600 words in composition (18 compilations)
Be destined to meet
2023-09-04 04:26:53
junior middle school

600 words in composition (1)

Among thousands of people, you meet the person you want to meet. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor later. Their meeting is not a story of ups and downs, but a short incomplete fragment.

The girl in blue coat and glasses and a tall boy were waiting in the sunset on a summer afternoon. When a fully loaded car stopped beside the boy, the boy turned to the girl standing behind and said, "Get on the bus!" This was the first time they met. The boy's kind reminding surprised the girl. However, she saw that his mouth was slightly tilted and drew a beautiful arc - a shallow smile. When they crowded into the crowded crowd, the car started slowly, the orange light before sunset was hard cloth on the window, and the light blue car curtains were rhythmically swinging from side to side with the car. The summer wind blew in through the window, lifting a strand of the girl's hair, gently dancing and falling back on her shoulder, leaving a delicate fragrance and beautiful arc.

The boy held his head high, his clear eyes looking ahead. The girl can refract more sunlight after putting the glass on the bridge of her nose. She passes through the glass, passes through the sun, looks at him through time and space, and the wind blows away her thoughts. He stood in the world she built with sunshine, and the girl stared at the boy silently. Her eyes were only his clear eyes, with a silent smile screened by the years. The breeze came in from the window, sending the breath of sunshine and the breath of every leaf on the roadside, sliding through their hot skin, the girl and the boy holding the same bar, the temperature passed between the cold and shiny bars.

Their short encounter was destined to be a film with no beginning and no end, just like flowing water, flowing through the landslide of time, and then passing away in a hurry, a moment but experienced eternity.

Boys and girls have never met again, but the boy's expression of smiling back at her has been fixed in the girl's film for a long time.

Among thousands of people, you meet the person you want to meet. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor later. Their meeting is a interpretation of fate.

600 words in composition (2)

The meeting between Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu; The reunion of Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian; Liang Shanbo's acquaintance with Zhu Yingtai. Meeting is the beginning of the story.

The sea of people is vast, and we will meet all kinds of people. Some people are magnanimous and informal; Some people are aboveboard and brilliant; Some people are ordinary and simple, but they are gentle and polite, which is still fresh in people's memory.

In summer nights, the moon is always bright, the sky is full of stars, and the air is filled with the sound of chan. There are always many people in the restaurant next to home. It's also a special enjoyment in summer to sit on the bench and eat out in the cool wind.

Occasionally, when I went to a restaurant for dinner, a figure came into sight. He is not tall, wearing a half new and half worn clothes, a pair of military green pants and a pair of training shoes. Although he looks untidy, he is smiling. In today's big fish and big meat life, he stands out against the background of only a bottle of beer and a plate of simple vegetables, as if he were a clean stream in today's society. When I left the hotel, I passed in front of him and saw his face. His skin was dark and his hair was slightly curled. It seemed that he had not washed for some time. After staring at him for 2 seconds, I found that there was light in his eyes that other people did not have, or maybe it was hope for life. He suddenly smiled at me. The smile was really pure. I smiled back at him out of politeness, and then left.

Several weeks later, on the road, I noticed the familiar figure again, and found that his legs and feet were not very sharp, but he seemed to care nothing about it, still smiled, and still could see the light in his eyes.

Since then, I seldom see him, but I know that he used to work on a construction site. Although he worked alone in other places, he always faces the setbacks of life and people around him with a smile and optimistic attitude. He relies on his own efforts to make himself happy. I believe that this will be the greatest harvest after I met him.

Meet is a kind of fate, cherish every encounter, but also cherish every memory!

600 words in composition (3)

In this world, the most beautiful thing is to meet. God arranges the people, things and things we meet in our life. As the saying goes, "God arranges the most!" Isn't it? As long as we are destined to meet, we will meet. Therefore, we should cherish the "noble people" who appear in our lives.

The person we meet in life may affect our life. His or her character, what he or she does, how he or she behaves, even a sentence he or she said or an article he or she wrote can make us think deeply for a long time. Fate is actually a chance encounter.

In my life, classmates are the beautiful scenery I met. When I was the youngest, thank you for meeting them. They surrounded me like the exquisite and bright stars in the night sky, accompanying me through the years of ignorance and fearlessness.

When I entered the seventh grade, when I saw them, what kind of people would I think they were? Why do I have a class with them. However, I will feel lucky to meet them after I get along with them for a long time. They are all very caring and ambitious. Everyone is excellent and has personality. Sometimes, I still feel that as long as we are together, there is nothing we can't do... On the playground, we are shouting and running; In the examination room, we are writing fast, and we are winning glory for Zhuoyuan Class. However, the train of time is going faster and faster, and we are in the ninth grade in a twinkling of an eye. I don't want to become Xin Qiji's "the man is in the dim light" because of being dazed. Mr. Huang often said that the beginning of a week means the end of a week.

Meet, is a very beautiful word, it has a special color. Meeting teachers and 48 classmates has made my life colorful. Under the leadership of Mr. Huang, we will never forget our original intention, study like crazy, and move forward hand in hand.

In this most beautiful time, for this most beautiful meeting, leave the most beautiful memory.

600 words in composition (4)

People always say: "500 times of looking back in the past life, we just pass by in this life." Thank God for arranging our meeting, which is my precious wealth.

After junior high school, the Chinese teacher asked us to read more extracurricular books and recommended a book called Warm Love. Nuan Ai, the name sounds good. I bought one with the attitude of trying it.

A math exam, I failed, depressed. When I got home, I rushed into the room, threw out the paper that had been hidden all day, and looked at the bright red forks with my nose slightly sour. Reluctantly, I picked up a pen and was about to analyze the wrong topic when I was crammed into my mind with fragments of old classmates' ridicule, teachers' disappointment, parents' blame... Every word, like a magic spell, controlled my brain, making my scalp numb and my head blank.

"Pa!" A pen swung to the corner of the table. "I'm bored!"

The sky was overcast, and huge raindrops hit the ground relentlessly.

When I was upset, I held my cheek in one hand and casually pulled out the warm yellow book Warm Love. I flipped through it, but was inexplicably attracted by a sentence: "The best attitude to live is to run all the way without stopping, not to disappoint, not to disappoint every flower around me, not to disappoint every bit of ownership..." My heart gradually calmed down, I calmly read this article, and my sobbing mouth gradually rose. Gently put down the book and leaned over the desk. This sentence, together with the horrible score, was unexpectedly harmonious

The rain gradually subsided. Occasionally, a few drops of rain hit the window, making the world safe.

At that time, I was calmly standing under the eaves, greedily breathing the fresh air after the rain, as if I was in Yaotai Wonderland. A few clear raindrops flicker around the eaves. A gentle breeze catches a few drops and blooms on the ground, revealing a painful crystal

When I got home, I gently picked up the pen at the corner of the table. I felt an indescribable relief.

600 words in composition (5)

This winter vacation, I came to Harbin, the city of ice and snow that I have long yearned for.

I saw colorful lights in Central Street; I played various amusement projects on the frozen Songhua River; Eating Madeier Popsicle in the snow country with snowflakes; I felt the power of the wind on the top of the veiled Changbai Mountain; I watched the winter fishing on Jingbo Lake... But I think the most beautiful thing is Harbin's ice and snow world.

As soon as I entered the ice and snow world, I was shocked by this spectacular scene. When you come to the world of ice and snow, the first thing you see is the icicle marked 1999-20xx. The park is full of buildings made of ice, and with various lights, it is simply beautiful beyond description. There are more than 300 meters long ice slides, ice post offices, ice palaces, ice bars, and a huge ice drum inside! The Ice Palace has a grand scale, and when illuminated, it is resplendent. Each palace is different, but incomparable. Ice bar is modeled after a real bar, with service counter, wine list, wine cabinet and wine glass, making people feel as if they are in a real bar. There is also a real small drum under the ice drum. Once you hit the small drum, the ice drum will change color with the rhythm. It's very interesting!

In such a beautiful and dreamy landscape, I can't help thinking: will these various shapes be put into the mold and taken out after forming? Later, I learned from the tour guide's explanation that the Songhua River freezes around December every year, and all the ice is taken from the Songhua River. These exquisite works of art are the hard work of ice carvers.

This year is the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Ice and Snow World. The scene is extremely spectacular. The total area of the park is 800000 square meters, with 180000 cubic meters of ice and 150000 cubic meters of snow. This is really a big project!

The trip to Ice City is so wonderful. Thank you for this most beautiful encounter.

600 words in composition (6)

August midsummer, the most beautiful, unexpected encounter will be staged soon

The sun is full of enthusiasm, and the confused plane trees are standing on both sides of the road, blocking the wanton enthusiasm of the sun for passers-by. The birds standing on the branches sing songs in anticipation, calming their restlessness caused by the enthusiasm of the sun.

Enter the specified dormitory, a small room for eight people, but it still looks spacious. That night, we gathered on the playground and looked around. All we saw were faces in school uniforms. We received military training together under the shining stars. I met a neurotic girl here. She is smart, warm, cheerful, and doesn't care about other people's strange eyes. On the contrary, there is an indescribable color and brightness in the boring campus life.

After the start of school, we didn't know each other's name or even know each other's name. In my eyes at that time, 'she gave me a quiet, quiet "illusion".

When I arrived at school, I didn't know many people. Eating and walking alone was totally incompatible with such an active person as me. When I met a lonely girl who ate alone, I took the initiative to go: "Let's go together later!" She looked up, we looked at each other and smiled, and became friends from then on. We eat together, walk back to the dormitory together, and train together. We have the same dream, encourage each other, and talk to each other.

We have the same preferences, watching cartoons, novels, chasing dramas... During the military training, we took care of each other. To be more precise, she took good care of me, because my adaptability was poor. Time was tight here, and there were many people. Sometimes I was face blind, anxious, and uncomfortable. She would always hold my hand and never let it go. When I drank water, She will come to me with a water bottle to drink: tired from military training, sun poison, drink more water.

On cloudy days, her legs hurt. I would also tell her to wear more clothes and not catch cold. She cried. I had never seen her cry before. I tried to ask, but it was invalid. Because I was dumb, I had to keep silent. Knowledge stayed beside her and walked forward

One time at dinner, she asked me: "How is our relationship?" I didn't immediately answer, but she said: "I think we have a good relationship." The sentence unconsciously warmed my heart and wet my eyes.

In this season, in this school, in this unfamiliar place, I met the most beautiful you. It is not so gorgeous to meet, and the time and place are just right... It usually takes only two people, just one word.

600 words in composition (7)

"Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow." The poem and distance of the ice and snow world are what I, a southerner, yearn for. This Spring Festival, my mother took me to Harbin to realize this wish. This is a beautiful meeting, which will be unforgettable for life.

The most gratifying thing is that I can "learn by myself" to ski. The owner of the local homestay took us to the ski resort in Snow Valley. I was immediately excited. You can see that all the friends who came with you fell down one by one, and you were a little flustered. "I can! I can!" I kept reminding myself. I learned the coach's movements and kept comparing pictures. He said, "It's easy to learn the brakes." I understood the skills and achieved them in one go. The success of skiing at one stroke has strengthened my confidence in life.

The most unforgettable thing is the difficulty of crossing the snow valley. After the carriage pulled us to the foot of the mountain, we had to climb halfway up the mountain first, and then take a snowmobile to the top of the mountain. I thought it would be a piece of cake to climb halfway up the mountain. However, the heavy clothes blocked our progress. It was almost impossible to move, and we were breathless within a few steps. What should I do? Seeing that everyone insisted on moving forward, I also gritted my teeth and moved forward step by step. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes... 100 minutes. Everyone arrived at the snowmobile camp one after another. When I take a snowmobile to leap over the snow mountain, I feel the beauty of a sweet and bitter experience.

In life, many beautiful scenes can be enjoyed through TV or mobile phones, but it is just a kind of superficial beauty. Only when you are in the scene can you realize her deep beauty. Without this trip to the Northeast, I could not really feel the beauty of the north of my motherland.

In life, many beautiful stories can be passed on to people through books, but they are only stories of others. Only through your own brave experience and even adventure can you appreciate the true meaning of beauty. Thanks for this trip to the North, I learned a lot about life - confidence and persistence. Only when you are confident of yourself and persist in going forward, can you achieve your final and beautiful goal in life.

600 words in composition (8)

The vast sea of people, we are just a drop in the ocean; People in the past, we are just passing by in a hurry; I'm lucky to meet you!

The red sun is in the sky, and the sun shines through the cracks of the leaves on my body, still burning like fire. The dry air, like ice, coagulates, but does not mean cool. It also blocks my way forward like a rock. I trudged forward, step by step, on this familiar and unfamiliar path... Here, here, my alma mater.

The same security, the same door, the same vitality. I greeted him easily and my alma mater. I looked across the boundless green playground and across a tree lined path, and a dazzling light blinded my eyes. I rubbed it and opened it again. I saw the teaching building in front of me - the place where my dream began. Run straight up to the third floor, but slow down. Excited and nervous, do you still feel the feeling three years ago? Did she work well? Before I knew it, I had already arrived at the door. I saw a group of people around there, and their heart began to beat faster. Am I wrong? I had to force myself forward - it turned out that the highly strained nerves had been touched inexplicably. The familiar faces and hearty laughter seemed to separate yesterday.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou!"

Asking for warmth has long been a common practice. Although she has already taken over the new class, she still misses us. The short stature makes her dim in my impression - perhaps she will always be the biggest in my heart. I still remember the scenes when I first entered my alma mater; When I left my alma mater and parted from you, I still felt reluctant: we laughed together, cried together, and grew up together. From meeting to knowing, from knowing to reading. I remember that you and we entered the campus together six years ago. We were ignorant and we added a lot of trouble to you. The opposition of parents could not stop your yearning for teaching and educating people. When I entered the new class, I felt as if I had seen myself six years ago. Tears are swirling around, but they never fall.

Six years of time, say long is not long, a flick of the fingers; It is not short. What remains in the dust of time is not only the teacher's first time, but also my childhood memories. You, like a candle, light up the desire for knowledge in my heart, and let me learn to cut through the thorns and forge ahead bravely on the road of growth.

Perhaps life is not fixed, met is fate; There is no love in life, but love comes into being after long contact. Thank you for letting me meet you who know me best in my prime!

600 words in composition (9)

It is not only people who want to leave, but also these days.

Please don't feel bored with me. I'm just a student who will graduate with articles to talk about. Every second I spend is loaded with countless Dispatch Table, quadratic function, precise, DNA and sustainable development. They took me to the end not far away. The teacher said that these would be our last days in junior high school.

But I think there is something missing. "Snatching" activities in the whole class during each break; After washing your hands, print a fingerprint on everyone's back; Play with words, but smile under the table; Arguing with the teacher about the right and wrong answers to the questions... These are the things that really support this period of time, and these are the things that will really make me miss.

This period of time is not long and will soon end. It is very short and worth cherishing. We are trying to be like outlaws in this last day. Maybe this metaphor is not appropriate, but we are really struggling to reach the end. Who can say that running 10 laps on the playground every day is not hard enough, who can say that reciting the whole review material is not hard enough, who can say that not sleeping every noon and not hard enough to write homework. Our efforts enrich our days.

When this period of time became the wail of May and June, the battle between the lamp and the night, the book and the dawn had already been carried out for the most part. Then we began to refuse to part with these days.

The high school entrance examination and graduation cut us off from this period of time without any links. Maybe we will get together in the future, but these days are really gone forever. Even if we put on our school uniforms and sit in the same classroom, time will not let us meet these days again. We can only continue to miss, not let the memory sink to the bottom.

The day was nailed to the blackboard on the countdown of the high school entrance exam, and we could only watch it flow away. Time quietly took away our days in batches, but we can only miss them.

"Gu" in ancient Chinese means looking back, but we can't use it. We can only run forward to remember.

Our days together are about to disappear. I don't know how to say goodbye, nor do I want to say goodbye.

So goodbye, day.

600 words in composition (10)

I'm out. I met two important people. Feeling very deep, I want to say something, but I am mixed with some other feelings. I don't know what to say!

A friend who played with me when I was young. it's been a long time. Since he didn't read, he just heard his mother say that he didn't read and had no contact. But today, I met him!

She hasn't studied for two years! We played together, but he was one year older than himself. Therefore, she is one level higher than me. However, he didn't drop out of school and helped at home. A year later, he went to a private school!

I envy his life. I have to say so! She can always be so headstrong. Remember when we were pure students? Remember when we wore school uniforms and laughed?

She left the school and got his contact information today. Looking at his dynamic situation, she sighed and stepped out of the social life. It's really different! No, it's really different! Maturity is just a change. There is also a change I don't know how to describe!

When I saw each other, I was very excited! I looked at her and couldn't recognize it! Remember us! well! Let's all grow meat! We chatted. She looked at me and said, "You have changed. You are not like you anymore!"! Her mother said, Yes, it has changed! It was beautiful when I was a child.

Eh~Hey! At the beginning, we always liked others to praise us for our beauty, but now we have changed! You, become so mature, and I, or that fool!

It's really beautiful! Maybe she hasn't changed. She is still so beautiful as before. Or big eyes, beautiful skin, long thin legs, great!

She told me that she was going to learn computer science tomorrow! Let me study hard. She said that what she always knew was that my grades were always better than hers!

I said, but she is better off than me. It is the absolute truth that she is good at mixing! She said that the good life in the future is waiting for me! Maybe! I hope so! After all, his life now is the life I once dreamed of, the kind of travel that I can go with, and the kind of performance that I love myself. She said that the most beautiful years should be matched with the coolest life! Yes, don't let yourself down in the most beautiful years. To myself!

600 words in composition (11)

The magical nature always brings me many surprises, and this is no exception.

I have already seen the bright red in front of the gray wall. I walked towards it quickly, hoping to see its beauty as soon as possible.

It didn't disappoint me. This is not a precious flower. I can't even name it. However, its flowers are blooming too much. Small red flowers cluster into red clouds, which are so bright that they are almost glowing. Closer up, each flower is very small, but each flower is trying to bloom seriously; Each petal is very small, but their delicate tips and round tails are red, as if they were just taken out of the dye house.

Its leaves are also full of vitality, each piece is full and incomparably, as if green juice will flow out when pinched; There are delicate but not obvious textures on the leaves. The leaves sparkle in the sunlight, as if they were smeared with oil or plated with gold. They stand upright, not weak or curly.

It seems that the master must have spent a lot of effort to cultivate such a beautiful flower, I think.

Through the bright flowers and leaves, I began to look at its branches. It is really industrious. The leaves and flowers grow seriously and diligently, but the branches are still not lazy. They still strive to grow up and densely penetrate the inside of the whole plant. The roots are strong, and the brown skin is also vaguely green.

Looking down its branches, I was shocked. The thickest and strongest trunk was squeezed tightly into a crack on the cement floor! If you look up again, its vitality is so strong; Lower your head, this root is squeezed in the narrow crack, which is unbelievable. Looking closely, I clearly saw several deep scars carved on the rough bark. I don't know how it managed to emerge from the cracks; I don't know how it makes use of this little nutrient in the crack to create its own strong vitality; I don't know how much hardship it has paid and how much suffering it has experienced for today's blooming.

Life is really magical and strong.

Thanks to nature, let me meet its beauty, let me harvest this precious moved.

600 words in composition (12)

In the afternoon, the sun shone on the branches and leaves, and the breeze brushed my face. I looked up at the clouds in the sky, which seemed to cool the sky. The too bright light came into my eyes, and at the moment of trance, the mists swept over me, vaguely seeing the swallow fluttering its wings across the clouds.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a gloomy forest. The tunnel like path in the distance was endless. The carpet made of fallen leaves on the ground was shining with autumn light at my feet. I walked on the path in the forest and saw a woman in front of me. She was reading a book in her hand. At first glance, her face seemed familiar, eh? She looks like me! I quickly stepped forward, and she seemed unable to hear the sound coming from her feet. I looked at her closely, and she was much more mature and older than I was. When I looked at her for a moment, she took out her mobile phone from the bag. It was not good, but it startled me to see it. The original year was 2027!

Isn't 2027 exactly nine years later, when I was twenty-three years old? No wonder her face seems similar! In an instant, countless doubts flooded into my mind. What am I doing nine years later? Do I follow my dream step by step? Do I have the perseverance to complete the challenges and difficulties on my dream path? I opened my mouth to ask her, but my words could not reach her ears. I reached out to touch her, but my fingertips accidentally passed through her shoulder! When I was wondering how to let her find me, she stood up and walked away. I wanted to catch up, but was surprised to find that my whole body could not move! Immediately I saw her turn around and smile at me gently - the confusion swept me again!

When I opened my eyes again, it seemed that a thousand years had passed, but the swallow in the sky was still flapping its wings, and the sun was still shining brightly. Is this a dream? I don't know, but I know that when I meet a future person, I know that a bright and beautiful future is waiting for me. As long as I keep working hard and enrich myself, my dream will come true! I know the future is waiting for me.

600 words in composition (13)

Just yourself. When talking about meeting, I was thinking that I was actually looking forward to meeting a person who would like to be with me, and I was also looking forward to meeting a person who would like to express his love to me. Maybe it is more and more difficult for adults to talk about it. Let's also express my love. Once I see these opportunities, I will choose to shrink back, And now I don't give anyone a chance, so I don't need to have any expectations. I don't need to say who I expect to be, and what kind of surprise will be given to me all of a sudden. These are children's games, not adults' performances.

In fact, I would like to go, after all, because I want to know whether I am worth being loved, whether I am bad, or whether I am bad at transferring money. When I am abandoned, I feel very bad, and dare to feel that I am a particularly bad person. I always feel that I have performed well in front of him. I have been in front of him, I am very careful, but in the end, facing such an outcome makes people feel that it is not so good in fact. Go to maintain a relationship, and sometimes even wonder whether it is your own problem, whether it is not worth sorrow at all, and whether it is too bad to earn. So it's better not to meet an idea that may be just a moment in fact, but to keep more of the time. When you are looking forward to meeting him, you are still looking forward to having a person say good night to you every day, and it is also with feelings when you accept it, rather than saying good night to you every day, But when I see it, I don't want to reply to it. I hope there can be a two-way relationship.

It seems that many of them are one-way feelings in their own world. Homosexual relationships are basically two-way. But first-line friends basically seem to be really one-way. They are paying attention to the boy themselves. They are one-way. And those boys who want to be close to them are also one-way efforts. They reply, Even though they have brought a lot of feelings to themselves, they still have no way to give them satisfactory answers, and no way to give them the answers they want, just like they are very good to the boy they care about now, but still have no way to get the answers they want. Maybe sometimes the relationship is like this.

600 words in composition (14)

Open the diary, the past is gradually clear, emotions and sorrows are fixed in the text, like shells on the beach, shining in the depths of memory.

Those blue words record the ups and downs of my training in the track and field team.

From "I can't throw far" to "It's fun to throw shot", from "I'm so useless" to "The teacher said I can jump best in the long jump", I was pleased to see that I was making progress in sports one by one. From "Oh, how nervous" to "I ended the regional games with two coppers", I seemed to be watching the struggling figure silently in a hidden place. From "The high jump is not good, I want to leave the team" to "I'm too excited to hold my own! I can pass 1.15 meters", I met the back of the jump that I tried to improve.

I remember one time, I got up early for training and walked to the bathroom while wearing my watch vaguely. As a result, the watch fell to the ground, and the surface made of glass cracked a seam, which was particularly eye-catching. My mother came to me at the sound and said angrily, "Why don't you be more careful?" Then she taught me a lesson. Through the curtain of time, I saw that my nose was sore and my eyes were red. "Golden beans" fell down like rain. Mother impatiently left a sentence of "Cry slowly yourself" and left. I saw me at that time, full of resentment, and forced to draw a crying face on my diary. One, another. As I painted, my emotions came up, and my tears could not help flowing down. This is the most vulnerable part of my heart. But now it seems that I am both angry and funny: originally, when I was a child, I could not bear to be wronged.

I also met my humorous self.

I was eager to write my diary that day, and fell to the ground. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain on the arm, knee, elbow and palm. When I write my diary, I feel faint pain. My mother said I was careless, but I said I was used to it. I wrote in my diary:

"I have already lost all my skin and need first aid! I am covered with bruises, some dark cyan, some light green and white, and some gradient colors... I will soon become a 'green monster'!"

I can't help laughing when I read this. Laughter seems to travel through time and space, echoing and responding.

A diary, a memory. It is so beautiful that it is hard to forget. Even the sad past will precipitate into a deep poem.

Open your diary and meet another person

600 words in composition (15)

Time flies. I have been with you for two years. When we first met, you, Miss Bamboo Flute, always asked me to play high notes into broken ones, and always let me play my favorite songs in a mess.

I remember one time we quarreled because of broken sound. That was the day before the exam. When I was playing Old MacDonald with my sister, Miss Bamboo Flute suddenly screamed as if frightened by thunder, "creaking", and the flute membrane broke.

I shouted at Miss Bamboo Flute: "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to, please forgive me." Miss Bamboo Flute said quietly.

I was furious and said angrily: "Sorry, what's the use? The exam is coming tomorrow. What's wrong with you during my exam? I will not be good friends with you all my life."

Miss Bamboo Flute looked at me quietly. After I lost my temper, she said gently, "Don't be angry. If you are angry, it will not be beautiful. I will certainly behave well tomorrow so that you can get good grades."

Miss Bamboo Flute's repeated apologies made me unable to continue to be angry with her, but it also made me not in the mood to continue practicing. With a new flute membrane, we had a rest.

"On the 36th, Zhu Qi, please come to the classroom and prepare for reference." My name was reported on the radio. I looked at Miss Bamboo Flute and led her into the classroom. This look seemed to reassure Miss Bamboo Flute. She was very clever. We cooperated very well, so I successfully passed this exam.

Gradually, we became familiar with each other and established a good understanding. After that, I stopped losing my temper with Miss Bamboo Flute and gradually realized that as long as I treated her gently, she would naturally cooperate with my perfect performance.

Later, I stopped hating Miss Bamboo Flute and took good care of her. A year has passed, and I will welcome a new exam - Band Five of Bamboo Flute. I believe that with the company of Miss Bamboo Flute, I will be able to surpass myself!

Because I met you, I got many certificates; Because meeting you, let me know how to love; Because meeting you, let me know that you will always be my "good friend".

600 words in composition (16)

As time goes by, I dream back to the Tang Dynasty overnight. Looking far away, a humble room came into sight, crossed the green steps, heard the jokes of knowledgeable people, and the pleasant sound of the piano curled up. As I walked, I saw an old man with a long history and a hundred years of erudite Confucian demeanor coming to me. I sat down and listened to him quietly

"Lin Hua thanks the spring red, too soon", which is his once publicized, giving people a sigh and regret. "The magic of literature is better than poetry", which is a beautiful movement written by him with the character of civilization and integrity, without yielding to the powerful. "When entering the court tree in the morning, the lonely face is the most lost", which is his yearning for his travel. But there is no doubt that he is a loser politically, and he has been. He recalled the "Yongzhen Innovation" in those days, and also thought about his many poems satirizing the powerful at that time. As a poet with lofty political ambitions, he has a clear conscience, but countless blows have made him put down the hand that made the dignitaries afraid. He sighed in front of me, and then stopped to think, is this an escape, a retreat, or an unyielding struggle with life and history? He fell into grief. Finally, he made a decision. He did not fear failure and sang a heroic autumn song; He refused to accept his old age and sang a vigorous evening song. Approaching him is approaching the indomitable spirit of struggle, and approaching him is approaching the unyielding personality and will. After 23 years of demotion, he always adhered to his own ideas and never gave in to those in power in adversity.

The vicissitudes of life, such as the flow of years. Xisikai is lucky, so here we go. Mo Daosang's elms are late, and the sky is still full of shimmering clouds. An old man in his old age slowly disappeared in front of me. I walked into the room with green curtains and saw his short essay "An inscription on a humble house". Although he left, he was open-minded, optimistic, unyielding, and always lived through the ages.

The humble house is crude, but not crude

600 words in composition (17)

Recall that two years ago, it was drizzling in the sky, and everyone was a little worried. They were afraid that it would rain heavily soon, so they began to take shelter from the rain. In this confusion, I accidentally bumped into an aunt, and I almost fell. Uh, sorry! I looked up at her and apologized. She smiled and said, "It's OK, but you should look forward when you walk. Safety first, or something will happen.". I can't stand a lot of nonsense. It seems that I have had a class with me. Ah!

The holiday ended, and I ushered in a new school year. On the first day of school registration, I was very excited to move to a new class. Before I entered the classroom door, I saw a very familiar figure. Eh, who is this? It's so familiar. Forget it, don't want to, go inside again. As soon as I stepped into the classroom door, she turned around. God, isn't this the aunt I met that day? She is a teacher! Before I came to my senses, she called out, little girl, what a coincidence! I was also embarrassed and whispered back, "What a coincidence!".

It is because we met this time that we have a special relationship. Every day when we get along, we always feel that she is not like a teacher, but like a good friend. She is the most extraordinary teacher I have ever met.

In that academic year, I seemed to be completely transformed. She had a profound influence on me. Maybe I will never forget her in my life.

She can help me when I need her almost every moment, encourage me when I am in the most difficult time, and lead me out of the darkness to the road of success.

It was an accident that I met her, but it was because of this meeting that we had a special relationship and felt the happy friendship between teachers and students.

I will never regret meeting you this time.

600 words in composition (18)

Junior high school three years, the blink of an eye has reached the third year. When I was thinking about the first day of junior high school, I came to the middle school with my curiosity about junior high school life and a little ignorance in the primary school. Here, I met teachers with different personalities and lively classmates, who have also become my mentors and helpful friends, leaving a deep imprint in my memory.

At the beginning of the first day of junior high school, the students were not very familiar with each other. They felt that there was a veil between us, and they did not know how to lift it.

That day, I was sitting in my seat. The front table of my front table was drinking water, and turned to talk to my front table. Then she picked up the water cup and began to drink water. Her mouth was filled with water, like a frog. Suddenly, she saw my deskmate doing something funny, and she couldn't help laughing. At this time, the tragedy happened. With her smile, the water in her mouth gushed out, like the water baby in the gourd baby spitting water, attacking my desk and my deskmate. Then the desks of my deskmates and I were covered with water. Somehow, we all laughed. At this time, it seemed that a fresh breeze blew away the strange yarn between us. It was really a wonderful thing to meet you. You and I, who were strangers, were closely linked together.

Because meeting opened the locked door between me and my strange classmates; Because of meeting, I gained the friendship with my classmates. Meet, let me feel happy, but also feel helpless. Sometimes, I will be misunderstood by my classmates, have conflicts with my classmates, and make troubles with my classmates. However, there is no absolute perfection in the world. The meeting between my classmates and I can't bring happiness. However, we still have a chance to make up for our mistakes. We can also eliminate the misunderstanding between us, and we can get back together. Perhaps, this is the charm of meeting.

Look, life is fun because of meeting, isn't it.