600 character expository essay on composition in the third day of junior high school (3 collections)
be ready to realize one 's aspiration anywhere all over the country
2023-10-24 02:00:11
Junior three
Expository text

600 character expository essay in the composition of the third day of junior high school (1)

I am a grass. In this world, I am so small, no one has paid attention to me, I just silently contribute in this world, but who will know our pain? We didn't cry, we didn't complain, we gave green to people in obscurity.

In spring, the breeze is blowing. At dusk, children rush forward in a swarm, laughing and playing; In the setting sun, a couple sat on the lawn whispering and playing; The old people walked in the sunset and told their vicissitudes of life. I was very happy to see these scenes of peaceful and harmonious love swear words, because their harmony has my share of efforts, with my pay, they have stepped on me, I have no regrets because of my pay, joy will fall from the sky, people's happiness is my happiness, give forever than take happiness!

In summer, on a cool evening, we lie on the grass, looking at the sky above us, drawing a beautiful blueprint in our hearts, talking about the past and the present, and imagining the future. At this moment, I have created a warm holy land for people. But who would think that when people are happy, they have only themselves in their hearts. As for who created this green field, we have long forgotten. People who only know how to enjoy never know how to be grateful, which makes me very cold

In autumn, when the sky is high and the clouds are light, people come to the withered and yellow grass and continue to chase the few butterflies left. When our life was about to end, they still insisted on the cruel trampling until the last moment when my partners and I were enduring all this, with sad tears in our hearts, we had to pretend to be happy, and paint the last touch of green on the increasingly bleak autumn.

Winter is full of snow. Although we are covered with snow, our roots are still deep in the soil. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? This is just the darkness before the dawn. In the spring of the next year, we will still sprout and grow, continue to show the most brilliant green in our life, and give green grass to people - this is my mission, my irresistible mission!

I am a happy grass, I am a grass that needs people's care.

600 word expository essay in the composition of the third day of junior high school (2)

A breeze brought me here. I don't know how long I slept, but I woke up. It was dark and cold around me, like an iron wall surrounding me. I don't like here. I want to grow.

I am a grass seed, a grass seed that can't be more ordinary

One day, the cold soil began to warm and wet. I took the opportunity to grow up and absorb the nutrition from the soil. Finally, I succeeded.

My eyes finally saw the light, the golden sunlight reflected on my young, slightly green buds. Although the breeze in early spring is still cold, it is still wonderful for me. I greedily breathe the air with the fragrance of flowers. I open my arms to embrace the world.

Oh, how wonderful!

The temperature is getting warmer and warmer, and there are more and more flower fragrance ingredients in the air. My body is getting stronger and stronger day by day. Mother Earth is not stingy with its food. One day, the grass beside me suddenly burst out a bud, which slowly and slowly bloomed - it was a pale pink flower, and each petal was shining with elegant brilliance.

It's beautiful. I thought to myself. The beautiful flower smiled at me and greeted me kindly. I soon got to know her and chatted with her in high spirits.


In summer, although it is hot, the big trees overhead support a thick shade of green for me. Cicadas sing loudly all day long, and beautiful music always echoes in my ears. Every evening is the time when I talk with my companions.

The weather is getting cooler, and I clearly feel that it is time to leave. I am not regretful, "Falling red is not cruel, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers..."

600 character expository essay in the composition of the third day of the junior high school (3)

I am a grass. My life is dull and boring. Few people disturb us. One day, two little boys suddenly broke my peaceful life. I don't know why. The two little boys started walking on the lawn. I waved my hands to tell them, but they ignored me and insisted on me, My relatives trample on me. Then I fainted.

"Grass smiles, we detour." The slogan was so conspicuous, but they turned a blind eye to it. Their behavior was wrong. Soon, someone came up to stop them, but they still didn't repent and showed a disdainful look on their faces.


I don't know how long it took me to wake up, eh? Where's my arm? Why can't I lift my head? Are my relatives asleep?

So, I dragged my tired body and shouted loudly to my relatives --- "Mom, Dad, Sister, get up!"

However, there was no sound. Gradually, I almost despair. What should I do without my parents? What can I do? He lost his parents' protection. Protection. I really don't know what I should do.

When I think of that day, my relatives are killed like that? I'm really afraid and hate those two hateful people.

I really want to tell them - "Foolish humans, you think you are the smartest creature in the whole universe, but you don't know that your cleverness has harmed you. You think you are smart, and you are the master of nature. But you don't know how to protect the environment. Your" cleverness "will only harm you."

I may have "birds of a feather flock together", but after that incident, my preference for people has dropped to zero.

I really just want to "please protect the environment" for human beings

"No flower fragrance, no tree height, I am a wounded grass, always lonely, always worried......"