Four Seasons Field Composition (17 required)
Farewell to the past
2023-09-25 07:38:34
Grade 6

Four Seasons Field Composition (1)

In nature, human beings have to experience life, old age, disease and death; Plants should experience spring, summer, autumn and winter; The moon also waxes and wanes. However, in the fields of my hometown, whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter, or in the dead, the fields always keep their color, green. Another special color is golden yellow in the rich autumn.

There was an old saying that "when there is no idle land around the world, the farmer will still starve to death." Today, there is a saying that "when there is no idle land in one season, the farmer will be happy to blend."

In spring, when kapok blossoms, the fields are green, and the green ones are vegetable beds; Dark green is the soybean field; Dark green is the corn field. Standing under the kapok tree at this time, I looked up and saw the flowers you pushed and squeezed. They were red, like fire, also like rosy clouds, more like the lady in red walking in the field. When you are intoxicated with this beautiful landscape painting, the breeze blows gently. At this time, the red flowers are flying in the wind, just like a group of beautiful "butterflies" flying. For a moment, the "butterfly" will stay on your head for a while. Pick up the "butterfly" and go home to let your mother make delicious food for you. At this time, the fragrance of corn came to my nose, and the music played by the musician Feng was ringing in my ears; The spring of the field is like the work outlined by the painter with green ink.

Butterflies fly away in groups. I don't know when, in front of us, there is a lake. The lake is sparkling, and there are still orderly arranged seedlings in the lake. Walking on the country road at night, the sky is full of stars, and the water in the fields is undulating; The young seedlings were shaking and shaking. Before long, the rice seedlings grew up, and the rice fields were green. The leaves of the rice seedlings shook their heads in the wind. At this time, in the fields, they felt like approaching a huge picture. What came into sight was: green. Summer is also unknowingly approaching. The field is: "The rice flower fragrance says good year, listen to the frogs." At the end of summer, the rice is ripe, and the field is pure and golden. Autumn, the harvest season, the mature season. At the end of autumn, vegetables were planted in the fields.

Winter morning. Walking on the ridge of the field, the cold wind blew head-on and looked around like a jade bracelet. Look, the bean tray is attached to the bean rack like a crouching dragon. The bean leaves all over the cluster enliven the bean rack. From a distance, it looks like a lady in a green skirt, graceful, but the beans all over the cluster are like a knife. The green fields are planted with tomatoes and green onions. Look at the "pearls" on the green onion leaves. There are strings of "lanterns" hanging on the tomato.

At the end of winter, corn and soybeans have grown in the fields, and the green of the fields has not faded. They have grown until early spring.

The green of the fields in our hometown, without the painstaking sketch of the painter, can always show us a landscape that we will never tire of seeing. I love the four seasons of the field, but also the unique green.

Four Seasons Field Composition (2)

The beautiful fields have their own characteristics in the four seasons. During the holidays, I came to the fields from the campus and from the city to the countryside, feeling the beautiful scenery of the four seasons in the farmland.

In spring, the farmland is green. All the crops sprouted, and the green wheat field looked like a comfortable bed from afar, and the body shook with it. The sprouts are like fresh little lives. They can't wait to look up at the vibrant world.

The farmland in summer is a busy scene. In the south, farmer uncles began to plant rice, while some fields planted small watermelons, and others planted soybeans and corn. Looking around, it's a busy world with luxuriant vegetation.

Autumn is the harvest season. The golden fields glowed like gold, and when the wind blew, the wheat fields raised waves of wheat. Sorghum looks like a drunken uncle with a red face and a low head. Especially at night, insects can be seen flying, as if celebrating the harvest for farmers!

In winter, the fields are covered with thick "cotton quilts", the water in the rivers is frozen, and the wheat seedlings and winter rape in the fields are also tenaciously exposed under the snow, which is their desire for the next spring! Although the farmland is cold in winter, the farmer's uncle's home is warm, and everyone's face is full of joy, preparing for the Spring Festival!

After experiencing the beautiful farmland in the four seasons and the hard work of farmers, I will tell every student around me that while they enjoy the beautiful scenery, they should also cherish food, protect the environment and our planet!

Four Seasons Field Composition (3)

My grandma lives in Yutai, where there are large fields. The fields are green and yellow, of course, because there are spring, summer, autumn and winter!

I have seen the fields in spring. The wheat has just sprouted. Look far away, wow! An attractive new green. Swaying in the breeze, as if in beauty. The swallow flew back from the south and flew back and forth over the field, "chirping" happily, as if shouting "Long live the field, long live the field!" There were some newly unearthed grass in the field, as if enjoying the beautiful spring. Occasionally, a few rabbits will come out from afar and jump happily in the fields, attracting groups of colorful butterflies. This is the field of spring.

I have seen the fields in summer. When the wheat was ripe, it was golden, like gold. The farmer uncle worked hard to harvest wheat and plant rice. The golden wheat was reflected in the clear brook. It was beautiful! oh By the way, there are also large lotus flowers in the brook, red, pink, white... like a little girl, she shyly hides behind the lotus leaves. Small fish swim downstream, sometimes hiding under the lotus, as if she were visiting the beautiful lotus. At this time, a large group of ducks swam into the water to feed. Their carefree life is really enviable. There are some dragonflies flying in the distance. It seems that they are also fascinated by the charming scenery. This is the field in summer.

I have seen the fields in autumn. The rice is ripe. Looking from afar, it looks like a golden wave, which is particularly beautiful. The birds flying in the sky can't help drooling when looking at such a beautiful rice field. But I didn't expect that I could not get anything to eat, so I had to fly away in frustration. The farmer uncles worked hard to harvest rice, and their clothes were soaked with sweat. Such a golden paddy field would become green again. This is the autumn field.

I have seen the fields in winter. The snow is floating in the sky, covering the wheat seedlings with a thick quilt. They seem to say, "This quilt is really warm!" Some children are still playing snowball fights and making snowmen! Mai Miao seems to think it's funny. He bravely pokes out small green heads. They are very cute! This is the field in winter.

The fields are beautiful all the year round. I hope you can also experience the pastoral scenery!

Four Seasons Field Composition (4)

Everyone's hometown has a beautiful side. I love the fields in Qingyang, my hometown. Although it is not the best, it is the most shining in my heart.

The fields in spring are farmers' hope. They planted seeds in the fields, but also planted hope. The seed grows up day by day just like the parents raise their children. The farmers watch the seed grow up, and their faces are full of happy smiles. They silently wish it would bring good harvest.

The fields in summer are farmers' expectation. They watered and fertilized the fields, leaving their hard sweat in the fields, and the seeds did not disappoint people's expectations. They broke through the ground and spread green leaves. Farmers are also waiting for the harvest in autumn when they are sweating.

The autumn fields are the joy of farmers. The golden rice bent over with a smile. A gust of wind blew, and the rice made a "rustling" sound. The sorghum is red and greets people. The rape flower is golden, like a gold. Farmers painstakingly harvest the harvest food, and their faces are full of happy smiles.

The fields in winter are thick and heavy, and they are not afraid of wind and snow. In any severe weather, they are pregnant with new hope in the wind and snow.

The field of my hometown is the home for farmers to live in. I love the field of my hometown!

Four Seasons Field Composition (5)

Four Seasons Scenery Writing in the Field

In our study, work and life, we can no longer understand composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind and think about our future direction. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is the four seasons scenery composition of Xiao Biandun's field, hoping to help everyone.

There are endless fields in my hometown. The scenery of the fields throughout the year is refreshing.

Spring is coming, and I am like a bird out of the cage, rushing to the fields with ecstasy. Wild flowers are blooming, and the fragrance is overwhelming. It looks like a rainbow, very beautiful!

A light wind blew, and the wild flowers suddenly became polite children. They were all gentle. Seeing Uncle Feng, they said hello to him. It was interesting! Grass poked out his head, rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the beautiful world curiously. Of course, how could such a charming field be without the messenger of spring, Little Swallow? The swallow fluttered its wings and flew back from the south, standing on the branches and singing happily.

In summer, the grass is a section higher than in spring, and the earth is green and dripping, just like a green fairy lying on the earth, so the earth will become so beautiful. Some watermelon mothers sat around, as if they were learning from each other about their "parenting secrets", grabbed a piece of watermelon and put it in their mouth, "Ah! A sweet and cool taste immediately seeped from the tip of the tongue to the heart, and the cold and hot summer was immediately thrown out of the sky.

The frog hid in the grass and sang the song of "quack". The cicada was unwilling to lag behind, and opened its voice to sing... It seemed that it was opening its own concert. It really adds to the summer fields.

In autumn, the heavy sorghum sways like a drunken uncle, and the spotless white cotton is really charming! A smell full of melons and fruits: Miss Orange, holding her orange face, picked up an orange and peeled it, one orange petal next to the other, as if a pair of inseparable good friends were talking about their own quiet words. The apples hang high on the branches, like little lanterns lit... It's really dazzling and can't move.

In winter, Chinese cabbages are planted in front of every household, which makes the originally lifeless field full of vitality and hope. They were all lined up neatly, just like soldiers. They did not shrink back because of the cold winter, but stood up more proudly.

Do you know why Chinese cabbage dolls are not afraid of cold? Let me tell you that the mother of the Chinese cabbage doll has already put on layers of clothes for them and wrapped them tightly. The Chinese cabbage doll seems to be saying to the sky when standing there: "We are not like delicate strawberries, hiding in the greenhouse all day and enjoying VIP treatment."

I love the field of my hometown, because it brings me infinite happiness!

Four Seasons Field Composition (6)

Hometown Four Seasons Field Composition

In real life or work and study, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is the field composition of Siji in Xiaobian's hometown. It's only for reference. Let's have a look.

The beautiful countryside has endless scenery, and the beauty here cannot be expressed in words. There are four unique and charming landscapes in four different seasons.

The fields in spring are a scene full of green. Wherever you go, it is a new green. The young trees pulled out green branches and leaves. On the earth, the grass stuck out and wore a new light green dress... golden rape flowers, white radish flowers, and some unknown small wild flowers, blue, pink, purple... were sandwiched in the new green. When a gust of wind blew, it looked like colorful waves rolling.

The field in summer is a natural 'concert hall'. In addition to frog calls, there are one or two clear cicadas' chirps interspersed with it. Occasionally, there are unknown insects' hissing intermittently, and the rustling of leaves adds to the lasting appeal of this sonata. The "players" of these bands cooperated with each other skillfully. This summer's sonata has been reverberating over the fields

The autumn fields are a song of praise for a bumper harvest. The rice is ripe, and a golden, light yellow, golden, dark yellow color block fills the field, far and near, deep and shallow. A gust of wind blew, and the rice waves rolled, one after another. Nearby, the farmer's uncle was busy harvesting. Behind them were stacks of rice ears. Sweat poured down their bronze cheeks, and their faces were smiling.

The fields in winter are a silver world. Although we can't see the beautiful flowers and plants in this season, a world wrapped in snow is also beautiful, isn't it?

The countryside is like a poem, thought-provoking; The countryside is picturesque and colorful; The countryside is as beautiful as a song. I love the fields of my hometown in four seasons.

Four Seasons Field Composition (7)

Field Composition of Four Seasons in Hometown

In daily study, work or life, everyone knows nothing more about composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. I believe that many friends are very distressed about writing essays. The following is a field essay of Xiaobian Dun's hometown in Siji. I hope it can help you.

Every time I recall my childhood, I always think of the fields of my hometown where I played with my friends.

In spring, the ice in the river has not yet completely melted, and the grass just sticking out of the ground has already put a green shirt on the bare field, as if to tell us that spring is coming. In the month of Pu, the taste of spring becomes particularly strong: fish play happily in the water; The brook is singing noisily; Butterflies play hide and seek among flowers; The endless wheat fields are quietly bathed in sunshine... At this time, I will go to the fields with my friends to catch butterflies, fish, and pick wild flowers

In summer, there are more insects in the fields: cicadas, grasshoppers, crickets... So when adults are busy harvesting wheat in the fields, we catch grasshoppers in the dense grass. Sometimes, when it doesn't rain for several days in a row, the river turns into small puddles, so we pull up our pants and go fishing in the river; Sometimes, it rained for several days, the river rose, and the fields became muddy. We still played in the fields. In the fields after the rain, the air is very fresh. The sky is like a blue gem, and white clouds like marshmallows are wandering in the sky. If one morning I see dew rolling in the grass, then summer will slip away quietly

In autumn, the fields are not as full of vitality and hope as in spring, nor as colorful as in summer, but they are more substantial and busy. This is the harvest season. At this time, people will go to the fields to harvest food. The fields were golden and busy everywhere: Maize smiled and showed her teeth; Peanuts are strung together like pearls; The sorghum also bent over with a smile... The farmer's uncle's face showed a happy smile.

In winter, the river in the field formed a thick layer of ice, like a crystal clear mirror. My friends and I skated on the river, and we had a lot of fun. If it snows heavily and the fields are a vast expanse of white, we will make snowmen and have snowball fights in this white world and often forget to go home for dinner. You see, even in winter, we won't feel cold in the fields.

As time goes by, the field has become very vivid: the river is no longer as clear as before, the grass has lost its former prosperity, and the air is no longer fresh... But I still remember the happy time brought to me by the field of my hometown.

Four Seasons Field Composition (8)

Four Seasons' Field Excellent Composition

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition requires a complete text structure, and must avoid the emergence of open-ended composition. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is an excellent field composition of Siji collected by my editor for you. You are welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Four Seasons' Field Excellent Composition 1

I love the field, it is like a naughty child, always happy to live in the sun. The fertile land is its soft bed, and the sunlight on the horizon is its warm quilt. Here, you can see the beautiful scenery with different seasons.

In the fields, there are pink and willow trees in spring, flowers and leaves in summer, leaves in autumn, and a cold winter.

In spring, peaches are red and willows are green. Spring girl wakes up the earth with warm sunshine and sends off her cold winter grandfather. Everywhere is full of vitality and hope. Grass sticks out from the land, flowers open their smiles, willows pull out new branches, spring water flows, and vegetables in the crops are green... The fields in spring are warm.

Spring girl walked and disappeared. Xia Wawa came bouncing along, bringing abundant rain and warm sunshine. The trees grew up and their branches were thick. They piled on top of each other, leaving no space for people to enjoy the cool under the trees... The farmer was busy picking up the mature crops and transporting them to the market!

Unconsciously, Grandma Qiu came to our side. Grandma Qiu was very generous. She changed the trees into golden clothes. Ye girl put on a golden dance skirt and left the big tree mother's arms and waved heartily. The golden paddy field rippled with golden waves in the wind.

Grandma Qiu was tired. Grandpa Winter came to take over. He whistled, "Cold!" The children in the north dared not come out! Our southern children are still running and playing heartily in the fields

This is the fields of the four seasons, the beautiful fields that fascinate me!

Four Seasons' Field Excellent Composition 2

The beautiful fields have their own characteristics in the four seasons. During the holidays, I came to the fields from the campus and from the city to the countryside, feeling the beautiful scenery of the four seasons.

In spring, the farmland is green. All the crops sprouted, and the green wheat field looked like a cozy big bed, and the body swayed with it. The buds are like fresh little lives. They can't wait to raise their heads and look around the world full of life and hope.

The farmland in summer is a busy scene. In the south, the farmer's uncle began to plant rice, while some fields planted small watermelons, and others planted soybeans and corn. Looking around, it's a busy world with luxuriant vegetation.

Autumn is the harvest season. The golden fields glowed like gold, and when the wind blew, the wheat fields raised waves of wheat. Sorghum looks like a drunken uncle with a red face and a low head. Especially at night, insects can be seen fluttering, as if celebrating the harvest for the farmer uncle!

In winter, the fields are covered with thick "quilts", the water in the rivers is frozen, and the wheat seedlings and winter rape in the fields are also tenaciously exposed under the cover of snow, which is their longing for the next spring! The farmland in winter is certainly cold, but the farmer's uncle's home is warm, and everyone's face is full of joy, preparing for the Spring Festival!

Impressed by the beautiful farmland in the four seasons and the hard work of the farmer uncle, I will tell every student around me that while they enjoy the beautiful scenery, they should also cherish food, protect the environment and our planet!

Four Seasons Field Composition (9)

The four seasons here are different and very beautiful.

Spring, you don't let me go, seed, I don't let you go, they all want to go out. The young tree is shaking its green leaves in the field, and the frog is celebrating the emergence of the young tree in the field. Look, swallows fly from the south to celebrate. The fields are full of vitality.

In summer, wheat seedlings are green, corn is dancing, flowers and cicadas are dancing, apples are swinging on the trees, oranges are playing hide and seek on the trees. Dragonflies compete in the fields, frogs sing loudly in the fields, and children play hide and seek and catch bread in the fields. The farmers are busy watering, fertilizing and weeding the crops in the fields. Is the venue very lively?

In autumn, Maizile stoops down, sorghum turns red, corn blossoms, persimmons wear red skirts, and apples turn red. The farmers' uncles are harvesting in the field. The wheat seems to be saying, "Cut me, cut me!" The farmers' uncles are happily harvesting.

In winter, snowflakes fall from the sky and fall in the fields, killing insects. The little tree has white hair, and the earth is wearing a big white dress. Only a few sparrows occasionally fly out in search of food. The field in winter is really lonely, like an old man sleeping.

The fields in four seasons are really fascinating.

Four Seasons Field Composition (10)

The fields in four seasons are the most beautiful and attractive scenery in the countryside. For children like us who live in the countryside, the field is equivalent to an amusement park for children in the city. Although there are not so many interesting toys in the amusement park, the field is like our "paradise on earth".

In spring, everything thawed. After a spring rain, grass and flowers gathered like a fair, forming a colorful spring. Many crops also planted seeds, and spring made the fields full of vitality.

In summer, the sun is like fire, just like our passionate soul. In the field, the grass has grown a large part, and the flowers are blooming in the grass, just like thousands of stars in the night sky. It is extremely beautiful. At this time, the streams in the fields are singing, and we often catch fish and shrimp, touch snails, and swim in the streams. The trees on the distant mountain are very tall and luxuriant, standing guard for friends in the field.

In autumn, leaves fall from trees, just like groups of butterflies dancing in the air. The oranges on the orange tree are ripe, like red lanterns hanging on the branches, and the crops are ripe. The hardworking farmer uncle is harvesting food. In autumn, the whole field is submerged in the harvest sea.

In winter, the fields are white. Crossing the withered grass, I can see three or four plum blossoms blooming. They are so beautiful and strong in the cold winter. I really admire them. The stream was frozen, and Xiaoyu and Xiaoshrimps also hid in the cracks. The fields in winter are interesting.

Four Seasons Field Composition (11)

The field in my hometown is the most beautiful. I like it.

I like to walk on the path of the field. The comfort of smelling the fragrance of rice and the smell of grass is enough to let me forget all my unhappiness and troubles. In this world of rice fields, I can feel the magic of nature to the field, eliminate worldly affairs, and improve my mood. My hometown is near the Huaihe River. Although I have no experience of farming since childhood, I still have unlimited yearning and longing for fields and villages.

When the breath of spring permeates the earth, it is a good time to plant rice and seedlings. When I go back to my hometown, I can see that the fields are full of farmers busy with farming. They are planting rice seedlings in their hands, talking and laughing, and looking forward to the autumn harvest season. The scene is so warm and lively that children play on the side, and some play in the field. The fresh and tender seedlings are more clever and quiet to listen to the surprise of the autumn harvest.

In summer, cicadas bark in the trees, and yellow dogs follow their masters' footsteps at the edge of the fields, constantly panting for air. Farmers are busy digging, weeding, and diverting water for the seedlings. The seedlings are even more beautiful in a small green dress. A gust of wind blew, and waves rolled up on the "green ocean". The rice must feel itchy after being touched by the wind girl, and they all fell to one side. Look at that posture, it's really neat and lovely!

Autumn is the most delightful, and its arrival also brings people the joy and joy of harvest. The whole land is filled with this atmosphere. At this time, the rice field has become a large and warm golden duvet, which is draped on Mother Earth, as if Mother Earth loved to wear it, with a unique fragrance - rice scented toilet water, Let Mother Earth's already beautiful and charming face add a bit more charming and enchanting.

In winter, the fields were already bare, and the rice had disappeared. Only the stalks after threshing were left to pile up in the fields. The children used it as a toy. You still gave it to me, and I gave it back to you. It was fun. Look, they also played hide and seek in the fields, hiding in the stalks, hiding behind the stalks. From time to time, the fields heard the silver bell like laughter, Now the rice field has become a paradise for children.

The fields in the four seasons are colorful, impressive and admirable. I love the fields in my hometown!

Four Seasons Field Composition (12)

In spring, the fields seem to be covered with a green blanket. On the branches, new buds appear one after another, and flowers compete to bloom. Peach and pear flowers bloom all over the branches, just like "suddenly like the spring breeze in one night, thousands of pear trees bloom"! The ice in the river melted, and the water was tinkling and tapping. Look, the birds are flying up to the branches happily, singing beautiful songs, and the little swallows are flying back from the north, dancing moving dances, just like a picture of birds singing and swallows dancing. With the arrival of spring, the plants and animals in the fields wake up one after another after a long winter's sleep, and everything is alive and well. Spring is a beautiful symbol and the beginning of a year. It's really "spring is the key to a year"!

In summer, the sun is burning the earth. The heat waves are like the sea water. The pine trees are exposed to thick turpentine. The rows of trees beside the fields are luxuriant. The green leaves are rustling on the trees, and the fruits on the trees are getting bigger and bigger. It's really "plum is golden, apricot is fat, wheat is white, cabbage is rare". The children chased and played in the field, some ran, some jumped, and some played games... The field was full of laughter.

In autumn, wild flowers bloom all over the mountains. When the breeze comes, the flowers dance and the grass nods under the flowers. The golden fields are shining brightly in the sunshine. The plump grains bear long spikes, which hang happily on the shoots and bend the waist of the straw. The autumn wind is blowing gently, setting off layers of golden waves and wafting the fragrance of rice. The fruit on the tree bent the branches, as if to say, "Oh, take me off quickly, I'm too fat." So, people at the edge of the field picked off one fruit after another and piled them into piles, which looked like small hills from a distance.

In winter, the north wind whistled through the woods, across the river, and came to the fields. "Ah, what a good place to play." The north wind walked around the fields, playing, jumping around on the trees, holding the trees to play on the swings, where branches and leaves fell. The children watched the snow in the sky, and they couldn't wait for the ground to come. It snowed heavily on the fields. Before long, the earth was covered with a snow-white sweater. The bare branches are also covered with a layer of snow. Under the sunshine, they are like crystal flowers full of trees. The children ran out of the house and left a string of footprints on the snow

Four Seasons Field Composition (13)

In spring, Chunyu girl dedicates the nectar of life to the land. Soon, thousands of small green buds were drilled out of the soil on the ground. The small green buds are smooth and soft, as if they were made of tofu. In a few days, the small green buds will grow into seedlings. After a while, Uncle Feng came and stroked their little heads. The young seedlings wriggled lazily, as if they were greeting Uncle Feng!

In summer, the farmer uncle, barefoot and wearing a straw hat, planted rice in the field. After working for a while, he sweated like rain. After a few days, you will see that there are several green poles standing up in the land under the scorching sun. Look at the seedlings planted in spring. They are almost 30cm tall and wear several "green straw hats" on their heads. They are really cute!

A gust of autumn wind blew the fields "rustling", which was also a sign of harvest. The seedlings planted in the spring were extremely cold. They wore yellow clothes and dyed their blond hair. Rice grows some "whiskers". Another breeze blew, and a smell of rice slowly floated into my nose, spreading from the fields. Of course, the corn is also mature. It smells fragrant, sweet and tender. The farmer uncle saw the scene and smiled.

When winter comes, a cold wind blows to my body, which is extremely piercing! The farmland was covered with a thick "white cotton quilt" by Snow Girl. Everything is still so peaceful and beautiful.

Ah! I love the countryside.

Teacher's comment: beautiful language, rich imagination, and the scenes in the fields are vividly written by you. It seems that you have mastered the "five senses" method to describe scenery. Good!

Four Seasons Field Composition (14)

"Get up quickly, the time of ploughing has come... When the children in the countryside sang their own songs in the spring and March, the farmers came to the fields early and slept in the winter fields, showing a little green, as if they were welcoming the host's arrival.

After a busy day planting seedlings and vegetable seeds. The green seedlings are shining in the sunset, and the seeds that have not yet germinated are entrusted with the vitality of early germination.

(2) Mature signs

Insect removal, weed removal, fertilization... busy labor makes people feel that food is hard won, and they have joined the team under the scorching sun.

Now the fruits, just as farmers hope, are constantly absorbing water, increasing and aggravating, which makes people feel that this year is a bumper year. At the summer solstice, the rice becomes green and yellow, and autumn is coming!

(3) Harvest season

It was not easy to look forward to autumn, when the fields were "rolling waves", fragrance overflowing, and the harvest season arrived!

In the fields, farmers are working in full swing; In the orchard, the fruit farmers are busy picking fruits. Wherever autumn goes, there will be jubilation and laughter. For several days, in the fields, the harvester played a happy music; On the village road, transport vehicles run back and forth. Thank you for the harvest of autumn!

(4) Germinating vitality

The harvest season has passed, the land is sleeping, and the fields have regained their former peace. But next year's seeds are growing underground, just as the saying goes, "The wild fire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again." These seeds are sustenance of the vitality of germination in the next spring

Four Seasons Field Composition (15)

When I look up at the countryside, I can see the boundless crops and the rice seedlings being plucked, like green carpets, which are thick and beautiful on the fields!

Spring girl walked lightly and came to the earth. Everything revived and flowers bloomed. The golden rape flower is blooming, and the peach blossom is also holding its red face. It can't help uncovering her mysterious veil.

Sister Xia came to the earth with the heat, and the sun became hot immediately. Apple, pineapple, watermelon, pear, banana and other fruits matured together. The golden fields suddenly became five faces

Six colors, very beautiful! Look! The lotus leaves in that pool were crowded, like graceful flower fairies dancing.

The most beautiful is the autumn fields, which look like golden "sea". The fields in autumn are also farmers' favorite season. Because there is a big harvest in autumn, the farmers are certainly very happy!

The fields in winter are happy! When it snows in winter, the fields seem to be covered with white coats. The children play various games in the fields, such as making snowmen and snowball fights. With the children's laughter, the fields become more beautiful!

At any time and in any season, the countryside can "paint" a vibrant "picture!"

Four Seasons Field Composition (16)

Spring girl likes that field very much, because every spring, this "grassland" is green and green, and the newly grown seedlings are as tall as calves. It's a pity. It's too tight, otherwise, it would be nice to spread a mat here. The fields in spring are gentle, because its wind is very light and the rain is very small, as if afraid of being damaged by one effort.

Compared with spring, summer is irritable. Because it rains heavily from time to time, as if it can scare away all the unhappiness of people. This can make the field a big bargain. With enough rain and sunshine, the fields in summer will grow fast, jump long, and live long. Yesterday is a bud, today is a flower, tomorrow is a small fruit. The old man always said, on June 6, watch the Valley Show. He also said that he could not survive the summer and harvest grain to feed the old cattle. Therefore, I am not surprised at this field that is already taller than me, because the crops should not grow long, or grow too slowly, so there is no hope of harvesting.

The wild in autumn always reminds people of their mother, because it doesn't ask for return and gives all of its own to human beings. In the daytime, people are always busy with farming, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to do at night. We sat on the rice, holding a bowl of peanuts, and looked at the stars. There are countless "Big Dipper" and "Cowherd and Weaver Girl". These crops have only lived for one year, but it has been a full year. However, we have wasted many years.

In winter, it is windy and cold. It makes people want to sleep, and the field, which has been tired for a year, also has a rest. Next year, these seeds will germinate again and have another reincarnation. But in any case, they all had a full life. People, not the same.

Four Seasons Field Composition (17)

Nearby my home is the field where farmers grow vegetables. It is extremely beautiful and changeable all the year round

In spring, the rape flowers in the fields are in full bloom, and the golden yellow color is dyed all over the mountains, forming a golden ocean. The appearance of rape flower is very ordinary. They don't have the petals, changeable postures and strange colors like roses, roses and peonies. They are just yellow from beginning to end, which is full of vitality, as if the sun has settled down on the thin petals. Rape flowers grow in winter and bloom in spring. In spring, they grow up desperately. Rape flowers rarely grow alone and always open in large areas.

In summer, the wheat in the field changes from cyan to withered yellow unconsciously, which makes a field change its appearance. The wind is blowing with a slight warmth, and the cuckoo's call comes from time to time. This is to tell us that "spring has returned", but it is the season of early summer and April. Spring is gone with falling flowers, and summer is coming with green leaves beating in the warm wind The leaves of the tall poplar trees on the street are moving with a layer of green light under the sun, and the blue sky upstairs is surrounded by a layer of white air that looks like fog rather than fog; This layer of green light and white gas makes people feel very happy, but a little dry.

In autumn, the crops are very happy because they have all produced fruits. They are all talking about: "Look, how big the fruits I have produced, and I can be the first in the crops!" "Look, the fruits I have produced are not inferior to you." The crops have produced rich fruits and left the sweetness to people, but they are gradually yellowing and aging. Trees grow on both sides of a long road. The tree crown with cotton padded clothes in summer and short clothes in winter has become much thinner. A gust of wind blew, and leaves floated down one after another, red, yellow, and flowery... like a fairy scattering flowers, and like thousands of colorful butterflies dancing in the air

In winter, there are small pieces of grass growing on the ridge. The grass is short and almost the same height. Clusters of grass give people a soft and hairy feeling. Looking far away, the ridge is like a long brown black ribbon embroidered with several lovely small blue and white flowers, which is very beautiful Continue to trot forward. The wind hums a song and runs happily over the field. The wheat seedlings also hold hands and dance happily. Look, three beautiful birds are flying over the field in front of them. They are wearing beautiful black and white dresses and dancing in the field, adding some vitality to the field I squatted down, gently stroked a wheat seedling with my hands, and looked at the green wheat seedlings in this field with my eyes. They were like cute elves, smiling at me and waving to me in the wind... Ah! Beautiful fields, I love you!