Reading Feelings of Faber's Insects 600 (Collection of 3)
keep one 's head above water
2023-09-02 02:49:23
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Feelings of Reading Faber's Insects 600 (1)

I now have a lot of feelings about the smart and good at finding the enemy's shortcomings, the Languedoc scorpion and the lightning fast mantis. Let's start with the mantis. The mantis is a kind of insect that naturally loves to "kill", "kill whoever you see", and is merciless! Faber once put a bold gray locust into a basin covered by a metal gauze net. The gray locust hopped to the mantis and immediately opened its wings to make a sound of "silk! Silk! Silk" to frighten the other side. The frightened little locust did not know what to do, but was hit by the mantis's "trick"! Slowly walk towards the mantis. The mantis sees the right moment and uses the advantage of fear to kill the gray locust with lightning speed.

This is the speed of the mantis, one of the most powerful fighting insects in the family! Let's talk about the Languedoc scorpion again. The pincers are one of the weapons of the scorpions. The pincers of the scorpions always hang a few drops of poisonous water. It is also the consistent style of the scorpions to paralyze the enemy with poison needles; The pincers are also scorpion's' weapons' and scorpion's pathfinder. Although scorpion has eight compound eyes, it can only squint to the left and right, so when scorpion encounters the same kind of people, it will jump out of the way and walk in a different way, and it will not be forced to do so! This is also a habit of scorpions. In addition, Faber thought that scorpions used poison needles to deal with any insect at first. In fact, there are some small insects, and scorpions can only use their tails to whip them to death. Therefore, Faber found that scorpions are not very powerful, so he caught a mantis and compared it with him. The mantis also used intimidation when fighting with it, but Languedoc scorpions are not afraid of it at all, The mantis deliberately walked slowly. When the mantis thought that its threat method was successful, it quickly attacked it. The scorpion adapted to the situation and clamped the mantis' waist with its big pincers. The mantis could not bite him or cut him. It struggled in the pincers. The scorpion inserted the mantis slowly with a poisonous needle, and the mantis lay on the ground without moving, occasionally twitching, But it didn't take long to die! This is the toxicity of scorpions.

You should feel very interesting after hearing these stories. Let's read this interesting book with knowledge.

Feelings of Reading Faber's Insects 600 (2)

I read Fable's Insects. It introduces all kinds of strange insects. Now let me tell you something about Insect Record.

The first chapter is about people who love insects. It tells about a little boy who used to like insects very much. It talked about the boy's dream. His dream was to have a piece of land of his own, so that he could raise some small insects and some plants he liked. I also need to build a cabin so that I can study here for a long time.

The second chapter is about the color of insects, which mainly talks about how the color of insects comes out, especially how the color of chameleon changes. In fact, these are the functions of urine pigment. Some insects use this urine pigment to avoid the pursuit of villains.

Because there are too many pages in this book, I will not introduce them one by one. I read this book, let me know some small knowledge of insects, let me know how insects reproduce; How to find food; How to fight with nature for their own survival; How does the color of the body change; How does an insect mother protect her insect baby; How do insects communicate with each other. The book also tells me that insects are not as scary as I thought. We should carefully observe their living habits and continue to explore the mysteries of natural insects. In fact, I used to dislike insects, because my father used to scare me with insects when I was young, so I thought insects were very scary when I was very young. Now I see insects and sometimes they run from side to side, which makes my classmates laugh and cry. I think most students like butterflies, because butterflies have a colorful appearance and are particularly beautiful. From this book of Insects, I understand that beautiful butterflies can only be viewed, not caught. They are poisonous.

My feeling after reading this book is that every animal, insect and human has the glorious mission of defending their own territory, food and future generations, so that they and their families can live a more comfortable and happy life. We should protect the ecological balance of nature.

Feelings of Reading Faber's Insects 600 (3)

The author of this book is an entomologist Faber. He was born in a farmer's family in southern France. Although his family was poor, he still made every effort to study on his own. Later, he got the position of teacher. In addition to classroom teaching, he read a book on entomology, He was the first scientist to study insects in the natural environment. Wearing a farmer's woolen coat and eating simple meals, he tirelessly engaged in unique entomological research, and finally wrote 10 major works of undergraduate science - Insect Record

I like this book for many reasons! First of all, unlike other science books, it has a lot of words. It is boring to read, and I am not interested in reading it. This book has pictures and words. When I read it, I feel as if I have entered the world of insects. I even feel that I have touched their bodies, smelled their smell, and become a part of them. Every time I pick up a book, Insects, I always read it hungrily, I won't let go until I finish reading a book. That's why I have to take out the Insect Record for a while. Secondly, after reading the Insect Record, I have a lot of knowledge about the living habits of insects. I know that the musician cicada in summer uses a long mouth like a water pump to absorb the sap of trees. I also know how the poisonous king tarantula lives underground catches prey, Of course, I also learned that the mysterious hermit scorpion would use the venom on its tail to catch food

What I am most interested in is the sixth volume, "Vegetable Diners - Caifandie". Caifandie can eat cabbage at an amazing speed and grow at an amazing speed. It can lay about 200 eggs at a time, but only three or four eggs can become Caifandie. Why? It turns out that this is because of the existence of its natural enemies, such as red eyed egg parasitoids, small cocoon wasps and golden wasps. If there were no natural enemies, the number of cabbage butterflies would keep increasing, and the whole world would become the world of cabbage butterflies

Faber's Insect Story shows us a magical insect world. In this world, there are all kinds of insects. They all have their own way of life. They are lovely creatures. We should all love them and let them live freely. Faber is a good example. He has spent 30 years studying insects, He never opened his mouth to insects, but studied in the field with love. His love for insects made him write such a famous book