Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (7 selected articles)
Mint Night
2023-09-10 09:16:09

Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (1)

Today, our community will hold an interesting sports meeting, and each family will send a representative. My family decided to let me be the representative. The aunt of the management office said that she would let us play the game of "cat catching mouse" and let me be a "cat". I was very happy to hear that. This is my favorite game!

The game began. "Little Mouse" pulled one by one and followed "Mother Mouse". "Mother Mouse" opened her hands and swung vigorously. She kept shouting, "Here comes the cat! Here comes the cat!" with a brave look. I deliberately grin and stare, sometimes learning a meow or two, pretending to catch them on purpose. In fact, I'm not anxious, but I scare them first. Watching them move carefully, I was even more proud. I thought to myself: I was scared like this at the beginning of the battle, coward! I ran after them quickly. The "mother mouse" saw me so elated, and said to the "little mouse", "Don't be afraid. Follow me. The cat is just scaring us. Don't be afraid!" Those "little mice" became energetic, and they followed the "mother mouse" around. "Mother Mouse" stretched out her hands to block me. They seemed to be able to understand my mind. I left, they left, I hurried to right, they immediately right, I had no way. My pride just now is gone.

I wiped the sweat on my head with my hands, secretly blamed myself for being too soft on the enemy, and wondered how to catch the "little mice".

This time, I learned the lesson just now and calmly looked at the "little mice". "Mother Mouse" was a little upset when she saw me like this. I had to find ways to make them confused. I kept running from left to right, which made the "little mice" gasp. I watched these exhausted "little mice" chasing after him and caught his "tail" at once. Ah! I won. Seeing the "little mice", they all stared at me in amazement. I followed up the victory and finally caught their "tails".

The game is over, our team won the award for the most wonderful performance, and also awarded me a tumbler. Don't mention how happy I am!

Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (2)

In the third class on Wednesday afternoon, the teacher led us to play a game on the "small playground", cat catching mouse.

The teacher first selected 10 mice and 16 cats upstairs, and then let us go downstairs to the "small playground". The mouse and the cat were the first to arrive there. Everyone was eager to try.

After a while, when everyone in our class arrived, the teacher began to talk about the rules of the game. The rules of the game are very simple. The students form a big circle. The mouse is inside the circle, and the cat is outside. The cat can only catch the mouse outside, not inside the circle. If the cat catches it, but the mouse goes in again, it will be regarded as missing if it takes off its skin and escapes. A mouse wins if it goes in and out three times. If you are caught, you lose. If you lose, you will be punished.

After a while of adjustment, the game started. After talking with other mice about countermeasures, I began to drill holes. The cat is so funny. It has been standing in one place all the time, making us dare not drill holes.

Suddenly, I saw a "breakthrough" but just about to drill, Shi Yifan jumped out of the crack in the car. At this time, a mouse has drilled three times. I really want to sing: "Men cry, cry".

Seeing a mouse win, the cat got worried and began to circle around. I used this opportunity to drill quickly, and then returned to the circle at the fastest speed. The cat saw it and had no way. I made a face to him and continued to look for a "breakthrough".

At this time, several cats began to stay at the same place. I could not let them leave by any means. I can only rush to fight. When I was preparing to come back, the cat caught me. I hurried to run with all my strength. Finally, I ran in and won!

Because the cat didn't catch the mouse, it had to accept punishment. The students lined up in two rows. The punished person had to pass through the slapping of the students. Miliang Rui ran past at the fastest speed, like an arrow leaving the string, in the blink of an eye; Like a bolt of lightning, it swished past; It's like a cheetah that catches its prey in an instant; Like a beam of light, it passed in an instant.

Finally, after all the losers were punished, we went home after school!

I learned a lot from this game. No matter what we do, we should not be too conceited. It is exactly what we said: "Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind."

Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (3)

Deep in the big forest, there lives a mimetic mouse. This mickey is the most intelligent animal in the big forest. It always makes fools look for teeth everywhere. Mimickey has its own army, and stupid cat has its own army, but it is always beaten by Mimickey's army and flees.

One day, the stupid cat came to the mountain with a big army to catch mimetics. When the scouts found out about the mimetics, they quickly reported the situation to the mimetics. When the mickey's eyes turned, he came up with a plan to deal with the stupid cat. It first sent a group of mouse soldiers to the fool cat's only way to set a trap. Then look at the stupid cats on the road. They are all cocky. As they walk, they say, "Today we must catch all the mickey rats." "Yes, we should not only catch them, but also eat them." "No, you should not eat them at once. Let's torture them bit by bit to make them worse than death." "Ha ha ha ha" " Only stupid cats laughed loudly. At this time, there was a loud noise and only a few clicks. Several big trees on the roadside suddenly fell down, forcing the cats to cry their father and mother and running around. When the stupid cat saw that many of its cat soldiers were crushed to death by the tree, he angrily shouted to the rest of the cat soldiers: "We must catch the mimetics today to avenge our cat soldiers!" He continued to walk with the rest of the cat soldiers. Besides, Mimickey sent a group of rat soldiers to move a large piece of iron sheet to the waterfall. It gathered all the rest of the rat soldiers to the grass where the cat soldiers could see from afar, and let them run round and round with weapons in their hands. At this time, I only heard the sound of thumping all over the mountain, like the sound of footsteps. In fact, it was the sound of waterfall water hitting the iron sheet. When the cats looked forward, they saw countless rat soldiers running with weapons. Their hearts jumped out of their mouths. They were stunned for a while, and then began to run around The mimes laughed when they saw the foolish cats being scared away.

The stupid cat lost to the mime again. This story made me understand that no matter what we do, we should be good at using our brains. We should learn how to deal with problems calmly and not panic.

Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (4)

"Ah --" A scream broke the silence at the moment, and my father and I turned our heads to look at the kitchen.

Mother ran out of the kitchen with a frightened look on her face. Mother still has a shovel for cooking in her hand, but now she is too frightened to enter the kitchen. "What's the matter?" My father went to look at my mother. "Is there a monster in the kitchen?" I asked curiously, looking at my mother. "There's no monster. It's a big mouse. It ran past my feet in a hurry, but it really scared me to death." Mother patted her chest, as if still in shock. "How can there be mice?" Dad looked at the kitchen, puzzled. "Is it because the mice are hungry that they come here to steal food?" I guessed. "It must be that the sanitation of the house is not good recently, which leads to mice. Let's do a big cleaning." Dad suggested, and then picked up the broom to sweep the floor.

"I'm coming too." My mother and I also joined in the family cleaning. In order to prevent rats from settling down in our house, we cleaned the room inside and outside, and never missed any small corner. "It's finally cleaned up." After a lot of hard work, we all collapsed on the sofa. Fortunately, we all cleaned up at home. Just when we were relieved, the mouse ran out of the room again. "Oh - why is the mouse still there?" Mother jumped up in a fright. "Don't worry, I will catch it." Dad, as the mainstay of the family, stood up bravely. Tired for a long time, my mother and I went to bed.

"Got it!" Dad shouted in the living room the next morning. My mother and I ran over and caught the mouse. It turned out that Dad had found a transparent storage box and put food in it to attract the mice to get into it, so the "illegal invasion" mice were finally caught. My mother finally relaxed, and my father looked at us proudly, as if his position at home had been improved.

Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (5)

One day, a kitten was playing with a string of Buddhist beads. In the dark corner hole, two mice saw it. They thought that the cat would never eat them anymore, and they swaggered over to make love with the cat.

A mouse said, "What are you doing, Little Cat?" "Another mouse also has a relationship with the cat... Unexpectedly, the little cat immediately threw away the Buddhist beads and rushed over, caught a mouse and hissed.

Scared, another mouse ran and shouted: "The old cat recited the Buddha, but it bit us even harder! The kitten ran and said:" I have eaten your companion, little mouse, hurry up and give up! "The other mouse quickly ran to the hole. The kitten ran after it desperately, but the mouse had already disappeared. "Hum, let the mouse run away again!" The kitten thought angrily: we must find a way to lead the mouse out, and then catch it quickly. But what should we do? The mouse hole is too small for me to get into. The kitten thought to herself, "Isn't the mouse afraid of my Buddha beads? I'll light a piece of wool first, and then put it carefully in the mouse hole. Then the mouse will come out from another hole, and I'll put the Buddha beads outside the hole where the mouse is going to come out. I just need to 'guard the plant and wait for the rabbit'." The kitten said and got up and lit a piece of wool first, Put it at the mouse hole, and then put the Buddhist beads in front of another hole where the mouse is going to escape. The kitten secretly rejoiced: 'When everything is properly arranged, wait for the mouse to come out of the hole. ha-ha! I'll do it - -- 'Lead the snake out of the hole'. " What surprised the kitten was that the mouse was still sleeping. After a while, the fire was burning the curtains, and the mouse smelled a smell of paste. It ran out hurriedly to have a look, huh? There was a fire in the cave, and it found that there was a hole at the other end. While running, it fled in a panic... Just out of the cave, it was found by the waiting kitten. Just out of the fire, it entered the cat's tongue again. The kitten quickly caught the mouse and enjoyed a delicious meal------ "It is natural for cats to eat mice."

It is the duty of the cat to catch the mouse. The mouse thinks that it is wishful thinking for the cat to recite Buddhism and do good deeds. After all, mice can not escape the fate of luck. In the same way, doing evil and being a villain will end badly!

Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (6)

Suddenly, I felt something running under my feet, which startled me. I looked down and saw that it was a mouse! "Everyone shouts", how can I let it run away?

I saw a small mouse running at the back. It had a pair of small eyes like green beans, two pointed ears on its head, a small nose, and a fat stomach on its four legs... Not to mention, it was really cute!

I thought to myself: It must be fun to catch such a cute mouse and raise it! However, just as I was about to catch it, I thought again: Hey, I'm still afraid of catching it with my bare hands! So, after I remembered the location of the mouse hole, I went home and brought two useless small pots. When I came to the mouse hole, I put the two pots up and down, and the pots stood up. I found two more sticks, put them on both sides of the basin, put some corn in the basin, and tied a long line to a branch. I hid in the trees, pulled the line, and waited... This method was used to catch birds as I read in the book. I "borrowed" it to try to catch mice.

Wait, wait, wait... A mouse finally came out! Although it's not the one I like, it doesn't make me wait in vain. It ran towards the corn in the basin. I pulled the line and caught the mouse. At that moment, I was ecstatic and extremely happy. This was the first time I caught the mouse with my intelligence!

I gently opened a gap in the basin. Through the gap, I saw the mouse I had caught. It was a small mouse. It looked scared, curled up, and looked at me innocently with small green bean like eyes, as if asking: Who are you? Why did you arrest me?

I couldn't help holding the mouse's tail with my fingers and lifting it up. I saw its four feet kicking and making a squeaking sound, but I couldn't frighten it. I quickly put it back into the basin, and I would take it home to feed it well.

Go home, the result can be imagined, where have mice? Naturally, my parents didn't agree with me to raise mice, so they finally let the "bad guy" go. However, the experience of catching the first mouse was deeply impressed in my heart

Composition Catch the Mouse 600 (7)

Then, a fierce "baseball game" unfolded in the crowded room. Grandma closed the doors and windows and stayed in the south; Cousin Mao Zhui recommended to hold the mouth; My uncle rushed to the front, bent over, stared, held the stick, pointed east and west, and commanded us to attack "Notice that the mouse is breaking through the hole. Clamp it! Clamp it!" "Where is it running? Keep an eye on it..." Uncle reminds us from time to time. The mouse is bumping around. I think it has no way to escape now. Wait for it to be a "prisoner". I didn't think this guy was very cunning, but he turned his eyes, stretched his head, raised his tail, and rushed straight to his cousin. My cousin is afraid of mice at ordinary times, Watching the furry thing rush towards my cousin, she hurriedly left, and the mouse took the opportunity to get into the hole

Alas, let the mouse escape.==!

My uncle brought a basin of water to fill the hole and said, "The flood is coming, fight against the flood, run!" The water went straight down. After filling the water, my uncle picked up a stick and waited for the mouse. His majestic appearance was confident With a "snap", the mouse was arrested