How to write good English compositions (select 9)
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2023-11-09 05:23:13

How to write a good English composition (1)

How to write a good English composition

Writing is an effective means to cultivate and improve language ability in English learning. It helps to consolidate and master language knowledge such as vocabulary and grammar, train students to think directly in the language they have learned, and improve their ability to control language. How should middle school students write good English compositions? After many years of teaching practice, I have summarized the following opinions on English writing:

1、 Add vocabulary

English writing requires a certain amount of vocabulary. Without vocabulary, it is like a skillful woman without rice. When writing, you may not remember the words to be written, be uncertain about the words to be used, especially when you encounter synonyms, do not know which one to use, or do not remember the part of speech, resulting in misuse This all shows that the memory of words is not strong enough at ordinary times, and the understanding is not clear. This requires us to pay more attention when memorizing words. We should start with the sound, shape and meaning of words. It is better not to memorize words alone, so that they are easy to forget. We should memorize them together in sentences or articles, so that we can grasp the meaning, usage, collocation and other lexical characteristics of words. In addition to the vocabulary in the textbook, extensive extracurricular reading is also required to increase vocabulary.

2、 Master grammar

Although there are many sentences in English that are similar or identical to Chinese, the grammar is different from Chinese. It has its own basic sentence patterns, fixed collocations, fixed phrases, etc. If you want to write a good composition, you must learn grammar well. There are five basic sentence patterns in English. Almost all English sentence patterns are the expansion, extension or change of the five sentence patterns. Therefore, we should keep these five basic sentence patterns in mind and practice them constantly.

1. S +V

2. S+V+O

3. S+V+O+O

4. S+V+P

5. S+V+O+C

Although these five sentence patterns can express certain meanings, they cannot express their thoughts freely. Therefore, further sentence expansion training is needed for students to give full play to their imagination in class. Secondly, we should strengthen the teaching of sentence patterns, analyze some sentences, and strengthen their training in using various sentences to express one meaning and multiple expressions. Thirdly, make full use of the "consolidation language practice" in the new textbook to train students' basic language sense.

3、 Recite model essays

The ancients said, "If you are familiar with 300 Tang poems, you can recite even if you don't know how to write poems.". Reciting model essays is a traditional way for Chinese people to learn language. It can not only strengthen memory and accumulate language materials, but also shape sentence patterns, formulaic patterns and writing patterns. It is more effective to use recitation in English learning. Because the specific sentences and texts of a language are infinite, and its structural patterns are limited. Mastering a structural pattern or writing pattern means having the ability to generate countless moods and texts. Language patterns are very important because they act like mathematical formulas. The classical language pattern exists in the model text, so you should read and recite it carefully.

4、 Promote writing by speaking

Speaking is the guide and start of composition. As the saying goes, "Only when you speak well can you write well". In the teaching process, teachers can consciously let students use words to make sentences, and practice from words to words. Let the students speak step by step from easy to difficult.

It can move real life into the classroom, simulate various characters and scenes in life, and let students play real roles

Conduct oral communication. Let students show the characters in life through language, action and psychological activities, so that students can freely play and speak freely. It is also possible to develop oral composition ability through speeches, and guide students to connect "speaking" and "writing". This way, speaking and writing, not only improves oral expression ability, but also improves written language expression ability through oral language narration during speaking, so that students can write with a clear center and clear organization.

5、 Be diligent in writing

Proper writing practice is indispensable. If you talk about writing but never write, you can't write a good composition. The so-called practice makes perfect. Students can use the method of writing diary to improve their expression ability. They can also write on their own topics on different topics or expand, abbreviate, rewrite, etc. on a certain text, which can be used to practice writing. Students can also be asked to read, learn and write as they read. They can get something from reading and apply what they have learned.

6、 Writing Steps

1. Examination

Before writing, you must carefully examine the topic and analyze the intention of the proposition. Determine the genre of the article according to the topic, consider the content of the article, analyze the materials related to the topic, sort them out and choose between them. For the proposed title of the same kind of materials, the examination of the title of the composition is to a large extent related to the success or failure of the whole article. Some examinees are anxious to write a paper for fear of not having enough time, and they do not carefully examine the topic. The result is that the article written is not far from the topic, is different from the original proposition, or can not grasp the key point, is disorderly, and lacks logic and relevance.

2. List problems

Understand the meaning of the topic, understand the 'intention' of the proposition, and then make an outline. The outline has two forms, namely, the title form and the sentence form. The title outline is to list the levels and paragraphs of the article and the general order of each level and paragraph with phrases and phrases. This outline is characterized by simplicity and clarity. A sentence outline is an outline of a complete sentence, which provides a more detailed outline. When making an outline, avoid mixing the two forms. The sentence type outline is a sentence, while the title type outline is a noun phrase. When making an outline, try to use a parallel structure and uniform numbering. With an outline, the article will be structured and integrated in terms of material arrangement.

3. Draft

The next step is to write in sections. Each paragraph should have only one center, and the structure of the paragraph should be complete. The natural paragraph is usually explained and narrated at the beginning and middle of the topic sentence of the paragraph, and the final sentence is often the conclusion or summary of the content. When promoting the theme, we should make full use of the skills we have learned to write sentences and paragraphs, and pay attention to the cohesion and transition between sentences and paragraphs. Pay attention to the integrity and coherence of paragraphs. In order to make the article compact, the full text should be completed in one go.

4. Modification

Revision is an essential part of writing a good article. The revision refers to the processing and improvement of the article from content, form to language after the first draft is completed, so as to make the article clear in theme, informative in content, rigorous in structure, correct in grammar, and free from spelling and punctuation errors.

5. Review

The revised article should be copied carefully. When transcribing, attention should be paid to: the title should be written in the center of the first line. Except prepositions, conjunctions and articles, every notional word in the title should be capitalized. Except for interrogative sentences or exclamatory sentences, the title does not add punctuation, and even a complete sentence does not add a full stop; Note that the first paragraph is indented by 3-4 letters; The writing should be neat and standard, the volume should be neat, and there should be 2-3 letters between words; After copying, be sure to check it. The proofreading shall be carried out word by word and paragraph by paragraph, and attention shall be paid to checking grammar errors, spelling errors, punctuation, capitalization and other errors. Taking two minutes to check it can often enhance the effect of the article and improve the exam results.

How to write a good English composition (2)

How can we write good English compositions? Let's still take the written expression question of our school's seventh grade mid-term English exam as an example:

Take "MyFriend" as the title to introduce John. The situation is as follows: 12 years old, from the United States, brown hair, big nose, blue eyes, tall and strong, looks like his father. He is in Class 8, Grade 7, and you are in Class 9, Grade 7. You are in different classes. But you are good friends. It can be used properly. About 50 words.

Get a written expression, we

Step 1: Examine the topic. First, read through the title requirements, determine the tense, genre and person to be used. For example, through a comprehensive reading, we found that junior high school students wrote Myfriend in the ordinary present tense, and the third person was He because they were John.

Step 2: make an outline and draft. According to the requirements of the article, implement the information points given in the topic one by one. If we carefully check that there are 11 information points in the given requirements, and the number of words is about 50, we should implement them one by one according to the order of information points to avoid omission.

Step 3: recheck. We should review after writing, and check the spelling of words, the use of punctuation marks, the tense and voice of verbs and other aspects.

How to write a good English composition (3)

[Writing Requirements]

Now the environmental pollution around us is becoming more and more serious. As a middle school student, we should save resources, protect the environment, start from the little things around us, and be a middle school student of "low-carbon life". Please write a short article about your "low-carbon life" under the title of "My Low -- carbon Life".

The contents include:

The pollution of the earth is getting more and more serious. We can see the deforestation, water pollution and air pollution.

How do you start from the little things around you and achieve a "low-carbon life". For example, walk to school every day, turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom, make full use of paper, and save water.

Call on more people to join in the "low-carbon life".

Writing requirements:

Cannot copy the original text; The real name of the school and the real name of the student shall not appear in the composition.

The sentences are coherent, with about 80 words. The title of the composition has been given, not included in the total number of words.

My Low--carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worse

[Excellent Full Score Model Article]

My Low-carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worse Many trees are cut down, and water and air are As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce

Firstly, I often walk to It can reduce air Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more

How to write a good English composition (4)

[Writing Requirements]

An English newspaper is holding the "How to Deal with Our Study Problems" essay contest. Please write an English essay based on the content prompted, briefly describe and appropriately express your views. The main points are as follows:

Although we often feel stressed, we should find appropriate ways to decompress. We can choose to wear cool colors like blue and white to make ourselves feel relaxed;

We should be careful enough, because "a drop in the bucket is a thousand miles away"

You should also balance your schoolwork with your hobbies and try to arrange your spare time well;

Don't lose confidence at any time. By studying hard, we will make great progress.

When there is a problem, we

Requirements: the content must contain all the key points, with smooth sentences and coherent meanings;

About 90 words;

The content of point 5 should be reasonably imagined and supplemented with 2 sentences.

[Excellent Full Score Model Article]

How to Deal with Our Study Problems

Although we often feel stressed, we should find suitable ways to deal with

We can wear calm colours like blue and white to make us feel We should be careful enough, because “a miss is as good as a mile”. We should also achieve a balance between schoolwork and Try to plan your spare time Don’t lose heart at any You will make great progress through hard

When having problems, we can ask people around us for It’s not wise to keep our worries to

How to write a good English composition (5)

[Writing Requirements]

The school English club is holding an essay contest. Please write an English article entitled "The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most" according to the following tips. The main points are as follows:

The person who has the greatest influence on me is my mother, who is in her forties;

She always listened to my problems patiently and suggested me how to solve them;

As a doctor, she often said that she could never be too careful. She always works overtime, putting most of her time

I have devoted myself to my work;

So I think she is not only a good mother, but also a good doctor.

I hope

Requirements: the content must contain all the key points, with smooth sentences and coherent meanings;

About 90 words;

The content of point 5 should be reasonably imagined and supplemented with 2-3 sentences.

[Excellent Full Score Model Article]

The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most

My mother is the person who has influenced me

She is in her She always listens to my problems And she advises me how to solve As a doctor, she often says she can’t be too She often works extra She has devoted most of her time to her So I think she is not only a good mother but also a good

I hope I can be a person like I also hope she will pay more attention to her own She’d better have more time to relax

How to write a good English composition (6)

[Writing Requirements]

Suppose your school held a charity activity for children in poor areas not long ago. Please write a report for an English newspaper of a middle school student with the title "Walk for children in poor areas" at the designated location. The main points are as follows:

Purpose: raise funds for children in poor areas

Saturday, October 23

Path: school downtown

Profile: The students divided themselves into four groups. They planned everything before starting. It was hard to walk, but everyone helped and supported each other during the activity. Finally, with the help of many people, a donation of more than 50000 yuan was raised.

Feeling: Everyone is tired, but happy because

Note: the report must include the main points of the given content, and the sentence should be smooth and the meaning should be coherent;

The content of point 5 must be reasonably imagined with at least 2 sentences to give proper play;

The number of words is about 80.

[Excellent Full Score Model Article]

Walk for children in poor areas

Not long ago, our school organized a charity walk to raise money for children in poor

It was on Saturday, 23 rd We walked from the school to the centre of the Before the walk, we grouped ourselves into a team of four and planned everything It was a hard (tough) But during the walk, we supported and helped each With the help of many people, we raised over (more than) 50,000 yuan in the

We all felt tired, but we were very Because it was a meaningful experience and it was an excellent chance to learn team

How to write a good English composition (7)

[Writing Requirements]

"Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment", do you want to be a green emissary? Please take action! In fact, environmental protection is around us. Please write a short article on the topic "How to Be a Green Person".

be careful:

The expression is clear, the sentence is smooth, the meaning is coherent, and the writing is standard;

The number of words in the passage is about 90. It has been given at the beginning of the article and is not included in the total number of words.

Reference vocabulary: draw, both sides of paper, plastics, water tap, collect, waste, can, sort

How to Be a Greener Person?

It’s our duty to protect our environment around

[Excellent Full Score Model Article]

How to be a greener person

It’s our duty to protect the inviyonment around

When we go to school, we should ride a bike or take a When we go out for activities, we shouldn’t step on the We can’t draw When we go shopping, we’d better use a cloth At home we can save water and When we leave a room, we should turn off the At school we can collect wast paper and recycle things, such as bottles, cans and plastic We shoudn’t listen to pop music or spit in

Let’s do something to protect our

How to write English composition well (8)

[Writing Requirements]

Please write a short article of about 80 words with the title "My Favorite Great Book" according to the following questions, and pay attention to expressing your views properly.

Who is the writer of the great book?

What is the main idea of the book?

Who are the important characters?

What’s the theme of the story?

[Excellent Full Score Model Article]

My Favourite Great Book

My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark

Tom Sawyer is a lively and clever He lives with his aunt His aunt is strict with him, so he runs to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River with two friends, Huck and With Huck, he goes looking for treasure; with Becky, he gets lost in a And finally Tom and Huck find a box of Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important Becky is pretty with fair Huck is Tom’s best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man of the

The theme of the story is to do with children growing up and becoming more

How to write a good English composition (9)

1、 Speak more.

Create more opportunities to speak English with English teachers, greet classmates, especially with good friends, and talk about your mood... At this time, you need to carry a small English Chinese translation dictionary with you, look up these new words when you meet them, and don't bother to remember them. If you use more, the word will naturally be remembered. Never take learning English as a burden, always take it as an interesting thing to do.

Maybe if you have the chance to meet a foreigner, you should boldly go up and greet him, talk about the weather, scenery, school... Just don't ask him about his age, marriage history and other personal issues. Try to use some words and sentences you have learned to talk with him. Soon you will find it easier to chat with foreigners than to talk English with Chinese people. Because he will use many simple words when talking with you, and he doesn't pay much attention to words. As long as you pronounce correctly, you will be able to communicate smoothly. But you must have confidence and dare to express your thoughts.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a suitable partner. You can take a book or something as an imaginary object and talk about what you saw and heard in a day, your happiness, your sadness, etc. Your spoken English will definitely improve if you stick to it for a long time.

2、 Listen more

Look for all opportunities to listen to English. When others talk in English, you should be bold to participate and listen to all kinds of people's pronunciation. Men, women, old and young, fast and slow rhythm should be exposed to you. If such opportunities are few, you can choose to listen to articles that you do not know the content, which will be very helpful to you, and you can listen to the tapes of the learned texts, which will be very helpful to your language intonation learning.

3、 Read more.

"Reading" can be divided into two types. One is "silent reading". Given a certain amount of time every day for practice, it will be very beneficial for you to improve your reading speed. The content of reading can be your textbooks, but it is better to read some interesting small books, because the current college entrance examination of English is paying more and more attention to reading volume and reading speed. The score of each question has a lot to do with your understanding, so after three years of reading training in high school, you will definitely win the college entrance examination. The other is "reading aloud", which is an indispensable way to learn a language.

4、 Multiple "write"

Some students always complain about the tight time and have no time to write compositions. In fact, there are many forms of "writing". It is not necessary to write a composition to improve writing ability. For example, if you write down some important things that happened in your day, or learn a phrase that day, you can create a context to use the word appropriately. This will help you remember the usage of this word and train your writing ability

It doesn't take a lot of time to learn English. You can practice 'speaking' after a 10 minute walk, read English novels for a while after dinner, and listen to English for a few minutes before going to bed, which can give you a better rest... As long as you take some time out every day to practice English, your English scores will surely improve quickly.

Method 2:

People often ask: What's the secret of learning English? To be honest, there is no shortcut to master a language without the necessary language environment.

To sum up, there are only four words: hard work. I'm not just saying beautiful things. Based on my experience of learning English in recent years, only by accumulating over time and making quantitative changes can we achieve a qualitative leap. I remember that there was a time when I still felt that my English level was improving too slowly after a lot of hard work, so I deliberately relaxed for a few days. Who would have thought that when I started learning again, I obviously felt that I had regressed a lot. Since then, I have formulated such a motto for myself: "Never leave your hand without your fist, never leave your mouth without your song", and persevere. To learn English well, interest is very important. As Einstein said, "Interest is the best teacher". My interest in learning English has greatly stimulated my curiosity. Some people say that a high level of English is the capital to find an ideal job or even go abroad in the future. This is not bad, but in addition, I think that English is a window, and what he shows us is a vast world and a novel scene. When I can communicate with foreign friends in English, understand foreign society, history, science and culture, and obtain first-hand information, I really understand the beauty of mastering a language.

To learn English well, a set of scientific learning methods is essential. Due to different personal situations, rote copying is not feasible. But I believe that everyone can create a set of distinctive and effective learning methods as long as they carefully experience and gradually explore. Here, I would like to talk with you about my experience in learning English for reference. Although I had a good foundation of English in middle school, when I first entered the university, I still deeply felt my gap. To have a certain ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, you must first master 5000 to 8000 words. As a high school graduate, my vocabulary at that time was very poor. So I decided to take the rapid expansion of vocabulary as the main breakthrough. Some students like to recite large vocabulary manuals, but I think doing so is boring and not conducive to flexible use. So I put my focus on reading. Vocabulary and reading went hand in hand, producing twice the result with half the effort. In order to rapidly expand my vocabulary, I chose some reading materials that were difficult for us at that time from the beginning. An article with thousands of words usually has twenty or thirty new words. These articles cover a wide range, including many fields of vocabulary.

I usually adopt the "twice reading method", that is, the first time I focus on training my reading ability, and the second time I focus on expanding my vocabulary and cultivating my sense of language. At the beginning of the reading training, I referred to the book Active Readers. First, improve the reading speed. Concentrate on reading an article of moderate length, note the starting and ending time, and calculate the reading amount per unit time. It has become my habit to force myself to read fast. In the first reading, I will focus on training speed, mastering the general idea and basic structure of the article, and finding out problems so as to focus on solving them in further reading. There are two key points in the second reading: one is to expand the vocabulary. The specific method is: go over the article again, check the birth words, write them down in a small notebook, and take them out when you have time to recite. I never use the whole time to memorize words. When the efficiency of learning other content is low, it is most suitable for me to recite words. It may not take a long time to recite each time. It is important to repeat many times. At that time, I used an English Chinese dictionary because I felt that English explanations were not easy to remember. In the early stage of expanding vocabulary, it is most important to understand the meaning of words. In this way, with the increase of reading, my vocabulary has also improved by leaps and bounds. Only later, when I was preparing for TOEFL, GRE and other examinations, did I begin to memorize the vocabulary manual and use English explanations to understand the exact meaning of words and the language environment.

The second key point of the second reading is to develop a sense of language. Carefully experience the wonderful language, pay attention to the use and collocation of words, and I often read some paragraphs aloud, or even recite them. This is conducive to strengthening the sense of language; Lay the foundation for writing. Through this twice reading method, the content I read generally left a deep impression in my mind, and also improved the utilization of reading materials. I attach great importance to the choice of reading materials. Not only from interest, but also consciously read some popular science, history, philosophy and other articles that you do not know or even are not interested in. In addition, for different training purposes, I also selected reading materials with different contents and difficulties. For example, for fast reading, you can choose articles with small amount of new words and short length; For the reading training that focuses on expanding the vocabulary and broadening the horizon, choose British and American newspapers and magazines. In addition, I also pay attention to step by step, and choose appropriate reading materials according to the changes in my English proficiency at different stages. In the four aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I have benefited immensely from "reading". Through a large amount of conscious reading, on the one hand, the vocabulary has been expanded, on the other hand, the language sense has been cultivated. These two aspects are the two pillars of mastering a language. As for the three links of listening, speaking and writing, I didn't have any special training. Read more, have a large vocabulary and strong sense of language. As long as you practice more, your ability in these three aspects will naturally improve.

In terms of listening and speaking, English radio and original movies are excellent media. In addition, it is quite effective to take every possible opportunity to talk with foreign friends and try to imitate them. As for writing, at the initial stage when the amount of reading was not enough, I was not eager to write by myself, but learned and imitated some classic chapters. I have memorized the third volume of New Concept English and some wonderful chapters in the intensive reading textbook. I often read aloud in the morning or listen to the radio. In this way, you can hear the authentic English in your ears and see it in your eyes. Over time, you will learn to speak and write. Someone asked me how to get high marks in various English tests. In fact, I don't have any special exam countermeasures. On the basis of the gradual improvement of listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, as long as you do some simulated tests and understand the characteristics of various tests, your performance will naturally not be bad. In my opinion, it is better to accumulate steadily and bit by bit than to engage in naval warfare on the eve of the exam. In my opinion, the "secret" of learning English well is nothing more than hard work and skillful work.