Compositions Describing Monkeys (13 Collections)
Be calm
2024-05-06 05:57:47

Composition of Monkey Description (1)

Look! That brown but shiny fur, a pair of small and sensitive ears, a pair of cute hands behind a pair of smart eyes, and a long thin tail, formed a smart monkey.

Monkeys like to play on the rockery and eat sweet fruits. After a few misty spring rains, the Monkey Mountain became more and more lively. The little monkey came out of his mother's armpit and played on the rockery with many little friends. Some of them are drilling rings, some are playing on the swing, which is very cool, and some are walking on the chain, which is very fast. There are so many smart monkeys, one is more cute than the other. The monkeys were bouncing as if they were greeting Sister Spring.

In the spring breeze and warm sunshine, the monkey snuggles up to his mother and enjoys the beautiful scenery in front of him, the blue sky, green leaves and grass.

These cute monkeys are running around, playing on swings in trees, making a scene and grabbing food under trees, which makes people laugh.

People, animals and scenery form a beautiful and harmonious picture. Let's love the environment, protect animals and make this picture more beautiful!

Composition Described by Monkeys (2)

A composition about monkeys

In the daily study, work or life, we are all familiar with composition. According to the different genres, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a composition about monkeys compiled by Xiao Bian for your reference only. I hope it can help you.

Writing about Monkeys 1

Look! That brown but shiny fur, a pair of small and sensitive ears, a pair of cute hands behind a pair of smart eyes, and a long thin tail, formed a smart monkey.

Monkeys like to play on the rockery and eat sweet fruits. After a few misty spring rains, the Monkey Mountain became more and more lively. The little monkey came out of his mother's armpit and played on the rockery with many little friends. Some of them are drilling rings, some are playing on the swing, which is very cool, and some are walking on the chain, which is very fast. There are so many smart monkeys, one is more cute than the other. The monkeys were bouncing as if they were welcoming Sister Spring.

In the spring breeze and warm sunshine, the monkey snuggles up to his mother and enjoys the beautiful scenery in front of him, the blue sky, green leaves and grass.

These cute 'little monkeys' scampered back and forth, playing swings on trees, making a scene and grabbing food under trees, which made people laugh.

People, animals and scenery form a beautiful and harmonious picture. Let's love the environment, protect animals and make this picture more beautiful!

Writing about Monkeys 2

One Thursday morning, the sky was blue. It was really a good day. Monkey and his father went out to pick peaches in the woods on the other side of the river. They walked through the green grass and came to a single wooden bridge. They met a little rabbit carrying a schoolbag at the edge of the log bridge. The rabbit was going to go to the school on the monkey's side. The rabbit said, "Monkey, you go first, because you are smaller than me."

The little monkey said, "Little rabbit, you'd better pass first, because you are in a hurry for class." The little rabbit looked at his watch and said, "There is still some time before class. You'd better pass first." They let go, and no one would pass first. At last, the father monkey said, "Little rabbit, you'd better cross the bridge first, so that we can watch you cross the bridge! You don't have to be afraid to cross the single wooden bridge alone." Both the little monkey and the little rabbit thought what their father said was reasonable, so they let the little rabbit cross the river first according to the way his father said. Monkey and his father soon crossed the bridge to pick peaches.

Writing about Monkeys 3

On Sunday, I went to the zoo to visit, and saw many small animals. One little monkey was very cute.

The little monkey has round eyes, thin cheeks, flat mouth, red buttocks, and a thin and long tail, like a whip.

The little monkey likes to jump up and down the tree, and sits down to scratch when he has nothing to do.

A tourist ate while watching the monkeys. The little monkey looked at her eagerly, as if to say: "Give me some, I'm so good!"

The tourist threw it a biscuit, and the little monkey picked it up and gave the visitor a team gift. Then he hid in the corner and ate biscuits.

The little monkey is so cute.

Writing about Monkeys 4

Today, our class organized an autumn outing. We came to the Monkey Hill in the zoo and saw the monkeys chasing and playing. How lively it is!

A bigger monkey climbed to the top of the mountain with a piece of fruit and ate it, fearing that others would grab it. Finally, a little monkey saw him, and he quickly climbed up with drooling.

Behind the rockery, a mother monkey is carefully helping the baby monkey catch lice! Another little monkey hung his long tail on the tree to watch the activity, as if thinking: Let me catch it!

Another little monkey scratched his head and thought: Why are so many children here today? Did you bring me something delicious?

These little monkeys are really cute and naughty. How lovely they are!

Writing about Monkeys 5

Golden monkeys like to swing vines in the forest. Their forelegs are very long, and they always use their forelegs to grasp the branches when climbing trees. The eyes were black, like two black coffee beans. I scanned around and carefully observed the movement around. The hair on my whole body was golden. The ears are round and small, and you can hear everything. But the mouth is very big. A peach is eaten two or three times, let alone a banana. Its tail is very long, and the little golden monkey is often seen hanging on the tree with its tail to play.

Last time, I went to the zoo with my parents, big sister and second sister, and saw many golden monkeys bathing in the river. They chased each other in the river and splashed water on their companions. Golden monkeys also like to eat with relish, looking very funny and cute.

I really want to raise a golden monkey so that I can observe it closely. But golden monkeys are national protected animals, and we should take good care of them.

Writing about Monkeys 6

On a spring day, our classmates were led by our teacher to the zoo.

When we came to the Monkey Mountain, a little monkey faced me and shook its head and tail at me. What did that mean? Are you begging me for food? I threw a peach at it, and it quickly ran to pick up the peach, and quickly ran back to the original place, and ate it with relish. What a cute little monkey!

Where are the other monkeys? Look, some of them are swinging, some are sliding, some are playing with banana peel, and some are sitting on the high mountain top eating apples

This is really a group of naughty and cute little monkeys!

Writing about Monkeys 7

One sunny morning, the teacher decided to take us to Monkey Mountain to see monkeys. Everyone was very happy. We walked excitedly on the way to Monkey Mountain, jumping like a group of naughty monkeys.

We finally arrived at the Monkey Mountain. There are so many monkeys on it! Look, a few monkeys are eating apples in big mouthfuls; Close up, a group of small monkeys hang on the branches to chase and play. Another monkey was very naughty. He grabbed bananas from tourists and threw them into the sky, as if performing acrobatics. Some little monkeys looked left and right, and seemed to think: why are so many people coming today. I threw out my favorite banana, and a monkey jumped up to catch it, and ate it with relish. It was really delicious! The other monkeys who didn't get the bananas scratched their heads and ears and shouted at me as if to say, "I haven't eaten yet, children, throw me something delicious!"

These little monkeys are so cute. I like these naughty little monkeys.

Writing about Monkeys 8

One day, a monkey was learning to climb trees with his father. The monkey climbed up the treetop, and suddenly he saw a bird flapping its wings in the air. The monkey was very envious, and thought: The bird can fly, why can't I? I can do what the bird can do.

So, the little monkey came to the mountain peak, imitated the appearance of a bird, opened his arms and jumped down.

But the little monkey found that he was not flying up, but falling down. It was taken aback. Scared, he shouted for help.

Finally, the monkey fell to the foot of the mountain. It didn't fly, but a big red envelope was swollen on its head.

Therefore, children should never, like monkeys, overestimate what they cannot learn. Do what should be done, otherwise there will be no good consequences.

Writing about Monkeys 9

Today is Children's Day. Our teacher took us to the zoo to see monkeys. When we arrived at the zoo, we saw and talked about many little monkeys. A little monkey scratched his head. I don't know why so many children came to see them today. A little monkey climbed up the mountain, wagging his tail, and thought, "Today so many children come to see us, we should behave well."

Another one finished eating bananas, put banana skin on his head and danced banana skin dance! It made everyone laugh. And two little monkeys are grabbing apples. There was a monkey playing on the swing, and a little monkey was eating an apple to step on the tail of the other one, which scared the little monkey away. There are two little monkeys hiding behind the rockery talking quietly! Time passed quickly. The teacher said to us: "It's getting late, children. It's time to go back!" We reluctantly left the zoo.

I had a good time today. I really hope that every day is Children's Day, so I can come to the zoo every day!

Writing about Monkeys 10

The little monkey danced with joy after escaping from the zoo. It saw skyscrapers, colorful cars, groups of fashionable men and women... The little monkey was fascinated, and finally began to imagine: it would be great if friends in the zoo could come out to watch the scenery!

The little monkey secretly swore: I must rescue them!

It was getting dark, and there was silence around. The little monkey came to the zoo secretly, turned over the railing gently, walked into the zoo keeper's cabin quietly, took the key from the table, ran out quickly, and quickly opened the lock. "Come out, everyone!" the little monkey announced cheerfully.

The animals poured out of the door, rushed out of the zoo, ran to the streets, and equipment rushed to the forest. The noise of the animals woke up the people who were sleeping. They looked out one after another and were shocked and dumbfounded!

The police were ordered to come and try to catch the animals. However, the determination of the animals to be free trumped everything. The elephant and the lion charged in front, and the tiger cut off to protect everyone. The police have no plan

Composition of Monkey Description (3)

Little monkey

The little monkey is really lively and cute. It is a cute little animal

The little monkey's whole body is light gray, without any mottle. It seems to be carved out of mud. Its eyes are black, like two fairy pills. It often looks around with its flexible little eyes to carefully observe the movement around. Its ears are so small that it can hear everything. Its hands are very long. When climbing a tree, it uses its forelimbs to grasp the branches. Its tail is long, and sometimes it falls on the branches to play. The little monkey ate very much. One peach was eaten in two or three times, and the banana was eaten in two bites, needless to say. It depends on its hunger. It is not hungry. If you don't eat anything, you may eat some peaches and other fruits. When it finishes eating, it will play on the branch. It grabs the branch, first grabs another branch with its hand, and then grabs another branch with its other hand. It practices every day, faster and faster, and it will play on the branch.

I really like the clever, smart and cute little monkeys in the zoo!

Composition of Monkey Description (4)

Once, when I went to the zoo to play, I suddenly fell in love with the lively little monkey at a glance.

So I stayed in place and carefully observed them. It is very interesting to find that they have many fleas on them. They are in line like trains. They catch fleas from each other. They are brown and like bananas, peanuts, melon seeds and peaches. The most interesting thing is that its butt is red. I think its red butt is because it grinds on hard things like trees or stones every day, so its butt will be red. They always like to swing on chains or vines, which is funny! It's like playing on a swing. It has a lot of fur. It's very fluffy, like a toy monkey, so I like to call it "little monkey". I cried out, "Ah! Look! What is that animal on the top of the mountain?" My mother said, "That's the Monkey King.". Wow! How tall! How powerful!

I really like the little monkey, not only because it is interesting, cute and funny, but also because it is my zodiac!

Little Monkey Composition (2)

Today, we went to Mount Emei to play. Dad said, "There are many wild monkeys in Mount Emei, so you should be careful!" When we were going down the mountain, I suddenly saw a monkey walking on the railing, and hurriedly shouted, "There are monkeys! There are monkeys!" Everyone came to see the monkeys, and some gave them some bread, and they ate with relish. When he finished eating, he asked him, but everyone was gone, so the little monkey had to hop away. I said to my father, "I want to see more monkeys." Don't worry! Tomorrow we will go to Mount Emei Monkey Area to see monkeys. We will see that you can't drive them away until you want to. I'm so excited. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! The next day, we went to the monkey area happily. As soon as I went in, I saw so many little monkeys that I couldn't count them. My father and I went to buy monkey food. Before the monkey food came to me, the monkey grabbed it. It was like a thief! I also took a group photo with the monkey. The staff asked me to spread out my hand. Then he put the monkey food in my hand. The little monkey saw it and went to get it quickly. I feel my hands tickle. The little monkey really seems to tickle me. I can't help laughing. The staff and my father quickly took some photos of me and the little monkey while I was laughing. As we walked on, my uncle said, "I also want to take a picture with the monkey." So he also took a picture with the monkey. Do you know what the little monkey was doing when he took a picture? In fact, when he took a group photo, he also opened his uncle's backpack and stole three plastic raincoats. The little monkey is really like a naughty child.

Children, don't be naughty like monkeys!

Little Monkey Composition (3)

On Thursday morning, the teacher took the children to the zoo to play. The children came to the zoo happily and saw the cute little monkey.

Look. The little monkey on the top of the mountain took the apple and ate it, thinking: Why is the sky so blue? And there are pieces of white clouds like marshmallow? Another little monkey also grabbed an apple. He ran to the back of the rockery and ate the apple with relish. He thought: Ha ha! Nobody knows that I hide behind the rockery and eat apples! Look at the little monkey below it. It hooks the branch with its long and thin tail, as if playing on the swing! He saw two little monkeys below. One was tickling the other! The most interesting thing is the little monkey in the middle of the rockery. He threw the banana peel he had finished eating to the high place. Oh, the banana peel fell right on his head, and then he stood on his head with the banana peel on one foot to make faces at people, making everyone laugh. The little monkey on its right scratched its head, as if thinking: Where do these children come from? The little monkey standing on the rockery seems to be saying: "Welcome, lovely children!" Look at the little monkey below. Sitting on the rockery, he seems to have some thoughts. Another little monkey is trying to climb the rockery to join in the fun.

After playing for more than an hour, the teacher said to the children, "It's getting late, we should also go home." The children reluctantly left the zoo.

Composition of Monkey Description (5)

[Description of Monkey Features English Composition 1]

Monkeys range in size from the Pygmy Marmoset,at 140 to 160 millimetres (5–6 in) long (plus tail) and 120 to 140 grams (4–5 oz) in weight,to the male Mandrill,almost 1 metre (3.3 ft) long and weighing 35 kilograms (77 lb). Some are arboreal (living in trees) while others live on the savanna; diets differ among the various species but may contain any of the following:fruit,leaves,seeds,nuts,flowers,eggs and small animals (including insects and spiders).

Some characteristics are shared am ong the groups; most New World monkeys have prehensile tails while Old World monkeys have non-prehensile tails or no visible tail at all.Some have trichromatic color vision like that of humans,others are dichromats or monochromats.Although both the New and Old World monkeys,like the apes,have forward-facing eyes, the faces of Old World and New World monkeys look very different,though again,each group shares some features such as the types of noses,cheeks and rumps.

Some characteristics of monkey species are similar. For example, many New World monkeys have curly tails, which can be used to grasp branches when they climb trees. On the contrary, Old World monkeys do not have curly tails, but have smaller nostrils. The distance between nostrils is also closer. Some of the back has hard skin, like an embedded seat cushion; Some people also have trichromatic vision like humans; Others are dichromatic or monochromatic. Although monkeys in the old and new world, like apes, have forward eyes, their faces are different; Each kind of monkey has certain characteristics, such as the type of nose, jaw and buttocks. Therefore, if you want to understand monkeys, you must learn their different characteristics

[Description of Monkey Features English Composition 2]

Last weekend,I saw some monkeys in the zoo.I like them very much.They are very interesting and very clever.There are an old monkey in the tree.Many other monkeys like to follow it.Sometimes they climbed up the tree ,and sometimes they play in the ground.But they look very happy.Oh,sometimes they talk to each other.Oh, look.they are play games there.They are like the children.I like the monkeys.they're my good friends.

[Description of Monkey Features English Composition 3]

A monkeys life cycle is basically how it reproduces.This is not real statistics.a female monkey becomes sexually mature at 6 yrs of age and a male at 5.Now explaining it like thta shows the cycle of how the monkey reproduces,creating a life cycle.

Highlights of the series include the birth of woolly monkey Julio who,immediately after being born,was rejected by his mother; the rescue of Bryan – a chimp who was found on a beach in Mexico where he was being groomed to work as a photographer’s prop; the birth of Dinda – the latest orangutan baby to join the Park; and the rescue of Koko, who is otherwise affectionately known as one of the ‘Ugly Monkeys’.

Composition Described by Monkeys (6)


Monkey is very funny. A lot of people like them. Monkeys like to eat bananas. They live on the trees and enjoy jumping from one tree to another one. I like to ess monkeys in the zoo. I also like them very much.

Monkeys are very interesting. Many people like them. Monkeys like bananas. They live in trees and enjoy jumping from one tree to another. I like monkeys in the zoo. I also like them very much.


Monkeys are clever and smart. They can climb trees and play in the trees. Their favourite fruits are bananas. They like playing very much. They are loved by people.

Monkeys are clever and clever. They can climb trees and play in books. Their favorite fruit is bananas. They like playing very much. They are loved by people.


Last weekendI saw some monkeys in the zoo.I like them very much.

They are very interesting and very clever.There are an old monkey in the tree.Many other monkeys like to follow it.Sometimes they climbed up the tree and sometimes they play in the ground.But they look very happy.Oh sometimes they talk to each other. Ohlook,they are play games there.They are like the children.

I like the monkeys.they're my good friends.

Last weekend, I saw monkeys in the zoo. I like them very much.

They are very interesting and very smart. There is an old monkey in the tree. Many monkeys like to follow it. Sometimes they climb trees, sometimes they play on the ground, but they look very happy. Sometimes they talk to each other. Oh, look, they are playing games. They look like children.

I like monkeys. They are my good friends.

Composition Described by Monkeys (7)

This year is my birthday year. Every time I mention monkeys, people think of the vivid monkey in Journey to the West by six young children, but what I think of first is not this, but the monkey in Zhangjiajie. So far, the memory of that episode is still fresh.

I remember that day, we took enough food and water to prepare for a day to visit this big and beautiful Zhangjiajie. I only remember walking leisurely on the road. Soon, a monkey ran down from the tree and turned around beside us, looking up at the sky and climbing up the tree to show us its unique skill - hanging gold hooks upside down. We could not help applauding and then went on our way. The monkey looked at us laughing and walking forward. It seemed that he was not happy. He jumped up to us, pointed to the fruit in the bag, pointed to himself, and we understood. We threw an apple to it. The monkey was very clever. He caught the apple and began to chew it. I thought to myself: the performance was not for nothing! Monkeys also need "appearance fee"! As smart as people, hehe.

Not far away, I saw a naughty monkey take away someone's cap. Look, the man is so angry that his face is red. But the naughty monkey makes a face at him and runs away immediately. I thought to myself: What does it want to do with the cap? Is it a good deal like a businessman? Another little monkey broke the plastic bag, took away the bananas, apples and oranges inside, and ate them like people. It ate happily, and the owner of the fruit enjoyed it with relish. We tourists forgot to hurry!

These naughty and lovely monkeys shuttle back and forth in this picturesque place, like the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave, carefree and happy! I only hope that their "wild" will bring more joy to all people here!

Composition of Monkey Description (8)

Composition 1 about Monkeys

One day, I went to Monkey Mountain with my father and mother to see monkeys. Ah! There are many monkeys here! There are monkeys all over the mountain. Some are eating peaches, some are fighting, some are sleeping on the mountain, some are climbing chains, and some are playing on the swing. The most interesting thing is the golden monkey. He stands high on the top of the mountain, looking majestic, and is patrolling the monkeys below. It may be the protector of the monkey mountain.

A few weak monkeys in the corner of the Monkey Mountain curled up to one side, looking frightened. The most amusing thing was a naughty monkey, who took down one of the railings of the iron bridge two or three times, pulled it up and down in his hands and waved it, then ran on the stone. Eh, is this the Monkey King's "Imitation Show" that made tourists laugh. Some tourists took out their cameras to take pictures of its exquisite movements.

Near noon, more and more people came to see the monkeys. They fed the monkeys from time to time. As soon as the monkeys grabbed the food, they ate it with big mouthfuls. Look, how delicious they are and how happy they are!

Ah! This is really a group of clever and naughty monkeys.

Composition 2 about Monkeys

The little monkey is really lively and cute. It is a cute little animal

The little monkey's whole body is light gray, without any mottle. It seems to be carved out of mud. Its eyes are black, like two fairy pills. It often looks around with its flexible little eyes to carefully observe the movement around. Its ears are so small that it can hear everything. Its hands are very long. When climbing a tree, it uses its forelimbs to grasp the branches. Its tail is long, and sometimes it falls on the branches to play. The little monkey ate very much. One peach was eaten in two or three times, and the banana was eaten in two bites, needless to say. It depends on its hunger. It is not hungry. If you don't eat anything, you may eat some peaches and other fruits. When it finishes eating, it will play on the branch. It grabs the branch, first grabs another branch with its hand, and then grabs another branch with its other hand. It practices every day, faster and faster, and it will play on the branch.

I really like the clever, smart and cute little monkeys in the zoo!

Composition 3 about Monkeys

One morning, the sky was very clear. The teacher took us to the zoo to play.

We saw many animals, my favorite is the cute little monkey. I saw a little monkey on the rockery, like a "king", eating a big red apple; A little monkey dropped its tail on a branch and swung back and forth; One little monkey was very naughty. He threw the banana peel on the head of the little monkey below; There are also two monkeys hiding behind the rockery and dare not come out. They may be "shy"! The monkeys were excited to see so many people!

Time flies. We have to go back. I really hate to leave here. I want to say to the monkeys, "I will come here again to see you."

Composition 4 about Monkeys

Trees are their kingdom. They can play on trees at will, swing on swings, grab bars, etc. Who is it? Monkeys, of course. A short composition about monkeys

When you are in the zoo, you can see groups of monkeys playing in the trees. They compete to eat the same thing. Obviously, there are still some monkeys, but they will not let go of the same thing. It's really naughty. Sometimes they fight together. That gesture is really funny. At that time, a monkey will try to persuade them to fight like a peacemaker.

When these naughty monkeys are together, they will be like friends and brothers. Although they may be unhappy sometimes, the little monkeys are very gentle, which makes people feel lovely and lively.

Composition 5 about Monkeys

On Sunday, when Mom and Dad were not at home, the duckling went out to play by himself.

The fox was taking a walk at this time. When he saw the duckling, he thought, "You can eat delicious roast duck.". The fox quickly dug a trap in front of him, and spread many leaves and grass on it. There was no trace of it, and the duckling didn't know it!

"The sun is shining, and spring has come, and the duckling quacks..." The duckling sang happily as he walked, and suddenly fell into the pit with a "plop". The fox was very happy. He immediately took out a copy of Beijing Quanjude Roast Duck Secrets and quickly flipped it over. He was going to make a delicious roast duck dinner for lunch.

At this time, the duckling who fell into the trap slowly woke up. Seeing the triumphant fox above, the duckling was so frightened that he cried out in fear: "Help... help... life..., little... duckling fell... fell into the trap..." But the duckling almost lost his voice, and no one came to save him. The fox bared his teeth and said, "Stop yelling. This is the wild. No one will come to save you. You'd better wait patiently until I bring the sweet sauce, bake it and eat it with it. That's the real Quanjude delicious roast duck." Then the fox left home to get the sweet sauce.

The tired duckling thought that the fox would come back to eat himself soon, and sat down on the ground and cried sadly. Suddenly, the duckling saw a piece of paper on the ground. "With a frown, he had a plan", so he took a pen and wrote on the paper, "The duck fell into the fox's trap, come and save me", and then folded it into a paper plane, He shot out with force. Like a meteor, the paper plane flew quickly to a big tree far away, and was found by a little monkey playing in the tree. Opening the tree, it cried out urgently: "Come on, friends, the little duck was caught by the fox..." The little monkeys around ran quickly, "then we should save the little duck!" "Yes, we should save... we should save...", "The fox is too bad. Last time, he dug a trap to catch me." "But how can we save it?" The little monkeys said with all their mouths wagging.

At this time, the Monkey King, who had never spoken, said, "To save, we must save. Last time, we were laughed at by people for fishing for the moon. We were also compiled into the textbooks of primary school students and laughed at by children. But today we can use this method. As long as we can save the duckling, people will look at us with new eyes and won't laugh at us for fishing for the moon with red buttocks. " "Yes, yes, that's it!" the monkeys all said in unison.

So the monkeys came to the trap, and one by one, like the last time they fished for the moon, they reached the bottom of the pit. The lowest monkeys picked up the ducklings and handed them up one by one. The duckling was saved and said gratefully, "Thank you. If you have any difficulties, I will help you." The Monkey King smiled and said, "Don't mention it, as long as people don't say we are 'smart monkeys' looking for the moon' in the future." "Ha ha ha..." The monkeys and duckling laughed happily.

What about the fox? ha-ha! Don't you see? He is eating cabbage with sweet sauce!

Composition Described by Monkeys (9)

One day, Monkey went to school with a beautiful bag on his back. In the Chinese class, Goat teacher taught the students numbers, "One is one horizontal, two is two horizontal, and three is three horizontal". Monkey thought: the number is so simple. The little monkey listened and went to sleep. He seemed to have a sweet dream. He seemed to dream that he had scored 100 points in the exam. When he woke up from his dream, the goat teacher asked the little monkey to write a twenty-four, and he drew twenty-four horizontal lines. The twenty-four horizontal lines were like long noodles, which tasted delicious.

Since he finished drawing twenty-four horizontal strokes, everyone laughed at him. He didn't know why. The goat teacher asked the cat to help him. The monkey only knew now that not every number had to be underlined. As long as you listen carefully, you can learn well without sleeping in class. The little monkey said to himself, "I will not sleep late in class, I must change."

Composition of Monkey Description (10)

Monkeys like to play on the rockery and eat sweet fruits. After a few misty spring rains, the Monkey Mountain became more and more lively. The little monkey came out of his mother's armpit and played on the rockery with many little friends. Some of them are drilling rings, some are playing on the swing, which is very cool, and some are walking on the chain, which is very fast. There are so many smart monkeys, one is more cute than the other. The monkeys were bouncing as if they were welcoming Sister Spring.

In the spring breeze and warm sunshine, the monkey snuggles up to his mother and enjoys the beautiful scenery in front of him, the blue sky, green leaves and grass.

These cute monkeys are running around, playing on swings in trees, making a scene and grabbing food under trees, which makes people laugh.

People, animals and scenery form a beautiful and harmonious picture. Let's love the environment, protect animals and make this picture more beautiful!

Composition Described by Monkeys (11)

Trees are their kingdom. They can play on trees at will, swing on swings, grab bars, etc. Who is it? Monkeys, of course. A short composition about monkeys

When you are in the zoo, you can see groups of monkeys playing in the trees. They compete to eat the same thing. Obviously, there are still some monkeys, but they will not let go of the same thing. It's really naughty. Sometimes they fight together. That gesture is really funny. At that time, a monkey will try to persuade them to fight like a peacemaker.

When these naughty monkeys are together, they will be like friends and brothers. Although they may be unhappy sometimes, the little monkeys are very gentle, which makes people feel lovely and lively.

Composition of Monkey Description (12)

The little monkey's whole body is light gray, without any mottle. It seems to be carved out of mud. Its eyes are black, like two fairy pills. It often looks around with its flexible little eyes to carefully observe the movement around. Its ears are so small that it can hear everything. Its hands are very long. When climbing a tree, it uses its forelimbs to grasp the branches. Its tail is long, and sometimes it falls on the branches to play. The little monkey ate very much. One peach was eaten in two or three times, and the banana was eaten in two bites, needless to say. It depends on its hunger. It is not hungry. If you don't eat anything, you may eat some peaches and other fruits. When it finishes eating, it will play on the branch. It grabs the branch, first grabs another branch with its hand, and then grabs another branch with its other hand. It practices every day, faster and faster, and it will play on the branch.

Composition Described by Monkeys (13)

In the big forest, Jiajia, a clever little monkey, was about to go home after picking fruit when a cry of "Help! Help!" came from the roadside. The little monkey Jia Jia followed the cry and walked to the side of the road. He looked forward. It was Lili, the little rabbit, who was playing. When walking, she accidentally fell into a deep and big hole. What should I do? The little monkey is anxious like ants on a hot pot. Suddenly, his eyes rolled and he thought that the branches on the tree could not be used as ropes. He broke a long branch on the tree, then hung it upside down on the tree, put the branch into a deep hole, and asked Lili, the little rabbit, to climb up along the branch. But the branch was too thin. Lili had just climbed halfway, and the branch broke with a snap. Lili, the rabbit, fell heavily into the bottom of the pit. Monkey Jiajia had to think of other ways.

At this time, he found an old ladder that no one used on the roadside. He put the ladder into the pit with great effort. Little rabbit Lili quickly climbed up. She said gratefully, "Thank you, Jiajia!" Little monkey Jiajia said, "It's OK. I should do something to help others."

With that, Lili the rabbit and Jiajia the monkey, hand in hand, scampered home! Writing about animals Smart monkeys