I don't care (Collection of 11 articles)
have experienced all sorts of hardships
2024-02-27 03:57:42
Grade 6

I don't care (1)

Seriously, I don't care about you, never, really don't care!

I really don't care about you. I will only sneak into your desk to see if there is morning in the morning class. If I don't see it, I will just ask someone to take my breakfast to you. Although you refuse every time, it doesn't matter, because I really don't care about you. I really don't care about you. I will only listen carefully to the wonderful speeches of teachers and look at the blackboard with flying pen powder in class. Only when you move your body a little, I will look at it once or twice, because I really don't care about you. I really don't care about you. I will only watch you secretly during physical exercise for fear that you will get hurt. I will only go to argue with the teacher when you are tired and the teacher still asks you to run. I really don't do it for you, really don't. I will only run to ask you if you want to drink water after exercising. Although you are impatient to say no, it's nothing because I really don't care about you.

I really don't care about you. I will only secretly follow you to the station when self-study is over in the evening, and only see you get on the bus or go with friends. I really don't care about you. I just think of you when I look at the bright starry sky on the way home. When I get home, I just worry about whether you are home or not. When I got home, I always sent you a text message the first time to ask whether you were home or not. I didn't rest assured until you replied to the text message. Although there is no reply to the text message even if I send it now, it's OK, because I really don't care about you.

I really don't care about you. I will only stare at your photos in the dead of night. I won't think of your smile, your every action and the happy days for me from the photos. I really won't. Although you don't care about me anymore, it doesn't matter, because I really don't care about you.

Don't think I still care about you. I don't care about you anymore. I really don't care about you.

Looking at the vast blue sky and clouds, I thought of you that I didn't care about.

I don't care (2)

Another day when she didn't come, I still didn't complain

Just waiting for someone's life with hope is lonely and helpless

Wounded and unhappy, never speak out loud, just carefully buried in the bottom of my heart

I have to be patient and wait because this is my destiny

I am the other half born for her

All you need is to wait and create a real me

How beautiful the sky is Look at the flash of sadness

As if your eyebrows were locked and released

Maybe I should learn to let go

I don't care (3)

When I was young, my parents didn't ask me how much to get, but I always wanted to get the highest score.

During the Chinese exam, I thought to myself: I must do well this time. When the test paper was handed out, I was eager to find my own test paper. In the test paper pile, I saw the big and red 93. 5 Next to me is my name - the three words "Yao Xiyuan" written in pencil are not ideal, but others say I have the highest score. I am surprised.

Knowing that he has the highest score, he is ecstatic, and the wind is blowing at his feet. The praise in his ears has not dissipated for a long time, but will those who grow up in this praise degenerate?

I slowed down, like thinking about life events. Am I really happy now? I shook my head and sighed before. How can I know that I have the highest score and am so happy now? The same score, different mood, the previous depression is the true self, only dissatisfaction can let me see my own shortcomings.

Those praises sound like poisonous wine, which makes you weak and confused. I stopped and thought: scores are evidence of hard work, yes, but the criteria for judging talents are not only scores, but also ability. Thinking like this, I feel that the children who get up early and sleep late now are really miserable. Throw sleep and shed tears, make boat lights and oars at night, if only for exam, only for score. Even if I get the highest score, I don't want it! Scores are not everything, but without them you can never do anything. In school, there is also "racial discrimination" that is "high score" against "low score" discrimination. I think it is better to summarize the method than to brush the questions all day long. I don't care about scores. What I care about is ability and the interest of learning. The former is the coat, and the latter is the body. With the body, why not have a coat?

When will we stop competing for fame and profit? Getting up early and sleeping late is not freedom. Some "learning bully" are really bound by scores. I think it through and know that I don't really care about scores.

I don't care (4)

Time and time again, the monthly exam passed, and I always failed. Time and time again, the bright red score burned in my heart, making me fall into a sad state again and again.

I don't care about failure. I only care about the success of the next monthly exam. Once a famous person said, "Failure will not represent permanent failure, and success will not represent permanent success." Now I learn to remember this famous saying, and I will never give up when I encounter or fall into the realm of failure. I want to say to myself: "Don't give up. It's not too early now, all opportunities will come. All success will appear before your eyes.".

Failure, I don't care, I only care about hard work, once there was an ancient praise. Han Yu's: "Burn the cream oil, and follow the sundial, and you will never be in poverty." It is more desirable for scholars. Therefore, only with diligence, I am not afraid of failure. Only with diligence, I am not afraid of difficulties falling on me. Only with diligence, I am not afraid of mending the loopholes. It is not too late. I must counter my own loopholes, and will never let all kinds of difficulties emerge from the loopholes, I will not let it become the enemy of my study.

I don't care about failure. I only care about my spirit of never giving up. No matter how I fail, I always feel that I have succeeded. I try again and again, and I face the "enemy" in life and study again and again. I never give up. I said to myself, "Failure is the mother of success." No one will always succeed. I don't feel inferior.

"Failure, I don't care." It has become my famous saying. It gives me courage, so that I am not afraid of failure, not afraid of difficulties.

Failure, I don't care, I care about the efforts after failure! I believe that as long as we persevere, we will succeed.

I don't care (5)

Just your shadow often appears

Actually, I don't care about you

It's just that in my world, you are always involved unintentionally

Believe in the coming of this winter

And announced that I would be alone

When your name is mentioned unintentionally around me

Which deprives me of my attention

When you and my memories are accidentally lifted by the sea breeze

It's enough to make me happy. There's no reason

But that doesn't mean I care about you

Others say that I value you more than myself

But I still won't admit that I care about you!

I must like to play childish with you occasionally

But please believe that I really don't care about you

I don't care (6)

"Look at that man's teeth. It's strange how they protrude." " Ha ha... "I don't know how many times I have to listen to this every year. When people say that, my heart is always hurt by a long thorn. I wonder why I get discrimination from others. Although I am physically disabled, I am like a normal person except for this. But why are there so many people you treat me with unfriendly eyes? Why? Why?

My teeth protrude, which makes me feel inferior, but I am helpless, because it is not my fault, and my mother does not want to do so. Maybe God wants to test me, and specifically let me do this. My parents care about me very much. They spent a lot of energy and money to cure my protruding teeth. They traveled almost half of China and looked for doctors everywhere, but it didn't help. Repeated disappointments made me completely lose the idea of curing my teeth. I had to face such defects and survive in a better manner.

My disability, in the past period of time, made me dare not face myself. In addition, outsiders treated me differently, which cast a deep shadow on my heart. In those days, going out and looking at myself in the mirror became my worst aversion.

Others look at them differently. I totally ignore them as floating clouds, because with the strong support of my father and mother, they are my safe haven. Whenever they receive discrimination from others, they always walk in front, block the cold eyes from the outside, give me warmth with their broad shoulders, and drive away ridicule. They know that books are a good medicine to cure the human mind. They went to the library and found some disabled and inspirational books for me to read. They found some books like Edison and Beethoven for me to watch. I read this kind of books and got edification and inspiration from these great people in the world, which made me understand that life is good and don't give up the good life that should be pursued because of my own shortcomings. I also found that there are many people in the world who are more miserable and difficult than I am. They face separation in life and death. Some people have no food to eat and cannot wear warm clothes, but they are suffering from extraordinary hardships. Look at my little loss, I am much happier than them. Since then, I have a belief in my heart: no matter how others laugh at me or treat me, I will regard their laughter and laughter as the sweat of my efforts. I will not cry over these unnecessary words. They despise me. I will take up perseverance to arm myself and not be easily despised by them, Because I have the firm belief and strong heart of people like Helen Keller.

In order to let my parents see my optimistic, cheerful, positive, and not let them see my sadness and depression, I have been working hard to adapt to myself. Every day, I am always the first to go to the classroom, pick up an English book, and recite one English word after another. How difficult it is for me to learn English again, I work hard to learn it. God treats a person fairly. He makes me handicapped and gives me excellent grades. Since I was in primary school, I have always hated the first place. Teachers and students did not look at me strangely, but loved me more. As a top student in mathematics, I was very interested in some math problems, so I was selected by the school to participate in the Huatuo Cup competition. I did not disappoint the school's expectations for me, and I always returned to the school with a prize to make your school brilliant. It is just because of so many advantages that I play with my classmates like a normal person. You help me and I help you, creating a harmonious and warm atmosphere. Whenever my parents see me playing happily with my classmates on the grass, they always leave tears of pride, because they are proud of having a son like me, which is excited tears.

Now, I think I am a very promising person. Instead, I see some people who are wandering and muddling along. Their bodies are just normal, but their minds are very disabled. It is such people who should be despised. But why do some people with bad intentions turn their eyes on me? I think it is very unfair for people with physical defects, We should put aside our differences and treat everyone equally.

Finally, I would like to appeal to every people, and we should join the ranks of help, to help those who need help, care for those who need care, let humanity shine, shine on every people, let every people feel the warm winter sun. Those with physical defects must know how to stand up firmly, not be overwhelmed by the eyes of outsiders, and use their firm hearts to support a blue sky and fly to the colorful rainbow.

I don't care (7)

Another day when she didn't come, I still didn't complain

Just waiting for someone's life with hope is lonely and helpless

Wounded and unhappy, never speak out loud, just carefully buried in the bottom of my heart

I have to be patient and wait because this is my destiny

I am the other half born for her

All you need is to wait and create a real me

How beautiful the sky is Look at the flash of sadness

As if your eyebrows were locked and released

Maybe I should learn to let go

I don't care (8)

I looked up, and then tears ran back into my eyes. I told myself that I didn't care, I didn't care at all. But what is this? Heartbreak.


Yun carries her trademark big black canvas bag with a high ponytail, and then the ponytail jumps on her head with her steps, like a naughty elf, with incomparable joy and enthusiasm. A red and white plaid shirt, with sleeves rolled up to the forearm, is smart. The straight black trousers, her head tilted, her black and bright eyes looked at me, her lips raised a wanton radian, highlighting her unique youth.

Cloud is a quiet name, but also a delicate name. But Yun's parents expected Yun's delicacy, but they didn't think that Yun was born a rebellious and crazy girl. She yearns for the military life so much. When it comes to soldiers, the twinkling light in her eyes blinds me.

Cloud is a trouser party. Her slogan is "Love pants more than love Bingbing". By the way, I forgot to mention that she is a loyal fan of Fan Bingbing. He often said that if he could not be a soldier in the future, he would be a star as red as ice. However, compared with trousers, what kind of ice would disappear in her mind. I once visited her wardrobe, and her only skirt was school uniform. I showed my helpless admiration for this many times, and then she would rush up with a wild smile and say, "Yiah, believe me, although you are not as important as pants, you are more important than ice." I don't know whether to express my pleasure or sadness.

Yun always likes to be blue. She puts her hands in her trouser pockets, leans against the wall, looks up at the sky 45 degrees, and then says, "Yi, 45 degrees of melancholy is my attitude towards life." At this time, I always feel a little distressed. Yun's family is a reorganized family, and he also has a half brother. Even if her mother is kind to her, the woman who has a son will always ignore the older daughter, while Yun's stepfather is not kind to Yun at all. I still remember that when the man mentioned cloud, his face was undisguised indifference and disgust, which hurt people so much.

The day when the clouds left, the sky was so blue and the weather was so clear, which was breathtaking. When Yun was crossing the road, a speeding car failed to brake, and the quietly blooming flowers were mercilessly killed. Even if unwilling, what? Everything is a foregone conclusion. I went to Cloud's funeral in white. Looking at that beautiful flower like smile, it is so eye-catching, but it is thrilling black and white, and blood color spreads after black and white.

Yun's mother gave her diary to me, opened the title page, and saw the beautiful font. On the last page, she wrote "Ten years later, I will go to see the sea with Yi". Finally, the always dry eyes have tears.

After the funeral, normal life resumed. I still laugh and scold every day, but without her, no one can be like her anymore. I burned my diary because she was no longer in the world.


I don't care, whether you have left me or not, whether you still remember me or not. Because I know that you are always there, no matter how far I go, you are always there. Those naked sadness, wrapped in the soul, engraved in the years; Those faraway times remind me that you have gone away with pain and sobriety; Those vines that grow from the depths of hell have bound me tightly. So I don't care whether you can hear, see or feel. Because my friendship with you has gone beyond life and death, beyond time. You never leave me, you always live in my heart.

Cloud, I will take your friendship and feelings to see the sea with you. Ten years later, we agreed.


I don't care (9)

In the sky, white clouds are fluttering and the breeze is blowing. I lie on the grass and want to forget you, but I find it impossible.

Gradually, I fell into memory. When I recalled the moment when you and I just met, I just entered XX Primary School at that time and didn't know anything about everything around me. After the teacher arranged the seat, you smiled and looked back at me and asked me what my name was. I didn't answer, but just showed you the book. You were so angry at that time. Maybe you were blaming me for my arrogance.

In a twinkling of an eye, several months have passed, and more than a month before the summer vacation is coming, you have become the person I care about. I think it's incredible that you like SpongeBob SquarePants, and you have become the person I care about even if you are too naive. I never gave birth to you. I remember that day, you broke my milk, and all the books in the bag were soaked. But I couldn't get angry. Seeing your pathetic appearance, I couldn't bear to be angry with you.

Time is fast. I don't want to live. In a flash, we all entered middle school. I don't know if we are lucky. We compete and study in one school. Maybe I didn't notice you, but you childishly thought that I deliberately ignored you. I just wanted to say that you were wrong, and I will always care about you. On my birthday, I cherish the gift you gave me. I always treasure it, because I know it's just yours. My heart, I want to treasure it in my heart, because I care about you!

On the second day of the junior year, I said on your birthday: "We will not be friends again!" Maybe it is inferiority complex, or I feel unworthy. I am unworthy of being your partner, unworthy of being your friend! Call your name for the last time, face you for the last time, and never be friends again!

Lying on the grass, smelling the fragrance of the soil, the warm wind blowing, we met on that day, the warm wind blowing, we parted on that day, but you must remember that you will always be my good friend, and always be my best friend!

Fang Cong, Junior 2, Wuwei Normal School, Wuwei County, Chaohu, Anhui

I don't care (10)

Seriously, I don't care about you, never, really don't care!

I really don't care about you. I will only sneak into your desk to see if there is morning in the morning class. If I don't see it, I will just ask someone to take my breakfast to you. Although you refuse every time, it doesn't matter, because I really don't care about you. I really don't care about you. I will only listen carefully to the wonderful speeches of teachers and look at the blackboard with flying pen powder in class. Only when you move your body a little, I will look at it once or twice, because I really don't care about you. I really don't care about you. I will only watch you secretly during physical exercise for fear that you will get hurt. I will only go to argue with the teacher when you are tired and the teacher still asks you to run. I really don't do it for you, really don't. I will only run to ask you if you want to drink water after exercising. Although you are impatient to say no, it's nothing because I really don't care about you.

I really don't care about you. I will only secretly follow you to the station when self-study is over in the evening, and only see you get on the bus or go with friends. I really don't care about you. I just think of you when I look at the bright starry sky on the way home. When I get home, I just worry about whether you are home or not. When I got home, I always sent you a text message the first time to ask whether you were home or not. I didn't rest assured until you replied to the text message. Although there is no reply to the text message even if I send it now, it's OK, because I really don't care about you.

I really don't care about you. I will only stare at your photos in the dead of night. I won't think of your smile, your every action and the happy days for me from the photos. I really won't. Although you don't care about me anymore, it doesn't matter, because I really don't care about you.

Don't think I still care about you. I don't care about you anymore. I really don't care about you.

Looking at the vast blue sky and clouds, I thought of you that I didn't care about.

I don't care (11)

When we went out of the shop, someone set up a stall on the street: "Two coats for 30 yuan, the bottom coat is on sale..." My father quickly pulled me closer, as if afraid of missing something. Standing in front of such a place is the last thing I want to ask my classmates to see how shameless they are. "30 for two? Hmm... this is not bad. 30 is a little expensive. Last time I bought it there, I had to pay 20 yuan for two." He selected two and said to the salesperson, "25 is OK, 25 is OK..."

In the morning, when I crawled out of the bed and saw that there was no breakfast, I shouted, "Dad, what's wrong? The breakfast is not ready yet?" My father came out of the bedroom, bleary eyed, with a circle of black circles on his eyes. It seems that he stayed up late again last night.

"Good, good, I'll cook it right away." Then he hurried into the kitchen. Fifteen minutes later, when I finished dressing and washing, I shouted again: "Not yet? How slow!" "Just fine, just fine..." We closed the door and walked downstairs. A mouthwatering smell of vegetables came from the door leaf

"Dad, I ran out of pocket money again." I put down my schoolbag and said to my father. "Didn't I just give it to you last week? It's over so soon?" Father looked surprised. "It's over when it's over. It's only a few tens of dollars. It's just your public capital for a day." I said lightly. "Son, it's not easy to get this money, so I have to save it." He took out the money to me. "I know, I know!" I took the money reluctantly.

I got up in the middle of the night to pee. When I saw the light in my father's room was still on, I went into his room and said, "Dad, why don't you sleep?" "I haven't finished my homework yet." He held the reading glasses and said with his back to me. "Go to bed quickly, and don't be late tomorrow." I went back to my bedroom, but I can't remember which night it was

Recall: I complained that my father didn't love me as much as the father of other children. Now I write back, what I didn't find in those rebellious days was fatherly love, and what I didn't care about most was fatherly love. I know my family's feelings later, and I want to ask God to give me a chance to start again