600 word composition on lotus (collection of 17 articles)
Crescent moon eyebrow center
2023-08-30 01:55:28
Senior One

600 word composition on lotus (1)

In our community, there are two plum trees crossing and opening, competing with each other. They are so overbearing, noble and beautiful. One is as white as jade, and the other is as pink as rosy clouds. I stop to have a look every day after school.

Among them, the white one had several white, tender and small flower buds. Soon, the tree was covered with many flower buds, like stars hanging on the tall, flexible flower branches. The pink tree was unwilling to be outdone and gave birth to lovely and delicate flowers. However, the white flower bud with several branches pulled out a few petals, but it seemed that it was reluctant to leave its warm home and hesitated very much. However, it finally became brave and blossomed into a perfect white plum flower. It was slightly curved and a bit like a love petal. A gust of wind blew, like a small fan made of clouds. The wind blew stronger, and the white plum flower petal looked like a white butterfly. Several of them left the branches playfully and flew in the air. Gradually the buds of a tree will open their eyes. I saw that the flowers were stacked like struggling to protect the stamens. The trees were full of such flowers, and many people first smelled the strong fragrance of such a big white flower cloud. Then go to the white plum tree and admire the white plum tree. At this time, the pink plum tree was worried and busy painting rouge. Finally, it was also about to open. Although its flowers opened a little late, they did a good job! The pink flowers are tinged with white. In this way, the two plum trees set off against each other and compared with each other. How about the plum blossom!

The best place for local plum appreciation is the plum garden built by Rong Zongjing and Rong Desheng. They are the "first household" of China's national industry. In that era when people were still slaughtering, they took the lead in establishing the Chinese own flour mill, leading the people to get rid of the embarrassing situation that the Chinese can only buy foreign goods. Isn't it just like the spirit that plum blossoms dare to open in winter and dare to be the first? It is already a hundred feet of ice on the cliff, with beautiful flowers and branches.

I love plum blossom not only for its beauty and purity, but also for its spiritual quality.

600 word composition on lotus (2)

Lotus is a symbol of holiness and beauty. She "does not touch mud, cleans up, ripples, and is not demon". She exudes fragrance, which is natural, unique, extremely delicate, pure, modest, elegant and lovely. When summer comes, she blooms quietly, attracting countless onlookers and gasps of admiration.

Look, in the pond, the pink tender lotus is like a girl in pink clothes and a yellow straw hat standing motionless. A gust of wind blew, and they danced to the rhythm of the wind. It's like a can of paint being poured on the canvas and allowed to flow. Some lotus flowers are only half open, just like a young girl showing half her face. Some lotus flowers are fully open, revealing yellow lotus plumes, like a child's smiling face, laughing and laughing!

If you look at it carefully, you will find many "fish out of the net". These mini versions of lotus flowers show sharp little buds. If you don't pay attention to them, she will easily leave your sight.

They are more like oil paper umbrellas to the south of the Yangtze River. They are elegant and colorful with different styles. The lotus gives out a fresh and elegant fragrance, attracting butterflies to dance. The naughty dragonfly flapped its wings beside the lotus flower and played happily with it, flying from one flower to another. The lotus leaf floating on the water looks like a jade plate. Occasionally, a few frogs jumped onto the lotus leaf and splashed into the jade plate, making people intoxicated. I want to be a dragonfly or a frog, even a little splash is good!

Lotus is not only beautiful, but also useful. Her leaves can not only make tea, but also be made into Chinese medicine. Her root is our favorite lotus root, and the lotus seeds in the lotus canopy are the best food for cooling and relieving the summer heat in summer. In a word, she is full of treasure!

Lotus is not as elegant as peony, not as fragrant as plum, not as small and delicate as orchid. However, she silently exudes fragrance and coolness for the hot summer. She is not only elegant and beautiful, embellishing nature, but also selfless. Shouldn't we?

600 word composition on lotus (3)

Since ancient times, the lotus has been praised by poets for its character of coming out of the mud and not being stained. "The lotus leaves are endless green, and the lotus flowers look red in the sun" is a true portrayal of the beauty of the lotus.

One day, my father and I went to the countryside to meet his friends. My father's friends took us to a lotus pond, which was full of lotus fragrance. When the wind came, lotus flowers stood in the water, like a group of girls dancing in the pool. Dragonflies shuttle through the lotus, looming and looming, like a fairy flying in the flowers.

My father's friend told me that lotus has many uses. It also inspired people to make paints and coatings, so that the wall is like lotus, free from pollution, and always has bright colors. There are more than 100 kinds of lotus, of which the flower lotus, also known as ornamental lotus, is native to tropical Asia and has been cultivated as early as the Zhou Dynasty in China. Unexpectedly, lotus has such a long history of growth.

The whole body of lotus is a treasure. Lotus root and lotus seed can be eaten. Lotus seed, rhizome, water ganoderma, lotus leaf, flower and embryo of seed can all be used as medicinal materials. This reminds me that the lotus seeds in the Babao porridge my mother usually gives me are the fruits of lotus. I like them very much when I eat them. The lotus seed heart tea drunk in summer is bitter, but the good medicine is bitter, which can clear away heat and detoxify.

The lotus is not only versatile, but also has a strong vitality. The experts buried the seeds of the lotus thousands of years ago in the soil. Four days later, something strange happened, and the seeds sprouted. The experts were surprised. They found an enzyme from it, which can repair the defects caused by protein damage of the cell itself. When I learned these things, I felt that the lotus flower was too unthinkable. A small lotus flower was so amazing.

People always like to use the lotus as a metaphor for a person with noble character, who comes out of the mud without being stained, and cleans the ripples without being demon. For thousands of years, people have chanted it, eulogized it, loved it... How awesome it is, and how worthy we are to learn from it!

600 word composition on lotus (4)

In my hometown, after a long and thin road, there is a lotus pond, which is my paradise. There are many happy memories of me. Let me take you to have a look.

In summer, the hot sun burns the earth, but the lotus never bows to the sun. You see, the lotus plants are graceful and graceful. When a gust of wind blows, the lotus also dances with the wind. The graceful and graceful lotus often attracts me to swing from side to side. In such hot weather, it is fun to have the lotus company.

Such colorful lotus flowers add a lot of charm to the countryside, but our little dolls have other love. Our favorite is the lotus seedpod that grows after the lotus bears fruit. Early in the morning, Grandpa would row a small bamboo raft and go to the lotus pond to pick up fresh and tender lotus buds. My sister and I would stand by the lotus pond and look eagerly at it. We would also call from time to time, "Grandpa, pick more, pick more..." As we watched, the green little ones in Grandpa's bamboo raft were piling up higher and higher. My sister and I were clapping our hands together. "Coming! Coming!" Grandfather came ashore with a basin of lotus buds in his hand. These little green guys looked like the best green bowls. They were round in shape and uniform in color. It was really attractive. My sister and I, one by one, couldn't wait to peel out the lotus seeds and put them into our mouths. "Bah! Why is it so bitter? It's not delicious at all!" My sister just peeled, ate, vomited and read. We shared today's "harvest" with our family.

When the lotus blooms completely, the lotus pond has become our paradise. We often roll up our trouser legs, take off our sandals, and carefully go to the lotus pond to catch fish. We carefully searched for the small fish and tried to catch a basin of fish with our rice washing sieve. However, because there was too much mud in the lotus pond and the fish were not caught, we often trapped ourselves in it. Finally, we had to ask adults to rescue us. However, we still liked to drill into the lotus pond every summer and every year.

After listening to my introduction, do you also want to play in my paradise? I always welcome you!

600 word composition on lotus (5)

The cicada kept calling on the top of the tree. Tell people that summer has come. If you want to know what is the most beautiful flower in summer, there is no doubt that it must be the lotus that "emerges from the mud without dye, and is clean without demon". Lotus has been the object of poets' praise since ancient times.

There is a large lotus pond behind my house. Every summer, the lotus flowers there are blooming in competition. They sway with the lotus leaves in the breeze, walk on the bridge, and look at the beautiful and white lotus flowers, which also makes people feel better.

While appreciating the lotus, how many people know about Lianpeng?

At first, the lotus seedpod was the core of the lotus, but it refused to give up its growth after the lotus withered, so it began to grow bigger and bigger, so the lotus seedpod became what people call the lotus seedpod. The flowering period of a flower is very short. Generally, a flower will wither when it withers, but the lotus is different. It has different tenacity and persistence. It gives all the nutrition to its flower core. I looked at the lotus canopy in the pool and couldn't help thinking.

In fact, just like people, they never give up knowing that they are getting old, and put all their energy into the future generations to let them grow well. This is a kind of dedication, selflessness, and touching spirit.

And the spirit of this kind of flower is often what we humans lack. Nowadays, most people are very selfish. They only see their own interests and only think about themselves. They never think about others, society and the country from another perspective.

As for the small matter of throwing rubbish, how many people are willing to throw things into the dustbin! How many people are willing to bend down, pick up other people's things and throw them into the dustbin? Because people always have too many reasons to excuse.

Let's think about it, study hard and do well. Think about what you have done, learn from the dedication of lotus, and do things you have never done before.

Go to learn dedication! Learn to be grateful! Go learn selflessness! Go to learn lotus!

600 word composition on lotus (6)

There is a pond beside our house. The pond is full of lotus flowers. Every summer, the beautiful lotus blooms all over the pond, which is extremely beautiful!

On Sunday afternoon, my grandfather and I went fishing by the pond, and we could smell the fragrance of lotus from afar. I can't wait to run to the pond. Look! The round and large lotus leaves are green and linked together like a big green blanket. One after another crystal beads, rolling on the leaves, like naughty children. The leaves swayed in the breeze, like nodding with me to welcome my arrival. The pink lotus is in full bloom, like a lotus lamp, a gust of wind blowing, and like a little girl dancing, very cute. The lotus that has not yet opened is in bud, straight and upward. Groups of fish are swimming around among the lotus leaves, happily playing hide and seek.

I like the lotus, although it has no rose fragrance, nor the bright peony, but in my heart, it is the most beautiful, because it comes out of mud and does not dye!

"The little lotus just shows its sharp corners, and dragonflies have already stood up". This poem was written by Yang Wanli, a poet of the Song Dynasty. In fact, I also like lotus very much.

In summer, the scorching sun makes people sweat and feel lethargic, but it is the season when lotus blooms and fragrance fills the garden.

I went to the lotus garden with my parents to see the lotus. The pool was full of green lotus leaves, one by one, like a big green disc. Through the dense layers of lotus leaves, you can see dark green ground lotus stems with small thorns, standing tall on the water. The small fan like leaves on the lotus stems set off the graceful lotus flowers with pink in white, yellow in red and yellow in powder. How beautiful!

The lotus leaves are fluttering on the water, frogs are catching pests on the lotus leaves, and dragonflies are also flying around among the lotus flowers to catch pests. A kingfisher flew and landed on the lotus stem. Look here and there. It is also looking for insects to eat.

A breeze blew, and the lotus danced with the wind, swaying, nodding and bending, like a lovely girl saying hello to us.

Green lotus leaves, bright lotus flowers, beautiful lotus pond. I like you!

600 word composition on lotus (7)

Each flower in the nature has its own quality and personality. Plum blossom has the quality of not fearing cold, standing upright in the wind and snow, and not competing with other flowers; The fragrance of jasmine is pleasant; Cockscomb is bright in color... And among so many precious flowers, I prefer lotus.

In midsummer, when the lotus is at its most beautiful, the large pink petals show a little light white, which makes people look so beautiful and moving. The petals of lotus not only look beautiful, but also feel enjoyable. The smooth surface shows a bright luster, and the petals are slender, which makes people feel intoxicated after touching. Early in the morning, the morning sun was born, and the lotus ushered in a new day. The lotus is covered with dewdrops. Under the sunlight, the drops of water like transparent pearls are embedded in the petals, bright and dripping.

Lotus is not only a kind of flower, but also has rich symbolic significance in Chinese traditional culture. Lotus represents integrity and fairness. In those days, there was also a picture of lotus on the official mural of Lord Bao, with the words "aboveboard" on it. Lotus also represents kindness and sincerity. It is said that in ancient times there were Buddha and Avalokitesvara who sat on the lotus throne.

Lotus is a truly "multi-functional" flower. It can not only be viewed by people, but also its fruit, lotus seed, can be eaten. The flesh of lotus seed is rich in nutrition and sweet, which is known in Chinese medicine as nourishing qi and blood. As the saying goes, "red flowers must be lined with green leaves". If there were no lotus leaves, the lotus would not be so vibrant. The lotus leaf is broad and dark green, which makes people feel intoxicated with nature. Lotus never competes with other flowers in beauty or beauty, but stands alone in the water, standing in obscurity, standing in the water, standing in the wind, standing in the rain. See off a sunset glow and welcome a sunrise glow. However, its life is very short, only one summer. But people will remember that it represents integrity, brightness, kindness and sincerity.

Although there are all kinds of precious flowers in nature, I always think that the most beautiful is the lotus, because it represents purity and makes people feel beautiful. I like you, lotus! Pure lotus!

600 word composition on lotus (8)

Some people like the charming peony, others like the fragrant jasmine, while I like the ordinary lotus.

Summer is the season when the lotus blooms. The large green lotus leaves set off the white lotus in the powder, which is very beautiful.

Lotus has several colors, some are lotus, like brocade, some are pink, like sunset. The others are white and bright. Some are budding, some have just begun to blossom, some exotic flowers are blooming, and others are already holding their heads high and proudly open. Some lotus leaves are curly, and some lotus leaves stretch very flat, like a huge blue plate. In the morning, when you open the window, there will be several small drops of water rolling around on the lotus leaf. When the sun shines on it, the small drops will reflect red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, and purple, which is very beautiful. They sometimes fall into the water like small balls, and the small fish under the lotus leaf will gather together and be scared away by the small drops that suddenly fall.

In midsummer, the lotus petals will fall off automatically, and the lotus canopy that has been hiding under the lotus finally stands out. When it is mature, you can pull it down and eat it one by one. You will feel sweet.

Rooted lotus root is my favorite food. I also love its quality of "born in mud but not stained". I should also learn from it, the quality of being unspoiled in a bad environment.

I praise the lotus and its silent and selfless dedication.

Lotus is also called lotus. In my heart, lotus is great. There are white, purple, pink and yellow lotus flowers.

I heard others say that the lotus in the rain is more beautiful. Today I really appreciate it.

It was cloudy and drizzling everywhere. I braved the rain and squeezed into the pavilion to watch the picturesque scenery. The rain falls into the lotus leaves, jumping happily like lovely little dewdrops. Under the decoration of rain, the lotus looks so gorgeous. When the breeze blows, the lotus sways with the beautiful gesture of a girl, embellishing the sparkling lake.

It is said that long ago, Yuji, the maid of the Queen Mother, was moved by the beautiful scenery of the West Lake. She went down to earth without permission and was known by the Queen Mother. She turned her into a lotus flower "into the mud, and will never climb the South Heavenly Gate again".

Therefore, there is a famous saying of "coming out of the mud without dyeing, washing the clean ripples without demons" to praise the lotus.

Lotus cannot be compared with the king of flowers - peony, the fairy of flowers - narcissus. But the character of this "gentleman in flowers" is more valuable.

600 word composition on lotus (9)

In the hot summer, there is a beautiful "scenery" - lotus.

Lotus is not as elegant as peony, not as fragrant as peach blossom, and not as straight as bamboo. However, it is different from other plants. It has the strong quality of coming out of mud without being stained. It has a white and beautiful appearance. It is unyielding to the environment, does not touch dirt, and is always quiet and clean——

Go to the park and look around. No matter how bad the environment is, the lotus is still quiet, clean, graceful and fragrant despite the mud around it——

Although the lotus is not so outstanding, and no one even noticed her, he did not give up on it, but he still insisted on, quietly emitting bursts of fragrance, standing aloof from the world, just as the poet said: "flowers on the land compete for fragrance, green water pool pan silent fragrance. Don't compete with peaches and plums for spring breeze, July fire sends cool." Should we human beings not be like this?

When you come to the lotus pond, you will smell the fragrance of lotus, which is so fresh and elegant. In the fragrance, there is also a peculiar flavor that only nature has. It is a unique flavor, as if only lotus has it. This is his continuous efforts and unremitting achievements. The fragrance is unique, one word: fragrance.

Not only the lotus, but also people. It is really beautiful to make selfless contributions in obscurity under the condition of standing aloof from the rest of the world. Although living in a different environment from others, you can rise out of the mud without being stained. You should strive hard and not yield to the "environment"; Be clean and honest like lotus; Like the lotus, we should stand aloof from the world; Be as unknown and selfless as lotus; Although he is not outstanding, although he has not been noticed by everyone, he lives for himself and for making some contributions to the society; Don't let others gossip and give up your hope of life. As long as you work hard, you will be happy. Don't care what others say, live for yourself.

"The pond is stormy all night long, and thousands of rubies are blooming. You have to show your respect for yourself. If you love someone, you should learn like a lotus.".

600 word composition on lotus (10)

In the hot summer, the heat is unbearable. Maybe only the scales of the lotus pond, the fragrance of the lotus, and the green lotus leaves can awaken our nerves and make us feel great fun. Go down the riverbank and enjoy the lotus in Baqiao Wetland Park.

The lotus leaves here are all over the pond. In the uneven crisscross of lotus leaves and lotus leaves, several lotus flowers stick out, or bud, or yellow stamens coagulate beads, or graceful and shy, which reminds me of the beautiful sentence "The lotus leaves are infinite blue, and the lotus flowers are different red in the sun". The lotus has a variety of colors, including red, pink, white and yellow. Different colors highlight different charms and bring people different feelings. A lake of lotus is a spectacular beauty; A cluster of lotus leaves is a refreshing beauty; A lotus is a kind of beauty that is not appreciated by itself. The wind blew gently, and the lotus whirled with the breeze, as if dancing on the green carpet.

As the sun sets in the west, the afterglow turns the horizon into gold, and the lotus is also enveloped in the golden light and shadow, which makes it more poetic; The fish play under the flowers and leaves, the lake ripples layer upon layer, and the whole lotus pond looks more flexible. When the last light of the sunset disappeared, the little fairies with lanterns appeared, which were little fireflies.

At this time, the lotus pond was like their territory. They were bright and dark in the night, playing serenades with crickets, and playing hide and seek with frog drums. The whole lotus pond showed another school of vitality. I stood among these small creatures and felt that I was one of them. Watching their wonderful performances one by one, I felt happy and full in my heart.

There are many tall buildings and noisy cities. The fast-paced life makes me unable to understand the surrounding scenery. However, we should slow down our pace, walk into nature and see the blooming of other life forms. I like lotus. Although it is not as elegant as peony, not as proud as plum blossom, not as fragrant as lily, its attitude of independence can awaken my inner flexibility.

600 word composition on lotus (11)

Every summer, the lotus in some clear water ponds will bloom. The unique charm of lotus in my heart is superior to some fresh and fragrant flowers such as peony and rose. In summer, standing on the West Lake Bridge, overlooking the whole lake, as the poem says: "The lotus leaves are infinitely green in the sky, and the lotus flowers are very red in the sun." A gentle wind blows, and waves ripple from the other end of the pond. The lotus slightly leans down and then stands up again. The lotus is a gem from the lotus leaves.

Most of the lotus flowers here are white, only a few are pink, and pink lotus flowers are just a touch of light makeup. The bottom of the lotus is white and tender, like a shy girl.

The stem of the lotus is the hardest. It must be able to feel those huge lotus flowers and heavy buds. What a great pressure for those slender stems, but they still have no regrets and persevered, so they have the reputation of "being straight from the middle to the outside, not spreading, being clear from the distance, and being graceful and clean" in Zhou Dunyi's "Love Lotus". So the stem makes the lotus beautiful and noble.

Lotus is a kind of flower that never goes with the tide. When people talk about other flowers, it is silent and still does not shake. Lotus is also a kind of grateful flower. The crystal dew rolls on the lotus leaf to moisten it. After moistening, the lotus always bends down respectfully to let the dew that has moistened itself return to nature.

The lotus leaf is a floating boat in the lotus pond, and the round leaf is loyal and willing to set off below. There is a thin layer of wax on the leaf surface of the lotus leaf, which ensures that it can emerge from the mud without being stained, and that it can wash clean without being demon. It is also this lotus leaf that looks like "lotus" opens a new world green ocean in the West Lake, and tens of acres of lake surface is covered by the lotus leaf. The green lotus leaves are gently and rhythmically jumping under the gentle teasing of the wind girl. These lotus flowers give people a kind of beautiful enjoyment from the promising, vibrant green.

I love the lotus, the lotus of the West Lake. It was you who gave us lightness in the hot summer, added a little bit of interest in my heart, and made me understand the spirit of unyielding and not admiring fame and wealth. My heart will always remember your spirit, and we teenagers, like lotus, thrive in the spring breeze.

600 word composition on lotus (12)

In the evening, my mother and I went for a walk by the lotus pond in front of the door after dinner.

As it had just rained, the lotus pond was covered with a thin mist. At that time, it was early summer, but the lotus here was already "Yingri lotus is so red". The lotus here is really in a variety of forms: one after another lotus is competing for beauty there, as if no one would admit defeat. A gust of wind blew, and the lotus danced on the lotus leaf. Some lotus flowers are in bud and haven't yet bloomed their true faces to us, just like a shy little girl hiding in her boudoir and peeping out secretly! Some lotus flowers are just beautiful flowers, like a newborn baby, unwilling to let us enjoy its beauty. On the green lotus leaves, there are many small drops of water. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, these transparent drops are like strings of white pearls, as if they were accidentally left behind.

It was dark, the crescent moon loomed in the sky, emitting gentle moonlight. The crescent moon is sometimes covered by colorful clouds, like a shy girl quietly looking at the earth; Sometimes it appears completely in the night sky, like a curved boat. The stars are blinking at one side. This scene is reflected in the lotus pond, making it like a bright ribbon

In the lotus pond, there must be countless lively fish shuttling among the lotus leaves. Maybe some played the game of "carp jumping over the dragon gate", and some played the game of "hide and seek"... Sitting on the edge of the pond, I occasionally heard the sound of water, and the dark water rippled, sometimes quiet like a mirror. These naughty fish are so obsessed with "hide and seek"!

Late at night, the stars and the moon fell asleep. The lotus gathered its petals and fell asleep. Even the lively fish fell asleep. However, the grass beside the lotus pond is very lively. It's the "residents" who live on the grass - animals are having their concert! Look, cicadas are singing, crickets are playing the piano, frogs are playing drums, ants are the audience, and fireflies are playing neon lights... It's so lively!

Intoxicated with the beauty of the summer night, my mother could not help humming "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond": "Cut a period of time to slowly flow into the moonlight..."

600 word composition on lotus (13)

The lotus is a symbol of holiness and beauty. It rises out of the mud but does not stain. It is graceful and attractive. There is another legend about the beautiful lotus. It is said that the lotus was the incarnation of Yuji, a beautiful maid beside the Queen Mother. At the beginning, Yuji was very envious when she saw two pairs of men farming and women weaving in the world, so she was moved. Accompanied by the daughter of the river god, she stole out of the Heavenly Palace and came to Hangzhou's West Lake. The beautiful scenery of the West Lake makes Yuji linger and forget to return. She plays in the lake and is reluctant to leave until dawn. When the Queen Mother knew about it, she used the lotus throne to drive Yuji to the bottom of the lake and asked her to "drive into the mud and never climb to the south again". Since then, there has been a beautiful maid missing from the palace, and there has been a kind of fresh flower with jade flesh and water spirit in the world. When you enter the lotus pool, the first thing you see is the endless lotus. The lotus is in various forms, pure white and pure like crystal. Some only have a white flower bud in the green, shy and ready to speak; Some half opened, white and red, very beautiful; What a dancing girl in pink! There are also some lotus flowers. Several petals have fallen off, and the lotus seeds inside are exposed. I want to take a bite when I look at them. The lotus emits a fresh and elegant fragrance, attracting butterflies to fly and play, which is pleasing to the eyes. And the naughty dragonfly, flapping its wings, flew around on the lotus and played with it. I am addicted to it. Among the green leaves, we saw a large lotus leaf swaying in the wind, like a green ocean. Some lotus leaves are as big as the palm of your hand, very cute; Some are like big jade plates, full of vitality. The lotus leaves are like open green umbrellas. Some are floating on the lake, and some pavilions are standing on the blue waves, like green waves, like pieces of jade. The lotus leaves were crowded one by one, and a gust of wind blew. In an instant, the green ocean was rolling, one after another, and it was very beautiful. When the wind stopped, the lotus leaf also stopped swinging. The water on it rolled noisily, crystal clear, like bright pearls. Among the green lotus leaves, the graceful lotus flowers, like the fairies bathed on the lake in gauze, stand smiling and shy; The tender pistils are condensed into beads, which are full of fragrance and refreshing. The lotus is not as elegant as the peony, nor as fragrant as the plum blossom, nor as competing for beauty as other flowers. It just emits its unique fragrance in obscurity, adding a little color to the summer. I love the lotus, but also the "noble quality that comes out of the mud without stain".

600 word composition on lotus (14)

"Out of the mud, there is no dye, and the green lotus is washed, there is no demon." This is the ancient people's evaluation of the gentleman in the water, the lotus. By the stream and in the pond, you can see the beautiful lotus everywhere. It is not like the arrogant autumn chrysanthemum, nor like the rich peony. However, I want to praise it, praise its beauty, praise its beauty.

In the hot summer, when other perianthes lose water in the sun, are hungry and thirsty, and are dying, they are not afraid of the heat, take off their green shells, and blossom out. The white and pink dotted the green lake, graceful and enchanting.

Not only is it beautiful, but the lotus is also full of treasure, which is a gem in the water. The jadeite lotus leaves, after being dried, are brewed in boiling water, emitting ancient tea rhymes; Lotus root is an indispensable delicacy at a banquet in the north; After the lotus withered, it did not forget to offer its own seed - lotus seed. Lotus seed is a kind of sweet, bitter, heat clearing and detoxifying medicine, which can be used as medicine, porridge, or tea; In addition to lotus seeds, lotus stems are also a highly medicinal Chinese medicine.

The lotus comes from the mud in the lotus pond without a trace of turbidity. No matter what others do, it still goes its own way, does its own thing, and never colludes with others; Unlike the "precious" flowers of tulips, it needs a greenhouse like environment to take root slowly. And lotus? It does not need someone to sow, nor does it need people to cultivate it carefully. It blooms proudly in the cold wind and rainstorm.

Scientists found that angiosperms could not survive in such a harsh environment in the world dominated by ferns and gill salamanders from the late Devonian to the middle Carboniferous of the Mesozoic. However, this beautiful girl did it. She survived tenaciously in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province and survived several glaciers until now. The lotus, considered to be on the verge of extinction, has multiplied with amazing perseverance.

This does not prevent me from remembering the PLA soldiers who defend our country. At the critical moment of life and death, they have been strong and unyielding in serving the people and the Party, creating a new China, new development and great progress.

This spirit is worth inheriting and learning!

600 word composition on lotus (15)

Some people like the national beauty and natural fragrance of peonies, some people like the fresh and elegant orchids, some people like the upwind Aoxue of plum blossoms, and some people like the simplicity of wild flowers. Although these flowers are so charming, lovely and graceful, in my heart, the most beautiful one is the lotus that grows out of mud and does not stain.

Last summer, when my family went back to the countryside, I was bored and went out for a stroll. Not too far away, there is a pond with small lotus flowers in full bloom. Looking from afar, it looks like graceful girls in pink clothes, as well as the throne of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The lotus leaves are also like big jade plates. Unable to resist the attraction of beauty, I leaned forward again and saw a pool of small lotus standing upright and blooming. The beautiful flowers are white, pink, big and small, with big leaves and thin stems, swaying and dancing in the breeze. The flowers are beautiful and the leaves are also attractive. A large green lotus leaf cluster looks like a small green umbrella. The pearl like dew plays and plays on its clear lines, and the frog also jumps up from time to time to tell him about the adventures under the water... With such a good "partner", the lotus pole also looks very proud. Look at the beauty!

After watching it for a long time, I couldn't help being interested in the taste and touch of lotus. Smell it. The fragrance of the lotus is so refreshing and refreshing. Touch it, the fluffy lotus leaf stalk is also intoxicating

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of me, I almost forgot that this flower grew out of the mud. It is really "out of the mud without dye, muddy and clear without demon". On second thought, shouldn't we also do this? Like Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty, uncle of the Eighth Route Army in the Anti Japanese War

"Xiao Hua, go home and have lunch!" Hearing my mother's call, I returned home from the fairyland and looked at the lotus pond reluctantly

Ah! I love lotus!

600 word composition on lotus (16)

This morning, when I came back from Mr. Ma's home, my mother and I went to the small river in the community to see the lotus. The lotus is really beautiful.

Every summer, on my birthday, the lotus in the small river in the community blooms most brightly. At this time, my mother always takes me to the river to see the lotus. It used to be very convenient to see lotus flowers. If you go out from the side of the bridge, the lotus pond is the only way to see lotus flowers every day. However, somehow, the worker's uncle built a wall in the community to separate my home from the river. Therefore, the only way to see the lotus now is to bypass the wall and walk to Xinhua Road to get close to the river.

Did you see? The following photos are taken with my mother today.

The lotus leaves are green. The huge lotus leaves are one after another, like jade plates. The lotus is pink, some are dark, some are light. The open lotus leaves open one by one, revealing a small yellow lotus canopy, which is very beautiful. I think the shape of Shutong Memorial Hall near the East Lake is similar to the open lotus. The lotus flowers are high and low, and some are higher than the lotus leaves. Some hid under the lotus leaves, just like a shy little girl. When the lotus is in bud, it looks like a ripe peach. Among the lotus leaves, I also found many lotus seeds. My father said that the lotus seeds were delicious and tasted like red water chestnut. I wanted to pick some lotus seeds, but I couldn't find them in the middle of the river.

Did you find out? In the picture below, the lotus leaves and flowers are different in color. My mother asked me why two photos have different colors? I said, "It's very simple, because one is sunny, and the other is sunless, and it's taken in the shade of a tree." My mother said, "The one with sunshine is called Yingri Lotus."

600 word composition on lotus (17)

Lotus in summer

I like lotus flowers. I have watched them many times.

In July, the sun was blazing. One scorching morning, my father and I went to South Lake Park to watch the lotus writing.

When I came to the lotus pond in the park, many people were watching the flowers there, and a dozen photography lovers were taking videos. We sat down on the big stone under the big willow beside the pond and began to carefully observe the lotus in the pond.

The pond is very large. Lotus leaves and flowers grow all over the pond. They are crowded and crowded. The lotus leaves are tall and short, as high as one person, and some are floating on the water. The tall lotus leaves are like umbrellas, blocking the hot sun; The lotus leaves floating on the water, like green plates, are the stage for frogs to sing; The graceful lotus, like many pink gemstones, sparkles on the water; The budding flowers, like burning torches, illuminate the whole pond; The dried lotus leaves, like children who have done something wrong, bow their heads shyly; The lotus canopy bearing fruit, like small bells, shakes and sings in the wind. The wind blew in gusts. The lotus leaf and the lotus flower twisted their bodies and danced happily, blowing in gusts of fragrance. There are occasionally wild ducks and water birds flying around on the pond. The weather was very hot, and the frogs slept quietly underwater. There were only a few dragonflies on the water. I didn't see the scene of "little lotus only shows sharp corners, and dragonflies have already stood up". On the trees near the pond, the cooing birds made cooing sounds from time to time, and the annoying cicadas also kept calling.

At Dad's suggestion, we played a game of imitation. My hands together, two palms upward, like a lotus leaf; Hands together, fingers bent, like a blooming lotus; The fingers of the hand are pinched together like an unopened flower; One fist is upward, like a lotus canopy bearing fruit. That's fun! Ha, I imitate very much. It's really interesting.

The scenery in the lotus pond is so beautiful that it inspired me to write. After half a day of observing and writing, I finally finished this composition of watching lotus.

Lotus in summer

When summer comes, many plants grow luxuriant, flowers are more colorful, grass is greener, and trees hold up umbrellas. However, I only love summer lotus There is a small pond at the bottom of my house. In summer, the lotus flowers are very beautiful. I always want to have a closer look

In the morning, I came to the pond, and before I arrived, I smelled a burst of fragrance. I could not help walking to the other side. One by one, the lotus petals merged into one after another, like the face of a child. The lotus flower was flat and round in shape. Each of the petals was like a fan, all overlapping together, light pink A gust of wind blew, and the lotus swayed its charming figure, and its fragrance also fluttered with the wind. When it was quiet, it lay quietly on the water as if to say: "The sun is so good this year, so it's good to go swimming!" "What, the lotus can swim?" "Well, you think only you can swim, and we lotus can also swim, and our skills are better than you. ”A lot of lotus said proudly that I seemed to think I looked down upon them too much, and then said, "Oh, it seems that you are still very powerful." "Of course, thank you for your praise. We lotus is a big family of unity and friendship, because our petals are overlapping, and everyone thinks we are united." "Oh." I said idly.

A gust of wind woke me up. It turned out that I was immersed in a dream. I stood there blankly until dusk passed. The lotus has taught me to be united and friendly, but its quality of being mud free has moved me even more.

Lotus in summer

Some people like the blooming spring, some people like the fruitful autumn, and some people like the snow covered winter. My favorite is the lotus pond in summer. Summer is coming, I came to the lotus pool in the park. The water in the park is clear to the bottom. Under the sun's irradiation, the quiet and green water becomes more attractive. From a distance, it looks like an unpolished mirror, shining with brilliance.

The lotus leaves stand proudly in the pool, which looks like a big green disk from a close view. Pieces of lotus leaves are facing the breeze. When the wind blows, they are dancing happily like fairies.

The lotus flowers beside the lotus leaves are uneven, some with dew, some with full-length petals, and some with flowers. Lotus flowers are like pink gems. They sway with the wind and stand tall. In the pool full of pink lotus, there is a white lotus like snow. It is half open and half harmonious, like a beautiful dove, flying high. The lotus flowers are next to each other, like a group of brothers and sisters. It's like a pink ocean, white in powder.

There are many small animals in the lotus pond! Watching the fish swimming in groups, I found a red goldfish. It has a red tumor on its head, like a red hat, and the tail edge is colorful, like wearing a flower skirt. When it swims, it looks like a red cloud floating in the sky. So many fish are red like fire, white like snow, and pink like rosy clouds

A dragonfly was flying on the lake, resting on a budding lotus flower, which made me unable to help but recite: "The little lotus just shows its sharp angle, and a dragonfly has already stood on its head."

The frog jumped in the pool and landed on a green lotus leaf. It squats on the lotus leaf, just like the soldiers in the lotus pool who protect everything here.

The lotus pond in summer is really unforgettable. I hope it will take me a little longer to enjoy the lotus pond in summer.