This method is good for composition (18 popular articles)
Persistence is the key
2023-10-07 03:56:39
primary school

This method is good for composition (1)

"Life is rich and colorful, and methods are everywhere". There are many difficulties in life that can be solved with methods. Today I will introduce a good method to you.

That night, the teacher assigned an assignment to memorize the ancient text of "Zheng Ren Buying Shoes". When I heard "Mommy, is it so difficult?" this was the most difficult assignment I thought. Because I used to recite for four or five hours, and finally my mother was kind enough to let me go to bed.

I finished all my homework at six o'clock that night. It didn't work after an hour's recitation, so I asked my father what's the best way? My father said, "You can translate the translation first, then try to recite it again, check it again according to its order, and finally recite it as a whole." After listening to my father's words, I thought: Well, that's the reason. Find a way to recite it, so that it will be twice the result with half the effort! I memorized articles in this way, which surprised me. I usually recited articles for three or four hours. This time, I "took it down" in half an hour.

Another time, I saw many small methods in the newspaper, such as: thermal expansion and cold contraction, overall planning method and many other tips.

In fact, there are many tricks waiting for us to discover in life, so as long as we observe patiently and use our brains diligently, we will certainly find them.

This method is good for composition (2)

On Sunday afternoon, Mingming finished his homework and went to play with his beloved dog. Xiaoming thought: After all these days, I still don't know how heavy the puppy is? He took the dog to the side and said that the dog was dead or alive. Xiaoming was furious. He said, "If you don't go up, I will kill you!" But the dog didn't understand, and he still didn't go up.

Mingming saw his friend Xiao Liang coming, and said, "Xiao Liang, come and help me weigh the dog." He asked Xiao Liang to hold the dog on the scale, and it was 100 kg. Mingming said, "I'll take the dog down and weigh your weight." Xiaoliang said, "OK!" Xiaoliang gave the dog to Mingming and stood on the scale again, looking at 80 kg. Then he clearly calculated: "One hundred minus eighty jin is twenty jin. My dog is twenty jin."

Only then did Xiao Liang realize that he was going to weigh the dog. Xiaoliang stretched out his thumb and said to Xiaoming, "You are so smart!" Mingming was sweeter than honey after hearing what he said.

This method is good for composition (3)

Today, I was sitting at my desk doing my homework, and my foot accidentally touched the desk. The pen container on my desk turned over, and the pens fell on the desk, some of them rolled to the ground. "Alas! It fell down again. I have to find a way to change the pen holder. I can't let it fall down again." I said to myself, picked up the pen holder and looked carefully. It was made of paper when I was in art class. It is very light and the bottom is very small. No wonder it always falls down!

How can we solve this problem? I meditated.

Suddenly, I saw the leftover potato chip can on the table. It was round, flat, and the bottom was made of iron. Isn't it right to make a pen container? So, I took it over and measured it with a ruler. Then, I cut the potato chip can into two parts with scissors. The upper half is not needed, and the lower half is left. A pen container is made. I put it on the table, inserted a pen, and pushed it with my hand. Now the pen holder won't fall down. But when I looked around, I always felt that this was not a pen holder, but a potato chip can. It was too ugly. How can we make it more beautiful?

I hit upon a good idea. I found a piece of green paper and cut it to the same size as the pen holder. I drew a lovely Mickey Mouse, some bright flowers and several tall houses on it. After drawing, I used double-sided adhesive tape to stick the picture on the potato chip jar. This beautiful pen holder was finally made. I put it on my desk and fill it with pens. well! Don't mention how wonderful it is!

My mother came in and saw my pen holder. She smiled and said, "Well done."

This method is good for composition (4)

In the third grade, the school held an egg throwing contest, and I was selected.

The rule of the game is that no matter what method you use, as long as the egg is not broken, the shell cannot be cracked. The farther you throw, the higher the score. The winner is the highest score.

On the Sunday before the game, I took some time to practice. I first found a round "eggshell", carefully put the egg in it, and threw it forward forcefully. Open it and have a look! The egg is broken! I think: should use some soft things to protect eggs. I searched the whole house and found some sponges. I cut the sponge into the shape of an egg with a cut in the middle. Put the egg into the sponge, seal the opening, and then put the sponge into the "eggshell", finished! I hurled the eggs out. The egg flew far away. When I picked it up, it didn't break, but the "eggshell" was separated in two. Alas, I failed again. I also thought: we should find a way to fix it. I wrapped the "eggshell" tightly with blister paper, and also used rubber band, and it was done! I tried to throw the eggs out again. Can I succeed? I quickly ran over and saw that the egg was not broken and the shell was not cracked. Hehe, it is practical and beautiful. It looks like an extra large egg. It is really perfect! I was so happy that I clapped my hands and shouted at the same time. This is a good way!

During the competition, I used this method to throw forward with all my strength, Yes! I won the excellent prize!

This method is really good. I think it over and over again, and my independent thinking ability has been improved a bit.

This method is good for composition (5)

Sheep sister likes beautiful sweaters. She has white wool all over her body. One day, she thought of a way, if only she could make clothes with her own wool! So she found a pair of sharp scissors and cut off all her wool. She made wool into cotton thread, and then dyed the cotton thread into various beautiful colors. Now she can knit clothes, weave and weave, weave and weave. Suddenly she felt cold on her body. She looked at herself, and alas, all the wool was cut by herself! She really regretted that she should not cut all the wool off her body. She hurried to the bed and covered herself with the quilt, waiting for the wool on her body to grow again. She also thought of a good way to cut a little bit a week, a little bit a week... After a month, her wool became more and more sheared, piled up into a white hill, and her wool was not cut completely. She is so happy! She thought, I can finally knit clothes!

So she made wool into cotton thread, and then dyed the cotton thread into colorful colors. She hung the cotton thread on the hanger outside the balcony to dry. After drying, Sheep Sister began to weave beautiful clothes.

Finished weaving! She began to sew beautiful patterns on her clothes. Some were thick and some were thin, some were long and some were short, some were like flowers, some were like leaves, some were like birds' wings, and some were like drifting snowflakes. How beautiful!

Sheep sister put on her own knitted clothes, which are both fit and beautiful. She jumped happily and went to play with her friends happily.

This method is good for composition (6)

There are some things around us that can achieve unexpected results as long as we use some simple and ingenious methods to solve them, such as: putting a paper roll and a pen cover on the chalk can prevent the hands from being corroded, making the book corner into a circle can prevent the book corner from being rolled... In short, many things can be simply solved. Every time my father peels an apple, I see a napkin wrapped around the knife. Only later did I know the advantages of this method.

Once, my father and I had a rest at home. When I did my homework, my father was reading next to us. After a while, my father and I wanted to have an apple to rest. Then, my father and I took an apple and peeled it.

I pulled the knife from the knife, and my father pulled out the knife, but my father wrapped a napkin between the lower part of the knife and the upper part of the knife. I thought to myself: Why does Dad wrap napkins?

After peeling, my father and I ate. When we ate, I asked my father, "Dad, why do you wrap a napkin on the knife when you peel apples?" My father said:

"If the knife is not wrapped with a napkin, the water in the apple peel will flow along the knife into the knife. If it takes a long time, the inside of the knife will rust, and it is difficult to shrink the knife, and the rust in the knife will also stick to the hand. If the knife is wrapped with a napkin, the water in the apple peel will be absorbed by the napkin, and the knife will not rust, and the knife will be fast."

Through this little thing, I understand that if I use my brain, everything will become very simple and ingenious.

This method is good for composition (7)

Everyone will encounter difficulties, which can be solved as long as you use your brain and think carefully. In my life, there will also be some "small episodes" that will stimulate my ability to use my hands and brains.

Today, I am writing a diary. Suddenly, my pen fell into the drawer with a sound of "Pa". This seemingly simple little thing caused me a problem: I only brought a pen with me, without which I could not keep a diary. Unfortunately, that drawer is broken, so I can't open it to get a pen. The seam is so thin that even fingers can't get through. I was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, wandering around the room, mumbling: "What can I do?" I hurried to my mother for help, eager to get the answer. Mother just casually said, "I don't know what to do, you can think for yourself." What to do? It seems that I have to find my own way. I analyzed it again. Suddenly, I had a brainwave and remembered the attraction of magnets that the science teacher said last time. I took a rope and a small magnet from the room. First, I tied the magnet to one end of the rope, and then lifted the magnet from the drawer seam into the drawer. Because the pen is iron, the magnet can hold the pen. Finally, I lifted the pen and magnet with the rope. Ha ha, the pen is finally saved. This is a good way!

Mother looked approvingly from a distance and said; "Use your head and you can come up with a good idea! Very good!"

This method is good for composition (8)

In life, we will encounter all kinds of problems, but how many have you solved yourself? Few, right? But I really solved the problem this time!

My mother likes oranges very much, but every time she peels an orange, my mother has to spend a lot of time, but only peels a small piece. Seeing her mother's hard work, I think: What is the way to peel the orange skin easily?

Just do what I say. I opened the computer to check on Baidu for orange skilful peeling, and immediately came up with a method: put an orange between your hands, rub it hard until the skin is soft, and then peel it by hand, which is very convenient. is that true? I didn't believe it, so I took out an orange, and according to what was said on the Internet, I rubbed and rubbed and rubbed until my hands were sore,. I began to peel the orange. I peeled it for the first time. Eh, I only peeled it once. Why did the skin of an orange come down? Is it true that the kneading just now works? I didn't believe it, so I took out another orange and began to rub it. After a while, I stopped and peeled it again. It was as easy as peeling oranges just now. I peeled a few more oranges, put them on a plate, and brought them to my mother. She said, "Mom, it's too hard for you to peel oranges yourself. I helped you peel some, and you can taste them." My mother was surprised, "Why did you peel so many oranges so quickly?" "That's my ingenious method. How about, does my mother need to learn from me?" I said proudly.

"It's better this way!" I shouted. Through this event, I learned not to do anything dead, but to learn to use your brain and use the things around you to solve problems by yourself. Although you think it is difficult on the surface, it may become very simple if you think about it with your heart.

This method is good for composition (9)

At our side, sometimes we just need some simple methods to solve the problems in life and achieve unexpected results.

Once, I saw a pen holder on Taobao. The colors were so beautiful that I wanted to buy it! It costs more than 20 yuan. If my mother doesn't scold me, I will be surprised. But I really want it. What should I do? Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through my mind. Do it yourself! How wonderful it is to use both brains and hands to save money and saliva!

When I found a cylinder, a problem came up again. How should the color be used? It's troublesome to paint it on because of the large area of the cylinder. Uneven coating, not beautiful. It is not shiny, and it may damage the paper. Brush paint. It's good. Where can I find paint? Suddenly, my eyes saw the jewelry hanging on the key chain, which I made with silk thread. Under the light, it was very beautiful. "Yes!"

I immediately pulled out a roll of double-sided tape and a roll of multicolored silk thread. First, stick the roll of double-sided tape around the drum, then tear off the white film on it, and then wind the silk thread of the favorite color in turn, leaving no gaps as far as possible. But I wanted to make it more beautiful, so I turned out some colored paper, cut it into various patterns of flowers, grass, birds, white clouds and trees, and pasted them on the tube. All the great attacks were completed. I put my masterpiece under the lamp. Wow! Beautiful! Blue sky, green grass, green trees, happy birds, white clouds... It is a fairy tale world.

It seems that this method is really ingenious.

This method is good for composition (10)

I was very careless when I wrote my homework. Sometimes it took several hours to finish it. Once, it was almost nine o'clock, and I had no choice but to wait until I finished my homework before going to bed. There are a lot of things like this. I'm going to eat soon, and I haven't finished any homework yet. Class was over, and the students were playing with each other, but I sat in a position to "suffer".

If I continue like this, I will have to go to bed at 11:00 or 12:00 when I have more homework? So, I racked my brains and finally came up with a way to use post it notes. Every time before doing my homework, I will write several post it notes in front of my desk, which will say: "Write carefully, be careful, cheer on and many reminders. I will also paste the word" Don't play "on some small objects placed. In this case, I am not serious. When I am distracted, these warm and considerate words will remind me all the time, It seems that I heard the teacher's warm reminder

In this way, my problems gradually changed, I won't use post it notes any more, and I can finish my homework on time every day, which feels good!

This method is good for composition (11)

Everyone will encounter some thorny problems that need to be solved urgently in life. Today, such a thing happened in my home.

After breakfast, I asked my mother to go downstairs and play badminton with me. While we were having fun, I accidentally hit the badminton on the wire. The badminton seemed to have long hands, and it could not get down firmly. I thought to myself: It's broken now, I can't play the ball! This ball is still new. Don't be too sorry. It's a long way to go to buy a new one. Then my mother thought of a good idea and said, "Go up and take down my father's fishing rod." I suddenly realized it and ran upstairs excitedly to take down the fishing rod.

My mother took the fishing rod and pulled it out one by one. A short fishing rod suddenly grew several meters long. My mother held the fishing rod in both hands and gently pushed it up against the badminton, and the badminton fell off. Badminton returned to my hands. I was happy to put the fishing rod away and continue to play badminton.

No matter what problems you encounter in life, if you are willing to use your brain, you will be able to solve them.

This Method Is Good for Writing (12)

This is a good way to write 500 words (1)

This is a good way

In our life, there are many problems waiting for us to solve. There are many problems waiting for us to think. A few days ago, I went to a friend's house to play. Her math is also one of the best in their class. When we arrived at her home, her family was very enthusiastic. Her mother first brought us five apples to eat, but I refused. They gave me to my friend because they had no choice. However, she and her little brother are very naughty. When her brother saw it, he also wanted to eat an apple. There are five apples in total, and they all want to eat one more apple. But they don't know how to divide them. There is a good way, and his brother doesn't want it. He must have more apples. Their mother said, otherwise you can use your intelligence to grab an apple, and whoever grabs it will give him the extra apple. At this time, her brother frowned, as if to say: I will not lose to you, Apple is my favorite, will not let you get! My friend smiled, as if he was sure that he would win. Her mother asked me to be the referee.

I said: Ready to start! His brother ran over like an arrow without thinking, grabbed two apples first, and ate them voraciously. My friend is eating an apple slowly. Don't eat it or laugh. Her brother ate an apple, and she was still slowly eating the apple, only half of the apple, as slow as a snail. She is not worried. I help her worry. Think about it. She is so smart and good at math. Is she going to play some tricks again? I don't know what medicine she sells in her gourd. When her brother ate half of the second apple, she had already eaten one. Suddenly, my friend burst into laughter, walked up to her brother, waved his forefinger, and said, "Little friend, you want to win me? No way, read more books for a few years. After that, she unexpectedly grabbed the remaining two apples with both hands. Then, I said loudly: Champion! You are great! Her brother went to the room dejectedly. When he was about to arrive, he made a face at her.

I'm going home. She went to see me off, and I said to her, "Wow, you are so good. You can't think of such a move." "Of course, this is a tutorial book I read a few days ago, and there is such a topic. Finally, I came up with it. It is also my achievement of studying hard, reviewing lessons, and really learning mathematics." "Your learning method and your method of grabbing apples are really good. I want to learn from you," I said.

Through this event, I know that we should work hard no matter what we do, and work hard to get good results.

This is a good way to write 500 words (2)

This is a good way to write

This method is really good composition (1)

On Sunday, my father was drinking water with a cup. After he finished drinking, he put the cup on the tea table. I saw a dark green mark on the top of my father's water cup and a dark green grass like mark on the bottom. So I took my father's water cup to the pool to wash it. Although it washed a little, it was a waste of water and time.

I thought it over and over and couldn't come up with a good solution. I am at a loss. Is it really helpless, waiting for the cup to bully me? I sat in the chair for a long time to think of a way.

Suddenly, I remembered that someone had said that toothpaste has many uses. I didn't know whether this method would work or not. I thought to myself: How can I know if I don't try. So I took out the toothpaste first, and then I tore off the tin foil containing the cigarettes. I squeezed the toothpaste on the tin foil containing the cigarettes, and wiped half of the dark green stains. I wiped hard with the tin foil, and all of the dark green stains disappeared. I wiped hard again, and the dark green grass at the bottom disappeared in half. I was busy for so long, and had not completely wiped off. I was a little discouraged, At this time, my mother came and said to me encouragingly, "Don't lose heart, you have already succeeded half way, and if you try harder, you will defeat the stain completely!" So, with a persistent mood, I wiped hard again, and finally eliminated a dark green stain.

I'm afraid it's impossible. I'm afraid I can't think of it! This time I use my wisdom to solve the difficulties in life. I am proud of myself! This method is really good composition (2)

If you encounter difficulties in study, you can find a way to solve them, while if you encounter difficulties in life, you can also find a way to solve them. Let me still remember, a memorable way to get the best of both worlds is to get one in my third grade summer vacation, and use my own ideas to solve difficulties.

When I recall the past events in the third grade, I can't help laughing when I think of what happened in the summer vacation of the third grade. One day, lying in bed, I felt that I was awakened by my parents' "tenor ensemble". When I opened my hazy eyes, my parents said to me kindly, "Little sluggard, we have something to do today, so we won't accompany you. It's OK to fix lunch by ourselves!" I nodded repeatedly with one eye open and one eye closed. Now, Mom and Dad put down the heavy stone and walked away. I quickly got up to do my homework. Look! It's almost noon. I haven't eaten lunch yet! At this time, I was already hungry. I went into the kitchen and imitated my mother's usual cooking style. I put on an apron and used pots and pans. But when cooking, if I keep watching beside, I will not be able to hand over the learning task to my parents today; If I don't watch it, I, who is often said by my parents to be a "bookworm", will be unable to extricate myself from the "language and number knowledge maze" once I start my homework. What should I do if the meal is burnt accidentally? So I walked up and down in front of the living room and thought about a way to get the best of both worlds. Suddenly, I had a brainstorm and came up with a good way to get the best of both worlds: if the food is cooking straight, and I move the table and stool to the kitchen, I can complete today's learning tasks at the same time, and also can master the fire while preventing the food from burning. It was too late. It was too soon. I moved my homework to the kitchen to do it. When the rice was cooked and the learning task was completed, I ate my boiled and fragrant rice with relish, and felt as sweet as honey.

This method helped me solve a big problem. "This method is so good!" I couldn't help but express my inner experience.

This method is really good composition (3)

Everyone will encounter some thorny problems in life that need to be solved immediately. Today, one such thing happened in my family.

At noon, my mother was washing dishes on the balcony. I was doing my homework in the room. Suddenly, a "plop" came from the balcony. I immediately put down my pen and ran to Chaoyang Terrace. I saw that my mother accidentally dropped the spoon on the iron plate under the balcony when she was washing dishes. What should I do? My mother frowned into a "Sichuan" character and worried all over her face. I saw this and walked quickly

Go to the room and rummage through the boxes and cabinets to find something. Mother asked strangely, "What are you doing? Don't mess up the house." I answered while looking for it, "Wait a minute." "Great! Finally I found it!" I took a rope and a magnet and ran excitedly to the Chaoyang Platform. My mother asked me again, "What are you doing?" I tied the magnet with a rope and answered my mother, "I will use the magnetic force of the magnet to suck up the spoon." Then I came to the place where the spoon fell, slowly lowered the magnet down the balcony, shook the rope a few times, and the spoon was sucked up with a "clang". Mother always praised me for my intelligence!

As the saying goes, "Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it." No matter what problems you encounter in life, you can do it best if you are willing to use your brain.

This is a good way to write 500 words (3)

This is a good way

During the National Day, because my grandfather was ill and needed to rush to Beijing, I asked my teacher for a week's leave.

When I arrived in Beijing, on the way to the hospital, my mother said, "What are you doing except looking at my grandpa one day?" I knew that my homework was coming. I thought again, I didn't have any books to do or English words to memorize, so I luckily asked, "How can I do it without books?" My mother also stopped pretending: "Well, I'll write the Olympiad Maths questions for you from the Internet." I promised

On the third day, I had completed the last "question sheet", which was also the most difficult one. The first five questions were smooth, and all of them could be solved by equations, but the sixth one was difficult. This was a countermeasure question: put coins on an A4 paper, one at a time for each person, and do not overlap coins. If the other party has no place to put coins, the other party will lose. How can the first player win?

I hate this type of questions. My head gets stuck when I do it, so I plan to finish the following questions before I do them again.

After finishing the following questions, there are only two questions about circles and matrix graphs left unfinished. Apart from what my father needs to say, there is only this annoying countermeasure question left. I thought it was impossible with my head, so I simply used my draft paper as the base plate and took a pen to draw circles on it as coins. "This... is not right! I lost again, this, or not." I took a pen to draw on the paper.

... Twenty minutes later, I haven't figured it out yet. At this time, my draft paper is full of circles I drew. I intend to try this last time.

"Yahoo, that's right! That's it!" I jumped up and scared my sister. "First put it in the middle and then..." I said and wrote.

Later, I saw the same question in a book. What I thought was right, and I was very happy.

This is a good way to write 500 words (4)

This is a good way

Everyone will encounter some thorny problems in life that need to be solved immediately. Today, one such thing happened in my family.

At noon, my mother was washing dishes on the balcony, and I was doing my homework in the room. Suddenly, a plop came from the balcony. I immediately put down my pen and ran to Chaoyang Terrace. I saw that my mother accidentally dropped the spoon on the iron plate under the balcony when she was washing dishes. What should I do? My mother frowned into a Sichuan character and worried all over her face. Seeing this, I quickly walked to the room and rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find something. Mother asked strangely: What are you doing? Don't mess up the room. As I looked for it, I replied: You'll know later. Excellent! I finally found it! I took a rope and a magnet and ran to Chaoyang Terrace excitedly. Mom asked me again: What are you doing? I tied the magnet with a rope and replied to my mother: I will use the magnetic force of the magnet to suck up the spoon. With these words, I came to the place where the spoon fell, slowly lowered the magnet down to the balcony, shook the rope a few times, and heard a clang, and the spoon was sucked up. Mother always praised me for my intelligence!

As the saying goes, nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. No matter what problems you encounter in life, you can do it best if you are willing to use your brain.

This is a good way to write 500 words (5)

This method is really good This method is really good One day, Ye Yabin, from the third class of Anxi Nuotao Junior High School, was sunny and cloudless. Little Bear, Little Pig and Little Monkey felt that their home was broken. They said to themselves, "It will be cold to death in winter The little monkey went up the mountain while talking. When he got to the mountain, Little Bear thought: I have the greatest strength. This kind of thing is a piece of cake for me. So Little Bear carried the wood and carried it down step by step. Little Bear was very tired and sweated. Piglet thought: My strength is not as strong as that of Little Bear. If I carry it like this, I will be very tired. When I carry it home, I will be exhausted or crushed by heavy wood. Piggy thought about it and wanted to see a car carrying a lot of wood. It saw three round, dark wheels rolling quickly on the road. If I roll the wooden head like a wheel from a shortcut here to the foot of the mountain, it will not take much effort and it will be very fast. OK. So the little pig rolled the wood down the hill. The little monkey saw that the pig was rolling with a sore back. He looked around and saw a river beside him. He thought, "This river flows from the mountain to the foot of the mountain and just flows through my door. Then I will take the wood as a boat and bring it home happily.". The monkey pushed the wood down the river and sat down. The "boat" floated along the water. It proudly sang a song it had composed: Today, we carried wood together, the bear carried the wood, and the pig rolled the wood. My method was simple and easy. I floated on the water and would be home in a short time. Who is the fastest to get to the gate, students? That's the little monkey. Instructor: Mr. Liao

This is a good way to write 500 words composition (6)

This method is good Today, my mother bought a cabbage from the market. My mother said to me, "Today, you can try to clean the bugs on it yourself.". "My god, how can I clean up so many bugs?" I complained. After returning home, I washed and washed the cabbage, but I couldn't clean it. I said to myself: "If my father were at home, he would help me wash it, but my father is still working!" Alas, why am I so bitter. I am discouraged. At this time, a "knowledge book" appeared in my head, which was the separation method my father taught me

This Method Is Good for Writing (13)

As the saying goes, there is a golden house in a book. There is a lot of knowledge in the book. One thing that makes me proud makes me understand this truth even more.

Once, when I was reading a book, I suddenly saw an unknown word - "bark". Then I panicked: Mom and Dad are not at home, and I can't look up the dictionary. What should I do? But the word is so complicated. How can I remember it? I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. At this time, I suddenly had a brainwave, and remembered a composition I had read before: "Puzzle". I thought: Alas, I can write down a puzzle and ask my father how to read the word when he comes back. This is a good way to not only know the pronunciation of this word, but also remember its structure. So I made up a riddle for the "beetle": "One is the middle of the head, the waist is covered, and two insects cry under the stone."

In the evening, when my father came back, I immediately ran over and quickly wrote the word "bark" according to the puzzle I made up. I asked my father, "Dad, how do you read this word?"? ”Dad asked with a puzzled face. I told my father the whole process of my solution. After hearing this, he was very happy: "What a wonderful way! Dad really admires him."

A good learning method can bring a whole set of knowledge. What a lot of knowledge in books! Thanks to the help of books, try it if you don't believe me!

This Method Is Good for Writing (14)

In life, we will encounter all kinds of problems, but how many have you solved yourself? Few, right? But I really solved the problem this time!

My mother likes oranges very much, but every time she peels an orange, my mother has to spend a lot of time, but only peels a small piece. Seeing her mother's hard work, I think: What is the way to peel the orange skin easily?

Just do what I say. I opened the computer to check on Baidu for orange skilful peeling, and immediately came up with a method: put an orange between your hands, rub it hard until the skin is soft, and then peel it by hand, which is very convenient. is that true? I didn't believe it, so I took out an orange. According to what was said on the Internet, I rubbed and rubbed and rubbed until my hands were sore. I began to peel the orange. I peeled it for the first time. Eh, I only peeled it once. Why did the skin of an orange come down? Is it true that the kneading just now works? I didn't believe it, so I took out another orange and began to rub it. After a while, I stopped and peeled it again. It was as easy as peeling oranges just now. I peeled a few more oranges, put them on a plate, and brought them to my mother. She said, "Mom, it's too hard for you to peel oranges yourself. I helped you peel some, and you can taste them." My mother was surprised, "Why did you peel so many oranges so quickly?" "That's my ingenious method. How about, does my mother need to learn from me?" I said proudly.

"It's better this way!" I shouted. Through this event, I learned not to do anything dead, but to learn to use your brain and use the things around you to solve problems by yourself. Although you think it is difficult on the surface, it may become very simple if you think about it with your heart.

This Method Is Good for Writing (15)

Boys and girls, have you ever encountered any problems in your life? How did you solve it? Today, I will tell you something that happened to me last week.

It was a sunny morning. I was walking in the community with my good friend Jiajia. At this time, an idea came to my mind: "Come to my house and play. But if you touch the black stone, you can't go to your house. Well, I'll call one, two, three, and you can touch the stone. Now turn around first! "

I didn't understand, but I did the same. "One, two, three!" I quickly turned around and ran to the bag to try my luck. I stole a glance into the bag, but was surprised that all the stones in the bag were black! I closed my eyes and muttered again and again: "God! Give me a way quickly!"

Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I remembered a story: Xiao Hong wanted to play table tennis with Ding Ding. Ding Ding also took two table tennis balls and put them in the bag. Unexpectedly, both balls were yellow. The yellow table tennis ball meant that she could not play with Ding Ding. Xiao Hong hid a table tennis ball and let Ding Ding see what color the rest of the ball was, Ding Ding had to admit his trick.

So I decided to play it by ear. I quickly took a stone and threw it on the ground, saying, "Ouch, I accidentally lost that stone. Look at the color of the rest of the stone, and you will know what color the stone I took just now!" Jia Jia laughed, "Actually, the two stones are the same color. Go to your house!"

Boys and girls, is my method wonderful?

This Method Is Good for Writing (16)

Mom, please tell Dad not to play cards on the computer. He doesn't even care about my study. " I was angry to "avenge" my mother. My mother sighed and said, "I have told him several times, but he doesn't listen. He also said that the pressure of work is too great. Relax."

I was so sad that I could not help crying when I returned to my room. I quietly came to my mother's house, pushed the door open a crack, and found that my mother was also crying. I saw that my happy mother had become so sad, and I had an indescribable feeling in my heart, as if I had knocked over the bottle of five flavors. I'm very sad.

In the evening, I said to my mother, "Mom, let me go out for a walk with you." My mother thought for a while and said, "OK." After walking with my mother, I went home, took out the paper I didn't use often, and wrote a letter. But after half of it, I couldn't go on, so I had to tear it up and rewrite it. The second time, I was more serious. I first wrote what my mother said, then copied some from the newspaper, then wrote my own opinion, and finally wrote my name. Install. It was placed in a conspicuous place on the computer desk. Dad saw this letter after work, tore open the envelope, and took the letter out. After reading it, Dad blushed, pushed open my door, and said: "Daughter, I'm sorry, I must play less cards in the future." Dad really seldom plays cards in the future!

Ah! My method is really good!

This Method Is Good for Writing (17)

This is a good way

Ye Yabin, Class 3, Grade 2, Naotao Shi Primary School, Anxi

One day, the sun was bright and cloudless. The little bear, the little pig and the little monkey felt that their home was very broken. They said to themselves, "It will be cold to death in winter." The little monkey turned his eyes and said, "Why don't we go to the mountain to cut trees and make wood, and then transport wood down from the mountain, and finally build a house?" The little bear and the little pig said with one voice, "OK! OK!" "Let's go to the mountain quickly!" The little monkey went up the mountain while talking. When he got to the mountain, Little Bear thought: I have the greatest strength. This kind of thing is a piece of cake for me. So Little Bear carried the wood and carried it down step by step. Little Bear was very tired and sweated. Piglet thought: My strength is not as strong as that of Little Bear. If I carry it like this, I will be very tired. When I carry it home, I will be exhausted or crushed by heavy wood. Piggy thought about it and wanted to see a car carrying a lot of wood. It saw three round, black wheels rolling quickly on the road. If I roll the wooden head like a wheel from a shortcut here to the foot of the mountain, it will be easy and fast. OK. So the little pig rolled the wood down the hill. The little monkey saw that the pig was rolling with a sore back. He looked around and saw a river beside him. He thought, "This river flows from the mountain to the foot of the mountain and just flows through my door. Then I will take the wood as a boat and bring it home happily.". The monkey pushed the wood down the river and sat down. The "boat" floated along the water. It proudly sang a song it had composed: Today, we carried wood together, the bear carried the wood, and the pig rolled the wood. My method was simple and easy. I floated on the water and would be home in a short time.

Who is the fastest to get to the gate, students? That's the little monkey.

Instructor: Mr. Liao

This Method Is Good for Writing (18)

Now there are so many people who send small advertisements. They always send the advertisement sheet to the crack of the anti-theft door. After a long time, the screen on the anti-theft door has been cut.

Grandma tried to find a way. She found a beautiful 'paper box' and tied it to the security door. She hoped that those people would put the leaflet in the paper box directly. A few days later, the billboard was still stuck in the crack of the door as usual. Grandma was very angry.

I thought for a while and said to my grandma, "You put a newspaper in the paper box, so that they can know what the paper box is for." Grandma smiled and said, "I didn't think of it? My baby is smart!" So Grandma took a newspaper and put it into the paper box.

When I came home from school in the afternoon, I found that there was really an advertisement in the carton. I cried out, "Grandma, our method has succeeded. You have seen one more advertisement!" Grandma came out and hugged me, boasting that I can use my brain and think of a good way. After hearing this, I felt very happy.