I got a reward (select 5 articles)
With the bright moon
2024-03-14 03:29:50
second grade

I got a reward (1)

"Jingle, jingle..." The familiar school bell rang.
"Wow, school is finally over! I want to go home to see my Altman quickly." "Ah, I have to go home to do my homework..." "I also want to..." The students are chirping happily like birds to the school gate.
"Dad said today that he had something to do. He would come to pick me up later. What should I do?" Looking at the students on duty today who are about to start cleaning the teachers, I hesitated for a moment. Suddenly, I remembered that my father told me that students should help each other, unite and love each other, so I had an idea. "Well, let's help them clean up today" I thought, "I can pass the time".
As soon as I did, I came to the blackboard, where the ancient poems written by the teacher in class today still stayed quietly on the high blackboard. "The blackboard is too high for me," I said. When the monitor saw me standing on the blackboard, he ran to me and asked me, "Zhu Shibo, today is not your day. Why don't you go home?"
I smiled and said, "The school leaving team of our class has left. Before my father comes to pick me up, I will help you do your duty first, just waiting for my father." The monitor said happily, "OK, then help us clean the blackboard."
"I'd like to, but do you think I'm tall enough? I'd better go and do something else." I said dejectedly. My height is very short in the class. Maybe I'm picky about food. I secretly decided: 'I will eat more and grow tall in the future. " "Nothing, I'll help you move the stool." The enthusiastic monitor interrupted my little distraction. Soon, the stool was placed in front of the blackboard. I stepped on the stool and finally reached the words written by the teacher, carefully wiping them clean.
Finally, with the help of the monitor and my efforts, I finished wiping all the words on the blackboard, "Finished, thank you for helping us clean up!" The monitor said happily. "You're welcome!" I said modestly.
At this time, the head teacher came in. She looked at me and asked curiously, "Hey, Zhu Shibo, why are you still here?" I said, "My father said that he would pick me up later today. I was fine anyway, so I would help the class leader clean up." "Oh, good. The students should help each other. You are really a good and sensible child.", The teacher took out some sweets from his pocket. "Everyone worked hard, especially Zhu Shibo, who was not on duty today, but he helped everyone clean up together. He carried forward the spirit of helping others, and everyone applauded him."
The teacher said that he came to me and handed me the sugar, "This is a reward from the teacher." I was very happy when I took the sugar, and quickly bowed to the teacher: "Thank you, teacher!" The students also applauded me.
When I was proud of myself, my father's voice came from outside, "Son, are you in a hurry? Let's go home." I waved to the teachers and students in a hurry, and hurried to find my father. When I got downstairs, I took my father's hand, talked about my glorious deeds at school, and walked home with my father
In the evening, I lay on my little bed, with the teacher's reward beside me, and I fell asleep with joy

I got a reward (2)

At 7:30 am on March 5, Meng Xinke and I went to the school to register. After signing up, Mr. Jin asked us to clean the classroom. After a winter holiday, the ground was full of dust. We decided to mop the floor first and then sweep the floor. We picked up the mop and went downstairs to wash it.

After I washed the mop, I went upstairs to dry. I dragged it east and west, and the ground became a big mess. When Miss Jin saw it, she said, "Xiaofeng, we must mop the floor clean. It's no use dragging it around. Let me show you." Then Miss Jin pulled the floor up. Not to mention this, she dragged forward and then backward, and the originally unclean land suddenly became very clean. Teacher Jin said, "Do you know?" I replied, "Yes." Teacher Jin walked away and I carefully dragged the floor. Come here for a long time, the floor of the classroom was cleaned by us. We began to sweep the floor again. We worked carefully. I found a caterpillar. I thought it was an ordinary insect and swept it into the garbage. Who knew that the caterpillar had crawled out again. I saw that the ground it walked on became very dirty again. I was so angry that I trampled it to death and began to sweep the dirty "road" again.

It was not easy to clean up the classroom. I wanted to sit down and have a rest. But just as we sat down, Mr. Jin asked us to move books. Meng Xinke and I came to the ladder classroom. I picked up a bundle of books and left without looking at them. Who knows, one of my classmates called out to me. It was not our book, but from Class 502. I put down the book and picked up another bundle of books. I didn't read it wrong, so I successfully carried it to the third floor. So we went back and forth several times. It took us a long time to move all the books upstairs. We were so tired that we sweated hard that we didn't have time to wipe off the sweat and put all the books in the bookshelf. Mr. Jin praised us for our good work.

The next day, I got a reward - plus one point. Alas, this point is hard won!

I got a reward (3)

Today is the Chinese test. The teacher handed out the Chinese test papers and we started the test.

I did it so fast that I only wrote for fifteen minutes. I finished writing the Chinese test paper. I played in the position, and I didn't check. Anyway, I was very smart.

After a while, the time came, the teacher said to hand in the papers, and everyone handed them in.

The second exam was math. The teacher handed out the math papers and I wrote them quickly. I was faster than last time.

The teacher handed out the test paper, and I got 95 points in Chinese and 100 points in math, a total of 195 points. The teacher asked us to give the test paper to the parents for signature and to the teacher tomorrow.

When I got home, I handed the test paper to my mother and asked her to sign it. When my mother saw my score, she jumped up happily. My mother signed her name and said to me, "Jin Ruifeng, you are great. I will buy you whatever you want."



Great, I want a toy!

I am so happy that I got my mother's reward.

I got a reward (4)

My mother told me that if I could get into the top ten in this mid-term exam, she would reward me with a PSP handheld game machine, or buy me an Xbox 360 to play. After listening to what my mother said to me, I felt very excited. This is really great news. Although the top ten are difficult for me, I will study hard.

In the next few days, I didn't even watch my favorite TV program. I didn't even want to play my favorite mobile game, King Glory. There was only one thing in my mind, that was to study hard, because only by studying hard, my scores would be improved, and I could determine the ideal 'score and then enter the top ten, Then I can get the prize my mother gave me.

It's true that the sky never fails the people who want it. I played some of my strengths exceptionally in the mid-term exam. I not only entered the top ten, but also got a good score of the third in the class in this exam. This ranking really makes me happy. So finally my mother was proud and happy for me. She gave me a psp and an Xbox One, and I felt very happy when I got two prizes.

I got a reward (5)

In study, work or life, the most familiar thing is composition, which can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative according to different genres. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is the reward narrative composition that I got carefully organized by my editor. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

On that day, the mid-term exam results came out. My Chinese score was 93, and my math score was 90. Seeing this, my mother smiled and said to me, "Baby, I'll give you a big surprise." Why am I not happy to see my mother's amiable smile? So he hurriedly replied, "Good!"

A few days later, unexpectedly, my mother bought me a toy rabbit. Look: it has big eyes, wears pink clothes, even wears a pair of pink socks on its feet, and wears pink bows on its head. To tell the truth, how lovely this prize is!

Last night, when I was lying on the bed with the "little white rabbit" in my arms, I approached my mother's ear and whispered, "Mom, I like this little white rabbit best. Thank you!" My mother seemed to understand my mind, Smile again and cheer me up: "My dear daughter, as long as you keep working hard and try to get good grades every time, your mother will definitely buy you anything you want in the future."

Mom, every time I get your reward, I want to whisper to you: Mom, I love you forever!

When the school held the parents' meeting, the principal and the dean of education issued certificates of merit to everyone on the playground. To my surprise, I won the first prize. I was so happy when I held the certificate of award in my hand.

In the future, I must study harder. Only when I achieve ideal results every time, can I be rewarded by my mother and teachers. Yes, I must not be proud, because Tan Fangjian is better than me in our class.

Many times, I have been thinking silently - when can I surpass Tan Fangjian?