Good people are around. Composition 600 (4 in general)
If you want to hold a rose, you must bear the pain
2023-09-04 00:20:24
junior middle school

Good people are around composition 600 (1)

Beauty is all around Composition 600 (1)

Beauty is all around. Compose 600 words

Beauty, for some people, is a kind of external beauty. They think that they are beautiful because they think they have the appearance of closing the moon and blushing flowers and sinking fish and falling geese. In fact, they are all wrong, and very wrong. Beauty is actually a kind of internal beauty, which can not be easily judged from its appearance. For example, the poet Li Shangyin said that "the silk of spring silkworms will not be exhausted until they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they turn into ashes and tears." Although the spring silkworms are not good-looking, they have a spirit of dedication. They are not afraid of sacrifice, and have always provided silk for human beings until they die. There is also a sentence written by Gong Zizhen, a poet of the Qing Dynasty, in "The Miscellaneous Poems of the 1911 Sea": "Falling red is not a cruel thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers." Although the flower has not been open for a long time, when it falls, it chooses to fall into the soil and become nutrition, making the flowers of the next year bloom more vigorously. Add a beautiful scenery to the fragrant and relaxing March and late spring in the coming year. This is beauty. In fact, beauty is all around us. Like those who returned money. Good hearted people who are happy to help others are not afraid of difficulties and dangers. The police who protect people's security

Today, what I want to say is a kind of job that people look down upon and admire a little - cleaner.

The cleaners clean there in the early morning every day. Sometimes I saw them cleaning the road at 6:00 in the morning, and there were countless garbage on the garbage truck. They also came back with a full load. I remember one time, I woke up at three or four in the morning and couldn't sleep well, so I stood in front of the window and looked out at everything. Suddenly, I saw several people walking around there. It was very quiet at that time. I thought there were thieves, but I didn't know they were cleaners until I saw them pushing garbage trucks. At that time, I thought that ordinary people should sleep in their "comfort house" at three or four o'clock, while they are working there. How admirable! Now the technology is more and more developed, the garbage is also increased, and the cleaners have to work harder than before. They clean our homes every day. It is spotless and makes people look relaxed and happy. It's refreshing.

Now, there are some people who dress themselves up to show off their beauty on the surface, but their hearts are not kind and are "polluted" by some strange things. Some people donated a lot of money to those disaster areas. In fact, they didn't really want to do charity, but they wanted to win people's hearts and make their future "road to wealth" easier. Those people are really sanctimonious. Beauty is all around. Compose 600 words

It is cool at the seaside in summer night, with the breeze blowing over the shoulders and the hair flowing across the cheeks. Looking up at the blue sky, I feel that this summer is so wonderful and comfortable. But she didn't want to enjoy the beautiful world. What she smelled when she stood at the seaside was only the bitterness of the sea wind. The relentless sea wind disturbed her hair and disturbed her mood. What she felt was a cold heart.

Her numerous failures made everyone, including her, look down on her. He felt that the world was too callous. She wanted to escape from her loss, but what followed was a kind of sadness and desolation.

When she was bored, she used her toes to draw a flower on the beach. Maybe she had never noticed the beauty of the sea. After all, she had suddenly grown up here since childhood. At this time, her father came: "Come, my child, I'll show you out. The scenery outside must be better than here." Her eyes flashed a little hesitation, but still nodded.

They took the bus for most of the day and returned to the same beach in the evening. Her father's hand covering her eyes slowly loosened, and she was shocked when she saw the romance clearly. It was dusk now. What a sight she saw! The setting sun gradually sank into the edge of the sea sky transition. At dusk, there was a bright red plump girl, dressed in pink gauze, with an intoxicating smile, walking towards her. The pure spirit in the sea breeze gives the impetuous and eager mind the most gentle comfort.

What kind of beauty is this? The beauty shines brightly and makes people cry. The girl slowly looked away and saw the flowers she had drawn with her toes. She asked her father beside her, "Is this the beach near our house?" The father nodded solemnly, He said earnestly: "It is not only the scenery like Suzhou Garden, which has been given by the state," Stars ", that can be regarded as beautiful scenery. This beach has this kind of scenery every evening. It is only because you grew up here since childhood that you let the habit cover up this pleasant scenery." When she heard this, she suddenly smiled: "Not only the scenery of the country is beautiful, but also the college entrance examination is not the only way in my life." The girl pulled herself together again.

We often say that there is no scenery where we are used to. However, the fact is that the place where we are used to has scenery as well, but we tend to have a numb and dull heart to the place where we are used to. Our numb and dull heart covers up the beautiful scenery around us.

When we always complain about our environment, can we get inspiration from this story: beauty is waiting for you to discover, beauty is around!

Beauty is all around. Compose 600 words

What is beauty? Is it Venus with broken arms? Is it the smiling Mona Lisa? Is it Swan Lake for dancing? Your ideas don't need to be so rigid. In retrospect, beauty is really around!

In the hot summer, there is no breeze in the air, and it seems to be baked by fire from a distance. People feel uncomfortable and breathless when walking on the street, like being trapped in quilts. The hot air throws on people's faces, making them drowsy. The leaves of trees seem to be drained of water, curled up one by one, and it seems that picking off one by hand can become dregs scattered on the ground, Treelike

The insect is so sleepy that it crawls so slowly. The asphalt road is soft, and the asphalt on it is more and more hot and sticky. There seems to be vague footprints when stepping down. The occasional birdsong seems to be a bit impatient and tired.

I hurried on the way to the cram school. When I passed the Red Flag Market, a strange figure was lying on the ground, wearing ragged and patched clothes. My legs were gone from my knees. The skin on my body seemed to be brushed with a layer of brown black paint, thick and dirty. My face was covered with a mixture of thick dust and sweat, and my head was low and silent, He didn't even dare to lift his head up. It seemed that he was afraid that everyone's needle like eyes would hurt him. His sweat had soaked his back. It was just a board with wheels that carried him. Some rags were tied to his hands, and he slowly crawled forward with difficulty. All the passers-by looked at the beggar with disgust (words are not correct, it is suggested to be changed to numbness) and turned a blind eye, No one wanted to stop and give him some money.

"Squeak", suddenly a luxury sports car stopped beside the beggar and jumped down from the car. A cute boy with white skin, chubby face, a childish childish face, Adidas brand shoes, a fashionable jeans shorts and fashionable short sleeved shirt, saw the cute little guy holding ten yuan, Some timidly walked up to the beggar, carefully put the ten yuan into the broken bowl in front of the beggar, turned and ran to the car, then saw a very beautiful aunt in a bright red dress in the car, showing half her body and slender arms, and carried the little boy into the car. The car lifted a slight dust and drove away. Looking at the mother and son, my heart trembled slightly. Isn't beauty really around? I muttered in my heart.

The beauty around us may be more touching, and its feelings are no less than the gorgeous performance and visual desire. Like the mother and son in this article, although they are expensive, they have a beautiful heart. They do not despise poverty, but use a beautiful and kind heart to receive him, help him, and care for him. Question: Isn't this the beauty that many people around us ignore?

Beauty is all around us. Dear friends who love life, please try to find it!

Beauty is all around. Compose 400 words

Beauty, when I hear the word, I think of some girls who dress up beautifully. However, beauty can be expressed in different ways, such as: beauty in appearance; Beauty of urban environment; The beauty of humanistic quality.

Beauty is around. With the development of the times, the fashion of dress gradually flashes in people's eyes. Some people do not hesitate to spend money to buy brand bags and clothes, but only to pursue the beauty of the moment. I think it's not worth doing this. With so much money, it's better to do something meaningful.

Beauty is around. As time goes by, the present environment is no longer as dirty, disorderly and poor as it used to be, but is replaced by beauty, quietness and uniformity. This is all thanks to those unknown and selfless cleaners who do not want to return. It is they who add green and beauty to our earth. In my opinion, there is no cleaner better than those who only laugh at cleaners. They don't know how proud they are when they see that they have improved the environment because of themselves!

Beauty is around. During the earthquake in Japan, I saw the beauty of their humanistic qualities. When many people were still immersed in the joy of Disneyland, suddenly, the earth shook and the mountains shook, the earthquake broke out, and people were frightened. But they soon calmed down and quickly evacuated to the outside of the park under the command of the staff. As a result, no one was injured or killed. I think that although there was a big earthquake in Japan, the spirit of the Japanese people is worth learning. When I think of the scene of the Chinese people escaping, I think it is very scary: they run like flies without heads everywhere, which will cause riots. Beauty is right beside us, waiting for us to find it.

Beauty is all around Composition 600 (2)

Beauty is all around Composition 600

Beauty is all around Composition 600 (1)

Beauty is all around us, which is revealed carelessly from people's actions. As long as you know how to find beauty with your heart, then beauty is everywhere.

In school life, there is a lot of beauty between students. I remember that in a PE class, the teacher asked me to run five laps. As it had rained the day before, there was still a lot of water on the ground. A classmate accidentally fell down while running, and the whole person fell on the ground, looking very funny. I think her mood must have been very contradictory at that time. Because of pain, she hoped that some students would help her up, but she did not want to be found by students, afraid of being laughed at by them. However, there was no sound of ridicule, and the next student would hold her up. The front student ran to ask if he hurt her. There was no preparation in advance, no elaborate rehearsal, but everyone's behavior was so consistent. I think the scene at that time must be the most beautiful picture on the playground.

Another time, in class, a classmate was sick and threw up unprepared. Some students could not help but cover their noses and look disgusted. The student also panicked and froze in his seat. At this time, several students in the class ran out of the classroom to get mops without the teacher's instructions, and spontaneously cleaned up the residue on the ground. The students who covered their noses also put down their hands. There is no personal color, no utilitarian things, and all these behaviors are just out of concern for the students, pure love between students. The achievements of those students may not be the best, or they may not be obedient top students in the eyes of teachers, but at that moment, their behavior is undoubtedly the most beautiful, noble! In my eyes, they are far better than some self interested so-called "top students" who are always self-centered. I think since they can help their classmates spontaneously, their hearts are also beautiful, pure and noble.

There are many beauties, but real beauty emanates from the heart. The nature of human beauty does not have any "pollution". People are beautiful because they are lovely, not because they are beautiful.

What is missing in life is not beauty but discovery. If you observe and experience it carefully, you will find that beauty is actually around us.

Beauty is all around Composition 600 (2)

>What is happiness? Happiness is a cold drink in the hot sun; A bonfire in the severe winter; It is an encouragement in failure, and my happiness is the love of my parents!

Remember in the second grade, in a cloudless day. I was about to go to school, but my mother stopped and said to me, "It's going to rain today, take an umbrella." I looked out and thought how it could rain in such a good weather today, so I ran away.

At the end of school, suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and the rainstorm poured down. I thought to myself: Alas, I really regret not listening to my mother. This time, I really became: I regret not listening to my mother!

Good people are around composition 600 (2)

As the saying goes, "filial piety comes first", but "dear me, why is filial piety difficult? My relatives hate me, and filial piety is good".

Mother has always been guided by the principle of filial piety and loving relatives.

When I was young, my mother was also young. Grandpa never gives his mother a good look. If the mother and father have an argument, the grandfather will resolutely stand by the father. He follows the principle of "men are superior to women", which makes the mother suffer a lot.

A few days ago, Grandpa was hospitalized due to illness. Taking care of the family, I often miss meals to take care of my grandpa in the hospital. The patient was difficult to serve, so the mother thought of a way to change her taste and cook for grandpa. In order to help Grandma share, she often stayed out at night and looked after Grandpa in the hospital all night.

At the dinner table, my mother asked my father, "My father is in hospital with myocardial infarction and can't get out of bed and walk. When will you go with me to have a look?". In order to ease the atmosphere, I at the table said, "Mom, can I go to see Grandpa?" My mother forced a smile and said, "It's OK."

During my grandpa's stay in the hospital, my uncle was also admitted to the hospital with a broken bone. My uncle was engaged in engineering, so he had to bump against me, but my aunt complained about him very much. Mother learned that, without saying a word, she went to visit her uncle with fruit. Since my home is close to the hospital, my mother prepares two meals every meal and travels between the hospital and home. Did the father find out because of conscience? Later, I visited my grandpa and cared about my mother's family more often.

Since Grandma died, Grandpa's spirit has been reduced a lot. He listened a lot when he spoke softly, and his attitude towards his mother also improved greatly. Maybe it was his mother's kindness and filial piety that changed him.

My mother takes care of everything in my hometown, but my father seldom cares. When grandpa is in trouble, it is his mother who asks for help; Second, his father is very like his grandfather when he was young, and he is not patient enough. It is not that the mother is hollow. The mother is busier than the father, but the mother always takes time out of her busy schedule to help grandpa solve problems. Every month, my mother always goes back to my hometown to bring some daily necessities to my grandpa or send my grandpa home. These little things are difficult for a careless father to remember.

Mother ignored past grievances and introspected herself with the old adage. She showed filial piety to her parents and parents in law. Grandma loved her very much when she was alive, because she not only endured hardships and stood hard work, but also worked steadfastly and always thought of others. Neighborhood relationship is like a fish in water, and blood is thick, which is not an exaggeration, because the mother never stings her own good.

Over time, it also moved my grandfather and father, and my grandfather began to consider everything for my mother, which was a world away from the past. These also make the mother's reputation surprisingly good. Wide connections and good popularity are all derived from the mother's own quality.

In addition to setting an example, my mother also taught me to respect my parents and teachers, and asked me to memorize the "Disciple Rules" in my heart: "Disciple Rules, sage instructions, filial piety..." My mother set an example for me by taking herself as the benchmark, which is thousands of times better than just telling me empty truth.

Her filial heart fully demonstrates the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and she uses her kindness to build a warm home harbor.

Although mother is very ordinary, her filial piety is extraordinary!

Good people are around composition 600 (3)

The weather is getting cold, and the withered and yellow leaves are always one after another. When you are cold and hungry, the sweet smell always rushes into your nose, which leads to the greedy insects in your body and becomes a warm feeling in the bleak season.

Explore along the fragrance, bypass several small streets, and come to a small and unknown shop. The shop doesn't even have a signboard, but there are a few words flying up and down on the small board: Lao Wang Fried Chestnuts.

Lao Wang, I should call him Uncle Wang. In fact, he is not very old, but he is fat and simple. Everyone smiles when he sees him. When he smiles, many wrinkles appear on his face, like wrinkles on clothes that have not been ironed. Because of wrinkles, children call him "Uncle Wang".

Uncle Wang lives downstairs at my house and works hard all day. Every day when I go down to school, I always see him peeling chestnuts. The stove is burning brightly. He has already got up! "Girl, go to school?" He looked up at me with a smile, and his face was red with the firelight. "Yes, Uncle Wang," I replied crisply. At this time, he would always be busy shoveling a shovel of fried chestnuts and pouring them into my hands, "You are so big, you are growing up, you can eat a lot of 'half pile, rice bin', and you can eat some of my chestnuts, which are fragrant and hungry!" I have always been full of food, but who can refuse such kindness?

Uncle Wang has good craftsmanship. It is always quick and good to peel chestnuts. After washing, put them into the pot and simmer them slowly. Then stir fry them. The chestnuts are soft and fragrant. I love watching Uncle Wang stir fry chestnuts: calloused hands roll over chestnuts in the pot, and small pearly chestnuts happily hit the pot wall, ding dong dong dong, which can be called "big pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate". Uncle Wang grabbed, pinched, twirled and lifted it with his hands, took out a clean piece of wood, and copied it. You will see that the surface of chestnuts is brown and black, with attractive luster. At this time, they are already sweet and full of flavor, making people want to drink. The buyer was busy urging, but he waved with a big hand: "Don't catch the hurry (hurry), the fire has not arrived, it is not enough!" At this time, he slowed down the speed, slowly picking and dialing. Uncle's business is good. There is always a long queue at the door. Customers can't wait, but Uncle has no distractions.

Uncle said, "My chestnuts win by frying, and I never wax or spray them with sugar water." It's strange that although the chestnuts waxed and sprayed with sugar water are beautiful and sweet, they don't have the faint fragrance of Uncle's sweetness; The chestnuts of other families are ready to be fried, which is very fast. But people always wait at Uncle's door slowly.

Uncle is also eager to learn. On several occasions, I saw him squinting and reading a book carefully, with a funny and persistent appearance. When I saw the Compendium of Materia Medica, the contents were obscure, while Uncle had primary school education and his dictionary was almost broken. He asked him, "We are going to add a secret recipe to chestnuts!"

Once when I went downstairs, I heard my uncle arguing with someone loudly, and his voice was still very harsh: "No, absolutely no! Even if you change my money, I won't accept such chestnuts, and I can't destroy my own brand! I can't ignore my conscience!" He blushed to the neck, and really saw my uncle so excited for the first time.

Uncle's business is getting better and better, but he is always willing to stick to this small door, hang a small board, slowly pinch and fry, so that more people can meet such warmth in the cold winter.

Buy Lao Wang's chestnuts, hold them in your arms, and feel warm.

Good people are around composition 600 (4)

My grandmother is an extremely ordinary old woman in the countryside, but she is also unusual.

Last summer, Grandma planted a bumper harvest of vegetables, especially legumes, so Grandma thought that she could not eat enough at home. The price of vegetables in the vegetable market was a little expensive, so she might as well sell them to others. Grandma set out energetically. On the country road, wild grass stretched out sharp branches. Grandma walked for forty minutes, leaving many scratches on her calves. Looking at the plump and sturdy pods on the high shelf, Grandma was very happy and did not hesitate to pick the best ones. It was not until the sun stood up against his head that he filled the basket. She quickly tied the hemp rope with her rough hands and set out.

The sun was scorching and scorching. Grandma was crying at the door of the food market. Soon, some old people came to see it. There are wormholes here, and some of them turn yellow. Such trivial problems have also been picked out. Grandma's eyebrows relaxed and her wrinkles were smoothed away, still showing a broad smile; Then make it cheaper. But those who are picky still refuse to suffer. I really feel aggrieved for my grandma. What does grandma sell vegetables for?

In the evening, a emaciated figure appeared at the head of the village, pushing a bicycle and carrying a bamboo basket, apparently a little weak. Grandma's face was covered with dust, sweat ran down deep wrinkles, and her mouth was almost dry and cracked without any red. Only the eyes are clear and bright, shining with happy, proud and satisfied light. He was happy to tell us that he sold beans for three and a half cents a day today, and then bowed his head and turned over his pockets to get them. But who knows, there is nothing to be found. At this time, Grandma stroked her slightly mixed hair and gave us a simple smile; Maybe I fell on the road.

I knew this was Grandma's hard-earned money, so I asked her if she needed it. However, Grandma smiled calmly and said, "Niu, no need. Don't finish your homework. Go to bed quickly. You can't get up tomorrow without breakfast. Don't you like to drink red jujube rice? Tomorrow Grandma will get up at five o'clock to make it for you. I will certainly come. Listen, my eyes are wet. Does Grandma care about the three yuan and fifty cents? No, Grandma doesn't care about the three yuan and fifty cents at all.

I have a good grandmother. Her hard work, kindness and selfless love for me enrich me and make my life full of hope!