Composition "What is Happiness" (20 recommended)
Smile to the world
2023-08-12 01:36:52
Argumentative paper

Composition "What is Happiness" (1)

What is the happiness of ordinary children nowadays? Maybe 70% of the children will say how long they want me to play and not do homework. Only a few 30% of children really understand what happiness means.

As Teacher Cheng (Jackie Chan) said, what you get is too easy to cherish. After difficulties and hardships, children will know how to cherish what they get.

Today's children are not satisfied. They want this and that. The children of the previous generation were very happy with a meal of meat every week. Now, they have meat almost every day, but they take it for granted.

I don't know if I'm lucky. I always think I should get this. You should do it. You should have washed my clothes for me... Now children are really happy, but they don't know how to cherish and be content. Is this good or bad?

Composition "What is Happiness" (2)

Hey, friends, we live in happiness all the time. Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is the joy that people around you bring to you. My parents are the people who care about me most. During the summer vacation, I came back from playing football in the gym and sweated all the way. Just entering the house, my parents saw me sweating like rain, and immediately divided their work and cooperated. My mother pushed me to sit on the cushion sofa, turned on the air conditioner, and my father poured a cup of cold water for me to replenish the water I lost through sweat. Lying comfortably on the sofa, I feel that life in heaven is not so happy in the eyes of my parents. I got up late in the morning and hurried to the art room. When I opened the tool bag, I found that I had forgotten my paint. In the art class, the whole process is meticulous, who forgot to bring tools is the most humiliating thing! Unable to work and afraid of being laughed at by my peers, I was so worried that my forehead was sweating like an ant on a hot pot. Just then, a friendly voice sounded: "Yelong, come out." I walked outside the classroom and saw my mother holding paint in her hand. My mother is always so careful, and she never forgets to care about everything I do in her busy schedule. My brothers and sisters are not many years older than me, but they also know how to love me. Whenever there is something delicious, I always keep the largest portion for me. Ouch, my stomach is so swollen. Just now, I was so busy eating that I forgot the capacity of my stomach. As soon as my brothers and sisters saw my face and touched my stomach, they knew what was going on. My sister bought me a package of "stomach strengthening and digestion tablets" to chew while my brother stopped his homework and rubbed my stomach to help me digest. Although happiness is an invisible thing, living in such a family, I increasingly feel that happiness is in my hands. As long as I bend my fingers, I can firmly hold it.

Composition "What is Happiness" (3)

Now I am an eighth grade student, a 14-year-old girl who is also wayward,.

When I was in adolescence, I would sometimes talk back to my parents, but I always found it was my fault at the end of the matter. But because of my so-called "self-esteem", I was unwilling to admit mistakes. Sometimes I even think my parents are bad people. They are too harsh on me. They may not love me. Now think about it. I'm actually too sensitive. I don't know much about the world, so I began to judge its essence wantonly. In fact, our parents are the people who love us the most in the world. When we were born, our mother gave us the best of everything. At the same time, our father also had deep expectations for us.

We cannot blame our parents for not creating the best living environment for us, because everyone is not necessarily born with royal blood. But at least parents are always working hard for our good life. We should be content.

I now understand that in fact, this is happiness. What can appear is not necessarily happiness, but happiness is mostly invisible. It requires us to have a heart that will find happiness.

Composition "What is Happiness" (4)

What is happiness?

Happiness is that cats can eat fish;

What is happiness?

Happiness is that dogs can eat meat;

What is happiness?

Happiness is that fish can roam freely in the sea;

What is happiness?

Happiness is that birds can fly in the sky.

What is happiness?

Happiness is that a person has a warm home, a father and mother who love him (her);

What is happiness?

Happiness is that a person has a collective of solidarity and mutual assistance, and has classmates and teachers who care about him (her);

What is happiness?

Happiness is that a person has a person who can give him (her) a lifetime of dependence;

What is happiness?

Happiness is that a person has the most sincere family, friendship and love;

What is happiness?

Happiness is the motherland's thousands of eyes, thousands of hearts in a silent corner, quietly watching and caring for you, watching you grow up and become a talent

Composition "What is Happiness" (5)

Happy What? Maybe suddenly ask someone, he will not say, happiness is around us! Click to read alone in a quiet environment; Click, a group of children laugh and play carefree. KAZAM, a man gave the old man a concession on the bus. The old man smiled at him, and the man on the bus gave him a approving look. Click, happiness is very broad, and life is full of happiness everywhere

It's late at night. One of the children lost sleep. That night, the children thought a lot.

One dark night, the little boy went to a game hall. It's already past eleven in the evening. His mother was looking for him, but he was addicted to games and knew nothing about it. When the little boy finished, it was more than 1 o'clock in the morning. The little boy was about to leave when an accident happened.

When the little boy was about to leave the game hall, the boss there caught him and said that the police had come to check and let him sleep here tonight. The little boy didn't know the danger was nearby, but he thanked the owner of the game hall. When the little boy woke up the next day, he found himself in a place he did not know, bound to death by a piece of hemp rope. Only then did the little boy realize that he was in danger. When his mother learned that the little boy had been kidnapped, she almost fainted. But she was very rational, and still used her trembling hand to dial 110. Several police cars arrived at the place where they exchanged money today. In the fierce dialogue with the bandits, the bandits tried to kill the boy many times. The little boy is on the verge of life again. At about 10 p.m., the police sniper fired a bullet, which hit the bandit in the eyes. The little boy was saved. However, when his mother was admitted to the hospital due to a heart attack, the little boy cried and apologized to his mother. However, his mother squeezed out a happy smile. The little boy thought all night and realized how happy he was. He never went to the game hall again and lived a happy life with his parents. Happiness is a ray of warm sunshine in the gap between dark clouds. Happiness is a cup of hot milk tea held in the hand when cold. Happiness is a warm bed at night. I think I am the happiest now!

Munir Nasu once said that true happiness can only be realized when you truly realize the value of life.

Composition "What is Happiness" (6)

What is happiness? Everyone has a different understanding of happiness. After reading the first lesson of 20xx, I really understood what happiness is.

I understand that there are a lot of happiness. It's so happy to see that others are single parent families, but we are both parents; How happy it was to see the children who lost their relatives and friends in the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake, but we stayed leisurely in a safe and happy Shenzhen; How happy we are when we see the deformity caused by the disabled, leg deformity, blindness, and stunted growth; How happy it is to see those homeless Libyan refugees and how carefree we live in a peaceful China; How happy it is to see that the children in the mountain area have an extravagant hope for even a watertight cup. We can get what we want, reach out for clothes, and open our mouths when we have dinner, just like a "little emperor" and "little princess"!

Happiness is like a big piece of gold, which occasionally falls into pieces. You think it is happiness. In fact, this piece of gold is always around, but you don't feel and taste it. Happiness needs a pair of eyes for discovery, a pair of eyes for optimism, self-confidence, gratitude, and love.

Happiness, in fact, is a kind of beautiful feeling, which is inversely proportional to people's desire: the more extravagant, the less happy, the less extravagant, the more happy. There is a famous saying in Buddhism: "See the pain and know the happiness.". You should know how happy you are when you see the suffering of others.

From here we know a truth: contentment is happiness!

Composition "What is Happiness" (7)

What is happiness? Happiness is my father's motorcycle. Every day, my father would ride a motorcycle to send me to school and pick me up after school. In the wind and rain, in the hot sun, sitting on the back seat of my father's motorcycle, holding my father's warm back, I will have an indescribable happiness in my heart!

What is happiness? Happiness is a bowl of fragrant broth made by my mother. When I came home from school, my mother would bring me a bowl of fragrant broth and drink it. A fragrant heat slowly slipped into my stomach. The delicious food was something I would never eat enough, and it was unique in the world. Whenever this time, I felt happy!

What is happiness? Happiness is a pair of warm hands. In the dead of night, half asleep and half awake, a person will often enter my room and cover me with the quilt I kicked away. I will often feel a pair of warm hands gently caressing my head, a lip will kiss my face and lie in the warm quilt. I will go to sleep with this sweet happiness!

Motorcycles, broth and hands are common in life. My father's car is not beautiful, and my mother's broth may not be the best delicacy. Although my hands are a little rough, I can feel that it is full of my parents' deep love for me! How happy I am! I will study hard and make my parents happy.

Composition "What is Happiness" (8)

Happiness is the warmth nestled in the warm embrace of my mother;

Happiness is the sweetness that depends on the broad shoulders of lovers;

Happiness is love that caresses the tender skin of children;

Happiness is the respect of watching your parents' faces.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a mystery. If you ask a thousand people to answer it, there will be a thousand answers.

Someone once said: "Real happiness cannot be described. It can only be experienced. The deeper you experience it, the more difficult it is to describe, because real happiness is not a collection of facts, but a continuation of a state." Happiness is not for others to see. It has nothing to do with what others say. What is important is that your heart is full of happy sunshine, that is, happiness is in your own hands, Instead of being happy in the eyes of others, happiness is a feeling, which should be pleasant and make people feel comfortable and sweet.

Happiness is that when I can't see you, I can comfort myself that it's good to miss you quietly. Happiness is that I tie you all the time, even if you are not with me.

Happiness is that every time I think of you, the feeling of spring will be filled with the air. Acacia is without evidence

Happiness: No matter how rough it is outside, you will know that there is always a cup of hot coffee waiting for you at home

Happiness is when people who love each other grow old and still look at each other. Happiness is to be together all the time, and the days together are the whole life, from the earth to heaven

Composition "What is Happiness" (9)

Some people often ask: "What is happiness?" But the answer is very similar, because everyone thinks happiness is different!

In the eyes of Yanni, Marx's wife, there is happiness when there is love.

The love between Marx and his wife Yanni is a long story. Yanni is a great woman. For love, he left his rich family and lived a poor life with Marx. During his exile in London, his family lived on potatoes for weeks on end. There is no firewood to make a fire in the severe winter, and there is no money to see a doctor in case of illness. He could not pay the rent. His iron bed, bedding, clothes, even his daughter's toys and baby's cradle were mortgaged. When Marx finished writing the Critique of Political Economy, there was no postage to send the manuscript to Berlin. The child had to drop out of school because he could not afford the tuition. The child died of illness and had no money to buy a coffin for burial... Facing such a poor day, Yanni did not complain or leave. On the contrary, she was always full of confidence in life, because there was love in her life. She once said proudly, "The days when I sat in Carl's room and copied his illegible manuscripts were the happiest moments in my life."

In the view of Xu Xiake, a famous traveler and geographer in Chinese history, happiness is to explore in the process of travel.

In 1636, when Xu Xiake was preparing for the Long March to the Southwest, someone discouraged him because he was over 50 years old at that time, but he said decisively: "I carry a hoe on my shoulder, where can't I bury my bones?" Xu Xiake devoted his life to geographical research. In his later years, he still felt some regret that he could not travel all over the mountains and rivers of the motherland, Instead of going to Kunlun Mountain, we went to more remote places to further explore the mysteries of nature. Maybe the person who dissuades him will never understand that the wild is so dangerous, why does he not know how to enjoy it? Only Xu Xiake knows that his ideal is a lifelong struggle, and the process of struggle is the process of enjoying happiness.

Albert Hubbard believes that happiness is a habit; Hugo believes that happiness is to take greater responsibility; Lu Xun's happiness is to give everyone happiness as a revolutionary.

Happiness is defined in the dictionary as a pleasant mood that lasts for a long time and feels great pleasure in life and naturally hopes to last for a long time. As for what happiness is, there is no exact answer. It should vary from person to person!

Gao Fang, Senior One, No. 16 Middle School, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia

Composition "What is Happiness" (10)

Happiness is really different for everyone. Some people think that success will lead to happiness; Some people think they will be happy if they get it. But they seldom think about how to succeed? How can I get it? How can we be happy So the so-called happiness is not happiness, because it is still far away

I used to think that I would be happy if I could have everything. Even if you are not happy, you will feel a little proud But slowly I found that these are not true happiness, because I found a problem, that is, even if you get the so-called everything, you can't get everything you like! Let's not say that the world is unfair, in fact, it is very fair! If you don't agree with me and insist on my definition, I can only say that it's just that the society is unfair... If you want to get something, you must lose the thing you have. You can't get it at the same time! This is the law! As Mr. Mencius said, you can only choose what you like. It is impossible to have both at the same time. So you must learn to give up and give up. As the saying goes, being brave to take and give up is a happy person! I know, I haven't done that yet. But that doesn't mean I'm unhappy now!

Yes, some people did it! He succeeded and got it, but he didn't seem happy... Why? Because others never shared with him! So he would never be really happy, let alone happy.

After experiencing many things, I gradually found that happiness is not far away, nor noble, it is close to me, and it happens every moment... Happiness is also very ordinary, but it can make me feel happy and I miss it! It can make me learn to cherish and be grateful!

Every day, our parents want to do something for us. We should feel happy about everything they do, although it is very ordinary

Every day, every thing that students and teachers teach us, we have no reason not to feel happy, even if it is just an encouraging look

Whenever we encounter setbacks, someone gives us a helping hand, which can make us feel happy, even if they just accompany you quietly... because they care about you and are for you after all.

Happiness? Happiness is that in my life I can meet people who have been silently negative for me... They are my angels, my happiness!

I wish I could be the person and angel in their life

So just follow the direction of your heart! Walk happily, walk without regret

Always follow the direction of your heart!

Senior One of Nanhai Technician College:?? Fashion? L

Composition "What is Happiness" (11)

Some people say that happiness is laughter in the playground; Some people say that happiness is running happily on the playground; I said that happiness is the little things in life.

Happiness is like the sunrise in spring.

Happiness is a warm family. It's raining. My mother is waiting to pick you up at the school gate with an umbrella. It is my father's tired back who is busy at home every day. It is a historical story told from grandpa. It's Grandma's nagging

Happiness is like a summer sunset.

Happiness is a precious friendship. I was helped to the school doctor's room by my classmates when I ran and wrestled in PE class. It means sitting together and sharing happy things and laughing from time to time. It is the listening of bosom friends when you are sad and blue. When two people walk together, they will not feel embarrassed even if they don't talk

Happiness is like the maple leaves in autumn.

Happiness is a strong feeling between teachers and students. When you have questions that you don't understand, the teacher explains them to you again and again, saying "Do you understand"? You will never be tired of listening to the words. After you made a mistake, the teacher sincerely taught you. It is when you go to the wrong way in life that the teacher pulls you back to the right path

Happiness is like snow in winter.

Happiness is learning with classmates. As soon as the bell rang, a group of people gathered in a corner to discuss the puzzles in the class. After school, there are always several students who stay in the classroom to do their homework. When the bell rings at 5:00, they are reluctant to go home. What does the English word "Happiness" mean in English class

Happiness is to look at the previous diary, remember the joy and trouble that I experienced in my childhood, remember the simplicity and foolishness of the past, close the diary, and can't help but smile on my lips.

Perhaps, happiness is a ray of sunshine that has not been seen for a long time; It is an inconspicuous agreement between good friends; It is a lollipop in the hands of children in kindergarten. In short, the feeling of happiness is sweet, there is a kind of unspeakable taste!

Happiness is a mystery. Ask a thousand people and you will get a thousand different answers. Simply put. Happiness is just that cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Altman fights small monsters

Yeah! Living is a kind of happiness. To live happily is more happiness. Freedom, contentment, and happiness in happiness!

First day: Pan Yawen

Composition "What is Happiness" (12)

Turning over the yellowing thin face, the memory poured into my brain like a flood. Looking at the picture of me smiling more brightly than the sun, I hugged my beloved doll happily, with a sense of satisfaction on my face.

I was only six years old that year, and I didn't understand anything. I always feel that if I can eat what I want to eat and get the toys I have dreamed of, I can experience happiness. That day, I stared at the doll in camouflage clothes. I looked at my mother, and my eyes were full of innocence and innocence. My mother bought it for me, and I smiled

When I was seven years old, I fell in love with the sky. Sometimes he is blue to be clear, sometimes he is blue to be muddy. Since then, looking up at the sky and the white dove is my daily "required course", and I often look at it in trance... At that time, I felt that happiness was to look up to the endless sky

At the age of eight, I gradually felt the pressure of learning. Every day when I came home from school, I would throw my schoolbag away and lie on the chair to relax myself. I always feel that the 10 minute break is too short. At that time, I like to relax myself and my mind is blank

When I was nine years old, I liked my parents to accompany me on holidays, so that my holidays would not be lonely. At that time, my parents were the pillars supporting me in my heart. I can't imagine the days when my parents were not here. But my parents are busy for us almost every day. I began to like this rare time. I like to spend every day happily with my parents

Now, I'm ten years old. I gradually began to find that the most real things in the world - friendship and love. Whenever I have difficulties, friendship and love are like a pair of warm hands, which are pulled out of depression and confusion. Just like the 'moon' in the dark night, if it loses the stars that accompany it, it will be lonely and lonely, and it will give it a monotonous feeling. Perhaps friendship and love are just a small piece on the chessboard of life. However, to lose it is to take the wrong move and lose the whole game.

They may be very small in our life, but if you don't cherish them, your life is like losing the most important things. I finally understand the true meaning of life, happiness is to have friendship and love.

Composition What is Happiness (13)

When I was young, I often asked my mother: "What is happiness?" But my mother always told me: "What is happiness, you will know gradually". I have been looking forward to it... until one day I know what happiness is! So happiness is so simple! When I handed a lollipop to my six-year-old neighbor's little sister, her satisfied smile told me that it was her happiness. When a friend is lonely, we accompany her. He said it was her happiness... In fact, happiness is a symbol, a sense of self, the key is how to grasp this symbol and feeling. We are pursuing happiness, and happiness is always with us. This is because we didn't find happiness close to us. She is always around us. Happiness is the love our parents give us. Happiness is the friendship between classmates. Happiness makes us less lonely. Happiness is the company of our friends when we are lonely, and the comfort of our friends when we are sad. Happiness is far away from us. Because not everyone will get happiness, just like those abandoned orphans and children from single parent families, will they all get happiness? Are they happy without their parents' love? Happiness is just a simple thing, but it makes all of us want to have it, but it is so cruel that everything in the world is everywhere. Happiness, only those who experience it with heart will have it. Every thing has its two sides, just like a mirror. When you pursue happiness, just put the mirror in front of you and see yourself clearly, happiness will be yours. The feeling of happiness is most easily perceived by people who are good at understanding and observing. We love life, love life, we will find happiness in our own life, every bit of it reveals happiness.

I used to ride my seven year old sister on my bicycle. When I was going downhill, my bike skidded, bringing out a gust of wind. She hugged me and said, "I feel so happy now!" I was slightly surprised. Did she feel the existence of happiness? What is happiness? Is happiness a gust of wind for her? oh It turned out that she found the shining point from an ordinary thing, and she felt satisfied and happy. Because happiness does not need too many words to describe, her happiness is a happy mood, good mood is easy to find the existence of happiness, in fact, happiness is around. Happiness is waiting for us to find him. He is waiting for us to find him. He will bring us more fun

Grade 6: He Jiakun

Composition "What is Happiness" (14)

What is happiness

When I wanted to write something, I remembered Yanzi singing "happiness, happiness I want" in a vicious tone

Happiness is a long waiting and sudden snow;

Happiness is walking carefully on the slippery road;

Happiness is to see the blue sky but not the blue sky, and to see the white snow but not the white snow;

Happiness is the memory of a poet who has never met, who wrote, "Snow, darkness, darkness"

Happiness is Youtiao soymilk at 7:45 in the morning

Happiness is when the person you like suddenly stands at the door and the whole world lights up

Happiness is a call and a good night

Anyway, I sing about happiness. When I want happiness, I don't know what happiness I want~

Anyway, after I wrote that happiness is a cat and I love its tail, I still don't know what happiness is~

I only remember that the guy named Pushkin said: there is no happiness, only freedom and peace.

But there are still so many people chasing happiness so foolishly

I am used to denying my past so that I can feel happier, right?

What is happiness

What is happiness.

It is the hope that people yearn for.

It is the desire of every sad life.

The sadder the person is.

The more eager you are to get it.

It is not precious.

In the shadow of life and those details can be seen.

It is everywhere.

If you ask what it is.

Then I can tell you.

It is a glass of water when you are thirsty.

It is a meal when you are hungry.

It is a quilt when you are cold.

It is a fan when you are hot.

This is happiness.

This is to give people hope and beauty, happiness.

What is happiness

What is happiness? Happiness is when friends get together and never part.

What is happiness? Happiness is the feeling of warmth when a family is together.

What is happiness? Happiness is the sweet taste that flows into our hearts.


What is happiness? What does happiness mean? Only yesterday did I understand what happiness is.

When we learned that Teacher Lv's birthday was on Friday, we were so happy! At that time, we decided to hold a birthday for Mr. Lv!

When we were planning how to celebrate Teacher Lv's birthday, we were all so happy because we could finally repay Teacher Lv for all his years of dedication and care for us

Time passed by day by day, and Teacher Lv's birthday came. That afternoon, Miss Lv was blindfolded and walked into the classroom. The students' eyes moved with her figure. At the moment when the students lifted their scarves for the teacher, Miss Lv was almost shocked. She never thought that we would give her such a big surprise!

One by one, we carefully prepared gifts and presented them slowly. One gift full of love was presented to Miss Lv. In the twinkling of an eye, tears welled up in her eyes. Mr. Lv cried. For the first time, Mr. Lv cried in front of us. In a flash, I understood what happiness is

"Although we only have a temperature of 37 degrees, we are burning a heart that will always love you at 602 degrees!" The sound is heard by the students, and it is also heard in teacher Lv's heart.

Happiness is happiness, happiness is gratitude, happiness is eternal. We have been together with Mr. Lv for six years. After many ups and downs with the manager, we will leave soon. I will cherish the present time and keep it in my heart forever

What is happiness

What is happiness? You don't know I don't know? Go and ask the animals.

The bird said, "My happiness is to fly under the broad blue sky." Oh? The happiness of birds is flying. The horse said, "My happiness is running on the endless grassland." The little fish said, "My happiness is playing in the clear stream."...... Many animals have their own happiness. It turns out that happiness is not only a wonderful thing, but also an invisible and felt thing.

What is happiness

Happiness is the warmth nestled in the warm embrace of my mother;

Happiness is the sweetness that depends on the broad shoulders of lovers;

Happiness is love that caresses the tender skin of children;

Happiness is the respect of watching your parents' faces.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a mystery. If you ask a thousand people to answer it, there will be a thousand answers.

Someone once said: "Real happiness cannot be described, it can only be experienced, and the deeper you experience it, the more difficult it will be to describe, because real happiness is not the collection of some facts, but the continuity of a state." Happiness is not for others to see, and has nothing to do with what others say. What is important is that your heart is full of happy sunshine, that is, happiness is in your own hands, Instead of being happy in the eyes of others, happiness is a feeling, which should be pleasant and make people feel comfortable and sweet.

Happiness is that when I can't see you, I can comfort myself that it's good to miss you quietly. Happiness is that I tie you all the time, even if you are not with me.

Happiness is that when I think of you, the feeling of spring will be permeated in the air. Acacia is without evidence~~~~~~

Happiness: No matter how big the storm outside, you will know that there is always a cup of hot coffee waiting for you at home

Happiness is when people who love each other grow old and still look at each other. Happiness is to be together all the time, and the days together are the whole life, from the earth to heaven

What is happiness

Many people will ask: "What is happiness?" I replied: "Happiness is a nag from parents; happiness is that we have a warm home; happiness is that we have the best friendship in the world..."

Happiness plays hide and seek with everyone around us all the time, waiting for us to find it and explore it. Many people often say that they are not happy, that their parents are too strict, that teachers leave homework under great pressure, and that their parents and teachers' discipline makes them lose freedom and even happiness. In fact, you can think about it from a different perspective. Most of us are post-90s. We live in an age where there is no war, only peaceful coexistence between China and foreign countries; In addition, we live in an era of high technology and a very good educational environment, which is very different from the life of the older generation before. Isn't it our ancestors who worked hard to leave us such a good life now?

Many people think that they are unhappy and do not understand what happiness is? Happiness is very simple. To sum up, there are four words: "contentment is always happiness"!

Composition "What is Happiness" (15)

What is happiness

What is happiness? It is a new grass, a kind greeting, a lyric poem, a dynamic song, or a burst of fragrance.

Happiness makes you intoxicated and yearn for it. In the world, some people are looking for happiness, some people are creating happiness, and some people miss happiness.

What is happiness? Perhaps happiness is a ray of sunshine that has not been seen for a long time; Maybe happiness is a definition; Maybe happiness is a lollipop. In a word, happiness is warm and sweet. In my opinion, happiness means having a family.

In the years of life, you can indulge in extravagance and extravagance. When you are young, you often lose yourself. Home is a tired nest and a healing nest.

People wear masks for a lot of time in their life. They should be careful about being human, doing things carefully, and talking according to their eyes. Home is where you can take off your mask, relax, vent, cry, laugh... How good is home? Some people may not understand it all their life, so they don't cherish it!

Flower's home is a vast land; The bird's home is the vast sky; Fish's home is the blue sea. We humans also have our own homes.

The child said: "Home is the sunshine station. My mother's warm arms and my father's powerful hands support me to grow up.". The student said: "Home is a place of five tastes. Mother's nagging and father's caring are full of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.". The middle-aged man said: "Home is a gas station. Every day after work, I look at such a warm and happy family and feel happy and confident.". The old man said: Home is a honey pot. Although it was earned by countless times of labor, after all, life is happy after all.

Home is a different place for everyone. What is home? I asked myself repeatedly. I think: home is a lamp, with a lamp, you will no longer be afraid of the night without the moon and stars; Home is an eaves, with eaves, no longer afraid of wind and rain; Home is a soft little bed, with which you can have a good sleep when you are tired; Home is a sun, and the happy smiles of my parents make up warm sunshine!

So having a family is the happiest thing.

What is happiness

What is happiness.

It is the hope that people yearn for.

It is the desire of every sad life.

The sadder the person is.

The more eager you are to get it.

It is not precious.

In the shadow of life and those subtle 'details can be seen.

It is everywhere.

If you ask what it is.

Then I can tell you.

It is a glass of water when you are thirsty.

It is a meal when you are hungry.

It is a quilt when you are cold.

It is a fan when you are hot.

This is happiness.

This is to give people hope and beauty, happiness.

What is happiness

What is happiness? Happiness is when friends get together and never part.

What is happiness? Happiness is the feeling of warmth when a family is together.

What is happiness? Happiness is the sweet taste that flows into our hearts.


What is happiness? What does happiness mean? Only yesterday did I understand what happiness is.

When we learned that Teacher Lv's birthday was on Friday, we were so happy! At that time, we decided to hold a birthday for Mr. Lv!

When we were planning how to celebrate Teacher Lv's birthday, we were all so happy because we could finally repay Teacher Lv for all his years of dedication and care for us

Time passed by day by day, and Teacher Lv's birthday came. That afternoon, Miss Lv was blindfolded and walked into the classroom. The students' eyes moved with her figure. At the moment when the students lifted their scarves for the teacher, Miss Lv was almost shocked. She never thought that we would give her such a big surprise!

One by one, we carefully prepared gifts and presented them slowly. A gift full of love was presented to Miss Lv. In a twinkling of an eye, tears welled up in her eyes. Mr. Lv cried. For the first time, Mr. Lv cried in front of us. In a flash, I understood what happiness is

"Although we only have a temperature of 37 degrees, we are burning a heart that will always love you at 602 degrees!" The sound is heard by the students, and it is also heard in teacher Lv's heart.

Happiness is happiness, happiness is gratitude, happiness is eternal. We have been together with Mr. Lv for six years. After many ups and downs with the manager, we will leave soon. I will cherish the present time and keep it in my heart forever

What is happiness

What is happiness? You don't know I don't know? Go and ask the animals.

The bird said, "My happiness is to fly under the broad blue sky." Oh? The happiness of birds is flying. The horse said, "My happiness is running on the endless grassland." The little fish said, "My happiness is playing in the clear stream."...... Many animals have their own happiness. It turns out that happiness is not only a wonderful thing, but also an invisible and felt thing.

What is happiness

Happiness is the warmth nestled in the warm embrace of my mother;

Happiness is the sweetness that depends on the broad shoulders of lovers;

Happiness is love that caresses the tender skin of children;

Happiness is the respect of watching your parents' faces.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a mystery. If you ask a thousand people to answer it, there will be a thousand answers.

Someone once said: "Real happiness cannot be described. It can only be experienced. The deeper you experience it, the more difficult it is to describe, because real happiness is not a collection of facts, but a continuation of a state." Happiness is not for others to see. It has nothing to do with what others say. What is important is that your heart is full of happy sunshine, that is, happiness is in your own hands, Instead of being happy in the eyes of others, happiness is a feeling, which should be pleasant and make people feel comfortable and sweet.

Happiness is that when I can't see you, I can comfort myself that it's good to miss you quietly. Happiness is that I tie you all the time, even if you are not with me.

Happiness is that when I think of you, the feeling of spring will be permeated in the air. Acacia is without evidence~~~~~~

Happiness: No matter how big the storm outside, you will know that there is always a cup of hot coffee waiting for you at home

Happiness is when people who love each other grow old and still look at each other. Happiness is to be together all the time, and the days together are the whole life, from the earth to heaven

What is happiness

Many people will ask: "What is happiness?" I replied: "Happiness is a nag from parents; happiness is that we have a warm home; happiness is that we have the best friendship in the world..."

Happiness plays hide and seek with everyone around us all the time, waiting for us to find it and explore it. Many people often say that they are not happy, that their parents are too strict, that teachers leave homework under great pressure, and that their parents and teachers' discipline makes them lose freedom and even happiness. In fact, you can think about it from a different perspective. Most of us are post-90s. We live in an age where there is no war, only peaceful coexistence between China and foreign countries; In addition, we live in an era of high technology and a very good educational environment, which is very different from the life of the older generation before. Isn't it our ancestors who worked hard to leave us such a good life now?

Many people think that they are unhappy and do not understand what happiness is? Happiness is very simple. To sum up, there are four words: "contentment is always happiness"!

Composition "What is Happiness" (16)

What is happiness

What is happiness?

Happiness is having a pair of bright eyes.

To observe the beautiful world.

What is happiness?

Happiness is having a sensitive nose.

To smell all the smells in the world.

What is happiness?

Happiness is having a red mouth.

Go and taste all the delicious food in the world.

What is happiness?

Happiness is having a pair of dexterous hands.

Do all kinds of things you want to do.

What is happiness?

Happiness is having flexible feet.

To travel around the vast world.

What is happiness?

Happiness is having a bright red heart.

Keep beating to maintain our life

Can live in this world.

Is happiness!

What is happiness

What is happiness.

It is the hope that people yearn for.

It is the desire of every sad life.

The sadder the person is.

The more eager you are to get it.

It is not precious.

In the shadow of life and those details can be seen.

It is everywhere.

If you ask what it is.

Then I can tell you.

It is a glass of water when you are thirsty.

It is a meal when you are hungry.

It is a quilt when you are cold.

It is a fan when you are hot.

This is happiness.

This is to give people hope and beauty, happiness.

What is happiness

What is happiness? Happiness is when friends get together and never part.

What is happiness? Happiness is the feeling of warmth when a family is together.

What is happiness? Happiness is the sweet taste that flows into our hearts.


What is happiness? What does happiness mean? Only yesterday did I understand what happiness is.

When we learned that Teacher Lv's birthday was on Friday, we were so happy! At that time, we decided to hold a birthday for Mr. Lv!

When we were planning how to celebrate Teacher Lv's birthday, we were all so happy because we could finally repay Teacher Lv for all his years of dedication and care for us

Time passed by day by day, and Teacher Lv's birthday came. That afternoon, Miss Lv was blindfolded and walked into the classroom. The students' eyes moved with her figure. At the moment when the students lifted their scarves for the teacher, Miss Lv was almost shocked. She never thought that we would give her such a big surprise!

One by one, we carefully prepared gifts and presented them slowly. A gift full of love was presented to Miss Lv. In a twinkling of an eye, tears welled up in her eyes. Mr. Lv cried. For the first time, Mr. Lv cried in front of us. In a flash, I understood what happiness is

"Although we only have a temperature of 37 degrees, we are burning a heart that will always love you at 602 degrees!" The sound is heard by the students, and it is also heard in teacher Lv's heart.

Happiness is happiness, happiness is gratitude, happiness is eternal. We have been together with Mr. Lv for six years. After many ups and downs with the manager, we will leave soon. I will cherish the present time and keep it in my heart forever

What is happiness

What is happiness? You don't know I don't know? Go and ask the animals.

The bird said, "My happiness is to fly under the broad blue sky." Oh? The happiness of birds is flying. The horse said, "My happiness is running on the endless grassland." The little fish said, "My happiness is playing in the clear stream."...... Many animals have their own happiness. It turns out that happiness is not only a wonderful thing, but also an invisible and felt thing.

What is happiness

Happiness is the warmth nestled in the warm embrace of my mother;

Happiness is the sweetness that depends on the broad shoulders of lovers;

Happiness is love that caresses the tender skin of children;

Happiness is the respect of watching your parents' faces.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a mystery. If you ask a thousand people to answer it, there will be a thousand answers.

Someone once said: "Real happiness cannot be described. It can only be experienced. The deeper you experience it, the more difficult it is to describe, because real happiness is not a collection of facts, but a continuation of a state." Happiness is not for others to see. It has nothing to do with what others say. What is important is that your heart is full of happy sunshine, that is, happiness is in your own hands, Instead of being happy in the eyes of others, it is a feeling that should be pleasant, make people feel comfortable and sweet.

Happiness is that when I can't see you, I can comfort myself that it's good to miss you quietly. Happiness is that I tie you all the time, even if you are not with me.

Happiness is that when I think of you, the feeling of spring will be permeated in the air. Acacia is without evidence~~~~~~

Happiness: No matter how big the storm outside, you will know that there is always a cup of hot coffee waiting for you at home

Happiness is when people who love each other grow old and still look at each other. Happiness is to be together all the time, and the days together are the whole life, from the earth to heaven

What is happiness

Many people will ask: "What is happiness?" I replied: "Happiness is a nag from parents; happiness is that we have a warm home; happiness is that we have the best friendship in the world..."

Happiness plays hide and seek with everyone around us all the time, waiting for us to find it and explore it. Many people often say that they are not happy, that their parents are too strict, that teachers leave homework under great pressure, and that their parents and teachers' discipline makes them lose freedom and even happiness. In fact, you can think about it from a different perspective. Most of us are post-90s. We live in an age where there is no war, only peaceful coexistence between China and foreign countries; In addition, we live in an era of high technology and a very good educational environment, which is very different from the life of the older generation before. Isn't it our ancestors who worked hard to leave us such a good life now?

Many people think that they are unhappy and do not understand what happiness is? Happiness is very simple. To sum up, there are four words: "contentment is always happiness"!

Composition What is Happiness (17)

What is happiness

Happiness is unhappiness, a word from my mother.

Happiness is a cup of steaming milk when you are tired.

Happiness is a band aid when you hit it.

Cinderella's happiness is dancing with the prince until dawn.

The princess's happiness is to find a handsome prince to dance until dawn.

The happiness of Princess Pea is to become bigger.

The happiness of the match girl is having dinner with her grandmother.

Snow White's happiness is to marry the handsome prince.

My happiness is the company of my family

Teacher Chunchun teaches

The concern of friends

What is your happiness?

What is happiness

What is happiness.

It is the hope that people yearn for.

It is the desire of every sad life.

The sadder the person is.

The more eager you are to get it.

It is not precious.

In the shadow of life and those details can be seen.

It is everywhere.

If you ask what it is.

Then I can tell you.

It is a glass of water when you are thirsty.

It is a meal when you are hungry.

It is a quilt when you are cold.

It is a fan when you are hot.

This is happiness.

This is to give people hope and beauty, happiness.

What is happiness

What is happiness? Happiness is when friends get together and never part.

What is happiness? Happiness is the feeling of warmth when a family is together.

What is happiness? Happiness is the sweet taste that flows into our hearts.


What is happiness? What does happiness mean? Only yesterday did I understand what happiness is.

When we learned that Teacher Lv's birthday was on Friday, we were so happy! At that time, we decided to hold a birthday for Mr. Lv!

When we were planning how to celebrate Teacher Lv's birthday, we were all so happy because we could finally repay Teacher Lv for all his years of dedication and care for us

Time passed by day by day, and Teacher Lv's birthday came. That afternoon, Miss Lv was blindfolded and walked into the classroom. The students' eyes moved with her figure. At the moment when the students lifted their scarves for the teacher, Miss Lv was almost shocked. She never thought that we would give her such a big surprise!

One by one, we carefully prepared gifts and presented them slowly. A gift full of love was presented to Miss Lv. In a twinkling of an eye, tears welled up in her eyes. Mr. Lv cried. For the first time, Mr. Lv cried in front of us. In a flash, I understood what happiness is

"Although we only have a temperature of 37 degrees, we are burning a heart that will always love you at 602 degrees!" The sound is heard by the students, and it is also heard in teacher Lv's heart.

Happiness is happiness, happiness is gratitude, happiness is eternal. We have been together with Mr. Lv for six years. After many ups and downs with the manager, we will leave soon. I will cherish the present time and keep it in my heart forever

What is happiness

What is happiness? You don't know I don't know? Go and ask the animals.

The bird said, "My happiness is to fly under the broad blue sky." Oh? The happiness of birds is flying. The horse said, "My happiness is running on the endless grassland." The little fish said, "My happiness is playing in the clear stream."...... Many animals have their own happiness. It turns out that happiness is not only a wonderful thing, but also an invisible and felt thing.

What is happiness

Happiness is the warmth nestled in the warm embrace of my mother;

Happiness is the sweetness that depends on the broad shoulders of lovers;

Happiness is love that caresses the tender skin of children;

Happiness is the respect of watching your parents' faces.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a mystery. If you ask a thousand people to answer it, there will be a thousand answers.

Someone once said: "Real happiness cannot be described. It can only be experienced. The deeper you experience it, the more difficult it is to describe, because real happiness is not a collection of facts, but a continuation of a state." Happiness is not for others to see. It has nothing to do with what others say. What is important is that your heart is full of happy sunshine, that is, happiness is in your own hands, Instead of being happy in the eyes of others, happiness is a feeling, which should be pleasant and make people feel comfortable and sweet.

Happiness is that when I can't see you, I can comfort myself that it's good to miss you quietly. Happiness is that I tie you all the time, even if you are not with me.

Happiness is that when I think of you, the feeling of spring will be permeated in the air. Acacia is without evidence~~~~~~

Happiness: No matter how big the storm outside, you will know that there is always a cup of hot coffee waiting for you at home

Happiness is when people who love each other grow old and still look at each other. Happiness is to be together all the time, and the days together are the whole life, from the earth to heaven

What is happiness

Many people will ask: "What is happiness?" I replied: "Happiness is a nag from parents; happiness is that we have a warm home; happiness is that we have the best friendship in the world..."

Happiness plays hide and seek with everyone around us all the time, waiting for us to find it and explore it. Many people often say that they are not happy, that their parents are too strict, that teachers leave homework under great pressure, and that their parents and teachers' discipline makes them lose freedom and even happiness. In fact, you can think about it from a different perspective. Most of us are post-90s. We live in an age where there is no war, only peaceful coexistence between China and foreign countries; In addition, we live in an era of high technology and a very good educational environment, which is very different from the life of the older generation before. Isn't it our ancestors who worked hard to leave us such a good life now?

Many people think that they are unhappy and do not understand what happiness is? Happiness is very simple. To sum up, there are four words: "contentment is always happiness"!

Composition "What is Happiness" (18)

What is happiness

What is happiness? If happiness has forms, what is it? Maybe happiness is like glass, which is seldom noticed at ordinary times, but it does exist. The evidence is that the glass will reflect the light and claim its existence more eloquently than anything if you change the angle of view a little!

In fact, happiness comes from people's heart and has no inevitable relationship with external objects. Why is that so? In modern society, half of those who say they are unhappy are rich and influential heroes or even rich second generation. If they only rely on the favorable conditions of the outside world, why are they not happy? Obviously, real happiness can only come from the heart, and material cannot fill the void of spirit.

So what is true happiness? Where? You may think that happiness is just the concern of "going close, afraid of returning late", the harvest of "sowing a grain in spring, harvesting a thousand grains in autumn", and the pursuit of "not afraid of clouds to cover your eyes, but only because you are at the highest level". However, it is just the continuation of love! Friend, remember? Maybe it's a cake that helps each other in poverty, maybe it's a look of affinity in difficulties, maybe it's a rough touch from my father, a warm note from my friend, a gentle exhortation from my mother In the presence of the smallest love, you can surely find that this is the purest happiness in the world, and it is right beside us!

Yes, this is the happiness that is most easily ignored by us. A dog asked his mother, where is happiness? Mom said that happiness is on your tail, although you can't catch it with your hands, it will follow you every step. Happiness is like this tail, hard to detect, but actually exists. When an angel took everything from the rich man and gave it back to him, the rich man suddenly realized how happy he was. Happiness is always knocking at our heart, and we always ignore it. In fact, as long as we open the door of love, we will find happiness.

In today's society, more and more people's lack of happiness is replaced by a sense of superiority. In fact, superiority and happiness are different. When people compare with each other, they only win the so-called "happiness". They are totally unaware of the jealousy and arrogance that they have generated, which has quietly affected their character, and even forced people to do anything for more advantages. This is incompatible with the essence of happiness. You should know that the more happiness you can have, the better. Superiority will eventually make people degenerate.

From this point of view, anyone can have happiness. It is the crystallization of human life, but also the crystallization of a beautiful soul, shining, dazzling, and indelible

What is happiness

What is happiness.

It is the hope that people yearn for.

It is the desire of every sad life.

The sadder the person is.

The more eager you are to get it.

It is not precious.

In the shadow of life and those details can be seen.

It is everywhere.

If you ask what it is.

Then I can tell you.

It is a glass of water when you are thirsty.

It is a meal when you are hungry.

It is a quilt when you are cold.

It is a fan when you are hot.

This is happiness.

This is to give people hope and beauty, happiness.

What is happiness

What is happiness? Happiness is when friends get together and never part.

What is happiness? Happiness is the feeling of warmth when a family is together.

What is happiness? Happiness is the sweet taste that flows into our hearts.


What is happiness? What does happiness mean? Only yesterday did I understand what happiness is.

When we learned that Teacher Lv's birthday was on Friday, we were so happy! At that time, we decided to hold a birthday for Mr. Lv!

When we were planning how to celebrate Teacher Lv's birthday, we were all so happy because we could finally repay Teacher Lv for all his years of dedication and care for us

Time passed by day by day, and Teacher Lv's birthday came. That afternoon, Miss Lv was blindfolded and walked into the classroom. The students' eyes moved with her figure. At the moment when the students lifted their scarves for the teacher, Miss Lv was almost shocked. She never thought that we would give her such a big surprise!

One by one, we carefully prepared gifts and presented them slowly. A gift full of love was presented to Miss Lv. In a twinkling of an eye, tears welled up in her eyes. Mr. Lv cried. For the first time, Mr. Lv cried in front of us. In a flash, I understood what happiness is

"Although we only have a temperature of 37 degrees, we are burning a heart that will always love you at 602 degrees!" The sound is heard by the students, and it is also heard in teacher Lv's heart.

Happiness is happiness, happiness is gratitude, happiness is eternal. We have been together with Mr. Lv for six years. After many ups and downs with the manager, we will leave soon. I will cherish the present time and keep it in my heart forever

What is happiness

What is happiness? You don't know I don't know? Go and ask the animals.

The bird said, "My happiness is to fly under the broad blue sky." Oh? The happiness of birds is flying. The horse said, "My happiness is running on the endless grassland." The little fish said, "My happiness is playing in the clear stream."...... Many animals have their own happiness. It turns out that happiness is not only a wonderful thing, but also an invisible and felt thing.

What is happiness

Happiness is the warmth nestled in the warm embrace of my mother;

Happiness is the sweetness that depends on the broad shoulders of lovers;

Happiness is love that caresses the tender skin of children;

Happiness is the respect of watching your parents' faces.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a mystery. If you ask a thousand people to answer it, there will be a thousand answers.

Someone once said: "Real happiness cannot be described. It can only be experienced. The deeper you experience it, the more difficult it is to describe, because real happiness is not a collection of facts, but a continuation of a state." Happiness is not for others to see. It has nothing to do with what others say. What is important is that your heart is full of happy sunshine, that is, happiness is in your own hands, Instead of being happy in the eyes of others, happiness is a feeling, which should be pleasant and make people feel comfortable and sweet.

Happiness is that when I can't see you, I can comfort myself that it's good to miss you quietly. Happiness is that I tie you all the time, even if you are not with me.

Happiness is that when I think of you, the feeling of spring will be permeated in the air. Acacia is without evidence~~~~~~

Happiness: No matter how big the storm outside, you will know that there is always a cup of hot coffee waiting for you at home

Happiness is when people who love each other grow old and still look at each other. Happiness is to be together all the time, and the days together are the whole life, from the earth to heaven

What is happiness

Many people will ask: "What is happiness?" I replied: "Happiness is a nag from parents; happiness is that we have a warm home; happiness is that we have the best friendship in the world..."

Happiness plays hide and seek with everyone around us all the time, waiting for us to find it and explore it. Many people often say that they are not happy, that their parents are too strict, that teachers leave homework under great pressure, and that their parents and teachers' discipline makes them lose freedom and even happiness. In fact, you can think about it from a different perspective. Most of us are post-90s. We live in an age where there is no war, only peaceful coexistence between China and foreign countries; In addition, we live in an era of high technology and a very good educational environment, which is very different from the life of the older generation before. Isn't it our ancestors who worked hard to leave us such a good life now?

Many people think that they are unhappy and do not understand what happiness is? Happiness is very simple. To sum up, there are four words: "contentment is always happiness"!

Composition "What is Happiness" (19)

What is happiness

"What is happiness?" This question has puzzled me for a long time. I don't know what to do.

Happiness? Was he born in a rich family, eating delicacies, wearing silk, and spending a lot of money? No, these are not the happiness I want. In fact, real happiness is not far away from me. It has no fragrance of delicacies, no camouflage of silk, no dress of money... There are only simple clothes and happy looks... Yes, this is happiness, and this is the happiness I aspire to.

In fact, happiness is very close to us. Sometimes it is just a step away. Sometimes we are in the paradise of happiness, but we are not aware of it.

Happiness is the embrace when we are born; Parents' advice in the process of growing up; When you succeed, your parents' cheers leap... This is happiness.

Happiness is like a glass of water with sugar. It doesn't change any color. Like boiled water, it has no appearance. But as long as you feel it carefully, you will taste it. It tastes sweet and sweet, like a sweet but not greasy dish, better than the whole Manchu and Han banquet.

Everyone's happiness is different:

He was nostalgic for the heroic happiness of "King of Qin swept Liuhe, and the tiger looked at him as if he were mighty";

The hermit who once pursued the happiness of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing the Nanshan Mountain";

He once explored the happiness of the people with lofty ideals who "will be at the top of the mountain and see the small mountains".

However, people have their own preferences. We don't have to pursue the same happiness as others. The choice of happiness is always in our hands.

What is happiness? In fact, happiness does not have to be rich, as long as you like it, even if you eat steamed bread and eat rice porridge, it is also a kind of happiness.

Zhang Xinyuan, Grade 8, Diaobingshan No. 1 Junior Middle School, Liaoning Province

What is happiness

Happiness is the fruit in the orchard.

Looking at the trees and fruits covered with joy;

What is happiness?

Happiness is a classroom full of students.

A moving smile looking forward to the future;

What is happiness?

Happiness is a scientist in the laboratory.

There is a new discovery when the eyebrows stretch;

What is happiness?

Happiness is the athlete on the podium.

Look up at the tears when the national flag is rising.

Happiness is the crystallization of struggle.

It is a monument to diligence.

What is happiness

What is happiness?

Happiness is a shy girl in a veil. She will not stand in front of you and say, "I am happy." She will only follow you silently, praying and blessing for you. On the road of life, maybe suffering is like a giant, maybe happiness is just a small piece of shining gold, but gold will shine wherever it is.

Happiness is a victory cheer, containing sweet joy and happy tears. Happiness is the sowing in spring and the harvest in autumn. Happiness is a dandelion, which is always scattering its seeds at any moment. Happiness is a warm and soft kindling, and its flame warms everything around. Happiness is a gentle spring rain, which moistens all things and brings coolness to people. Happiness is a glass of pure water to quench the thirst of thirsty people. Happiness is the star in the sky. At night, it lights people's eyes.

But happiness is not long, but short. Happiness is like the time passing by in a hurry. When you pay attention to it, it will give you the greatest reward; When you don't pay attention to it, it will slip away from you like a stranger.

Happiness is your friend, it is also always taking care of you. When you cry, there will be many napkins to wipe your tears; When you are lonely, there will be a sincere friend to comfort you; When you fail, there will be countless sincere encouragement

Isn't happiness your friend? In fact, it is always with you, accompany you through difficult days. It protects you all the time and is your guardian god. We should always pay attention to happiness to see if it is right beside us. Take care of it like a good friend, because it is your good friend.

What is happiness

What is the happiness I want, whether it is to have endless wealth, to live a life free from worries, or to be in the limelight. If these are not, then what is happiness?

Through the ages, countless people have been persistently pursuing their own happiness. With a dream of happiness in her heart, Chang'e swallowed the elixir of immortality, flew nine days and became a mid moon fairy. But if she is alone in the cold Guanghan Palace, will she feel happy to be an immortal.

While Matilda, who was eager to enter the upper class society, wore the necklace and dreamed of happiness, she did not expect that the happiness was so short, and she paid a heavy price for her happiness.

For Grandet, who loves money as much as life, having a mountain of gold coins is probably his greatest happiness. But when he is old and weak, sitting in a wheelchair, staring at his secret room, and even thinking about his gold at the last moment of his life, how sad such happiness is.

In many cases, people often can't see their own happiness, but feel others' happiness is dazzling. I never thought that the happiness of others might not be suitable for me, and I never thought that the happiness of others might be my own tomb.

When Chinese feudal students regarded "wedding night, when the gold list was nominated" as the greatest happiness of life, and fought for it all their lives, Wu Jingzi used his pen to draw us a scene of Fan Jin being extremely happy and crazy after winning the competition. Is that the case with happiness? I doubt it.

What is the real happiness. Du Fu once said in his poem, "When thousands of buildings are built, all the poor people in the world will be happy." This is what Du Fu thinks of as happiness. "An Neng is so proud of the power that I cannot be happy." The happiness of freedom is the portrayal of Li Bai's life. Sima Qian explained his understanding of happiness by saying that "people are doomed to die, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather", while Fan Zhongyan, who climbed the Yueyang Tower, faced the rolling river, recited "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later", which was regarded as happiness.

I marveled at the ancient people's profound understanding of happiness, and I gradually figured out what kind of happiness I wanted. It is not the wealth of a thousand gold, not the status of being noticed, but the dedication for others and others. It is the dedication, which is the happiness I want.

What is happiness

Walking in every corner of the world, I can always hear the voice of some people crying tragically, "Alas, if I fail the exam, I will be scolded, and my life will be very hard." Many people will become decadent because they have become brain disabled and cerebral palsy. Just because I didn't look for happiness.

If you want to be happy, you must start from your mentality. My father once said that "the person who scolds and is scolded is the most painful." Now there are few such eloquence training classes, because there is a mentality adjustment. Feng Shui takes turns. Maybe you are always praying that the Lucky Goddess will bless you as soon as possible, but bad luck has always been with you. Life is a tea table, full of tragedies and tragedies. But whether you lift the cup to look at it, you may accidentally find that there is a 100 yuan note under the cup. There is a saying in the lost traditional Chinese culture of a hundred years: "In the midst of disaster, disaster is in the midst of happiness."

I used to have inferiority fragments, and no one dared to compare with me in stature. People take other people's physical defects to satisfy themselves and make themselves happy. In my opinion, there are shadows in the smile, because it is a special and ordinary smile. Then, think deeply, everything is no big deal. Some people say that there are too few idioms in my article, and I don't think I write too badly. That's because there is a story about a sixth grade text that has few idioms, and there are no gorgeous words to pull the sentence from the boring abyss to a better state.

I can think how unlucky I am today. Why should I not think about the good things today. Because God gave all people except one multiple choice question

Sadness and happiness are all about having a day, which one would you choose?

What is happiness

What is happiness?

Happiness is a shy girl in a veil. She will not stand in front of you and say, "I am happy." She will only follow you silently, praying and blessing for you. On the road of life, maybe suffering is like a giant, maybe happiness is just a small piece of shining gold, but gold will shine wherever it is.

Happiness is a victory cheer, containing sweet joy and happy tears. Happiness is the sowing in spring and the harvest in autumn. Happiness is a dandelion, which is always scattering its seeds at any moment. Happiness is a warm and soft kindling, and its flame warms everything around. Happiness is a gentle spring rain, which moistens all things and brings coolness to people. Happiness is a glass of pure water to quench the thirst of thirsty people. Happiness is the star in the sky. At night, it lights people's eyes.

But happiness is not long, but short. Happiness is like the time passing by in a hurry. When you pay attention to it, it will give you the greatest reward; When you don't pay attention to it, it will slip away from you like a stranger.

Happiness is your friend, it is also always taking care of you. When you cry, there will be many napkins to wipe your tears; When you are lonely, there will be a sincere friend to comfort you; When you fail, there will be countless sincere encouragement

Isn't happiness your friend? In fact, it is always with you, accompany you through difficult days. It protects you all the time and is your guardian god. We should always pay attention to happiness to see if it is right beside us. Take care of it like a good friend, because it is your good friend.

Composition "What is Happiness" (20)

Since I went to middle school, I feel that I am surrounded by depression all day long. Without friends, I can only be accompanied by books, and my grades are even better, but I am more melancholy. I am melancholy for my achievements. The restlessness all day long makes me suffocate. I need a quiet, loving friend to comfort me, but, no. One day, however, I was suddenly enlightened. That afternoon, when I was chatting with my classmate, he said something unexpected to me.

"You are so happy!" His eyes were full of envy. I was stunned. After thinking about it, I couldn't understand it. Later, I consulted him and listened to his words. It was really better than ten years of study!

"You have a father and a mother, and you have a harmonious and beautiful home. You have a beautiful soul, your academic performance is better than others, and your teacher also appreciates you. Is that not enough happiness?" His light tone seems to show a trace of melancholy: "Compared with me, you have at least your parents who love you, and you should cherish your happiness!"

I don't know how to comfort my classmates, but suddenly I found that I had been surrounded by happiness, but I didn't know it.

Happiness, what is happiness? Happiness is a feeling in your heart. Believe that you are happy, cherish what you have, don't envy the emptiness, cherish what you have at the moment, this is happiness!

What is happiness? Happiness is the time I spent with my family, classmates and teachers. It is always worth collecting. I want to pour tea for my father and say, "I am so happy!"

From today on, I want to be a happy person and let happiness always accompany me. Then I heard with pride that Happiness said, "Look, he is happier than me!"

Article 2: What is happiness composition

When I was very young, I didn't remember how small I was, but I still remember my hands around my grandfather's neck, swinging mischievously. Grandfather's pale face was full of dazzling smiles. The wrinkles that covered the whole face were like a blooming chrysanthemum.

At that time, I didn't know how to be happy and cherish. Until now, when I recall the past, the feeling that I could not grasp it made me deeply understand that "pain and happiness".

No matter how big he is, he keeps a half long ponytail, like a naughty boy. He pokes the flowerpot of this house with a bamboo pole, knocks the glass of that house, and is caught by his mother and severely spanked.

At that time, I suddenly felt that the woman in front of me must not be my real mother, and I suddenly believed what I had never believed before.

Such a small child just carried a big bag full of my little dreams for happiness and the future.

As soon as I stepped out of the house, I found that there was no one holding me tightly in the busy street, and no one gently hugged me when I was tired. Those little courage fled without a thought, leaving only a child with frightened eyes, who was secretly brought home by night.

No matter how big it is, only youth and rebellion remain in one heart. I always dreamed that one day I would pack my bags and go away from home, like Sanmao in that hot place, watching the desert smoke and the river sunset. So, I made my dream of happiness on the paper, with the sadness of the youth unknown, and took up my bitter luggage/ten eyes in one step/it could not be carried/it was the hometown

Now, when I occasionally turn over a book and read a sentence, "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is blowing, and the son wants to raise but the relatives are not there", tears suddenly rush out. Grandfather's kind and fuzzy face, mother's angry sigh, and the scarlet sunset I dreamed of countless times came to my heart and changed before my eyes.

The dreams I had had, the bitter happiness staged in different stages of my life, were gone, scattered, sunk and settled. It suddenly became clear that the past can only be collected, the past can only be remembered, and the happiness around us should be cherished, not wait until things are changed.

In the growth of pain, in the pain of pursuit, in the pursuit of happiness, in the happiness of growth - once, now, the future of me.

Article 3: What is happiness composition

From the moment of landing, everyone is destined to experience a lot of training, try a lot of pain, and finally realize the taste of happiness.

Happiness does not have to be earth shaking, nor can it be earth shaking. It is because of the ordinary life that I feel a kind of ordinary happiness. When you are sick, your parents take the trouble to stay by your side; When you fail in the exam, the teacher gives you an invisible encouragement; When you are sad, your friends have been silently comforting you. These are the most ordinary, but no matter how many times we have experienced, we will be moved by each time and feel happy.

Perhaps happiness is a kind of moving.

Many people think that they are not happy at all because they have encountered a little more failures and setbacks than others. But I think that it is a great happiness for a person to survive, because he can see what the world looks like, he can feel the love from his parents, and he can feel the happiness from the beginning of his life, Is it not up to a little setback on the way of growth? If we regard every setback and misfortune as a test that God has given us, let us hone a will, so that no matter how difficult it is, we will feel it is a kind of happiness.

Maybe happiness needs setbacks to hone.

My friends all said that I was very happy. There were so many people of the same sex or the opposite sex who wanted to be friends with me, and so many boys who pursued me. In fact, I don't think I am as good as they say, but I am very happy. Others want to be friends with me because I want to be friends with them. I think the more friends I have, the more I will get. No matter which friend I have, I should face it with the most sincere heart.

Happiness is often so simple, as long as you say confidently, I am very happy.