Description of cicada (6 required)
Endless rain
2024-05-04 00:38:33

Description of cicada (1)

Today, my brother and I had nothing to do and didn't want to just stay at home. When summer came, cicadas were everywhere, so my brother and I decided to catch them.

At the beginning, we looked in the courtyard of the community. After a long time of searching, it was all small. It didn't sound very energetic. Later, my brother said, let's go to the park to catch cicadas. This time, there must be a lot of cicadas in the park. Besides, when the lotus flowers are in bloom, we can also enjoy them. So my brother and I set off from home to the park.

When we arrived at the park, as we thought, there were trees and grass everywhere, and there were many cicadas staying on it. Some of them were resting, and some of them were shouting at cicadas. My brother and I jumped at him gingerly. He was really more ferocious than me. He caught one first. I didn't want to fall behind and follow his example. I also successfully caught several cicadas. In this way, we put the cicadas we caught into the bottle we brought earlier and went home happily. But when we came downstairs, I felt that they were particularly unlucky. My brother touched my head, He said, "Since you were young, you have been timid. All right, let's let them go."

I had a good time today. Catching cicadas is a kind of fun. When catching, we should be patient and not careless. And releasing life is also a kind of fun, which can be understood in depth.

Exercise 2: composition of cicadas in summer

In the hot summer, we can always hear cicadas' cries: "cicadas, cicadas..." Sometimes, we feel very upset, but we don't know the story behind cicadas... cicadas' cries are not from their mouths, but from their wings.

In a tree, the mother cicada put the cicada away and then separated. Of course, she could see the killer of her children... Simulium. The black flies are dozens of times smaller than cicadas, but they are not afraid of cicadas. The black flies ran to the center of the eggs and confused their eggs with those of the cicada. The cicada mother saw all this, and she was able to trample these tiny things to death, but this may be an unchangeable habit! Under the microscope, the cicada eggs gradually grow into fish shape, and the scattered egg membrane immediately becomes a line, so the cicada can climb the line. However, there is another big risk. It will soon enter winter, and the land will become hard.

Therefore, cicadas must quickly find soft land to hide. Naturally, there will be a large number of deaths. What risks do cicadas face when they hide in the soil. We do not know, only that in four years, there will be another group of cicadas singing in the sun. We should not feel bad about those cicadas, the coolies in the darkness for four years, and the singing in the sun for a month.

Only after being honed can cicadas have the qualifications to grow strong wings that can fight with birds. In fact, is not the lifetime of cicadas a characteristic of cicadas?

Exercise 3: Writing about cicadas

The cicada is a common small animal in summer. Every hot summer, the cicada always comes uninvited. It begins its endless "singing" with self pity. The bright and sweet voice of the exquisite little creatures under the green leaves on the branches is always stirring your happy strings.

Once, when I was walking in the community, I heard the harsh sound of "cicada". Out of mischief, I walked into the cicada... I wanted to frighten it and drive it away.

Who knows, when I slapped him behind his back, he was indifferent and continued to play his role. How could I let it go? I took another step towards the cicada, roared at its back, and then jumped twice. It was still as if nothing had happened and sang its bad song in defiance.

I changed from hatred to curiosity: this cicada is not a fool, is it? So I walked from behind to its front, and before I could open my mouth again, the cicada fluttered its wings and flew away. Boy, that's good. I didn't scare him, but I did. Looking at the back of the cicada, my heart is full of questions

When I got home, I couldn't wait to find a book about insects and found the answer. It turns out that cicada's hearing is very dull, almost deaf. But their vision is very sharp. Once they find an unknown object approaching, they will fly away vigilantly.

Cicada is really a strange little insect!

Description of cicada (2)

Today, my brother and I had nothing to do and didn't want to just stay at home. When summer came, cicadas were everywhere, so my brother and I decided to catch them.

At the beginning, we looked in the courtyard of the community. After a long time of searching, it was all small. It didn't sound very energetic. Later, my brother said, let's go to the park to catch cicadas. This time, there must be a lot of cicadas in the park. Besides, when the lotus flowers are in bloom, we can also enjoy them. So my brother and I set off from home to the park.

When we arrived at the park, as we thought, there were trees and grass everywhere, and there were many cicadas staying on it. Some of them were resting, and some of them were shouting at cicadas. My brother and I jumped at him gingerly. He was really more ferocious than me. He caught one first. I didn't want to fall behind and follow his example. I also successfully caught several cicadas. In this way, we put the cicadas we caught into the bottle we brought earlier and went home happily. But when we came downstairs, I felt that they were particularly unlucky. My brother touched my head, He said, "Since you were young, you have been timid. All right, let's let them go."

I had a good time today. Catching cicadas is a kind of fun. When catching, we should be patient and not careless. And releasing life is also a kind of fun, which can be understood in depth.

Description of cicada (3)

On a hot summer afternoon, when I was drowsy, I heard bursts of "cicada, cicada..." from the school window, which not only broke the peace of the campus, but also dispelled my drowsiness. This summer was already hot enough, and the cicadas' cries made me even more upset and irritated. I really didn't understand why cicadas kept calling endlessly in this hot summer.

After class, I came to the tree and looked up. The cicadas were greeting me. They wear a dark brown dress all day long, with a length of about 3-5 cm. The cicada has a needle like mouth, which can pierce the tree and suck the sap. Their articulators are long at the base of the abdomen, like a big drum covered with a layer of tympanic membrane, which can produce sound when subjected to vibration.

Do you know that cicadas are also called cicadas, and only male cicadas can make sound! The larvae of cicada live in the soil and feed on the stems and juice of plants. It must live in the soil for four years before it can become an adult worm.

French entomologist Fable wrote in "A Record of Insects" that the male cicada has no hearing. It can't hear any sound from its surroundings, even the sound of its own hissing exhausted.

This is an interesting 'cicada'.

Description of cicada (4)

In the afternoon of a hot summer day, when I was drowsy, bursts of cries of "cicada, cicada..." came from the school window, which not only broke the silence of the campus, but also dispelled my drowsiness. This summer was already hot enough, and the cicadas' cries made me even more upset and irritated. I really didn't understand why cicadas kept calling endlessly in this hot summer.

After class, I came to the tree and looked up. The cicadas were greeting me. They wear a dark brown dress all day long, with a length of about 3-5 cm. The cicada has a needle like mouth, which can pierce the tree and suck the sap. Their articulators are long at the base of the abdomen, like a big drum covered with a layer of tympanic membrane, which can produce sound when subjected to vibration.

Do you know that cicadas are also called cicadas, and only male cicadas can make sound! The larvae of cicada live in the soil and feed on the stems and juice of plants. It must live in the soil for four years before it can become an adult worm.

French entomologist Fable wrote in "The Record of Insects" that the male cicada has no hearing. It can't hear any sound from its surroundings, even the sound of its own hissing exhausted. It is an authentic "deaf insect".

This is an interesting "cicada".

Description of cicada (5)

Our improvement class had an assignment to learn about insects, so I asked my father to catch a butterfly for me, but my father didn't catch it, but he brought me a cicada.

The cicada has a black carapace, black eyes on both sides of its head, protruding outward, a long needle like mouth close to its body, a pair of transparent and light wings on its back, and several serrations on its six slender legs to grasp objects.

I am curious and afraid of this strange guy. My father said to me, "Jiajia, don't be afraid. The cicada is very kind and doesn't bite people. Besides, its wings have been glued by me with transparent tape. Now it can only climb. You can put it in your palm and play with it." I, always timid, dare not even touch it. How dare I play with the cicada in my palm! When my father wanted to put the cicadas in my hands, I was so frightened that I drew back my hands and quickly stepped back behind me. My father smiled and said, "Coward, look at me!" My father grabbed the cicada and put it on his finger. The cicada slowly climbed up along his father's finger. Without noticing, my father didn't realize that the cicada stood up and stuck his long needle like mouth into his finger. Dad suddenly felt pain and hurriedly threw his hand to the ground. Oh, the cicada took his father's finger as a branch and wanted to drink the dew in the branch!

The cicada that fell to the ground lay motionless on the ground, and I ran curiously to see what was going on. At this time, several cicadas were heard from outside the window. Suddenly, cicadas were fluttering their wings on the ground, desperately trying to break free and fly out. I suddenly understood.

I asked my father to carefully untie the transparent tape on the cicada's wings and gently put it on the windowsill. Suddenly, the cicada gave a cry and flew away with open wings.

Description of cicada (6)

I saw that the cicada's legs were red and black, and its whole body was dark brown. Suddenly, a cicada seemed to find me, flapping its light and transparent wings and flew away.

Why is the cicada so small that its body makes such a loud sound? Let me tell you a secret. A male cicada has a sounder in his belly, and the sound comes from there. A female cicada also has a sounder, but it doesn't make sound.

The cicada has its advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that its shell can be used as medicine. The bad thing is that it will suck the sap from trees, which is bad for the growth of trees.

The computer data told me that cicadas reproduce. The male cicadas complete their mission after mating, and will die soon. The female therapists will not eat or drink after laying eggs, and will also die soon.

Cicadas are great for giving birth to their babies.