, and the water drops on the petals and green leaves are like pearls shining.

Perhaps, life is just like this. Behind everyone's success, there is always the figure of hard struggle. How can a person make brilliant achievements without suffering? Yes, yesterday's storm was not a disaster of destruction, but a storm for better development. The sky was overcast, accompanied by a rumbling sound... Soon, rain poured in from the other end of the sky. There seems to be a terrible secret conversation going on in heaven and earth. Look! Yuer is busy delivering messages! I carefully touched her skin with my hands, which was cold and bone chilling. Rain, she shouted, wind, wantonly rolling up the endless dust between heaven and earth. Under the grey silk screen, two or three birds were beating their wings and moving forward. I saw. They are fighting against the storm, and at the same time, they are fighting against death. Lei, booming, is he supporting his partner?

A few days ago, I was also baptized by the storm. Raindrops, beating me, cold! Standing in the rain, full of helplessness and fear. Rain, like a devil, bit by bit invades my courage. I, continue to move my steps!

No matter how wild the wind is, no matter how heavy the rain is, the swallow is not afraid, because it has a kind of persistence. No matter how heavy the rain is, it will stop for a moment. I would like to be a swallow fighting the wind and rain, fearless!

About wind and rain (8)

Foreword: Today is a very happy day, because I can go to Xiaoyin's house on Tuesday, but the next thing surprised me

The last lesson is physical education. We have been standing on the playground for more than half a class. The teacher is training a classmate. I looked up at the blue and quiet sky in boredom and looked down. After a while, I felt a little cold. When the sky turned overcast, I suddenly found that the sky turned gray, as if it was going to rain. I saw a strange phenomenon. The rain fell on the campus playground and the square brick floor. Suddenly, I saw a lightning strike in the distance, drilling back and forth in the sky like an earthworm. At this time, Mr. Shi came to "rescue" us. We lined up and walked to the school gate, and Uncle Yin picked us up.

At that time, the rain came faster than the light. I can't describe it in words. I wanted to run out quickly, but Xiao Yin and Xiao Wu were too slow for me and my uncle to move forward. We went to a big tree as a temporary shelter (there was no thunder and lightning at this time, otherwise it would be dangerous). It was raining all around us, and the wind was howling, pouring rain into our shelter.

After a while, the rain stopped. My uncle and I seized the opportunity to rush out. Xiao Yin and Xiao Wu follow us. When we arrived at the second "shelter", it began to hail again and the rain stopped. I didn't dare to breathe, so I hurried home. I put the raincoat in my bag on my head. Of course, the bag was given to my uncle to accompany me.

Today, I "encountered" an unforgettable storm!

About wind and rain (9)

Outside the window, like a huge gray cloth curtain, it rained heavily. I was staring at my diary in a daze. The unforgettable scene reappears in front of us

It was the noon of a day in Grade 6. The weather was good. The weak sunshine made people neither hot nor cold, and the gentle breeze made people happy. I took my textbook and happily went to my friend's home to study. But after a while, God changed his face and the world became hot and dark. It was time to promise my mother to go home. I borrowed an umbrella from my friend. Walking in the streets and alleys, there are countless gravels on the ground, but they are obediently under people's feet and can not give a little resistance, because they know how insignificant they are.

The thunder began to roll. A bolt of lightning flashed through the air. Split out a beam of dazzling light; "Hua la la", the big rain hit people without umbrellas. I opened the umbrella and walked home without hesitation. The wind suddenly came violently, like an invisible giant hand grabbing my umbrella, and I held it hard to prevent it from slipping away. The textbook in the bag in hand has suffered and is almost wet. What should I do? When I was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, I just felt dark, dizzy, and cold all over. It's like being in the midst of snow and ice, and your knees ache. The hands and feet are almost paralyzed. It turned out that I tripped over this stumbling block at the intersection. I tried my best to struggle alone in the street where no one was seen. For the first time, I felt afraid and disappointed. How I wished someone could help me and lay down like this and have a good rest; But when I remembered that my parents were still waiting for me at home, I said in my heart: No, I must walk home! The rain kept hitting my body, and my knee was cut by the stone. A little blood flowed away with the wash of the rain and disappeared in my eyes. I tried very hard to get up from the ground, hold the wet umbrella on the ground, and move forward. If I limped, I must insist on reaching home. At that time, I was so young and naive that I just wanted to go home quickly. When I finally arrived at the gate of Canada with my teeth clenched, the rain still kept on. I saw a familiar figure in the vagueness. A pair of big and reliable hands held me tightly. It was my mother! I couldn't help feeling excited and grateful.

My mother helped me put some medicine on my wound, and I felt much better. At that time, my fear and disappointment disappeared into the sky. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the rain was getting smaller and smaller, which was quite different from that at noon. The wound was better. She walked carefully to the window, looked up at the sky, and vaguely saw the weak sunlight before. The corner of the sky caught all my eyes, and it was a rainbow. She was as beautiful as a fairy. She showed her beautiful figure in the air and shone at me, I could not move my eyes away from her and became the focus of my eyes. The mood suddenly became very good, and I felt that the encounter seemed to be just a nightmare. Then I realized that it was nothing to others, but it was a priceless event for me to fight against the storm; My choice is right, and I am also deeply gratified that I have chosen to be strong rather than cowardly. If I don't insist on going home, maybe I will not only have such small stones, but also have more rampant stumbling blocks. They paved the road with the words "the river goes east and the waves wash away, the heroes of the ages". I seemed to see the exciting magnificence before the wind and rain; When the hermit Yi An sang under the falling red: "The cherry is red, the plantain is green, and the rain hits the window lattice and the silk sky is wet", I seemed to see the vast and quiet after the wind and rain, while when the hermit Qinglian was in the moonlight and the stars were rare, he sprinkled the wind and shouted, "The long wind and waves will sometimes, hanging the cloud sail to help the sea." I seemed to see the poet's helplessness and remoteness when experiencing the wind and rain.

Accompanied by Tao Yuanming's chrysanthemums and Gong Zizhen's films, I looked back and looked down at their tortuous lives, and fell into the long river of history at a glance. Together with them, I experienced "life is like a dream when the river goes east, homesickness of tourists on the Yanbo River, and the late state of life when the sun sets west. The wheels of history remain unchanged from ancient times. Accompanied by them, I experienced storms, chose to be strong, and understood the essence of beauty.

"When will the moon be bright?".

"Being exiled to the Yellow River, there is no more hero than Su Shi." As time goes by, the hardships of wind and rain are full of. The prime of his youth is no longer there, and there is only the ambition of "shooting tigers and watching Sun Lang". The weather beaten man, who came temporarily on the day when the moon was full, no longer lamented that "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs, which is difficult to complete in ancient times." He also did not lament that "the river has gone to the east and the waves have been wiped out", and some of them were just brave and heroic "who would draw a bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot the wolf", to verify his "success or failure is anything, and this hatred is endless, and who is the same with the heroes in the world" Is ambitious. Having experienced hardships with Su Shi, I learned about the extraordinary heroic spirit and loyalty to the motherland.

"I have just lowered my eyebrows, but I am still in my heart." "I climb the west tower alone without words, and hate words between my eyebrows.". This word is nothing more than a portrayal of Yi An Jushi. When the petals of the flowers in the courtyard fell on the ground, he finally had to "cry first". The heroism of "life is a hero, death is also a ghost" in those days is no longer true. It only flows eastward with the spring water of that river and flows into the source of history. Tracing back to the origin, it was the chaos of the world and the hatred of the family and the country that made this kind-hearted poetess face the rolling Xiangjiang River, bend the waning moon, and change the shallow singing and crooning to the sky and howling. How can this hatred and pain be "how can I get a word of sorrow"? Accompanied by Li Qingzhao, through the wind and rain, I tasted the joys and sorrows of the world, love, hate, love and sorrow.

Cao Cao has the mind of "being an old hero, aiming for a thousand miles", Du Fu has the grief and indignation of "feeling the tears of flowers, and feeling the fear of birds", Xin Qiji has the joy after the loss of "the old grass shop, the forest, the road, the river and the bridge suddenly see", Fan Gong has the great ambition of "worrying about the world first, and happy after the world". When I entered poetry and prose, I couldn't help but feel excited. I took the essence of the ancients to infuse the aspirations of people with lofty ideals. I was broad-minded, and I felt happy with the magnanimity of a gentleman.

When I entered poetry, I joined with poets to taste their bitter experiences and understand the true meaning of life.

About wind and rain (10)

During the summer vacation, there were several typhoons. I remember the second typhoon when there was a storm. That storm is still fresh in my memory.

It was in the morning, when a strong wind suddenly blew heavily and opened the window, the strong wind hit me head-on, which made me shiver. I slowly opened every window and door in my home, hoping for air circulation. "Hoohoohoo" closed the doors one by one, making my legs weak. The wind was so strong that no one could stop it like a giant! Like a naughty child, he would not stop no matter how.

Whoa, whoa

Like a piano music without music, it magically rises from the nature, and gradually the fog thickens. Buddha is placed in the clouds, hazy. In the sound of rain, the fish hit the steel pipe of the anti-theft window outside the window, making a sound like a foreign clock. The music is bright and pleasant. It sounds like falling into a dream. The rain is falling more and more heavily. I don't know when there are circles on the ground. Gradually, it spreads out desperately, and ripples one circle after another. After a while, another one came. Everyone couldn't wait. What a wonderful scene! The whole ground is like a pure natural painting without any processing. The rain washed the grass and leaves green and shiny, and the world became a green world again. When I was intoxicated with it, it rumbled... A thunder woke me up in my dream and broke the tranquility of the sky. The lightning in the sky was like venomous tongue, which made people feel numb and shiver.

I don't know what time it is now. The dark color in the sky has been removed and replaced with a new blue dress; The rain gradually stopped, and the natural paintings disappeared; The music stopped, and the silence of the sky restored the freshness and serenity of the sunny days after the rain.

After the rain, the air is fresh, the leaves turn green under the washing of the rain, and everything looks more vibrant! This storm is really fierce! The world after sweeping is more peaceful and beautiful!

About wind and rain (11)

People will encounter some unforeseen setbacks and difficulties in their life.

The key is to see how to face them and fight against them.On the eve of summer vacation, I was riding a bicycle in the community. As it had just rained, there was still some water on the ground. It was slippery, which caused the bicycle to slip. I was thrown out and fell heavily on the ground. I immediately felt the pain in my arm. I went to the hospital for an examination. I learned that I had broken my left Green leg and had to cast it.Maybe you think, whats wrong with the fracture? It‘s summer vacation anyway. You can have a rest for a while. However, I still have to attend the four-year Provincial Games in summer vacation. This accident hit my heart hard. In order not to affect the same result of Ningbo team, I wanted to quit the competition, but the Sports Bureau said that as early as the beginning of the year, the entry list had been determined, and the registration work had been finished, which could not be changed, which made me worried: “if Ningbo team suffered defeat because of me, its not all my fault? So, I should be strong and insist on training.Although I couldn‘t participate in the training in Ningbo, I only had three or four days off and went to school to practice.

If you cant move your left hand, you can‘t practice serving. You can only stand opposite to receive the serve. To play table tennis, we need to coordinate the whole body, especially the cooperation of left and right hands. Drag the heavy plaster to practice the ball, which brings me a lot of inconvenience in attack or running. When pulling the ball, I cant match my left hand. I used to play lightly, let alone defend. I was often shot dead by my opponent, sometimes fell a few times, and sometimes I would get a laugh: ”haha, you are good at ordinary skills. Now how can you become a little rolling on the ground Mouse?

Although such sarcasm hurt my heart very much, I still said to myself in silence: ”no matter how big the problem is, as long as there is one percent of hope, we should try to do 100 percent of the effort, so I can‘t give up! “ The left hand cant pick up the ball, and the efficiency of picking up the ball has also been reduced by half. The playing time has not been picked up much, sometimes it‘s not enough, but also criticized by the coach: ”if you cant pick up the ball, go home and have a rest. Don‘t waste time here! “ But it didnt let me give up.Two days before the Provincial Games, with the doctor‘s permission, my mother finally untied the bandage for me. When the feeling of rigidity disappeared from my body, I felt the sweetness after suffering with full pleasure. At the Provincial Games, I got the fourth in the group and the fifth in doubles.

To be honest, I cant believe it even myself.In the face of setbacks, I can say without a trace of regret: ”I have tried! “ This matter made me understand that as long as you believe in yourself, there is no insurmountable difficulty.

When you overcome the difficulty, you will find that you have surpassed yourself.

About wind and rain (12)

On the beach I remember, many past events are like colorful shells, leaving me good memories; Only one small thing like a sharp piece of glass, deep into the bottom of my feet, stabbed me bloody.

On the beach of my memory, many past events are like colorful shells, leaving me good memories; only a small thing is like a piece of sharp glass slag, deep into the bottom of my feet, stabbing my blood.

I remember that on July 2, when the student conference was held, the teacher announced the final exam results, and I felt uneasy. I only got 88 points in Chinese, but even worse in math, I got 83 points; Hearing the score, I felt as if I had fallen into the ice cellar. I was very sad.

I remember on July 2, when the student conference was held, when the teacher announced the final exam results, I was uneasy. My Chinese only got 88 points, and my math was even worse, so I got 83 points. Hearing this score, I seemed to fall into the ice cellar and was very sad.

I walk home. I usually walk for ten minutes, but today I walk for thirty minutes. I felt as if a big stone had been pressed on my heart. The plane trees on the road seemed to laugh at me and shook their bodies. Even the leaves chased me and bullied me; It was raining cats and dogs. I walked home dejectedly. How like a deflated ball!

I walk home, usually only 10 minutes, but today I walk 30 minutes. I feel as if I have pressed a big stone in my heart, which is very painful. On the way, the phoenix tree seemed to be laughing at me, shaking its body, even the leaves were chasing me, bullying me; and when I was in a torrential downpour, I walked home in frustration, much like a rubber ball that was just deflating.

I dare not knock at my door. At last I knocked gently on the door and lowered my head. My father opened the door and said with a dark face, "What are you standing for? Come in quickly and disgrace yourself!".

I dare not knock at home. At last I knocked lightly on the door and bowed my head. Dad opened the door and said with a black face, "Why are you standing? Come in soon, shame! " I think: another "stir fried pork with bamboo shoots".

Dad kept silent for a long time, and finally asked me what I was wrong, and did I know the reason for the mistake? I said: I know, carelessness is my biggest problem. Dad said that he knew he would change. Failure is the mother of success; As long as you find out the cause of failure and correct it carefully, you will make great progress next semester! My mood is much better, and I will definitely make progress!

My father was silent for a long time. Finally, he asked me what I was wrong and why I was wrong? I said: I see. Carelessness is my biggest problem. Dad said he knew to change, failure is the mother of success, sunshine is always after the wind and rain; as long as you find out the reasons for failure and seriously correct, next semester will definitely make great progress! My mood is much better, I will improve!

About wind and rain (13)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a topic composition on wind and rain carefully organized by Xiao Bian. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

It was another moonlit night with few stars. I looked up at the night sky. A few strands of pure summer lotus wind brushed my face, gentle and elegant. Several shops across the street have closed their doors, and only a few dim street lamps stand alone beside the road. The dim lights pour down, pulling people's shadows long and long.

On Monday night, I put the box of instant noodles on my leg and did the homework on the box as I do now. Several rolls of wind whirred past, turning my exercise book page by page. Dad said that it was going to rain soon. He hurried out with a roll of plastic advertising paper to spread things on the goods. There was no way. If such a small shop with a small wooden roof was not covered when it rained, it would be completely destroyed.

As soon as the advertising paper was spread and the umbrella was opened to cover the goods, the heavy rain came as scheduled. The rainy evening had never been so terrible. The thunder and lightning, and the rainstorm, like the Milky Way, broke. I was really worried that a small piece of wood roof would be broken. The strong wind rolled the rain like countless whips, and violently whipped the glass cabinet. The cabinet was hit hard by the raindrops, making a sound of snapping. It ran down the transparent cabinet. The lightning flashed brightly, like a giant python leaping on the clouds... The pouring rain ran down the gap between the wooden roof and the cement wall, and the big raindrops beat hard on the foam board covering the goods, As if determined to break through the foam board.

The big umbrella inserted in the cement bucket was suddenly blown down by the strong wind outside, which rolled down with the goods. Mom immediately ran out and ran into the rain. As soon as she rushed out, her clothes were wet. She ran to the big umbrella that was still inserted in the cement bucket, but because of the howling wind and the weight of the cement bucket, she could not stand up the cement bucket. She had to hold the umbrella in the storm and waited for Dad to help, The slanting rain was whipping her short, plump body like a whip, and the rain poured down on her face, hands, legs, and cheeks, but she still held the umbrella tightly and stood like a statue in the rain. I ran out quickly, but she stopped me: "Come in! It's raining heavily here, and hurry into the house to do my homework!" I looked at her severe eyes, and was at a loss for the first time. I didn't know whether it was the rain blowing in or my tears on my face. At the same time, my father also ran out, helped my mother hold the umbrella, and then the two people rushed in together. It was raining in the place not covered by the plank in the small shop. I quickly ran into the hut, took out several small pots and put them on the dripping place to prevent the rain from flowing to the ground and wetting the drink boxes on the ground.

I used to think that only beautiful women are beautiful, but in the life away from stars, only women who work hard for life are really beautiful.

About wind and rain (14)

The wind, sometimes fresh and gentle, sometimes howling; Rain, sometimes gentle and delicate, sometimes downpour. The wind and rain together will remind people of some unhappy things. In fact, it is not always the case.

I remember that the military training was in midsummer. In the morning, before the fog disappears, there is often a rustling rain with cool wind blowing in my ears. But there was a storm in my heart -- I left home for the first time! My heart surges, the storm surges unprecedented waves, the clouds take away my sunshine layer upon layer, thunder and lightning roar with reluctance in my heart. But what can I do? Such helplessness makes me sad. Looking at the crystal clear rain, it seems that the sky is crying for me; Listening to the rustling wind, it seems to accompany me to cry. "People are thinner than yellow flowers", tears have wasted my happiness.

But in the afternoon, the weather made a big turn, and suddenly the sky was clear and sunny, even a little hot. The blazing sun dried up the rain on the ground, and also took away the cold wind. My mood is much better -- like this weather. My happiness may not come back, at least my sadness has gone. I energetically formed a line, walked in unison, walked in the right direction, walked in the right direction, walked in the right direction, ran in the right direction... The powerful hand of the sun pushed away the clouds and drove away the wind and rain.

The wind and rain always come unexpectedly. At the end of the afternoon, large pieces of gray lead clouds poured in, and my anxiety and worry came again -- the wind and rain were coming! Suddenly, millions of troops fell from the sky, and it rained heavily! Ah -- I ran through the heavy rain, and the wind was strong. I ran, ran, and they did not miss the opportunity to double my body blowing, drenching! Finally, we reached the shelter. Whew, how happy! The storm washed away the gloom in my heart -- the clouds in my heart dissipated, and the wind and rain turned into appreciation.

Is this the result of wind and rain-- Without wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow?

About wind and rain (15)

The examination paper on my desk, looking at the red forks and forks, seems to be a sharp knife, ruthlessly destroying my expectations. It was another failure, and I was extremely depressed.

As I walked, I came to this place full of flowers and plants. The fragrance of flowers in the past is intoxicating. Then the heavy rain came, and I found a place to hide. When the heavy rain stopped, I came to this place full of flowers and plants again. Looking at the petals all around, the flower suddenly seemed to be blooming and dazzling.

This flower miraculously survived in the heavy rain. It looks like a small and not bright flower. It looks like an ordinary flower, but it can withstand the wind and rain and bear the destruction of the wind and rain.

This flower is not like a flower in a greenhouse. People usually put bright flowers in their rooms for decoration, which makes the room unique. Such flowers can only be used for decoration. What's the meaning of life? The flower that can withstand the wind and rain will live out its self, and present itself in the world in the attitude of self. If you take out the flowers in the greenhouse, the rain will come, and it will die.

Everyone is like a flower. Are you still worried about your achievements, and the desire to fail again and again for your achievements instead of the desire to learn. Do you experience falling again and again, but dare not move forward. The key lies in whether you want to be the flower in the greenhouse or can withstand the baptism of wind and rain.

Yeah! I want to be able to withstand the baptism of wind and rain and live out myself. If I fail to pass the exam, although it always destroys my expectations, how can I gain without going through the storm. I will meet every storm in my life and never refuse.

About wind and rain (16)

Life is like a cup of coffee, sweet in bitter, astringent in sweet. Only after the rain will there be a rainbow; After hard work, we will succeed. Tolerance is a virtue. We should learn to be tolerant of words, things and people. To respect others is to respect yourself. It's better to win than to be angry. Life is a very long road. The future road is still very confused, but we have to keep going. Although on this road, we will encounter many unexpected frustrations and setbacks. How can we know the hardships behind those successful people if we don't go there? If you stay in a certain place and are frightened by the difficulties and setbacks in the midway, you will only have too many regrets and helplessness in the future. People can fail, but they can also stand up from failure. The important thing is whether you work hard and believe that everything is the best arrangement.

Life is like a chess game. As long as you take every step seriously, you are the winner. He who defends but does not attack has no hope of winning. It is simple but not simple. Life is like this. Only after enjoying selfless fighting can you understand the mystery of chess.

Tasting coffee and learning how to taste bitter reminds me of an old Chinese saying that "people are superior to others when they taste bitter.". In my opinion, to taste coffee is to taste the taste of life. Human life is very meaningful to us.

Life is a boat. Only after the attack of wind and waves can you record the majesty of your journey; Life is a clam. Only after being honed can it have the luster of pearls. In one's life, one has tasted all the bitter, hot, sour and sweet things. If one lives in the sound of flattery and praise, how can he recognize himself? Only those who grow up in frustration will achieve final success.

About wind and rain (17)

Dark clouds covered the sky. Slowly, a strong wind blew and it rained cats and dogs. After a long time, the wind and rain stopped. People say: "After the wind and rain, there will be a blue day." But the first light after the wind and rain is not without paying, you must pay the price.

The Chinese calendar is an example. Sima Qian was sentenced to court punishment before he wrote the Records of the Historian, which was a great shame at that time. Although he was treated like this, he still survived with strong willpower and wrote the greatest biography. On the other hand, Xiang Yu was quite unwilling after he was defeated by Liu Bang, but he chose not to face setbacks and ended her brilliant life that she might be able to turn around. He could have endured and continued to struggle. As the saying goes, "Winning or losing is a matter of routine for soldiers." Does he really don't understand the truth? Another example is Goujian, King of Yue. He was captured after being defeated by the State of Wu, and he was also sad because he lost his country. Also because I want to make a comeback, I constantly ask for myself, even go through hardships, in order not to forget the pain of losing my country. As expected, the emperor took no pains. He finally defeated the king of Wu and achieved his dream of restoring the country.

In the above example, Sima Qian and Gou Jian, the King of Yue, both experienced a painful period of time, but they did not give up hope and fought hard to become well-known legends. Xiang Yu, the hero who has the ability but has no courage to live, ended his life because of his wrong judgment. Instead of being said to be manly, he was said to be a coward who could not hold his breath. Many historians said that he was a pity, and he became a tragic hero.

Self reflection and self-criticism are very important. They can make people know their mistakes and repent; Make people go forward; Make people succeed in the end. Therefore, we must stand up from setbacks, overcome obstacles, get the dawn we deserve, and stand at the bottom, bathed in the joy of success, and enjoy the fruits of our efforts.