What is courage (18 recommended)
Free and easy life
2023-12-03 08:34:35
high school

What is courage (1)

Once, the school held a speech contest. Before that, the head teacher decided to hold a trial in the class. I am good in every respect, but I have never made a speech on the stage. After the script was written, I read it again and again, and tried to make a speech several times.

Finally, when the class meeting class began, the head teacher announced the beginning of the class meeting, and the head teacher went to the podium in a big way. His voice was loud and clear, and his speech was very emotional. After the speech, the classroom burst into prolonged applause. Then, several students came to the stage to make a speech. All of them can speak fluent Mandarin and have rich feelings.

I began to feel uneasy: how about my ability? Can I compare with them? Will my speech make the students laugh? I didn't dare to think any more. My palms began to sweat, and the manuscript became more and more crowded. By the time the student on my right finished his speech, half an hour had passed. The head teacher encouraged everyone: "Is there anything else? Don't be afraid, go boldly and summon up courage!"; If you don't go up, you have lost a chance. You can't miss the opportunity. All the manuscripts have been written. The head teacher's words rang in his ear again: "Don't be afraid... summon up courage!" Yes, even if you fail, what does that count? How can you know you will fail if you don't try? I finally stood up, holding the manuscript soaked with sweat, and strode to the platform. The students looked at me in surprise. I took a deep breath, calmed myself down, and then summoned the courage to make a speech. Slowly, I was no longer afraid. The pure feelings in my heart naturally showed in the language. "Wow --" burst out a burst of warm applause. "Great!" someone said to me. When the head teacher announced my victory with a beaming face, I couldn't help crying with joy. I succeeded!

"What force made you speak so well on the platform?" the head teacher asked me.

I answered, "It's courage." Because I believe that courage is the key to success. Courage is the bridge to success.

What is courage (2)

The Illuminati will choose to face it, because only those who dare to face all difficulties will succeed. I also believe that the Illuminati will choose courage!

Courage represents not only itself, but also the source of strength. In a word, you will understand why I said that. That was a month before the third grade was going to the fourth grade. The school asked us to write calligraphy on white paper in order to exhibit at the parents' meeting. Everyone must have it. As a Chinese teacher, Mr. Shen took a special writing class for us to write. When the class ended, all the students handed in the rest. I hurriedly wrote the rest and handed it in. As a result, the teacher said to me in front of everyone, "You only have the class and your own name written well, and you can write on that piece of paper." I took my pen again to rewrite on a new paper. Because of my impatience, I wrote worse, When a teacher handed it over, the teacher said, "What do you think you are writing? You are writing." As you write, you cry because of the negative psychological effect. After crying for a while, a belief rose in my heart - I will write it! From this moment on, I have another determination to face this writing; From this moment on, I also have the courage to face; More learned to adhere to the face. Therefore, the third writing successfully passed.

This time, however, the "risk" passed. The courage to persevere comes one after another.

In the special class, the teacher had to teach a new lesson and study again and again bit by bit. Other students passed the exam at the end, but I could not pass it all the time. The teacher taught me repeatedly, but I was too anxious to learn. Finally, in order not to delay the time of other students, the teacher simply taught others first and said, "Why are you so difficult? Why haven't you learned?" Although he didn't like to listen to these words, he had to admit that it was indeed so. I can do it! After making up my mind, I beat the time by myself and played the pipa with memory after class. After trying again and again, I finally learned!

Only by facing, can we have courage and try, and therefore we will succeed.

What is courage (3)

Courage is still a popular word in today's society. In the mouth of teachers, they often say to students: "Students, when facing your mistakes, you must have the courage to admit your mistakes, so that you can make progress. Otherwise, it is very likely to make a big mistake, and there will be no regret." In the mouth of parents, I often say to my children: "My child, when you have a problem that you don't understand, you must have the courage to ask your parents, teachers and classmates for advice. Don't be afraid of being laughed at, otherwise you may not understand anything." In the words of leaders, It is often said to the staff: "Staff, when you face something, you should clearly distinguish right from wrong. As long as you think it is right, you should have the courage to firm your position. If you don't have the courage in your heart, the truth will often disappear with the trend of the times." Whether you have courage in your heart is really important for a person, When something happens that requires you to make a choice, whether you can take the courage in your heart to make the right choice is more important for a person. Courage is needed everywhere in life. If you always have courage in your heart, then you have an invisible wealth. However, in today's society, courage does not exist everywhere. In the face of the pressure of life, if you only have the courage to adhere to the truth, courage will often become a stumbling block in your life. However, it is not your fault to have the courage to adhere to the truth, but the fault of the modern society. Just imagine that if we all retreat from difficulties and drift with the tide, the future will only get worse.

If you think, "This is a world where the minority is subordinate to the majority. If the majority of people decide to do so, there is no way." Then the truth cannot take root in the earth. When people compromise, truth will disappear.

We should not drift with the opinions of the majority, but think and act according to the universal standards of good and evil. Courage needs to be cultivated and persevered. The true courage is to let the heart always walk with justice. It is not born, because even those who were full of courage when they were young, once they got married, especially after they had social status, they would gradually become afraid to speak frankly and form a conservative attitude. As for those who lack courage when they are young, they are even less likely to have courage when they are old.

It takes courage to realize truth. Please show your courage and live a brave life.

What is courage (4)

What is courage? Excellent composition

In our ordinary daily life, we always have to touch composition. Composition is the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the concise language that can be understood by ourselves through compression to the external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure, and can be understood by others. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is an excellent composition about the courage of Xiaobian to help everyone. For reference only, let's have a look.

What is courage? Standing on the stage alone; It is a plum blossom that blooms alone in winter; Smile at every problem in life. I believe everyone has different answers to courage.

I remember when I was a child, my mother took me to swim in the swimming pool, watching others playing in the water, and I was itching to get into the water. When I was legally going into the water, my mother gave me a swimming circle, which was very good at first. Later, I thought that the swimming circle was a burden, so I never hesitated to take it down. But I never thought that death was right beside me - I drowned. Fortunately, the swimming coach there saved me from death. I stood at the water's edge, trembling at the sparkling water in front of me, like an abyss. I will never swim again.

One summer, when I grew up, my mother enrolled me in a swimming class because the weather was very hot, and I refused to go. My father put his hands on my stomach and pointed at me, laughing, "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are such a fool that you can't even... swim! But my father's provocation is useless to me. As I was struggling in the water, I was very confused and helpless. Looking at my father beside me, my face turned red with anger. Looking at the happy appearance of the other boys in the water, I felt very confused: Go? No? Go? No? Go! Forget it! I said loudly to my father beside me: "Hum! I don't believe I can't learn, I want to prove it to you!" When I came to the swimming pool, I looked at the pool in front of me and thought: I will fight to avoid being laughed at by my father! I slowly went into the water. At the beginning, I didn't dare to step forward. I grabbed the edge of the swimming pool. With the comfort of the coach, I slowly let go of my fear and carefully followed the coach's posture to learn. My mother also encouraged me. I watched all the friends around me who were younger than me swim so happily and leisurely. I completely let go of my worries and imagined myself as a small fish, playing freely in the water. Slowly, I left the protection of the coach, and my movements became more and more familiar. Finally, I overcame my fear and learned to swim.

This is courage. In my life, no, it should be indispensable in everyone's life. When encountering difficulties, don't be afraid, for courage, this pair of invisible wings will help you fly high!

What is courage (5)

What is courage? Courage is advancing against difficulties. What is courage? Courage is finding light in darkness. What is courage? Courage is honesty.

Great challenge

I remember one time, I bought a book of intelligence tests, opened the first page, I was shocked. The title is 110=100/100 plus one to make the equation hold. I was very depressed after thinking for a long time. My mother looked at me and said to me, "My child, we often encounter problems that we can't solve in our life. You should have the courage to know the difficulties and" go in ". If you think about it, maybe there will be an answer. If you really can't think of it, you can help others." I think it makes sense. So I thought for a long time and tried to add a mark to each number to see if the equation could be established. But I still failed. But at the moment when I was about to give up, a flash of inspiration occurred in my mind. It occurred to me that 1+0=100/100, the equation was finally established, and my refusal to give up brought success.

The courage to sleep alone

That was the first time I slept alone at home. My family went out on business. I was the only one who didn't turn on the light. The room was dark and scary. I felt a little scared and wanted to get out of bed and call my father. Then I suddenly thought of a book that said: courage is to find light in the dark. And I am a little man, I want to be a brave man. At that moment, I didn't know where the courage came from. It seemed that there was a warm sun in my heart. I suddenly became not afraid. That night I slept very sweet.

Sneaking snacks

It was an afternoon, and I didn't feel well. My mother said I can't eat any more potato chips today, or I will be out of health. However, it didn't take long for me to sneak into the customer hall. When my family didn't notice, I wanted to make a quick decision and stole the whole bag of potato chips. Unexpectedly, it was discovered. Mom asked, who ate potato chips today. I had to tell the truth that I wanted to eat too much. My mother said, "It is necessary to have courage to admit mistakes and be an honest child." Since then, I have known that courage is to be honest.

There are many ways to express courage. What else do you think about courage?

What is courage (6)

In dealing with people, tolerance is a particularly important principle. Tolerance is a good way to make more intimate friends and establish firm friendship with friends. Tolerance is not the embodiment of cowardice, it is actually a kind of courage.

In the sixth grade, during the National Day holiday, each of us had to bring a small handicraft when we went to school according to the school regulations. This is the most important and interesting homework in the holiday! On the first day of the holiday, I lay in bed and pondered: What should I make? I must make a small handicraft that is amazing, innovative and unprecedented.

At noon, I went to the grocery room to look for tools and prepare to make a multi-functional clothes hanger. At this time, I suddenly saw the door curtain hanging in the corner, and my inspiration came. Then a new curtain appeared in my mind. I pulled out the pen tube I had used before and threaded it with colored thread, and then tied the colored thread to a wooden stick to make this "door curtain". It took me a whole afternoon to make this "door curtain". My tired neck could not be lifted. But I think this "great" work, a sense of achievement arises spontaneously.

I called all my friends to enjoy my works. Then we went out to play together. But when I got home, I was shocked. My curtain was cut into several sections. The pen tube was also broken. I was lying on the table and crying, and my good friends came to comfort me, but I still couldn't stop until my eyes were swollen with tears.

The next day, I found a small pair of scissors on the ground. When I saw the familiar strips of cloth wrapped around the scissors, I suddenly understood that it was my best friend Wang Li who made it. I found Wang Li. Before I could say anything, she cried, saying that she didn't mean to do it because she was jealous of me. Seeing her crying so sad and listening to her repeated "sorry", I am no longer as angry as before. Maybe I can not blame her. After that, she took out all her pen tubes and made a beautiful "curtain" again with me.

So I had reason and courage to stop clinging to her fault, but decided to forgive because of her "recognition and remedy", and maintain our friendship with my tolerance.

Since then, we have become more intimate and friendly.

What is courage (7)

Courage is the energy that everyone should have. Courage is everywhere in life. At the class discussion, you have different views, but you dare not raise your hand to speak, and you have the courage to slip away from your hands; When you saw your mother cooking lobster for the first time, you didn't dare to try, and the courage slipped from your mouth; When you find that a question on the examination paper has been corrected, but you dare not tell the teacher, the courage slips away from your pen

In the morning, the first ray of sunshine shone into the room. I got up with dim sleep and pushed open the window. The sun rushed at me enthusiastically. The rain and dew were still rolling on the petals. The sun was slowly rising with a smile. When I was still enjoying nature, I suddenly remembered something to do today, learning to ride a bike.

I pushed my bike and called my brother to start. When I came to an open place, I sat on the seat, landed on the ground and stepped on the pedal wheel, silently counting: one, two, three, rush... My potential burst out, but the car was like a naughty child, never listening to me. I turned left, it turned right, I turned right, it turned left, you said it was angry. I pushed hard, but my foot missed. The car and people fell down together and I fell to the ground. I stood up, kicked hard, and said angrily, "What is it? It's killing me. I won't ride it." I turned around to leave. My brother stopped me and said, "If you don't ride it, it's my car." My brother encouraged me with encouragement. How can I tolerate giving my new car to my brother? I had to say: "OK, but you should hold me." "Yes." My brother readily agreed. I picked up my bike again, sat on it, and got ready. "One, two, three, rush." With my brother's thrust, I was happy to ride and had a smooth journey. When I returned, I felt that the car was lighter. I found that there was a man in front, who was my brother. I felt flustered and my whole body shook. The car swayed and fell down. I got up the courage to lift up the car, fall down, lift up, fall down... This repeated practice finally succeeded in the dusk. The elder brother walked up and said, "As long as you have courage, everything can be successful."

Since then, my brother's words have lit a light in my life. Courage, can defeat any difficulty, courage, can develop your potential, courage

What is courage (8)

Loneliness is a kind of state, and it needs a kind of courage to enjoy loneliness.

I am a 17 year old girl who likes to make friends and is afraid of loneliness. For this "awkward" age stage, we have to make friends constantly to prove our sense of existence. But I am afraid of loneliness. No matter what I do, I always need someone to accompany me. But there is always a time when I am alone. When I walk alone, I will hold my arms in both hands, which will feel like a hug and warm. For my friends around me or those I think are my friends, I am eccentric. In their words, I am too possessive, too clingy, and do not give enough space to others. But I'm just afraid of being alone. I want to find someone to accompany me sincerely. Don't good friends always stay together?

At this time, I understand. Accept it if you can't get it. When accompanied, we play happily together. When no one is accompanied, we still like to take a quick walk with our arms in our arms, but it's less sad.

I can listen to music when I walk alone, enjoy the sunshine when I sit alone, taste the flavor of food when I eat alone, and enjoy it when I am alone.

yes. I like loneliness and this feeling. When loneliness comes, I will greet it in my own way. When I am alone in the dead of night, I will sit on the balcony, enjoy the night scene, pour a glass of water, put one or two chrysanthemums, add a little sugar, stir, carefully taste my mood, and slowly beat my heart that faint yearning; Look at the night and appreciate the beauty of the poetic scene. The bright moonlight is draped on the body like a veil, and the soul is baptized by the moonlight. Sometimes intoxicated, intoxicated in this lonely memory. Loneliness, sometimes more like a glass of water, no impurities, no filth, is a quiet and elegant beauty. When you are quiet in solitude, you can make yourself calm, calm, and have a feeling of listening to your heart.

Gradually, I feel that there are many people and things in life that can be enjoyed by one person. A glass of water, a book, a mood, sitting in my own position and listening to the happiness of others and the troubles of my family, I understand that my heart has grown and matured.

Now I want to say that "loneliness" is a kind of quiet and elegant beauty. Immersion in loneliness can make you peaceful and virtuous, and listen to your inner feelings. If you are helpless, irritable and confused now. Then I'll tell you it's time to be alone. Enjoy different beauty and understand loneliness. Taste all kinds of flavors and learn all kinds of life styles. Solitude is a kind of state, and it also needs a kind of courage.

What is courage (9)

If you are unhappy, if you are unhappy, let go; If you can't bear it, if you can't let it go, it's painful. The trace of growth has given us too much insight and enlightenment. Don't let your heart get too tired. The most regrettable thing in life is that you easily gave up what you should not have given up, and stubbornly insisted on what you should not have insisted on

Everyone has to walk on his own way, whether he is tired or not, his feet know that everyone's tears have to be wiped, whether they are bitter or not, his heart knows that not all the pain can be explained, and he will get used to it after a long time. Not all grievances can be confided. If you think it through, you will be relieved.

Silence, not not to say, just do not want to say; Silent, not unintentional, but no one understands. Some feelings will hurt, some love will hurt, there is no need to care so much, because it is not worth it. The road of life is your own, and you have to bear the hardships of life. No one decides the direction for you.

When you are misunderstood, you often choose to be silent and don't want to explain. People who don't understand you don't deserve you to explain. When you are wronged, you will often feel sad. There is no need to explain, and the explanation has no result. Not all the right and wrong can be sorted out, and not all the efforts will be rewarded. Some choices are helpless, and some losses are doomed. It's better to smile than to say, or to be calm than to let go.

What is courage (10)

A father was worried about his son, who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. So the father decided to call on a Buddhist monk to train his boy.

The Buddhist monk said to the boy’s father, “You should leave your son alone here. I’ll make him into a real man within three months. However, you can’t come to see him during this period.”

There months later, the boy’s father returned. The Buddhist monk arranged a boxing match between the boy and an experienced boxer. Each time the fighter struck the boy, he fell down, but at once the boy stood up; and each time a punch knocked him down, the boy stood up again. Several times later, the Buddhist monk asked, “What do you think of your child”

“What a shame!” the boy’s father said, “I never thought he would be so easily knocked down. I need’t have him left here any longer.”

“I’m sorry that that’s all you see. Don’t you see that each time he falls down; he stand up again instead of cryingThat’s the kind of courage you wanted him to have.”

What is courage (11)

The grass is I think the most beautiful. Although it looks not as gorgeous peach blossom, also can't like chrysanthemum aroma, but he has a characteristic, is missing in all the plants, is a courage!

One day, the heavy rain, empty no one on the street. I suddenly remind of the grass, ran to the door, but I have a look, the grass was not finished wind waist, was the rain weak, it is still tall and straight in a land not afraid all the dangerous. In the distance, large tracts of grass appears very bright, as though covered with new color to the world. The rain has stopped, a beautiful rainbow in the sky, colorful. The sun is smiling face. The grass fully absorb sunlight, other flowers are showing their fragrance. The grass seemed to be a daredevil, protect the flowers, to defend the homeland. In this way, day after day, year after year, the grass has become more and more brave, also faced with many difficulties, but they never give in.

The grass is doing brave strong plant that I have ever seen. It has enough courage to face all the problem, a better home for all of it to protect themselves would rather sacrifice themselves, it is precious courage, is to let a person admire.

If we have the courage to challenge everything, you are bound to succeed, like the grass, not afraid of any threat!

I think grass is the most beautiful. Although its appearance is not as beautiful as peach blossom, nor can it emit fragrance like chrysanthemum, it has one characteristic, which is lacking in all plants. It is courage!

One day, it rained heavily and the streets were empty. I suddenly thought of the grass and ran to the door. But I saw that the grass was still tall and straight in the land, not afraid of all the dangers. From a distance, large pieces of grass seem very bright, as if to give the world a new color. The rain stopped, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. The sun also shows a smiling face. The grass absorbs the sunshine to its heart's content, and other flowers show their fragrance one after another. Xiaocao seems to be a famous warrior, protecting the flowers and protecting the home. In this way, day after day, year after year, the grass became more and more brave and faced many difficulties, but they never gave in.

Grass is the plant I have seen to be brave and strong. It has enough courage to face all problems. It would rather sacrifice itself to protect its beautiful homeland. Its courage is valuable and admirable.

As long as you have the courage to challenge everything, you will succeed. Just like grass, you are not afraid of any threat!

What is courage (12)

A famous person has said that a person must not turn his back on a dangerous threat and try to avoid it. If you do that, you will double the danger.

But if confronted with it, the danger will be halved. Never escape anything, never! Remember that a man with a mature mind is not trapped in his own difficulties, but is brave enough to face it, accept it, and then find a way to overcome it or solve it. Such people do not beg, do not despair, nor find excuses to escape.

What is courage (13)

There is a valuable and cracked gem. If we can divide the beautiful gem into two halves, it will become two precious stones. Facing such a difficult choice is experience important or courage important?

In case of such a valuable jewel, there is a mistake. No doubt, it must be compensated. Even then rich experience, old age craftsman again big also dare not rashly, all decline, are not willing to try, adventure.

In the end, the two halves of the jade are not a skilled craftsman. The unexpected is: a lack of experience of the apprentice myself, willing to try. Don't look at the apprentice young age, lack of experience, but his courage is full of courage, no matter how difficult things will be nothing difficult, of course the young apprentice split this piece of jade is relatively simple.

I believe that anyone will succeed with courage.

If you don't have the courage to try, you will never get the fruit of success!

This is like learning, each classroom teacher put forward, don't belittle, must actively answer, even if wrong do not be afraid of the students laughed at, perhaps your classmates will therefore worship you, appreciate you, as long as you dare to try. Even if it is wrong, it doesn't matter, at least you are several times better than those who don't dare to try, and dare to try, and you will take the first step to the road to success.

Riding a bike is so, not everyone is born to ride a bike, the bicycle also need courage, if you sit up, did not dare to try, afraid of falling, only you dare to try, not afraid to fall, not afraid of pain, even once a fall from the car, you have a once again to sit for a long time, naturally learned how to ride a bicycle.

Let's give you an example. English is a most important lessons, everyone knows, if you want to learn English well you must read, speak and sing, there may be some shy students, because of their English reading fluency that other students do not want to, will not dare to read aloud, also did not dare to speak, dare not sing. To learn English, the most important is cheeky, even if you don't read fluently, you have to take you to learn English and learn English well of courage, perseverance. Read repeatedly every day, and over time, your English will be surprisingly good!

Chances are not by waiting, but by ourselves.

With courage, "success" will appear.

A man's life is like splitting stones. Only if you don't fear difficulties, meet setbacks and go forward bravely, believe in yourself and win all your frustrations on your own courage, you must have succeeded.

What is courage (14)

Courage is very important. Everyone needs it. We will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail, but we can’t lose courage. If we lose courage, we can’t do anything, because we don’t dare to do anything; we are afraid of failure.

This is my Chinese teacher me in the first class. I amagree with him. For example, we don’t have the courage to hands up to say our answer, how can we know we are right or wrong. I amwill remember his word forever,” never lose courage .”

What is courage (15)

I am not a brave girl, I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends and parents, so I always let the chance go and refuse to try. Once, I have a chance to take a performance in the Christmas show, but thinking about if I performed badly, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the chance.

But now, I am tired of letting so many chances to go, I want to try, after seeing my friends take all the chances to try, I am not going to be the outsider all the time, I want to live my own life and make some differences. People say failure is not terrible, the unforgettable thing are to lose the courage to try and then making all kinds of excuses. Let’s take out our courage and do what we want to do.

I am not a brave girl. I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends and parents, so I always give the opportunity to refuse to try. Once, I had the opportunity to participate in the Christmas show, but thought that if I did not perform well, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the opportunity.

But now, when I am tired and give so many opportunities to go, I want to try. When my friends give all the opportunities to try, I will not become an outsider. I want to live my own life and make some difference. People say that failure is not terrible. They lose the courage to try something unforgettable, and then make various excuses. Let's show our courage and do what we want to do.

What is courage (16)

Courage, people live to have some courage, people need it, and everyone needs it. Now I will tell you a story about the courage of a famous person.

She is Helen Keller, an American blind, deaf female writer and disabled educator. He was born in 1880 in Taskambia, a town in the north of Alabama. She lost her sight and hearing due to scarlet fever in 19 months, and then she lost her ability to express herself. However, in this dark and lonely world, she learned to read and speak and began to communicate with others because of the efforts of her mentor Annie Sullivan. He graduated from Radcliffe College in the United States with outstanding achievements and became a famous writer and educator with profound knowledge and five languages: English, French, German, Latin and Greek. She traveled all over the United States and the world to raise funds for schools for the blind, and devoted her life to the welfare and education of the blind. She has won praise from people all over the world, and has been praised by many governments. The main works are "If you give me three days of light", "My life", "My teacher" and so on.

In fact, Helen Keller's life is full of difficulties and we are insignificant compared with her. It can be said that she has experienced the greatest tragedy and suffered the greatest pain in life. We always thought that we were the most miserable people in the world, and the small difficulties and blows we encountered were too small compared with Helen Keller. Some people even wanted to commit suicide. We always think that the difficulties in front of us are the most terrible and difficult to overcome. So we lingered at the fork in the road, not knowing whether to face or escape. Just like the author in the text "The Unselected Road", he doesn't know which road to choose. When we choose, we look back on that one. When we really muster the courage to face difficulties, we often suddenly realize that the so-called difficulties are only temporary rather than long-term. What we lack is the courage to take a look at it. It is not difficulties that really defeat us, but ourselves. Therefore, we should summon the courage to face difficulties, face everything bravely and defeat ourselves. Only when we defeat ourselves can we summon the courage to defeat difficulties.

Courage our 'spiritual pillar! We need you! We need you to overcome difficulties.

What is courage (17)

Some people think that courage is the first person to "eat crab", some people think that courage is to do what others dare not do, and others think that courage is to do dangerous things. But I think courage is to do what I have been afraid to do.

Today, I played a game called "Beautiful Shooting" with my friends in Hay class. There are two games. The first game rule is that there are three levels of lines with different scores. The lower the score, the closer to the basket. There is no limit to the shooting posture. Everyone has one chance.

Before the game, we were all indifferent. We felt that the game was too simple. When the teacher put the box two meters high, we couldn't help getting excited. First, I was only one meter and two meters tall, and then the distance from the basket was counted. Does the teacher think we are all Yao Ming? I want to cry without tears!

The first game is a personal game, which means shooting one by one in order. The teacher asked who wanted to shoot first. As a result, the classroom suddenly became quiet. All three of our young players kept retreating. Jia Xin almost buried her head under the table, and no one would take the initiative to go up. The teacher said, "Everyone should have the courage to try!" I had listened to this sentence and wanted to go up, but Dekun was one step ahead of me. The teacher praised him for his courage. But I also want to go up! Usually I have little courage. I always wait for others to play new games before I dare to play them. Forget it, there's still a chance later. Just as I drew my mind back, I saw Dekun take the ball and throw it. Then he held it in his hand and bent his legs. Finally, he stood on tiptoe and made a great leap, only to see the ball thrown out. "Pa" the ball hit the rim and bounced back. Dekun's mouth turned into an "O" shape. He could put an egg in his mouth. The students laughed. In the next shooting, Jiaxin and I also failed. Nobody won this game.

In the second scene, two girls, Jia Xin and I, stopped Dekun from giving him a chance to throw into the box. At the beginning, I kept holding Dekun's left hand. Jia Xin wanted to hold his right hand, but his right hand was very flexible. Jia Xin didn't hold his right hand. At this time, Dekun suddenly wanted to get the ball. I let go of his left hand and hurriedly held the whole box of balls. At that moment, Dekun quickly took out a ball from his pocket and threw it into the box. Ah, he was hit. Dekun jumped three feet high. I guess his heart must be as sweet as honey. I still held the box of balls foolishly, but I didn't expect that I would fall into his scheme of luring the tiger away from the mountain. Before I knew it, the teacher announced, "Ye Dekun wins." Although Jiaxin and I were a little disappointed, every failure was to achieve greater success, wasn't it? Moreover, I also gained courage in this shooting!

From today's simple game, I understand that no matter what you do, you need courage. At the same time, a failure does not mean anything. Rockefeller said: "Don't stop because of a failure and defeat yourself, you are the biggest winner." And I hope I can become the winner with courage!

Teacher's comment: This article by the little author is not only a masterpiece of expression, movement and psychological activity, but also a positive inspirational article! I can also feel that the little writer is a sunny, courageous person who can face failure!

What is courage (18)

Courage is like a small boat, which leads us from a narrow place to an infinite ocean. Courage is like the indispensable water in our life. Let's drink it happily. "I used to be an introverted child who did not dare to actively answer the questions raised by the teacher, but now I somehow seem to like to actively answer questions. Every time the teacher asked questions, I always scrambled to answer them. I used to be afraid of answering the wrong questions."

I remember one time, the teacher asked a question, I answered the wrong question, the teacher asked another question, I was hesitant, in the end is raising your hand? Or don't you raise your hand? The teacher seemed to have guessed through my mind and said: It's not terrible that you answered wrong, but that you didn't have the courage to answer. After listening to the teacher, I gradually dared to raise my hand.

Five years in a flash! In the past five years, I have actively answered the questions raised by my teacher. If I can change the "habit" of raising my hand now, it is impossible, because I have regarded it as an indispensable part of my life. Ancient Rome Cicero once said: the heart of a brave person must be full of faith. (Luo Herrick) once said: If you want to succeed, you must put aside your timidity. Anyone who is afraid to ask for advice will not get it. These famous words are deeply engraved in my heart and I will never forget them.

In the end, I would like to say to those who have no courage, you can go boldly in the world, and be careful that you can't do anything.