Farewell (18 recommended)
Until the four seasons are missed
2024-02-04 05:50:52
Junior 1

Farewell (1)

One month's family visit soon passed, and it was the day when my second aunt returned to Canada. On this day, our whole family went to the airport to see her off. The sun always followed us all the way, and it seemed that I could not bear to see her go

When I arrived at the airport, my second aunt came to me and hugged me first. I found my second aunt's eyes were wet. Before I knew it, my tears were also running down. I raised my hand and gently wiped off those bean sized tears. Everyone looked at my second aunt quietly. Her eyes were full of sadness. After a while, she was about to board the plane. She turned around and waved to us. My mother cried, She kept wiping her tears with her hands. Grandma also cried. Just wanted to say something to Second Aunt, but she couldn't say anything. She hid to one side and cried even more. I saw that the eyes of her uncle and brother-in-law were red, yes! The second aunt, who has been away for more than 20 years, saw each other yesterday and left again today. She really wants to get together with us less and leave more. I don't know when we will meet again? At the moment when Second Aunt was about to board the plane, my cousin and I said loudly to Second Aunt, "Have a safe journey!" Second aunt turned around, waved to us again, turned and walked into the plane (boarding gate). My nose was sore, and I wanted to cry. Suddenly I remembered what Second aunt said to me: "Ning Ning, you should study hard, and strive to study abroad in the future. Then we can get together again. Aunt went back, and you mustn't cry!" Although I don't cry on the outside, who knows? Beneath my quiet appearance, there is a heart that is crying silently. Everyone looks after my second aunt and refuses to leave until she is out of sight. "Let's go!" My brother-in-law said softly. When I walked out of the airport, my cousin suddenly said, "Look, sister, the plane that my second aunt was on?

Second aunt, I sincerely wish you a happy journey!

Farewell (2)

The eighth day of the first lunar month is a good day to travel. A large number of migrant workers choose to return to work on this day. My mother is one of them.

On this day, before dawn, my mother got up to cook. After dinner, my mother was leaving, and would not come back until the next New Year. After only a dozen days of family reunion, I will have to separate my bones and flesh. I have a thousand people in my heart, and ten thousand people will not give up. I leaned close to my mother and whispered, "Mom, can I go to see you off?" My mother stroked my head and said, "You can go, but you can't cry. It's unlucky." "Yeah!" I jumped up happily.

At dawn, we carried our luggage and set out along the rugged mountain road. More than ten miles of narrow paths and several mountains, I was so tired that I was angry. But my heart is sweet, because I can stay a little longer with my mother.

When we arrived at the station, it was really a world of migrant workers. They pushed forward with big bags and small bags, afraid they could not get on the bus. My mother and I tried our best to push forward with the flow of people, and finally we got to the long-distance bus. I gave my bag to my mother, but when I reached halfway, I drew back, took the ticket in the bag, and my mother left by bus. I want to watch the ticket in the bag and keep my mother! My mother saw what I was thinking, took me in her arms and said to me: "My son, my mother will come back to see you next year, will you let my mother go?" I released my hand.

My mother got on the bus and waved to me through the window. I couldn't hear what she said. I only knew that my mother who loved me would leave. It would be a year before I could see her again. Tears were rolling in my eyes. I wanted to climb on the bus and pull my mother down, but what would my mother do to send me to school without making money? "Don't cry, don't cry, it's unlucky to cry..." I said silently in my heart

When the car started, my mother was getting farther and farther away from me. I spread my legs and ran forward desperately, shouting: "Mom! Mom..." I wanted to look at my mother more. I wanted to keep my mother. I wanted to go with my mother, but if I went there, my mother's work would be affected. My eyes were clouded with tears. I could not cry, or it would be unlucky. My mother kept waving to me. The car went farther and farther, and finally disappeared in my sight. I stared at the direction of the car for a long time

My mother has gone to work. I have to learn to be strong myself. I look forward to the next reunion!

Farewell (3)

There is a kind of music lingering in my memory: "Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there are green grass and blue sky." There is a picture of chasing in the line of sight, with a gentle evening wind and a pulse of setting sun. There is a ray of melancholy rippling in my heart - it is a farewell, a friendship that I will not part with but cannot retain.

When I listen to Li Shutong's Farewell, I always find it difficult to calm down, and always go back to my childhood. When I was still an ignorant child, my mother took me to see the film Old Stories in the South of the City. I am not interested in the plot. When the audience was moved to tears by Lin Haiyin's story, I was still restless. Finally, suddenly came a piece of music. The music was gentle and meaningful. I listened attentively and imagined the beautiful scenery of "green grass and green sky". But how can I know that this is a parting in the sound of a broken flute. I just blindly believe that this is a small tune for painting scenery, and even several times I fantasize about going for an outing in the place with green grass and green sky.

Six years passed quickly. The serious farewell was fixed on the graduation ceremony of primary school. Six years seemed to be long, but it seemed to be fleeting. At that moment, everyone hugged and cried to vent their sadness and pain. What we are facing is the parting, the friendship that we cannot part with. In the evening wind and setting sun, everyone sang the song "Farewell" in a low voice, because only this song can express thousands of words before leaving. It seems that everyone understands the meaning of the song in an instant, and sings the voice of his heart. It is not the song, but the friendship in the song. The song renders the already bleak evening even more a trace of parting. This departure seems to be really "life is rarely a happy gathering, only a lot of separation."

Today, it is another permanent departure. There is no Changting Ancient Road, only tears and sweat. After five days of camp training, all our classmates set out to go home. What we hate most is Instructor Lin who gets along with us day and night. He has a strong nature and strives for the first place in everything. However, because we are not responsible, the rank of the queue is not good. At this time, guilt, reluctance and gratitude are all condensed into tears, surging in the eyes and flowing in the blood. I sang Li Shutong's Farewell again. As a junior high student, I had already understood another feeling in Farewell. In life, we gather less and leave more, and leave, or leave for a while, or leave at last. Therefore, "cherish" is valuable. Cherish your gains, cherish your friendship, and even cherish your departure.

Long pavilion, long ancient road, a song "Farewell", different feelings. The reason why I like Farewell is that it can change everyone's inexpressible feelings and emotions when facing the departure into a few words, simplify the complexity, and make everyone find resonance from it. This is the nourishment of Farewell to pacify the departed.

Farewell (4)

We must all know that Grandpa Yuan Longping died on May 22. Grandpa Yuan Longping was the inventor of hybrid rice. He let everyone in China have enough to eat.

The hybrid rice invented by Yuan Longping's grandfather was used by Americans to ensure that China can feed 22% of the world's population with only 7% of the world's land.

At that time, the conditions at Yuan Longping's grandpa's home were not bad. His parents wanted him to go to a good university, but Yuan Longping's grandpa wanted to re apply for Chongqing Agricultural University. At the age of 19, he began to develop hybrid rice. He was known as the "father of hybrid rice" in the world, the former director of the International Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center and Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, Former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee.

He also asked us to "who knows that every meal on a plate is hard." Whenever we eat a bowl of delicious white rice, we will think of Grandpa Yuan Longping.

We can always see his picture when we open the textbook. He and Rice are always together. At that time, in order to make it convenient for Grandpa Yuan Longping to study, an experimental site was opened at their door. By getting up in the morning after graduation, we did not brush our teeth and wash our faces, but ran to the experimental site to see how hybrid rice was.

At 13:07 on May 22, "the father of hybrid rice". Yuan Longping, the winner of the "Medal of the Republic", died of multiple organ failure in Changsha at the age of 91.

He is the first scientist in the world to successfully use rice heterosis, and is known as the "father of hybrid rice". Until the beginning of this year, he also insisted on carrying out scientific research in Sanya South Breeding Base in Hainan. Remember that the hero who made Chinese people secure their jobs bid farewell to Mr. Yuan!

Farewell (5)

"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs, which is difficult to complete in ancient times." It is precisely because of the incomplete full moon that people yearn for the full moon and miss their loved ones more. As a result, the feelings between relatives that blood is thicker than water become the most persistent thoughts and concerns.

Senior high school seniors and sisters are about to graduate, and their memories are lingering in our minds. However, we still have a lot of sadness in our hearts when they leave.

In the wind outlet of memory, the emaciated figure of wild geese brushed the gray sky, leaving behind patches of faint floating clouds; In the outlet of memory, the raging wind rolled up my cuffs and my thoughts, flying in the vast universe.

Your departure will bring us endless thoughts. In the depths of our memory, there is always a place to treasure you. When the breeze blows, our hearts will ripple, and those memories will appear one by one.

Maybe you haven't gone far, but you can't experience the peace of mind in the past. Maybe we have lost too much, but the scene of heartache in the past has gone with the wind. In the vent of memory, we are powerless to fight back against the roar of the wind. Similarly, we are powerless to fight back against your departure. But God is fair. Although you left, you will also leave us good memories. Your spirit will stay in our hearts forever.

Just like the broken arm of "Venus of Milos", it has left people infinite aesthetic imagination space, thus, countless perfect dreams of life have been conjured up, forming "perfect deformity". Similarly, the memory you give us is perfect in our mind.

Losing is not necessarily a bad thing. The ancients said, "What a blessing in disguise?" When the butterfly came out of its cocoon, it lost its haven from the wind and would not have the carefree past, but it gained the freedom to fly. It can accompany flowers, dance with the wind, enjoy the bright sunshine, and appreciate the colorful world, so if you lose, you will gain.

Farewell (6)

See you off in March. The grass is green and the flowers are blooming. It's a vibrant scene.

At this time, the great poet Li Bai was drinking with his friend Meng Haoran on the Yellow Crane Tower in the west of the Yangtze River.

Li Bai said, "Brother Meng, you are going to follow the east of the river today. I'm afraid you will never see you again. You should take good care of yourself!" Meng Haoran saw Li Bai's behavior and urged Li Bai not to be sad: "Li Bai, once you leave today, you will meet again. Besides, you can make other friends again!" Li Bai didn't say much anymore. He and Meng Haoran would recite poems and compose poems later; For a while, I will overlook the scenery on the river; After a while, we can talk happily.

At this time, a warm wind blew, and several sand gulls flew over the roof, leaving their cries. Meng Haoran said to Li Bai, "I have to go." Li Bai hurriedly said, "I will go to see you off."

They came to the river together, and the white sailboat had already been waiting on the shore. Li Bai said, "Brother Meng, take care and be careful all the way!" Meng Haoran also said to Li Bai with tears in his eyes, "Li Bai, you should also pay attention to your health. Don't be too sad." They waved goodbye.

The Yangtze River carried Meng Haoran away and disappeared at the end of the blue sky. Only a river of spring water flows to the horizon. Long river, do you know that you are carrying Li Bai's countless thoughts? Long river, do you know that Li Bai's thoughts are longer than you.

Li Bai stood by the Yangtze River for a while, and when he saw the scene, he immediately recited a well-known poem for thousands of years: "Send Meng Haoran to Guangling from Yellow Crane Tower".

Farewell (7)

Ah! How soft you are in spring, but you are about to leave. Let me see you off here

Spring, I can only call you that. What you bring us is happiness. You have deep feelings with me. It's like sending my mother away. Ah. No, you have become my mother. Your warmth has brought me great happiness. Do you know how happy I am when you come? I look forward to your coming and playing with me. When the cool breeze touches my cheek, your warm hands are soothing me, which gives me great confidence. Love, just like you, is warm and delicate, just like my mother's hand gently tapping my cheek.

My mother, can you not go, let me know your love again, when you come again, I will embrace you. When I say goodbye to you, my eyes are filled with tears, and the rain outside the window is dripping like your tears.

Mother, I will always love you, and I will be the first to greet you. Let me call for the last time, mother!

Farewell (8)

This article is dedicated to the students who have spent six years with me——

The inscription is floating clouds, the spring mountain is quiet, and I don't know where to go when I leave you; The ink is light, the wind is gentle, and the white horse accompanies you. Say goodbye and mourn for the six years.

After saying goodbye to you, this place was left empty. After six years of laughter and laughter, it suddenly became empty. Don't give up separation, only the noisy memory, meeting, like yesterday, separation, and close at hand, I would like to meet you again, do not cry in the future.

The silver pen is used to write about the reunion, and the setting sun says goodbye. I hope you will not think about the sad memories. Looking back, there are only sincere words. After all, we have to separate. When we recall the past, time was too hasty to leave a trace. We smiled and cried, leaving only the words of blessing.

May you be kind, may you not regret, may you be crowned on the top list, may your studies be successful, may you have no worries, may you have no regrets, may you have no regrets, may you have no tears, may you have no injuries, may you May all your laughter come from happiness, and may every drop of your tears come from touching!

I leave you today and hope to meet you tomorrow. If you give everything, I will do my best! Time has passed, and schoolmates are still in love. In this land where we shared tears and tears, I bid farewell to these six years, leaving

Farewell (9)

In the early morning of autumn, the river is filled with a light morning fog. The morning fog is full of sadness of parting. It seems that God intended to detain you, and you will be taken to the north of the Great Wall. I will leave you today. I walk hand in hand with you on the bluestone road. Our faces are sad, and we climb the stone bridge near the village. The stream under the stone bridge flows slowly through the poplar forest near the village. The leaves in the forest wither and fall, You made a promise of love to me, which moved me very much. Tears flowed out of my eyes. You kept comforting me and helped me dry the tears from the corners of my eyes.

In the early morning of autumn, the river is filled with a thousand years of morning fog. The morning fog is full of sad feelings, as if you and I were telling a story. The ship stopped on the quiet river and was ready to sail at any time. I said goodbye to you slowly by the river. Our faces were full of tears. The autumn wind was cold and cold, and the autumn water was filled with gentle waves. To the south, wild geese crossed the sky, leaving a sound of grief, I made a promise of love to you, which made you very moved. Tears flowed out of your eyes. You kept looking back at me and disappeared at the end of the fog by boat.

Farewell (10)

(1) Animals and people

Summer vacation arrived, my mother said she would take me to travel, and I jumped three feet high with joy. We packed our bags and waited for tomorrow's departure.

The next morning, our neighbors came to see me off and said everything, including the dog. He barked, barked and barked three times, as if to say, "Don't go, I want to play with you." Even the dog was reluctant to part. It's true that there is a true love in the world.

(2) Dead wife

Madam, you died when I was young. I don't know what "death" means, so I often ask my mother: "Mom, where has my wife gone?" My mother always says to me: "My wife is asleep." Who knows you "never return".

When I grow up, I understand that you are dead. Although your body was burned by fire, you have always lived in our hearts. We will often visit you, and we will never forget you.

(3) Moving Neighbors

The third grader next to our house is my good friend, but he wants to move. Before he leaves, I will give him my most precious toy. Every time he sees that toy, he sees me.

Although many people are no longer with me, in fact, they are always in my heart. As soon as I open the "heart door", I can see them.

Farewell (11)

It's not yet light,

But you are on a journey.

Last night's wet clothes,

Hang it on the hanger.

The city of dawn,

Always so quiet,

It seems that there is no one.

Through the glass,

Looking at your back,

There are many words in my heart.

But most of all,

Along the way,


Take care.

Farewell (12)

When the ginkgo leaves turned golden, Grandma stood at the door of her house and waved to me: "You study hard at home, and I will work hard to cure the disease. When I come back, I will make meatballs for you." The meatballs made by Grandma rolled in the oil pan, crispy outside and tender inside, and a bite made them fragrant. With this in mind, my mouth has been watering down three thousand feet, and I am looking forward to Grandma's early return.

In the early morning when the ginkgo leaves were falling off, my mother called, her voice was trembling and her voice was sad: "Come here quickly, grandma is no good!" I couldn't believe it. Not long ago, she was smiling goodbye to me and promised to make meatballs for me. How could she be in critical condition? At the moment, I wish that the trembling voice of the phone was from a stranger who had made a wrong call.

I pushed open the door of the ward, and the skinny old man on the bed calmly closed his eyes, as if asleep, no longer waved and smiled, and just lay there quietly. My heart seemed to be tightly held by a big hand, and I felt the pain I could not say. Suddenly, I felt the pain in my eyes. When I raised my hand, I had already shed tears. I walked over gently, afraid of waking the sleeping old man, sobbing and whispering, "Grandma, I'm coming." But the old man turned a deaf ear to my call. She ignored me. This must not be my grandma. She never did this to me. It seemed that someone poked me in the face in the dim tears, and I shouted in surprise: "Grandma!" However, only the shriek of the ECG monitor answered me. I could no longer restrain myself. Tears poured out and I cried loudly. In the dawn of this late autumn, in the midst of great sorrow, I bid farewell to my loved ones. From then on, I only missed them and could not see them again.

People will go through many different farewells or temporary separations in their life in order to have a better next reunion, which is a kind of expectation; Or the ends of the earth, see you again indefinitely, but know that the other side is safe and happy, this is a kind of peace of mind; Or from now on, the two worlds will never meet again, but will always remember his face and voice, which is a kind of nostalgia. Every farewell is more or less filled with sadness of parting. We should be grateful, cherish life, cherish the time with family and friends, and cherish everything we have.

Farewell (13)

School begins. I'm going to study in the county seat. My parents are more or less worried. After all, I have never lived alone outside. Before leaving, my mother prepared my luggage for me, and my father urged me to study hard at school and respect myself.

I dragged two big suitcases and sat at the door waiting for the bus. My parents sat around me without saying a word, staring at the empty road in the distance. In silence, the long sound of the car horn came into our ears, and my mother gently told me: "Here comes the car, get on!" Then she stood up slowly with her hands on her knees, and my father had dragged the box to help me block the car. I got up and looked around. Everything was still, as if I was silent for my departure. When the car stopped, I looked at the open door, looked back at my parents, and thought that I would be back in a month, I couldn't help feeling sad. But I still walked quickly onto the bus. In the car, I found a seat. Looking out of the car, there is a piece of grass. I know I have left home.

Farewell (14)

It is estimated that people have been used to seeing off each other. It is no doubt to say two words. If you are touched, you will just leave with tears. Today, I'm talking about animals seeing off.

I grew up in the countryside when I was a child, where there were many childhood playmates, but what impressed me most is always the cat

At the age of six, one of them may not know what touched me, but a cat made me understand that it was a summer. Maybe it was a strange day. It rained all night. At night, my parents were going to pick me up. But I didn't seem so happy because I was about to leave my best friend, the kitten "Mimi". I was very depressed. I really hope my parents can't pick me up when something happens. I prayed silently

Life is always a little sad. My parents came as promised, which was like a bolt from the blue for me. I walked out of the door step by step, and Mimi followed me closely. I motioned for him to go back more than once. Tears flashed in my eyes, and he just wouldn't listen. I ran hard, and he chased hard. I hide, and it finds me out. Maybe, it really can't leave me, just like I can't leave it. My mother took me to the car, and Mimi followed me closely. I even pushed it down with my hands, and it got up and chased me again and again, repeating the same action again and again... I was going to get on the car, and it pulled my pants with its front paws, but how could it be pulled with its strength alone? I got on the car, and the car started slowly. It kept chasing after me until it disappeared out of my sight. I cried and cried very sad

"When will the moon be bright? I asked the blue sky about the wine. I don't know the palace in the sky. I want to go back by the wind. I'm afraid that the sky will be too high and cold..." Departure can stretch a long distance, but it can never stretch the feelings between people, people and animals.

Farewell (15)

A farewell is like an operation. Without anesthetic, my heart is very painful. But sometimes not. I have experienced before

My mother and I have arrived at the airport and are going to fly back to Kunshan, but we are waiting for a friend. I was originally acute, and I didn't come here after waiting for a long time. It can be said that I was furious (I can't wait here). I can't help walking back and forth, and sometimes I see if my friends are coming. I have stamped my feet, sighed and looked at my watch. I thought: whether my friends will come or not, the plane will take off soon! What if I can't catch the plane! The more I think about it, the more I get angry. I really want to break the front glass. Looking out of the window, I saw more and more clouds in the sky, and gradually the wind was blowing. I beat the window hard, as if there was an inextricable hatred with the window.

He came just as I walked faster and faster and became furious. He came running to us with his bag on his back, panting, and my anger dropped a little. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late." He apologized and opened the bag, rummaging inside. What is it? I stretched out my head and found that he had taken out a delicate small box. My original anger seemed to be blown away by the wind, and immediately dissipated, leaving only joy. I took the gift, thanked and said goodbye, and turned to leave. At this time, I only heard "The flight from Shanghai to Kunshan is delayed for half an hour due to the weather, please forgive me. The flight from Shanghai to Kunshan is delayed for half an hour due to the weather, please forgive me..." I stopped and stood there, dumbfounded. I turned around and saw that the friend had not left. "Since the plane is delayed, why don't I accompany you for a while?" I nodded. It seems that the time has slowed down. I don't know what to say. We stood there, and no one spoke. This atmosphere is really embarrassing. I don't even have the face to look at him. Sometimes I glance at him without looking at me. I look around as if I want time to pass quickly. After a long time, he asked, "Have you got all your things?" "Hmm." "Oh." He replied. We all hung around, never having the face to face each other. "Do you want the specialty here?" he asked again. "No, thanks." I waved my hand. He nodded and swallowed a mouthful of water. After a while, he asked, "Have you brought all your things?" "Didn't you ask?" I drew a big question mark in my heart. "Oh... yes, yes, I forgot.". It seems that after waiting for a century, we can finally part. Although a little reluctant, I was happy to escape from the awkward atmosphere. "Bye bye!" I said, and immediately turned around and ran away. I finally escaped this horrible moment with a long sigh of relief. I gave the ticket to the ticket inspector. When she returned it to me and was about to leave, she said to me and my mother: "Miss, this is the ticket for tomorrow." My mother took the ticket, looked carefully, and said: "Sorry." Then she took my hand and left in a hurry. (The paragraphs are long, so learn how to segment them.)

This farewell is strange and embarrassing!

Farewell (16)

The wind and rain are rustling outside the window;


The trees are laden with fruit.

Today is a special day.

Our dear people.

About to leave.


We can't forget.

Your Chunchun education;

We can't forget.

Your advice.

Dear people!

At this moment of departure.

We want to

Say too much.

thousands and thousands of words

It comes down to one sentence——

Teacher, you have worked hard!

Farewell (17)

Those who used to laugh and tears

You have chosen to forget

I have to watch you

Make it permanent

Staying on that young rainy night

I will cry on the page

Just like the blooming jasmine on the mountain

Elegant and beautiful

Or some dusk many years later on the title page

Slipping down quietly

The rain of lovesickness is falling outside the window

You said everything would pass

I'm just in love

Remove the heavy load gently

And when I suddenly look back

The surging thoughts

As yesterday

Farewell (18)

Fragrant to the south

Nostalgia for the past

Run through the fragrant branches

Sort out feelings


Farewell again


Winter wind

Deciduous aggregation

Pick up the withered brush

Write down the names of each piece

Embedded in memory


Farewell again


a year

Time carves the wind

The wind is killing time


They haven't changed

We've all changed