Good mood composition (collection of 17 articles)
Dragon of Imperial Phoenix
2024-05-30 07:01:26

Good mood composition (1)

The steep stairs, disordered vegetation and hot weather made me regret that I had promised to climb here. "What a beautiful and pleasant scenery, I think it is just a pile of withered branches and grass." I pointed to the prominent branches on the mountain tip and complained, which is the countless times I have criticized the mountain scenery.

On a fine Sunday, I wanted to have a good sleep, but my parents pulled me out to climb the mountain. I was in a bad mood. In addition, the weather was hot and dry, so... I walked listlessly on the stairs, ignoring the surrounding vegetation. Occasionally, he would vent his anger on the steps at his feet, hoping that it could move like a hanging ladder in the mall, send me to the top of the mountain, and then send me down immediately, so as to end this boring journey as soon as possible.

At last, I reached the top of the mountain. Looking at my watch, half an hour is like a year. "Alas, I have to walk down the mountain. I'm almost going to collapse." This is my last complaint on this trip.

I followed the trend to the railing in front of the mountain. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by the sight before me. The empty valleys are filled with smoke, and the mountains that depend on each other far and near are densely covered with harmonious green. What a peaceful scene. "The kite flies and is fierce. He who looks at the peak and feels at ease. He who talks about world affairs looks at the valley and forgets to return." My restless heart suddenly calmed down. I am like a bird in the mountains, calmly climbing over mountains, lingering in this scene.

I reluctantly left the top of the mountain and walked down the original road. God, is this the way I just walked? The steps extend down neatly. The roadside vegetation has different forms. Some of them are like a trumpet in the sky upward, and some are like a green palm downward, like waving goodbye to me. When I passed the prominent branches that had been cursed by me, I could not help being stunned, and the tenacious branches stretched out from the hard rock. "How full of vitality!" I couldn't help admiring.

After another 40 minutes, I returned to the foot of the mountain, and time passed like a fleeting horse. At this time, I suddenly understood why the same road, the same scenery, will have different feelings! It turns out that my restless mood has cleared up.

A good mood can make such a big change in the environment. The same is true in life. So a good mood is like sunshine, which can make you feel bright, hope and warmth.

Good mood composition (2)

Some people say that "campus life is like a pot of miscellaneous porridge, which is full of ups and downs." Our campus life is such a pot of "miscellaneous porridge" with "human feelings".


The beginning of school means "goodbye" to TV and computer, and close contact with homework; It means "goodbye" to the warm bed, and "good morning" to the alarm clock at 6:20; It means that the happy and relaxed summer vacation is about to pass and a new life is about to come. So, we are ready to go, tighten our hearts that have already been released, wash away our reluctance and laziness, and welcome the arrival of the new semester with laughter.

Oh, bye,

TV, computer, bed, crazy play.

Time is pressing for the arrival of the new semester,

I need the irrigation of knowledge.


Once again, I saw the innocent smiling faces of my classmates and felt the collective enthusiasm. My heart was full of joy and joy. Especially touching the new textbooks, I am excited beyond words. How wonderful textbooks are, compressing the essence of knowledge into paper. Through the teacher's mouth that can speak and understand, we can input knowledge into our body. What makes me most happy is that in the new semester, we have started a new starting point. Now I am already a fourth grade student!

The same familiar face,

The same unchanged smile,

Life seems to be static,


After entering the sixth grade, life has also changed. Not to mention that the classroom is on the fourth floor, we have to "climb" the 16th floor every day after school. It's hard to imagine. In addition, the classroom is remote, and the bell for class is sometimes inaudible, which often leads to the situation that "when the class is over, the class is inaudible". Only two days after the start of school, the whole class had already developed a pair of "hot eyes": when the students playing outside saw that the previous class had all gone to the classroom, they knew that it was time for class. When the students inside saw that the students outside had all returned to the classroom, they had a sense of what was going on, so they quickly sat up. We use this "wireless telegraph" to judge the ringing tone.

The school starts with bitter and bitter words,

Suffer or be happy,

Sour or sweet.

In a word -- happy start of school!

Good mood composition (3)

The sky is particularly blue, and the space is clean and bright. Walking on the road of the park, the air is particularly fresh. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. I feel everything is so beautiful. A breeze blew in the face, blowing gently across her cheek. The birds sang happily all the way, as if singing for her. They walked quietly to the side of the pool, sat beside the rock, and looked at the small fish in the pool. The fish swam happily in the water, very lively. On such a sunny day, no matter what you see, it is so beautiful. Everything is as delicious as coffee with sugar. In fact, life is so colorful and tasteful. It depends on how you taste it.

Third day: Plum Blossoms Bloom in Full Bloom

Good mood composition (4)

Facing the sea, spring blossoms.

Chen is a girl.

She has only one expression, that is, indifference. No matter what she said or did, she seemed numb and never laughed. No classmates played with her. She has no friends.

Until one day, she didn't go to school. The students did not notice her absence, and they should say that they ignored her existence. Even the teacher didn't find it.

The next day, Chen came to school pale. There was an expression on her face: fear. Although everyone was curious, no one went to ask her. Because of her coldness, she hates it.

I don't know how many days later, Chen's body will have several more blood stains every day, but her expression is only one kind: numbness. That day, the teacher's son came to school to play. Only 4 years old, his eyes are like black grapes, his eyes are innocent and pure, and his smile is as bright as the sun.

Chen is attracted. Just after class, the little boy stumbled in and stumbled onto the steps. His thin body just jumped into Chen's arms, ready to go out.

The little boy raised his head and rubbed Chen's body without avoiding suspicion. "Sister... so beautiful... so soft..."

Chen's face turned red at once. Just as he wanted to release his arm, the little boy grabbed Chen like an octopus and said, "Sister hug!" Chen was stunned, his hands trembled slightly, his pure black eyes flickered with tears, and his mouth murmured: "Love... Love..." Suddenly he suddenly held the little boy, "Thank you for letting me see that there is love in the world... Thank you..."

Chen lovingly rubbed the boy's head, gently handed the boy to the teacher, and hurriedly left a sentence, "I'm not feeling well. I'm leaving early."

The teacher who knew Chen's family situation well smiled.

Chen returns home. Chen's father was cooking in the kitchen. When Chen came back, he frowned and asked, "Why did he come back so early?"

Chen looks around and asks, "Where's Aunt Chen?"

Chen's father darkened and said, "If you don't like her, I will leave her. From now on, we will live together."

Chen pinched the corner of his clothes, and tears appeared from the corners of his eyes. The corner of his lips raised a smile for the first time in several years: "Dad, thank you. I will not hurt Aunt Chen again. These injuries were all caused by me. Sorry! Mom's problem has passed, and it's time for me to let go. I won't blame you anymore. Aunt Chen is now my mother."

Chen's father's hand trembled. A bag of flour slipped from the rough hand and fell on the ground, scattering white flowers on the ground. Chen's father turned his head and asked trembling, "Really... Really?"

Chen nodded forcefully and rushed into his father's arms like a swallow. Years of tears poured out in an instant: "Dad!"

The night after a year. aegean sea.

Chen, Chen's father and Aunt Chen are walking on the beach.

Chen's face was filled with a dazzling smile, with dark hair and white skirt flying in the wind.

Facing the sea, spring blossoms.

Spring is here. May everyone have a good mood.


Good mood composition (5)

Some people say that "campus life is like a pot of miscellaneous porridge, which is full of ups and downs." Our campus life is such a pot of "miscellaneous porridge" with "human feelings".


The beginning of school means "goodbye" to TV and computer, and close contact with homework; It means "goodbye" to the warm bed, and "good morning" to the alarm clock at 6:20; It means that the happy and relaxed summer vacation is about to pass and a new life is about to come. So, we are ready to go, tighten our hearts that have already been released, wash away our reluctance and laziness, and welcome the arrival of the new semester with laughter.

Oh, bye.

TV, computer, bed, crazy play.

Time is pressing for the arrival of the new semester.

I need the irrigation of knowledge.


Once again, I saw the innocent smiling faces of my classmates and felt the collective enthusiasm. My heart was full of joy and joy. Especially touching the new textbooks, I am excited beyond words. How wonderful textbooks are, compressing the essence of knowledge into paper. Through the teacher's mouth that can speak and understand, we can input knowledge into our body. What makes me most happy is that in the new semester, we have started a new starting point. Now I am already a fourth grade student!

Same familiar face.

The same unchanged smile.

Life seems to be static.


After entering the sixth grade, life has also changed. Not to mention that the classroom is on the fourth floor, we have to "climb" the 16th floor every day after school. It's hard to imagine. In addition, the classroom is remote, and the bell for class is sometimes inaudible, which often leads to the situation that "when the class is over, the class is inaudible". Only two days after the start of school, the whole class had already developed a pair of "hot eyes": when the students playing outside saw that the previous class had all gone to the classroom, they knew that it was time for class. When the students inside saw that the students outside had all returned to the classroom, they had a sense of what was going on, so they quickly sat up. We use this "wireless telegraph" to judge the ringing tone.

The beginning of school is a bittersweet story.

No matter how hard it is or how happy it is.

Sour or sweet.

In a word -- happy start of school!

Good mood composition (6)

When spring comes with vitality and hope, you will be in a good mood; When the summer cold drinks are happy and cool, you will have a good mood; When the golden waves of autumn come with maturity and harvest, you will have a good mood; When the hot kang in winter comes with warmth and happiness, you will be in a good mood. Happiness is everywhere, and good mood always exists.

Helen Keller is blind, deaf and dumb, but she has confidence in herself. She wrote a book in a good mood if she gave me three days of light; Edison wanted to invent the electric light. He failed many times, but he was not discouraged and went to success with a good mood; Hawking was found to have muscular dystrophy when he was in college. When a reporter interviewed him, he was in a good mood and wrote shocking words on the computer? All great men have a good attitude towards everything. Why don't we learn from them?

After being criticized by his mother, a child ran up the mountain and shouted at the mountain, "I hate you, I hate you!" The mountain immediately replied, "I hate you, I hate you, Let him shout to the mountain, "I love you, I love you!" The child did so, and the mountain immediately replied, "I love you, I love you!" The child listened, smiled happily, and felt much better, just like a rainbow after rain. The child understands that when you give others a good mood, you also give yourself a good mood.

Some people complain that they have never been in a good mood. In fact, they don't know that they are in a good mood when they do everything, but they just don't find out.

Good mood composition (7)

Good mood gives people happiness and sweetness, and good mood makes people confident and optimistic.

One day, I was walking on the street, ready to go to class. I like to take a lonely path, because there are few people on the path, so I can get to the Children's Palace quickly. But I didn't expect anyone here to ride a bike.

The man rode quickly. He was also a child. He "whooshed..." He rushed past me and almost hit me. I was a little angry and thought to myself: Why are you riding on such a small road? Even riding so fast, I'm not afraid of bumping into people. But I'm a little worried about him wrestling here.

"Bang, ah!" A scream pulled me out of my mind, and I hurried to the front to see what had happened. Sure enough, the kid just hit a stone on his bike and fell. I saw that there was no one nearby at this time, so I went forward and helped him up. I asked, "What's up? Is there anything wrong? Do you want to call your parents?" "No, I'm fine, thank you." The little boy answered with a little sobbing. I asked anxiously, "Are you still in pain? Do you want me to send you back?" The little boy said, "My father and mother walked behind and will be there soon." I said again, "That's good. Wait here, I will go to find your father and mother." I ran back immediately, and soon found his father and mother to visit the child.

"Oh, I'm going to be late." I suddenly thought. So he said goodbye to them and ran away like an arrow.

By the time I got to the classroom, I was already late, but I was in a good mood because I helped others like a small adult!

Good mood composition (8)

I can't say its name, maybe it has no name at all. But there is only one unknown mountain in my hometown. It is noisy outside the mountain, but it is very quiet in the mountain.

There is no formal road in the mountain, but there are obvious traces of people stepping on it, like people often walk. The little aunt who served us explained that most of the people who lived around had come to the mountain, and the scenery on the mountain was beautiful and the air was clear. If you come here at this time, you can pick up a large bag of wild mushrooms by carefully searching!

I step on the wet soil under my feet. It rained a few days ago. I feel like I can draw a pool of water with my hands. The air was full of earthy smell. I took a deep breath and spit it out exactly.

After entering the mountain, almost no one spoke, and even the most noisy little cousin seldom shut his mouth. Slightly raised his head, he saw the green leaves, there was no dazzling sunshine, only the peace of the mountain forest.

All of us were silent. It seemed that there was some powerful ancient monster suppressed in the mountain. Occasionally, the wind blows through the forest tops and shuttles with the leaves in intermittent chapters, which only draws people back.

It seems that there is a "clatter" sound of water hitting rocks. "Fishermen are very different". We are not fishermen and are interested in it, so we continue to move forward. The cover of the woods came to an end. The brook was babbling in front of us, and the rocks beside the brook were covered with moss. Looking to the west, I feel that this is the Small Stone Pond in Yongzhou. "It is obvious when the snake is fighting", and its shore is also "showing each other's teeth". In my heart, I feel the warmth of seeing my old friends.

For a moment, the clear sky in front of me suddenly darkened, and a round of yellow crescent moon hung in the sky, and the moonlight sprinkled on the scale water, silver white. The air near the water is wet, and the wind blows gently. The ripples spread from the center to the four sides, like ink in the center of rice paper, slowly forming a picture. It also reminds me of Wang Wei's poem "After the empty mountain and the new rain, the weather comes late in autumn. The moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward." It seems that it really has this meaning.

Once again, all the troubles were swept away.

There is the reason for the disturbance, and there is also the silent power to sweep away the disturbance. The mountain scenery is beautiful, the mountain wind is cool, and the mountain atmosphere is gentle and quiet. The common people lose their direction in the red and white, but after this tour, they may suddenly wake up. Since they have come to the world once, why not find a quiet and peaceful state of mind for themselves?

Good mood composition (9)

"What? Tomorrow I will go to Yuhang to have a bike race with other friends?" When I heard the exciting news, my heart was filled with ecstasy. You know, cycling after school is my biggest hobby!

The competition was held by Niutong Society in a beautiful and remote valley. About 40 families participated in the competition, all of whom were Niutongshe reporters from every primary school in Hangzhou and their parents (my mother was a cheerleader).

On the day of the competition, although the fog was serious, the scenery was not affected at all, but added a little mystery. The trees on both sides of the track are vigorous and straight, refreshing.

Near noon, a group of excited children and their father rushed into the distance after the whistle of the referee. My father and I stood out in this army and soon ranked fifth. As the first pass passed, our frequency increased a lot, and we soon came to the fourth place. Dad obviously didn't want to stay here too long, so he rushed over immediately. I also rode along the path of my father, and then exceeded the fourth place. I'm glad to be able to refuel, but I gave up the idea when I thought that there were still two obstacles. My father and I immediately passed the answer to the second level, and now we are close to the third place. The third and final level is the competition of "two people and three feet", which is the most difficult one among the three levels and also the one that impressed me most. This competition requires my father and I to work together and do our best. I felt that my father and I were like one person at that time. Hand in hand, we shouted the command in unison and marched in neat steps to victory together.

Finally, we got the third place. The wonderful activities of this day made me very happy and unforgettable! I hope to keep this happiness forever.

Good Feeling Composition (10)

In my mind, many memories have disappeared, but I still remember one thing.

In the third grade, the school organized a volleyball match, and the content of the third grade match was the mat. I like volleyball very much, so I signed up first. No one is perfect, no gold is enough, everyone has some imperfections. Although I like volleyball very much, the level of passing is not very good. So many students laughed at me and pointed at me and said, "Can you? Don't delay our class." I often heard these words. I don't think I can flinch at Bill's ridicule. On the contrary, I should work harder and get good results in the competition to convince the students. Since then, as long as I have time, I will practice pitching and ask the teacher when I encounter difficulties, instead of giving up.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for the game. I am nervous and excited, and I hope to achieve good results in the competition.

Finally, my name was called on the radio. I held the volleyball and walked carefully to the stadium. My legs are shaking all the time. I thought to myself, I can't be afraid, I can't let my classmates look down on me! At this moment, my heart calmed down and waited for the start of the game.

Under the order of the referee, I steadily threw the ball up, and then calmly hit the ball down. After a long time, with the whistle of the referee, the fierce game finally ended.

After the teacher's statistics, the results of the competition came out. I won the first place! Hearing the news, I was so excited that I jumped and danced with the certificate.

That time, I was really happy. I am happy not only because I won the prize, but also because my efforts have been rewarded accordingly.

Good Feeling Composition (11)

Today, it was sunny. My mother took me to the Olympic Square to play. I saw those big brothers and sisters shuttle freely on the skating rink with beautiful posture. I admired them very much and thought to myself: If only I had a pair of skates! I told my mother this idea at once, but my mother immediately agreed. I also bought a pair of blue skates for me in the store. They can stretch! The shopkeeper patiently taught me how to skate, and also told me some maintenance methods and precautions for skates. The shopkeeper said, "Skating is actually very simple. You only need to master one method. When skating, your feet must be inverted.

In the evening, when we came to the Olympic Square, my mother asked me to sit on the flower bed and put on skates. When I stood up after putting on skates, I almost stood up. Fortunately, I was smart and immediately responded. After adjusting my posture, I didn't fall down. I was greatly relieved and said, "I'm lucky. God helps me!" I began to slip, and I firmly grasped my mother's hand, I'm afraid I'll fall down and bite the bullet. Gradually, I was able to move freely. I immediately shook off my mother's hand and slipped forward carefully. At this time, I was both excited and happy. It turned out that skating was not as difficult as I thought. It was OK to master the method and be bold.

At the end, I said happily, "Today, I have gained too much. Today, I learned to skate. How happy I am!

Good Feeling Composition (12)

As the saying goes, "Laugh, ten years old; worry, white head". There are many things in life that make us happy, happy. Even if there is no such thing, we can also find happiness, such as doing something that we feel meaningful and fulfilling, or reading funny comics and jokes... We can feel happy from these things. Some people think that every day is boring. In fact, they don't know how to find happiness. It is also very happy to live in their own way. Do what they want to do, and you will feel that it is meaningful to live.

I am very happy every day, because I live in a happy class. Every time we have music lessons, we will take our notebooks to copy the lyrics, and every time after class, I will help my classmates take their notebooks to the classroom. Some students laugh at me and say I am stupid. In fact, it doesn't matter how they say it, because only I can understand the happiness in my heart, and others can't understand it. As the saying goes: Go your own way, let others say it! Helping others is also a kind of happiness!

People, you should live a smart life and be broad-minded, so that you will be happy. Some people are fussy and want to talk about every little thing. It is said that a prime minister can prop a boat in his belly. Why are people so stingy? I think as long as a person is cheerful, he will have more friends. If he has more friends, he will not feel bored and idle. Friends can also bring happiness.

In fact, we should be happy all the time. Your worry is a day, and your smile is a day. Why don't we have fun every day? The wind decides the direction of the dandelion, and I decide to be happy every day. Only with a smile to face life, life will smile at you.

Good Feeling Composition (13)

On December 31, I got up early and came to school eagerly. Why on earth? Ha ha, because today is going to hold a grand and exciting event - "The Voice of Jiangnan"! Time has passed, and the activity has finally started! With a sound of "Pa", the whole hall was in darkness, and the whole hall suddenly fell silent. A burst of cheerful music broke the silence of the whole audience. A group of "hot women" danced a fierce youth dance, and immediately there was overwhelming applause from the audience. Look at Li Xinyue in our class. She is smiling, dancing easily, and moving like a flowing stream. She has played a leading role in the team and left a deep impression on teachers and students.

The lights on the stage flickered, and the applause came from the audience. The walls of the entire venue were covered with colorful patterns, which were extremely beautiful! The little host Deng Chenyu wears a red skirt and a small black hat, which is very fashionable! The handsome and humorous teacher Fu is not bad either! When Mr. Fu put on a handsome poss, there was an earth shaking scream from the audience. The competition started and was divided into two groups. Each group was divided into five players. Tong Yibang's singing is deep, Zhang Xinyi and Chen Zhaoyi's singing is sweet and beautiful, and Liu Jiaying's singing is like thunder, which is not nervous at all. He deserves to be an expert with many years of stage experience! Wearing a blue suit, Zhou Yicong kept shaking his hands at us. One moment he walked to the left, the other to the right. There was a typhoon and a model! Zhou Yichong was totally immersed in his own singing, as if he were alone on the stage.

Zhou Yicong's fans followed the melody and kept swinging the fluorescent sticks in their hands. The tutors also nodded frequently instead of giving thumbs up. As soon as Hu Tianyi came on the stage, he shouted: "My 'pepper' people, cheer for me!" Suddenly, a deafening scream came from the audience... After all the contestants had performed, it was the turn of the tutors to worry, everyone whispered, and the students also talked about, "Who do you think will be the champion?" "I think Chen Zhaoyi of our class will win!"... Chen Zhong Zhang Yining and other students calmed the excitement of teachers and students with songs and musical instruments. The result came out - Xu Chenyi, Tong Yibang and Zhou Yichong were unfortunately eliminated. Then came the finals, and our applause rang out at the same time. I could not suppress my nervousness and excitement. I shook the fluorescent stick and screamed at the same time. The students in Class 2 were even more excited. The star shaped fluorescent stick in their hands shook up in a big way, like a shining star all over the sky!

Finally, the awards came out: Chen Zhaoyi champion, Zhang Xinyi runner up, Hu Tianyi runner up. There was loud applause from the audience. Unconsciously, the program is drawing to a close. "The last program is the well-known" Jiangnan style "!" When the host announced this sentence, the whole audience was already boiling. When the music sounded, the audience immediately flipped over. The students couldn't help standing up and jumping together. Some shy students sat on their seats and kept putting fluorescent sticks... The program was over, and the students were still talking about it... At this time, it suddenly snowed, and I thought: this must be the most beautiful and unexpected end!

Good Feeling Composition (14)

After today, we finally found out the "whereabouts" of our achievements.

In Chinese class, the teacher handed out the test papers. As soon as we saw the test paper, we kept talking about it. It was just who did well in the exam. Feng Wen next to me asked, "What's your score for Tingting? I'm 90.5 and have improved by 0.5." I told her confidently, "I'm 98." "Wow! How awesome! But I don't know how much He Xiaoxue scored."

After a while, the teacher told us to be quiet and start talking about the test paper.

One student boldly asked the teacher, "Teacher, what is the highest score?" I looked at the "birthplace" of the voice and found it was Li Wenhao. But the teacher is very unhappy now. Will the teacher answer him?

Unexpectedly, the teacher smiled and said: "The highest score, He Tingting, needless to say, 98 points. He Xiaoxue, 95 points."

That is great! My heart was full of happy cries. However, we should be careful. Xiaoxue had to refuel because of her carelessness. I lost to Xiaoxue because of my carelessness.

We welcome the final exam with confidence

Good Feeling Composition (15)

The life in life is always sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. The purpose of the heart makes life stay at a certain point. If I can, I think it is sweet. But sour, sweet, bitter and spicy are the way of the heart. How can I choose to stay? Maybe it can't be changed by melting my heart.

As I am not rich at home, I may have a happy mood unconsciously after the pressure given by life. In life, there may be a lot of torture, and a lot of dissatisfaction. This is God's test for myself. Now I am in junior high school, and I may need a test. At home, I see my parents' hard work, and then recall my wasted time in school. At this time, my heart is filled with pain. But sometimes when I see my parents' carelessness, my parents give me a smile, This hard smile has slowly begun to spread the pain that is eroding my heart. At this time, I know that although my parents are hard, they will only bear it silently and never vent. What kind of heart he still has! When I was about to arrive at school, my father gave me the best food and sent me to school. When I was at school, I passed my parents' smiles, but I knew how important it was to have a good mood in my life.

In school days, I can always see the laughter of my classmates. Now that the third year of junior high school is coming, I can see that under heavy pressure, students can still laugh like this. Isn't this adding more excitement to our life? In retrospect, it is just like this. We are in our youth and there are still many things worth fighting for. In the exploration of the years, I saw that I had changed from innocence and ignorance to today's sense and maturity. Now I understand the feelings I have in life. In learning, I saw the success of celebrities, and the poetry of poets, most of them suffered, Also stand up firmly, maybe they also understand the meaning of life and have the best heart.

Now my life is so beautiful, so happy, and my heart is happy. When I am angry, I will sing songs to make myself have a happy heart. When I am frustrated, I will stand up firmly with my heart. Isn't that how the beauty of life is created? Because I understand life and love life, my mood and life are beautiful.

Good Feeling Composition (16)

The afterglow of the setting sun lazily climbed over the white and smooth skin of the mountain; The warm light shines on this quiet land, and the clouds in the sky float past, as if they are following the footsteps of their companions; The warm blue jade like lake water flows slowly, and there are several boats on the side of the lake, and some fishing fires are glimmering faintly. Maybe when the scenery is too lonely, my mood will sing, and the singing will accompany the lake water, to take me to the nostalgic past with a little sadness, but when I turn to leave, I see the other end of the mountain, that is the place where the sun rises again, Maybe spring will come tomorrow! The warm sunshine flickered on the lake, and the last batch of red leaves in the mountain forest still stood proudly on the branches, bright red and green, which were incongruous colors, formed a unique winter scene. Sometimes, when a gust of wind blows, the branches without leaves make a rustling sound, which will also make people feel desolate. But if you look at those branches again, the new buds have already been bred. The fluffy and inconspicuous buds make you immediately think of the future spring and the vibrant and colorful days.

Walking in the snow is more interesting. There is only a trace of wind in the sky, like a string holding a kite, holding Feifei Ruixue, looking up. The wind dominates the pink butterfly like snowflakes, falling sideways, swirling and flying, falling leisurely on the ground and falling on the pedestrians. Like a naughty child, snow never tired of playing with people, brushing people's hot faces, turning into drops of water on their eyebrows and moustaches, forming small ice particles. The white snowflakes are falling quietly, floating and fluttering. In a moment, there will be a thin layer on the ground. When you step on it, it will sing a happy footstep "squeak, squeak, squeak," for you. With this step, you can expand your imagination to pursue your best memories and embrace your happiness! You might as well take a deep breath, and the sweet smell of flowers will soak into your heart. You can't help thinking of a pure heart, and you will feel that the whole world is so pure

When I got up in the morning, the winter fog filled the air. After the fog disappeared, a spectacle appeared immediately. On the needles of the pine trees, there was thick white frost, like a white chrysanthemum tree; The branches of deciduous trees are covered with snow, just like white jade carved trees; The weeping willows and silver threads are floating, and the bushes have become pure white coral clumps, which are in a variety of shapes and forms, making people feel blurred and in a trance in the fairy tale world

There are four seasons in a year, each season has different scenery, and I like the magnificent scenery when it snows in winter best. In winter, people seem to have come to an elegant and quiet state, to a crystal clear fairy tale world. The delicate fragrance of pine and the ice fragrance of snow give people a kind of cool comfort. Everything is filtering, everything is subliming, even my heart is purifying, becoming pure and beautiful. mom! mom! What on earth do you cook? " The teacher asked us to learn how to cook a dish. I didn't know what to do, so I had to look for a savior all over the world and ask my mother for help.

"Is omelet OK?" Mother asked.

"Yes! The omelet is both time saving and delicious!" I replied happily.

I immediately took three eggs from the refrigerator, broke the eggs in the bowl, and slowly stirred them evenly.

"Come on!" Dad said aside, "Just stir the eggs like this? After stirring, the world will end!"

"Let me come!" Mother grabbed the egg bowl and put some salt on the eggs. Quickly, quickly, quickly, and evenly stirred the eggs!

My mother said, "First heat the pot, then put the eggs into the pot." I listened to my mother and quickly put the pot on the gas stove. When my mother saw this, she wanted to guide me, but I said, "I'll pour the oil myself!" The oil jumped like a baby in the hot pot, which was naughty! It has "flown" to me several times.

"Dad! Help! SOS! I shouted. When Dad saw it, he quickly turned the big fire to a small one. "You can pour eggs in!" Dad said patiently to me.

I poured the eggs into the pot and carefully spread out the fried egg liquid while thinking: cooking should be careful and pay some "tuition", so that I can learn to cook delicious food!

Finally, under the guidance of my parents, I finally fried the omelet. I asked my mother, "What else should I add?"

Mother said, "Put two crispy sausages on it." After I put the crispy sausages on it, I asked my parents, "Who will try them?"

"I come!" said the parents with one voice.

"The taste is too salty!" Dad said painfully. "What! It tastes just right!" Mother interrupted.

The next day, after the teacher ate my egg cake, he said, "Not bad!" After listening to the teacher's words, my heart was sweeter than honey.

So my hard work yesterday is my happiness today!

Good Feeling Composition (17)

Have a good mood

"Just be happy" has always been my motto.

Have a good mood. The darkness becomes bright, the panic becomes calm, the disappointment becomes confident, and the silent heart is jumping.

A cup of cool ice cream in summer, a warm blessing from a friend, a knowing smile from parents, a word of encouragement from a teacher... All these can bring a good mood.

Good mood does not need to pray, it will appear when you need it most, and will accompany you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It's easy to get a good mood. It can come at once and go at once, without any doubt or thought.

Some people often complain that they are too busy studying and in a bad mood. This is wrong. We are very busy, busy every day, but busy learning let us have a happy, a good mood.

We always take a break from our busy schedule. Several friends get together to chat, shop and eat. But we still don't forget our mission, and after the relaxation, we are nervous to learn. We will still have a good mood.

Keep a good mood. Maybe you don't attach importance to it, maybe you have inadvertently got it and lost it, but it is really important to have a good mood. It will encourage you to do everything well and let go of any unhappiness.

Be optimistic every day, have a good mood every day, even if you have nothing, even if you only have one day of life, you are still rich. Because you have happiness.

In life, all we need is a good mood.

Have a good mood

A warm and considerate blessing from a friend, a knowing smile from a parent, and a word of encouragement from a teacher will often make you have a good mood. A good mood does not need Qi Qiu. It will appear when you need it most, and will accompany you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter, every day and night, every minute and every second. But it will come and go as soon as it says so. There is no room for any doubt and thought. However, please remember not to keep it too deliberately or force it too hard, because if it does, it will be like sand tightly held by both hands. The tighter you hold it, the faster it flows!

In fact, it's easy to have a good mood! As long as you think of everything in a good way, don't give yourself too much pressure, too much burden, too cumbersome, and a good mood will follow! When you don't do well in the exam, keep a good mood and tell yourself to keep working hard. Next time you will definitely make progress than this time. Failure is the mother of success; When you are having a difficult time with your friends, tell yourself not to be extreme, but to think more about the other party's usual good; When you are plagued by a nasty disease, keep a good mood, tell yourself to face it bravely, and all the troubles will pass. Let our hearts stretch out in beauty, let our ideals come true in longing, and let our youth soar in the young sky with every blessing. What to do when you are in a bad mood? Answer: Change your mood. When your mood is wet, you should take it out to dry it. When your mood is bitter, you should add some honey. When your mood is rotten, you should throw it far away, so that you can't see it. When you are in a bad mood, take a puzzle and slowly spell it piece by piece. Find the missing piece in your heart and make up for it. Your mood will be much clearer.

On the road to catch up with the dawn, let your heart fly, let the warmth in your memory fly, decorate the perception of the years into meteors, write the fairy tale of youth in your memory, and let yourself taste a good mood. In the days when life is flying, let your mood fly, let your vision of tomorrow fly, hammer your beautiful dreams into poems, and let your passion of life shine on the blue sky, so that you can enjoy a good mood. For a change of heart, it's sunny after rain

Have a good mood, the darkness becomes bright, have a good mood,

Be calm and have a good mood,

Disappointment becomes self-confidence, and you have a good mood,

Tired and energetic, have a good mood,

The silent heart is also jumping.

Have a good mood

You linger at the intersection of disappointment and sadness, sighing heavily. You have so many reasons to frown. Failing in an important exam, the potted plants carefully cared for were caught in the wind and rain all night long. Smiles fade from your expression, and there is heavy darkness around.

But why don't you try to be cheerful? A good mood needs forging. Why don't you wave your sleeves and "change your fame into a low voice"? Why don't you try to realize the charm of "green, fat, red and thin"? The gift that life gives you, you don't even bother to open it, just throw it aside.

People are always worrying about many trivial things. They are as busy as bees, as confused as flies, and even have the sadness of thousands of feet of hair "turning into snow in the morning like green silk at dusk". They rush to the unknown destination and are angry about the thorns along the way they choose.

If you could broaden your horizon, you would not see your own deep mire. There is a magnificent sunrise on the horizon in the distance. Or from another angle, there is still vitality and beauty around. The roses with thorns are charming and fragrant.

When Wang Anshi was frustrated in his career, he could use "not afraid of floating clouds to cover his eyes, only because he was at the highest level" to encourage him. Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou and remained heroic, hoping to "draw a carved bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot Sirius". Li Bai's drinking and sword dancing can send out a sigh that "life is not satisfactory in the world, and the Ming Dynasty is full of boats".

The reason why people are happy is not because they stand in place waiting for happiness, but because they are good at finding happiness. Even if lost everything, still with a good mood all tenacity.

One flower, one world, one sand, one heaven. Everything is endowed with a special meaning because of its existence. If you regret missing the sun, even the stars in the sky will be lost.

Keep a good mood and look for a good mood. Life provides thousands of reasons for happiness. Don't ignore it easily.

Maybe the people around you are more successful than you, enjoying the material. At this time, you can raise your glass to invite Mingyue and say in the spiritual home, "How happy I am." Maybe you are facing failure. At this time, you can summarize your experience and wait for the next opportunity and say, "How happy I am."

In the life of the road full of flowers. Don't skimp on your quick glance. In order to make a solemn wish in front of the Buddha where you must pass, they are all looking forward to each other, hoping that you can be happy under the hidden appearance.

So even for such piety, you should have a good mood and cherish every flower and the life scenery they decorate.

Have a good mood

Mood, it always faithfully follows us and never leaves. It is not like the shadow leaving you in a dark corner, but laughing in the sun; It is not like health, so harsh, as long as there is a little discomfort, it will leave you without mercy. Mood is like an indelible burden. No matter when and where you are, it will hold you tightly and exert its magic from time to time. Mood, which accompanies you through every minute of your life, seems to be a good friend who will always share the same feelings with you. When you are happy, it will smile as bright as the sun; When you are sad, it will also shed a string of tears; When you are angry, its heart seems to be burning... So, if you are willing to add sunshine and joy to the world, and if you are willing to drive away the sad atmosphere for others, then go to work hard to forge a mood!

In the morning, when the sun shines warm on the earth, when you breathe some moist fresh and pleasant air, tell yourself with a smile: "Today, I will have a good mood!" At night, after a busy day, imagine the charming scene of the night sky: the ink like sky hangs quietly like a curtain, It is dotted with shining stars that are as dazzling as gems. Let the quiet atmosphere accompany you to sleep, and let the gentle breeze outside the window take away your worries and unhappiness of the day, leaving only the good mood. Let good mood accompany you into a new day.

On a sunny day, open your heart and show your good mood with a warm smile like spring breeze. In rainy days, let the rain wash away the troubles accumulated in your heart. In wet days, use your happy mood to dry the water vapor around you. In dry days, use your joy to make the air around you moist.

Mood is an indispensable part of our life, and good mood is what we have always dreamed of. Let us have a calm, quiet, broad and transparent heart, covering every morning and night of life, and tell ourselves with a confident and loud voice: "Today, I have a good mood".

Have a good mood

Good mood is your own success, because success will make you have a good mood; A good mood is the kindness of a friend. With this kindness, you will have a good mood; A good mood is a smile of a stranger, because he smiles at you, so that you feel attractive and have a good mood; The good mood is

The surprise of "There is no way out when the mountains are heavy and the waters are heavy, and another village is bright" gives you a good mood; The beautiful scenery of "Moonlight among pines, clear spring and stone on the stream" makes you feel good; The magnificence of "endless green lotus leaves meet the sky, and the lotus flowers look red in the sun" can make you have a good mood.

With a good mood, we can see what is beautiful.

For one thing, several people with different attitudes will have different views, and they will have different moods. If you want to have a good mood, you must face things optimistically, calmly and calmly. With these conditions, it is necessary to have a good mood.

"Exams are flying all over the sky, homework is piling up all over the floor, and the teacher is urging us to keep the time away." This is a student's sigh of hard work in learning. It can be seen from this that this student must be very distressed in the face of the pressure of learning. Faced with thick homework, ordinary people will definitely adjust their eyebrows to "8:20". Then, your mood will be bad. But if you face it optimistically and have a positive and enterprising heart, you will not be annoyed and thus have a good mood.

Everyone has the right to have a good mood. A good mood is created by ourselves. No one can deprive us of the right to have a good mood.

When you are plagued by a nasty disease, keep a good mood and tell yourself that everything will pass smoothly with a high attitude.

When you don't do well in the exam, to have a good mood is to encourage yourself. We should stand high and continue to work hard, because "failure is the mother of success". So we can't be discouraged.

Having a good mood does not necessarily mean that everything should be shown to others. When your friends are worried about something, don't just think about your happiness. Give your friends the good mood you have and let them have a good mood.

Having a good mood can make our life more colorful! Having a good mood can make our life more brilliant!

Have a good mood

The writer Bi Shumin once said that people may not have friendship, freedom, health and money, but we must have a good mood.

The long road of life, there are always endless frustrations, but as long as we have a good mood, we can enjoy the beautiful rainbow; As long as you have a good mood, you will have confidence and move towards your ideal.

Helen Keller, suffering from a childhood disease, lost her hearing and sight, but could not speak, and fell into a world without light and shadow. In the face of loneliness and darkness falling from the sky, she did not lose heart, but lit the fire of life, optimistic about life, with the pen in her hand to fight against fate unyielding, let her good mood flow into the tip of the pen, penetrate the back of the paper, let everyone read a beautiful from her works.

Li Bai was not successful when he was young. He was full of talent but could not go to the imperial court. He drifted all over the world, but he did not sink. Instead, he stayed in the nature to understand the real comfort, leaving numerous magnificent poems, such as "flying down 3000 feet, the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days.".

Beethoven was deaf when he was enjoying his music creation. The originally colorful world became deathly silent. While his relatives and friends were sighing for him, he used his heart to understand, listen to the voice of his heart, and wrote the beautiful melody of Destiny.

Ouyang Xiu was demoted to Chuzhou because he was frustrated in his official career, but he was not depressed. Instead, he made spring for wine, "enjoyed himself with the guests", and "the meaning of being a drunkard is not wine, but between mountains and rivers".

How many visitors, with their own open mind, broad-minded interpretation of life in all kinds of frustration and misfortune.

When you have a good mood, no matter how dim the world before you is; How life is not smooth, as long as your heart is full of sunshine, setbacks and failures are just insignificant episodes in life, and can never block your steps to the ideal.

Let's go with a good mood.