Composition of Pencil 2 (17 Collections)
2023-11-25 07:13:33

Pencil Composition 2 (1)

Hello everyone, I am a small mechanical pencil. I have a large and warm home.

Let's talk about my home first! My house is a blue pencil box with four floors! On the first floor live my elder brother and sister ruler. On the second floor live my rubber brother and pencil brother. The third layer is my father's green automatic pen and mother's red automatic pen. The fourth floor is my grandparents protractor and triangle ruler. Usually I like to live with my grandparents. Look! My home is big, isn't it!

Let's talk about my two friends again! My first friend was the automatic lead who was inseparable from me. She and I met in the supermarket. The little master bought us together when he saw that we were inseparable. My second friend is my rubber brother, because when I do something wrong, he can always help me correct it in time. In fact, it is usually the little master who erases the wrong words when I write them absently. For a long time, my brother and I have become good friends.

I haven't said myself yet after talking so much! I am a light blue mechanical pencil. I accompany my little master every day. I am most happy when he writes his homework, because this is also my "homework" time. When I work, the little master doesn't need to press my tail, and the lead will stick out automatically. However, sometimes I get hurt. For example, I fall off the table accidentally when I "skate". I also have my own eraser, but my "wiping skill" is not as professional as my brother.

I am me, a mechanical pencil loved by the little master.

Pencil Composition 2 (2)

I am a small pencil. My hometown is in the remote big forest. After the woodcutter sent me to the factory for processing, he came to the city's stationery shop. One day, my little master saw that he took me home.

I live in a blue pencil box, which is my home. I live with my good friends, my sister Ruler and my brother Rubber. I also met people from the pen family, Grandpa Brush, Uncle Pen and Aunt Ballpoint Pen. Every night in the dead of night, we always get together to exchange the life of the day and share the happiness of serving the little master.

The little master likes me very much. He takes me to school every day and also takes me out of school. In class, she uses me to take notes carefully, to answer questions carefully in exams, and to finish homework in time at home... When she finds a mistake, she will wipe my trace with a rubber, and then consciously correct her mistake. The little master will say, "Thank you, little pencil." When she is free, the little master will use me to draw smooth lines on the paper, Fill in the colors and draw beautiful pictures. When my pen became thick, the little master put me in a pencil sharpener to sharpen it, and encouraged me: "Little pencil, you are not afraid of pain, so brave!" When the little master made more and more progress, every time she received a certificate of merit, I felt very useful. I was a selfless and dedicated little pencil.

Day after day, I changed from a beautiful tall pencil to a short pencil. Am I going to be thrown into the wastebasket? I began to cry sadly. The little master's mother came over and put a pen pole on me. I grew taller again. My mother told the little master: "It's a pity to waste it, but it can still be used." The little master gently held me and comforted me: "Don't worry, we are still a pair of good friends." Then he carefully wrote his lessons in his homework book one by one.

That night, I slept soundly, because tomorrow I can go to school happily with the little master!

Pencil Composition 2 (3)

Thank you is a kind of wisdom, a kind of virtue, and a bridge that brings people closer.

Remember that time in the art class, the teacher asked everyone to draw a sketch with pencil instead of neutral pen! Zhou Chi checks his pen bag. Wow! Damn it! I only have a neutral pen, but I don't have a pencil! Zhou Chi looked eagerly at his good friend Liu Yun and said kindly, "Yun Yun, can you lend me your pencil for five minutes?" Liu Yun glanced at him and said, "Although we are best friends, I just don't want to lend you your pencil! I have made friends with Li Ranran!" When Zhou Chi heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue! Unable to speak, "Liu Yun, you --" "Don't be angry, I'll lend you your pencil!" At this time, Wu Yuan said to Zhou Chi. Zhou Chi's eyes filled with tears. He took the pencil carefully and said excitedly, "Wu Yuan, thank you, you are my best friend!"

Learning to appreciate is a kind of approachable pleasure, a kind of carefree attitude, a kind of open attitude, a kind of gentle carefree attitude, and a kind of elegant nature. Let's embrace happiness and harvest more friendship in gratitude!

Pencil Composition 2 (4)

hello everyone! I'm the pencil sister. My height is about 15cm. My appearance is beautiful. Look! There are several colored spots on my clothes, as well as a portrait of a little girl, whose hair is tied with two emerald bows, wearing a beautiful pink dress, a pair of lavender stockings and a pair of green shoes.

My favorite person is Grandpa Pencil Sharpener. Whenever I'm worried because I can't write, Grandpa Pencil Sharpener will take the initiative to help me sharpen the pen. I smiled happily and spit out one word after another, forming beautiful sentences and vivid articles.

I live in a pink "villa", where my brother pen, brother rubber, sister ruler... When I finish my work, the little master will put me into the "villa" immediately. However, I sometimes sneak out to travel and take away my partner, the pen holder baby, which often makes the little master angry and sad. I will learn to stay at home obediently and be a good partner in my master's study.

Pencil Composition 2 (5)

When doing homework in the morning, my mother saw that five pencils in my pencil box had been bitten all over by me, and one of them was cracked by me. When my mother was angry, she took a pencil and asked me, "What's the matter? How did the pencil become like this?"

I looked at my mother timidly and didn't dare to say anything. Mother then said, "How many times have you said that you should take good care of your school supplies. These pencils are used for writing. Do you see what you have bitten them into? Are they beautiful? Are they easy to use?" I shook my head. Looking at the pencil I "bit", I felt ashamed and said in my heart: "Small pencil, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm wrong!" My mother then said, "Will you bite the pencil next time?" I looked at my mother's angry face and whispered, "Never bite again..." My mother also said, "This is the last time to warn you. Don't do it again. If you find you bite the pencil, you will be beaten when you come back!" I nodded firmly.

Alas! I don't know why. Since I accidentally bit a pencil once, I have developed this habit. My mother told me several times, but I forgot it after a while. My mother told me that nibbling a pencil not only destroys the pencil, but also is not hygienic. Small pencil, mother, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I must correct this problem!

Pencil Composition 2 (6)

I have a good friend named pencil sharpener. He made friends with me in my second grade.

It is very cute. Its whole body is pink. Its ears can move. I moved it slightly. Alas, her mouth opened. I put "food" in my mouth, and it ate with relish. Whenever I put it on the bed, I feel happy. There is a big belly under my mouth. Ha ha ha, I cheated you. This is where I put my pencil and take off my clothes.

It reminds me to study hard every day. During the day, look at it and say to me, "Come on.". In the evening, I watched it and said to me, "Come on, do your homework well."

Its selfless spirit makes me friends with it. This is my good friend - pencil sharpener.

Pencil Composition 2 (7)

Pencil and eraser used to be a pair of good friends, but today they went to argue. What happened? It turned out that the future of the two of them was more important than that of others, and they quarreled.

The pencil said, "Look, I wrote all these words in the little master's book. If there was no me, the little master's book would be blank

"I owe you a lot!"

"No! It's my great contribution!"

"It's me! It's me!"

"Let's compete!"

"The competition is the competition. Who is afraid of who?"

So the pencil and eraser came to the pencil sharpener as the referee. The competition began. Each pencil and eraser had a piece of white paper to see who could write good characters. Let's see how the pencil works. He writes slowly with each stroke, but if he accidentally writes the wrong stroke, it will be dark. Where's the rubber? I also learned to write like a pencil, but I haven't written a word for a long time. As time went by, the two of them were working harder.

"Time is up." The pencil sharpener judge said. He looked at the white paper of the pencil. The white paper had turned into black paper, and then looked at the rubber. There was no word, but there was a lot of rubber crumbs. The pencil sharpener said, "Although you both have your own advantages, you also have shortcomings. You can write beautiful characters together." After listening to the pencil sharpener, the pencil and eraser became ashamed and became inseparable friends.

Pencil Composition 2 (8)

Painted pencils and pencils are two friends, and they often quarrel.

One day, colored pens went to buy vegetables. The paintbrush counted the money and walked away. I was afraid that I didn't have enough money with me, so I was hit by something and fell down. He quickly stood up, looked up and saw that it was a pencil. The pencil also got up angrily. When he saw that it was a colored pen, he shouted: "Little monkey, you should count the money and go home to count it. Be careful if you are stolen here."

Hearing this, the paintbrush replied angrily: "I count the money and care about you. It doesn't matter what you do if someone steals it. It's really a narrow road. I can meet you everywhere. It's really unlucky." After they said that, neither of them would let anyone go. At this time, the pencil said, "Let's have a competition. The winner will let the other party go first." The colored pen promised, "Yes."

"The first time we compare sketch", the pencil took a piece of white paper and said to the colored pen, "sketch is not allowed to be colored." The two people invited the pencil box they were going to take a walk to be the judge. The pencil sketch is very fast. When the pencil sketch is finished, the colored pen slowly paints. When the pencil box finds out, it immediately calls, "Foul!" The pencil does not snicker when it sees this scene.

The pencil box said to the colored pen and pencil, "Now you can compare the colored drawings." When the pencil listened, it thought, "It's over.". Color painting is the skill of color pen. When I was halfway through the painting, I felt that I wanted to find a pen to draw lines. The first reaction of the pen was a pencil. I thought: If only I had a pencil to help me! The paintbrush looked over at the pencil. There was nothing on the pencil's drawing paper, but only a line segment? The colored pen said to the pencil, "How about you draw the line first and let me paint it?" As soon as the pencil listened, it jumped and jumped happily. The pen box nodded and walked away with a smile. When the paintbrush and pencil finished the painting together, they looked at each other with satisfaction. The colored pen said to the pencil, "I used to be against you. Sometimes I was not polite. I'm so bad, and I'm sorry for you." The pencil was very moved and said, "I'm not good, and I'm sorry for you."

Since then, the two people have been very united to buy white paper from every household and started painting and selling together. The business has been booming and has been reported by newspapers because of their fame.

Pencil Composition 2 (9)

hello everyone! I am an important member of the stationery family! "What are you talking about?" The rubber was furious. Although he is a little unconvinced, he still needs to call me Big Brother honestly. Well, it's no suspense. I am the famous pencil.

When I was just bought by the little master, I was always a very beautiful pencil, wearing colorful clothes; It is printed with a kitten wearing a big red bow. It is lying on a big red apple and looks very cute. It is surrounded by colorful small apples, red, green, yellow, purple... In a word, my clothes are simply too beautiful and charming!

I am not only beautiful, but also very durable. The little master uses me almost every day. As long as she keeps writing on the neat book, it doesn't take much time. Every page of beautiful words will come out. Think about it, isn't it all my credit?

As time went by, I changed from a "young man" of more than ten centimeters to a "short old man" of five or six centimeters. Now the little master has grown up. She uses what I use sparingly, almost once every two or three weeks. This is not the saddest thing for me. What makes me even sadder is that the little master doesn't need me, but it's not good to use a pen. I have to use a neutral pen against me, which really makes me sad!

One day, the little master took me to paint in the art class. I was so happy. After class, the little master forgot to put me in the pencil box and left by himself. A man accidentally knocked me off the table. The classmates trampled on me. The last student picked me up. I thought he would hand me over to the little master, but he threw me into the garbage can.

I cried, not because of pain, but because of sadness. Where are you, little master? I miss you so much, wuwu——

Pencil Composition 2 (10)

Whenever I see this pencil, my eyes will clearly show my good friend, Huang Fei, who has left me.

In the third grade, Huang Fei was transferred to our class. At that time, he was just a stupid little friend. However, he scored 97 points in his first exam, and the whole class looked at him with new eyes. In the next few examinations, I was on a par with him. As a result, we often talked together, and soon we became a true "buddy", often giving small gifts to each other.

When I was in the sixth grade, I found Huang Fei changed. He often avoided me and didn't want to talk to me. Although he also gave gifts to each other, he always seemed absent-minded. Later, I learned that he made friends with Wang Kangping. Wang Kangping often slandered me in front of him, and then used a "counter plot". Huang Fei fell into the trap and ignored me no longer. Several times we were at the same table. Although we were close to each other, the distance between our hearts was still calculated in light years.

The final exam results came out, which was also the day when Huang Fei and I broke up. Both my language and mathematics subjects are 93, his Chinese 79 and mathematics 87. After class, he found me and took out a pencil and said to me, "Congratulations!" He paused and said, "Here is the pen. I hope you can study hard!" At this time, I saw tears in his eyes. Immediately, he turned and left. Looking at his back, I felt as if I had knocked over the bottle of Schisandra, which was very unpleasant.

During the summer vacation, I never saw him again. I only knew that I had met him head to head in the past, doing homework, discussing problems and endorsing side by side. Now, I am the only one doing homework and studying difficult problems alone, and the voice of endorsement reverberates in the empty hall.

Pencil Composition 2 (11)

One day, the colored pen met the pencil.

"Hello, pencil," said the colored pen. "Hello!" said the pencil. "Look at you, the pen is black, how hard it is to see! Look at me, the color is much brighter than you, how beautiful!" The colored pen bragged about itself while saying pencil. "Yes, you are much more beautiful than me!" said the pencil modestly. "One more thing, you are so ugly, others must not like you, I advise you not to make a fool of yourself in the street!" said the colored pen contemptuously. This makes the pencil very sad. Pencil thought to himself: Although I am not so beautiful, I still play a very important role. I can be a tool for primary school students to write homework, or a tool for people to draw when drawing, etc

Just then, a painter came over. The colored pen thought that the painter would only take it as his tool and throw the pencil aside. However, to the surprise of colored pens, the painter took all the pencils that he thought he despised.

The colored pen kept complaining: "You painter, let me be with this black thing, which really humiliated me!" The painter took the pencil and colored pen to a piece of white paper. The painter first wrote with a pencil, and then painted with a colored pen after modification. "Ah! How beautiful!" cried the colored pen.

Now, the color pen really understood that things like painting need to work together. Even though the pencil is not very beautiful, it is also useful. We should not only compare other people's shortcomings with our own strengths, but should take others' strengths and fill our own weaknesses. Finally, the colored pen apologized to the pencil.

Pencil Composition 2 (12)

There are two pens in the pencil box, one is a pencil, the other is a pen. Pens often taunt pencils because they are not hard enough.

The pen is made of iron, with those patterns, beautiful and hard. The pencil is made of wood. It can be broken with force without any pattern. Compared with a pen, it is simply a toad versus a rose, which is extremely mismatched. One day, the pen said to the pencil: "Little guy, you see how ugly you are! Look at me, the patterns made with gold, the colors sprayed with paint, and then look at you. There is no color. It is rustic, and in the pen box it is a useless thing!" "Indeed, I am not as beautiful as you are", the pencil replied modestly, "But we are born to write, not beautiful. When it comes to writing, I can't be worse than you. Besides...".

Time went by slowly. The pencil was intact, but the pen was rusty bit by bit. Finally, the owner found that it could not write, so he threw it into the garbage can, and the pencil was still with the owner.

Pencil Composition 2 (13)

There is a beautiful pen and pencil in the pen box, but the pen is proud and often taunts the pencil: "You ugly guy, you still live with me, which really lowers my identity!" The pencil is unconvinced, He protested: "Although my appearance is not very bright, I play a big role. I have been used by many people since they began to write. I can not only write but also draw. Most importantly, I can correct my mistakes, but you can't."

The pen became even more angry and shouted: "You are not only ugly, but also cheap. The most important thing is that the words you wrote will disappear soon, and I can..." So the two people kept arguing until very late.

One day, one after another lost their temper and threw the pen box into the garbage can. A little sister found them and picked up the pen and pencil. She drew a picture on the paper. The pen ran out of ink and could not write. Only the pencil could write. So the little girl threw her pen back into the trash can and ran home happily with her pencil.

The proud pen was thrown into the smelly and dirty garbage can and cried.

Pencil Composition 2 (14)

I have a very beautiful pencil, which is made of Xiaoxue Rabbit brand and HB lead. I like it very much, and I have been reluctant to use it.

The skin of the pencil of the little snow rabbit is cartoon, and four different little snow rabbits are drawn from bottom to top. Some are eating with carrots in their arms, some are eating grass with their heads bent down, some are playing hide and seek, and the little snow rabbit at the top is racing with the little turtle. The most interesting thing is the little snow rabbit at the edge of the forest. The little guy is very cute. He has big eyes, short tail, white fur, and looks like he is alive. Next to the little snow rabbit is a large area of trees and grass, and there are several floating white clouds in the sky. In front of the little snow rabbit, there is a small Chinese cabbage. It is green and tender, as if it was specially prepared for the little snow rabbit. But the little snow rabbit dare not eat it, because there is a green grasshopper with two big whiskers stretched out on the vegetable leaf. The green grasshopper shook its wings like a protector, as if to say: "This cabbage has not yet grown up, you can't eat it!" The little snow rabbit had no choice but to eat grass, and the white clouds in the sky grinned at this scene.

A small pencil has a big world. Looking at the green world and every tree and grass on the pencil of Little Snow Hare, they are so pure, so clean, and totally free of pollution, I thought, if only the world we live in could be like the place where Little Snow Hare lives. We hope our global village is a pollution-free green world, so we should take good care of the earth when we are young, so that the mother earth will become more beautiful and more young.

Jinzhou New Area Experimental Primary School, Class Two, Year Three, Yu Yue

Pencil Composition 2 (15)

I am a half pencil. When I was born, a brand new pencil was stuffed in a box with my brothers and sisters and placed in the counter of the shop. One day, a little boy bought me. I felt lucky at first. Who knows, he is a person who likes the new and hates the old. When I was halfway through, he regarded me as an airplane. He gave a whoosh on the third floor. I was so scared that I screamed in the air. Finally, he fell to the ground. My head is twisted and there are several gaps on my body, which is extremely painful.

At this time, a man came. I seemed to see the savior and hoped that he would pick me up. However, he didn't kick me out, which made me more painful. After ten minutes, another little girl came along. I was really worried that she would kick me again. But she didn't. She picked me up carefully and took me to her small room.

I found that there were many small handicrafts she had made in her small room. She used two square iron rings to cover the head and tail of my sister and me, cut a cut on both sides of my brother and me with a knife, and inserted colored paper in it. My partner and I became handicrafts.

Since then, I have lived in her small room.

Pencil Composition 2 (16)

Sharpen a pencil

Five (2) Zhang Wen, Wuzhen Planting Material Primary School, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province This year, although I have entered the senior grade, I still cannot help writing with a wooden pencil. Because if there is no refill for writing with an automatic pen and it is a very emergency, it will be a disaster. It is safer to write with a wooden pencil. If it breaks, you can use a knife to sharpen it, or use a pencil sharpener to wring it.

During the break, I brought my good helper, the pencil sharpener, and began to work. I put the pen in the hole at the end of the pencil sharpener. Then, I held a pencil sharpener in one hand and rotated the pen in the other. The wooden pen is rotating to feed inside, and the shavings come out from the gap. Suddenly, there was a "click" from the pencil sharpener. "Is the pen brother uncomfortable or injured?" I quickly took out the wooden pen to have a look. Although it did not break, it has become thin and smooth, and the core has become sharp. I'm very happy. It's not a fault, but a cut. I'm relieved now!

I took out other wooden pencils to wring. After processing, each pen has become like a mold. Then I let them all lie in the pencil box. They lay there as if they were laughing happily.

My heart is also happy. I want to be fully prepared after class, so that I can save a lot of unnecessary time in class, let me have more time to participate in learning, and make my learning better.

Instructor: Feng Yongkang

Pencil Composition 2 (17)

One afternoon, my sister's unfinished paintings and stationery were placed on the desk. At this time, my cousin crept to the table, said "shush" to me who was studying at the table, and then gently picked up her pencil. Then carefully open a book, put the pencil in, close the book, and gently put the book into the bookcase. At this time, my cousin made a face at me, and then whispered: "Cousin, don't make it public! When my cousin comes out, all three of us pretend not to know!" "Well, that's a good idea." My brother agreed. I also nodded by default and agreed with the bad idea. Then the mischief began.

My sister came back, and as soon as she sat down, she immediately shouted: "Who! Who took my pencil?" She immediately pointed to her cousin's nose and said: "Cousin, is it you? Did you take my pencil, I was frightened by my sister's words: "Sister! Tell me honestly if it's him!" I looked at my angry sister and my cousin's pleading eyes, and my brother was still cheering me on the wall. I hesitated and said, "Well... your cousin... he... he... just... yes, he was reading you... your book." "What?" My sister recognized the answer in my hesitating words at once, and her anger grew even stronger. "You know I hate the person who takes my things, and you still......" Before the words were finished, my sister's tears ran down like a waterfall. While crying, the younger sister said, "Cousin, wait for my parents. My uncle is back. I'll settle with you!" Hearing this, the younger cousin quickly coaxed her: "Sister, I know my mistake. Can I apologize to you?"

When I saw him like this, I couldn't help laughing, and said, "Cousin, I think you would almost kneel down and kowtow!" When my cousin heard this, he was stunned first, then his eyes brightened, and ran to the room. After a while, my cousin took out the puppet he had bought with the money he had saved for more than two years and hid behind the table. My sister didn't know what was going on at the beginning, so my cousin took out a female puppet, pretended to wipe his tears, and said in a charming voice, "When I find my cousin, I must clean him up." Then the male puppet appeared, and the female puppet stepped on the male puppet's "head" and said, "Step on you! Step on you!" It was still pretty, and my sister suddenly burst out laughing, Then he started chasing his cousin

Ha ha ha... These "contradictions" are like condiments, enriching our life and making our life more "delicious"!

Author | Six (1) Zeng Yixian