My Path to Growth (19 Collections)
2023-12-03 05:42:22
Argumentative paper

My Growth Path (1)

Life is alive, growing every moment. From birth to kindergarten, to primary school, to junior high school, to high school, to university... We are all growing, and growth has always been with us, just like the road under our feet, continuous, and always towards the future.

From birth to now, I have gone through 14 years of spring, summer, autumn and winter. From the crying baby in my mother's arms, I have grown up to be a bright young man. In the past 14 years, my parents, teachers and classmates have left precious and indelible memories on my way to growth. Looking back on the past, those happiness still clearly flash in my mind, as if everything was yesterday.

In my memory, the days before kindergarten were the happiest and the most carefree. I was immersed in the care of my parents all day long. In addition to eating, my parents bought me a lot of toys. They also often accompanied me to build blocks, fly kites, play games, and have fun every day. And the naughty I also played a prank from time to time, hiding in the wardrobe, secretly looking at my mother's anxious appearance from the cracks. At night, I always snuggle up in my mother's arms, count the stars in the sky, listen to my mother telling fairy tales, and sleep happily.

In my memory, the days in kindergarten are from fear to happiness. When I left my mother, I began to cry and make noises. It was the teacher who brought me one toy after another and led me to the children, so that they could play with me and make noises with me. From my initial fear, I became very popular with my friends later. Those years were my first time to contact teachers, classmates and textbooks, and my first time to enter the classroom in my life. When I was the first in the class to play Rubik's Cube and was praised by the teacher, I felt the happiness of growth.

In my memory, life in primary school is happy and painful; It's relaxing and tense. Happiness is because I can still enjoy their selfless love with my parents. Pain is because I sometimes make mistakes and will be punished but not understood. Relaxation is because my learning task is not heavy. I still have a lot of time for rest, entertainment, and extracurricular activities. Tension is because I must prepare for exams from time to time, and predict the "barometer" of teachers and parents, I feel that there are also troubles in my growth.

In my memory, junior high school is happy, hard, but also harvest. My junior high school is happy. There are so many teachers and classmates who study, play and exercise together, just like a family. It's hard work. I am tired in study, stressed in spirit, and hard in life. Sometimes I am really tired, and I once thought about giving up. But when I think about the expectations of parents and teachers, I am full of strength and confidence. After a short break, I am engaged in intense learning. I learned the importance of learning. I learned the expectations of my parents and teachers. I learned that the future society needs talented people. No pains, no gains. My achievements are growing by leaps and bounds. My teachers also look at me with new eyes. I feel that no gains without pains.

People are growing all their lives, happy, troubled, and more fruitful. Although sometimes we do not want to grow up, and do not want to bear the pressure and responsibility of growth, growth is unavoidable. It is better to rise up than to treat negatively. Therefore, as a sunny teenager, I must grow up optimistically and happily, and strive to become useful to society.

My Growth Path (2)

Lu Xun once said, "There is no road in the world, but when there are many people walking, there is a road". My growth path is not only built with labor and sweat, but also a growth path that needs optimism, wisdom, morality and courage.

I have gone through 14 years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and I really miss every bit of the past. I miss the warm and happy feeling of snuggling up in my parents' arms, and the tranquility of listening to the lullaby and falling asleep. At that time, I was so free, carefree, happy and comfortable, living in my colorful childhood dreams.

Time passed slowly from my side. I also carried my schoolbag and wore a red scarf to become a Young Pioneer. From then on, I entered the magical palace. Under the guidance of my teacher, I roamed in the sea of knowledge, and was very interested in all subjects. I was smart and eager to learn. I always ranked top in my class, and served as the monitor in my class. Especially in English, I participated in the National Olympic Games for two consecutive years, and won the first prize, as well as certificates. I was never proud of this, which is my motivation for learning.

In a twinkling of an eye, I bid farewell to the learning life in primary school, ushered in a colorful junior high school life, and also provided me with a broad space for development. On the road of youth, I will not let the road's blankness and misty road cover my eyes. I will wave my paintbrush in my hand, vigorously wave it to show the splendor of youth, the tenacity of youth to fight against the wind and rain, the perfection of the world, and the optimism of "A ray of light to the sun, golden scale".

Every step of man is writing his own history. When I grow up, a joy of growth accompanies me through every minute and every second. But troubles will also make me feel the hardships of life and the pressure of learning. At the same time, they will also make me stronger and have enough confidence and courage to face the test of life, constantly improve myself and surpass myself.

Everyone has his own way of growth. Let me have an ordinary heart, learn to live in plain days, and enjoy all the feelings brought by growth. I can't decide the length of life, but I can expand the width of life. Let my growth leave a series of wonderful memories!

My Growth Path (3)

I believe that everyone has an extraordinary growth. Growth is an inevitable process for everyone. Everyone's growth cannot be smooth. Only the growth with twists and turns can create a colorful life. My growth has been full of numerous frustrations, and through the baptism of numerous storms, I have never been full of expectations and fantasies for growth. Until my life came to another station, I said to myself‘ My future is not a dream.

Back in middle school, my growth began a bumpy path. At that time, I was like an unknown grass sitting in the last row of the class. When I saw other students studying in the front row, I could not learn from them. In the eyes of teachers, we could not do it; Of course, Xian 'is not treated fairly, and teachers value the results and the entrance rate, so some of the teachers' practices seriously stimulate students like us. Naturally, I didn't care about us any more. I once regretted it and made up my mind to study; Let teachers pay attention; Let students look at each other with new eyes; Satisfy parents.

But how many times I tried, how many times I shed tears of regret, and with the passage of time, years of relentless attack, I ended up in failure. Now I have come to a turning point in my life. Since then, my life has become hopeful, so I warn you to see that hope is waiting for us behind, and work hard to refuel.

My Growth Path (4)

After 15 years of blooming and falling, and 15 years of spring and autumn, I went from ignorance to maturity, from ignorance to understanding... Looking back, looking back on my growth path.

In kindergarten, I used to run with a kite, and I used to scream with a windmill. I used to cry with my mother, and I used to pester my father to act like a coquette. I used to break through the "monstrous sin", and I used to admit my mistake timidly. I used to "try" new things, and I was scarred by "trying"

I spent my childhood in innocence and brilliance, and the road to growth began to blossom from here

When I was in primary school, I could not forget to salute the five-star red flag for the first time; I can't forget the first time I picked up the brush in my hand; I can't forget the first time I cried because of my failure in the exam; Never forget the first time lying and being punished to stand; I can't forget the joy of getting the certificate for the first time; I can't forget the first time the proud representative class raised the flag

In primary school, I spent my life in ignorance and ignorance, and the road of growth became more and more beautiful from here

In junior high school, it's hard to forget the hard work day and night for the first place in the school year; It is hard to forget that he gave a generous speech on the stage to show his talents; It is hard to forget to tolerate friends' mistakes in order to protect precious friendship; Never forget to give up complaining in order to live up to your parents' kindness; It's hard to forget that you laugh because of success, rejoice because of breakthrough, and even harder to forget that you cry because of failure, and cry because of retrogression

In youth, I grew up with joy and laughter, tears and pain. Since then, the road of growth has been covered with thorns... From childhood to youth, 15 years of growth has been long and short. There are sadness, joy, separation and reunion on the road, love, pain and hate on the road, and you, her and his company on the road

When I was young and ignorant, when I was young, I was ignorant and frivolous, and when I was young, I was steady and persistent! This is my way of growth. The fragrance of flowers and the stab of thorns make my way of growth more colorful. Now, I'm trying to pave a smooth road for the future brilliance!

My Growth Path (5)

Time goes on, life goes on, and we grow on. Everyone's growth goes through different frustrations, and everyone's growth also goes through different happiness. Sweet and sour, it's a different feeling.

Go to kindergarten

My parents are very busy with their work. I went to the kindergarten class when I was two and a half years old. At that time, when the teacher was in class, I could not listen. One day, the children were drawing, and I shook the chair below to play. I fell down while rocking the chair. I knocked on the corner of the table. My teeth pinched a hole in my tongue. The skin on my lips was scratched and red blood flowed out. I can't apply medicine or bandage, so I have to bear it. I didn't shed a tear. The next day, my mouth was swollen like a pig's mouth, so I went to kindergarten as usual.

Go to primary school

One day, my father took me by the hand and came to the primary school to report for duty. I knew that I had become a primary school student. I was very proud and felt that I had grown up for the first time. Every morning, I go to school with my schoolbag on my back and skipping towards the sunrise. At school, I enjoy the happy time with my teachers and classmates. At sunset, I went home and told my parents about the interesting things that happened in school. There was happy laughter all over the house.

Junior high school

In junior high school, I began to learn how to read. I began to learn to do more housework. In this stage, I learned more things. I learned to help my parents, to talk with them, to understand people around me, and to take care of people. Because of my parents' education, I learned a lot of things that I could not learn in school. These things are treasures to me. I will always use and treasure it. Because of my parents, my life is full of colorful colors, and I continue to grow slowly. Because of their love, my life is full of colorful colors.

The road to growth is happy. It is sad, but as long as we grasp the direction. I believe that one day, I will reach the other side of success and become a person who has made contributions to the country and society!

My Growth Path (6)

I clearly remember that when I was a child, I was so naughty and playful. In summer, even when it was raining heavily, I had to bare my feet in the rain and play happy music with the raindrops. In winter, even if it is freezing cold and thousands of miles frozen, I will fight with my friends and make snowmen in the snow. My nose is red with cold and my face is full of happiness.

As I grow older, I no longer fall in love with the wind and rain in summer and the ice and snow in winter. I began to travel in the sea of books to explore the true meaning of life and experience the taste of growth. I am like a small tree growing in the storm. Although it is blown to its waist, it can usher in sunny days after rainy days, and I still pursue brilliant sunshine.

Now, I can do things on my own. I am no longer a little princess who "reaches for her clothes and opens her mouth" like before. I am no longer a weak person who depends on her parents for everything. I am no longer a little angel who cries out for her parents when she is injured and cannot deal with the wound by herself. I want to take root and grow like an aspen, no longer need the protection of my parents, and learn to resist the uncertainty in life. I need to learn these skills to really grow up.

When I was young, I always thought that I was the best, and I never knew that there was something stronger than myself. When I was in the fourth grade, my teacher always praised me and encouraged me, and I became more and more proud. It was not until one day my grades fell that I began to understand the truth of "there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world".

Once there was a wealth that could be seen, that is, one yuan could buy an ice cream or a glass of milk, but I changed my approach and began to buy books and travel in the ocean of knowledge. Let me know the world at home, and this wealth allows me to enjoy a better life.

My Growth Path (7)

Some people think that growing up may be just growing up with the passage of time. However, in the long life, there will always be one or two moments that make me feel that I have grown up. Maybe when I was appointed as a class representative, I felt uneasy and excited, maybe when I posted my goals on the stationery box, or maybe when my dreams were laughed at.

"The bell......" As the bell rang, I woke up from my dream. Another yawning math lesson, sleepy like a tornado, swept away the last part of reason and sobriety, until the teacher took my paper to scold, I suddenly reacted. "Hiss... It's not a dream, is it? How could it be?" I twisted my arm violently. In a trance, I walked onto the platform, and the dazzling red forks and forks pulled my mind back to reality.

"Tut Tut, how about the first 50 years?"

I suddenly raised my head and stared at the student who was talking with tears in my eyes. This was the target I stuck on the stationery box. How could he know? At that moment, I really wanted to give up being a class cadre and ask him, as a girl, how bad I am? Why are the questions you have done wrong and the methods you have said wrong? His disdainful look broke my last confidence, just like the last straw that crushed the camel.

At this time, I sat back and covered my cheeks with my hands. Although I tried hard to hold back my tears, they poured out like a flood and wetted my palms.

"Tick, tick, tick..." The second hand walked in a graceful step and rang the bell of class. At this moment, I can't help thinking of Pushkin's "If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be anxious..." Yes, at this moment, only reflection, experience and lessons can improve myself.

When I think about it later, it seems that it is no big deal. There is no obstacle in life. Everyone has their own goals and plans. Maybe others will laugh at you. They must also believe in their dreams, firm their beliefs, and strive to accomplish everything they want to do to add more color to life.

This is my growth!

My Growth Path (8)

When I was young, Hou's grandmother often told me that I was made of clay, soft and soft. I winked and asked my grandma, "Is that grandma made of mud?" Grandma smiled and said to me, "Oh, the mud is you, and the stone is me. Grandma is hard; and you need the washing of time to become as hard as grandma. Children, only after the baptism of wind and rain can you see the rainbow after the rain!" I shook my head, saying I didn't understand. Grandma stroked my father's head with her hand and said with a smile, "When you grow up, you will understand. The soil cannot be used to care, but it needs the wind to blow and rain to beat. Only those who can stand the training can become talents!"

Once I went hiking with my father, and many people were afraid of the steep peaks. I always knew that I would never admit defeat, and decided to give my father a "challenge letter" to see who would reach the top first. My father just smiled, he walked at a very slow speed, and I had already left him behind. To my surprise, when I reached the top of the mountain, my father had already been waiting for me there, and his face was still smiling. He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "You are better than a loser. However, you should not act recklessly. You should think through your head. You are so strong at the starting line. When you are near the end, how can you have the strength to sprint?" When I went down the mountain, I didn't run, but I just watched the surrounding scenery with my heart. If there was gain, there would be loss. I knew that I was not hard.

In Chinese class, the teacher introduced us to "fossils". It was said that fossils had to take a long time to form at that time. Looking at the pictures in the book, amber stones covered all the animal bodies. The teacher said: "The sand and mud buried the animal bodies, and after tens of millions of years, they have evolved into today's fossils. Fossils have an important role in historical investigation, which is our further understanding of history."

My Growth Path (9)

My growth path is happy. There is a lot of happiness on the road, not as many as the stars, but bright as the stars. If the road is the night sky, the fragrance of books must be a star at night. I love books. The big bookcase carries the beauty of human soul. When I am free, I will drive the dream bike to travel around the kingdom of books. When a book takes me to understand the true meaning of life, the stars are extremely bright. I also gained happiness.

Books also have an evolutionary history. The small picture album that I always looked through gradually became a book with phonetic characters. Finally, it evolved into four masterpieces and biographies of celebrities. Although the book has evolved, the love for it has remained the same every minute of the time.

I deeply love the fairytale paradise carried by Andersen. That paradise is also a ship that docks at ordinary and legendary ports composed of pure childlike innocence. There is no gold and silver colored silk here, but it makes people feel so rich. Yes, it is the wonderful fairy tale that makes it --- the kingdom of heaven, the boat is rich, which is a kind of spiritual wealth. It weaves colorful silks and satins one by one in the dream world. Each piece of silk and satins is embroidered with a small, bright silver shining star that is not easy to be found. How like the brightest star in my night sky! Isn't that my favorite book star?

The four masterpieces are China's pearls. In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei is thirsty for talents, Guan Yu is excellent in martial arts, Zhang Fei is rough in detail, and Zhuge Liang is brilliant; In "Outlaws of the Marsh", Song Jiang values emotion and righteousness, Wu uses ingenuity, Wu Song fights the tiger heroes, and Hua Rong is excellent at archery; In Journey to the West, Tang Monk is merciful, Sun Wukong is powerful, Zhu Bajie is lazy, and Sha Monk is very honest; In A Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu set each other's hearts against each other. It's a pity that lovers can't get married.

There are also many famous foreign works. Charlotte's Web interprets the legend of spider web. Friendship is the most precious feeling in the world! "If you give me three days of light" perfectly interprets the physical disability and determination. When a beam of light passes through your eyes, that light must be the light of strength! Robinson Crusoe tells the world that no matter what difficulties they encounter, they will face them firmly, and the belief in survival is the hope of life!

These books, whenever they are silent in my world, in my night sky, I love and love to see the brightest stars in the night sky. Yes, that star is with me. It's a book that has accompanied me for 10 years! That is the brightest book star!

Looking back, it was books that accompanied me for 10 years. Reading books, how many wonderful lives are staged: Newton, Einstein; Reading, how many strong fighting spirit in the struggle: Helen Keller, Robinson; In reading, every article is shining with brilliance: the little match girl, Thumbelina; Reading the book, I can't forget every story: three British fought against Lv Bu and Lutiha fought against Zhenguanxi······

I grew up with the fragrance of books. I got happiness from reading, and the happiness of knowledge through reading. I am grateful that it added color to my growth. Maybe every road was white, and everyone colored it in different ways. I am on the color of happiness. But in this color, who will notice that there is a star in each section, and there is a small book with silver light shining in each small star. Of course, that book is my companion. It is the book star of my happy growth path. It makes me feel extremely happy on my growth path!

My Growth Path (10)

The road is paved. Although the road of life is long and frustrating, we should take every step steadily, constantly reflect and improve ourselves, and the road of life will become wider and wider.

Everyone will have setbacks and success on their way to growth. Laughter and tears will accompany our growth. Our growth is like a road leading to the front. We march forward bravely, and also like time.

I was born in 2009 in Chengdu. But my hukou is in my hometown Nanchong, and my long life is waiting for me!

In 2012, I went to a kindergarten called Jindoudou Kindergarten. It's not far from my home. It seems that the whole class is making friends with me here. After a year, I took part in Taekwondo in kindergarten, and the coach was very good. As long as we knew a move, the coach would reward us with a toy. I am often the first to learn. After two years of learning, I have a large box of toys. In the past two years, I have studied hip-hop for one semester. At the end of my senior class, my teacher took us to Jindi Hotel to perform. Because our class has to perform hip-hop and taekwondo. And it is connected, so I only performed Taekwondo, not hip-hop dance. After the performance, the teacher announced graduation.

In 2015, I attended Jinyang Primary School. There are too many things for me here, such as playing football, badminton, basketball

I only played basketball for one semester. But playing football has been from grade two to grade four. There are many matches. We have been to Dujiangyan and compared with other teams in other areas. We won five games and lost two. But competition is not important, participation is important. I also met many new children during the competition. I also know all the students in our class. I also have a brother, Hu Xianke, who has always helped me out

This is my ten year old growth road, this road is very glorious, I believe that the future road will be more glorious. Remember, the way we walk every day is self created!

My Growth Path (11)

The road to growth is always fresh. Be as tenacious as green grass, as heroic as the rolling Yangtze River eastward. Time and time again, "the wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again". Just to wait for the spring breeze to come and look at the stubborn grass. The long river of growth has a long history, and the time elf has been rotating all the time. On this fragrant growth avenue, I am destined to show more wonderful things.

Childhood; When I began to remember, I grew up under the care of my family. It was not until primary school that I left my parents for a long time for the first time. Although I was reluctant to part with them, I was curious about a strange environment. Since then, we have borne our parents' expectations.

In the fourth grade, one day, after class, it was time to eat. My head hurt a little. Fortunately, one of my classmates helped me to the infirmary. After staying in the infirmary for a long time, the doctor saw that I had nothing to do, and said to the classmate, "classmate, you can go to dinner, and I will buy some food for this classmate later." The classmate shook his head and said, "I will accompany him because we are friends." After listening to this sentence, I was moved to tears. Only then did I know that the word "friend" originally contained deep and deep feelings. Friends are the people who can help you most in life. They can encourage you, teach you and make progress together.

In the sixth grade, many changes have taken place in our physique, character and speech. In the sixth grade, we were faced with the situation of being promoted from junior high school to junior high school. We were busy every day. We had to take exams every day, and we had to rank. With the great pressure of learning, our bodies were also undergoing tremendous changes. We changed from little boys to boys taller than Yao Ming, and our psychology gradually became mature, and many meanings were also understood. Finally, we survived the sixth grade under such circumstances.

Finally, on that day, I received the notice. I was reluctant to leave my life for six years to go to school. After the graduation party, I went to a new school - Mianyang Dongchen International School, where I met new students. In the new junior high school life, I could not help but tidy up my clothes every day and pay attention to my words, behavior and appearance, which may be the characteristics of adolescence!

On the way of growth, it is fresh all the way. I hope that what I grow up is not only my body, but also the growth of words, morality and behavior that I need to master in the future. They will accompany my life and make my life full of wonderful everywhere!

My Growth Path (12)

A good book is like a beacon, guiding me in the vast sea; A good book is like an archaeologist, exploring the unknown mysteries in the field of knowledge. Therefore, reading every book well will enable us to grow healthily and happily.

I heard my mother say that when I didn't know how to read, I took three hundred Tang poems and pointed at pictures while babbling. Other children were playing with toys. I was reading carefully, not affected by them. As I grow older, I am inseparable from books, and books have become my mentors and friends.

In the vast sea of books, choice is very important. Every time I find a good book I like, it's like a starving child meeting a delicious meal. I read it greedily and can't help being moved by the stories and characters in the book. From the simple and happy life in Andersen's Fairy Tales to how to make us more confident, happier and better manage ourselves in Children Don't Hurry to Eat Cotton Candy. From "Robinson Crusoe" to "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea", we can understand that people should be brave and strong. It contains extremely extensive geographical and marine knowledge... The charm of the book is everywhere.

I have just finished reading "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", which makes me feel deeply, "Knowledge gives people love, light and wisdom. It should be said that knowledge is happiness, because with knowledge you can feel the pulse of human activities throughout history, otherwise you will not understand human music!" Helen wrote in the book. Hero Helen. Keller had a high fever since he was 19 months old, which made him lose his sight and hearing. From then on, he could no longer see the outside world or hear beautiful sounds. When she grew up slowly, she was unwilling to live like this. With her strong perseverance and tenacious spirit of struggle, she completed her college studies and eventually became a knowledgeable writer and educator. Helen's hard and happy life explains the meaning of life. She dedicated her miracle life to the welfare and education of the blind. It tells us that knowledge is very important. We should be strong, brave and optimistic in the face of life. When we encounter difficulties, we should not shrink back, but move forward bravely.

Books are my growth partners, which accompany me through spring, summer, autumn and winter. "There is a golden house in books" I hope you can also read more books, read good books, and absorb rich knowledge and principles of life from them. We should often swim in books to let us grow healthily and happily.

My Growth Path (13)

Duras said, "When I was 18 years old, I thought I was old." But, really, no matter what, we are always growing. We are growing up, on the way to the unknown at a fixed constant speed, from babbling to eloquence, from hobbling to free running, from knowing little to knowing more. At this time, we know that time has made us grow up.

At the age of 5, my mother sent me to the kindergarten to receive enlightenment education. At that time, I liked school very much, and many friends, interesting toys and equipment, and consistent learning life were full of temptations for me. I remember that time, I learned how to stack flower baskets. When I went to school, I showed my skills. The children all thought it was a new thing. I lined up to teach them. I felt proud for the first time.

At the age of 8, I entered the gate of primary school, which is much larger than kindergarten. I sat in the classroom with my classmates, and started my primary school life for six years from "a o e" to "1+1". In the first grade, I wore a red scarf for the first time and swore an oath under the solemn national flag, proud of being a Young Pioneer. Until later, I worked hard and got the best grades. I was repeatedly rated as a "three good student" and was praised and encouraged by my teachers. While I am proud, I am also encouraging myself to move forward. In the fourth grade, I became the broadcaster of the school. It is a must to go to the studio every morning to broadcast. I broadcast to the whole campus with my own voice, and I feel proud and happy.

In junior high school, I became more and more competitive, which gave me some unprecedented pressure, but it did not weaken my confidence, on the contrary, it made me more motivated. In the end, I was admitted to key classes with my own strength, and achieved a good third place in the first monthly exam, laying a good start for junior high school life.

"Pride" is not "pride", it is an incentive, a self achievement. It makes me know how to work hard and know how to move forward. It gives me confidence and walks hand in hand with me on the road of growth.

My Growth Path (14)

Today is Sunday, my mother "abdicated" and gave me the right to eat in the family, so I became the "president" of the family's temporary food!

Since he is the president of food, he must arrange food first. I decided to make a ham and egg sandwich for breakfast. At seven o'clock in the morning, I got up and went "ping-pong" in the kitchen. I first picked up an egg, gently knocked a seam on the edge of the pot, and then broke it with both hands. The golden yolk and egg white slipped into the pot. But my skills were not good enough, and some small pieces also fell into the pot. I hurriedly picked out the eggshell fragments with chopsticks. The supervisor's mother could not help laughing, and pretended to be strict and said: "President, your salvage technology is good, otherwise we would not have to eat sandwiches today, and we would just eat eggshells directly." Under the guidance of my mother, the poached eggs were soon ready, and then the ham was cut. I took three hams in one breath, tore the outer package, cut them into two pieces on the cutting board, and then put them in the bread just prepared, and added the poached eggs. I thought it was easy to make sandwiches, but I found it was also a technical job. Then, I made two more according to the previous process.

As the saying goes, "Eat well in the morning, eat well at noon, and eat less at night." I decided to eat more at noon. My father was experienced in cooking, so as soon as I finished breakfast, I asked my father to go to the market to buy food according to the menu I wrote. When I returned home, my father became a chef, and I obediently played a hand in the side. With my help, my father quickly prepared braised ribs and scrambled eggs with tomato, which were skilled and delicious.

After lunch, dinner will be simple. I only used the microwave to heat the leftovers at noon to ensure the family's "CD" action. Finally, as the "President", I ordered "Mom to wash dishes with me.

To sum up the day, although I didn't do much this time, I also realized the hard work of the leader. It's not easy for parents to do this every day with no regrets! In the future, I will also do some housework within my power, and be the little assistant of our family leader!

My Growth Path (15)

Everyone has their own growth story. Let me share my growth story with you!

Everyone's growth story is different. My growth story is as follows: there are five people in our family: father, mother, me, sister and brother. Our family is very happy. What makes me unhappy is that my younger brother and sister always lose my things. Once, when I finished my homework in Zhengzhou, my father drove my family back to my hometown to play. When I sorted out my schoolbag, I found that the cap on my new pen was lost. I threw away the pen in my heart. But I later learned that it was my brother who took my pen cap back to my hometown and lost it. I cried sadly all night. 2、 They always steal things from me. One winter, my mother took me, my sister and my brother to bathe and swim for my brother. When I went out, I picked up my scarf to put it on, but my sister rushed out of the bedroom and grabbed it. But I went to rob him again. As soon as my mother came over, she said, "Why are you robbing my sister again? You should let my sister." But I was wronged and thought: He robbed me first, why didn't he bother me? Hum! I have a lot of grievances in my heart.

My growth story is like this, and I have learned a lot on my growth path. I learned to let the big go. It is called Kong Rongrang Pear.

My Growth Path (16)

Everyone will experience growth. For me, growth is like a road. On this road, there are traps, signboards, rainy days and sunny days. The road of growth has never been smooth. So is my growth path. However, when I grew up, I learned a lot.

Because our school can open a personal association, I started an association called "Western Culture" with my brother.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning". Indeed, it is difficult to do the preparatory work. It is also necessary to apply to the school and carry out publicity. However, we did not give up. We know that only by persevering can we succeed. However, the facts have proved that it is impossible to succeed only by "persistence".

On Friday, we held the first club class, and the result was of course very sad. At the beginning, I didn't have a clear understanding of the whole class, so I didn't learn anything after a class, just playing around.

After the first teaching without any experience, I understood that we should combine "play and study". It is impossible to rely solely on one side.

Growth, in fact, is to let you find your own shortcomings and continue to improve, improve yourself.

What is the trouble of growth? This question is left to us by our Chinese teachers.

In my opinion, the trouble of growing up is the problem that arises in the process of growing up, learning something from it, and growing constantly in the process. It's growing up in problems.

On my way of growth, I have mixed feelings. However, it is because of this that my life is more colorful. It is this road that guides my growth, allows me to continue to grow, and finally achieves success!

My Growth Path (17)

My growth path is happy. There is a lot of happiness on the road, not as many as the stars, but bright as the stars. If the road is the night sky, the fragrance of books must be a star at night. I love books. The big bookcase carries the beauty of human soul. When I am free, I will drive the dream bike to travel around the kingdom of books. When a book takes me to understand the true meaning of life, the stars are extremely bright. I also gained happiness.

Books also have an evolutionary history. The small picture album that I always looked through gradually became a book with phonetic characters. Finally, it evolved into four masterpieces and biographies of celebrities. Although the book has evolved, the love for it has remained the same every minute of the time.

I deeply love the fairytale paradise carried by Andersen. That paradise is also a ship that docks at ordinary and legendary ports composed of pure childlike innocence. There is no gold and silver colored silk here, but it makes people feel so rich. Yes, it is the wonderful fairy tale that makes it rich in this heaven and this ship, which is a kind of spiritual wealth. It weaves colorful silks and satins one by one in the dream world. Each piece of silk and satins is embroidered with a small, bright silver shining star that is not easy to be found. How like the brightest star in my night sky! Isn't that my favorite book star?

The four masterpieces are China's pearls. In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei is thirsty for talents, Guan Yu is excellent in martial arts, Zhang Fei is rough in detail, and Zhuge Liang is brilliant; In "Outlaws of the Marsh", Song Jiang values emotion and righteousness, Wu uses ingenuity, Wu Song fights the tiger heroes, and Hua Rong is excellent at archery; In Journey to the West, Tang Monk is merciful, Sun Wukong is powerful, Zhu Bajie is lazy, and Sha Monk is very honest; In A Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu set each other's hearts against each other. It's a pity that lovers can't get married.

There are also many famous foreign works. Charlotte's Web interprets the legend and friendship on the spider web, which is the most precious feeling in the world. 6 If you give me three days of light, it perfectly interprets the physical disability and determination. When a light flashes in your eyes, that light must be the light of strength. 6 Robinson Crusoe tells the world that no matter what difficulties you encounter, you should face them firmly, and the belief in survival is the hope of life!

These books, whenever they are silent in my world, in my night sky, I love and love to see the brightest stars in the night sky. Yes, that star is with me. It's a book that has accompanied me for XX years of my life! That is the brightest book star!

Looking back, it was books that accompanied me for XX years. Reading books, how many wonderful lives are staged: Newton, Einstein; Reading, how many strong fighting spirit in the struggle: Helen Keller, Robinson; In reading, every article is shining with brilliance: the little match girl, Thumbelina; Reading the book, I can't forget every story: three British fought against Lv Bu and Lutiha fought against Zhenguanxi······

I grew up with the fragrance of books. I got happiness from reading, and the happiness of knowledge through reading. I am grateful that it added color to my growth. Maybe every road was white, and everyone colored it in different ways. I am on the color of happiness. But in this color, who will notice that there is a star in each section, and there is a small book with silver light shining in each small star. Of course, that book is my companion. It is the book star of my happy growth path. It makes me feel extremely happy on my growth path!

My Growth Path (18)

Human life is short and impermanent, no one can predict what will happen next second, but we can live in the present! In the past 13 years, our home has changed a lot unconsciously! The quiet and peaceful countryside has become the last victim of the large number of factories. The clean and pollution-free air has also been turbid by the waste gas! Although some things are bound to be sacrificed under the progress of civilization, Sanya is very small, but if it is easily destroyed, it will make this place disappear from the map. Is this the result we want? Once made a promise to leave the next generation a beautiful world, a pure land on earth, but now wantonly destroy, destroy forests, destroy land, and destroy our promise with the next generation. This is the scariest and saddest civilization I have ever passed!

The cool sea breeze blows and the warm sun shines down. Although we see the progress of civilization, we still retain the flavor of nature. The four seasons are like spring, and we can wander in the boundless sea without any constraints. This is the most primitive freedom. Through the change of the times and the changes of the four seasons, it still maintains an impressive beauty, which is incredible. But this is the magical place of nature. Although it is not a miracle, it makes people understand that it will naturally recover as long as it is not excessively damaged! I have passed Sanya, and where is the most beautiful scenery in Sanya? Undoubtedly, it is the southernmost corner of the sea! Exploring the soul is not necessarily scary, but few people try to do it, and I am also afraid! Who is not afraid? Just fear is not enough to constitute the reason for me to escape growth, so I walked through my own world, walked through my heart

In the past 13 years, I have experienced the ups and downs in the world and the most severe test in the world. I have gone through life and death. Although it is hard, it is worth it. The spiritual improvement has a direct impact on my life, but some people can't survive, so I can't think about it. Go to find his ancestors! The road of life is inevitably bumpy and frustrating. Is it necessary to use this method to draw an imperfect end?

Since I was a child, I have been chased by bamboo. Although that period of "bamboo shoots with shredded meat" was very painful, it also became the biggest turning point in my life! I have walked through everything around me, including myself! Although everything has changed, the only thing that remains unchanged is my path of growth. Even if there are any difficulties, I will overcome them and stride forward to the brilliant goal until the day I fall!

My Growth Path (19)

It seems easy to do but difficult to do. Grandpa grabs my hand and holds the brush. I can't even hold the brush. Sometimes I feel a little discouraged. But think about it. In the future, if you want to be a person who can write well like Grandpa, that kind of enthusiasm will come back.

However, I'm only five years old, so I'm still a bit playful, so I don't want my grandpa to teach me. After several years of dogged struggle, my father let me start learning at the age of 10, until now, only a short semester.

Slowly, I entered the mysterious world of calligraphy - seal script, official script, regular script and other fonts made me envious at a glance.

I took the bag of the calligraphy class and walked into the classroom gently. "What? Why am I so big? They seem to be children in Grade 1 and Grade 2!" At this time, I felt a little embarrassed. In order to see my style, he said: "We must be serious and persistent, and set an example for them!

Every time, I write conscientiously for half an hour at home and hand in my homework on time for each new term.

After that, I wrote every stroke. When the teacher told me where I could improve, I always bowed my head, listened carefully to the teacher, and then changed.

Although I haven't participated in the calligraphy contest until now, I believe that I will succeed on that day!

No one can see the rainbow without wind and rain, and no one's path to learning art is smooth. Only by bravely withstanding setbacks can we achieve success!