Emotional Composition (Selected 20)
only this and nothing more
2024-05-30 08:12:56

Emotional Composition (1)

Maternal love is selfless, which contains countless mothers' love for their children. Mother raised us, and she hoped that we could grow up healthily and happily. He is always careful when taking care of us. He is always afraid that a little mistake will cause us harm. How pure maternal love is!

I remember when I was in the second grade, I got up once in the morning without a cloud. Looking at the sunny weather, I felt very cheerful. After having breakfast, I went to school. On the way, I looked at the sunny sky while walking, and I had an indescribable psychology. Halfway along the road, dark clouds and atmosphere suddenly appeared, as if the crowd from all directions rushed to the market, and soon it began to rain heavily. It was nothing at first, but later I was frozen to gnash my teeth. Because it is very hot in summer, I only wore a vest. In the face of sudden heavy rain, I was unprepared, so I could not resist. Just then, I heard someone calling me behind me. I turned around, oh no one. So I still walked forward, and my mother's voice came back again. I saw that it was really my mother. He came to me with an umbrella and melon seeds. Come to me and ask me: "Is it cold? I say it is not cold, my face is red with cold, or is it cold? Put this on quickly." Then take off your coat and put it on for me. I said you are not cold? She said, "I'm not cold." So she handed me the umbrella and walked back. Looking at my mother's back, my eyes moistened. When my mother's back disappeared, my tears flowed down like broken beads.

In my mind, this coat is not an ordinary coat. It contains a mother's love for her children. Ah, my great mother, I love you forever!

Emotional Composition (2)

After this lesson, my biggest feeling is that mother is great, and we need mother at all times: when we were young, we need mother's care; When we grow up, we need a good education from our mothers This is inseparable from my mother!

One day, I found my mother's hands were red with cold when washing clothes, and her mouth was blowing at her hands from time to time, but she didn't say "cold". I was very distressed. I wanted to help my mother, but she stopped me: "Go and study hard, don't always mind me, go!" I had to leave

Later, I washed my mother's feet once, and her eyes filled with tears. Because in her heart, I will always be an ignorant child. It's really rare that I should wash her feet today!

In the future, I must help my mother with housework and be a good filial child!

"Oh, don't worry, kid, take your time..." This is what Teacher Chen often says when we have open classes.

I know that although it is a public class, the teacher will say better, but Mr. Chen thought of the students. They mispronounced the words, which not only sounded good, but also relaxed the students, as if this was not a public class.

This is my evaluation of this open class!

Emotional Composition (3)

What is maternal love? It is an umbrella in rainy days, a glass of water when thirsty, and a careful teaching when encountering problems. In short, maternal love is everywhere. One thing in my mind is related to my mother's love, which is still in the fog and stays in my mind for a long time.

I still remember that when I was in the third grade, school was over, and I just wanted to go home, but it was July in summer. The sky changed like a child's face. Just now, it was sunny and cloudless, but now it was covered with a layer of shadow. Suddenly, a flash of lightning cut through the sky, thunder broke, one by one, and then the rain poured down. I was worried and thought: Dad was on a business trip, Grandma lived far away, and Mom was sick in bed. Who can send me an umbrella? I saw that the students were taken away one by one. My heart was like adding fuel to the fire, and I was very anxious. I sat depressed on the seat, with only my desk in front of me. I was lying on the windowsill, how I hoped that the familiar figure would appear at the corner! But fortune will never fly over me. The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, and my hope of being picked up by my mother is getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the rain curtain, limping in to the school gate. I shouted excitedly: "Mom is coming." I put my schoolbag on my back, rushed out of the classroom, and threw myself into my mother's arms. My mother stroked my face with her icy hands, but I felt warm all over.

I looked up and down at my mother: she was wet all over, her smiling face was not a little red, and her eyes were full of red blood. Mom, you work hard for me day and night. I wonder how many wrinkles have been added to your forehead and how much silver has been added to your hair!

On the way home, my mother kept pushing the umbrella towards me, but she herself had more than half of her body exposed. I pushed the umbrella over and said, "Mom, you'd better cover it!" My mother smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, Mom, as long as you don't get wet." After hearing this, my tears burst into my eyes, and I didn't know whether it was tears or rain.

This time I experienced the greatness of maternal love, which is the greatest love in the world!

Emotional Composition (4)

In the evening, I went home after the Olympic math class. My hands were frozen. I rubbed my hands and said to my mother, "Mom, my hands are a little icy." My mother quickly picked up my hands, rubbed them and said, "Wait a minute, I'll get you a pot of hot water." I looked at my mother's back and waited.

After a while, my mother carried a blue basin filled with hot water. My mother put the basin on the chair, and I put my hands on her hands. She skillfully poured some water on my hands, and I felt warm immediately.

After warming my hands, my mother said, "Go dry your hands!" I nodded, ran into the bathroom, picked up a handkerchief and wiped the palms and backs of my hands.

When I went to bed, my mother always asked me, "Do you want a hot water bag?" I just nodded again. After washing, I asked my mother who was boiling water in the kitchen: "Where is the hot water bag?" Only heard her mother's voice from the kitchen: "In bed! Go to bed!"

I said "Hmm", walked into the bedroom, got into the bed, and a warm current suddenly flowed into my body. I closed my eyes comfortably.

Mother went to bed at midnight. I vaguely saw my mother touch my back, and I felt her warmth in the dim sleep

Mom, you have worked hard!

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. How can I repay my loving mother?

Emotional Composition (5)

Maternal love is water, which moistens my heart; Mother is the wind, blowing away my inner troubles; Mother's love is a lamp, illuminating my future... Mother's love always accompanies my growth!

In the summer vacation, my mother and I went hiking. After climbing for a while, I was tired and thirsty. So my mother and I stopped. There was a small fruit vendor just beside us, shouting loudly to attract tourists to buy. My mother saw that I was sweating and panting, and knew that I must be thirsty, so she asked the vendor, "How can I sell apples. Finally, my mother looked at me and bought an expensive apple. I wanted to share it with my mother, but my mother licked her lips and said, "I don't like apples, son, you eat them." In fact, I know that her favorite fruit is apples. At that moment, I deeply realized that my mother's love was like a big umbrella, and she helped me block out any hardships.

After the senior year, my mother found that she could not help me with my homework gradually. In order to cultivate the future "Little Zhuge Liang", she spent all her efforts to find the best online class for me - Homework Help Live Class. But the courses of Homework Group are expensive. If I think of several courses, it will be five or six thousand yuan a year. When I graduate from primary school, it will be eighteen thousand yuan. After I go to high school, how much will it cost? But for my study, she firmly picked up the phone, thinking that her son must be excellent in the future; When she opened the homework help, she seemed to see her son become a model for the class; Open the registration link and input the payment password. She seemed to see her son getting back many awards, and couldn't help smiling happily

In this way, I thrive under the care of my mother every day. This maternal love is like a tree, like an umbrella, like the warm sun in winter, like the cool rain in summer. It warms my heartstrings and contains my faults.

Emotional Composition (6)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Whenever I think of this familiar nursery rhyme, I will be filled with emotion.

Mom, every time when I fall asleep, you quietly come to my bed to help me cover the kicked quilt; When I don't want to get up, I have already got up early to prepare for me; Send me a plate of fresh fruit, a cup of hot milk and a caring greeting when I am nervous about learning? When I was sick, I stayed by my bed nervously and took good care of me.

I still remember that night. It was a summer night. My mother and I were getting ready to sleep. Suddenly, the lights in the house went out. It was power failure, but I didn't think so. I still slept. However, when I lay down for a while, I was already very hot. I wanted to turn on the air conditioner, no power, and I wanted to turn on the electric fan. There was no power. There was only a hand fan at home, but I was too lazy to move it, Let's sleep like this.

When I was tossing and turning, and couldn't sleep, a sense of coolness drove away the summer heat, and brought bursts of cool autumn wind, as if I was in the beautiful landscape, and the cool spring water directly hit my face, which was so cool. I soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already midnight, but I could still feel the cool wind. When I opened my eyes, it was my mother who insisted on fanning for me, regardless of the sweat that soaked your hair. A warm current came into my heart.

Mother! Mother! Maybe the bird can't repay the blue sky for its love; Maybe a grass in the world can't repay the kindness of Chunhui; I can't repay my mother's selfless love with all the children in the world. But, dear mother, I just want to say aloud to you: "Mom, I love you forever!"

Emotional Composition (7)

Mountain, no mother's love; The sea has no mother's love; Blue sky, no mother's love is broad; The earth is not tolerant of mother's love. Oh, my dear mother, my joy is engraved in your wrinkles, and my troubles are hidden in your white hair

One afternoon, the wind was cold and cold. Holding my umbrella, I stood alone on the bus platform and waited for the bus. The noise and cold weather made me restless. When the bus came, everyone rushed forward, and I frowned. At this time, someone patted me on the shoulder, and I suddenly turned around. It was my mother. "Mom, it's so cold. You come to pick me up by motorcycle. How cold it is." Before I could finish my words, my mother replied, "It doesn't matter if I'm cold, don't let you get cold. Come on, get on the bus quickly." The motorcycle started. My mother held the motorcycle with one hand and kept covering my raincoat with the other hand. The small raincoat covered me, and the wind and rain hit my mother's thin body mercilessly. The cold wind was piercing my bones, and my mother kept shivering. Two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, finally got home, my mother helped me get out of the car. Concerned, he asked me: "Is it cold? Is it frozen?" "No" I said, raising my head to look at my exhausted mother: messy hair, red hands, wet clothes, kind eyes, forced smile to me... I just felt something rolling in my eyes, and finally fell silent

Even if he is a master of painting, it is difficult to outline his mother's thin and straight voice; Even if it is a literary authority, it is difficult to depict the broad love of mother. Ah, my mother, I love you!

Emotional Composition (8)

When spring came, Sister Liu carefully combed her beautiful long hair, and Sister Peach Blossom also dressed herself up beautifully.

Suddenly, the naughty brother Feng ran over and blew Baby Yan off the eaves of Xiaofang's house. It sobbed while waiting for Mom and Dad to come back. The little swallow's cry attracted Big Cat and Xiao Fang. Xiaofang found it and ran to pick up the swallow. Unexpectedly, the big cat was a step faster than Xiaofang. The big cat stared at the weak and helpless swallow. I thought to myself: I haven't eaten for several days, and even the heaven pitied me. A little swallow fell from the sky. The little swallow began to tremble and said, "Brother, please forgive me. If I'm still young, you should be merciful! The big cat has been hungry for several days."

After a while, Xiaofang picked up the branches on the ground and severely whipped the big cat. The big cat didn't want to let the big meal go and seize the opportunity to eat the little swallow, but Xiaofang didn't leave. Sitting beside the little swallow, she whipped it, so she had to leave dejectedly, looking back at the little swallow from time to time when she left. Finally, the big cat left. Xiao Fang picked up the little swallow and asked her father to send the little swallow to the nest. Yan's mother went home and listened to the little swallow's story. She flew around Xiao Fang for several times and cried, as if to say, "Thank you!"

Seeing this, I know that the little swallow has feelings and knows how to be grateful! I suddenly remembered a famous saying: under the blue sky, people and birds share the same home!

Emotional Composition (9)

Deep friendship composition

In your daily study, work or life, you must have been exposed to composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is Xiaobian's composition on friendship. I hope it can help you.

Friendship is a lamp in the dark, which leads me to the right direction; Friendship is a locked diary, you can tell her your heart; Friendship is a warm water bag that warms your heart when you are depressed.

On a sunny morning, I picked up my schoolbag to go to school. Just entering the classroom, a classmate inexplicably wanted to break off with me. I was very sad: why did she break up with me? Did I do something wrong? At this time, my good friend came in, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, our Ruixi will help you find out who is playing the devil! Let's buy her back, or you will lose a good friend. I will pay for you! " I never hesitated to say, "No, it's not worth your while to spend money like her. What should we do if we use money to tempt her? Don't we have to use money to buy her back?" Fang Ruixi thought and said, "OK, but I'm afraid you will be sad!" "Needless to say, I've decided!" Thanks to Fang Ruixi this time, I just found out a greedy person from the circle of close friends.

On a sunny afternoon, when we were in PE class and moving freely, I accidentally knocked over a glass bought by Wang Yaotianxin. He swore for a few minutes and said all dirty words. I couldn't stand it. I lost my temper and shouted at him. He said he would sue the teacher. This time, I felt that I was going to die. At this time, Fang Ruixi came over, and she quietly said to me: "It's OK, I'll hold it for you!" She shouted at Wang Yaotian, "I asked her to do this, why?" Wang Yaotian was so angry, and ran to tell the teacher. The teacher punished Fang Ruixi to sweep the land for three weeks alone, which made me very sad. I was supposed to be the one who was punished, but in order to help me resist, he was punished by the teacher for such a long time!

It is friendship that frees me from difficulties; It is friendship that makes me happy; It is friendship that accompanies me through my childhood. Ah, friendship, how great you are!

Emotional Composition (10)

I didn't understand my mother's words before: "My child, I will criticize you only when I love you. I will wake you up early in the morning and at midnight to do homework for extracurricular classes." Until something happened, I didn't understand my mother's hard work.

"Duoduo, why haven't you written your math homework for the extracurricular class?" A loud roar broke the quiet morning. I woke up from my sweet dream and looked at the watch beside the pillow. It was only six o'clock! A hundred of me reluctantly sat up from bed. Since I went to XRS, my mother's cry has become the bell to wake me up. I am helpless and helpless.

"Why don't you come here? Why are you dawdling?" Another roar came to my ears, interrupting my thoughts. I immediately braced myself up and ran to the study at a speed of 100 meters. My mother put her hands on her hips. As soon as I appeared at the door, she stamped her feet and kicked her eyes. Her eyes looked like a copper bell. I quickly walked to my desk, picked up my pen and began to write quickly. The study was very quiet, so quiet that even a needle could be heard dropping. Only the "rustling" sound of the pen tip touching the paper was heard in the room. After doing homework for a while, it feels like a century has passed. I looked up to see the alarm clock on the wall, but before I could see the position of the hands on the clock clearly, I heard my mother's voice ringing again in the room. Mother angrily yelled at me: "What are you doing looking around? Is there an answer on the wall? Cheer up, don't be listless, like not eating for ten days..." Mother began her routine chattering again.

"Duoduo, I will criticize you only when I love you. Go to bed quickly and have classes later!" I thought to myself, what kind of love is this? You don't love me at all! That's so annoying! But at the same time, I didn't dare to show a trace of dissatisfaction, and only nodded to agree with my mother's point of view. Otherwise, my mother would start to lecture me with another set of long speeches, such as "I'm doing it for you", "You don't want a dog to bite Lv Dongbin, you don't know the good people...", "People's IQ is the same, but the degree of effort varies greatly, and no progress can be made without effort", "Why did Keynes achieve so much? Because he worked hard! Young Keynes..." These words made my ears cocoon.

After the second math exam was handed out, I scored 100 points for the first time. The moment I got the paper, happiness and pride filled my heart. Once school was over, I skipped home with a smile on my face that I could not hide, like a happy butterfly. As soon as I opened the door, I couldn't wait to announce loudly: "Mom, I scored 100 points in the math exam this time. Oh, yeah!" Mom ran out to meet me, with a smile on her face, and said in surprise: "Really? You're great!" After saying that, Mom hugged me tightly. When praise rained on me, I was both ashamed and proud. I feel that my mother is really happy and proud of me from the bottom of her heart!

That night, I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to go to the toilet. When I opened the door of the room, I found that the door of the study was open and the light was on, and my mother was concentrating on her work. I crept into the room like a kitten, hoping to take a peek at what my mother was doing late at night. But she was holding my homework that I had done before going to bed and carefully correcting it. She heard her saying to herself, "Duoduo did well in this exam, and his homework has been done well recently. My efforts and efforts were not in vain!" Then she smiled. My eyes suddenly became wet, and I ran back to my room and lay on the bed crying. For the first time, I know how hard it is for my mother! She not only has to prepare lessons, attend classes, but also have meetings. She often has to correct the homework of her older brothers and sisters. She is already very tired at work. I usually do all kinds of delicious food for me, do all kinds of housework, and help me to correct my homework! Mom is really hard! With this in mind, I secretly made up my mind: I must take care of myself, do my homework carefully, try my best to do what I should do, and don't let my mother break her heart in order to worry.

At six o'clock the next morning, before I heard my mother's cry, I woke up under the action of my own biological clock, jumped out of bed immediately, quickly packed up my things, picked up my homework book and wrote seriously. I saw my mother walked into the room gently and walked towards me, smiling like the Virgin Mary, so kind and gentle. My mother touched my head and asked softly, "When did you get up? You should get enough sleep. Go to sleep a little more."

Since then, my mother seldom urges me to do my homework. What a sea of maternal love!

Emotional Composition (11)

Have you ever had an acid nose? I have.

Once, I saw one of my classmates bought a 48 color watercolor pen, which was very beautiful and good-looking. I also liked it very much. I asked her carefully: "How much is your new 48 color watercolor pen?" She replied proudly: "About 40 yuan." I looked at her new watercolor pen enviously. I thought, "Why is this watercolor pen so expensive?"

In the afternoon after school, I told my father the whole story of this matter, but my father unexpectedly agreed to buy it for me. At this time, we have arrived at the Chenguang Stationery Store. When I got to the store, I found a 48 color watercolor pen and asked the boss, "How much is this 48 color watercolor pen?" The boss said, "Forty yuan."

"Why is this watercolor pen so expensive?"

"First, 48 colors; second, the watercolor pen is morning light; third, it is also the best."

I timidly asked my father: "Can I buy this watercolor pen? I can take another red and black neutral pen for forty-two yuan." I whispered beside him.

My father hesitated, but said, "Well, listen to you, buy." At this time, my nose was sore.

After returning home, I hid in the room and cried secretly.

Since my father bought me a 48 color watercolor pen, I also know that it is not easy to earn money. I also understand my father's deep love and deep feelings for me.

Emotional Composition (12)

People often say that a loving mother and a strict father, but in our family, my father is a true "loving father".

If you don't believe me, listen to me. Whenever I was greedy, my father would sneak me a piece of sweet chocolate behind my mother's back, and said, "Hide and eat quickly. Don't let your mother see it. If you see it, don't say I gave it to you." Whenever I did something wrong and was criticized by my mother, he would try his best to tell me some jokes to make me happy. When I was ill, his anxious and loving eyes gave me strength and made me forget the pain often.

I remember once, my father and I went shopping in the supermarket. Dad first selected some daily necessities for himself, and then selected some children's articles for me. I found that what my father bought for himself were cheap things, while what he bought for me were carefully selected brand-name products. At the same time, I am wilfully choosing the snacks I like.

After returning home, my mother was very angry because she bought too many snacks: "Wang Junfan, do you want to buy so many snacks as food or to have cavities?" She grabbed my snacks. "Do you know that eating too much junk food is harmful to your health!". Mother roared.

"What's the matter? Don't I just want to add some energy when I'm hungry? And my father also agreed to buy it." I know that my father supports me, so I have the courage to take back my precious snacks and hold them in my arms.

"Nothing, nothing, I asked him to eat less every day, it's OK." Dad quickly stood beside me to help me out. "Buy more, and you can eat longer. You don't have to go shopping every other day."

"How can you be a father like a child? If you go on like this, how can you get it?" Her mother was very angry.

Outside, they were still arguing endlessly, while I had already hidden in my room and chewed the roasted chicken wings I just bought with relish.

In the evening, I lay in bed, thinking carefully, my mother is also good for me, and my father loves me very much. Although their expressions are different, they are full of love for me!

Emotional Composition (13)

I once read such a composition, "It's good to have a family". Yes, because there are both people who love you and people you love at home, our life is so happy.

Since entering junior high school, I have been overwhelmed by the intense study and deadly homework. Others always have "strict father and loving mother" in their homes, but my home is just the opposite. Here we are "strict mother and loving father".

In order to improve my academic performance, my mother only allowed me to watch TV on Saturday night (even if I ate the TV). The rest of the time is no good. I don't want her expectations, because I understand her feelings of looking forward to women becoming phoenix, so I am condescending to grasp every minute of life, and don't let it go in vain. However, when God and I oppose each other, things just go against our wishes. How can my mother forgive me, a "criminal", for my failed exam results? Therefore, my life is like a bird in a cage, unable to fly freely in the cloudless sky.

That time, I mustered the courage to talk about my personal freedom with my mother, but she said angrily: "I interfere with your personal freedom? Oil!" She left angrily. And me? I can only laugh and cry. Oil? How can oil be compared with personal freedom? And Dad? Facing the same thing, his performance is totally different from that of his mother. His question cheered me on and said that he would spare me this time and try to do well in the exam next time. He also said that if he passed the exam, his mother would look at me with new eyes. I firmly believe that my father is right. One day, I must proudly say to my mother with excellent results: "When you look at me with new eyes, it's too late for my mother to see things?" I want to let her know that I can still do what others can do.

Here I want to say, Mom, you can give me a free life at any time, even in one day!

Alas, who knows my heart!

Emotional Composition (14)

As the saying goes: strict father and loving mother. But in our family, he is a kind father and strict mother. My father is a kind father who is genuine and genuine. He is an iron playmate from childhood to childhood.

My father is my loyal chess friend. He can play everything from flying chess, gobang, military chess, chess to go. As long as I yell "Dad, play chess", he will put down his work and kill with me. He will let me take two or three steps according to my age, but he will never let me win lightly. If I play rashly, my playmate's father will change his face and scold me for "losing". Therefore, our family is often filled with gunpowder.

My father is my super donkey friend. Since the beginning of his memory, he has held me, carried me and led me around. Nearby are Beijing, Sanya, Yunnan, Sichuan and Qinghai, and far away are the Malacca Strait, the Eiffel Tower and the Great Barrier Reef. My childhood memory is full of blue sky and white clouds, plateau glaciers, exotic customs, and warmth from my father's palm.

My father is my best sparring partner. I have professional coaches for swimming, table tennis and baseball. My father volunteered to practice with me at his own level. My learning goal is to surpass him one day. I have been playing baseball for more than three years. Every Saturday afternoon, my dutiful sparring partner will send me to Hangzhou University to play basketball. If I have a business trip, he always tries to hurry back. For several times, he will take a bus directly from the airport to the place where I play basketball with me. Sometimes, my father would suddenly play a guest role as a teaching assistant because a ball scolded me. At this time, our relationship was between the coach and the player, and I grew up to be recognized as a star in the team through his scolding.

My father is my close friend. He has never hit me. Once I talked back to him unreasonably. He was so angry that he raised his hand. I was so nervous that I closed my eyes and wondered where he would hit me. After two seconds, I felt my hair numb. It turned out that my father's hand adjusted the direction and strength. I had just cut my hair, and he took great efforts to catch two or three. Since then, I will never make trouble without reason.

Dad sometimes has his father's authority, but sometimes he is as innocent and lovely as a child; Sometimes they obey my orders unconditionally like soldiers to officers, and sometimes they "mess up" with me because of a trivial matter

This is my kind father, who leads me, accompanies me, and accompanies me all the way.

Emotional Composition (15)

In every family, there will be a strict father and a loving mother, or like my family, there will be a strict mother and a loving father.

As soon as you say "strict", I want my mother to be strict. When my mother was strict, I was like a frightened lamb being sent to the slaughterhouse, looking helplessly left and right, and finally looking at my mother with innocent eyes. But my mother was not at all soft hearted and used her unique skill "Lion Roaring Skill" to me. Every time my mother's "Lion Roar Skill" passes my ears, the sound below 100 decibels within ten days is like a mosquito buzzing. Of course, if I can finish my homework carefully and my handwriting is not so scrawled, I won't let my mother use "Lion Roar Skill" for me.

You may ask where my father has gone? My father-in-law is wearing earphones, crossing his legs and listening to music leisurely, regardless of her daughter's safety. After my mother roared, my father took off the earphones and comforted my mother while telling me not to take my mother's angry words at ease. In this way, my family's peace depends on my father. Dad also has his serious side. If I fail in the exam and do something bad, Dad will use his "Mountain and River Skill", which is 10 times, 100 times and 1000 times stronger than Mom's "Lion Roar Skill"... Fortunately, Dad is still gentle and kind most of the time.

Do you think these two in my family are in line with your kind father and strict mother?

Emotional Composition (16)

Six years of primary school life, it seems that only six days have passed. I want to let time stand still and stay in primary school, because there are too many things that I can't put away in this campus, some memories that will fade away, and may never be found again.

At noon, when I was free after dinner, I wandered around the green playground again. Looking at the runways, I thought of the past in the playground and my classmates.

It was a hot summer day. It was the day of the school sports meeting. At more than ten o'clock in the morning, I stood on the starting line to prepare for the 200 meter race. In the preparation time, I became more and more nervous with the passage of time. It was only five minutes before the start of the game. I was naturally timid and looked at everything around me. I felt scared and even wanted to give up. "Jianing, come on! Don't think about everything around you, don't care about winning or losing, just run as usual, give play to your own strength, we believe you can do it!" The students in our class stood on the bench, waving flags and various fuel sticks, shouting for me.

"Bang --" Under the order of a shot, I swung my arms, took a big step, and rushed out. I was desperate, saying in my heart: "Don't mind those opponents, don't think..." When I ran, my classmates also ran with me, faster than me. I can't disappoint my classmates' expectations. I stepped up my pace, as if someone pushed me behind, This is the encouragement of the students pushing me forward. "Come on, don't have pressure -" The voice echoed in my ears. Although I didn't look at them carefully, I always felt that they were shouting hard.

At the end of the long competition, I fought for my life but failed to win the first place and could not enter the final. I was disappointed and always felt empty. I was sorry for my classmates and our class. They were so tired that they cheered for me, but I failed them... My classmates had been waiting for me at the exit of the playground for a long time, and they were still so happy. They praised me for "running fast!" "second place, really powerful!" "playing well!", There was no point in blaming me. They also brought me tissues to wipe, water to drink, bread to eat

I was originally frowning, dumbfounded, and depressed. Seeing what my classmates did, I didn't become cheerful. Instead, I cried. Maybe I was moved! They still tried to comfort me.

Primary school life is like petals falling with the wind. It is so beautiful when it blooms, and it is also beautiful when it falls. It will treasure its beauty in the heart and meet by chance. I will never forget the beautiful things between my classmates. I will record them, or press the shutter of the camera to collect them one by one, so as not to let them pass away

Five years is like a cup of thick tea, which is drunk quickly. It's hard to say goodbye; Fine taste, the original taste is sweet.

Five years of primary school is coming to an end. Looking at the history flowing through my mind, this is the deepest and deepest.

In the morning, when I arrived at the school gate, I felt very happy. The air seemed to be filled with honey, and the sky seemed to be filled with color. When I came to the classroom, there were a few students in the class. I also sat down to greet them. But just as I sat down, a piercing pain burst out, "My head Xiaohong touched my head and said, "It's a little feverish! Xiaogang and Xiaoli go to the teacher's office to borrow a towel, Xiaoming! You go and pour a cup of tea for Xinyan, quickly! I'll go and contact Xu Congshu's parents." I leaned on the table to listen to Xiaohong's distribution and the students' quick action, and tears of gratitude blurred my vision, but at this time, My heart is filled with the deep feeling and long meaning of this class. After a while, the students came back. They were very moved to see the cups, towels, and basins on the small tables and the sweat on their faces. They stood up with their utmost strength and bowed deeply to them, but they quickly helped me back to my seat. Xiaohong gently lifted me up and let me have a drink. Just then my mother came. She hurried over and asked eagerly, "Are you OK, Xu Congshu? You worried my mother to death, thanks to Xiaohong, and other students! Or I will take you to see a doctor?" Xiaohong said, "Aunt! You see Xu Congshu's face is burning red. Please take her to see a doctor! We help her ask for leave from her teacher. You can rest assured! "

On the way to the hospital, I thought a lot, what a good class! The students are as close as brothers and sisters. How profound that feeling is. But now we have to separate. What should we do. But there is no banquet that will not end. In the future, students will go their separate ways. What will they leave behind? Will leave that lingering and beautiful memories, good times are always short, although it is short, meaning is long; It is small, but deep in love; Although it is invisible, love is tangible.

On the sickbed, looking at drops of liquid medicine, I shed tears, because it is not only liquid medicine, it is love, deep love

Deep love! It means more

I am enveloped by this beautiful friendship

Emotional Composition (17)

"Redwood" Love

"Redwood" has deep feelings, back to back

I cry

Looking at the six heartless test papers spread in front of me, the six red striking scores seemed to prick my heart and bleed. I leaned back on my back and recalled the scene on the way home, the pointing behind my classmates and laughing in a low voice. No, I should say laughing. I really don't understand why a failure is so sad. Suddenly, I turned back and fell into a big somersault. I was discouraged. Even the mahogany chair accompanying me bullied me when I needed help most.

Suddenly, tears blurred my eyes

I thought, what makes me so?

It really answers the old saying "leaning against the mountain, leaning against the wall". Excellent compositions focus on writing, and really only rely on yourself.

I lifted up the mahogany chair and murmured, "The mahogany chair, the mahogany chair, thank you!"

I fell asleep.

In the days to come, no one knows how hard I work, except for the street lamp at the school gate, the moon in front of the window and the mahogany chair in front of the desk.

The moon is as quiet as water. I can't resist the temptation of dreams. My heavy eyelids came into close contact with me and I fell asleep.

I had a long, long dream. I saw "on my own" in the dim light. It was so big and dazzling. I woke up with a start. I said to myself, "I haven't succeeded yet. I can't relax so soon."

I smiled.

When my name reappeared on the honor list in the window, I smiled.

When I got home, I leaned on the back of your mahogany chair again and told you the sufferings of these days. You were speechless, but I knew in my heart what you wanted to say: "On your own!"

Emotional Composition (18)

Who can't enjoy spring in the picturesque spring? Who has to work at the desk in sweaty summer? Who, in the golden autumn, has no intention of enjoying the beautiful autumn scenery? Who, in the winter of freezing water, still has classes with illness? It's a teacher! Is our beloved teacher!

For thousands of years, how many teachers have dedicated their youth, vitality and even life to their students! Why did they choose this career? Because they love their motherland! They want to make a contribution to their motherland to express their love and gratitude for it. Their efforts have been rewarded. The sweet smiles, the golden awards, the excellent achievements, the beautiful and wonderful articles... which one has not been carefully explained and guided by the teacher? In which success is there no teacher's hard work? Which great person does not have the teacher's hard guidance?

Perhaps in the eyes of many students, the image is not good, serious, critical, unable to communicate... are our evaluation of teachers. However, have they ever thought about how we can achieve today's results without the teacher's severe lesson? I know that some students will say: "Our good grades still have our own efforts!" But if there is no teacher's instruction, can we have such good grades? It is one thing to work hard, but excellent results can not be separated from the teacher's teaching. Do you think so?

Ah, teacher, how do you love your country and your students. You are so selfless and regretful, you are burning yourself in this way, you are a candle, burning yourself, bringing light and warmth to others. Ah, how great you are!

Emotional Composition (19)

Six years will pass in a flash. Are we recalling the innocent smile and childish face when we were children? Are we recalling the past happiness, sadness and madness?

These days, I asked my classmates to fill in the student record for me. I thought there would be a lot of words on the "message board", but what surprised me was that when I told them, "Leave a message for me on the negative message board!", they said, "What? Can you stop writing? I can't write..."

Is the friendship between our classmates really so weak? Did you get along for six years in vain? Are we really so heartless? When I write here, I shed tears. When I write here, I recall sadly

At that time, we were very young, and we were all "little turnips". Some of our classmates have lost their front teeth. It's sweet to laugh! Some students do not wear glasses, their eyes are rolling, and occasionally they look at the teacher blankly. Some students like to cry very much, and they cry when they encounter something they can't do. At that time

I couldn't help taking out my kindergarten classmate record: crooked fonts, innocent photos... I fell into meditation.

For six years, how many happy voices and laughters have been aroused by our friendship! How many wronged tears were wiped away by our friendship! How many heavy trophies were won by our friendship! How much sarcasm and abuse are swept away by our friendship '! The harbor of friendship is affectionate, and the breeze of friendship fills the sails.

In the first grade, we walked into the beautiful campus hand in hand; In the second grade, we participated in a parent-child activity under the leadership of Mr. Liu, which is still fresh in our memory; In the third grade, we laughed and cried; In the fourth grade, we saw Miss Liu off with tears and welcomed Miss Zhou with laughter; In the fifth grade, we gradually matured under the education of Mr. Zhou; In the sixth grade, we are eager to join the middle school

Students are spring rain, delicate and smooth; Students are the wind in summer, passionate; Students are autumn leaves, fruitful; Students are snow in winter, pure and flawless.

Students are like pieces of jigsaw puzzle, which can be combined to form a beautiful picture. If a piece is missing, it will never be complete. You are any piece I don't want to lose!

How many mornings, we read aloud; How many twilight, we smile away. We are telling an eternal story: time can change our appearance, but cannot change our friendship!

As time goes by, we will say goodbye to the six years of primary school. Perhaps, only looking back on these 6 years, we will be attached; Maybe, only when we lose, we will know how to cherish. Looking at the days passing by and listening to the students' footsteps echoing in the corridor, I can't help wondering: what will happen if we meet in 20 years' time?

I believe that we, who seem to be unrelated by blood, are in fact close friends. Our friendship can stand the vicissitudes of life and the storms of time, just like old wine, the longer the more fragrant.

Emotional Composition (20)

Childhood is the most beautiful and unforgettable time. There are many interesting memories in childhood, and my grandmother is my unforgettable childhood friend.

"Jijijijiji!" The birds in the tree are singing about the arrival of spring. Today, my grandma and I made an appointment to go to our hometown in the countryside, walk on the country road, look up at the clean sky, and feel particularly comfortable. Clusters of trees on both sides of the road seem to welcome us. Grandma said that she would go back to her hometown to plant rice seedlings and I came to play with her. She always worried that I was too dirty in the field for me to adapt to. But I was curious and always wanted to try something new. I shook my head and shouted with my grandma, and my eyes were full of excitement. Grandma, I also want to learn how to plant seedlings. The kind grandma's eyes have become curved. The crescent moon, knowing that she can't beat me, hurriedly said: "Good! As long as you don't feel tired or dirty," I immediately cheered: "Grandma, I promise I won't feel tired or dirty, and I won't drag grandma's back legs!"

But before the official start, I had to learn from my grandmother, who taught me the steps and skills of transplanting rice seedlings. Grandma patiently said, "My dear granddaughter, when transplanting rice seedlings, bend down and look at an object to align with the seedlings first, so that the seedlings can be inserted into a straight line." Oh, so simple? I felt complacent in my heart. I thought that I would learn it quickly if I was smart. Then, I can't wait to start planting seedlings. I first grabbed a handful of seedlings in my hand and then put them in my pocket. It looks like a living scarecrow. Remembering the secret Grandma just taught me, I decided to find an object. Coincidentally, there is a big buffalo in the field. So I took the buffalo as a reference and started to take action. I looked up at the buffalo planting a bunch of seedlings and repeated the action... But after a while, I was calm and looked. Eh, why are my seedlings crooked and uneven. I turned to look at my grandmother again. A straight line seemed to be pulled by a small ruler. I was surprised that my grandmother and I had the same method, but the effect was so different? While observing Grandma's skillful movements, I was thinking about what the problem was? It must be our experience that makes us have such a big gap!

So I stepped on the black, sticky mud and ran towards my grandma. I asked inexplicably: "Grandma, why do I follow your method, but the effect of planting seedlings is so different?" Grandma smiled and said to me: "Look at a fixed object, but I didn't say it is a buffalo. The buffalo can move, and you follow it when it moves, so it is not straight, and the trees can not move, so the seedlings planted by Grandma are straight. Understand? Just like people, a person should have his own goal in life when he is alive, and only when he moves towards an accurate goal can he succeed. " It seems that simple things can only be really understood and understood after modest and serious study.

Now, Grandma is getting older and older, and I am growing up day by day. Next year, I will take my grandmother to plant seedlings together.