Youth Dream Composition (15 selected)
All life is a dream
2024-01-10 03:21:20

Youth Dream Composition (1)

Youth, a familiar word, a beautiful word.

I have heard such a sentence: youth is a beautiful sorrow. At first I didn't understand: where is the sadness of youth? Happiness is everywhere. Later, the mood changed, and the understanding also changed. In the teenage sky, there are too many sad things: the heavy schoolwork burden, the generation gap with parents, and the hazy green fruit. But in our eyes, fortunately, there is also happiness: playing with laughter every day, the sound of wind blowing trees every day, and the answer of flying thoughts every day is happiness. We can't change anything, but we can choose to accept or not accept, happy or unhappy, because we are young, because we have youth, because we have time to ask ourselves: What kind of life do I want?

Youth is the capital we are proud of. Only with youth can we have passion, dreams and our dazzling future.

Youth is a song that we have sung for a long time, happy time is its wonderful music score, and boring exam oriented education is its heavy movement. We are writing its glory and dream all the time, because we are struggling in the boring exam oriented education all the time, but the only reason for our survival is to seek happiness in hardship.

Friends, please cherish your youth! We are like budding flowers. We need to show our true beauty to people without reservation, so that we can't help showing ourselves, honing ourselves and transcending ourselves. But remember: youth is not empty, not decadent, youth has ideals, strength, goals, of course, there are setbacks. If there are no setbacks in youth, we will not really grow.

If you are cherishing your youth, please cherish it; If you are still confused, please wake up quickly and ask yourself: I am so degraded? What about my life?

Youth Dream Composition (2)

My youth, my dream composition

In our study, work or life, we have all been exposed to composition. Through composition, we can bring together our scattered thoughts. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is my youth and my dream composition collected by Xiaobian. It is for reference only. Welcome to read it.

My Youth My Dream Composition 1

The dream, the thought in the dream, more or less has a little unreality. The dream may disappear in the next morning, and you are not sure that the dream will not be like this.

Yes, there are so many people in the world, such as so many personalities, although they all say their dreams are accurate, how many people have really realized their dreams?

You can praise the persistence of Epiphyllum, but you can not deny how many Epiphyllum in the moment of opening no one appreciates; You can publicize the unyielding of the eagle, but you also need to know how many young eagles fall quietly from the cliff.

I always worry that dreams that cannot be realized are poisons. The world is like a finished book. This is reality.

Dear Mr. Examiner, if you think that the article is off the topic and you give a poor mark, the examinee can only sigh and say, Alas, the world is really a book that has already ended.

When the sigh of dreams and hopes solidified into a wall, who knows who is who's hard work? Especially when dreams meet youth.

I also have dreams, those once abandoned and forgotten, but they are like the dreams in my heart.

When we were five years old, they asked us what we wanted to do when we grew up?

We answer, Li Xue, the president, or like my answer - the princess.

At the age of ten, they asked us this question again.

We answer, Olympic champion, millionaire, or like my answer - musician.

At the age of 15, they need us to make a tough call when we grow up.

In that case, I can only say - "I don't know".

Many of my peers have already planned their own future. Occasionally someone talks with me about his own dream with great longing. I can only say with envy: "Oh, it's good." Then I add a slightly sad sentence: "Unfortunately, I still don't know what I want to do in the future."

Maybe you will ask, why is this? Well, I don't like the plans my parents made for me, and I don't know what my real dream is.

I hate rainy days. I hate walking in the rain. The pouring rain will daze my sight, and the raging storm will hinder my steps. I could only squat on the ground and tremble like a young eagle standing on the edge of a cliff.

But we didn't give up, did we? I am on the way to find my dream, while others are on the way to dream. It's just one step away.

At the age of 14 or 15, it's not the time to make a decision, is it? Now we should probably go around and make more mistakes! Even in the finished book, nothing is eternal. Therefore, I am more willing to change my dream without interruption than to make unremitting efforts with dreams. When we were 20 years old, they asked us what we wanted to do again, so we didn't have to guess, because we already knew the answer at that time.

Even if I stumble and falter, I will still move forward, with infinite fear and excitement in my heart, and walk towards the dream that I can meet one day. Because youth is a season for extravagant pursuit of dreams.

Waiting is looking around without answering the letter, and searching is an abyss that cannot be seen through. Through thorns and confusion, there are more than one thing worth pursuing in this world.

My Youth My Dream Composition 2

Youth is synonymous with vitality

Youth is the stage for realizing dreams

In this big youth world

We have our own dreams

Dreams embellish our lives

Like stars in the sky

Embrace youth with dreams

Sail Your Dream

Today's children, who have no dreams, who do not dream, dreams occupy our time completely, but some are beautiful dreams, some are just dreams, have meaningless dreams, have empty and tasteless dreams, that is because they do not know what dreams are, and say that our post-90s are fantasy, yes, we love fantasy, we love dreams. But we don't understand dreams, we don't understand him.

Dreams are not just empty illusions, but also to be completed with practical steps. Nowadays, most families give priority to the only child. 'Pet, pain and habituation' have almost become the primary pronoun for parents to cherish their children, so they have formed the situation that children love dreams and fantasies, which makes them completely lose their sense of self direction and make their dreams just stay and dream. I never know what my dream is. We young men and women who are not six years old and arrive at the flower season and rainy season have never thought about sowing more seeds of dreams in this season of youth. When it comes to the flower season, I wait for its results. When it comes to the rainy season, we wait for it to be moistened by the rain. It's not nice and wonderful.

When we are so big, we not only have dreams, but also have our own objects of worship. It is inseparable to use worship. In our youth, how can there be no people we like. But most of them are star singers, which is not too much. I think that people as old as my mother, uncles and aunts, also have their own favorite stars. For example, "Grasshopper, Andy Liu, Liming, Luo Dayou, Pu Cunxin..." might understand our feelings. However, it may have a lot to do with the current stars, who started too fast, became too popular too early, changed too quickly in spring and autumn, and reminded us of our dreams from time to time, and also added us to our old and new temperament from time to time. Who can blame this?

I am so big, only one star can make me admire. You can say that I am too out. I am 13 or 14 years old. Who doesn't have the star that two or three brothers like? This may be the bottom line.

The star I admire has multiple identities. People who are familiar with him will kindly shout "Xiaozhi". In the music world, he is the "Asian Little Whirlwind"; in Yitan, he is the "Little King of Drama"; in the sports world, he is the "dream implementer"; in the business world, he is the "successful Asian businessman". In the eyes of others, he is a versatile person, while in my eyes, he is an ordinary person who fights for his dreams. He has an outstanding dream since he was young. When he grows up, he will practice his dream, which is not in vain. He worked hard for his dream and never gave up even when encountering many hardships. His spirit made me have no reason not to worship. This is the meaning of idols.

He often said, 'People are great because of their dreams'. Yes, people who have dreams are great, because they know how to practice their ideals, meet problems, rise up against difficulties, encounter wind and rain, and never shrink back. We are now in the prime of our life. Why don't we plan to make our dreams come true when we grow up? Let's embrace our dreams with our youth, and let's become a dream implementer envied by others.

Youth Dream Composition (3)

Youth, like a poem, should have more melodious lyrics and less sad sighs; Youth, like a painting, should have more bright colors and less dark tone; Youth is like a song, which should be sung more proudly and less elegantly. On the road of youth, we learn to grow, learn to be grateful, and learn to pursue dreams.

In youth, everyone has a rebellious period, and I am no exception. I don't know since when, I am no longer the little boy chasing after my parents for sweets. I have gradually grown into a neat boy. In the past, when I met unhappy things, I always cried to find my parents. Gradually, I began to get used to writing my troubles in my diary. Now, whenever I face the scolding and criticism from my parents, I always pretend to be arrogant and still go my own way. However, whenever I see my mother busy in the kitchen, whenever I see my father starting to have silver hair on his temples because of his busy work, I always feel guilty. I think it's time for me to become sensible, learn to bow my head and admit my mistake, and learn to feel the selfless love of my parents. Learning to be grateful is my dream.

In youth, I have personality and fashion. I am not a bookworm who can only learn. I like touching ancient songs, Tang poetry and Song poetry with full charm, and I like the ups and downs of novel plots. I like freedom. I like living in the world of melody and charm. The pursuit of beauty is my dream.

In youth, I have friendship. When I first saw the list of new students in junior high school, my heart was full of loss. I didn't share a class with any primary school students. I remember that when we first went to class to report for duty, we had never known each other, leaving each other only full of silence. Gradually, we began to get familiar with each other. Although it was only a few months ago, we were like 'bosom friends' who had known each other for many years. From an implicit smile at the beginning to today's unrestrained playfulness. Having a bosom friend is my dream.

In youth, we have more passion. A dream is like a beautiful rose with thorns. If you want to get it, you must pay enough efforts. On the way to youth, we carry our dreams forward bravely.

Youth Dream Composition (4)

Everyone has a dream, which everyone yearns for. The life of people without dreams will be empty. Life without dreams is like the loss of navigation marks for planes and lighthouses for ships, which will eventually be eliminated by society. But dreams always change with the progress of thought. A mediocre man does nothing, but a wise man does it. ¡ª¡ª notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Youth is a pyramid. Life requires us to constantly climb up, and life requires us to constantly realize the fullness of life and reach the glorious peak. Youth is a harp, and we play our youth songs in our own unique way.

Sunny youth

On the playground, under the sun, one by one teenagers are sprinting towards the end. Not far away, girls are dancing their tendons while singing "Little balls, banana pears, Ma Lan blossoms 21..." On the playground filled with youth, boys and girls are jumping and shouting happily. For them, this is the best place to exude their unique charm.

Sunshine is not only vitality, but also an interest. Now, we are always surrounded by a "fashion". "What clothes are most popular", "What star band do you like best"... These are the topics we have been discussing after dinner. "Popularity" permeates the whole campus, making our life more colorful and no longer boring.

A youth full of scholarly charm

In the classroom, the sound of books is loud, and you can smell the fragrance of books everywhere in the beautiful and quiet campus. The fragrance of books echoes with the singing of birds outside the window and the swaying sound of trees, which has become a unique campus scene.

Books run through the whole campus life. During the lunch break, many students ran up and down to borrow books from the library. Some students were sitting on the bench leisurely with a book, a novel or a masterpiece in hand, watching and enjoying the beautiful scenery around. It can be said that it is really a pleasure to be "scholarly".

Some rebellious youth

Parents and teachers expect us to run on the track they have paved, but we still deviate from time to time, which is treason. We have our own ideas on everything when we are in the prime of spring. Sometimes we are taught a few times by parents and look like we bow down to admit our mistakes in front of them. We soon committed it again. However, rebellion is the unique personality of our young men and girls. How boring it is for a non rebellious Qingchun to be, and what we want to feel is just what we want, But it is unlikely to be fully realized.

Young people are the king of life, the spring of life, and the beauty of life. Let's decorate our youth with fiery enthusiasm. With the melody of youth, we will step on the stage of growth and release our youth to our hearts' content!

Yesterday we recalled our childhood, tomorrow we look forward to the future, today let me hand in hand, let's go together to release our own youth

Youth Dream Composition (5)

What is a dream? A dream is something that makes you feel persistent and happy.

You won't drown if you fall into the water. You'll drown if you stay in the water. You have to swim forward desperately.

How big the dream is, how big the stage is! As a dreamer, I carry an educational dream and slowly move forward on the road of life. I still remember the day when I was honored to join the warm, harmonious, united, energetic and positive family of the No. 1 Scholar Hall. I have been struggling and developing here with a grateful heart! Try to put your ideal here and realize it on this stage! In the No. 1 Scholar Hall of Jinke, the family members are active, earnest and energetic, but there is no lack of fun in life! The sunshine in early summer has the texture of crystal. It is green, bright, and has the fragrance of years. Just as the family came to a new job after a busy week's work, President Zheng organized all the family members of Jinke Zhuangyuantang School to watch the Chinese Partner directed by Chen Kexin at Ziyang Pacific Cinema. Deep feeling ah!

The Chinese Partner tells that three young people, Cheng Dongqing, Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang, have a dream of going to the United States. In the turbulent current of the times, some American dreams have come true, some American dreams have broken, and some American dreams have come true and broken. Then Qi Li founded the "New Dream" English training school. Tell the three of them about their hard entrepreneurial process, and finally their sweet and bitter experience.

This film has brought me a lot of inspiration and encouragement, and these three young people with dreams have brought me positive energy. Cheng Dongqing is the most simple, down-to-earth and difficult person among the three. What he pursues is not success, but dignity. He always sticks to his new dream and never gives up. When Meng Xiaojun angrily threatened to withdraw from the shareholders when his new dream could not be listed, and when Wang Yang said "enough fun" after being drunk, he never had the idea of giving up. Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang may only say extreme words on impulse, and he, even if angry again, did not waver. Through his deeds, I understand that as a young man, it is not enough to have dreams. You must work hard for them and persist in them! Meng Xiaojun's life experience tells us that life is not smooth, but when facing the basic life, we need to know what to give up, what to stick to, and how to face this constantly updating and changing world. Know who you are and what your dream is! Through the film, we can see that the world has changed the original Meng Xiaojun, but Meng Xiaojun has not changed himself, nor has he changed his youngest, most sincere and most willing to fight for his dream. I think this is the most important thing as a young man. Wang Yang is an emotional person who is good at listening and thinking and has a sense of community. He is calm, calm and thoughtful, which is worth my study. He will use his unique wisdom to attract others' eyes, use his unique ability to prove his strength, and use his unique personality to maintain the meaning of friends.

As Chinese partners, Cheng Dongqing, Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang have succeeded! But they are not only partners, but also brothers and friends! From them, I feel a strong force to work hard!

At the same time, the film also tells us that the reality is cruel, unfair and unpredictable. As a person in real life, only when he understands this moment can he understand the next moment. In today's era of rapid development, many beautiful things have been buried in the years. Only by keeping a young heart can he stand still for a long time; Only when we know ourselves and the environment clearly at all times can we realize our dreams step by step in the middle of the stage! I once said: give me a piece of sunshine, return you a piece of brilliance! Now, Jinke has given me a stage. How can I spend my youth on the stage?

Stick to dreams, seize youth, and strive to change! Win your own wonderful!

Youth Dream Composition (6)

Youth is a pyramid. Life requires us to constantly climb up, and life requires us to constantly realize the fullness of life and reach the glorious peak. Youth is a harp, and we play our youth songs in our own unique way.

Sunny youth

On the playground, under the sun, one by one teenagers are sprinting towards the end. Not far away, girls are dancing their tendons while singing "Little balls, banana pears, Ma Lan blossoms 21..." On the playground filled with youth, boys and girls are jumping and shouting happily. For them, this is the best place to exude their unique charm.

Sunshine is not only vitality, but also an interest. Now, we are always surrounded by a stream of "fashion", "what is the most popular clothing", "what is the favorite star band"... These are the topics we have been discussing after lunch. "Popularity" permeates the whole campus, making our life more colorful and no longer boring.

A youth full of scholarly charm

In the classroom, the sound of books is loud, and you can smell the fragrance of books everywhere in the beautiful and quiet campus. The fragrance of books echoes with the singing of birds outside the window and the swaying sound of trees, which has become a unique campus scene.

Books run through the whole campus life. During the lunch break, many students ran up and down to borrow books from the library. Some students were sitting on the bench leisurely with a book, a novel or a masterpiece in hand, watching and enjoying the beautiful scenery around. It can be said that it is really a pleasure to be "scholarly".

Some rebellious youth

Parents and teachers expect us to run on the track they have paved, but we still deviate from time to time, which is treason. We have our own ideas on everything when we are in the prime of spring. Sometimes we are taught a few times by parents and look like we bow down to admit our mistakes in front of them. We soon committed it again. However, rebellion is the unique personality of our young men and girls. How boring it is for a non rebellious Qing Chun to be, and what we want to feel is just what we want, But it is unlikely to be fully realized.

Let's decorate our youth with fiery enthusiasm. With the melody of youth, we will step on the stage of growth and release our youth to our hearts' content!

Youth Dream Composition (7)

What was the journey of high school? It attracted many students to fight hard. In thousands of days and nights, sweat and youth. The smell of camphor is full when you taste it carefully.

In this feast, you can feel a strong atmosphere. At the exam sending conference, it seemed to be a dialogue between the junior high school students and their own hearts. In their hearts, standing opposite, they were the green teenagers three years ago. Count the pressure he has suffered along the way, the difficulties he has faced, and the joy of progress he has gained. Several spring and summer passed, leaving their struggling figure. One after another heavy rain, wind, frost, snow, and more clear traces of their efforts.

When the college entrance examination came, everyone was excited and ambitious, but for teachers, there was also a light sadness of separation. Whenever the trees are in the shade in front of the third floor of the high building, their beloved students start a new dream seeking journey. "A cup of wine will bring thousands of miles from north to south, from east to west". Teachers have spent a year or three years with everyone, without saying a word, they told their longest love with their company, and it is they who illuminate the new journey of life; Thanks to the beautiful and broad alma mater, her people-oriented education philosophy and inclusive cultural atmosphere provide the best platform for our life growth; Thank you for our classmate's friendship, which will be a precious memory in the years of passion!

Of course, the inspiration from it can also be applied to ourselves. For us, the journey of high school has come a long way. Along the way, we continue to sow and harvest, or sad, or joy, in the future, we will carry out this hard work spirit to the end. You know, this road will be full of sunshine, and it will also be full of wind and rain. However, we are not alone in our struggle. During this period, we have our mentors and friends who accompany us day and night, carefully exhort us, and our parents and relatives who spare no effort to teach us seriously. On the way to growth, since I have chosen a distance, I only care about the wind and rain. The same is true of the three-year journey of high school.

Growth is like a ship sailing on the sea, during which there are sunshine or wind and rain. In the three years of high school, we will finally set sail and sail far away.

Youth Dream Composition (8)

Pursuit of dreams, flying youth

Pursuit of dreams, flying youth

Pursue dreams, our youth will fly, abandon dreams, our youth will fall in the spring, dreams, dreams, let us chase dreams, let us youth fly. I am in the youth to fly period, I like a bird from the headmaster to now, there is a dream of flying, and one day I will fly for this dream. When I was young, my dream was to fly by plane. When I was very young, I lived outside the city and saw planes flying over my head every day. I couldn't help but want to sit on the plane. I looked up at the plane crazily. At that time, my first dream was to yell at the sky loudly and try to let him down. Until I was five years old, my dream finally came true. I really got on the plane and flew in the clouds, Flying in youth.

Later, my dream is to use my hands to fly to the top. When I was in primary school, I was not strong in mathematics. But since I was young, I was full of fun in mathematics, but my grades were poor. I decided to get an excellent one. I practice every night, go to bed early and get up early every day. I have enough energy to listen to the class. After class, I don't play crazy. Instead, I am silent. Kung fu pays off. I fly again. It's good to fly in early youth.

Now, my dream is not a trivial matter. I just want to get good results in the middle school entrance exam. I started to work hard in the third day of junior high school, and I have refreshed my scores again and again.

The dream has practical significance, it makes my youth fly

Youth Dream Composition (9)

The dream of birds is to fly into the blue sky, the dream of fish is to travel in the sea, the dream of flowers is to open in spring, the dream of grass is to break the ground, and what is my dream?

When I was young, I had many dreams. My dream was to be a teacher and cultivate more talents for the country; My dream is to be an entrepreneur, so that my family can live a happy life; My dream is to be a painter, who can paint a magnificent picture of the whole country; My dream is to be a calligrapher and become an immortal celebrity who will be respected by the world... My childhood dream is endless, because I want to be happy, want to do what I think is right, want to do anything that others can't do, because I think "I can do it" since I was young, I think I can do anything better than others.

Until I grew up, I became an excellent junior high school student, but at the same time, I found that I had changed. I was no longer that ignorant child before and always thought I was the best; I don't think I can do anything better than others. Now, I know what is called "there are people outside the world"! I changed my dream because I know that I am not better than others, and there are even many people who are better than me. My dream has become to be a soldier. Yes, I want to be a soldier to defend my family and the country.

From this moment on, I have my dream. I still have a long time to prepare to meet, defeat and realize it, because we are still in the spring of life. As the saying goes, "The season of a year lies in spring." This is my dream in my youth. For this dream, I will work hard, hard, and try again. There is no best, only better, beyond myself, and realize the dream.

Let's fight for our youth dream!

Youth Dream Composition (10)

"Youth is a colorful river flowing with happy songs; youth is a beautiful flower, delicate with some simplicity and beauty; youth is a magnificent poem. The eyes of the future will read it thousands of times."

This is the conclusion I heard at a school debate. Unexpectedly, the end of this lyric won the warm applause of hundreds of young friends.

Why is there applause? This shows that everyone is young and praises the most beautiful word - youth.

"Youth is so good that it cannot be wasted!" I said to my sister, who is 5 years younger than me.

My sister cut her long hair, flashed her bright eyes, and said with disdain, "Who wants you to teach me a lesson? Of course, you can't waste your youth. Look at those youth idols, aren't they all eating on their youthful faces?" My sister put her arms around me, and I was half killed by the fragrance. "Brother, I'm the best. If you say I'm going to act in Qiongyao's movies, I'll be a success."

Looking at the lost face, the face that laughed and laughed and cried, I said, "It's red and black and purple." My sister cut her hair again and said, "I really look like Qiongyao? Or my brother knows me." I took a picture of her and said, "Don't dream, silly sister."

After laughing, I thought a lot. Make a cup of tea, and simply let the wings of thought fly freely. How can youth be valuable? Should I really enjoy myself? Or play in the world?

Didn't the great writer Tolstoy say that? "We are young, we are not freaks, we have the blood of youth!" How inspiring this is! The value of youth should be struggle. "It's fun to fight with the sky; it's fun to fight with people!"

The famous physiologist Mavlov said brilliantly, "If you want to climb to the peak of science, you should first be familiar with the preliminary knowledge of science. Science requires people to work very hard and have a high degree of enthusiasm." How can you "play in the world"? Youth is pure, a piece of uncut flawless jade, which can't contain any dust. Young people should aim high and achieve great things, as Marx said in his senior high school graduation thesis: "If I choose the occupation that can work best for the welfare of mankind, then the burden cannot overwhelm us, because it is a sacrifice for everyone."

Recall our youth, which will be full of passion, fantasy and struggle. It has no lack of artistic interest and romantic color, and it will be the youth of brilliant career. I will brew another cup of tea under the lamp and write down "regretless youth" leisurely!

Youth Dream Composition (11)

Look up, open-minded height, modest but not frivolous, blooming in the curve of life, looking across the sea and sky.

Youth, like a piece of white paper, like a pure land, is also an innocent poem. At the age of 18, we are sitting in the classroom fighting for our dreams.

"Ideal" in hard work

A strong belief will win strong people and people with ideals. Even on the road full of difficulties and setbacks in life, they are also comfortable. Cutting through thorns is the courage of youth; Strive forward and forge the confidence of youth. There is no fear of failure, only cowardice without courage. It is not true to give oneself to busy and get sureness. The youth losing "truth" is just to live for a while, and the "ideal" not forgotten in the struggle is the firm mission of youth. Some people say that we should wear the most beautiful clothes and drink strong wine at the best age. I would like to say: "At the most beautiful age, at the age of 18 without regret, I will never turn back to pursue my ideal, and reach a distant place peacefully with indifference and adherence to the navigation mark."

Unfavorable "suffering" in struggle

Hardworking sharpens the will to realize dreams. The road of life is full of twists and turns, and the road to success is full of rapids and rapids. Only by "eating bitterly and suffering bitterly" can we win applause and wear a crown. There are thousands of people who have ambition, and those who have no ambition only feel the difficulties. They are eagles flying in the sky; Or do flowers, nestle in the greenhouse. Gao Xiaosong said, "Life is not just about the present, but also about poetry and distance." Chen Ruolin, the "Olympic champion", began to learn diving at the age of 5. Day after day, year after year, he trained to spin and jump, which can be said to be painful: the reason why "Black Mamba" Kobe Bryant achieved outstanding achievements was his persistence in the early morning. It is precisely because they are able to bear hardships, not afraid of difficulties, and good at practical work that they are able to work hard and make great achievements and achieve their brilliant life. Their success is by no means accidental suffering that has become the medal of everyone's growth and accumulated personal wealth bit by bit. As Wu Chengen said, "It's hard to be a good person without suffering." At 18, we are in the most beautiful youth. Why fear not having yourself in the sky?

"Perseverance" in hard work

Perseverance provides guarantee for realizing the youth blueprint. Lincoln, the 16th president of Britain, is a great man who has impressed the whole world. He failed twice in business, and failed eight times in eleven elections. Although he has failed repeatedly, he still insists on it. Although he is painful, he still smiles. Because he firmly believes that the best way to succeed is to keep fighting and never give up. He proved to the world with his actions that perseverance is the run-up to victory and the wings to fly ideals. We are young with fiery passion. Although the winners are respectable, those athletes who are backward but not running to the end should be 18 years old.

At the age of 18, youth in life is like drawing a circle on a sketch book. Ideal, suffering and perseverance are like sketching with a pen. Without any pen, there will be no "perfection". Only with the combination of the three, can we draw the latest and most beautiful pictures, and draw the youth style of eighteen years old!

Youth Dream Composition (12)

What is beauty? Beauty lies not only in the beautiful appearance on the surface, but also in the speech and behavior in the heart.

The connotation of beauty is all inclusive: "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence" is the beauty of inner purity; "Fishing alone in the cold river snow" is the beauty of inner purity; "Charming and secluded, we meet several times in spring." It is the carefree style and the beauty of youth. In the process of youth recording, we need to be our own director. Bring the beauty of youth to show your true style.

Self strengthening beauty of youth. "It's not necessary to be light green and light red. It's the first class of flowers." If you want to be young and full of love and warmth, you can learn to be a sunflower, always face the sun, strive constantly, and become the first class of flowers. Wang Bo is the sunflower, the sunset is lonely, and the autumn is long. He proudly wrote a Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, telling his self-improvement of "being poor and strengthening, not falling into the blue clouds.". Huo Qubing is the sunflower flower, who defends his family and the country, and runs for thousands of miles. He has crossed the horse to hold the war, and the feudal wolf has made great contributions to Xu, but he despises the splendor and wealth. His heroic words, "The Huns are not extinct, why do you want to be a family?", show his young self-improvement. It is they who turn their self-improvement into sunflower seeds, not competing against each other, but being positive; Use the water of self-improvement to irrigate the sunflower in my heart, so that the flower of self-improvement can grow in a better direction, leaving the most beautiful smile; Call on us to feel the beauty of youth and self-improvement.

Dream beauty of youth. "The light can be full, and the dream can't be helped." What is it to let the seed break through the constraint of the rock stratum and face the light? What is it that makes the eagle rush into the sky fearless of the storm? It's a dream. Behind youth, there are dreams shining and shining. "I want to find my way through flowers and go straight to the depths of white clouds." This is Huang Tingjian's dream. He is lofty and elegant, yet not worldly. He admires himself alone, and depicts his dream of forgetting the world with a quiet, quiet, calm, proud and immortal style. "Two ears don't listen to things outside the window, and one heart reads only the books of sages." This sentence can't be more suitable for embellishing the dream of Zhi Yueying, the most beautiful teacher in the countryside. In spite of her family's opposition, she was far away from her hometown in order to educate the children in the mountains. Perseverance brings hope. This is her belief, 36 years, brilliant two generations of childhood, lit up his great dream; At the same time, her youth can be sublimated. It is precisely because they are all people with lofty ideals, have dreams in mind, and have the strength to persevere in the struggle for dreams, so that they are steadfast, see the dawn of dreams, and call on us to feel the youth and beauty of dreams.

Youth is the beauty of civilization. "When receiving light from the court, we can see the court, and when receiving light from the world, we can see everywhere." Wei Yuan's famous lines are a hint to us; When you are young, you should take a broad view of the world, spread civilization and cherish the world. "Don't do evil on a small scale, and don't do good on a small scale." Zhuge Liang's literary legend is inspiring us; When you are young, you should use civilization to influence all living beings and be a civilized person from the bottom. "There is no way to stand without learning etiquette." Confucius' theory of etiquette is guiding us; When you are young, treat people politely and spread civilization to us. On the way to youth, each civilization is a practice, which should highlight civilization and culture, and add a touch of elegance and style to the society; Can give our youth a sense of beauty and make people pleasing to the eyes. To feel the beauty of youth and civilization.

The self-improvement of youth is just like "heaven moves healthily, and a gentleman strives ceaselessly for self-improvement."; The dream of youth is like "studying for the rise of China", full of ambition and pursuit; The civilization of youth is as peaceful and comfortable as "Goodwill brings happiness, and civilization brings harmony". With self-improvement, the dreams of youth will be more magnificent. With dreams, the civilization of youth will be luxurious.

The beauty of youth needs more "self-improvement", "dream" and "civilization" to achieve. Let's carry the beauty of youth to show the true colors of "self-improvement", "dream" and "civilization".

Youth Dream Composition (13)

When I was young, I always liked to tell my dream of becoming a scientist to the blue sky and white clouds. In retrospect, I always felt very warm.

Youth is blue, just like the broad ocean, with broad mind and burning passion; Youth is red, just like the red plum, with endless taste and wonderful life; Youth is purple, just like those Bauhinia flowers, emitting charming fragrance, making people feel warm and happy.

We have the dream of youth. Every pure dream has its most beautiful side. Everyone has dreams, and everyone has beautiful and innocent dreams. Some people want to be a teacher, some people want to be a soldier, some people want to be an entrepreneur... These are the most beautiful memories in our life. However, although they are beautiful, they need our tears and sweat. Only after their washing, the youth dream will become more beautiful.

Maybe, some people will give up their original dreams and go to other ways; Maybe some people will stick to their original dream and go all the way to darkness. But no matter these, when you recall these dreams, you will smile, naively, and there is absolutely no impurity in them.

Young people, they will call us that because we are at this time, when life is at its most brilliant. But can we waste our time because we are young? Can we stop striving and working hard? No, we are young now, which does not mean that we will always be young. If we want our youth to bloom, we must start when it is still a bud.

The sand in the time bucket is falling one by one. I can't count how many more are there? All I know is that I have to say before it finishes:

Youth is really beautiful, youth dream is really beautiful.

Youth Dream Composition (14)

From the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in 20XX to the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games in 20XX, and then to the right to host the Winter Olympic Games, since the new century, China and the Olympic Movement have accompanied each other, promoting the interaction and deep integration of civilizations with different backgrounds, and emitting brilliant brilliance. The Winter Olympic Games came to Beijing. We thank the International Olympic Committee for its trust and support, and once again make solemn promises to the world. As a former Olympic city, we should make full use of the resources of the venues and cultural wealth of the Beijing Olympic Games, dedicate an extraordinary Winter Olympics to the world, explore a new development model for the Olympic Movement, and add impetus to the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei that we are promoting. The Beijing Winter Olympics is permeated with a distinctive flavor of the times, and will certainly write its own brilliant writing.

Beijing's hosting of the Winter Olympics in conjunction with Zhangjiakou will promote the wider spread of the Olympic spirit in China and comprehensively expand the diversified social functions of sports. Ice and snow sports have a broad space and time bearing in China. By hosting the Winter Olympics, 300 million people will be driven to participate in ice and snow sports, so that the masses, especially young people, can improve their health, cheer up their spirit and enjoy their lives. This will be a great contribution to the development of the international Olympic movement, and will also further improve the competitive level of China's winter sports.

Youth Dream Composition (15)

Youth Makes Dreams Fly 800 Words 1: Flying Dreams, Chasing Youth

The dream of flying far away, bit by bit, is pursued in life. Over the years, I have played a lot of crazy wind, but also broke away from the pain of transformation again and again in life. I understand that youth is a dream after dream. In the endless dream, there is loneliness and sadness, but also a trace of sweetness. Looking up at the quiet night sky, the past is like a rainbow.

Many things passed by like duckweed, which made me forget how to keep my dream of youth in panic. The freedom of kites, the gentleness of rain, the wandering seagulls, I don't know how many dreams youth has used, and how many sorrows have precipitated. Looking back several years later, the past has gone with the wind, leaving only melancholy for a long time, and I can no longer look back. No one in this world can build a port for me. The residual dream in everyone's heart has become a yellow possession.

Dream, can no longer re start, leaving only a series of helplessness. Long night, who is who's sad. The meteor that broke through the sky ignited the fire in my heart. I gazed deeply at the night sky. The shadows were changing, accompanied by no one at night. Stars, moon, fireflies and lights were shining everywhere, and my heart also had a kind of youth surging. Menger, so beautiful. In pursuit of colorful dreams, I would like to be a girl chasing the wind, shoulder the wind, foot the earth, and write youth with a fiery heart. No matter how cold the world is, how many years will it take in the future, and how far away I hope, I will pursue the dream of youth. Loneliness, I regard it as a friend. I can roam the world as I please. I will stop no longer depending on it. I will hide my tears in my eyes and move forward step by step.

Dream chasing youth, beautiful years. The story of youth in life is being staged. You can fly with your dreams and dance in a young way all your life. As time goes by, the bud of youth in my heart has sprouted. How many tears have been poured and how many smiles have bloomed before it grows up slowly. Sunshine and rain, sadness and sweetness also accompany me. I just want to plant the buds of youth in my heart forever.

Bees fly, butterflies dance, and butterflies dream of ice and snow girls entering the mortal world. Their dancing skirts, lightsome posture, and the light ringing bell that flies across the horizon of the dream. The world of mortals is rolling, and youth is like a dream. The stars are still shining out of the window, standing quietly in front of the window, hoping that the world would not change, how I wish to retain time, let youth and dreams stop in this day, until forever.

Youth Makes Dreams Fly 800 Words 2: Let Dreams Fly

The southern town is dotted with snow and snow. Stretch out your hand, snowflakes fall on your palm. In a moment, this natural artwork turns into a pool of cold snow water and slips away from your fingers. Just like that long gone dream

I once read a story——

There was a power failure in the building, and the brothers who lived on the 80th floor had to climb the stairs. When they climbed to the 20th floor, they were tired, so they put their bags on the 20th floor. When they wanted to wait for the call, they took the elevator to pick them up, and then climbed again. When they went through countless hardships and breathed heavily to the 80th floor, they found that the key to open the door was in the bag on the 20th floor. It's like a person's life. At the age of 20, he decided to go all out, unload all the burdens, and strive to occupy a place in the society. When he was dying at the age of 80, he found that all his dreams had been left in his youth at the age of 20, and had not yet been completed

People who have dreams and work hard for them are noble. People who have no dreams and goals will only be mediocre for life after all. I have a small dream - to become a doctor. I am also working hard to get close to this ordinary dream.

Maybe you will ask me: there are thousands of doctors in the world, not many more than you, not many less than you, so persistent? Why?

Because this is my dream, the dream, is to dream about things. Since you are so eager, why not try your best to complete it? I would like to be a flower in the endless snow. My dream gives me the power to fly. I can perform the dance music of life in the air. When the music ends, I will not leave any regrets when life melts.

In this winter, let's let our dreams fly, let's fight together in the future!

Youth Makes Dreams Fly 800 Words 3: Let Dreams Fly

Flowers in spring and fruits in autumn. How can you live without dreams?

When I was young, I opened my novel eyes and threw my dream of being a writer into the blue sky. As you grow up, you clench your fists secretly. Until graduation, you are still determined to fight for it!

There are many young friends who have all kinds of dreams when they are very young, such as being a writer, an actor, joining the army... dreams make you worship the stars, dreams make your blood boil, and today. But I don't know on which day - perhaps the day when your name was left behind by the news of the college entrance examination, or the day when you wandered in the lonely street after being laid off... You are becoming more and more frustrated with the world, and more and more pessimistic about yourself. You have asked yourself countless times whether your dream was wrong?

I don't know when, perhaps, I got everything easily by taking advantage of my parents' relationship; Maybe after singing a so-called pop song, you will get bundles of money; You see this society more and more complex, and you are more and more strange to yourself. You finally find that your dream has gone too far

Will it come back? Like the return of spring after winter, can it fly? Like the wings of a swallow returning from autumn to spring, your longing is like the dream of a parted lover to join hands again.

You begin to feel empty, bored and lonely, even desperate, depressed and helpless. See, this is a terrible time, young friend, don't easily lose your pure beauty and initial dream.

Let the dream fly, and cherish the beauty of youth and the yearning for healthy progress forever in your heart.

Let the dream fly, and keep a persistent pursuit and passionate desire in your heart forever. Horses gallop and people live their dreams. Adhere to the dream, let the dream fly, face the wind and rain, struggle to make the original dream come true!

Youth Makes Dreams Fly 800 Words 4: Boost Youth and Fly Dreams

The sea is wide and the fish leap? The sky is high enough for birds to fly. Everyone has a dream of his own. Dream is expectation? Is the dream strong? Is youth full of miracles? Dreams big and small in our hearts? In every corner of life is filled with fragrance. Let's set sail together? Across the vast ocean? To pursue each other's youth dreams? What is the most beautiful thing in the world? Is it bright sunshine? Is it a smart mountain? Or the waves blown by the breeze? I said? The most beautiful is our jumping youth? For us? Youth has accompanied us into the university campus? Are you active in this beautiful campus? Take your textbook? Carrying a schoolbag? Is the face of youth full of sunshine? The dream of youth is woven in our hearts.

The dream of youth is stone? Knock out the spark? Is it a lamp? Light the way ahead? Is it fire? Light the lamp of hope? Is it the way? Lead you to the dawn. But? What if we have ideals and don't take action? We will accomplish nothing? It's like ten thousand zeros are better than one. Is an ideal like a compass and lighthouse of a giant ship? Can guide the way forward? And action is the fountain of ideal power, the cradle of wisdom, the banner of ideal charge, and the sword of cutting thorns? Any ideal? Only when you have to work hard can it be meaningful. A philosopher said? "Have walked a lot in the dream? Wake up or in bed." It vividly tells us? One cannot live in a dream like ideal. "Be envious of fish in Linyuan? It's better to retreat and form a net"?

"The embraced wood was born at the end of nowhere, the nine story platform, the earth, and the journey of a thousand miles started with a single step?" These are the words of the ancients? Tell us not to dream? Do you want to start from every drop? Put the ideal into practice. of course? The way to realize the ideal is inevitably bumpy? We need determination? be confident? Have the spirit of fearlessness and perseverance? Face setbacks? Can't we be afraid? Stay away? Have the courage to overcome difficulties? Make unremitting efforts? Facing achievements? Can't be complacent? Don't want to make progress? Should we guard against arrogance and rashness? Taking this as the driving force to strive for greater success? Because? Is youth giving us passion and strength? Do we have any reason to slack off?

And waste it? Do we want to display the color of youth in the constant pursuit and struggle? Let youth fly? Is it the passion of youth? Inspiring our fighting spirit? Is it the fragrance of youth? Intoxicated with our hearts? Is it the struggle of youth? Achieve lofty ideals? Yesterday's ideal? Is today's hope? Today's ideal? Is it the reality of tomorrow? Flying our ideals? Believe you have the power to change? Flying our ideals? The direction of working together? Flying our ideals? Let the sea set off huge waves? Let our ideals really set sail in action? Is my speech over? Thank you.